Sternin I.A. The concept of communicative behavior and problems of its research

The Russian smile has a great national identity - in practice, it performs completely different, if not opposite, functions than a smile in European countries.

Russians from the point of view of Europeans are gloomy, gloomy, unsmiling. This is due to the phenomenon of everyday non-smiling of a Russian person, which acts as one of the most striking and nationally specific features of Russian non-verbal behavior and Russian communication in general.

The following specific national features of the Russian smile can be distinguished.

1. Russian smile (normal) is performed only with lips, occasionally the upper row of teeth becomes slightly visible; showing the upper and lower teeth while smiling, as the Americans do, is considered unpleasant, vulgar in Russian culture, and such a smile is called a grin or "horse".

2. A smile in Russian communication is not a signal of politeness.

In American, English, German communicative behavior, a smile is primarily a signal of politeness, so it is obligatory when greeting and during a polite conversation. Russian writers have repeatedly drawn attention to the difference between Russian and American smiles, describing the American smile as strange and artificial for a Russian person. M. Gorky wrote that the first thing you see on the face of Americans is teeth. The satirist M. Zadornov called the American smile chronic, and M. Zhvanetsky wrote that Americans smile as if they are included in the network.

In the West, a smile when greeting means first of all the politeness of the greeting. The more a person smiles when greeting, the more friendly he is at this moment, the more courtesy to the interlocutor he demonstrates in this communicative situation.

A smile during a dialogue with an interlocutor also signals politeness to the interlocutor, that the participants politely listen to each other.

A smile in the service sector in the West (and in the East) also primarily performs the function of demonstrating politeness. Wed Chinese proverb: He who cannot smile cannot open a shop. In Japan, girls at the entrance to the escalator in large department stores smile and bow to every customer who steps on the escalator - 2,500 smiles and bows a day.

A smile of politeness in some cultures has the meaning of protecting the interlocutor from grief in connection with the perception of what is being said. So, I. Ehrenburg in his memoirs talks about a Chinese who, with a smile, told him about the death of his wife. But this polite smile, as I. Ehrenburg writes, meant: "You should not be upset, this is my grief."

In Russian communicative behavior, the smile of "politeness" or "out of politeness" is simply not accepted, and even vice versa - to a purely polite smile of the interlocutor, if it is identified as such, a Russian person is usually wary or even hostile: the Russian phrase "he smiled out of politeness" contains a disapproving attitude towards the one who smiled.

A permanent polite smile is called by Russians "duty smile"and is considered a bad sign of a person, a manifestation of his insincerity, secrecy, unwillingness to reveal true feelings. "Remove the smile on duty!" - they said in Voronezh to a Russian teacher of English, who all the time in American style "kept a smile."

3. In Russian communication, it is not customary to smile at strangers.

A smile in Russian communication is addressed mainly to acquaintances. That is why saleswomen do not smile at customers - they do not know them. Saleswomen will smile at familiar buyers.

4. It is not customary for Russians to automatically respond to a smile with a smile.

An American at the dawn of perestroika wrote in Izvestia: “For some reason, when we look at the customs officers checking our passports and smile at them, we never get a smile in return. When we meet eyes on the street with Russian people and smile at them, we never get a smile back." This observation is correct: if a stranger smiled at a Russian person, this would rather encourage the Russian to look for the reason for the smile addressed to him than prompt him to answer the stranger with a smile.

The smile of a familiar person among Russians is also far from always automatically followed by a smile; rather, it is seen as an invitation to make contact, into a conversation.

5. In Russian communication, it is not customary to smile at a person if you accidentally meet his eyes.

Americans smile in such cases, while Russians, on the contrary, usually look away.

Russians do not have to smile when they look at small children or pets together. Americans do it, but Russians don't.

6. A smile among Russians is a signal of personal disposition towards a person.

The Russian smile demonstrates to the person to whom it is addressed that the smiling person treats him with personal sympathy. A smile shows personal affection. That is why Russians smile only at acquaintances, because there is no personal disposition towards the unfamiliar. That is why a smile at a stranger may be followed by a reaction: "Do we know each other?"

