The stationmaster is a call for respect for human dignity. BUT

In this story, A. S. Pushkin tells a story from the life of an ordinary stationmaster - Samson Vyrin. The author describes his difficult fate. In any weather, not knowing rest, he is forced to work and endure the humiliation of travelers who take out all the accumulated anger and annoyance on him.
Threats and curses fall on his head, and he, being a peaceful and modest person, dutifully endures these bullying.

The caretaker's joy is his daughter Dunya, a beauty and helper. Even the most angry guest, seeing her, softens and begins to conduct kind, sincere conversations.

One day, the hussar Minsky drives up to their station. He is fascinated by Dunya and pretending to be sick spends several days with them. Going on the road, he offers to give the girl a lift to the church, Samson, finding nothing wrong in this, lets his daughter go.

Without waiting for her, he goes to church, but does not find the girl there. The caretaker learns that Dunya has gone with the hussar to Petersburg.

The heartbroken father goes to the hussar, but he replies that Dunya loves him and will stay with him.

The author conveys to the reader the suffering of the caretaker. In just a couple of three years, he turns from a fresh and cheerful person into a gray-haired, unshaven, wrinkled, frail old man. He is haunted by his carelessness, he repents and does not understand how he could let his daughter go with a stranger. Samson is afraid that the hussar, having had enough of Dunya, will drive her away and she will be left alone in a strange city. And, like many others, will have to sweep the streets to earn a living.

After some time, the unfortunate Vyrin, who has lost the meaning of life and hope, cannot stand the grief that has fallen on his father's shoulders, becomes an inveterate drunkard and dies.

At the end of the story, the author mentions that the lady - Dunya with three small children and a nurse comes to visit her father and learns about his death. She goes to the cemetery and lies near his grave for a long time. From this, the reader can conclude that the hussar still did not deceive and did not abandon Dunya. He apparently married the beautiful Dunya, they had children and they do not need anything.

A. S. Pushkin in his work conveys to the reader how powerless and full of suffering and injustice is the life of "small" ranks.

The writer defends and sympathizes with the protagonist of the story. He teaches the reader to be humane to people, no matter what position they hold. After all, the main thing is that a person has a pure, sincere and kind soul.

6th grade, 7th grade

In the story "The Stationmaster" by Pushkin A.S. the main characters are: an employee Samson Vyrin and his daughter Dunya. This work is very instructive. It deals with the eternal conflict between parents and children. Children want to live independently, but parents do not want to let them leave the family.

Samson Vyrin holds the post of stationmaster. He has a beautiful daughter - Dunya. Samson brings her up without a mother. Vyrin's work is very difficult. He needs to please the passing guests, who are often dissatisfied. After all, there are not always enough horses, and people are in a hurry about their business. Passers-by express their displeasure to the caretaker. Dunyasha, sensible beyond her years, helps her father smooth out conflicts with visitors. After all, she is endowed with natural beauty and charm. And also she creates a cosiness in the house, serves clients. Guests often give gifts to the beautiful girl. Men give compliments.

Samson Vyrin loves his daughter very much. She is the main reason for his life. A young girl dreams of love. Of course, she wants her chosen one to be handsome and rich.

Once a handsome hussar Minsky stopped by their family. Young people liked each other. Minsky decided to take Dunya with him, secretly from his father. Apparently, Dunya was not against this kidnapping.

Samson took his daughter's departure from home very painfully. It seems to him that his naive Dunyasha was taken away by the hussars by force. He believes that the young rake will have fun with his daughter and leave her.

He sets off in search of a fugitive. He managed to find a hussar in the city of St. Petersburg. But he does not want to give him his daughter back. He pays off his father's request with money. Samson also saw Dunya. But she was confused and could not talk to her father.
Samson leaves for his home in complete confusion. He does not know what will happen to his daughter next. A man downtrodden with life does not believe that a poor girl will be happy with a rich hussar. From sorrowful thoughts, the stationmaster begins to drink alcohol.

The work is remembered for its tragic end. Gradually, Vyrin becomes an inveterate drunkard and dies. The grown-up Dunya, apparently having learned about the death of her father, comes to his grave. Of course, she feels deep guilt before him. She will probably torment her for the rest of her life. Dunya fulfilled her dream. Judging by the description of the end of the work, she became the wife of Minsky.

