Victor Dragoon cunning way summary. Russian folk fairy tales

Russian folk tale "Cunning Science"

Genre: folk fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Cunning Science" and their characteristics

  1. Old father. Simple, unsophisticated, peasant.
  2. Son. A good fellow who learned various magic. Cunning and sneaky.
  3. Witch. Cunning, skillful, greedy, deceiver.
Plan for retelling the tale "Cunning Science"
  1. An old man takes his son to town
  2. No money for education
  3. Stranger's offer
  4. Three years of study with a sorcerer
  5. Small bird
  6. Conditions for the return of the son
  7. Trials of the sorcerer
  8. son is a dog
  9. The dog ran away
  10. Sale of a birdie
  11. Selling a horse
  12. Persecution with transformations
  13. The end of the sorcerer.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Cunning Science" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The old man decided to give his son for training, but only a sorcerer undertook to teach him.
  2. Three years later, the son flew to the old man in the form of a bird and told him how to recognize him.
  3. The old man recognized his son among the pigeons, stallions and fellows, and took him home.
  4. The son turned into a dog and the old man sold him to the master, and the son ran away.
  5. The son turned into a bird and a horse, and the old man sold him to the sorcerer.
  6. The sorcerer chased the son, they turned into different animals, and the son defeated the sorcerer.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tale "Cunning Science"
A good student must necessarily surpass his teacher.

What does the fairy tale "Cunning Science" teach
The tale teaches that without study, without teaching, a person cannot see his happiness. Learn to study well and be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Teaches that any craft is honorable and can bring income. It also teaches that you can not deceive the buyer, you need to sell something honestly.

Review of the fairy tale "Cunning Science"
I didn't really like the story. The old man was somehow no, completely without character. The son grew up as a deceiver, who only needed to deceive someone for the sake of profit. The sorcerer was not a good hero either. And if there is no hero in a fairy tale that you like, then the fairy tale itself does not seem interesting.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Cunning Science"
Learning is better than wealth.
What I learned, that's what came in handy.
The cunning will always find a loophole.
Rogue ran into a scammer
Don't lie, don't sell.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the tale "Cunning Science"
Somehow the old man and the old woman decided to send their son to science. The old man took his son to the city, drove, drove, no one undertakes to teach the boy without money. The old man was saddened, he returned with his son back to the village.
A year later, the old man goes to the city again, and again no one wants to take his son to study. The old man was completely depressed, but then he met a man. And this man offered the old man to undertake to teach his son, but with one condition. The study will last exactly three years, and if the old man recognizes his son in three years, then he will return home, but no, he will remain with that person forever.
The old man happily agreed and did not even ask what the strange man would teach his son.
And he turned out to be a wizard.
And now the time is approaching. The old man completely forgot what day to go for his son. But the day before the deadline, a small bird flies to his house and turns into his son. The son tells his father that tomorrow he should go to the sorcerer and find him. It will not be easy to do this, because the sorcerer had eleven more students in his training.
The son told how the identification will take place. First, the sorcerer will release twelve doves and the son will fly a little higher. Then he will bring out twelve stallions, and the son will stamp his right foot. At the end, the sorcerer will bring out twelve identical fellows, and the son will have a fly on his cheek.
The son told this, turned into a bird and flew away.
The next day the old man comes to the sorcerer. The sorcerer began to confuse the old man, to conduct tests. But the old man remembered strongly the instructions of his son. He found the desired dove in the sky, found a stallion stamping his foot and chose a young fellow with a fly on his cheek.
The sorcerer gave the old man his son. They went home happy. And towards the barin goes. The son told the old man that he would now turn into a dog, and the master would want to buy it. But he warned that the old man sold the dog, but not the collar, otherwise he would not be able to return back.
The son turned into a dog. The master saw the dog, but he especially liked the collar. So he began to trade the dog. The old man sold the dog for two hundred rubles, and he began to remove the collar. And the master rested, I say I bought a dog with a collar.
The old man gave the dog along with the collar, and the sad man himself went home.
And the master leads the dog home and sees the hare running. He let the dog go after the hare, and she ran into the forest, turned into a good fellow and caught up with the old man.
The old man's son reproached him for why he had sold the dog with the collar, if it were not for the hare, he would not have been able to return.
They returned home, began to live, not to grieve.
But then the son offers to turn into a bird so that the old man sells it at the market. But he warns that the old man should not sell the cage. The old man carried the bird to the market and the same sorcerer bought it. But the old man did not sell the cage. The sorcerer wrapped the bird in a scarf, carried it home, while he reported it, the bird flew away.
Soon the son turned into a stallion so that the old man would sell him at the market. But he warned the old man not to sell the bridle.
The sorcerer saw a horse, began to buy. The grandfather did not want to sell the horse with a bridle, but all the horse dealers pounced on him, demanding to sell him with a bridle, and the grandfather gave in.
The sorcerer brought the horse home, tied it in the stable. He boasts to his daughter that he has returned the fugitive. And the daughter decided to look at the horse and accidentally let go of the reins, and the horse went to count miles.
The sorcerer, as he learned about this, turned into a wolf and rushed after the horse. And the horse turned into a ruff and dived into the river. The sorcerer turned into a pike and followed. And the ruff turned into a golden ring and rolled up to the feet of the girl who washed the laundry. The girl picked up the ring, but the sorcerer had already become a man and demanded the return of his golden ring. The girl threw the ring on the ground and it crumbled into many grains. The sorcerer turned into a rooster and began to peck at the grain. And one grain became a hawk and the hawk cocked up.
The son returned to his father and they lived happily ever after.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Cunning Science"

