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Pancakes with caviar are a generous treat not only for Maslenitsa, but also for serving any festive table. Pancakes stuffed with caviar will definitely raise the status of your treat. If you have the opportunity, then pamper yourself and loved ones with such an appetizer without waiting for a special holiday or occasion. After all, delicious food is the key to a good mood, and healthy food is the key to good health. Cook simply, eat with pleasure and be healthy, happy and beautiful!

To make thin pancakes with milk you will need:

200 ml of milk;

200 gr flour;

1.5 st. spoons of sugar;

vegetable oil.

The filling for pancakes will consist of:

red caviar;


Cooking with milk will not describe in detail. If you need a detailed one, then just follow the link, and we will just briefly say how to get the right pancake dough.

Mix flour with sugar.

Crack an egg.

Dilute with milk.

Add a spoonful of vegetable oil.

We get a liquid homogeneous dough.

Pour into hot skillet. A portion of the batter is not drawn too small, because. pancakes should not be too thin.

Fry on both sides.

How to serve pancakes with caviar

Lubricate the finished pancakes with butter. When hot, it melts and simply soaks the pancake, making it softer and juicier.

If you like the taste of thick butter, you need to wait for the pancakes to cool completely and apply butter on them like a sandwich.

To beautifully wrap and serve pancakes on the table, you need to put a little caviar on top of the oil. At this stage, you don’t need to put a lot of caviar, since we will place the main amount of it on top of the pancake slice. In the meantime, tuck the sides and twist into a tube. How I do it, see the photo below.

The resulting pancake rolls are cut obliquely. We cover the puff cut abundantly with caviar.

If you serve such stuffed pancakes on a common dish, then we make the cut even and get “stumps” that are easily placed vertically and beautifully fill the spacing.

The most interesting thing is that pancakes with caviar are both a great dessert and a great cold appetizer! I would say that it will be "Chic pancakes from a chic hostess." Bon appetit.

Thin openwork pancakes stuffed with red caviar will decorate any festive table, and will be an excellent replacement for sandwiches that have had time to get bored. Especially if they are beautifully presented, skillfully curtailed and skillfully decorated with greenery.

Real Russian pancakes are good with any filling, be it pink salmon caviar, black caviar, capelin or cod caviar. The dish is often supplemented with red fish, grated hard cheese, egg, sour cream or butter.

For pancakes, the recipe uses choux pastry. It is thanks to this method of preparation that pancakes are tasty, thin, tender. But at the same time, they are strong enough, pliable, do not tear when stuffing.

Still, baking good pancakes is only half the battle. But the beautiful serving of the dish, performed with skill and soul, will show all your skills and abilities. About how to cook tasty, as well as skillfully decorate pancakes with red caviar, how to wrap them festively and beautifully, we will tell below in our recipe with step-by-step photos.

From the specified amount of ingredients, 20 - 25 pancakes are obtained. Cooking time - 45 minutes.


  • For test:

  • Milk - 2 tbsp.;

  • Egg - 2 pcs.;

  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;

  • Salt - 1 tsp;

  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;

  • Water (boiling water) - 1 tbsp.;

  • Vegetable oil - 6 tablespoons;

  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp.;

  • For filling:

  • Red caviar - 100 g.

How to cook pancakes with red caviar and wrap them beautifully

To prepare the dough, take a suitable container with a capacity of at least 1.5 liters, so that the ingredients are more convenient and easier to mix. Break eggs into it, add sugar and salt.

To make pancakes porous and tender, add half a teaspoon of soda (you can replace 1 teaspoon of baking powder).

Preheat the milk to room temperature, combine it with the eggs and mix thoroughly.

Introduce flour in small portions, kneading the dough well. Make sure no lumps form. If, nevertheless, the dough turned out to be not smooth and homogeneous enough, beat it for a minute with a mixer.

Then add vegetable oil, thanks to which the pancakes will not stick to the pan, even if you do not grease it. And finally, pour a glass of boiling water into the dough and mix quickly. Hot water has two functions here. First, it extinguishes the soda in the dough. And the second - pancakes are incredibly soft.

Let the dough stand for 10 minutes, and then fry the pancakes in a skillet over high heat for one to two minutes on each side.

How to wrap beautifully pancakes with caviar?
The easiest and most commonly used method is to roll pancakes into rolls or tubes.

The filling in the form of red caviar in this case is laid out in an even layer on the surface of the pancake.

Then the pancake is folded into a roll and cut obliquely into three parts (photo). Pancakes with red caviar are neatly laid out on a plate.

For a beautiful presentation on the festive table, try serving red caviar in bags of thin pancakes. And making them is quite easy.

To do this, fold the pancake in half.

Then alternately bend to the center, first the right edge, and then the left.

Turn the top edge of the bag outward.

Fill pancakes with caviar, decorate with herbs and serve, it turns out original and beautiful.

