Lesson Introductory lesson. Introduction to the textbook


Riddles with answers
"rain, rain"

Look, look - Stretched threads from the sky! What kind of thin thread wants to sew the Earth with the sky? If you don't answer, we'll wait, you'll guess under...

He will weep over the gardens - The garden will be filled with fruits. Even a dusty plantain is glad to wash in the summer ...

Tears drip from the clouds - The unlucky master is crying. Gloomy autumn artist Squishes through the puddles...

It wets the field, forest and meadow, City, house and everything around! He is the leader of clouds and clouds, You know, this is ...

Like a hateful guest, He will not give a hand with a smile, He knocks on the window dejectedly And bores! Only complaints and sighs, Only tears pours our guest. Who drops these "oohs" Outside the autumn window ...

And thin, And long, And sit down - You can't see it in the grass.

Everyone calls me, they wait, I won’t come for a long time - oh, and they swear! And as soon as I came - And immediately went to the ground.

There was a lanky one, he got stuck in the damp earth.

They often ask me, they wait, And as soon as I show myself, they will begin to hide.

He is everywhere: in the field and in the garden, But he will not get into the house. And I'm not going anywhere as long as he goes.

This is who the gardener Watered the strawberries and gooseberries, Watered the beds and bushes, Washed the herbs and leaves. And as twilight came, We were told on the radio That tomorrow he would come And water our garden.

Not a pedestrian, but walking. Wet people at the gate. The janitor catches him in a tub. A very difficult puzzle?

One pours and waters, Another drinks and sips, And the third, know for yourself, Grows and grows.

-Guess riddles, write riddles, find spellings.

A white veil lay on the ground,

Summer has come,

It's all gone. (Snow.)

I am often asked, waited,

And just show

Then they start hiding.(Rain.)

In the new wall

In the round window

Broken glass during the day

Inserted overnight.(Hole.)

On the sixth palace

There is a singer in the palace. (Starling.)

blossom in spring,

I bear fruit in summer

* Do not fade in autumn?

I don't die in winter. (Pine.)

-Break the sentence into parts of speech.

A spring springs from the ground near an old big birch.

VIII. Lesson summary

-How to check a paired consonant in the root of a word? Choose your examples for these rules.

Homework Ex. 380.

Lesson 163

Target:check the ability to accurately write down the text without grammatical errors andviolation of the rules of calligraphic writing.

During the classes

  1. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson
(Students read the text.)

Funny ducklings were walking around the yard. They walked in single file clean and fluffy. The kids were looking for food. Ducklings nibbled at the grass.

Pranksters found a big pipe. They got there one by one. The mischievous people came out of thethe lips are dirty. The duck-mother began to wash the children in the river.

What is the text about?

Title it.

grammar task

1. Underline the words that are called ducklings in different ways.

  1. Find in the text two words with an unstressed checked vowel at the root of the word, write it down. Think of two more words for this rule, write them down.

  2. Find two words with a soft sign - an indicator of softness, write it out. Pick upthose three more words on this rule, write them down.

  3. Write out the first sentence. Select the main members in it. Identify the parts of speech in this sentence.
5. Separate words for hyphenation.
Fluffy, river, ducklings, food, goose.

6. Do a sound-letter analysis of the word ducklings.
III. Lesson summary

Homework Ex. 383.

Lesson 164

Target:compare the spelling rules of unstressed vowels, paired deaf and voicesome consonants in the root of the word.
During the classes

Today we are going by ship on a trip to the islands of the oceanreal Knowledge. During our journey, we will meet with the laws of spelling and try to prove the knowledge of these laws. So, good luck!

II. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Preparation for swimming. Lexico-orthographic work.

  • Going on a trip, sailors stock up on provisions, including vegetables.cabbage soup. What vegetables we will take with us, try to guess.

  • The Italians called this vegetable the golden apple.(Tomato.)

