The construction of a bridge across the Pur River in Yamal will begin this autumn. Walking the bridge Attempted murder and raider seizure as measures to increase investment attractiveness

The right bank of the Yamal River Pur has been cut off from the "mainland" for the second month. Thousands of tons of cargo have accumulated on the left bank of the river, necessary to ensure the work of extracting gas and oil, conducting geological exploration work by Gazprom, Rosneft, Novatek. Essential goods for residents of the village of Urengoy and several districts of Yamal, located on the right bank of the Pur, are delivered by ferry. People get from coast to coast by hovercraft, paying 500 rubles for a one-way crossing from each passenger. In previous years, the crossing was closed for no more than a couple of weeks, during the ice drift. Already at the end of May, traffic was restored. But then two crossings worked near the village of Urengoy. Yamburgtransservice LLC was throwing a pontoon bridge with reverse movement across the river. Rosneftegaz Corporation is a two-way bridge built from eight barges. But on August 21, 2017, the barge bridge was liquidated.

Blockade of Urengoy

Oleg Yakimov, head of the administration of the village of Urengoy, received me in his spacious office and told me for a long time, with inspiration, how life in the village is getting better day by day. He noted that there are no problems with the supply, the store shelves are bursting with goods. And it is true. I checked. In the shops of the village of Urengoy there is really an abundance. True, prices turned out to be much higher, for some goods by more than 100%, than on the left bank of the Pur River. For example, in Novy Urengoy a carton of milk costs 50 rubles, and on the right bank it costs 90 rubles. , a kilogram of lemons - 270 in Urengoy and 120 rubles - in Novy Urengoy ...

Sellers in the village explained that the high cost arises from the "ferry" markup. Transportation from one river bank to another, for example, a 15-ton truck costs 23 thousand rubles. Two ends cost 46 thousand. Needless to say, buyers pay this amount.

Oleg Yakimov either does not know this, or he skillfully imitates ignorance. When I asked how the “blockade” affected the village, he cheerfully answered:

“Urengoy didn’t lose anything…

Regarding the prospects for establishing a crossing over the Pur, the head of the administration of the coastal village gave an optimistic forecast. They say that 140 pontoons have already been launched, and it will take only a few days to assemble the crossing and launch cars along it.

I don't know what Yakimov's optimism is based on. I walked along the coast and counted all the pontoons. Directly at the right bank there are about twenty of them. About sixty more, already assembled into links, I found in the backwater not far from the place where the crossing should begin to work. Forty more pontoons are assembled on the left bank. Total about 120 pieces. That is, all the pontoons that Yamburgtransservice LLC has at its disposal have already been assembled and launched. But for the organization of the crossing, at least 140 pontoons are needed.

When the bridge of barges was liquidated in August last year, they apparently did not think about such a scenario for the development of events. Well, what do you think? The pontoon ferry remained a monopoly, the entire traffic flow, which is about three thousand cars daily, went to her without an alternative. The load on the pontoon ferry has not even doubled. In terms of tonnage, the load increased several times. Because multi-ton cars used to prefer a bridge of barges.

A multiple increase in the load on the pontoons accelerated their wear. As a result, many of them fell into disrepair, depriving LLC Yamburgtransservice of a shunting reserve.


Back in the fall of last year, I told how hundreds of people were involved in the “operation” to eliminate the bridge from barges - security officials and officials, Cossacks and political technologists ... How early in the morning on August 21 employees of Yamburgtransservice LLC, the company that owns the pontoon crossing, arrived at the construction, and under the cover of two dozen riot police dismantled the bridge. The tugboats standing under full steam immediately hijacked the barges. The liquidation of the bridge took place without excesses, the brigades of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ambulance, also sent to the construction, did not find work.

The hijacking of barges was called an arrest by order of the bailiff service. But already in October, it was established that Alexander Burulov, acting head of the department for special enforcement proceedings of the FSSP Administration for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, had exceeded his powers by signing a decree on the arrest of barges. This directly follows from the decision of the Arbitration Court of the YNAO in case No. A81-6551 / 2017, issued on October 23, 2017. The court declared the order to arrest the barges invalid. Having received this court decision in his hands, Sitnikov turned to the TFR with a demand to initiate a criminal case under article 169 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (obstruction of entrepreneurial activity).