In 1826 Fenimore Cooper wrote his novel The Last of the Mohicans. A summary of it is presented in this article. In his book, the author was one of the first to describe the originality of the customs and the spiritual world of the American Indians. The genre of historical novel is The Last of the Mohicans. Its summary, like the work itself, unfolds in the middle of the 18th century. So let's get down to the story of this book.

The author of the work "The Last of the Mohicans", a summary of which we describe, tells that in the wars that unfolded between the French and the British for possession of the lands of America (1755-1763), the warring parties more than once used for their own purposes the civil strife of local Indian tribes. It was a very cruel and difficult time. It is not surprising that the girls, traveling to their father, the commander of the besieged fort, accompanied by Duncan Hayward, a major, were worried. The Indian Magua, nicknamed the Sly Fox, especially disturbed Cora and Alice (that was the name of the sisters). This man volunteered to guide them along a safe forest path. Hayward reassured his companions, although he began to worry: maybe they got lost? By continuing to read the summary of the novel "The Last of the Mohicans", you will find out if this is so.

Meeting with Hawkeye, exposure and escape of Magua

In the evening, fortunately, the travelers met Hawkeye (a nickname firmly attached to St. John's wort). Besides, he was not alone, but with Uncas and Chingachgook. An Indian who got lost in the woods during the day?! Far more alarmed than Duncan was Hawkeye. He suggested that he grab the guide, but he managed to escape. No one else doubts that the Magua Indian is a traitor. With the help of Chingachgook, as well as Uncas, his son, Hawkeye ferries the arrivals to a small rocky island.

Chingachgook and Hawkeye go for help

Further, the summary of the book "The Last of the Mohicans" describes a modest dinner, during which Uncas provides Alice and Kora with all kinds of services. It is noticeable that he pays more attention to the latter than to her sister. The Indians, attracted by the wheezing of the horses, frightened by the wolves, find their refuge. A shootout followed, followed by hand-to-hand combat. The first onslaught of the Hurons is repulsed, but the besieged have no more ammunition left. It remains only to run, which, alas, is unbearable for girls. You need to swim at night along a cold and rapid mountain river. Cora suggests that Hawkeye go with Chingachgook to bring help. She has to convince Uncas longer than other hunters: the sisters and the major end up in the hands of Magua, the villain created by Fenimore Cooper ("The Last of the Mohicans").