  • The name of this vegetable comes from the Latin word kaput, what does "head" mean?(Cabbage.)

  • Garden plant with large seeds - peas.(Peas.)

  • This vegetable got its name aguros because, unlike other vegetables, it is eaten unripe.(Cucumber.)

  • There is a riddle about this vegetable: “The red maiden is sitting in a dungeon, people are in the hands ofAli, scythes were torn off.(Carrot.)

  • (In the course of guessing riddles, children write down the names of each vegetable, denotingstress, underline the letters, the spelling of which must be remembered.)

  • Name the words in which you need to remember two unstressed vowels.

  • Find and name the words in which you need to remember the unstressed vowel O.

  • What vowel should be remembered in the word cabbage?

  • Why is it necessary to remember the spelling of the underlined letters in these words?(There are words in Russian in which an unstressed vowel cannot be checked by stress, pso they need to be remembered.)
So we let's hit the road. It would be nice if we were accompanied by sunny and windless days. And such days used to be called a word weather. When it rained, a snowstorm blew, they said that it was bad weather, bad weather outside. Now in a word weather called stateni-atmosphere.

(A note opens on the board:weather is bad weather.Children are invited to explore: is it possible to check the unstressed vowel in each of the words. An attempt to check the spelling of an unstressed vowel in the root does not lead to positive results. That's why you dothe conclusion is that the unstressed vowel O in words weather and bad weather must be remembered.)

2. On the island of unstressed vowels.

We are sailing on the ocean of Spelling Knowledge, approaching the island of Unstressed Vowels. But here's the problem! Some inhabitants of this island were captured by evil jellyfish. Only Queen Emphasis will help us free them. Why do you think?

(On the board, children see the island, its queen, under the island - combinations of words in which unstressed vowels are closed by jellyfish.)

-It is possible to free these words from evil jellyfish only ifset of test words.

Stony bottom -m..rskoy k..nek-p.l.haty crab -m.l.. the sea rushes - vd .. a lek from the island - fish curl - adj. ruff -s.leny splashes - rocky shorenaya fish - cancer has spilled - ....

Comment. The work is carried out individually. Three students work at the blackboard - the captains of the ship, each with his own column of words. The class works with combinations of words written in a line. The task is the same for everyone: remove the jellyfish and insert the desired unstressed vowel.

After that, the completed task is checked: the captains name each word in the phrase, prove why it is this and not another vowel that needs to be written. The class evaluates the correctness of the answers. The task proposed to the class is checked using signal cards.

3. On the island of paired consonants.

  • Swimming continues. On our way, the island of Paired Consonants in deafness / voicedness. It's still morning here, some sounds haven't woken up yet. Say the sounds in pairs, and the sleepers will immediately wake up.

  • This island is ruled by Mr. Vowel and his assistants, good wizards - voiced consonants [P], [L], [M], [N]. Who guessed why?

  • Now you have to prove that you can mark paired consonant sounds in dangerous places with letters. And the task for you is the following: I will read sentences, and you will find in them words with paired consonants that require verification, and write them in a notebook.
Easily, like a shadow, the fish slide at the very bottom. A herring is prowling the sea, looking for friends. A crab crawled out from under the stone. A ruff fell from his house, his neighbor snail crawled away.

(After checking the assignment, the teacher invites the children to restore (orally) the recorded sentences according to the key words and title the text.)

-How to check on a letter the letters denoting a paired consonant by deafness / voicedness at the end of words and in the middle before other consonants?

4. On the island of pirates.

Our ship is approaching another island. Look who's meeting us. Those are pirates! Their island is called No-literacyland. All those who write with errors live here. Pirates offer you to write down the text from dictation. Those who write with errors, the pirates will find tomorrow and return to their island.

-We will prove that we all know the spelling rules well, and write down the sentenceniya.

Sea inhabitants are known cunning. They are always clever at hiding from their enemies.