7. It is not customary for Russians to smile in the line of duty, in the performance of any serious, responsible business.

Customs officers do not smile, because they are busy with a serious matter. Sellers, waiters - too. This feature of the Russian smile is unique. At Chase Manhattan Bank in New York ad hanging: If our operator did not smile at you, tell the doorman about it, he will give you a dollar." Under Russian conditions, such an inscription would be seen as a joke.

8. The Russian smile is considered as a sincere expression of good mood or disposition towards the interlocutor and is intended to be only sincere.

There is an imperative in the Russian communicative consciousness: a smile should be a sincere reflection of a good mood and good attitude. To have the right to a smile, one must really treat the interlocutor well or have a great mood at the moment.

9. The smile of a Russian person must have a good reason, known to others, only then the person gets a "right" to it in the eyes of others. If the reason for the interlocutor's smile turns out to be incomprehensible to a Russian person, this can cause him serious concern, it is necessary to find out this reason.

So, one saleswoman ended up in a psychiatric hospital: "the director smiles at me, I must have a shortage"; a university teacher at one time wrote a complaint against the rector of the institute to the party committee - "he scoffs at me - he always smiles when we meet with him."

There is a unique saying in Russian that is absent in other languages ​​- "Laughter without a reason is a sign of a fool." The logic of this saying cannot be understood by people with Western thinking. One German teacher, who was explained the meaning of this saying (If a person laughs for no reason, he is not all right with his head), could not understand and kept asking: "Why does this follow from this?"

10. The reason for a person’s smile should be transparent, understandable to others

If the reason is not clear or is considered insufficiently respectful for others, others may interrupt the smile, make a remark - "What are you smiling for?"

Born April 29, 1948 in the village. Kraskovo, Ukhtomsky district, Moscow region. In 1965 he graduated from the evening school in Voronezh with a medal, in 1970 he graduated from the English department of the faculty of the RHF VSU (diploma with honors). Graduated in absentia from the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Candidate's dissertation "On the problem of deictic functions of the word" was defended in 1973 in Moscow (scientific adviser - A.A. Ufimtseva).

Doctoral dissertation "The lexical meaning of the word in speech" was defended in 1987 in Minsk.

The main stages of labor activity:

1970-1975 - teacher of English, French, German and Spanish in the evening school; from 1975 to the present - teacher, associate professor, professor of the department of general linguistics and stylistics; from 1995 to the present - the head of this department.

Area of ​​scientific interests:

theory of language, general and contrastive semasiology, speech impact, rhetoric, cognitive linguistics

Main publications:


Problems of analysis of the structure of the meaning of a word. - Voronezh, 1979. -156 p.

Reviews: RJ “Linguistics”, 1980, p. 38-41; Philological Sciences”, 1980, no. 6, p. 89 - 90; “Russian language at school”, 1982, p.92 -94; “Movoznavstvo”, 1982, No. 1, p. 76-78.

The lexical meaning of a word in speech. - Voronezh, 1985. - 170s.

Review: FN, 1986, No. 2, p. 87-88

Experimental methods in semasiology. - Voronezh, 1989. -193 p. (co-authored with V.V. Levitsky)

Essays on contrastive lexicology and phraseology. - Galle, 1989.- 129 p. (co-authored with K. Fleckenstein).

Der Wortschatz der Perestrojka. Aktuelle Entwicklungsprozesse im politischen Wortschatz des Russischen. - Halle, 1989. - 85 S. (co-authored with V. Stefan).

Perestrojka, Glasnost , Novoe Myslenie... - Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft. - Pfaffenweiler, 1991. - 103 S. (co-authored with W. Stefan)

Studien zur kontrastiven Lexikologie und Phraseologie. - Voronez, 1994. - 114 S. (co-authored with K. Fleckenstein).