The captives and kidnappers stop to rest on a hill. The sly Fox tells Kora why they were kidnapped. Colonel Munro, her father, as it turned out, once insulted him very much, ordering him to be whipped for drunkenness. In retaliation, he is going to take his daughter as his wife. Cora resolutely refuses. Magua decides to brutally deal with his prisoners. The major and the sisters are tied to trees, near which brushwood is laid out to light a fire. The Indian advises Kora to agree, if only for the sake of her young sister, still practically a child. However, having learned about what Magua demands from Cora in return for their lives, the brave heroine of The Last of the Mohicans prefers to die painfully. The chapter summary does not describe in detail all the misadventures of the girls. Let's move on to the story of their salvation.

Save the girls

The Indian throws the tomohawk. An ax plunges into the tree, pinning Cora's blond hair. The major breaks free of his bonds and pounces on the Indian. Duncan is almost defeated, but a shot is heard, the Indian falls. It was Hawkeye who arrived with his friends. The enemies are defeated after a short battle. Playing dead, Magua seizes the moment to run again.

Travelers arrive at the fort

Dangerous wanderings end happily - the travelers finally reach the fort. Despite the French besieging it, they manage to get inside under the cover of fog. Finally, the father sees his daughters. The defenders of the fort are forced to accept defeat, however, on conditions that are honorable for the British: the defeated retain their weapons and banners and can retreat unhindered to their own.

New Kidnapping of Cora and Alice

However, the misadventures of the main characters of the work "The Last of the Mohicans" do not end there. A summary of the further misfortunes that befell them is as follows. Burdened with wounded women and children, the garrison leaves the fort at dawn. In a close wooded gorge, located nearby, the Indians attack the wagon train. Once again, Magua kidnaps Cora and Alice.

Colonel Munro, Major Duncan, Uncas, Chingachgook and Hawkeye on the 3rd day after the tragedy inspect the site of the battle. Uncas concludes from barely noticeable traces that the girls are alive and that they are in captivity. Continuing to inspect this place, the Mohican even establishes that they were kidnapped by Magua! Friends, having consulted, go on a very dangerous journey. They decide to make their way to the homeland of the Sly Fox, to the lands inhabited mainly by the Hurons. Losing and finding traces again, experiencing many adventures, the pursuers finally find themselves near the village.

Saving Uncas, cunning reincarnation

Here they meet David, the psalmist, who, using his reputation as an imbecile, voluntarily followed the girls. From him, the colonel learns about what happened to his daughters: Magua left Alice with him, and sent Cora to the Delawares living on the lands of the Hurons in the neighborhood. Duncan, in love with Alice, wants to get into the village by all means. He decides to pretend to be a fool by changing his appearance with the help of Chingachgook and Hawkeye. In this form, Duncan goes on reconnaissance.

You are probably curious to know how the work "The Last of the Mohicans" continues? Reading the summary, of course, is not as interesting as the novel itself. Nevertheless, its plot, you see, is exciting.

Having reached the Huron camp, Duncan pretends to be a doctor from France. Just like David, he is allowed to go everywhere by the Hurons. To Duncan's dismay, the captive Uncas is brought to the village. At first he is mistaken for a simple prisoner, but Magua recognizes him as the Swift Deer. This name, hated by the Hurons, causes such anger that, if the Sly Fox had not stood up for him, Uncas would have been immediately torn to pieces. However, Magua convinces his fellow tribesmen to postpone the execution until morning. Uncas is taken to a hut.

As a doctor, Duncan is approached by the father of an Indian woman who is ill with a request for help. He comes to the cave in which the patient lies, accompanied by a tame bear and the girl's father. Duncan asks to be left alone with the patient. The Indians obey this demand and leave, leaving the bear in the cave. He is transformed - it turns out that Hawkeye is hiding under an animal skin! Duncan, with the help of a hunter, discovers Alice hidden in a cave, but Magua appears. The Sly Fox triumphs. However, not for long. What then tells the reader Cooper ("The Last of the Mohicans")? The summary describes in general terms the further fate of the heroes.