The work teaches us to love our loved ones and always find a common language with them.

Some interesting essays

  • Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality (A.S. Pushkin) Final essay

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  • Analysis of the play Ostrovsky's Dowry

    A dowry is a poor girl who did not receive a dowry from her parents. Since in those days women did not work and her husband had to provide for her, it was very difficult for a dowry woman to find a groom.

  • An essay about fishing

    Every summer my family and I move to live in the countryside for a few months. It's a pity, of course, to leave the city, where all the school friends remain, but I never ask you to leave me at home. There is nothing better than country life!

  • Characteristics of the heroes of the play Chekhov's Cherry Orchard

    Lyubov Andreevna is the main character in Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard. This woman is the main representative of the female half of the nobility of that time with all their vices and positive features.

  • Village prose Shukshin briefly essay

    The genre of village prose is very different from the already existing genres in Russian literature. For example, in foreign literature this type of genre is practically absent. A huge number of works of this genre are in Russian literature.

The story of A.S. Pushkin "The Stationmaster" about two destinies, father and daughter. After the death of his wife, Samson Vyrin retired, having received the rank of the fourteenth grade and the post of stationmaster. Vyrin works at a small postal station to feed himself and his daughter. One day, a passing hussar, Minsky, secretly takes away to St. Petersburg a very young daughter, who is fifteen years old. To implement his plan, the rich captain pretended to be sick for three days, and the sympathetic Dunya looked after him. Samson Vyrin, not suspecting anything wrong, allowed the young hussar to take his daughter to church. Dunya did not return home, unfortunately for the poor old man. In the evening, a drunk driver arrived at the station, saying that Dunya had been crying all the way, but had left voluntarily.

The caretaker, blaming himself for carelessness and short-sightedness, draws a terrible picture of Dunya's future life in an unfamiliar city. He is sure that the hussar will have fun with the girl, and then leave her.

Dunya not only has beauty, but also natural charm. Despite her young age, she is very smart, she can support any conversation with those passing by. She is confident, not shy. Belkin characterizes Vyrina as a little coquette who has seen the light. Dunya had long noticed what a strong impression she made on the guests. Men compliment her, and ladies give gifts. The girl is very open, kind, at times naive and trusting.

In the story "The Stationmaster" among the main characters there are no unambiguously positive characters. Until the very end of the work, it is hard to believe that such a pure, kind and sweet girl could treat her own father so cruelly. For several years after her escape, she not only did not come to see Vyrin, but did not even deign to write him a short letter that she was alive and well. After all, the most terrible thing for the caretaker was the unknown: not knowing the real situation of his daughter, he imagined in his imagination the unfortunate abandoned Dunya, who was forced to sweep the streets of St. Petersburg in order to earn a piece of bread.

Prince Minsky is a very controversial character. He liked Dunya at first sight. In order to stay in the caretaker's house for a few days, he went to the trick, feigning illness. During this time, an open and trusting girl became attached to a cheerful and handsome hussar. The young man took Dunya away against her father's will, leaving her without parental blessing. He twice drove the incompetent Vyrin out of his posh house, not even allowing him to see his daughter, paying him off with money. Only at the very end of the story does Minsky turn from a scoundrel into a noble and loving person, who nevertheless married a poor and humble Duna. Such a conclusion can be drawn from the belated arrival of Dunya with the children to the deceased father. The young woman arrived at her home not humiliated and unhappy, but with her head held high, like a victor who won the battle with fate.

Dunya is a girl without a dowry and not a noblewoman, but a rich prince of Minsk. The difference in social status between them is huge, so Samson Vyrin does not hope that the cunning and frivolous captain will marry her. He already considers her deceived and disgraced.

The modest Samson Vyrin is accustomed to humiliation and insults from significant persons, therefore he does not try to find justice for Dunya's unscrupulous lover, he does not believe in justice, therefore in life he faced unfair reproaches from the masters, without having made himself patrons who could intercede for him.

In order to help out his daughter, the caretaker comes to St. Petersburg. He humbly begs Minsky to return Dunya. He is ready to forgive him for the desecrated honor of his daughter, if only he would return her back.

