Light digital matrix of divine harmony its appearance. Characteristics of the Divine Matrix

Come to the edge - But we might fall.
Come to the edge - But it's too high up there!
And they came and we pushed them
And they flew.

In 1944, Max Planck made a statement about the existence of a certain "matrix" that gives rise to new stars, DNA and life itself.

Scientific research has confirmed the existence of the Max Planck Matrix - the Divine Matrix. In order to use its power and knowledge, you need to be aware of its structure and speak in a language that it understands.

In the book Gregg Braden "The Divine Matrix" spoke about the realization of the wonders of our fantasies. Using as an example modern scientific discoveries and mystical revelations of the past, the author showed our limitations with our beliefs that need to be updated.

Communication with the divine matrix begins from childhood

Communicating with the Divine Matrix is ​​like developing software for a computer. Any command must be formulated in a language that will be understood by the programmable system. Consciousness needs a language without the alphabet, words and numbers. A person has everything that is necessary for communication with the Divine matrix, since a person is a part of it. There are no textbooks or master classes needed. Communication with her begins in childhood; from childhood, a child knows how to love, fear, hate and forgive. These feelings are commands to the Divine Matrix, and you can develop these communication skills in order to make your life peaceful, healthy and joyful.

Many perceive the scientific discoveries of quantum physics as interesting facts that can become material for a scientific report or a topic for a conversation over a cup of tea. These discoveries seem very far from real life to people. The author of the book did not seek to talk about new physics. This book is intended as a guide for daily use. Attention is focused on the results of scientific experiments. To gain knowledge about the Force that gives health, joy, peace, love and the ability to live one's time worthily, one needs to know about the results of nature research. And for those who are interested in scientific details, there are links to sources in the text of the book.

The book "The Divine Matrix" united the scientific world and everyday

The book "The Divine Matrix" connects the mysterious laws of the quantum world and our everyday experience. The book explains how the scientific discoveries of quantum mechanical laws can help a person become a better person and make the world perfect.

The author wrote the book, pursuing one goal: to give hope and the opportunity for people to feel their Power in a vast world where a person considers himself small and helpless. To make the achievements of science understandable and interesting for everyone, he presented the material in an accessible colloquial language.

Like human DNA, the Divine Matrix has four fundamental properties that are the basis of the universe. To understand the power of the Divine Matrix, it is necessary to feel the properties that bind it to our lives.

  1. The Divine Matrix is ​​the field of energy that connects all things.
  2. This energy field is the mirror and container of our views.
  3. This energy exists everywhere and has the structure of a hologram. Its parts are interconnected and each reflects the whole.
  4. A person communicates with this energy field in the language of feelings.

Gregg Braden in his book says that if you consciously use the basic properties of the Divine Matrix, you can gain power over its Power, which determines a person’s whole life - from his physical health to relationships with others and professional career.

The first part of the book "The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden

The first part of the book is “Opening the Divine Matrix. The Mystery that Connects All Things” tells about the FAITH of a person in the existence of an energy field that connects the entire universe. It describes the scientific experiment that began the search for this field many years ago and discusses the discoveries of the 20th century in the field of quantum physics. These discoveries allowed scientists to reconsider their ideas about the independent existence of things in the world.

All discoveries have shown that:

  • Human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is capable of influencing world matter.
  • Human feelings affect DNA, which affects the world matter.
  • The impact of feelings and DNA does not obey the laws of the space-time continuum, the effect does not depend on distance.

The first part of the book leaves no doubt about the existence of the Divine Matrix. This information leads to the question: “What to do with this information? How to use the power of the Divine Matrix?

Answers to questions in the second part of the book

This question is answered by the second part of the book, which is called “The Bridge between Imagination and Reality. How does the Divine Matrix work? The second part will focus on life in the universe.

The author reveals the elusive action of the omnipresent energy field, despite the fact that the action of this field remains poorly understood. The second part contains a minimum of technical details. It is written as a guide to those events that happened to everyone, but often went unnoticed, but important lessons could be learned from them.

In fact, it is difficult to believe that all phenomena and things are interconnected.

The author points out that our holographic consciousness is important for our entire life, but its spread in time and space is the result of a person's personal choice, which becomes a collective reality. This discovery is fascinating and frightening at the same time. The author urges to remember that good thoughts and intentions are always appropriate.

A person is not limited by the boundaries of his body and physical laws, staying at home, he can support his loved ones at a distance, by an effort of will.

Divine Matrix Part Three (Practical Application)

The third part of the book is devoted to the practical application of the acquired knowledge, to influence the events of our life using the energy of the field. This part explains the importance of coincidences and relationships with loved ones, and provides examples of willpower healing.

Video Gregg Braden "Codes of Consciousness": The third part of the book contains examples of real life stories that demonstrate how a person manifests himself and his views on things in a variety of and insignificant situations. The book "The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden is the result of twenty years of research by the author and his travels in search of the secrets of ancient teachings. The book is written for those who intend to become a bridge between the realities of the past and the hopes of the future. It is from such people that the world, trembling with fear and hatred, expects love and compassion.

