Higher education in Khabarovsk: distance format dvgups and toga. Far Eastern State University of Communications What is better toga or dvgups

The most active students of FEGUPS gather in Ryazanovka Choosing a specialty that you like is half the battle. After all, not only studying a single, as they say, a student lives. But choosing a university where they not only teach well, but also give you the opportunity to do what you love from school is no longer so easy. Do you like to sing, go in for sports, dance, are you fond of classical music, KVN, do you want to participate in scientific conferences, including those abroad, or maybe you want to learn foreign languages ​​or journalism? Then for sure - to the Far Eastern State University of Communications!

By the way, its students themselves joke that this is a transport university with a sports and creative bias. After all, only here there is the largest climbing wall in the region, a student philharmonic society, a separate building of the student club. And until recently, it was FSUTU that was the only university with its own swimming pool. It is the students of the "piece of iron" who participate in the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi, in international exhibitions, perform in Moscow and win all-Russian championships.

About what to do after classes, we talked with Boris Dynkin, Rector of the Far East State University of Education and Science.

If you want - to Moscow, if you want - to Sochi

Of course, it is very important how they will teach at the university, - says Boris Evgenievich. - And here, FEVGUPS does not need to advertise: one hundred percent employment and employers' reviews speak for themselves. But surely our future students have their own hobbies. And we have foreseen this, annually expanding the opportunities for our guys to do what they like. After classes, we have everything: from creative sites to the opportunity to receive a second higher education!

And parents can be calm, they won’t have to sit idle here even in a hostel. In each - a sports corner, the opportunity to prepare for couples, the Internet.

The university has its own student club - a creative workshop that unites hundreds of students. And these are 14 student amateur art groups and more than two dozen temporary creative associations for the preparation of a creative project.

Just imagine, here are some figures for the past academic year: the student club held 48 cultural and leisure events, and student creative teams became organizers and took part in 104 events, - Boris Evgenievich notes. - Especially loved by the guys "Dedication to students", the festival of freshmen " FERGUPS Gold Fund", the festival of student amateur art "Gaudeamus", " Student Spring at FESTU", "Tatyana's Day ". And our students perform at regional venues. For example, in the programs of the Ministry of Culture. And this year, the studio of modern choreography "Resonance" participated in the All-Russian festival "Student spring-2012" in Chelyabinsk. And they brought 1st and 2nd places from there in different categories!

There are different departments in the university. There are seven in total. For example, the most unusual one is called "Seminar" - young men and women conduct trainings, teach communication skills, and the basics of management. Students organized classes for peers even in Sochi!

Well, an outlet for every student, of course, is KVN! Each institute or faculty has its own team. And "Team of pieces of iron" has the status of semi-finalists of the official league of KVN AMiK - " Pacific League».

But what about sports?

The university has a well-equipped sports complex, including a universal sports hall and six halls for individual sports; two indoor athletics arenas; indoor swimming pool, two tennis courts; five sports grounds - two basketball, mini-football, beach volleyball and volleyball; stadium.
- At this base, educational and training work is carried out with the combined teams of the university in 31 sports, - Boris Evgenievich notes. - More than 800 students regularly train in the national teams, including champions and prize-winners of championships and championships: World, European, Russian Cups - 3 masters of sports of international class, 29 masters of sports of Russia, 93 candidates for master of sports of Russia, 105 first-class athletes. FEGUPS students are recognized sports leaders: 15 champions and prize-winners of world, European, Russian championships and 58 winners and prize-winners of the championships of the Far Eastern Federal District study at our university and work out on the basis of the university sports complex.

What to do - choose yourself

Over 80% of full-time students are members of a student union. The student trade union committee is working on the development of students' initiative and the formation of an organizational culture. Moreover, the trade union committee of the FEVGUPS, one might say, manages the university on an equal footing with the leadership. The rector is well aware that, first of all, “university is for students”, and not vice versa. Therefore, all issues are discussed here.

That is why the social partnership between the university and the trade union student organization is carried out on the basis of a collective agreement, everything here is real. The students themselves make sure that they are well fed in the canteen, the guys are settled in the hostel on time, and low-income students receive support from their university. "Under the wing" of the trade union committee - leisure in dormitories, students' health, self-government in the institutes of the Far East State University of Education and Science. And every year students go to training seminars "Leader", where they not only learn the basics of management, but also get a good legal base.