Obviously, Burulov in this story is just a technical performer. The operation to eliminate the bridge of barges across the Pur River, I think, was of interest to much more serious people who have administrative resources that allow them to coordinate the actions of bailiffs and police, officials and entrepreneurs who expect to get their own benefit. Suffice it to recall that four days before the liquidation of the bridge of barges, the Department of Natural Resources Regulation of the Administration of the YNAO announced an auction for the right to “conclude a water use agreement ... to place a floating bridge” just on that section of the Pur River, where there was still a bridge of barges belonging to “ Rosneftegaz Corporation.

It can be assumed that the liquidation of the barge bridge was a banal raider attack in order to capture an attractive business asset. But the story received publicity far beyond Yamal. I had to urgently change my plans. The administration of the village of Urengoy urgently adopted a resolution on the creation of "conditions for mass recreation", deciding to organize a beach on both banks of the Pur River. Yes, you understood correctly, two beaches in Siberia at the latitude of Anadyr. Apparently, by coincidence, they planned to build places for swimming and sunbathing not along the coast, but perpendicular to it, just in those places where there were access roads to the bridge from barges, built from reinforced concrete slabs. The administration did not have the right to make a decision to change the purpose of the site without freeing the land from the previous structures. The document on recreation areas is dated August 23, 2017. It was he who was referred to by the Department of Natural Resources Regulation of the Administration of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, canceling the auction for the right to conclude a water use agreement.

An interesting detail. "Rosneftegaz Corporation" did not seize either the water surface or the shores. As early as November 5, 2002, the governor of the YNAO signed document No. 1107-r “On the selection of a land plot”, on the basis of which the administration of the Purovsky district of the YNAO issued two orders. On January 31, 2003, Decree No. 53 “On the provision of a land plot” was issued. And on April 3 of the same year, order No. 327-r “On the approval of the act of choosing a land plot” was signed. With these documents, land plots of 1.76 hectares on the banks of the Pur were transferred to Rosneftegaz Corporation, precisely for organizing the operation of a pontoon crossing.

And already on the basis of the orders of the administration, a land lease agreement was concluded and a pontoon crossing began to work, which was later replaced by a bridge built from barges.

The administration of the Purovsky district did not even try to terminate the land lease agreement. And the lawyers of Rosneftegaz Corporation considered that the contract was automatically prolonged for an indefinite time, as regulated by Article 621 of the Civil Code of Russia, which determines that “if the terms of the land lease agreement are properly performed, if the parties did not express a desire to terminate the agreement, such an agreement deemed to be renewed for an indefinite period.

But when preparations began for the operation to eliminate the bridge from barges, they preferred not to remember these legal nuances. And the preparation, it must be said, resulted in a massive agitation and information attack on the Rosneftegaz Corporation and its founder Oleg Sitnikov. With the distribution of anonymous letters with announcements that Sitnikov was inviting to rallies and pickets demanding the liquidation of the village of Urengoy ... And despite the fact that shortly before these events, the construction of a church began in Urengoy with the funds allocated by Rosneftegaz Corporation ... Even a certain project of a “technical tasks”, the purpose of which is “to draw the attention of the all-Russian public opinion and the opinion of the leadership of federal law enforcement agencies to the fact of the existence of the criminal group Rosneftegaz” ( so for some reason the corporation of enterprises of Sitnikov is named.THEM.)… Organize in one form or another the beginning of the procedure for the liquidation of the entire group of companies…”. Political strategists even approached Novaya Gazeta with a proposal to publish a series of articles about Oleg Sitnikov and his "illegal activities."

We, of course, refused. But judging by the fact that on dozens of regional sites appeared the same type of publications that corresponded to the "technical assignment", there were also project executors.

Novaya Gazeta assumed as early as last autumn that the monopolization of the crossing over the Pur River would not lead to anything good. Unfortunately, our forecast turned out to be even more optimistic than reality. We thought that Yamburgtransservice LLC, which had become a de facto monopolist, would raise prices. But they could not imagine that the crossing would not work at all even by the end of June.

The administration of Urengoy decided to organize two beaches across the bank of the Pur River

Prosecutor's revenge?

Oleg Sitnikov, the founder of Rosneftegaz Corporation, suggests that the mastermind behind the attacks on his business, including the liquidation of the bridge from barges across the Pur River, is Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Prosecutor Alexander Gerasimenko. The assumption is not without foundation, if we recall that Sitnikov even sued the security official when some unknown employee of the prosecutor's office sent the entrepreneur a copy of the order signed by Gerasimenko, by which he actually demanded from his subordinates to increase administrative pressure on the enterprises that are part of Rosneftegaz Corporation ...