Escape from captivity

The "bear" pounces on the Indian and squeezes him in his arms, and the major ties the hands of the villain. Alice from the experienced stress cannot take a single step. The girl is wrapped in Indian clothes and Duncan carries her out, accompanied by a "bear". The self-styled "healer" orders the patient's father to stay in order to guard the exit from the cave, referring to the power of the Evil Spirit. This trick succeeds - the fugitives reach the forest safely. Hawkeye at the edge of the forest shows the path to Duncan, which leads to the Delawares. He then returns to free Uncas. With the help of David, he deceives the warriors guarding the Swift Deer, and then hides in the forest with the Mohican. Magua is furious. He is discovered in a cave and released, he calls on his fellow tribesmen to take revenge.

Necessary sacrifice

At the head of a military detachment, Sly Fox decides to go to the Delawares. Magua, having hidden a detachment in the forest, enters the village and turns to the leaders with a demand to hand over the captives to him. The leaders, deceived by Magua's eloquence, at first agree, but Cora intervenes, who says that only she is the captive of the Cunning Fox - the rest have freed themselves. Colonel Munro promises a rich ransom for Cora, but the Indian refuses. Suddenly, Uncas, who has become the supreme leader, must release the Cunning Fox along with his captive. Magua is warned in parting that after the time necessary for flight, the Delawares will go on the warpath.

dramatic ending

We turn to the description of the finale of the novel, the author of which is Cooper ("The Last of the Mohicans"). The summary does not convey, unfortunately, all of its drama. The hostilities soon bring a decisive victory for the tribe, thanks to Uncas' leadership. The Hurons are broken. After capturing Cora, Magua flees. The enemy is being chased by the Swift Deer. Realizing that it will not be possible to leave, the last of Magua's companions, who survived, raises a knife over the girl. Seeing that he might be late, Uncas throws himself off a cliff between an Indian and a girl, but falls and loses consciousness. Cora is killed. Swift Deer, however, manages to strike down her killer. Having seized the moment, Magua plunges a knife into the young man's back, after which he takes off running. A shot is heard - this is Hawkeye is dealt with the villain.

Thus the fathers were orphaned, the whole nation was orphaned. The Delawares had just lost their newfound leader, who was the last of the Mohicans. However, one leader can be replaced by another. The youngest daughter remained with the colonel. And Chingachgook lost everything. Only Hawkeye finds words of comfort. He turns to the Great Serpent and says that the sagamore is not alone. They may have different skin colors, but they are destined to follow the same path.

So ends his work F. Cooper ("The Last of the Mohicans"). We have described its summary only in general terms, since the work itself is quite large in volume, like all novels. The plot, as you can see, is very interesting. Readers are never bored by F. Cooper. "The Last of the Mohicans", a summary of which we have just described, is just one of the many works of this author. Familiarity with the work of Fenimore Cooper is a pleasure to many readers.

There are many different works that are interesting for both young children and adults. We will look at a whole series of short stories that fall into this category, namely "The Tales of Uncle Remus." We will not consider the summary of each, since there are twenty-five of them, but we will definitely analyze the most interesting ones.

The narrator

As the name suggests, Uncle Remus narrates these mini-stories. But who is it and to whom is it telling? This is an old African American, and his attentive listener is the grandson of his masters. The name of the boy who disappeared every evening, listening attentively to his elderly uncle, was Joel.

The Tales of Uncle Remus are a collection of short stories that are different from the usual fairy tales we are used to. As a rule, only one story is told, containing a little background, the story itself and an ending that is always both instructive and happy. This is how D. Harris builds his narrative unpretentiously. The Tales of Uncle Remus is an endless and captivating saga.

The publication

The stories of this cycle are very interesting and instructive. But who created this creation? D. Harris "Tales of Uncle Remus" created over the course of many years, in the interval from one thousand eight hundred and eighty to one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight. The original is a whole complex of collections, and they themselves are borrowed from Negro folklore.