By the way, this study is carried out in two own sports and health summer camps in the villages of Ryazanovka and Andreevka, Khasansky district of Primorsky Krai for 330 places. Wellness shifts are held here and creative seminars for students are held. I tried all year - relax by the sea!

And besides this, many students got a chance to visit a unique place in the region - on the Peter and Paul Lake. DVGUPS also has its own base here.

The self-government system is built clearly: there is a student council of the university, institutes, faculties, hostels. They interact with the trade union organization. By the way, many guys who have worked in the asset of the university grow up to be good leaders. Verified by employers!

Students have the opportunity to gain communication and professional skills, help people by participating in the voluntary movement "Dynamics". In fact, the movement is a good practice for those who receive a specialty of a social nature. The guys work with veterans, disabled families, children. And they just make the world a better place. They also become winners of city and regional competitions among volunteers.

Earn... a scholarship!

It is also important for assessing the success of the university and its students, - continues the rector, - that only two universities of the region participate in the qualifying round of the federal scholarship program of Vladimir Potanin. Including DVGUPS. As a result of the competitive events of the program, 20 students became scholarship holders. According to the results of the last three years, our students have won grants for holding various socially significant events three times already.

There is also a university mechanism for stimulating students, which includes the appointment of nominal, creative and sports scholarships, - the vice-rector notes. - For especially distinguished students in sports and amateur performances, a discount on tuition fees is provided, which is determined by the socio-economic commission. If you count, then students who study well and participate in the life of the university receive very good support!

University - one diploma - two!

And each student of FEVGUPS has a unique opportunity to get a second, additional specialty in addition to basic higher education, - explains Valery Sokolov, Director of the Institute of Additional Education (IDO) FEVGUPS. - To date, the institute provides professional retraining in 18 specialties and advanced training in 96 programs within the priority areas of economics, science and business. The number of our listeners is constantly growing and in 2011 it exceeded eight and a half thousand people.
Needless to say, students come here with pleasure, realizing that having not only a higher education, but also an additional specialty, they significantly increase their value in the labor market? Especially when you consider how relevant the specialties offered by IDO are: personnel management psychology, economics and enterprise management, law, business valuation, translator of English, Japanese, Chinese and German in the field of professional communication and others, no less modern and interesting.

Any student of the 4th or 5th year of the university can enter the Institute of Additional Education for professional retraining. The curriculum of more than 500 hours is designed for one or two years of study. You can choose any form: evening, part-time with elements of distance learning or distance learning. The institute widely uses modern technologies of online education, classes via videoconference.

We regularly communicate with colleagues from universities in the western part of the country on issues of additional education, - adds Valery Borisovich. - And we agree: in order to get a new specialty, a full cycle of training in a second higher education is not required, you can go through high-quality professional retraining, spending much less money and without wasting time.

My name is Anastasia, and I will tell you one fascinating story about how my student years at the university went.

I was born in the city of Khabarovsk, at the moment it is the capital of the Far East, I grew up and studied here. She graduated from the most ordinary school, general education No. 40. And, of course, like any high school student, I had a question about where to go.

Choice of specialty

Or rather, which faculty. I always knew where to go - to the Far Eastern State University of Communications, further in the text Zhelezka. In my family, almost everyone is connected with the railway, respectively, the road is the same for me, even though I am a humanist by mentality. Fortunately, in our Iron there are suitable specialties, just for people like me. The choice of this particular university was obvious, since it is considered the best institute in the Far East (although at the moment I don’t know anymore). On the advice of my mother, I chose the faculty - management of the organization. And it's time to prepare for the exam. In 2008, and this year I graduated from school, in order to enter the management of an organization, it was required to pass the Russian language, mathematics and social studies. I don’t remember how many points I needed to pass, but I entered paid training. And so began my harsh student everyday life.