The main plot of the confrontation between the prosecutor and the businessman was the red tape in the investigation of the assassination attempt on Sitnikov. Back in July 2015, in the publication “The Vice of the “Liquidators”, I spoke about the attempt on the life of a businessman. How he miraculously survived, having received nineteen stab wounds, having lost almost three liters of blood and spending three days in intensive care.

Sitnikov is convinced that this attempt was connected with his plans to build a crossing. The crime was committed just after Rosneftegaz Corporation purchased barges and began preparing to put the bridge into operation.

The crime has not yet been solved, the investigation is slowing down. With much more zeal, law enforcement agencies began to “shake” Sitnikov himself, a flurry of checks fell upon his enterprises, which went one after another ...

- Gerasimenko has been holding the post of district prosecutor for the eleventh year. But no matter how much I turn to him with complaints and statements, I always get replies signed by anyone, but not the district prosecutor, - says Oleg Sitnikov. - The Prosecutor General of Russia is much more open to citizens than the district prosecutor. I have already met with Yuri Chaika three times. And passed him complaints about the actions of the district attorney. But, unfortunately, these complaints again descended to Salekhard. And all again because Gerasimenko never answered me personally.

But, one way or another, after one of Sitnikov's meetings with Yury Chaika, a commission of the Prosecutor General's Office was sent to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, following the results of which the district prosecutor was severely reprimanded.

“The Prosecutor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Gerasimenko A.V. for several years, inspections of the Sitnikov group of companies were initiated in the absence of legal grounds,” Chaika wrote in the motivational part of the order and stressed that as a result of these illegal inspections, “more than fifty cases of administrative offenses were initiated” on issues that are beyond the powers of the district prosecutor.

Despite the strict reprimand of the Prosecutor General of Russia announced to Alexander Gerasimenko, the administrative pressure from the prosecutor's office of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug on Sitnikov and his enterprises did not weaken, but even intensified.

And soon a new scandal broke out. The editors of Novaya Gazeta were sent photographs and videos of how a man resembling the prosecutor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug was brought to the Taimyrsky nature reserve in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which is included in the list of objects protected by UNESCO. Where a man who looks like the prosecutor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District flew in a helicopter, scaring away wild animals (although this is prohibited), and then went fishing, although catching loaches listed in the Red Book is also prohibited.

Novy Urengoy businessman Oleg Sitnikov was not involved in this publication, I repeat, photo and video evidence was sent to the editors of Novaya by a completely different source. But prosecutor Gerasimenko, apparently, thought otherwise. The pressure on Sitnikov's enterprises increased sharply and eventually resulted in the liquidation of the barge bridge across the Pur River. It turns out that because of the suspicion and ambitions of one official, the population of the whole village suffers, forced to pay exorbitant prices for food from the left bank of the river.


At the time of signing the issue, the pontoon crossing across the Pur River near the village of Urengoy, the resumption of which was promised on June 20, did not work.

From raider capture to assassination attempt. What happens at the crossing over the Pur River, and why entrepreneurs write appeals to Prime Minister Medvedev and collect signatures.

Yamal entrepreneur Fidan Khairetdinov, director of the Magistral company, which owns a pontoon crossing on the Pur River, turned to Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev with a request for protection from raiders. Oleg Sitnikov, the owner of the Yamal oil company Rosneftegaz, wrote an appeal to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and is collecting signatures for the preservation of the crossing. What is really going on and why the richest region of the country is buzzing over the scandal over the modest crossing of the Pur River.

Dmitry Kobylkin himself agreed on the construction

The history of the crossing began in 2002, when the former governor of the YNAO Yuri Neelov signed an order to provide Rosneftegaz with a businessman Oleg Sitnikov site for the construction of a pontoon crossing. Six months later, the choice of the exact construction site was agreed Dmitry Kobylkin, now the governor of the region, and then the first deputy head of the administration of the Purovsky district. As stated in the document with his signature: “Given the state importance of the development of the oil and gas complex of the Russian Federation and the absence of other acceptable options<…>agree on the act of choice."

Apparently, nine years later, the pontoon crossing and the development of the oil and gas complex were not so important for the new governor.