When Samson receives money from the prince, his first feeling is indignation. But even this indignation he is not able to openly express to his offender, and instead of throwing money in Minsky's face, he throws it on the ground. Great passions rage in Vyrin's soul, but he does not perform the corresponding actions and actions. The fight is on the inside. Moreover, the story with money does not end there: Vyrin returns for them, but sees how, having caught a cab, a well-dressed gentleman quickly disappears, presumably having found banknotes. Even here the caretaker gets lost and does not give chase. The disenfranchised and humiliated Samson Vyrin can only please and silently endure beatings and insults.

Only at the very end of the story do we learn that the fate of Dunya was decided successfully. She became a lady with three children and a nurse, having arrived on six horses to her native places. During this time, the caretaker died, and the station was closed. Dunya visits the cemetery and lies on the grave for a long time. This episode shows that the newly-made lady loves her father and feels guilty. Dunya lived for many years in luxury and wealth, but this does not mean that her fate was decided. Most likely, Minsky could not immediately marry a girl. Apparently, circumstances interfered: - firstly, Dunya was not a noblewoman and a dowry, relatives of the hussars could resist this marriage. - Secondly, the prince served in the army in order to arrange a wedding - he had to retire. Thirdly, Minsky did not know the girl well. He was carried away by her, but it takes time to develop such a serious feeling as love. I think that the captain himself, driving a young girl to church, did not yet know how this frivolous adventure would end. And Dunya wanted to escape from the outback to the beautiful city of Petersburg. She dreamed of love. She hoped for happiness, albeit short-lived. The girl was so ashamed of her act that she was even afraid to write to her father about the reasons that pushed her to this.

I am sure that not only the cruel prince, who did not allow him to take his daughter, is to blame for the death and drunkenness of Samson Vyrin, but also Dunya, who left her beloved father to die alone. One letter, even one line of repentance would be hope for the caretaker. She would inspire confidence that he would someday hug his daughter, hug his grandchildren. But Avdotya Vyrina seemed to be ashamed of her origin and wanted to forget her former life at a small postal station. Parents will always understand their children and find justification for their actions, therefore it is better to come with a confession to living parents than to come to the cemetery, bringing your repentance to the dead. This will not resurrect them. Samson Vyrin did everything for his daughter: he served as a caretaker and endured reproaches and humiliation in order to clothe and feed his daughter. He did not curse her, as was customary in Russian families of the century before last, for a shameful flight from home. He waited and hoped that Dunya would return. He forgave her long ago, at the very moment when he found out that she had run away. Samson Vyrin died of grief and loneliness, because he suffered from the unknown. His heart was torn from pain for the only beloved daughter.

/ / / Moral problems of Pushkin's story "The Stationmaster"

The author touches on a very broad topic. Pushkin shows, using the example of heroes, how the moral character of a person can change. What sometimes crazy things people do without thinking about the consequences and their parents.

The plot is based on the life story of the stationmaster Samson Vyrin and his only daughter Dunya. A widowed man could not get enough of his child, she was such a kind and obedient girl, besides, she helped her father in everything.

Once, when a young hussar drove into the station and “stayed” with them for several days, the girl decided on a very unusual act. She left her father and left with the hussar in an unknown direction. Already on the way, the girl realized what a mistake she might be making, but she did not want to return home. The girl continued her journey with Minsky, not understanding all the cynicism and selfishness of her act. Not realizing that a poor and already elderly father can simply not withstand such grief.

Vyrin learned only in the evening that Dunya had left of her own free will with a hussar. This news hurt the man very much, since they did not expect such behavior from his daughter.

The stationmaster tried to find Dunya, who had "stumbled", but when he succeeded, he was simply put out the door.

On the example of this work, one can clearly see how the moral image of a girl is practically destroyed in the eyes of her father. However, the man is still waiting for the return of Dunya and hopes that nothing bad will happen to her until that moment. And if it has already happened, then it still will not be abandoned.

And Dunya is actually doing better than ever. However, the girl does not even think of visiting or at least sending a message to her grief-stricken father.

Gradually, the man begins to seek solace in the use of alcohol. He floods his pain and resentment, his terrible thoughts. After a while, he becomes absolutely, indifferent to her past, present and future. The man hardened his soul towards the girl, only occasionally returning to her “innocent” image in his memories.