Education at FESTU

Of course, after school, where the lesson lasts 40-45 minutes, it was hard for a couple to sit for 80 minutes. But, over time, you get used to it. The first thing I understood at the institute is that there are two ways for the development of events: either you sit and study everything, everything that is asked and you do absolutely nothing else, or you live as you want, but get out as best you can in pairs . And, of course, I chose the second way. I never liked to sit and cram, especially that which is not interesting. When you choose this path, be prepared for life's difficulties, it is not suitable for everyone, some simply do not know how to get out of various situations. This is where my adventures as a truant student began. Of course, almost immediately there were like-minded people who also liked to skip uninteresting objects. We had a lot of fun, walked a lot and talked. But at the session, everyone was for himself, as it usually happens in life, that no one needs other people's problems. The first two sessions I handed over on my own, without support. If you want to live, know how to spin, as they say, and for good reason. At the session, I realized that there was no point in going along the first path, which I already described earlier, if only because not all teachers put the machines on, and those who don’t put them on don’t do anyone any favors. Conclusion? Everyone is equal in a session. By trial and error, I did finish the first course.

Second course

After taking a break from school, the second academic year began. The arrogance in me and in my classmates has increased, after all, we are not the first year. The second year differed little from the first, we still had a lot of general education subjects and few specialty subjects. The only pluses were that the teachers who had taught some disciplines had already got used to you, and you could afford something more than in the first year. But, there were also teachers with whom I had to literally fight and because of which I had to hang on the lists for expulsion. With such teachers, it didn’t even save that you memorized everything perfectly. It seems to me that every student faces this sooner or later. In fact, I don’t remember very well how I went through the second year, it was somehow incomprehensible and transitional to the “major league”.

Third course

This year was full of impressions, because we are no longer children and we worked directly with our department, there were very few general education subjects. What is the fundamental difference between the disciplines in the specialty "management of the organization" no one knew, and did not even guess. Although no, the difference was in the names, for example, strategic management, innovation management, and some other kind of management. Having passed through half of the way of training, as expected, the equator has come. In my opinion, we never got around to celebrate it properly, or I, as usual, did not go with the group. I’ll explain why: initially there were 42 of us, there was no such a large group at the time of my admission, then the people dropped out, expelled and we were still divided equally, we became two different groups of 16-20 people approximately. In my group there were either girls who were only studying, or who were just skipping, or who had time everywhere, among the latter was me. Let's return to the equator, after it, in the 3rd year of the 2nd semester, we were given a choice of a more detailed specialization of our further education, and new groups would be formed from this. The specializations were as follows: organization management (personnel management) and production management. I chose personnel management, because I myself did not have much idea what production management was, and there was no one to explain it intelligibly. The headman of a parallel group joined my group, and we quickly became friends. Now we skipped together, but we always passed the session together. It turned out that with support is much better than alone. The most important thing I learned at the institute is to find an approach to completely different people. I knew how to approach any teacher and how to win over me, in moments when everything went perfectly, I felt like a goddess of eloquence. And so, imperceptibly for ourselves, we became undergraduates.

FERGUPS senior students

It was very nice when we were taken for the first course, and we turned around in bewilderment and answered that we were the fourth. It was very nice when the freshmen looked at us as if they were very adults and addressed us as “you”. Pleasant memories from senior years will always warm the soul. Probably, this is not the first time you have a question, why do I say so little about the educational process? Yes, because there is nothing to tell there, I can’t convey anything interesting and useful about my studies. But on the other hand, I can safely say that the institute is the school of life that everyone needs to go through. It is in the institute that a person can understand whether he is led or a leader, a leader or a subordinate. The fourth year flew by unnoticed, because there were few classes, and there was more than enough free time, we took a part-time job as best we could, all sorts of different things. They earned little, but spent with pleasure. We talked more, some girls were already getting married, life was seething, someone had even given birth to a child. And we all just met young people. In the summer after my fourth year, I met my future husband. We danced salsa and bachata all summer, and in the beginning of autumn, of course, we didn’t think about the institute at all.

GOSs and defense of the thesis

The fifth year was even more free than the fourth. There were very few jobs, part-time jobs too. But, we went and tuned in to the State Educational Standards and a diploma. It was doubly hard for me: I had to write a diploma and prepare for my wedding, but if you want to live, know how to spin, this is clearly about me. I did not prepare for the State Educational Standards on principle, because of the pressure of parents and teachers, any desire disappeared. But I passed the exams with a solid four, which I was very proud of. Still, when you have a head on your shoulders, you can not teach. The time for graduation was approaching, and the wedding was approaching, writing a diploma was becoming more and more difficult, and preparing for its defense was not realistic at all. But the day of protection was inevitable. Due to the terrible stress and tension, I had several sleepless nights before this significant day. Of course, I didn’t really understand what I was talking about, the main thing was that it was on the topic. But I also got four. I was not at all offended and even somehow did not care. On the contrary, I was very glad that everything was finally over, stress was coming to an end and I could get married in peace.