They reached us in 1936. The tales of Uncle Remus became known to us thanks to Gershenzon, who translated and retold them. Since then, they have been reprinted many times.


Another feature that distinguishes "Tales of Uncle Remus" is that all the characters, without exception, are animals. They are endowed with human qualities, they can speak, think, many of their actions are similar to the actions of people. They are also cunning and enterprising.

Sly Rabbit and Fox are the main characters of the works that Harris wrote. "Tales of Uncle Remus" basically tells that Brer Fox wants to catch Brer Rabbit, but the second is so cunning and smart that the Fox can not achieve what he wants.

resin scarecrow

The stories that Joel listens to every evening arouse a very strong keen interest in him. He sincerely worries about the characters from the Tales of Uncle Remus cycle. They don’t even need a summary, because they are so short and interesting that they are read in one breath.

Some stories are bewildering, how is it that the fairy tale ended, and the main character was left in trouble? For example, as in "Resin Scarecrow". This kindled the boy's interest, so he came again and again, every evening, to listen to Uncle Remus.

What is this tale about? The cunning Fox molded a stuffed animal out of resin in order to catch Brer Rabbit, who so cleverly eluded him and planted him near the road, while he hid himself. The rabbit walked by and greeted him, the scarecrow did not answer, and the rabbit decided to teach him a lesson. So he stuck. This is where the fairy tale ended.


There are other characters that are found in the stories of the collection Uncle Remus' Tales. We will consider a brief summary of one of them right now.

Now we will talk about one bosom friend of the Rabbit - Brother Possum, who really wanted to eat. The rabbit, of course, told him where he could eat excellent dates. This place turned out to be the garden of Brother Bear. As already mentioned, the tales of Uncle Remus are not thoughtless fiction, each has its own deep meaning. So this story shows that you sometimes have to answer for other people's misdeeds. Having lured his friend into the garden, he raised a cry, which the Bear heard and left the thief with a bald tail.

sly turtle

Consider another work from the series "Tales of Uncle Remus". A summary of the story of how the Turtle was able to outsmart the very resourceful Brer Rabbit.

How was it? They got into a dispute, which of them is faster, invited the judges and put the money on the line. Let's now look at how the slowest creature on earth could come first in the race, overtaking the nimble and fast Rabbit? Brother Turtle did not prepare at all, he lay and rested all the time, and our hard worker, tirelessly with nimble paws, was preparing.

The thing is that the children of the Turtle were like a drop of water like him, they helped him outwit the smart Rabbit. Harris hid deep meaning in his stories. Uncle Remus' Tales teaches us that deceit is common in our lives. No matter how cunning and resourceful a person is, there will be one who will bypass him. You can not believe everything and everyone, you must always be on the alert.

These short stories are very fond of children, they cannot tire them, as they are all very funny and exciting. They are good to read to kids at night, but do not forget about how Uncle Remus told them. He did not tire Joel with continuous reading, but aroused interest in him.

The cunning way: Deniskin's stories of the Dragoon Victor. Read the story The cunning way of V Dragunsky, and other stories about Denis Korablev.

The tricky way (summary of the story)

Deniska is trying her best to come up with a way that would allow her mother to be less tired in housework. Once she complained that she barely had time to wash the dishes for her household and jokingly announced that if nothing changed, she would refuse to feed her son and husband. Deniska began to think, and a wonderful idea came to his mind to take food alternately, and not all together. As a result, it turned out that the dishes would go three times less, which would make it easier for mom. Dad, on the other hand, came up with another way: to make a commitment to wash the dishes every day with his son.

Tricky way (full story)

Here, - said my mother, - admire! What is the vacation for? Dishes, dishes, dishes three times a day! In the morning my cups, and in the afternoon a whole mountain of plates. What a disaster!

Yes, - said dad, - it really is terrible! What a pity that nothing has been invented in this sense. What are the engineers watching? Yes, yes... Poor women...

