Sighing, the boy dejectedly trudged away from the grammatical basis. How to distinguish subject and predicate

1. Assignment 1 No. 7971. Text about dob-ro-te, na-chi-na-yu-schi-sya words-va-mi "I remembered..."

Listen to the text and write-write-those compressed from-lo-same. The original text for compressing something out of the same thing about listening-shi-va-et-sya 2 times.

Keep in mind that you must re-give the main content of both micro-ro-te-we and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of the lo-zhe-tion is at least 70 words.

Write-shi-te from-lo-same ak-ku-rat-but, par-bor-chi-you in black-com.

2. Task 2 No. 8166. In what way-ri-an-te from-ve-ta contains in-for-ma-tion, not-about-ho-di-may to justify-no-va-nia from-ve- she answered the question: “Why couldn’t Va-dim-ka drown the puppies?”

1) Va-dim-ki didn’t have enough spirit you-half-thread order ma-te-ri, because he felt sorry for the little puppies.

2) Va-dim-ka was playing for time, hoping that the mother is re-du-ma-et and will decide to leave the puppies.

3) Va-dim-ka on-de-yal-sya give puppies to someone from one-but-village-chan, in good hands.

4) Va-dim-ka was a weak and not-re-shi-tel-ny boy.

(1) Morning breathe-sha-lo freshly. (2) A transparent fog hung over the river, but the sun's rays already gilded the quiet surface. (3) Under-no-mav-shy-sya shore on-roof-wa-la from-mud-grass, covered with demons-numbers-len-us-mi is-cor-ka-mi dew. (4) The air-spirit, saturated with spicy-we-mi aro-ma-ta-mi wild flowers, froze. (5) Quietly - only in the thickets of ka-we-sha near the water itself, ko-lo-kol-tsa-mi zve-whether ko-ma-ry. (6) Va-dim-ka sat on the be-re-gu and watched how the old to-pol ro-nya-et white-snowy, circling in freezing the air-du-he-pu-shin-ki and how they are white-mi-ko-slave-li-ka-mi float on the river. (7) Subtle in a sku-li-va-nie on-ru-shi-lo calmness of the morning.

(8) The boy shuddered-zero - remembered why he came here. (9) Tears came down to the throat, began to choke, but he restrained himself - did not cry.

(10) Yesterday the Bug still didn’t: brought four. (11) Mother see-de-la Zhuch-kin belly and let's chi-tat for the whole de-rev-nu! (12) “Not coal-cases! (13) How many times go-vo-ri-la: don’t let so-ba-ku from the yard! (14) What do you want to do with them?

(15) Vi-no-wat Wa-dim-ka. (16) And the demand is now from him. (17) Mother p-ka-za-la to ve-che-ru from puppies from-ba-wit-sya - drown-drink. (18) It's easy to say, but in-pro-buy, use-half-no ... (19) They are at least small, blind, but living creatures!

(20) Imagine how Zhuch-ki-nyh puppies will drink, Va-dim-ka could not. (21) Ka-for-elk, which is easier: leave the bag by the water - the river itself will do its job - and walk without hassle and worries ...

(22) Va-dim-ka would not have been able to do that. (23) Raz-ma-zy-vaya dirty-us-mi la-do-nya-mi tears, wiped his face, folded the puppies back-rat-but and re-shi-tel-but on-right-vil- Xia in de-rev-nu.

(24) Near the village, in anticipation of the morning-not-the-th bread, people were crowding - more and more women. (25) Seeing-giving a sign-to-my face, Va-dim-ka approached the roof-lech-ku.

- (26) Hello, Aunt Masha, - for-whether-was-beautiful, turned to your ancestral wife.

- (27) Hello! (28) What's in the bag? - immediately after-in-te-re-co-va-lased any-bo-experimental aunt Masha.

- (29) This is the hour! - for-su-e-til-sya Va-dim-ka. - (30) Puppies of Beetles. (31) Can you take it?

- (32) Are puppies? (33) Some kind of rats, - composed-ri-la wives. (34) So-braving-shi-e-sya around the prs-well-whether.

- (35) Little lazy yet - yesterday they were born ...

- (36) Once yesterday, then bring them to your mother. (37) Won times-re-ve-lis - they want to eat.

- (38) I can't. (39) Mother for-pre-ti-la with them to return home with them ... (40) Maybe you can still take it?

(41) But the wives, having lost their way to the bag in-te-res, one after the other raced-ho-di-lissed. 42 (43) With a sigh, the boy dejectedly trudged away.