Having received a diploma and having played just a luxurious wedding, it was time to think about future work. I didn’t want to work “for my uncle”, and my husband was very supportive in this, by the way, he also has his own business. Therefore, I went to Moscow for courses in Chinese wellness massage and now I work very successfully for myself. Education was very useful to me, now I know how to communicate with absolutely any people. Also, a high school diploma is my fallback path in case of failure. But I am not going to stop at just one education in order to develop in various directions, I will realize one more of my dreams: I will receive a diploma in psychology and be a completely versatile specialist. But not everyone went my way, or rather no one. All my classmates either can't find a job or work for someone else. And I am very pleased to realize that I have chosen once again, a very difficult path, but that this is a real development.

The moral of my whole story is this: you need to choose what you will like to do and you should never give up on the way to this. Here it is the most important key to success.

Distance education is in great demand, since it is this format that provides the most comfortable learning conditions and increases its effectiveness. In Khabarovsk, remotely, you can get higher professional education at the PNU and FEGUPS, state universities. Universities of Khabarovsk are constantly increasing their technical equipment, teachers are updating educational and methodological complexes. Students have an excellent opportunity to receive all the materials necessary for their studies remotely, directly on the websites of universities, teachers also give online consultations.

In the federal state budgetary educational higher professional education of the PNU, distance learning is conducted in a number of popular areas and specialties. Among the wide range of training profiles of the Pacific State University, applicants can choose a specialty to their liking, as well as study in two directions at once.

PNU was founded in 1958, has the necessary licenses for educational activities, accreditation of training areas.

Students with specialized secondary, secondary, higher education study at the university. The cost of education for one year is from 26 to 34.5 thousand rubles, the minimum cost of education for one semester is from 10 to 15 thousand. At PNU, they remotely receive both the first higher education and the second, studying according to an individual shortened program. The degree of specialist, bachelor is awarded. A state diploma is issued.

Distance educational technologies (DOT) are used at PNU in the correspondence department. Students receive the necessary programs, training courses, methodological instructions through the Internet, and also turn to teachers for online consultations. In order to study remotely at PNU, applicants need to submit documents to the admissions committee, choosing to study using DOT at the correspondence faculty, pass testing and pay for their studies. Applications are also accepted electronically - university staff are always ready to advise applicants on all issues related to distance learning. It should be noted that the defense of the graduation project, the passing of state exams and the last session are held directly in Khabarovsk, within the walls of the PNU itself.

The university implements network and mixed forms of education, in total, more than six thousand people receive higher education remotely. There are representative offices of PNU in 19 settlements of the country. Students use the electronic scientific library, download the software packages necessary for viewing educational materials, consult with teachers, take written work and exams remotely. There are 3 specialties and 22 areas of undergraduate training at PNU.

Directions and profiles of undergraduate training:

1. jurisprudence;

  • jurisprudence;

2. management;

  • small business management;
  • budgeting and pricing in construction;
  • property management;
  • management and financial accounting;
  • urban management;
  • state and municipal administration;
  • production management (in the forest complex);
  • production management (oil and gas complex);
  • production management (in transport);
  • production management (in industry);
  • production management (in construction);

3. economy;

  • insurance;
  • finance and credit;
  • economics and law;
  • taxes and taxation;
  • municipal economy;
  • regional economy;
  • world economy;
  • accounting, analysis and audit;

4. tourism;

  • technology and organization of tour operator and travel agency services;

5. land management and cadastres;

  • land management;

6. journalism;

  • journalism;

7. social work;

  • social work;

8. trading business;

  • commerce;

9. quality management;

  • quality management in production and technological systems;

10. business informatics;

  • business process management in the organization;

11. construction;

  • highways and airfields;
  • water supply and sanitation;
  • Heat and ventilation;
  • industrial and civil construction;

12. standardization and metrology;

  • standardization and certification;

13. technology of transport processes;

  • organization of transportation and transport management (road transport);
  • organization and traffic safety;

14. design and technological support of machine-building industries;

  • engineering technology;

15. operation of transport and technological machines and complexes;

  • car service;

16. ground transport and technological complexes:

  • handling, construction, road machinery and equipment;

17. oil and gas business;

  • design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities;

18. technology of logging and woodworking industries;

  • woodworking technology;
  • forest engineering;

19. forestry;

  • forestry;

20. innovation;

  • engineering and technological support of innovative processes;

21. energy and resource saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology;

  • environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;

22. technosphere safety;

  • protection in emergency situations.