A few years after the death of the caretaker, having overcome fears of his father and other prejudices, he decides to visit him. Judging by the fact that the woman has three children, the fears of the late Samson turned out to be in vain. The woman was happily married, lived in abundance and even had a nanny and a dog. However, the fact that she left her home without the blessing of her father tormented her soul.

Once the girl was able to “step over” the moral and moral framework. She answered the kiss of unfamiliar men who stopped at the station, and then, with one of them, she simply ran away into the unknown. In pursuit of a rich and free life, Dunya almost "lost" her individuality.

Dunya did not have time to ask for forgiveness from her parent. Now it was only in her power to order a prayer service for him in the church and take the flowers to the cemetery. At the grave, she finally repented of her disobedience, many years of silence, and betrayal. After all, it was her behavior that almost immediately took her father's life. The life that he dedicated to his daughter - an angel of spiritual beauty and modesty ...

Pushkin "The Stationmaster" - an essay on the topic "Responsibility of parents and children to each other."

In the story "The Stationmaster" A. Pushkin tells the story of a poor lower-class official - Samson Vyrin. The plot is based on the tragedy of the life of this "little" man, who, despite the difficult living conditions and humiliating work, is quite happy and does not complain about fate, because he is not used to receiving gifts from her. In this work, the writer raises the eternal universal problem of the relationship between parents and their children.

Vyrin is raising a fourteen-year-old daughter and works as a stationmaster. The work of the hero is quite difficult, because all the complaints, insults and abuse of those passing by fall upon him. The anger accumulated on the road, the travelers take out on Samson, sometimes beating him. The only joy in the life of a caretaker is his beloved daughter. Dunya, if possible, helps her father, smoothing out conflicts with visitors. One day, officer Minsky, passing by, bursts into the measured life of the caretaker, who fell in love with Dunya and took her away secretly from his father.

The girl ends up in St. Petersburg, and Vyrin at this time does not find a place for himself and falls ill. The longing for his daughter and the realization of guilt in front of her haunts him. Samson feels that he did not save his daughter. Then he decides to find her and bring her back, but Minsky drives him away twice. Vyrin saw that Dunya lives in good conditions, but this only hurts him more for his daughter - he is sure that the hussar will leave her sooner or later, because they belong to different social classes. For Samson, the love of a hussar for a simple girl is not possible, so he sincerely takes pity on his daughter, tormenting himself from day to day. Vyrin becomes an inveterate drunkard from grief and soon dies. The writer does not condemn the hero for the narrowness of his views, but only tries to understand and explain the nature of his behavior.

A. Pushkin embodied in the image of the caretaker the life of "little people", disenfranchised and full of suffering. The story deeply reveals the motive of guilt of the parent before the child and the child before the parent. The writer did not endow the protagonist with any particular vice, but the naive Samson is entirely focused on his little happiness. He is selfish in his desire to avoid any conflict by taking advantage of his daughter's attractiveness. He wants to live in comfort and tranquility, but the hero forgets about the responsibility to his daughter. Vyrin does not neglect the opportunity to use her charm to soften the anger of visitors. So Dunya gets used to lies, to helpfulness in front of everyone whose social status is higher than hers. Of course, this soon turns against the father. The simple-hearted caretaker is waiting for the return of his daughter, he is ready to forgive her, because she is the whole meaning of his life. But the unfortunate, offended father was left alone. Dunya's happy life with children does not justify her behavior, and repentance comes to her belatedly - having decided to visit her father, she finds only his grave. Guilt will be her companion for the rest of her life.

A. Pushkin raises the theme of gratitude and responsibility of children to their parents. Samson's touching love for his only daughter and her ungrateful behavior in response became a tragedy for the hero that killed him. Dunya loved her father and did not forget about him, but nevertheless she left, leaving him alone and never once visiting. The writer urges us to be humane, not to forget about our children and parents, because the human duty is to take care of each other, regardless of the circumstances.

Topic: Moral problems of the story "The Stationmaster".

1. Challenge Stage

Teacher's word.