- (44) Vadik, stop!

(45) Va-dim-ka turned-null-sya: No-ko-bark His-growl is a collective household ve-te-ri-nar, a longtime friend of my father.

- (46) What are you, go to grandfather Bo-ri-su - hunt-no-ku. (47) He has Sil-va, by the way, he still didn’t, he brought seven pieces. (48) Maybe the old man will take yours.

(49) Inspired, Va-dim-ka rushed to the house, hunting-no-ka ...

(According to A. Ni-kol-skaya) *

*Nikol-skaya Anna (born in 1979) is a contemporary Russian children's pi-sa-tel-ni-tsa.

3. Task 3 No. 8219. In what variant-ri-an-te from-ve-ta by means of you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti of speech is phraseo-logism?

1) Tears went down to the throat, began to choke, but he restrained himself - did not cry.

2) Raz-ma-zy-vaya dirty-us-mi la-do-nya-mi tears, wiped his face, folded the puppies back and forth and re-shi-tel-but on-right-vill-sya to the village.

3) Mudflow-on-the-roof-whether, and Aunt Masha de-lo-vi-something on-right-vi-los to the door.

4) Inspired, Va-dim-ka rushed to the house hunting-no-ka ...

4. Task 4 No. 8715. From sentences 8-14, you-pi-shi-te word, in some-rum right-in-pi-sa-nie prefixes define it know-no-eat - approximation.

5. Task 5 No. 8102. From prepositions 2-4 you-pi-shi-te word, in some-rum right-in-pi-sa-nie suff-fik-sa define-de-la-et-xia right -vi-lom: “In ad-la-ha-tel-nyh, ar-ra-zo-van-nyh from su-stuff-tel-nyh with the help of suff-fik-owls -ONN- and -ENN-, pi-shet-sya NN.

6. Task 6 No. 8003. For-me-ni-those raz-go-vor-noe word “prys-well-li” in pre-lo-zh-nii 34 sti-li-sti-che-ski neutral si-no-ni -mom. Na-pi-shi-te this si-no-nim.

7. Task 7 No. 8584. For-me-no-those word-in-co-che-ta-nie "sol-nech-rays", built-en-noe on the basis of-no-ve co-gla-co-va-tion, si-no-ni-mich-word-in-so-che-ta-ni-em with communication management. On-write-shi-te in-be-chiv-she-e-sya word-in-co-che-ta-nie.

8. Task 8 No. 8577. You-pi-shi-te gram-ma-ti-che-os-no-woo pre-lo-zhe-nia 43.

9. Task 9 No. 8049. Among the proposals 1-7, find-di-those proposals with a separate-len-us-mi with-gla-with-van-ny-mi races-pro-strange define-de -le-no-I-mi. Na-pi-shi-te no-me-ra of these pre-lo-same-ny.

10. Task 10 No. 8133. In the pre-lo-same-ni-yah given below from the pro-chi-tan-no-go tek-hundred pro-well-me-ro-va-ny all for-fifths. You-write-shi-those figure, denoting-a-th-th-fifth at the introductory word.

Vadik, (1) stop!

Va-dim-ka turned-null-sya: No-ko-bark His-growl is a collective farm ve-te-ri-nar, (2) a long-time friend of his father.

You're like this, (3) go to grandfather Bo-ri-su - hunt-no-ku. He still has Sil-va, (4) he brought seven pieces. Maybe (5) your old man will take something.

Inspired, (6) Va-dim-ka rushed to the hunt-no-ka house ...

11. Assignment 11 No. 8060. Indicate the number of gram-ma-ti-che-bases in the pre-lo-same 5. The answer is for-pi-shi-those numbers.

12. Task 12 No. 8611. In the pre-lo-same-ni-yah given below from the pro-chi-tan-no-go tek-hundred pro-well-me-ro-va-ny all for-fifths. You-write-those numbers, indicating the fifths between the parts of the complex preposition, connected with -chi-ni-tel-noy connection.

A translucent fog hung over the river, (1) but the sun's rays already gilded the quiet surface. Under-no-mav-shy-sya shore on-roof-wa-la from-mud-naya grass, (2) covered with demons-numbers-len-us-mi is-kor-ka-mi dew. Air-spirit, (3) saturated spicy-we-mi aro-ma-ta-mi wild flowers, (4) froze. Va-dim-ka sat on the be-re-gu and watched, (5) how the old to-pol ro-nya-et white-snow, (6) kru-zha-schi-e -sya in the frozen air-du-he-pu-shin-ki and how they are white-mi-ko-slave-li-ka-mi float on the river.