Specialties of distance learning at PNU:

1. design of technological machines and complexes;

2. ground transport and technological means;

3. mining.

Distance education technologies are also being implemented at the Far Eastern State University of Communications at the correspondence faculty. All students get access to educational materials posted on the site. There are the following areas of training for bachelors:

  • social work;
  • jurisprudence;
  • psychology;
  • management;
  • economy;
  • technosphere safety;
  • ground transport and technological complexes;
  • electric power industry and electrical engineering;
  • service;
  • trading business;
  • tourism;
  • technology of transport processes;
  • construction;
  • informatics and computer technology.

A master's qualification using distance technologies at FEVGUPS can be obtained in the following areas:

  • infocommunication technologies and communication systems;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence;
  • psychology.

Also, the FESTU provides the qualification of a specialist in a number of relevant specialties:

  • Fire safety;
  • construction of railways, bridges and transport tunnels;
  • train traffic support systems;
  • railway operation;
  • railway rolling stock;
  • ground transport and technological means.

At the moment, distance education in Khabarovsk is actively developing, universities are increasing the number of areas where you can study in a distance format.

Far Eastern State Transport University
international name

Far Eastern State Transport University

Former names

Khabarovsk Institute of Railway Engineers (KhabIIZhT)

Year of foundation

transport university


Dynkin, Boris Evgenievich

The president

Grigorenko, Viktor Grigorievich

Legal address

Khabarovsk, st. Serysheva, 47


State educational institution of higher professional education " Far Eastern State Transport University» (DVGUPS) is one of the largest universities in the Far East. Previously called the Khabarovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (1937-1993), the Far Eastern State Academy of Railways (1993-1997)

Created by order of the People's Commissar of Railways of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of 09/08/1937 No. 232Ts.

The teaching staff of the university has more than 700 people, most of whom have academic degrees and titles, including more than 100 doctors of science and professors. Leading scientists of the university created scientific schools.

The Far Eastern State Transport University trains highly qualified specialists in priority areas of higher education in the field of transport, electric power, construction, management and economics.

In 2007, FESTU was awarded the Golden Chariot National Public Prize of the transport industry of Russia in the nomination "Leader of Russian Transport Science and Education".


Institute under the direction of Pavlenko Timofey Aleksandrovich (1937-1949)

Khabarovsk University of Railway Transport Engineers was founded by order of the NKPS No. 232 / Ts of September 8, 1937, issued in accordance with the decision of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of August 17, 1937. Pavlenko Timofey Alexandrovich became the head of construction, and later the head of the institute .

The institute complex included a dormitory, an academic building and two residential buildings. The laying of the foundation (dormitory) began in June 1939, and from September 1939 training sessions began. The contingent of the first enrollment of students was 106 people. Due to the fact that the building had not yet been built, the students were sent to the Tomsk and Novosibirsk Institutes of Railway Engineers. In the second academic year, students studied in their own premises. Their number was 310 people.

The technical project of the institute was developed in the architectural workshop of the NKPS by architects G. I. Voloshin and M. A. Gottlieb under the guidance of Academician of Architecture K. Alabyan.

Initially, the institute consisted of three faculties: locomotive (specialty "Locomotive economy"), construction of railways, track facilities, traffic and freight work (specialties "Traffic and freight work" and "Construction of railways and track facilities") and mechanization of track and construction works. The first scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers of the institute were associate professors who arrived in 1939 from LIIZhT: A. S. Yakovlev, M. D. Maltsev, I. M. Gribanov and in 1940 from MEMIT: V. I. Dmitrenko, N. Ya. Stefanov, P. T. Beltsevich and FENU graduates: A. V. Bespalov, G. K. Fedorov, A. A. Tunda, S. D. Soloviev, B. N. Tyulyakov.