Gregg Braden

Divine Matrix: Time, Space and Power of Consciousness

From: Sofia, 2008, 256 pages.

Since:c, 2008 Proofreading

In 1944, the father of quantum theory, Max Planck, shocked the scientific world by declaring that there was a kind of "matrix" in which new stars, DNA, and even life itself originated. Recent studies clearly confirm that the Max Planck matrix - the Divine matrix - does exist. To tap into her power, we must understand how she works and learn to speak the language she understands.

In his groundbreaking book, Gregg Braden shows you how to make the wonders of our fantasies come true. In simple language, using the example of modern scientific discoveries and mystical revelations of the past, the author shows that we are limited only by our beliefs, which it is high time to update!


Come to the edge -

But we can fall.

Come to the edge -

But it's too high!


And they came, And we pushed them, And they flew.

This description of initiation from a work by contemporary poet Christopher Logue speaks of a great power that lies dormant within us and is ready to burst forth as soon as we allow ourselves to go beyond what is. used to consider true. Something happened to the initiates that they did not expect at all. They were led to the edge of the supposedly possible and forced step over his. There, in uncharted territory, they found themselves in a qualitatively new, empowered state, and gained freedom they had not previously been able to.

The pages of my book are in many ways like the path to such an edge. They describe the energy field - divine matrix, a receptacle, and at the same time a bridge and a mirror for everything that happens in our inner world and in the world outside our body. The fact that this field is present in everything from the smallest quanta of an atom to the most distant galaxies, the light of which is barely visible, and fills all the space between them, fundamentally changes the existing ideas about our role in the creation of the world.

To some, this text will seem to be the expression of a completely new way of thinking and understanding the world order, different from anything they knew before. Others will find in it a convenient synthesis of the knowledge and conjectures they already had about the true state of things. Be that as it may, the realization of the very fact of the existence of the original energy network that connects your bodies with the whole world and all the matter of the Universe will open the gates to power and limitless possibilities for you.

Saying - opportunities, I mean that we Can to be something more than just passive observers of short-term phenomena in a world that was created long before we were born. Looking at our life, at our spiritual experience and financial situation, at our love, career and relationships with others, at our fears and fear of losing something or not getting something, we simply look into the mirror of our own deepest and mostly unconscious beliefs. From here it becomes obvious that consciousness plays a key role in our life. But it plays no lesser role in the existence of the universe itself.

We are artists and we are works of art

Strange as the meaning of this subtitle may be, it brings together all the major contradictions that the greatest thinkers of mankind have encountered in the recent past. Albert Einstein, in his autobiography, suggested that we are just passive observers living in a long-prepared universe, on which, apparently, we have almost no influence: “Here lies an immense world that exists independently of human will. He rises before us as a great and eternal mystery, almost inaccessible to our understanding and study. I must say that most scientists adhere to such views on the Universe to this day.

A radically different interpretation of our role in the universe was proposed by the Princeton physicist and Einstein's colleague John Wheeler. Drawing on experiments in the late 20th century that proved that even if a person simply looks at a thing, it changes with his gaze, Wheeler says: “Everyone knows the old idea that somewhere out there, outside, is the Universe, and here is a man, safely protected from her by six inches of plate glass. Now, thanks to the quantum picture of the world, we know that even a simple observation of such a microscopic object as an electron requires us to break this mirror, we must penetrate there, inside ... The former passive observer should be deleted from books. He should be replaced by a full-fledged participant in the world process”3.

There is quantum storage - field of pure energy from which all things originate and all our successes and failures, gains and losses, healings and illnesses, all great fears and aspirations. The possibilities of this reality incubator are unlimited. The potentialities contained in it are activated with the help of such emotional "reagents" as imagination, hope, appreciation, passion and prayer . We translate our joys and sorrows into reality through our own views of who we are, what we have and what we do not have, and what we should - or should not be.

To manage this field of pure energy, one must, firstly, realize that it exists, secondly, understand how it works, and thirdly, master the language of communication with it. We can become the architects of reality, and then all things will be subject to us in the space where the world originates - in the Divine matrix!

Key 1: The Divine Matrix is ​​the receptacle of the entire Universe, a bridge that connects everything that exists, and a mirror that reflects everything we have created.

…the act of observation is, in fact, the act of creation.

we are artists creating ourselves in the space of our own works.

Working on the quality of our own life with the help of the Divine Matrix, we are in many ways like an artist who brings his picture to perfection. The palette of our feelings, beliefs and values ​​gives us the ability to create different situations and meet different people in different places. Curiously, these people and situations often feel painfully familiar to us.

Someone at the thought that we are part of a volatile universe created by ourselves will experience delight. Some will find it intimidating. The ability to use the Divine Matrix at will fundamentally changes our understanding of the role of man in the Universe. In essence, this means that our existence can turn from a series of coincidences and accidents into something much more interesting and conscious.