III. Lesson summary

-We are heading home through a narrow strait. Huge rocks like oceancompany, they ask you a question: what two rules teach you to write letters correctly at the root of a word?

(Children recall these rules again and give examples of these rules.)

Homework Continue the text about marine inhabitants.
Lesson 165


During the classes

  1. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson

  2. Checking homework
The teacher asks to read their stories about sea animals. Children note the mostfavorite of them. The teacher pays attention to the construction of sentences, to adjectives that students 4 used to describe marine animals.

III. Calligraphy

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

-Write off. Write a check word before each word.

Kitten, peephole, horse, animal, forest, canteen, salt shaker, hospital, watchmaker.

-Write down groups of single-root words. Place an accent mark over the words.

Side, head, side, head, watchman, young, furrow, gatehouse, youth, young, furrow, cold, talk, spikelets, dear, conversation, conversation, cold, comoose, expensive.

  • Underline the letter denoting the unstressed vowel in the root.

  • Write the nouns in the singular.
Rails, wires, ears of corn, brothers, pedestrians, detachments, fishermen, geologists, sails.

(Letter with commentary.)

Lunch was mushroom soup. A dove coos under the roof. The thrush sings.

  1. Physical education minute

  2. Vocabulary and spelling work
1. Work with dictionary words.

-Insert the missing letters

K..rova, m..loko, s.tank, p..tukh, za..c, v..rona, v..timid, m.dved, l.hitz.

2. Work with phraseological turnover.

In the old days, they were very respectful of the beard and mustache, because they emphasized withhuman independence and maturity. In ancient Russia, the right to wear a mustache and beard was even protected by law. A torn mustache was severely punished. turnover themselves with a mustache arose as part of a joking response of a person emphasizing his independence. Now this turnover means that a person himself knows how to act, does not need anyone's instructions, considers himself no worse and not stupid.than others.

Pguka som said:

"What are you doing in your house?

I swim everywhere - and here

I even saw the ship!

Soma replied: "We themselves with a mustache

The boat was seen under sail!”

-Write down the proverbs, fill in the missing letters. Orally select the test words.

  • Dunno l. .zhit, and Znayka is far away b. .lives

  • A tree is judged by its size, and a person is judged by its size.
-Choose two proverbs on the same topic. (We suggest using the school dictionary "Proverbs, sayings and catchphrases".)

Guess riddles, write riddles. Find the spelling in the words, choose abouttrue words.

The caftan on me is green, And my heart is like a kumach, It tastes like sugar, is sweet, It looks like a ball.(Watermelon.)

Lives - lies.

Die - run. (Snow.)

Under the ground he lives, Chervyakov, chews bugs.(Mole.)

VIII. Lesson summary

  • How to check an unstressed vowel in the root?
Homework Ex. 384.

Lesson 166

Target:reinforce the learned material.

During the classes

  1. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson

  2. Phomework checker

  • Who is the text talking about? What letters did you enter? Explain the spelling of the words.

  • What spellings are highlighted in the words? Explain their spelling.
-What can you tell about the shrew and the mouse? (We suggest using the school dictionary “AnimalsRussia").

III. Calligraphy

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

-Divide the words into three groups

Morning, arrived, draws, sunny, cheerful, sadness, fluffy, gift, awaywaist.

  • What groups did you divide the words into? On what basis were they grouped? Read the words of each group..

  • What is a noun? adjective? verb?

  • Write two words for each group.

  • Read.
Beetles are buzzing on the flowers,
The clover smells sweet.
The kids by the river

Started charging.

  • Name words with unstressed vowels. Choose test words for them.

  • Name the words with paired consonants. Choose test words for them.

  • Prepare to write from memory.
-Write. (Mutual check.)

  1. Physical education minute

  2. Vocabulary and spelling work
1. Work with phraseological turnover.

(We suggest using a school phraseological dictionary.)