The boy shuddered-zero - remembered, (7) why he came here. Tears crept up to the throat, (8) began to choke, (9) but he restrained himself - did not cry.

13. Assignment 13 No. 8622. Among the prepositions 4-9, find-di-those complex prepositions with one-but-native sub-chi-no-none with-yes-exact . Write the number of this proposal.

14. Task 14 No. 8599. Among prepositions 1-7, find a complex preposition with a demonic connection between parts. Write the number of this proposal.

15. Task 15 No. 8213. 1. Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-non-nie-ras-judging-de-nie, ras-roo-vaya meaning of you-saying-va-nia from the West-no-go ling-vi -sta I.N. , to show how much of the meaning is hidden from the shadows and from the roof in his thoughts, feelings. Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your answer, with-ve-di-te 2 (two) examples from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text-hundred. When-in-dya in-measures, indicate-zy-wai-te but-me-ra of the necessary pre-lo-same-ni or apply me-nyai-te qi-ti-ro-va-nie . You can pi-sat ra-bo-tu in an academic or public-li-qi-sty-che style, spreading the topic in ling-wi-sti-che ma-te-ri-a-le. Start co-chi-non-ing you can-those words-va-mi I. N. Go-re-lo-va. The volume of co-chi-non-niya should be at least 70 words. Ra-bo-ta, na-pi-san-naya without relying on a pro-chi-tan-ny text (not according to a given text), do not appreciate it. If the co-chi-non-nie represents a re-said or a full re-re-pi-san-ny source text without any there was no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such a ra-bo-ta estimate-no-va-et-sya with zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Na-pi-shi-te co-chi-not-nie-ras-judging-de-nie. Explain-no-those, how do you-no-ma-e-the meaning of the frag-men-ta text-hundred: “Inspired, Va-dim-ka rushed to the house hunting-no-ka ... » With-ve-di-te in co-chi-non-nii 2 (two) ar-gu-men-ta from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text-hundred, confirming Your dis-judgment-de-nia. When-in-dya in-measures, indicate-zy-wai-te but-me-ra of the necessary pre-lo-same-ni or apply me-nyai-te qi-ti-ro-va-nie . The volume of co-chi-non-niya should be at least 70 words. If the co-chi-non-nie represents a re-said or a full re-re-pi-san-ny source text without any there was no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such a ra-bo-ta estimate-no-va-et-sya with zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

3. How do you know the meaning of the word DOB-RO-TA? Sfor-mu-li-rui-te and pro-com-men-ti-rui-te given by you define de-le-ni. Na-pi-shi-te co-chi-non-nie-ras-judging-de-nie on the topic “What is good-ro-ta”, taking as a te-zi-sa given by you definition. Ar-gu-men-ti-ruya your thesis, with-ve-di-te 2 (two) with-me-ra-ar-gu-men-ta, confirming your races -de-nia: one example-mer-ar-gu-ment with-ve-di-te from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text-hundred, and the second - from your life -no experience. The volume of co-chi-non-niya should be at least 70 words. If the co-chi-non-nie represents a re-said or a full re-re-pi-san-ny source text without any there was no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such a ra-bo-ta estimate-no-va-et-sya with zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(21) Will make a toast to world peace.


(13) The first time Mikha was beaten on the first of September - slightly and instructively - at a big break.

beaten up

- (29) You must have at least one gyrus!

must have

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 10.
(10) He did not have a father.

Write down the grammatical basics of sentence 10.
(10) I was not at school, I was sick.

No, I was sick

(8) It's getting light in the yard.

(44) And somehow all the white spots immediately disappeared.

Gone are the stains

(42) He wanted to cry.

I wanted to cry

Write down the grammatical bases of sentence 24.
(24) Just know: they don’t like toadies anywhere!

Know; Do not like

(2) They had to be paid for tuition in the first half of the year.

Should have been put in

(4) Oleg was solemnly and noisily taken to an exam at a music school.

(17) 3here, in the House of Culture, there is such a studio.

Studio available

(15) Slowly extinguish the light.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 20.
(20) I was not promised anything.

Didn't promise

(24) And suddenly I didn’t want to let doves from the balcony.

I didn't want to let

(12) Tolya really liked to run to school in the rain.

liked to run

(9) Even for the triples brought from school, they don’t scold me.

Do not scold

(35) You need to understand this!

Need to understand

(5) Meshkov had no internal brakes from birth.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 29.
(29) Only Venka didn’t need this elegant jacket!