We can say that we instinctively express our desire for health, prosperity and peace through certain body movements, actions and relationships with others. The quantum foundation that connects us to all that exists allows us to create ourselves and our own lives consciously.

The awakening of our possibilities in the same way requires a total and very deep restructuring of the worldview. By changing our understanding of the universe, we will suddenly gain power over the power of our aspirations and most cherished desires.

No matter how unrealizable my promises may seem to you, they are easily implemented in the space of the Divine matrix. And for this you need not so much to understand how this ancient energy substance works, but to learn how to formulate your desires in a language that it understands.

According to Xin Xin Ming, the harmony of Tao leaves us whenever we violate its serenity with our judgments. In case this still happens and we find ourselves in a state of anger or internal split, the text of the book has a simple recommendation: “In order to regain harmony with reality, for any doubt that arises, say to yourself firmly: “not two.” In this "not two" there are no differences or exceptions.

Should it be considered unromantic worldview that allows you to translate your dreams into practice? This worldview will help us achieve whatever we wish: to acquire new pleasant acquaintances, to find love. In any case, it will be enough for us to create waves in the Divine Matrix that correspond to our desires, in other words, to form the necessary “folds” in the substance that makes up both space and time, and ourselves, and the whole world around us.

This is how we should build our relationship with the Divine Matrix. We are able to dream, imagine and feel in such a way that our feelings will be reflected and materialized in the field of the Divine matrix. The principle of operation of this cosmic mirror is formulated by modern scientists and thinkers of ancient traditions.

Conscious interaction with the Divine matrix will bring us great benefits in everyday life. Feeling our connection with others and with everything that exists, we realize what power has been granted to us, and we will find peace of mind. Moreover, through the Divine matrix, we will be able to project our peace outward and thereby change the world around us.

We already have everything to communicate with the Divine matrix, since we are part of it. We do not need any textbooks or master classes. We already communicate with her. From childhood we know how to love, hate, fear and forgive. By realizing that these feelings serve as commands to the Divine Matrix, we can develop our communication skills with it in order to make our life healthy, peaceful and joyful.

To master the power of the Divine Matrix, one must deeply feel these inherent fundamental properties that connect it with our lives.

Property 1: The Divine Matrix is ​​a field of energy that connects everything that exists.

Property 2: This field of energy serves as a container and a mirror for all our views.

Property 3: This field of energy is omnipresent and has the structure of a hologram. All its parts are connected to each other and each of them reflects the whole.

Property 4: We conduct a dialogue with this field of energy in the language of feelings.

Consciously using the fundamental properties of the Divine matrix, we will gain power over its Power, which determines everything in our life - from physical health to career and relationships with others. It is possible that in the future, the very survival of mankind will depend on such skills, due to the quantum worldview.

It is not easy to accept the idea that all things and phenomena are connected to each other at any given time. After all, if we keep in touch with the entire Universe, then our destiny is to experience any joyful events and tragedies that have ever happened on the planet, and even those that have not yet happened! Do we need it? First you need to understand that in fact there is no “here” and “there”, “then” and “now”. If you perceive life as a hologram, then there is always here, and then it happens now. Ancient spiritual traditions claim that we make choices every minute that affirm or suppress our being. We either absorb the pure life-affirming energy of empathy, or swallow the poison of our own selfishness and neglect of others.

Given the power of our holographic consciousness, each such choice, no matter how insignificant it may seem, has consequences not only for our lives, but spreads through time and space - the result of each person's personal choice becomes a collective reality! This discovery is breathtaking, but also frightening. Be that as it may, we must understand that:

1. Our good thoughts and good intentions are certainly appropriate.

2. We are not limited by the boundaries of our body and physical laws.

3. Even while staying at home, we support our loved ones, wherever they are - on the ground or in the air.

4. We are able to heal with the will.

5. It is possible to see through space and time with closed eyes.

Over the past century, scientists have become convinced that the matter that makes up our bodies and the entire Universe does not always obey the laws of physics that were considered unshakable for three hundred years. When observing the behavior of the smallest particles of matter, it becomes clear that we are not so isolated from each other and not so limited by the space of our bodies, as it seems at first glance. At the level of elementary particles, everything that exists looks non-local, interconnected and infinite

- Come to the edge.

But we can fall...

- Come to the edge!

But it's too high up there!


And they came and we pushed them

and they flew...

Christopher Logue

In 1944, the father of quantum theory, Max Planck, shocked the scientific world by declaring that there was a kind of "matrix" in which new stars, DNA, and even life itself originate. Recent studies clearly confirm that the Max Planck matrix - the Divine matrix - does exist. To tap into her power, we must understand how she works and learn to speak the language she understands.

Three experiments that change everything

History will remember the 20th century as an era of scientific revolutions and unprecedented technological development. This century saw the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the discovery of the double helix of DNA, and the creation of computers. More and more new discoveries replace each other with such speed that we do not have time to comprehend or test them. They open up more and more opportunities for us, but we still have not answered the question: “Why do we need so much information?”