Today in the lesson we will continue to get acquainted with the prose works of A.S. Pushkin. Listen carefully to the passage and remember where these lines are taken from, note the features that are mentioned in this passage. (Slide 2)

“In addition to the stories, which you would like to mention in your letter, Ivan Petrovich left a lot of manuscripts, which are partly in my possession, partly used by his housekeeper for various household needs. Thus, last winter, all the windows of her wing were sealed, it seems, his first experience. They, as Ivan Petrovich said, are for the most part fair and heard by him from various persons, however, the names in them are almost all invented by himself, and the names of villages and villages are borrowed from our neighborhood, which is why my village is mentioned somewhere, this did not happen from any evil intention, but only from a lack of imagination.

We noted that this cycle consists of 5 stories, list them?

Highlight the features of this piece.
Collective clustering. (Slide 3)

Fictional narrator - Ivan Petrovich Belkin

A.S. Pushkin

Heard from different people


Fictional names



Names borrowed


"Station Master"

"Young lady-peasant"

-Today we will study in detail another story.

-Listen to the passage and say what it is?

(Mussorgsky's music "Tear" sounds) (Slide 4)

In the village of Vyra there is a milestone with the inscription: "239 miles to Pskov. 69 miles to St. Petersburg." These pillars were erected in the 18th - early 19th centuries. on postal routes.
Here was located the third post station from St. Petersburg, where travelers changed horses, warmed themselves, settled down for the night, marked the road.
A.S. Pushkin drove along this road no less than thirteen times. Through Vyra lay his last journey. On the night of February 3-4, 1837, the body of the great Russian poet was transported along the highway from St. Petersburg to the Pskov province to the burial place in the Svyatogorsk monastery.

"The House of the Stationmaster" in the village of Vyra is the first museum of a literary hero in our country.

In Vyra, perhaps, A.S. Pushkin saw the heroes of his works. It is no coincidence that the protagonist of the story "The Stationmaster" is Samson Vyrin.
The museum recreates the atmosphere typical for the postal stations of Pushkin's time. In the red corner is the caretaker's desk. On it is a bronze candlestick, an inkwell with a quill, a book for registering travelers.

In Dunyasha’s room (behind the “partition”), a girl’s room was recreated: a sofa, a chest of drawers, a table for needlework with a hoop, a dress, portraits of Minsky, Dunya, and the caretaker.

Of all the stories of Belkin, the story “The Stationmaster” always evokes the strongest emotional excitement. Each time it embraces a feeling of pity for Samson Vyrin, pain for him, for his rejected paternal love. Paternal feeling elevates this story above time.

- Guys, what associations do you have with the word "love"?



-Try to form phrases with the word love. (Faithful, tender, all-consuming, etc.)

Can we understand the word love in the same way? Of course not. For each of us, it means different things. But from early childhood, we encounter the love of our relatives and friends. Why is parental love precious? Like a beacon, she points the way for children, as parents worry that their children will not go astray. A thousand years ago, parents loved their children just as much as they do now. Despite all the upheavals of history, parental love remains unchanged.

And what was the basis of all the actions of the stationmaster, the protagonist of the story?(At the heart of all the actions of Samson Vyrin was love for his daughter.)


- Read the epigraph to the story. What does it help to clarify, find out? (Slide 5)

For his story, A.S. Pushkin took the epigraph from P.A. Vyazemsky’s poem “Station”, but changed the quote, calling the station superintendent a “college registrar”, and this is the lowest civil rank in pre-revolutionary Russia.

- How do you understand the word "dictator"? Does it match the character of the main character? Why?(The dictator-ruler, who enjoys unlimited power. Vyrin is a weak, timid person, he cannot stand up for himself, people who pass by shout at him and sometimes “are ready to beat him up”).

- Irony in the name of the hero: "small", powerless person is named

in the name of the biblical hero!

Samson is a valiant hero of the ancient world.

Our Samson Vyrin is the embodiment of impotence.

What qualities in the character of Vyrin would you note? How does this person make you feel? Support your answer with quotes from the text. (Slides 6-11)

Timid- “A real martyr of the fourteenth grade, protected by his rank only from beatings, and even then not always ..”

Kind-“How to be! the superintendent gave him his bed, and it was supposed, if the patient did not feel better, the next day in the morning to send to C ** for a doctor.