Communicative behavior of a younger student. - Voronezh, 2000. - 195 p. (co-authored with N.A. Lemyaskina).

Essay on American Communicative Behavior. - Voronezh, 2001. - 206 p. (group of co-authors).

Introduction to speech influence. - Voronezh, 2001. - 252 p.

Essays on cognitive linguistics. Voronezh, 2001.191 p. 12 p.l. (co-authored with Z.D. Popova)

American Communication Behavior. Voronezh, 2001. 224 p.14.2 p.s. (group of co-authors)

Communicative aspects of tolerance. Voronezh, 2001. 135 p. 8.5 p.l. (co-authored with K.M. Shilihina)

Language and national picture of the world. Voronezh, 2002. -60 p. (co-authored with Z.D. Popova)

Language and national consciousness. Questions of theory and methodology. Voronezh, 2002.19.6 p. (group of co-authors)

Russian communicative behavior. M., 2002.17 p. (co-authored with Yu.E. Prokhorov)

communicative behaviour. Essay on English communicative behavior. Voronezh, 2003. 11.6 p. (Coauthors Larina T.V., Sternina M.A.)

Sternina M., Sternin I. Russian and American Communicative Behavior. Voronezh, 2003. 96 p.

Social processes and development of the modern Russian language. Essay on changes in the Russian language at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century. Voronezh, 2004. 4th edition, revised. and supplemented. 93 p. 5 p.l.

Review of the 1st edition: “Voronezh Courier”, 11/20/97.

Contrastive Linguistics. Voronezh, "Sources", 2004. 11.9 pp.

communicative behaviour. Issue 21. Communicative behavior of a preschooler. Voronezh, "Sources". 2004. 210s. 13 p.l. (Co-author Chernyshova E.B.).

Textbooks for universities

The lexical system of the language. Voronezh, 1984. -145p. (co-author Z.D. Popova)

Essay on Russian communicative behavior. - Galle, 1991. - 59 p.

Practical rhetoric. Voronezh, 1993. Ed.1.; 140 s.

Practical rhetoric. Voronezh, 1996. - Ed. 2. - 142 p.

Learn to communicate. Sat. tests. Voronezh, 1995. 213 p.

Russian language of business communication. - Voronezh, 1995. - 200s. (co-authors A.M. Golodyaevskaya, O.V. Dmitrina, N.A. Kozelskaya).

Russian speech etiquette. Voronezh, 1996. -125 s.

Rhetoric in explanations and exercises. Borisoglebsk, 2000. -131 p.

Culture of business communication. Voronezh, 2001. - 332 p. (co-author M.E. Novichikhina)

Rhetoric. Voronezh, 2002. 224 p. 13.5 p.l.

Rhetoric in explanations and exercises. Ed.2. revised and supplemented Borisoglebsk. 2003. 19.75 p.p.

Practical rhetoric. M., Academy. 2003.17p.l.

General linguistics. Voronezh, TsCHKI, 2004. 18 p. In collaboration with Z.D. Popova

Introduction to linguistics. Lecture course. Voronezh, "Sources", 2004. 9.6 p. (ed. and co-author).

Culture of oral and public speech. Voronezh, AONO "IMMiF", 2004. 214 p. 12.5 p.l. (co-author Tavdgiridze L.A.).

Practical rhetoric. Moscow, "Academy", ed. 2, corrected. and additional 2005

Department of General Linguistics and Stylistics, VSU
394693, Voronezh, pl. Lenina, 10
tel. (4732) , fax (4732)
Email: [email protected]

Iosif Abramovich Sternin (April 29, 1948, Krasovo village, Moscow region) - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

In 1970 he graduated from the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology of the Voronezh State University. He defended his Ph.D. thesis "On the problem of the deictic functions of the word" in 1973 (IYa of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR), his doctoral thesis "The lexical meaning of the word in speech" in 1987 (Belarusian University). The title of professor was awarded in 1989.

Director of the Center for Communication Studies, Voronezh University. Specialist in the field of language theory, communicative and cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics, rhetoric and culture of communication.