Also, employees of the department "Design and construction of railways" took part in the design of the highway. In particular, a group of students led by the author of the project, Solodovnikov Boris Ivanovich, worked out options for tracing the most difficult sections of the route along the river. Amgun. The bridge-building group of the Structural Mechanics Department took direct part in the construction of bridge crossings at BAM. The diesel locomotive departments of the institute were engaged in research in the field of operation of locomotives on the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

Under the guidance of Associate Professor E. A. Rumyantsev, the faculty of the Department of Design and Construction of Railways was engaged in research on the nature of ice formation on the Eastern section of BAM. The team of the research laboratory "Foundations and foundations" under the leadership of A. G. Polevichenko created a method for predicting the process of thawing and subsidence of permafrost soils.

Other important scientific achievements of those years were the development and implementation of a stepped integrated freight traffic routing, the study of prestressed reinforced concrete structures.

To create new mechanisms and machines at the institute, in 1955, the experimental design bureau "Track Machines" was opened, in which a link-assembly combine and a link-assembly machine (50s), a link-assembly and a link-assembly line on reinforced concrete sleepers (end of the 60s) will then be developed. -x - early 70s) and other mechanisms.

In March 1962, the first computer center in the Far East based on the Ural-2 computer was created at the institute. It performed calculations for candidate and doctoral dissertations, as well as production tasks according to the network schedule of the shipbuilding and aviation plants in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. This computer also served the Far Eastern Railway.

In the mid 60s. a student scientific society was formed at the institute, student design and design and design and technology bureaus appeared at some of the profiling departments.

In April 1966, on the basis of the faculty "Electrification of Railways", the first student construction team "Energia" was formed, numbering 100 fighters.

In 1975, the Museum of the History of the Far East State University of Transportation was opened.

Institute under the leadership of Tilichenko Artur Grigorievich (1977-1988)

In 1978, after the death of V. I. Dmitrenko, the institute was headed by Tilichenko Artur Grigoryevich, formerly the first vice-rector for scientific work.

In the 70s. a laboratory building and two 9-story extensions to it (the so-called "towers") were built. A recreation center was also opened in the village. Ryazanovka, Primorsky Krai.

Institute under the leadership of Viktor Grigorenko (1988-2007)

In 1988, for the first time in the history of the institute, the rector was elected at a conference of the labor collective, and the elections were alternative. Viktor Grigorievich Grigorenko, dean of the faculty for advanced training and secretary of the party committee of KhabIIZhT, became the rector.

In 1990, a railway lyceum was established at the institute.

In 1996, the construction of an athletics arena was completed, and a little later a new experimental design complex was created for the NEC "Track Machines".

In the 90s. The Khabarovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers was successively transformed into the Far Eastern Academy of Railways, and then into the Far Eastern State University of Railways.

Modern information technologies began to be actively introduced into the educational process, research work and university management.

In November 2007, at the conference of the university staff, he was elected rector Dynkin Boris Evgenievich, Head of the Department of Power Supply and Vice-Rector for Research.

Institutes, faculties and departments

    • Department of locomotives and heat engines
    • Department of Electric Rolling Stock
    • Chair Wagons
    • Department of Construction and track machines
    • Department of Machine Parts
    • Department of Technology of Metals
  • Institute for International Cooperation
    • Department of Business Foreign Language
    • Department of Russian language
    • Department of Management (former Business Administration)
  • Institute of Control, Automation and Telecommunications
    • Department of Operations Management
    • Department Stations and nodes, technology of cargo and commercial work
    • Department of Automation and Telemechanics
    • Department of Telecommunications
    • Department of Information Technology and Systems
    • Department of Transport Power Supply
    • Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Electromechanics
    • Department of Building structures, buildings and structures
    • Department of Construction Production
    • Department of Hydraulics and Water Supply
    • Department of Bridges and Tunnels
    • Department Railway track, bases and foundations
    • Department of Research and Design of Railways
    • Department of Construction Economics and Technology of Building Materials
    • Department of Structural Mechanics
  • Institute of Economics
    • Department of Transport Economics
    • Department of Accounting and Audit
    • Department of Management
    • Department of Economic Theory
    • Department of World Economy and Commerce
    • Department of Finance and Credit
  • Natural Science Institute
    • Department of Higher Mathematics
    • Department of Applied Mathematics
    • Department of Physics
    • Department of Chemistry and Ecology
    • Department of Theoretical Mechanics
    • Department of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics
    • Department of Computer-Aided Design Systems
    • Chair
    • Department of Optical Communication Systems
    • Department of Theory and History of State and Law
    • Department of Philosophy
    • Department of Social work and sociology
    • Department of Foreign Languages
    • Department of Physical Education and Sports
    • Department of Civil, Business and Transport Law
    • Department of Psychology
    • Department of Socio-cultural service and tourism
    • Department of Criminal Law Disciplines
  • Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education - Khabarovsk Railway Transport College
  • Faculty of Air Communications
  • Military Training Institute
    • Military training center
    • Faculty of Military Training
  • Faculty of pre-university training
  • Institute of Integrated Forms of Education (distance learning)
  • Institute of Additional Education