If the 20th century was the time of discoveries, it remains to be hoped that the 21st century will be the time of their awareness. Many scholars of the traditional school directed their efforts precisely to this. Much is written and said about the existence of a unified energy field, they are trying to imagine and depict it, but only recently, after many experiments conducted from 1993 to 2000, it became finally clear that it really permeates the Universe and is its basis.

To illustrate how such experiments change our understanding of reality, I will describe three of them. All of them are very interesting in many respects, but I will focus only on those results that are important for my book.

Experiment #1

Quantum biology specialist Vladimir Poponin published the results of an experiment he conducted at the Russian Academy of Sciences together with colleagues, among whom was Petr Garyaev. The article was published in the USA. It describes the direct impact of human DNA on physical objects, carried out, according to the authors, through some new energy substance 8 . It seems to me that this energy substance is not so “new”. It has existed since time immemorial, but it was not recorded by previously available instruments.

Poponin repeated his experiment in one of the American laboratories. Here is what he writes about the so-called “phantom DNA effect” he found: “In our opinion, this discovery has great potential for explaining and deeper understanding of the mechanisms that underlie subtle energy phenomena, in particular, observed in alternative medical practices” nine .

In the experiment of Poponin and Garyaev, the effect of DNA on light particles (photons) - quantum building blocks that make up everything in our world - was studied. All the air was pumped out of the glass tube, creating an artificial vacuum in it. It is traditionally believed that vacuum means empty space, but at the same time, it is known that photons still remain there. Using special sensors, the scientists located the photons in the tube. As expected, they chaotically occupied all of its space.

Then samples of human DNA were placed in the tube. And then the photons behaved in a completely unexpected way. It seemed that DNA, thanks to some invisible force, organizes them into ordered structures. There was no explanation for this phenomenon in the arsenal of classical physics. Nevertheless, the study showed that human DNA has a direct impact on the quantum basis of the material world.

Another surprise awaited the scientists when they extracted DNA from the tube. It was logical to assume that the photons would return to their original chaotic arrangement. According to the studies of Michelson-Morley (their experiment was described above), nothing else could happen. But instead, scientists found a completely different picture: the photons exactly kept the order given by the DNA molecule 10 .

Poponin and his colleagues faced the difficult task of explaining what they observed. What continues to affect the photons when the DNA is removed from the tube? Maybe the DNA molecule left something behind, some kind of force that retains its effect even after the displacement of its physical source? Or maybe the researchers encountered some kind of mystical phenomenon? Is there any connection left between DNA and photons after their separation, which we cannot fix?

In the final part of the article, Poponin writes: “My colleagues and I are forced to accept a working hypothesis that in the course of the experiment some new field structure was initiated.” Since the observed effect was associated with the presence of living material, this phenomenon was called the "phantom DNA effect". The field structure found by Poponin is very reminiscent of Planck's "matrix", as well as descriptions found in ancient texts.

What conclusion can we draw from Polonin's experiment? The main characters of this experiment are a man and his DNA, which at the quantum level is capable of influencing the world around us and the entire Universe.

Experiment Summary1. This experiment is important to us for a number of reasons. First of all, it shows a direct connection between DNA and the energy from which the world is created. Here are the most significant of the conclusions that can be drawn on the basis of the phenomenon observed in this experiment:

  1. There is an energy field that has not yet been fixed.
  2. Through this energy field, DNA affects matter.

So, under conditions of the strictest laboratory control, it was attested that DNA changes the behavior of particles of light - the basis of everything that exists. We were convinced of what has long been said in the spiritual literature - in our own ability to influence the world around us. In the context of the next two experiments, this conclusion will become even more important.

Experiment #2

In 1993 the magazine Advances published a report on research conducted in the US Army. The purpose of these studies was to find out the influence of a person's feelings on his DNA samples placed at a distance. A tissue sample with DNA was taken from the subject from the mouth. The sample was placed in another room of the same building in a special chamber equipped with electrical sensors that recorded what changes occur in the observed material in response to the feelings of the test subject, located at a distance of several hundred meters.

Then the subject was shown a special selection of videos that evoke the strongest feelings in a person, from violent war documentaries to comedy and erotic stories.

At the moments of emotional "peaks" of the subject, his DNA samples, which, we repeat, were at a distance of hundreds of meters, reacted with strong electromagnetic excitations. In other words, they behaved as if they were still part of the host organism. But why?

The developer of this DNA experiment as part of a larger research project was Clive Baxter. His military research began after pioneering work on the effects of human feelings on plants. Dr. Baxter told me that after the US Army shut down the research project, he and his team continued the same research at much greater distances.

They started at a distance of 350 miles, and used an atomic clock in Colorado to measure the time between a subject's emotional stimulus and the response of his DNA sample. Now, there was no time gap between the hundreds of miles apart, the emotional stimulus, and the electrical excitation of the DNA. Everything happened simultaneously Regardless of the distance, the DNA samples reacted as if they were part of the subject's body. As Baxter's colleague Dr. Geoffrey Thompson eloquently remarked on this subject, "There is no place where our body actually ends or begins."