Head of the Voronezh “Russian Language Service”, author and host of the weekly radio program of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Voronezh” “Territory of the Word”.

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Rhetorical Association, Chairman of the Voronezh Rhetorical Association, President of the Voronezh Psycholinguistic Association, full member of the Guild of Linguistic Experts in Documentation and Information Disputes, member of the Russian Language Council under the Administration of the Voronezh Region, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.

Awarded with the Badge of Honor of the Government of the Voronezh Region "GRATITUDE FROM VORONEZH LAND".

Books (13)

Anthology of concepts. Volume 1

Anthology of concepts. Volume 2

An anthology of concepts is a dictionary of a new type — a concept of culturally significant meanings fixed in linguistic consciousness and communicative behavior. The book is based on dissertation research devoted to concepts - complex mental formations embodied in various language units on the material of Russian, English, German, French and Chinese.

Addressed to philologists and a wide range of researchers who develop the problems of cognitive linguistics, cultural studies and intercultural communication.

Anthology of concepts. Volume 3

Addressed to philologists and a wide range of researchers who develop the problems of cognitive linguistics, cultural studies and intercultural communication.

Anthology of concepts. Volume 4

An anthology of concepts is a dictionary of a new type — a concept of culturally significant meanings fixed in linguistic consciousness and communicative behavior. The book is based on dissertation research devoted to concepts - complex mental formations embodied in various language units on the material of Russian, English, German, French.

Addressed to philologists and a wide range of researchers who develop the problems of cognitive linguistics, cultural studies and intercultural communication.

Cognitive linguistics

The authors consider various modern areas of cognitive linguistics, its relationship with other sciences, clarify the categorical and terminological apparatus of cognitive linguistics in the light of the concept they develop, characterize some of the results of the study of concepts, and also describe in detail specific methods and techniques of semantic-cognitive research.

Lexical system of the language: Internal organization, categorical apparatus

The publication is a textbook for the special course "The Lexical System of Language", as well as for the relevant sections of the theoretical linguistic courses "General Linguistics" and "Introduction to Linguistics".

The current state of the study of the lexical system of the language is considered. The textbook introduces the problems of modern lexicology, introduces the main methods and techniques of studying factual material.

General linguistics

The manual for the course "General Linguistics" reveals the main problems of theoretical linguistics, taking into account modern achievements of domestic and foreign linguistics and research of the theoretical-linguistic school of Voronezh State University.

Basics of speech influence

This educational publication is a revised and supplemented version of the monograph by I.A. Sternin "Introduction to speech influence".

The publication is intended for use as a teaching aid by undergraduates studying under the program "Theory and Practice of Speech Influence". Can be used as a guide for the courses "Speech Impact", "Business Communication", "Practical Rhetoric".

Essays in cognitive linguistics

The monograph is devoted to the problems of formation and development of a new scientific direction — cognitive linguistics.

The monograph presents the concept of cognitive linguistics, which was formed within the framework of the scientific theoretical and linguistic school of the Voronezh University.


The manual is intended for teachers, graduate students and university students, students of technical schools and schools. Working with the manual contributes to the formation of practical rhetorical skills of graduates entering life - future specialists in various fields. Owning their own speech will allow them to achieve success in their professional activities.

The manual contains brief explanations, questions for self-examination, tasks and exercises for practicing practical rhetorical skills.

Russians: communicative behavior

The book is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the description of communicative behavior. The basic concepts of the science of communicative behavior are defined, the theoretical apparatus, methods and techniques of description are proposed, the place of description of communicative behavior in modern communicative linguistics and the place of teaching national communicative behavior in the methodology of teaching a language as a foreign language are established.

The authors propose parametric and situational models for describing the communicative behavior of the people. The proposed models are illustrated by a systematic description of Russian communicative behavior, carried out in communicative linguistics for the first time.

Semantic-cognitive analysis of language

The monograph is devoted to topical problems of modern cognitive linguistics.