Dad took a deep breath and sat down on the couch.

Mom saw how comfortable he was, and said:

There is nothing to sit here and pretend to sigh! Nothing to blame on the engineers! I give you both time. Before lunch, you must come up with something and make this damned wash easier for me! Who does not come up with, that I refuse to feed. Let him sit hungry. Deniska! This applies to you too. Wrap yourself up!

I immediately sat on the windowsill and began to figure out how to deal with this matter. Firstly, I was afraid that my mother would not really feed me and I, what good, would die of hunger, and secondly, I was interested in coming up with something, since the engineers could not. And I sat and thought and looked askance at dad, how he was doing. But dad did not think to think. He shaved, then put on a clean shirt, then read about ten newspapers, and then calmly turned on the radio and began to listen to some news for the past week.

Then I started thinking even faster. At first I wanted to invent an electric machine so that I could wash the dishes myself and wipe it myself, and for this I slightly unscrewed our electric polisher and my father's Kharkiv electric razor. But I couldn't figure out where to hang the towel.

It turned out that when the machine was started, the razor would cut the towel into a thousand pieces. Then I unscrewed everything back and began to invent something else. And two hours later I remembered that I read in the newspaper about the conveyor, and from this I immediately came up with a rather interesting thing. And when it was time for dinner and my mother set the table and we all sat down, I said:

Well, dad? Did you come up with?

About what? - said dad.

About washing dishes, I said. - And then mom will stop feeding us with you.

She was joking, said dad. - How can she not feed her own son and her beloved husband?

And he laughed merrily.

But my mother said:

I wasn't joking, you'll know from me! What a shame! I've said it for the hundredth time - I'm choking on the dishes! It's just not comradely to sit on the windowsill and shave and listen to the radio while I shorten my eyelids, endlessly washing your cups and plates.

Okay, - said dad, - we'll think of something! Until then, let's have lunch! Oh, these dramas are due to trifles!

Ah, for nothing? - Mom said and immediately all flared up. - Nothing to say, beautiful! But I’ll take it and really won’t give you dinner, then you won’t sing like that with me!

And she pressed her fingers to her temples and got up from the table. And she stood at the table for a long, long time and kept looking at dad. And dad folded his arms on his chest and swayed in a chair and also looked at mom. And they were silent. And there was no dinner. And I was terribly hungry. I said:

Mum! It's just one dad didn't come up with anything. And I came up with! It's all right, don't worry. Let's have lunch.

Mom said:

What did you come up with?

I said:

I came up with, mom, one tricky way!

She said:

Come on, come on...

I asked:

How many utensils do you wash after every meal? Eh, mom?

She answered:

Then shout "hooray", - I said, - now you will only wash one! I came up with a clever way!

Go ahead, said dad.

Let's have lunch first, I said. - I'll tell you during dinner, otherwise I'm terribly hungry.

Well, - sighed my mother, - let's have dinner.

And we began to eat.

Well? - said dad.

It's very simple, I said. - Just listen, mom, how everything turns out smoothly! Look, dinner is ready. You immediately put one device. You put, then, the only device, pour soup into a bowl, sit down at the table, start eating and tell dad: "Dinner is ready!"

Dad, of course, goes to wash his hands, and while he washes them, you, mom, are already eating soup and pouring him a new one, on your own plate.

Here dad returns to the room and immediately says to me:

"Deniska, have lunch! Go wash your hands!"

I'm going. At this time, you eat cutlets from a small plate. Dad is eating soup. And I wash my hands. And when I wash them, I go to you, and your dad has already eaten soup, and you have eaten cutlets. And when I came in, dad pours soup into his free deep plate, and you put cutlets in your empty shallow bowl for dad. I eat soup, dad - cutlets, and you calmly drink compote from a glass.

By the time my dad had finished the second one, I had just finished the soup. Then he fills his small plate with cutlets, and at that time you have already drunk the compote and pour dad into the same glass. I move the empty bowl of soup away, start the second, dad drinks compote, and you, it turns out, have already had dinner, so you take a deep plate and go to the kitchen to wash!