Directions and specialties

  1. Institute of Traction and Rolling Stock
    • Electric transport
    • Equipment and technology of welding production
    • Material handling, construction, road machinery and equipment
    • Electric transport railways
  2. Institute for International Cooperation
    • international Management
  3. Institute of Control, Automation and Communications
    • Comprehensive information security of automated systems
    • Automation, telemechanics and communications in railway transport
    • Organization of transportation and transport management (railway)
    • Means of communication with mobile objects
  4. Institute of Economics
    • Finance and credit
    • Accounting, analysis and audit
    • Commerce (merchant)
    • Economics and management at the enterprise (railway transport)
    • Organisation management
    • Applied Informatics (Economics)
    • Quality control
  5. Transport Construction Institute
    • Economics and management at the enterprise (construction)
    • Industrial and civil construction
    • Expertise and property management
    • Railway construction, track and track facilities
  6. Electric Power Institute
    • Relay protection and automation of electric power systems
    • Electric power systems and networks
    • Electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes
    • Railway power supply
  7. Natural Science Institute
    • Physics and technology of optical communication
    • Life safety in the technosphere
  8. Social and Humanitarian Institute
    • Socio-cultural service and tourism
  9. Faculty of Air Communications
    • Organization of transportation and transport management

Scientific activity

  • Improving train traffic safety
  • Improving the reliability of railway track elements, artificial structures, power supply systems, automation and communication facilities
  • Improving the efficiency of rail transport resource management
  • Building a system for monitoring the state of the transport infrastructure of Siberia and the Far East
  • Development of technologies for extending the service life and non-destructive testing of parts and assemblies of railway equipment
  • Development of a logistics system for the interaction of various modes of transport in the region of Northeast Asia.
  • Development of integrated technologies for water supply systems and solving environmental problems at enterprises in Siberia and the Far East
  • Solving personnel, social and economic problems of railway enterprises in the region of Siberia and the Far East
  • Development of technology for professional selection and career guidance of transport specialists based on professionally important sensorimotor qualities

The university has postgraduate studies in 45 scientific specialties and 12 branches of science, doctoral studies in 4 scientific specialties and 3 branches of science. Councils for the defense of dissertations for the scientific degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences are open in the following specialties:

  • Engineering sciences (specialties "Railway rolling stock, train traction and electrification" and "Railway track, survey and design of railways")
  • Physical and mathematical sciences
  • Economic sciences (specialty "Transport, industry and labor economics")
  • Philosophical Sciences
  • Psychological sciences

There are a laboratory for diagnostics and non-destructive testing methods, a research laboratory "Foundations and foundations", centers "Energy audit", fiber-optic communication lines, microprocessor control systems, a research and development center "Resource", a center "Technologist", a psychological and diagnostic center , as well as an information security laboratory.

The scientific and theoretical journal "Social and Humanitarian Sciences in the Far East" is published (editor-in-chief, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Yury Mikhailovich Serdyukov)

The university has a Coordinating Center for Scientific Training of Students, the main tasks of which are to organize intra-university student scientific events, organize students to participate in inter-university student scientific events, identify students with scientific abilities (and recommend them for work in research institutions and for admission to graduate school), organization of scientific student circles.

The main scientific events traditionally attended by FESTU students:

  • All-Russian Olympiad in various disciplines (intra-university, regional and all-Russian tours)
  • Scientific conference with the participation of students, graduate students, young scientists and production innovators
  • Intrauniversity competition of student scientific works
  • Regional student competition of scientific works "Student Spring"
  • Various interuniversity scientific conferences, competitions, international forums

International activity

Communications and academic exchanges with universities in China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Germany, Holland, and the USA have been established at the Far Eastern State Transport University.