As if on cue- means as if by magic, as if by itself. The fabulous pike released by Emelya was ready to fulfill his every desire. It was only necessary tocarry the words: "By the pike command, by my will ...".

2. Work with vocabulary words.

-Insert the missing letters.

M.. pshna, fast .., paddle, r.. boat, p.. cash, r.. byata, v.. r.. on, k.. empty.

VII. Consolidation of the studied material

-Write down suggestions. Continue the story.

Summer is coming

The school year is ending. We studied well. We are waiting for the summer! rest.

I will go...

VIII. Lesson summary

  • How to check a paired consonant in the root of a word?

  • How to check an unstressed vowel in the root?

Lesson 167

Target:check the spelling skills of vowels after hissing, unstressed vowels, voiced and voiceless consonants, dividing b, softening b, capital letters in names withpersonal, separate writing of prepositions with words.

During the classes

I. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Today we will conduct a test work on the material that we studied for a long time.throughout the year and repeated at every lesson. Let's review the basic spellings we've learned this year.

II. Paboton the topic of the lesson

1. Distribute the words with the same root into groups.

Snow, flower garden, sonorous, snowman, garden, ringing, seedlings, gardener, colored, call, garden, blooms, snowball, flower, snowflake, color, call, plant, snow maiden, bell.

2. Write the text by inserting the missing letters. In brackets
write test words.

Came (...) to..sleep. Ice has melted on (...) the river. (...) V..yes (...) zat.lila (...) b..rega.

In (...) s. again (...) b..ru (...) s.. blah is still covered (...) with s.. om. But soon (...) they will become lazy (...) d..revya. In the meadows (...) zap.khtreyut (...) tsv.ly.

3. Pick up nicknames for animals and names for concepts and write it down.

Dog cow cat river street city village....

4. Divide the words into two groups: in the first write out the words
with a dividing soft sign, in the second - with softening
soft sign.

Perch, autumn, dress, coat, family, blizzard, teacher, pours, porch, happiness, strong, fingers.

5. Write down the text. Insert the missing letters. Orally administered
take test words.

Winter began with le..kimi mors.tsami. She dressed up the trees and bushes in white furs..ki. For each sugro .. I put on a sha .. ku. Under a dream., I hid a row for the night.. chika. And the bear .. already from the waspno hall., in the house.

6. Write down the proverbs, insert the missing letters.
You can't hide Sh. la in a bag.

  • Ch..zhaya soul - darkness.

  • Die yourself, and comrade .. rescued .. th.

From the point of view of most children, rain is very boring. The sky is gloomy, the street is slushy, you can’t take a walk, you can’t ride a bike, you can’t swim in the river.

And yet it is worth teaching the child to find something good in bad weather. Rain waters flowers and trees with water, purifies the air. When it rains, it is good to draw, read fairy tales or listen to music. And then there is a rainbow in the sky.

And on a rainy day, you can guess riddles, for example, those proposed on this page. Rhymed riddles about rain will certainly appeal to children with their ease of syllable, interesting comparisons and will brighten up moments of leisure.

Large, fractionally frequented,
He watered the whole earth.

me often
Asking, waiting
And just show
So they start hiding.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But he won't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.

Not a pedestrian, but walking.
Wet people at the gate.
The janitor catches him in a tub.
A very difficult puzzle?

Without a path and without a road
Walks the longest
Hiding in the clouds, in the mist,
Only feet on the ground.

He walks and we run
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry to hide in the house,
Will knock on our window.
And on the roof here yes knock!
No, we won't let you in, dear friend!

Walked lanky,
Got stuck in the cheese.

They are waiting for me, they will not wait,
And when they see it, they run away.

Who hits the roof all night
Yes, it knocks
And mutters and sings

Dripping from the gray ships.
And the flowers are washed.
And thin, and long, but sit down - not to be seen in the grass.
He came from the sky, he went to the earth.
They waited, called, but it seemed - everyone ran away.