Confiding“What are you afraid of? - her father said to her, - after all, his nobility is not a wolf and will not eat you: take a ride to the church.

Vulnerable-“The old man did not bear his misfortune; he immediately took to his bed in the same bed where the young deceiver lay the day before.

Loving- “But I, the old fool, don’t look enough, it happened, I’m not overjoyed; I didn’t love my Dunya, didn’t I cherish my child …»

- Throughout the story, the image of the caretaker changes. (Slide 12)

How did we see him for the first time?(“I see, as now, the owner himself, a man of about fifty, fresh and cheerful, and his long green frock coat with three medals on faded ribbons”).

- Find another portrait of this hero in the story. What has changed in this portrait?(“It was definitely Samson Vyrin; but how old he was. While he was about to rewrite my road trip, I looked at his gray hair, at the deep wrinkles of his long unshaven face, at his hunched back - and could not be surprised how three or four years could turn a cheerful man into a frail old man").

-What caused these changes?(All that was good with the father was his daughter Dunya. And when she left with the hussar, he could not understand and accept that the dearest person, for whom he had lived all this time, could do this to him. He was very it was painful and insulting, life became uninteresting and there was no reason to live. The whole meaning of life was in the Dun.)

-Sickness and decrepitude of the caretaker are emphasized even more

one detail.
Compare, for the first time: "Here he began to rewrite my road trip." That is, he immediately undertook to fulfill his official duty. On the second visit: “For the time being, he was going to rewrite my travelogue ... he continued to read in a whisper ...” What does this detail draw attention to?

The caretaker, like an old man, hesitates, with difficulty parsing what is written,

pronounces the words aloud - in an senile "whisper".

Notes in notebooks, access to the concept - antithesis.

- We talk about the feelings of Samson Vyrin all the time, but Dunya is also the heroine of the story. When she left, she was already in love with the hussar Minsky, she was also led by love for the young man. And she left of her own free will.

- Make a portrait of Dunya. (The traveler was struck by the beauty of this four

11-year-old girl, the narrator notices in the behavior of Dunya self-

admiring, the desire to please the guest; he calls the girl "little-

what a coquette. Dunya behaves with a guest "without any timidity" and even

allowed him to kiss her goodbye in the entryway. Narrator draws

attention to her big blue eyes.)

- How does the caretaker treat his daughter?

He treats Dunya with great love, is proud of his daughter.

What words express this relationship?

“This is your daughter,” I asked. Daughter - s, he answered with a look satisfied

pride, - Yes so sensible, so nimble, all dead mother».

- Why did the guest like the caretaker and his daughter so much?

They were kind, hospitable people who felt the guest's interest in

him. They have something to talk about, it’s not for nothing that they talk for a long time over tea, “how

as if they had known each other for a century.

- Undoubtedly, the narrator is a kind, sincere person,

attentive. He draws attention to the decor of the room, where

these good people live. Find this description in the text.

The guest is touched by the furnishings of this poor, but very nice, well-kept home, pots of balsam, a bed with a colorful curtain and, of course, pictures on the walls depicting the story of the prodigal son.

-In the story, the narrator visits the postal station three times. First and

second visits contain a lot in common. The narrator sees everything

the same post office. The caretaker rewrites the road trip of the visitor in his book. Then follows a tea party, the narrator offers Samson Vyrin a punch ... Almost everything, like on the first visit? How do you think?
-Let's conduct a comparative description of the life of the caretaker, his way of life

before Dunya's departure and after. Fill in the table (slide 13):

What did the narrator draw attention to when describing the room? (In pictures depicting the story of the prodigal son).

- Do Dunya and Samson Vyrin pay attention to the pictures?

- Did Dunya learn a lesson from this parable?

Does Dunya leave his parental home with ease or with pain?(The fact that Dunya did not leave her parental home with a light heart is said only by one mean phrase: “The coachman ... said that Dunya was crying all the way, although it seemed she was driving on her own”)

What do you think Dunya was crying about?

- Samson Vyrin is a kind and trusting person. He is convinced of the

Minsky, and involuntarily releases his daughter from himself, “What

are you afraid?, because his nobility is not a wolf and will not eat you.

(slide 14)

-Watch the video clip from the movie. Pass the state of the poor

caretaker after the departure of Dunya with a hussar (slide 15).