So-called common sense tells us that such an effect is impossible. Where can he come from? After all, the experiment of Michelson and Morley in 1887 showed that there is no field that connects all things together. From the point of view of common sense, if any tissue, organ or bone is physically separated from the body, there will be no connection between them. But it turns out that this is not really the case.

Experiment Summary2. Baxter's experiment makes you think about serious and even a little scary things. Since we cannot completely separate even the smallest part of the human body, does this mean that after transplanting an organ from one person to another, they become connected to each other?

Every day, most of us come into contact with dozens and even hundreds of people. And every time we shake a person's hand, their skin cells and DNA remain in our palm. We, in turn, pass our DNA on to him. Does this mean that we keep in touch with all those people with whom we happen to have physical contact? And if so, how deep is this connection? We must answer the first question in the affirmative: yes, the connection is preserved. As for its depth, here, apparently, the whole point is how much it is realized by us.

That is why this experiment is so important to us. In addition, it makes you think about the following: if the DNA sample of the test subject responds to his feelings, then there must be something that serves as a conductor of such signals, right?

Maybe yes, maybe not. It is possible that the results of Baxter's experiment lead to a completely different conclusion - one so simple that it is easy to overlook. It is likely that the emotional signals of the subject were not supposed to move anywhere. Why not assume that the subject's feelings arose not only in his mind, but everywhere around him, including in a remote sample of his DNA?

Be that as it may, Baxter's experiment proves the following:

  1. Living tissues are connected by a previously unknown energy field.
  2. Through this energy field, the cells of the body and the extracted DNA samples maintain a connection with each other.
  3. Human feelings have a direct effect on isolated DNA samples.
  4. This effect is the same at any distance.

Experiment #3

The experiment was carried out between 1992 and 1995 at the Institute of Heart Mathematics. Scientists placed a sample of human DNA in a test tube and subjected it to the so-called coherent feelings. Leading experts on this experiment, Glen Rein and Rolin McCarthy, explain that coherent emotional state can be called at will "with the help of a special self-control technique that allows you to calm the mind, move it to the region of the heart and focus on positive experiences." The experiment involved five subjects specially trained in this technique.

The results of the experiment are indisputable. Human feelings really change the shape of the DNA molecule in a test tube! The participants in the experiment affected her with a combination of "directed intent, unconditional love and a special mental image of the DNA molecule" - in other words, without touching her physically. According to one of the scientists, "Different feelings affect the DNA molecule in different ways, causing it to either twist or unwind." It is obvious that these conclusions do not fit in at all with the ideas of traditional science.

We are accustomed to the idea that DNA in our body is unchanged, and we consider it a completely stable structure (unless it is affected by drugs, chemicals or electromagnetic radiation). Say, "what we received at birth, we live with it." This experiment showed that such ideas are far from the truth.

Inner technology to change the world

What new things can we learn about our interaction with the outside world from the three described experiments? Each of them featured human DNA. From the point of view of conventional common sense, it is difficult to imagine that the living matter of the human body can affect anything in the world around us and that our feelings can affect DNA at a great distance. But, judging by the results of the experiments described above, this is exactly what is happening.

Each of the experiments individually points to a fact beyond our usual ideas. We don’t know how to use such facts: “Yes, this might be useful ... but it’s not clear how.” However, if we consider them together, as fragments of one puzzle, a paradigm shift occurs, and before us, as in Escher's drawings, a certain general and integral outline appears. So let's take a closer look at them.

Polonin's experiment demonstrated that DNA affects photons. The results of Baxter's experiment indicate that an organism retains its connection with its DNA, regardless of the distance separating them. Research by the Institute of Mathematics of the Heart revealed the direct influence of human feelings on DNA, which, as we already know, is able to influence the elementary particles of matter that make up the whole world. That is, in fact, we are dealing with the basics domestic technology, through which we have the opportunity to influence the world around us!

The described experiments allow us to draw two conclusions that are of fundamental importance for my book:

  1. Beyond our ordinary perception, there is a kind of energy field that connects all things in the world. The existence of this binding field of the Universe has been confirmed experimentally.
  2. We can connect to the connecting field of the universe through the DNA of our body, and the feelings we experience play a decisive role in this process.

Having realized the principles of the work of the binding field of the Universe, we will be able to use all its possibilities. I invite you to think about how important this is for our lives. Where will unsolvable problems, incurable diseases and hopeless situations come from if we have the ability to change the program that creates them?

Characteristics of the Divine Matrix

Experiments show that the binding energy field Divine Matrix not like any of the currently known forms of energy. That is why scientists have been unable to fix it for so long. This field has been called "subtle energy" because it operates differently from conventional electromagnetic fields. Divine Matrix rather like a tightly woven network, it is the very fabric of the universe.

Here are the three main features Divine Matrix:

  1. It is the repository of the entire Universe.
  2. It is a bridge between the hidden and visible worlds.
  3. It is a mirror that reflects all our thoughts, feelings and life principles.