Didn't need a jacket

- (19) Toys, are you alive?

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 33.
(33) Darkness, cold as water, enveloped him.

Darkness has engulfed

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 12.
(12) And he got dressed and went to work.

He got dressed and went

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 8.
(8) And I smiled both in reality and in my imagination, and, like a little Filipok, I wiped my forehead, wet with excitement, with a large hat drawn in the picture

I smiled and wiped

(18) It was as if he did not exist.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 13.
(13) A week later, everything happened again.

Everything happened again

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 16.
(16) And I began to call her.

I started calling

(26) Nina ran to the nearest cell phone store and bought a new one

Nina ran away and bought

Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence 2.
(2) But until old age, they remain the same mothers for us.

They remain mothers

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 8.
(8) The Christmas trees were smaller than the Gray Wolf.

The trees were smaller

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 17.
(17) There was silence for several minutes.

Silence stood

(1) From the model of an atom with a silvery nucleus and electrons fixed on wire orbits, it was breathed of space, electronic music and science fiction novels.

(11) There were no words or images.

Not found

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 23.
(23) This has never happened between friends.

never happened

Write down the grammatical foundations of sentence 11.
(11) Korzh melted with unstoppable force, and soon he was gone ...

The cake was melting; Gone

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 43.
(43) Sighing, the boy dejectedly trudged away.

Boy trudged

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 6.
(6) Lyosha would very deftly hammer this nail.

Lesha would score

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 12.
(12) She was a terrible crybaby.

She was a crybaby

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 5.
(5) The world is eternally divided into two poles: life and death.

The world is divided

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 22.
(22) We urgently need to call the police!

Gotta call

(31) It was from fright, anger and fearlessness that a bird's heart beat.

heart beat

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 17.
(17) He also wants to twist a tight plastic handle, very thin and therefore uncomfortable.

I want to twist

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 9.
(9) We must stop her!

Gotta stop

Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence 4.
(4) I never see him in summer, only in winter.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 19.
(19) But he was your best friend!

He was a friend

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 37.
(37) He was breathing heavily, looking frowningly at the retreating boys.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 28.
(28) So it really was.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 11.
- (11) How to go without seeing the way?

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 47.
- (47) Can I eat this last grain?

can be eaten

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 5.
(5) It was bad outside.

It was bad

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 25.
(25) It's harder than hunger.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 39.
(39) Sometimes you seem very cunning to me.

You seem sly

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 26.
(26) I will be the pilot of a spaceship.

I will be a pilot

(7) And there were no stars.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 8.
(8) Will you be friends with us?

You will be friends

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 45.
(45) He wanted to say something nice to her.

I wanted to say

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 17.
(17) Bim gradually even began to guess some of his friend's intentions.

Bim began to guess

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 7.
(7) It got colder.

it got colder

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 49.
(49) I don’t have a new glass.

(14) Three windows on the ninth floor above the Khlopotovs' apartment were uncomfortably dark.

Three windows were dark

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 29.
(29) Of the thirty local men who went to the front, two returned from the war.

Two out of thirty men returned

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 9.
(9) The book was expensive.

The book was expensive

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 1.
(1) The girl's name was Alice.

Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence 2.
(2) There was a smell of evening coolness around.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 11.
(11) Now they don’t think about the soul, they live only for the belly.

They don't think, they live

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 26.
(26) Tears flowed down the cheeks of the sailors, who more than once looked death in the face.

Tears flowed

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 44.
- (44) Because of this, do not believe everyone?

Do not believe

Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence 2.
(2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

I couldn't leave

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 8.
(8) Come in, comrade lieutenant.

come in

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 12.
(12) He took three branches of mimosa and went to school.

He took went

Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence 4.
(4) There, in the heavenly floors, it seemed that a completely different life was going on than below.

life went on

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 24.
(24) Was this the result of fortune-telling?

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 32.
(32) I wanted to study not very difficult and not very boring ...

I wanted to study

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 18.
(18) At the art school, they organized a meeting with the famous master of painting.


Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 35.
(35) With the advent of Larisa, much has changed.

A lot has changed

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 7.
(7) So, father and mother wrote after their morning run and before work.

father mother wrote

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 42.
(42) To her, you see, her own whim is more expensive.

A whim is more expensive

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 14.
- (14) Tell me, Vanya.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 26.
(26) Unfortunately, nothing happened with an average story.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 5.
(5) There will be no secrets told to a faithful childhood friend Tufted.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 21.
- (21) Play, Yakov Ilyich.


Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence 4.
(4) It happened at the beginning of June.

Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence 2.
(2) Snow piled up to half of the boots.

piled up

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 21.
(21) It was at the beginning of the last lesson.

It was
Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 31.
- (31) Did you like my voice?

Liked the voice
Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 9.
(9) And one fine day they were bought as a gift for the girl Masha.

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 1.
(1) Venka was very unlucky with the name - Benjamin!

Bad luck

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 13.
(13) Children's glee cannot be stopped.

Don't stop

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 21.
(21) And both are funny!

Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence 4.
(4) But this is only the beginning!

Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence 4.
(4) It was empty in my head.

Was empty

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 1.
(1) On the way home, I began to think about my grandmother.

began to think

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 46.
(46) And Asya was not afraid.

It wasn't scary

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 15.
(15) Now it was all over!

Everything was over

Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 40.
(40) Who painted you like that?

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The grammatical basis of the sentence KOMOLOV VADIM (26) Nina ran to the nearest mobile phone shop and bought a new SIM card there. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 26. Nina ran away bought
Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 24. (24) And suddenly I didn’t want to let the doves out of the balcony. Write out the grammatical foundations of sentence 31 .. (31) Then, when the fire was extinguished, they pulled it out.
Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 32. (32) They would soon bring dinner Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 5 .. (5) The world is forever divided into two poles: life and death Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 15. (15) Now it was all over! Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 11 .. (11) No words or images were found Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 34. (34) You just need not spare yourself Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 17. (17) There was silence for several minutes. Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 25 .. (25) It will immediately become famous for the whole camp! Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 20. (20) Therefore, they always beat her very cruelly .. Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 40. (40) Who decorated you like that? Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 9. (9) We must stop her! Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 22. (22) Now you won’t find this bum in pink in the afternoon with fire. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 4. (4) It was empty in my head. Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 31. (31) It was from fright, anger and fearlessness that a bird's heart was beating. Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 1. (1) Once, in early spring, a wolverine was brought to the zoo. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 43. (43) With a sigh, the boy sadly trudged away. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 22. (22) We urgently need to call the police! Write out the grammatical foundations of sentence 11. (11) Korzh melted with unstoppable force, and soon he was gone ... Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 1 .. (1) On the way home, I began to think about my grandmother Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 21 .. (21) These flowers will be at my house today... Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 1. (1) Stalingrad was mercilessly bombed day and night. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 4. (4) I never see it in summer, only in winter. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 23.(23) This has never happened between friends Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 13.(13) My dear girls, is that what you think now, because you have no worries? Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 46 .. (46) And Asya was not afraid. Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 8 .. (8) The Christmas trees were smaller than the Gray Wolf. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 12. (12) She was a terrible crybaby. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 17 .. (17) He also wants to twist a tight plastic handle, very thin and therefore uncomfortable
Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 30. (30) Then they did not attach importance to this.
Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 6. (6) Lyosha would have hammered this nail very cleverly. LYOSHA WOULD SCORE
Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 10. (10) Since the fifth grade, it has dried up. DRY
Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 1. (1) The model of an atom with a silvery nucleus and electrons fixed on wire orbits exuded space, electronic music and science fiction novels.
Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 21. (21) Will make a toast to world peace. WILL SAY
Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 8. (8) And I smiled both in reality, and in my imagination, and, like a little Filipok, I wiped my forehead, wet from excitement, with a large hat drawn in the picture.
Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 1. (1) Venka was very unlucky with the name - Benjamin! BAD LUCK
Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 4. (4) There, in the heavenly floors, it seemed that a completely different life was going on than below. THERE WAS LIFE
Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 2. (2) There was a smell of evening coolness around. SMELL
Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 12. (12) He took three branches of mimosa and went to school HE TAKE IT WENT Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 8.
Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 16. (16) And I began to call her. I STARTED CALLING
Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 13. (13) A week later, everything repeated. EVERYTHING REPEATED
Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 42. (42) She, you see, has her own whim more expensive. WHIM EXPENSIVE
Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 44. (44) Because of this, everyone Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 10. (10) He did not have a father Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 15. (15) Slowly the lights go out Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 4. (4) This happened at the beginning of June. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 44. (44) And somehow all the white spots immediately disappeared. Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 12. (12) Tolya really liked to run to school in the rain.