- With what feeling does the narrator speak about Vyrin's illness?

"The poor man fell ill with a strong fever." There is no longer a shadow in the tone of the narrator

irony when he says that the unfortunate old man "fell into that same bed,


- The father, being sure that his daughter is abandoned, is unhappy and afraid

return to his father, he goes in search of her.

Is there an episode in the story in which the “little man” Samson Vyrin is morally superior to Minsky? What episode is this?

(Analysis of the scene “Vyrin with Minsky in a hotel room”).(Reading the scene).

- How is Minsky behaving? (Flashes, apologizes, gives money, swears allegiance to Dunya).

- What arguments does each give, explaining why Dunya should belong to him?

Find a passage that characterizes the state of Vyrin after the meeting with Minsky. Find keywords in the text, what do they emphasize?

(“... For a long time he stood motionless, finally he saw a roll of papers behind the cuff of his sleeve; he took them out and unfolded several five and ten ruble crumpled banknotes. Tears welled up in his eyes again. tears of indignation! He squeezed the papers into a ball, threw them to the ground, trampled down with a heel and went ... Having gone a few steps, he stopped, thought ... and returned... but there were no banknotes anymore") (slide 16).

What do we see from this episode?(the indignation of a petty official (“trampled with his heel”), his moral superiority, but the verbs “thought”, “turned back” disappoint the reader, remind that Samson Vyrin remained a “little man”, not yet ripe for a big rebellion).

The author shows not only the disenfranchised position of the "little man", but also allows you to watch the invisible fight between Minsk and the stationmaster. Please note: the communion of the “crumpled” is not before the numerals “five”, “ten”, but before the noun “banknotes”, that is, the humiliating position of an official of the 14th grade is emphasized not so much by the amount that the nobleman appreciated the feelings of the unfortunate father, but by the negligence of the state of money, data with the same negligence Minsky. In response to this, Samson Vyrin “squeezed” the papers into a ball (slide 17). Linguistic analysis:

  • crumpled - squeezed;

  • banknotes - papers.
- How could the ending of the story change if Minsky acted differently in relation to Dunya's father?

- Samson Vyrin decides to see his daughter at all costs. The opportunity presented itself quickly.

How did the father see his daughter? What does it say? Has Vyrin thought about this? Why exactly at this moment does the author call him “poor”?

“Dunya, dressed with all the luxury of fashion, was sitting on the arm of his chair, like

rider in her English saddle. She gazed tenderly at

Minsky, winding his black curls around his sparkling fingers. Poor

caretaker! Never had his daughter seemed to him so beautiful; he reluctantly

admired her."

Perhaps Samson Vyrin could admire not only the beauty of Dunechka, but also her position, her life in luxury. This is where conflicting feelings come into conflict: the love and jealousy of the father. After all, “his friend advised him to complain; but the caretaker thought, waved his hand and decided to retreat ". It is very important for understanding the true cause of the hero’s tragedy that the phraseological unit “waved his hand”, involuntarily reminiscent of the fatigue of modern parents who fought against the pranks of children. In his heart, the old man understood that Dunechka deserved another life, but he entered into a universal human conflict: why is the happiness of a daughter given at the cost of a father's happiness?

How does Minsky behave in this situation? Watch a video clip of this scene. (Student watching a video clip from the movie) Why is he doing this? (slide 18-19):

-Dunya became a rich lady, but this made her father's life even more unhappy. The narrator reaffirms the vitality of the “general complacency” of “honor the rank of rank”: the poor man did not just remain poor - they insulted and trampled on his human dignity. He still remained in the camp of the disenfranchised poor, it is useless to compete with the mighty of this world. Any, the most fabulous transformation of Dunya into a “beautiful lady” will not change the life of Samson Vyrin in any way (slide 20).

- But is Dunya so insensitive? Notice she fell into

fainting at the sight of his father. Why?

The reason for the fainting is also in a hidden sense of her own guilt in front of her old, lonely father, who had been abandoned by her.

- The story ends sadly. Years passed, and our good storyteller

visits these places for the third time, remembering the poor caretaker. Which

the cemetery makes an impression on him?