Divine Matrix differs from other types of energy in three ways.

First of all, it is originally everywhere and always. Unlike radio waves, which are emitted from one place to another, it is present everywhere.

Secondly, it was born together with the Universe, no matter how we call it - the Big Bang or something else. Of course, none of the mortals were there and did not hold a candle, but physicists are convinced that the gigantic release of energy that occurred at the time of the Big Bang was an act of creation of the world. In a cosmogonic hymn Rigveda it is said that before the beginning of the world there was nothing - "no emptiness, no air, no sky." When “nothing” gave rise to cosmic “something” from itself, a certain substance arose in the void. One can imagine Divine Matrix as the code for the time when time began to move, as well as the binding force between time and space that connects us to all things in the world and allows everything to exist.

And the third, the most important parameter for us Divine Matrix- she has a mind and responds to human feelings! There is a lot of talk about this in the ancient texts. The sages of the past tried to convey to us, the descendants, such important information. We can see the detailed instructions left by them on energy interaction with the world both on the walls of temples and in parchment scrolls. In addition, by their own example, they demonstrate to us how you can heal your body and realize the most cherished dreams and desires. Science came to the discovery of the known laws of human interaction with the world only now, after 5000 years.

The force discovered in the course of modern scientific experiments is so unusual that scientists have not yet been able to agree on a name for it. Former astronaut Edgar Mitchell calls her Natural mind. One of the authors string theory, physicist Michio Kaku quantum hologram. Similar definitions are found in texts written thousands of years before quantum physics. For example, in the Gnostic gospels of the 4th c. the word is also used to describe this force intelligence:“...from the power of Silence arose a great power - the Universal Mind, which governs all things…” 19 .

Whatever the names of this force, they all point to the same thing - to the living substance that makes up the fabric of reality. Max Planck also spoke about its reasonableness in the middle of the 20th century.

During his 1944 lecture, he made a suggestion that was not understood by the scientists of the time. In the 21st century, the prophetic words of the great physicist shake the foundations of science no less than in his contemporary era: such! Matter is organized and exists due to the force that causes vibration in all elements of the atom and preserves the integrity of this microscopic solar system ... We must feel behind it the presence of some kind of conscious Mind, which is the matrix of all that exists.

The three experiments discussed in this chapter show that there is no doubt that the Planck matrix exists. Whatever we call the field that connects all things, no matter what laws of physics it obeys (or does not obey) - it is undoubtedly real. This field exists here and now, at this moment, for example, in the form of me and you, and is a quantum bridge between our ideas and the reality of the world. It is thanks to him that good feelings and prayers created inside man, can affect the world around him!

Divine Matrix embodied everywhere, in every thing. Everything, from birds singing above our heads, to cosmic particles flying through our bodies and houses, as if through a void, exists in one receptacle of reality - in Divine Matrix. It fills the void between your eyes and the page of a book. The cosmos itself is made up of it. thinking about divine matrix and its location, you can be absolutely sure: the whole space is filled with its subtle energy.

What does it mean?

Divine Matrix- the greatest secret that everyone somehow guesses, but no one really knows anything. We are united by it in the most intimate way. But what does this unity really mean? What is the point of being entangled with each other and with the world around us in a quantum space where imagination lives and reality is born? If we are not casual observers, passively contemplating what is happening in the world and in our lives, then what potential is hidden in us?

We are creators, and creators connected with each other. Via Divine Matrix we are constantly making meaningful changes in our lives. And now the question is no longer whether we are passive observers or are capable of something more, but how we can create reality. consciously!

20 keys to creating reality

Here are the key points summarizing the entire book The Divine Matrix. Time, space and the power of consciousness. Each of them is interesting in itself. But put together, they become program code that gives direct access to divine matrix,- and therefore, allows you to create reality. Like any code, these key points are ordered in a certain way. When we start making a cake, all the ingredients should be at hand. It is the same here - in order to use the program code presented here, you need to master its entire sequence.

By the way, regarding the development, - I remember the order of presentation of the material in the mysterious third book of Kabbalah - Sefer Yetzirah. This book provides a step-by-step description of the creation of the universe and invites the reader to reflect on each step in sequence. So he deeply comprehends their strength. "Study them and use them,- says the ancient teaching. - Extract their essence. I suggest that you do the same and consider each key element of the code individually and sequentially. Work with each of them until you feel its effect. Then put them together and you can change the world and yourself.

The 20 Code Keys for Conscious Creation:

Key 1:Divine Matrix- it is the receptacle of the entire universe, the bridge that connects everything that exists, and the mirror that reflects everything we have created.

Key 2:Everything in the world is interconnected.

Key 3:In order to master the power of the Universe, we must feel ourselves a part of the universal Whole, and not a small isolated whole.

Key 4:All objects that were ever part of a whole remain connected forever, regardless of whether or not there is a physical connection between them.

Key 5:Consciousness creates! Focusing consciousness is an act of creation.

Key 6:We have enough power to make any changes in the world. This power lies in our minds!