Perhaps the point is that Rosneftegaz since 2011, it has been under the close "attention" of the Yamal raiders. The company, throughout its existence, tested over a thousand times tax authorities and the police, and Sitnikov himself survived assassination attempt.

The entrepreneur associates it with the crossing, or rather with plans to build a stationary bridge across the Pur River. The new project was presented to Governor Kobylkin, who approved it, but the plans were not destined to come true. After the presentation of the project to the governor, the entrepreneur himself almost became a victim of a killer.

“Inflicting blows (with a knife - ed. note), the killer said:“ Don’t build a bridge ”, - in his interview with PASMI.

Faced with such powerful pressure, the entrepreneur was forced to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding a bridge and, after a while, relinquish his crossing "Magistral" company.

A few years later, another attempt to capture followed, now at the Magistral. In 2016, the licensing of this area of ​​​​activity was canceled, and now companies had to buy the right to transport at auction. In August 2016, the Department of Natural Resources Regulation of the YNAO held a tender in which six companies, including Magistral, took part.

According to the results of the auction, the state was supposed to receive only 961 rubles from Purdorspetsstroy, although one of the participating companies was ready to offer 50 million rubles

But after the start of the auction, it turned out that five out of six companies did not provide an enterprise card, although there was no such document in the requirements. Formally, the auction was declared invalid, but the department still decided to sign an agreement with "Purdorspetsstroy", the only company that miraculously found out about a key document that was not even on the list of required documentation.

According to the results of the auction, the state was to receive from Purdorspetsstroy only 961 ruble, although one of the participating companies was ready to offer 50 million rubles.

50 thousand times difference, between the cost of the auction and the possible profit of the state, apparently, did not embarrass the department at all, and only the intervention of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the YNAO and, which wrote about this auction, helped to cancel the results of the transaction.

But a few weeks ago, a new scandal erupted in Yamal over the ill-fated crossing over the Pur River. It all started with employees of YamburgTransService, which owns a crossing a hundred meters from the floating bridge "Highways", under the protection of the police, they installed signs prohibiting passage at the exits to the crossing, and later they blocked the road with concrete blocks. This fact was reported to the police. The scandal reached the federal level when the REN TV channel published a report from the scene.

The local media responded with a series of publications about the illegality of installing pontoons, the danger to drivers, and comments from officials accusing the company that owns the crossing of all mortal sins.

Drivers are fined and the road is blocked

Media reports, the actions of law enforcement officers and the situation with the crossing raise many questions about in whose interests the authorities act.

Why, in his submission to the Acting Deputy Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Purovsky District Major Kabaev refers to the court order for the demolition of the floating bridge "Rosneftegaz", although at the moment the bridge is owned by "Highway"? Why is it indicated in the same resolution that the crossing is located on 254 kilometers Pur River, while the crossing of the "Magistrali" is located on 252.3 kilometers? By the way, Magistral's representatives asked the police officers these questions, but the policemen briefly answered: "Please contact Salekhard with these questions, not us." And why are the police officers blocking the congresses, if the enforcement proceedings for dismantling were suspended by the decision of the bailiffs from July 17?

Or why materials began to appear in the local press and social networks right now, which speak of the absolute illegality of this crossing, and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug declares unauthorized construction. After all, if it is absolutely illegal and built arbitrarily, then the question arises where the authorities were looking at all these 15 years?

According to the latest data, the way traffic police officers work has changed. They let cars into the crossing, and on the other side of it they stop drivers and fine them under any pretext.

And is it really “absolutely” illegal, if before the start of all attempts to seize the crossing, the Rosneftegaz company owned a license for water use. Upon receipt of which, the placement of the floating bridge was agreed upon, the conclusion of the fishery expertise was received, and a dozen more approvals from regulatory authorities on dozens of sheets.

At the same time, the second crossing, which belongs to the company "YamburgTransservice", located a hundred meters from the floating bridge, continues to operate. But to fully replace the crossing "Highways" she can't - her carrying capacity is much lower, in addition, she reversible, while the crossing of the "Magistrali" with two way traffic. Already 11 companies appealed to the authorities with a request to contribute to the speedy resolution of the situation, referring to the impossibility of passing heavy equipment weighing more than 60 tons and failure to meet deadlines (letters are at the disposal of the editors).