In the field of science, the university works with the University of Qingdao, Hebei University, Shandong, Beijing and Dalian Railway Universities (PRC), Pyongyang Railway University (DPRK), Usong University (Republic of Korea).

FERGUPS partners in joint international educational and scientific programs are:

  • Alaska State University, USA ("Business Administration", "Logistics" and "Project Management");
  • Research Institute of Economics of Northeast Asia (“Research on the Practice of Logistics Cooperation in Northeast Asia”);
  • Pyongyang Railway Institute (“Research on the problems of operation of seamless railway track and design of electric locomotives with asynchronous drive”);
  • Railways of the Republic of Korea;
  • EU project TEMPUS (“Management Knowledge for the Russian Transport Sector”);
  • EURASIA Project (Career Center, institution building);
  • ACCRETEK, Japan ("Programming").

The university is a member of the International Association of English Teachers


The university has a sports student club "Lokomotiv".

Student amateur performance

  • KVN team - Made in Khabarovsk
  • Studio of modern choreography "Resonance"
  • Show group "Planet Hollywood"
  • Studio of folk choreography "Gems"
  • Pop-jazz choir "Magistral"
  • student theater "Without a sign"
  • National Theater "Tandem"
  • Club of classical music lovers "Renaissance"
  • Regional festival "Alma Mater"
  • Festival of student amateur art "Gaudeamus"
  • Student Spring Festival

Far Eastern State Medical University (FESMU)

This year, the most popular specialties among applicants are: dentistry, which trains specialists for five years, and general medicine for six years. It is too early to talk about the competition, since the admission is in full swing, - noted in the selection committee of the Far Eastern State Medical University.

These directions have been in demand for more than a year, although they don’t indulge in budget places here, there are only four of them. And the passing scores are quite impressive - 242.

The cost of studying at the Faculty of Dentistry - 215 thousand rubles, and future medical professionals will have to pay 145 170 rubles.

Khabarovsk State Institute of Art and Culture (KhGIIK)

Traditionally, the most popular faculties here are the direction of theatrical performances and holidays, as well as folk art culture - amateur theater management, acting and choreographic art.

The competition in these areas is two or three people per place. Full-time education in these areas is worth 180 100 rubles, - told in the selection committee of KhGIIK.

The prices for a master's degree, to put it mildly, are not encouraging, because the amount there is much higher. To become a culturologist or conductor, you will have to pay more every year. 215 thousand rubles. The selection committee also added that so far no one has concluded an agreement for a full-time form in these areas. Perhaps the reason for such unpopularity is precisely the cost of education.

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

Here the most popular specialty is legal security. According to Maxim Khaustov, head of the selection committee, the plan for this area has already been overfulfilled, the number of applicants has more than doubled the number of places.

It was necessary to recruit 30 people this year, but in fact now 70 applicants have already been enrolled in this direction. They have already paid for the training and signed contracts.

The second most popular specialty is economic security.

If we are talking about the biggest competition, then these are the specialties "management" and "jurisprudence". On average, the figures reached 10 people per place, - adds the head of the selection committee of the RANEPA.

Full-time education in all areas has a fixed price - 108 250 rubles.

Pacific State University (TOGU)

The most popular specialties in 2017 were economics and management, construction, linguistics and law. In these areas, the competition for one place is from 20 to 30 people, - said Sofya Gorbach, the leading document specialist of the PNU.

To register a paid contract at Pacific State University, you will need to pay 112 380 rubles.

Far Eastern State University of Communications (FEGUPS)

There is a competition for all specialties, now it is too early to talk about statistics. Among the most demanded are logistics, the creation of information systems, the electric power institute. Now the guys are already signing contracts for paid education, since we have a competition - two people for one budget place. They opened a new direction - the construction of railways - due to the high demand among applicants. Passing scores start from 220. With 80% of applicants, we conclude targeted contracts, - said Natalia Deinekina, executive secretary of the admissions committee of the Far East State University of Education and Science.

For all technical specialties the price is fixed - 117 thousand rubles, and for all the rest - 105,000 rubles.