Key 7:What our senses focus on becomes a reality in the visible world.

Key 8:It is not enough to simply say that we are choosing a new reality!

Key 9:Feelings- it is the language in which one can speak to the Divine Matrix. Feel that your goal has been achieved and you will feel that your prayers have been answered!

Key 10:Not every feeling has true power. Only feeling, free from ego and value judgments, can create.

Key 11:We must become the experience we want to have.

Key 12:We are not limited by the laws of physics known today.

Key 13:Each fragment of a holographic object contains the entire object.

Key 14:The hologram of consciousness connected to everything that exists ensures that our prayers and good wishes reach their goal at the very moment when we create them.

Key 15:The smallest change in our life due to the hologram of consciousness is reflected in the whole world around us.

Key 16:To start the process of change in society, it is enoughI% of the population.

Key 17:The divine matrix serves as a mirror of our feelings. Reflected in this mirror, they are embodied in the world around us.

Key 18:The causes of all our negative experiences, despite the variety of their manifestations, come down to three main patterns (or their combinations): fear of loneliness, fear generated by low self-esteem, and fear of accepting and trusting.

Key 19:The relationships we build with other people are reflections of our beliefs.

Key 20:We must become the embodiment of what we want to find in the world around us.

The greatest power of the universe is hidden in man. The ancient mystics speak of this to our hearts, and modern scientific experiments speak to our minds. The great secret of the universe lies in the fact that man himself creates his own reality - such as it appears to him. It may sound too simple, but I'm sure that's how the world works.

Thinking about why a person is afraid to die, the great Sufi poet Rumi realized that a person is frightened in death by the opportunity that opens before him to choose immortality.

And perhaps all of us, like the initiates from the poem by Christopher Logue, who could not take off until they were pushed, need only a small push - a certain shift in perception so that we can see in ourselves the creators of the world and our own destiny, cosmic artists expressing their feelings on the canvas of the universe. We need to realize that we are the germ of a miracle. Through this shift in our consciousness, we will receive healing in Divine Matrix.

Excerpts from the book: Gregg Braden “The Divine Matrix. Time, space and power of consciousness”, Sofia, 2008

Come to the edge -
But we can fall.
Come to the edge -
But it's too high!
Come to the edge!
And they came, And we pushed them, And they flew.

This description of initiation from a work by contemporary poet Christopher Logue speaks to a great power that lies dormant within us and is ready to burst out as soon as we allow ourselves to go beyond the boundaries of what we used to consider true. Something happened to the initiates that they did not expect at all. They were led to the edge of the allegedly possible and forced to cross it. There, in uncharted territory, they found themselves in a qualitatively new, empowered state, and gained freedom they had not previously been able to.

It unfolds from a latent state into a visible one in a stream of transformations that make the invisible manifest, which determines the dynamics of the universe. This is what John Wheeler had in mind when he spoke of the integrity and interdependence of everything in the Universe and that it sensitively reacts to the activity of consciousness.

It is curious to note that the sages of antiquity imagined the structure of our world in a similar way. The idea that the world is just a mirror of events taking place in a higher or deeper reality is found in many traditions - from the Indian Vedas (dating back to 5000 BC) to the Dead Sea Scrolls created 2000 BC .e. The translator of the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice summarizes the content of this fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls as follows: "Everything that happens on earth is but a pale reflection of the great, primordial reality."

Both quantum theory and ancient texts lead us to a simple conclusion: there is some invisible realm in which we create models for our relationships with people, careers, successes and failures - everything that happens to us in the visible world. In this sense Divine Matrix acts as a huge cosmic mirror, allowing us to see the materialized energies of our feelings (love and hate, empathy and anger) and beliefs.
The divine matrix that materializes our inner sensory experience and beliefs can also be compared to a movie screen that impartially reproduces everything that has been captured on film. And indeed, in the way we build relationships with others, our conscious, and often unconscious ideas about a variety of things, from compassion to betrayal, are revealed.
That is why we can be likened to artists who express their most sincere fears, dreams and aspirations on a living and mysterious quantum canvas. However, unlike the canvas of an ordinary artist, our "canvas" is always and everywhere and serves as a building material for all things.
Let's continue the analogy with the artist and the canvas. The painter needs all sorts of tools and materials to express his ideas externally. As for the Divine Matrix and us, there is no separation of the artist from his work. We ourselves are the canvas and the image, we are both the painter and his tools.

Speaking about the fact that we create ourselves, one recalls one Disney cartoon, popular in the 50s and 60s, during the days of black and white television. First, the artist's hand appeared on the screen, drawing a sketch of Mickey Mouse in a notebook. As the sketch became more detailed, it gradually came to life. Then Mickey himself began to draw other characters, and on the same sheet. The need for an artist disappeared, and his hand disappeared from the frame.
Mickey and his friends began to live their own lives. And then the painted house in which they lived began to live its own life. While its inhabitants slept, the kitchen came to life. The sugar bowl danced merrily with the salt shaker, and the cup flirted with the butter dish. Such a comparison may seem like an oversimplification of the Divine Matrix model, but it helps to achieve the elusive sense of the notion that we are artists creating ourselves in the space of our own works.