According to the latest data, the way traffic police officers work has changed. They let cars into the crossing, and on the other side of it they stop drivers and fine them under any pretext. And the average Yamal truck driver will always find a reason for a fine. Yes, the police act absolutely legally, but for some reason they catch drivers only at the Magistral crossing, near the neighboring one, owned by "YamburgTransservice" There are no traffic inspectors, apparently, they are not interested in drivers at all ..

Attempted murder and raider seizure as measures to increase investment attractiveness

“All creative projects born on the Yamal land are supported by clear and long-term business rules,” Governor Dmitry Kobylkin to entrepreneurs on the official portal dedicated to investments in Yamal-Nenets District.

Entrepreneurship support and investment attractiveness of the region is one of the favorite topics for Yamal officials. The authorities create funds, give interviews to local media, publish beautiful statistics, technically hushing up numbers and indicators that are inconvenient for themselves, in order to.

Despite the fact that business support and attracting investments are talked about at the highest level, in the region, an entrepreneur or investor, if he is not connected with someone in power, has to face such problems as corruption, hostile takeovers, and outright crime.

One businessman who wanted not only to extract oil, but also to invest in the region, was almost killed, the assassination case was never brought to an end, and the bridge necessary for the development of the region's infrastructure was not built. The second businessman found himself under the most severe pressure of the raiders, who act through the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the media.

But the regional authorities, who should be interested in a favorable investment climate, cannot or are in no hurry to help entrepreneurs in legally solving problems.

Maybe you need to be close to governor Kobylkin, as in the case of , monopolists in the energy sector, who received ownership Salekhard fish factory. Or at least be friends with Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for YaNAO Nurlan Kobdrashev, which, as entrepreneurs believe, is associated with raiders trying to capture the Purovsky ferry.

Bridge over the Pur. Results

Now the Yamal authorities are looking for an investor to build a bridge across the Pur River. Governor Dmitry Kobylkin held a series of meetings with potential investors and offered to sign a concession agreement for 6 billion rubles for construction on the principles of public-private partnership. The likely contractor may be the company "Mostostroy-11", a large construction company that has been working fruitfully with the YaNAO administration for a long time. According to some reports, this company worked closely with District Attorney Alexander Gerasimenko, which "Mostostroy-11" built a manor in an elite village on Black river near Tyumen.

That is, the development of investment attractiveness and effective management of the region, according to Governor Dmitry Kobylkin, looks like this: do everything possible so that a local entrepreneur does not build a bridge for his own money, which will significantly improve infrastructure, then squeeze out another businessman, at the same time paralyzing traffic, and then find an affiliated company, which also allocate budget money for the construction of a new bridge. With this approach, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug will soon turn from the richest into the middle peasant.

There is a river Pur in the Kara Sea basin. Its length is 389 kilometers. And with the Pyakupur River and its tributary. Yangyagun - 1024 kilometers. The Pur is one of the longest Russian rivers. The area of ​​its basin is 112 thousand square kilometers. The Pur flows into the Kara Taz Bay.

Geography of the river

The river flows in the Yamal-Nenets region. The reservoir has approximately 6351 outflows. Of these, almost eighty percent are less than ten kilometers long. There are 57 rivers with a length of 50-100 kilometers. And more than a hundred kilometers - 40. The heights of Pura are from 15 to 50 meters above sea level. The channel width is from 200 to 850 meters. The depth of the rolls is 1.2 meters. The Pur River flows through the permafrost region. Therefore, warm islands are rare.

In the Pur River Basin, the main minerals are oil and natural gas. In the valley of the reservoir there are gems carnelian and agate. The Pur River flows in the tundra and forest zones. Most of the channel is in the northern taiga. The swampiness of the area along the Pur is approximately seventy percent. The river is fed mainly by snow. Pur is characterized by spring floods, winter and summer low water and autumn floods.

Flora and fauna

Deciduous, coniferous and lichen-moss forests grow in the upper reaches of the river. In the middle of the river and in the lower reaches, the reservoir is surrounded by shrubs and floodplain meadows. The Pur River is rich in whitefish, whitefish, etc.). And also there is a lot of crucian carp, sterlet, roach and other little things. In the mouth you can catch flounder and salmon. But in winter, there is a lack of fish on the river. All underwater living creatures try to concentrate in narrow tributaries or outlets of groundwater.