In the meantime, you wash, I have already swallowed the cutlets, and dad - compote. Then he perky pours compote into a glass for me and brings a free small plate to you, and I blow the compote in one gulp and carry the glass to the kitchen myself! Everything is very simple! And instead of three appliances, you only have to wash one. Hooray?

Wow, my mom said. - Hooray, hooray, only unhygienic!

Nonsense, - I said, - because we are all our own. For example, I do not disdain to eat after dad. I love him. What is there ... And I love you too.

It's a very tricky way, - said dad. - And then, whatever you say, it's still much more fun to eat all together, and not in a three-stage stream.

Well, - I said, - but it's easier for mom! The dishes are three times less.

You see, - dad said thoughtfully, - I think I also came up with one way. True, he is not so cunning, but still ...

Put it out, I said.

Well, well, well ... - said my mother.

Dad got up, rolled up his sleeves and collected all the dishes from the table.

Follow me, - he said, - I'll show you my simple way. It consists in the fact that now you and I will wash all the dishes ourselves!

And he went.

And I ran after him. And we washed all the dishes. True, only two devices. Because I broke the third one. It happened to me by accident, I kept thinking what a simple way dad came up with.

And how did I not figure it out myself? .......................................................................................

Nikolai Pavlovich Pechersky

Kesha and the cunning god

Doll in golden shoes

On the shore of Lake Baikal lived a girl Tonya. On the head - a bunch of thick hair, pulled back with a ribbon, blue eyes, a snub nose - that's all Tonya for you.

Tony's father and mother were fishermen. And in general, here, on Baikal, all the fishermen - both those who lived near the water, and those who lived on a wooded hillock, and those who had already worked out their work and were now sleeping quietly under gray grave mounds nailed down by rain.

When they looked at Tonya, they first of all paid attention not to the snub nose and eyes, but to her thick and as gloomy as the taiga hair.

Tony's coarse hair comes from his father, while his soft and shy personality comes from his mother. Character caused Tonya less trouble than hair. An ordinary comb did not take them, and Tonya combed her hair with a long, toothy, like a pitchfork comb. But still, her hair stuck out wherever she wanted. At least tie it with a ribbon, even with a nylon fishing line as strong as a string.

Last year, Tonya went with her mother to Irkutsk and returned from there with a ponytail on her head. Tonya's father, Arkhip Ivanovich, told Tonya a hundred times to stop being weird and not dare to wear a tail anymore. But the temptation was great. Only her father is from the yard, she already has a lush thick broom sticking out on the back of her head.

Father was tired of admonishing Tonya, and he waved his hand at the tail. Do not shave her, after all, for it!

Tony had a friend Kesha Karasev on Baikal. Kesha didn't like Tony's new hairstyle either. But he was silent and endured, because the main thing in a person is not a hairstyle, not a nose and not eyes ... If it comes to that, one could also find fault with Kesha. Strong and some very dense boys grew up on Baikal. But Kesha was unlucky. He did not take it neither in height nor in his shoulder. He was thin, thin-legged. And on top of that, he's nearsighted. Without glasses, Kesha could not distinguish anything in three steps - even a stump, even a stone, even a malicious connecting rod bear.

But Tonya never pricked Kesha's eyes with these shortcomings and did not laugh, like some others, that from an early age he wore thick glasses with concave lenses. Tonya quite correctly believed that Kesha would also be a fisherman, and he was also no worse than everyone else.

And in fact, who said that Kesha is not a fisherman! Kesha has a striped vest, flared trousers, and on her head is a black cap with a gold and almost new “crab”. No, there is nothing to complain about ahead of time. First you need to find out everything to the dot, and then speak!

For an hour or two in a row, Tonya and Kesha have been sitting on the high rocky shore of Lake Baikal. Upstairs is warm and quiet. Freckled cuckoo boots peep slyly out of wide, like a lily-of-the-valley, leaves, light lush roasts burn brightly. Only occasionally will an icy breeze come up from Baikal, shake the leaves on the birch, and again there is a high empty silence around ...