A simple, but very beautiful and elegant design of the dish: grease the surface of the pancake with a thin layer of melted butter (you can use sour cream or mayonnaise), wrap the opposite edges of the pancake to the center.

Then fold it in half.

Next, roll the pancake into a roll and fix it securely with a toothpick so that it does not fall apart.

On top of each roll prepared in this way, lay out a spoonful of caviar. Hard cheese and fresh herbs will be a good addition to the dish. It turns out a nice appetizer in the form of a canapé.

There are a huge number of ways to wrap pancakes, and it's up to you to decide which one to choose.

It is impossible not to love classic Russian pancakes, and even with red caviar. This delicious traditional dish is suitable not only for the New Year's table or Shrovetide, it can always be prepared for all family feasts - after all, everyone without exception, even children, love pancakes with caviar. I personally sincerely consider this dish a real delicacy.

To prepare Russian pancakes with red caviar, prepare the products according to the list.

In a deep bowl, mix eggs with sugar.

Add warm milk, continue beating.

Sift flour, add to eggs with milk.

Quench the soda with vinegar, add to the rest of the ingredients.

Mix everything until smooth, so that there are no lumps. Let the test stand for a few minutes.

Grease a heated frying pan with a piece of lard. This process will not only make it easier to cook and flip pancakes (even on a Teflon pan), but it will also make pancakes tastier.

Pour in half a ladle of dough (if the pan is small) and bake on both sides until cooked. Stack the finished pancakes on a plate.

Spread red caviar on pancakes as you like. You can put a little butter on a warm pancake along with caviar, it will be just insanely delicious.

Have a delicious and happy family holidays!

A step-by-step photo recipe for delicious pancakes with red caviar from the site magazine

Red caviar is a very tasty and healthy product. This delicacy is usually served as part of miniature sandwiches (canapés), gourmet salads or as a filling for pancakes. Let's cook such festive pancakes with red caviar.

To prepare pancakes with red caviar filling, we will need the following ingredients:

  • flour of the highest grade - an incomplete glass;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons in the dough and a little more for frying;
  • red caviar - 130 g.

Step by step recipe with photo

1. Cooking a quick dough for pancakes. We drive two eggs into a bowl and add no more than two tablespoons of sugar. Lightly beat the mixture with a whisk, and then add a pinch of salt.

2. Add milk and water to the eggs. If desired, water can be omitted, but it will be necessary to increase the amount of milk in the dough.

3. The next step is to add a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil to the dough, making the pancakes more elastic. We introduce flour into the dough and mix the mixture thoroughly with a mixer or blender. We make sure that there are no flour lumps left in the dough.

4. Prepare the pan. It should be washed thoroughly (preferably with soda), wiped dry with a napkin, and then ignited well on fire. Add a teaspoon of sunflower oil to the pan and spread it over the entire surface with a brush or half an onion. Then pour 50 ml of dough into the center of the pan and with quick movements of the pan let the dough spread all over its bottom. After 40-60 seconds, turn the pancake over to the other side, prying it with a knife or a thin spatula. Fry the pancake and transfer it to a plate. Thus, we cook pancakes until all the dough is used.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Surely every hostess knows how to bake pancakes. Countless recipes surf the Internet. From openwork to stuffed, from thick to dietary. But how many people know how to serve this folk dish in an unusual and beautiful way? Today we will teach you how to wrap caviar pancakes beautifully and in an original way.
You can use your proven pancake recipe. Or you can use ours.

- Red caviar,
- pancakes,
- pigtail cheese,
- cream cheese.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We disassemble the pigtail cheese into strings.

Method number 1

We will need any cheese filling, suluguni pigtail cheese, red caviar.
We take the finished pancake, put it on the work surface, grease it with cheese filling.

Now we need to roll the pancake into a tube. The tube should be tight.

Next, we wrap our tube in a shell. To prevent the shell from falling apart, tie it with suluguni cheese thread.
Now our shell needs to be decorated with a teaspoon of red caviar. Just put it on top of the shell.
Unusual, original, delicious.

Method number 2
Bag with a surprise

In this version, we will have caviar inside the pancake.
The ingredients are the same as in the first method.
We lay out the pancake, grease it with cheese filling. We put a teaspoon of caviar on the filling and spread it a little over the pancake.

Now you need to fold the edges of the pancake so that we have a bag.
We will tie it with a rope from sir suluguni.
The surprise bag is ready.

The first and second methods can be combined. You get a great composition.

Method number 3

Caviar rolls

In this method, we will use pancakes, caviar and cottage cheese.
Lubricate the finished pancake with cheese filling.

We wrap it in a tube.

We cut rolls from this tube. Decorate the finished rolls with red caviar and herbs.
Another submission is ready.

Be original, surprise your family and friends with your creativity.
Bon appetit.
Another great appetizer with caviar -