Working on the quality of our own life with the help of the Divine Matrix, we are in many ways like an artist who brings his picture to perfection. The palette of our feelings, beliefs and values ​​gives us the ability to create different situations and meet different people in different places. Curiously, these people and situations often feel painfully familiar to us.
When we meet, we share with each other the creations of our inner life. This creative process goes on moment by moment, day by day. We, as painters, cover the canvas of being with more and more colors, endlessly improving our work. What a beautiful, unusual and powerful concept!
Someone with the fact that we are part of a volatile universe created by ourselves will experience delight. Some will find it intimidating. The ability to use the Divine Matrix at will fundamentally changes our understanding of the role of man in the Universe. In essence, this means that our existence can turn from a series of coincidences and accidents into something much more interesting and conscious.
We can say that we instinctively express our desire for health, prosperity and peace through certain body movements, actions and relationships with others. The quantum foundation that connects us to all that exists allows us to create ourselves and our own lives consciously.
The initiates in Christopher Logue's poem could not take off until they were pushed off the cliff. The awakening of our possibilities in the same way requires a total and very deep restructuring of the worldview. By changing our understanding of the universe, we will suddenly gain power over the power of our aspirations and most cherished desires.
No matter how unrealizable my promises may seem to you, they are easily implemented in the space of the Divine matrix. And for this you need not so much to understand how this ancient energy substance works, but to learn how to formulate your desires in a language that it understands.

The most ancient mystical traditions mention the existence of a special language in which one can conduct a dialogue with the Divine Matrix. This language does not require habitual words spoken aloud or imprinted with writing. It is very simple, moreover, we all own it almost perfectly and use it every day. I mean the language of human feelings.

Modern scientists have found that any emotion causes chemical changes in the body, especially the pH factor and hormonal levels. In every second of life, we have the opportunity to affirm our existence in the world with beneficial feelings of love, compassion and forgiveness, or, on the contrary, undermine it with negative experiences - envy, hatred and condemnation. It should be noted that the feelings that generate such forces in us spread their influence in quantum space and beyond our bodies.
Perhaps it would be easier to imagine the Divine Matrix as an immense multi-layered veil that envelops everything that exists and extends to infinity with its edges. Everything that exists in the universe, and all the essential moments of our life - from birth in the waters of the mother's womb to marriage, as well as friendships, careers, ordinary everyday experiences - are nothing but folds on this giant veil.

From the point of view of quantum theory, any physical objects - from atoms to plants, from human bodies to planets and galaxies - can be interpreted as "disturbances" in the fabric of the space-time blanket. In a similar way, the universe is described in ancient poetic and spiritual traditions. For example, the Vedas speak of "pure consciousness" that pervades the whole world. These traditions view our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, as well as all the judgments that flow from them, as irritants that shake the surface of the infinite Consciousness, which is originally in serene peace.
In Seng Can's poem "Letters of Trust in the Mind" (Xin Xin Ming), we are talking about a certain substance that serves as a cradle and a model for everything that exists. This substance, called Tao, defies any description, just like the "pure consciousness" mentioned in the Vedas. Tao is "an immense space where there is no excess or lack" and the highest perfection, accumulating every particular experience.

According to Xin Xin Ming, the harmony of Tao leaves us whenever we violate its serenity with our judgments. In case this still happens and we find ourselves in a state of anger or internal split, the text of the book has a simple recommendation: “In order to regain harmony with reality, for any doubt that arises, say to yourself firmly: “not two.” In this "not two" there are no differences or exceptions.

At first glance, it may seem that the idea of ​​human passions as "unrest" in the Divine matrix deprives our life of some romance. In reality, this is not so. Should it be considered unromantic worldview that allows you to translate your dreams into practice? This worldview will help us achieve whatever we want: make new pleasant acquaintances, find love, or peacefully resolve the conflict in the Middle East. In any case, it will be enough for us to create waves in the Divine Matrix that correspond to our desires, in other words, to form the necessary “folds” in the substance that makes up both space and time, and ourselves, and the whole world around us.

This is how we should build our relationship with the Divine Matrix. We are able to dream, imagine and feel in such a way that our feelings will be reflected and materialized in the field of the Divine matrix. The principle of operation of this cosmic mirror is formulated by modern scientists and thinkers of ancient traditions.

Of course, it cannot be said that we know everything about the divine matrix today. In truth, scientists cannot say with certainty how it arose. I think we will not get an exhaustive knowledge of it, even if we study it for more than one hundred years. However, we know for sure that the Divine Matrix exists! It is all around us, and we can connect with it through the language of our feelings.
Conscious interaction with the Divine matrix will bring us great benefits in everyday life. Feeling our connection with others and with everything that exists, we realize what power has been given to us, and we will gain. Moreover, through the Divine matrix, we will be able to project our peace outward and thereby change the world around us.

Gregg Braden "The Divine Matrix"