One of the longest Russian reservoirs is the Pur River. The crossing over it is a pontoon bridge. It transports vehicles and various goods. The crossing is equipped with floating supports. Despite the huge mass, the building is absolutely unsinkable. The advantage of this crossing is that it can be used anywhere in the river. Moreover, additional links are periodically attached to a kind of bridge. As a result, the length of the crossing is significantly increased. It consists of several parts:

  • bridge pontoon sections;
  • coastal fixers;
  • flooring;
  • ramp, or ramp.

The crossing is two-way, which is its great advantage. This increases throughput. The carrying capacity of the crossing is up to 100 tons. This floating bridge is easy to assemble and dismantle. Sometimes the crossing is used as a pier for small river boats.


In 2015, the construction of a bridge across the Pur River was planned. And the development of the technical plan was almost completed. The bridge was planned to be built between the village of Urengoy and the Korotchaevo station. The structure had to withstand the movement of cars. Therefore, according to the plan, eleven pillars were to be installed.

The bridge over the Pur is to be one kilometer long and the road approaches 2,700 meters long. Modern lighting, alarm and video surveillance will be installed along the entire structure. The bridge is designed to carry large volumes of cargo.

Therefore, the passage through the road crossing through the Pur will be paid. An exception is made only for the local population. The construction of the bridge requires six billion rubles. In 2016, the bridge project was awaiting its final approval. And the construction period of the structure is set from 2017 to 2019.

The bridge across the Pur River is very important for the development of the region. The new crossing is included in the plan for the development of the Arctic. At the moment, only a pontoon ferry operates between the Korotchaevo station and the village of Urengoy. But much will change in the coming years when a new bridge is built across this river.

A working meeting on the construction of social infrastructure facilities for the Zapolyarye-Purpe main oil pipeline was held in Korotchaevo, Novy Urengoy municipality (YaNAO). Construction of facilities is carried out within the framework of additional agreement No. 4 signed in Surgut in April 2015 between the presidential plenipotentiary in the Urals Federal District, the governors of the Tyumen region, the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs, PJSC Transneft and JSC Corporation Development".

The meeting was attended by the Deputy General Director of JSC "Transneft-Siberia" Sergei Smetanyuk, General Director of JSC "Corporation of Development" Sergey Chernyaev, head of the Urengoy department of main oil pipelines of JSC "Transneft-Siberia" Dmitry Dementiev, General Director of CJSC "Spinoks" Andrey Goremykin and General Director of OOO "Uralstroyinvest" Igor Leonov.

The meeting participants discussed the progress of construction work. Until the end of this year, residents of Korotchaevo will receive two new facilities. One of them is a sports and recreation complex with a ski base, sports halls, a tennis court, a chess club and other administrative and amenity premises. Now heat has been brought into the building of the future sports complex. Finishing work is underway in the premises, engineering communications are being equipped. Contractor LLC "Uralstroyinvest" ordered all the equipment necessary for household needs and sports. The readiness of the object is 67%.

The second most important facility for the development of the village is sewage treatment facilities with a capacity of 2.5 thousand m³ per day. Effluent treatment will be carried out sequentially in three shops - biological treatment, mechanical treatment and mechanical sludge dehydration. To date, CJSC Spinox is completing the arrangement of technological sites of all workshops, installation of engineering networks and installation of equipment is underway. Works on laying a pressure sewer collector with a length of 3 km, connecting the city sewage and pressure station and treatment facilities, have been completed. The readiness of the facility today is 72%.

Soon, in the village of Urengoy, Purovsky District, YNAO, construction work will begin on the construction of another infrastructure facility - an automobile bridge across the Pur River. St. Petersburg Institute "Lenpromtransproekt" by order of JSC "Corporation of Development" fully prepared project documentation, received all the necessary permits for construction. The government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug invited all interested enterprises, primarily those of the fuel and energy complex, to take part in the implementation of the project on the terms of a concession agreement. The Decree of the Government of the YNAO No. 526 dated May 17, 2018 defines the conditions and deadlines for accepting applications. In accordance with the road map, the agreement will be signed in August this year, and construction work will begin this fall. To date, the authorized body - the Department of Economics of the YNAO - has already received the first application for participation in the concession from the Mostostroy-11 joint-stock company.

The bridge will connect the polar territories, where the intensive development of large oil and gas fields is currently underway, with the road and rail transport hub of the village. Korotchaevo, will provide reliable communication with the mainland for residents of the Purovsky, Tazovsky and Krasnoselkupsky districts.