It was a bare place, there was not even a fence, only wooden crosses towered over the graves - it is clear that the poor were resting there. The narrator notices that there were no bushes or trees on the graves, not to mention flowers. All this made a depressing impression on him.

rich "beautiful lady" who once arrived in a carriage "at six

horses", with three small barchats and with a nurse, and with a black


When do we meet Dunya for the last time? What do we see Dunya on the grave of his father? (Work with text).

Watch the video clip of the film. What questions would you ask Avdotya Samsonovna, crying at her father's grave? (slide 21)

-What do you think makes Dunya come to his father?

Late repentance came to Dunya.

Let's go back to the parable of the prodigal son. Listen to the retelling of this parable

(during the retelling prepared by an individual student, on the screen

illustrations to the parable appear) and pay attention to the similarities and

differences between the parable and the story we analyzed. (slide 22-23):


History of Dunya

1. The prodigal son voluntarily leaves his home with the blessing of his father.

1. The daughter, placing all responsibility on a friend, leaves secretly, by accident, without the consent and blessing of her father.

2. Nobody is looking for him.

2. Does not want to be found and does not provide any information about herself

3. Leads a wild life.

3. Dunya lives in St. Petersburg in luxury and wealth, becomes a mother ...

4. Joyful meeting of the son with the father.

4. Afraid of meeting, but then Dunya, already a rich lady, visits her native places, mourning the grave.

5. The son returned home poor and hungry. He repented of his deed.

5. N 5. Avdotya Semyonovna did not return, but went in,
went passing by.

6. There was reconciliation with the father and repentance of the prodigal son.

6. Repentance and reconciliation is impossible because of the death of the father.

What makes her think about her fate? (Dunya violated one of the main commandments: “Honor your father and mother,” and suffers greatly from this. The fate of the girl makes you think about responsibility for your actions to loved ones).


Distribution of tasks by groups.

Now you will work in groups. Each of you will try to analyze the story from different points of view.

1. Theorists.

What events happened in this story? Name the heroes.

2. Critics.

What bad, tragic for the heroes of the story happened? Why did it all happen? What turned out to be unclear for you, incomprehensible to the end in this whole story?

3. Optimists.

What positive, bright sides do you see in what happened to Dunya and her father? Do they even exist? Justify your answer.

4. Creators.

What feelings did you experience while reading different episodes of the story. Argument.

5. Thinkers.

Are the characters to blame for each other? And if so, in what? What do you think Dunya should do so that her father does not feel abandoned? Justify your answer.

-Did Dunya do the right thing by leaving with the hussar? (slide 24)

- Do you think that the grain of moral insight was born in Dunya's soul?

Dunya repented, she came to her father with her children, the grandchildren of Samson Vyrin. Upon learning of the death of a loved one, she could not hold back her tears in the cemetery, “called the priest”, the kind young lady presented the “red-haired and crooked boy with a silver nickel”. No, there is in Dun and compassion, and kindness, and the ability to repent, to admit one's mistakes.

-Is Dunya happy? Why?

It is impossible to be happy at the cost of the well-being of dear, close people.

Conclusion:(slide 25)

Separation of children and parents is inevitable. It's hard to change anything here. But the betrayal of children has nothing to do with the usual parting.

The destruction of ties with the father's house and the destruction of the house itself is the destruction of the roots of a person, his origins, and therefore, himself. Any of us can be in the role of the prodigal son or daughter. What needs to be done to prevent this from happening to us?

4. The result of the lesson.


Light, all-forgiving
Pleases, forgives, smiles
A feeling that accompanies a lifetime

What will you take with you from class today? What have you learned? What were you thinking about?

It is a kind, humane attitude towards people, regardless of their position, that A.S. Pushkin. He does not just talk about the fate of his heroes, but as if looking into their souls and makes you and I live their lives and feelings, warns of possible mistakes.

Which of the two statements: “I do not know any other signs of superiority, except kindness” (R. Rolland) and “As you want people to do to you, so do you to them” (from the “Bible”) - would you finish today's lesson and why?

5. Homework:

Writing an essay-miniature on one of the topics:

1. Do you find anything in common in the fate of Dunya (“The Stationmaster”) and Marya Gavrilovna (“Snowstorm”); 2. Do I always act according to my conscience?