It logically continues and develops the ideas of the authors outlined in their book "Essays on Cognitive Linguistics", concretizing them in relation to the semantic-cognitive approach in cognitive linguistics, which was formed within the framework of the scientific theoretical-linguistic school of Voronezh University and is currently used in the works of many researchers. both in Voronezh and beyond.

The authors briefly consider various modern areas of cognitive linguistics, the relationship of cognitive linguistics with other sciences, clarify the categorical and terminological apparatus of cognitive linguistics in the light of the concept they develop, characterize some of the results of the study of concepts, and also describe in detail the specific methods and techniques of semantic-cognitive research.

This anniversary edition was prepared in connection with the sixtieth birthday of Doctor of Philology, Professor of Voronezh State University Iosif Abramovich Sternin. The author has selected publications representing the main stages of his scientific biography and the main linguistic ideas that have received recognition and dissemination in scientific circles.
The publication also includes the responses of colleagues to the publications and speeches of the author, his social activities, as well as a reference department: various types of indexes - a chronological index of the works of I. A. Sternin, a thematic index, a list of publications in which I. A. Sternin acted as scientific editor , list of graduate and doctoral students, etc.
For philologists, specialists in the field of language theory, cognitive and contrastive linguistics, speech influence and speech culture.
The text is printed in the author's edition.

About this book...... 4 From the scientific editor...... 7 Foreword by the rector. Leading scientist of the university...... 11 IA Sternin. Scientific biography ...... 14 Main publications ...... 20 Scientific and methodological manuals for secondary school teachers ...... 24 Main scientific results of I. A. Sternin ...... 25 Selected works ...... 37 1. Theoretical problems of linguistics ...... 37 On one specific manifestation of the principle of economy in language ...... 37 On the problem of the deictic functions of the word ...... 41 Problems of analysis of the structure of meaning words ...... 55 On the three types of expressiveness of the word ...... 67 Lexical meaning of the word in speech ...... 75 Special terms in non-specialized texts and their understanding by the reader ...... 118 Language status proper name (in comparison with the term) ...... 132 "Language of meaning" by A. Platonov ...... 141 The hypothesis of the natural origin of language ...... 153 Structural components of the meaning of the word ...... 156 Stylistic characteristics of the word in ordinary linguistic consciousness...... 167 About the concepts of method, technique, technique ...... 180 Does language belong to cultural phenomena...... 186 About the concept of "academic language" .. .... 188 Yaz yk in a global society ...... 192 2. Communicative behavior and intercultural communication ...... 197 Communicative behavior and its description ...... 197 About the concept of "mentality" ...... 243 the concept of "communicative consciousness"...... 246 Experimental study of the category of Russian communicative ideal...... 262 Intercultural communication...... 268 Features of the Russian smile...... 280 3. Cognitive linguistics.. .... 291 Theoretical foundations of the semantic-cognitive approach to language ...... 291 Cognitive semasiology and linguoconceptology ...... 295 The concept of cognitive interpretation ...... 297 Concept and meaning ...... 306 To the problem of lacunarity of concepts...... 320 The structure of the concept...... 324 4. Contrastive linguistics...... 345 The concept of contrastive analysis and methods of contrastive description...... 345 Types of interlingual correspondences. ..... 360 5. The Russian language in the new socio-cultural conditions...... 373 Main changes in the Russian language in the late 20th - early 21st century ..... 373 Crisis or development ...... 390 The emergence of slang in the Russian language ...... 392 Problems of forecasting the communicative and linguistic development of Russia in the first half of the XXI century ...... 399 6. Linguistics criminalistics ...... 414 Insult and indecent language form as a subject of linguistic expertise (everyday and legal understanding).... 414 On the concepts of "indecent form of expression" and "obscene language". ..... 435 7. Speech influence ...... 444 Speech influence as a theoretical and applied science ...... 444 Effective speech influence ...... 473

Publisher: "Direct-Media" (2016)