Tonya bent her knees and rested her head on her folded arms. Kesha can only see Tonya's narrow eyebrows and reddened, tear-stained eyes. Without lowering her eyelashes, she looks into the distance at the dark waves running towards the shore.

But there is nothing there - no steamship smoke, no slanting fishing sail. A belated ice floe will sparkle at the break of the wave, a busty seagull will fly by, and that’s all ...

It's time for Kesha to go home. He had already risen several times, adjusted his cap for the sake of appearance, and said in a pleading voice:

Well, that's enough already. We'd better come later.

Tonya doesn't even raise her head.

I, Kesha, will not go. I'll be waiting…

Tonya is waiting for her father. About two weeks ago he sailed on a boat to Irkutsk, and now he is still gone and gone.

Tony's father worked as chairman of a fishing collective farm. And everyone here loved him very much - both because he was so desperate, and for his kind character, and also because he knew how to sing good partisan songs.

It used to sit down in the evening on a mound and sing ...

Even grandfather Kaznishchev, who was already almost a hundred years old, could not calmly listen to these songs. He will beat the heat out of the pipe, sigh and say: “Oh, you, sting him like he sings!”

Tonin's father sailed to Irkutsk for money. And, apparently, they earned a lot of money, because the fish was just a school - and cisco, and grayling, and whitefish, and fat, clumsy taimen ...

Fishermen rarely went to the city, and Tony's father was given a whole bunch of orders - some with a meat grinder, some with cartridges, and some with just a stone for a home-made lighter.

Tonya's father promised to buy a doll with real eyes, in golden shoes, like in a fairy tale.

Together with everyone, Kesha went out to the pier. He waved goodbye and shouted: “Goodbye, Arkhip Ivanovich, come back soon!”

The motor boat rolled away from the shore, climbed a wave and rushed along the rocks to the city of Irkutsk ...

And a few days later the buoy keeper found a broken boat near Cape Krestovoy and raised the alarm.

At first the fishermen thought that Tonin's father had drowned. Is it long on Baikal before trouble? It sparkles in the sun and beckons the eye with serene peace, then it suddenly rebels and begins to throw waves and dig dark seething pits. Sometimes the sea weather changes a hundred times a day. And, if you missed it yourself or rattled and sneezed out of time the motor, then hold on!

But time passed, and people realized that Baikal, which really was sometimes worse than a fierce beast, now has nothing to do with it. No one knew the case when Baikal buried someone else's good forever. He will overturn a fishing boat, fill up his stomach and throw everything ashore - a set seine, and a bowler hat, and a can of canned food, and even a copper button that has darkened from the water.

They thought, thought the fishermen and sent Kesha's father to Irkutsk for reconnaissance. But he learned little about the chairman there. Only faithful people told him that they saw Tony's father in a bank with a full bag of money, and then in a toy store where dolls with real eyes were sold, in golden shoes, like in a fairy tale.

Keshin's father returned only last night. He arrived gloomy, angry and did not even begin to have dinner. Kesha was about to sit closer to his father, asked what happened and why he was so angry, but his father only waved his hand:

Leave me alone, and it's sickening without you!

In the evenings, my father always read a book or newspapers, and then he turned off the light, threw his boots into the corner and lay down on the bed. The hut immediately became dark and empty. In the window, like blue glass, Baikal gleamed through the trees.

Kesha fluffed up the pillow, covered himself with a blanket. But the dream did not want to go to bed. He sat down for a moment on the edge of the bed, and then he remembered something and again began to walk around the hut with quiet, cautious steps.

And suddenly, from somewhere far away, apparently already through a dream, Kesh heard the voice of his mother:

Gregory, oh Gregory! Where is he after all, Arkhip Ivanovich?

How do I know! Don't interfere with sleep ... - the father answered displeasedly.