1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist I. N. Gorelov: “The most amazing thing is that the master writer is able, taking ordinary, well-known words, to show how many shades of meaning are hidden and revealed in his thoughts, feelings ". Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the composition with the words of I. N. Gorelov. The essay must be at least 70 words. A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment: “Inspired, Vadim rushed to the hunter’s house ...” In your essay, give 2 (two) arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

3. How do you understand the meaning of the word KINDNESS? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic “What is kindness”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second - from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


1) A lot has been said about the ambiguity of words in the Russian language, more than one work has been written. The Russian word is a unique, unrepeatable, sometimes mysterious phenomenon. It is no coincidence that the well-known linguist I. N. Gorelov wrote: “The most amazing thing is that a master writer is able, taking ordinary, well-known words, to show how many shades of meaning are hidden and revealed in his thoughts and feelings.”

We find confirmation of the validity of the above statement in the text of Anna Nikolskaya. Sentence 26 uses the idiom "blushing", which has an indivisible meaning. Like any phraseological unit, its meaning is figurative: in a sentence it means “to be ashamed”, “to blush with shame”.

In sentence 10, the expression “brought four” is used, where the word “brought” has a figurative meaning: here “gave birth”, although the direct meaning of the word is “deliver something or somewhere”. Consequently, in sentence 10 the word "brought" is used in an individual sense, and not in a generalized one.

Thus, the same word in the composition of different speech components has a different meaning. The given examples allowed us to prove the correctness of I. N. Gorelov's statement.

2) Sometimes we do things that we later feel ashamed of. It happens that our attitude to what is happening is changed by a word, an insignificant, at first glance, action. This is stated in the final text of Anna Nikolskaya. Vadim was literally “inspired” by the words of Nikolai Yegorych, because he suggested to the boy a way out of the current situation with the puppies.

How painful for the hero of the text is the mother's instruction to "deal with" the puppies! Vadim is a kind, sympathetic boy, the very thought of killing puppies is unbearable for him, which is why his eyes are wet with tears.

The hero is trying to find a way out of this situation. First he goes to the store, trying to "attach" the puppies, and, finally, he finds a solution - he will definitely persuade grandfather Boris to take the puppies to him. This living participation in the fate of defenseless animals can say a lot about the boy: he is kind, sympathetic, and his kindness is “active”, not passive.

3) Kindness is one of the most valuable human qualities, the manifestation of which makes it possible to judge the true value of a person. Kindness is the ability to empathize, the desire to help, selfless service to people.

How painful for the hero of the text of Anna Nikolskaya's mother's assignment to "deal with" the puppies! Vadim is trying to find a way out of this situation. First he goes to the store, trying to "attach" the puppies, and, finally, he finds a solution - he will definitely persuade grandfather Boris to take the puppies to him. This living participation in the fate of defenseless animals can say a lot about the boy: he is kind, sympathetic, and his kindness is “active”, not passive. He understands that leaving the puppies to die by the river is like killing them with their own hands. The kindness, responsiveness, big soul of a little boy is amazing.

Kindness will not let you pass by someone else's pain, someone else's misfortune. In our region there is a permanent action "Flower-Semitsvetik". During this campaign, funds are collected for the treatment of sick children. Several hundred small patients of the most difficult departments of children's hospitals have been returned to normal life thanks to this action. Thanks to all caring people, people who imperceptibly do good.

Someone famous said: "Good does not need justification." And, probably, it is correct. Good can only be selfless, otherwise it will cease to be good.

Option No. 4766696

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. Units of measurement are not required. When writing a grammatical basis (task 8), consisting of homogeneous members with a union, give an answer without a union, do not use spaces and commas. Do not enter the letter E instead of the letter Y.

If the option is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the short answer assignments and will be able to grade the uploaded answers to the long answer assignments. The points given by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics.

Exam options consist of a text and tasks for it, as well as a text for presentation. This version could have included a different presentation. A complete list of presentations can be seen in the Job Catalog.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Text that begins with words "Times change. New generations are coming,

Listen to the text and write a concise summary. The source text for a condensed presentation is listened to 2 times.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both the micro-theme and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is not less than 70 words.

Write your essay in neat, legible handwriting.

Use the player to listen to the recording.

Solutions to tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.
On the next page, you will be asked to check them yourself.

Syntactic analysis.

Read the text.

(1) Here the dry land rang, the snow crunched. (2) It is through the snowdrifts along the lunar path that smoky-gray moose make their way. (3) In search of food, they have to walk through deep snow in a southeasterly direction. (4) It's hard to find food in winter!

(5) Spring, but the golden-red sun will come to the taiga only in April.

Indicate the answer options in which the correct grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence of the text. Write down the answer numbers.

1) The snow crunched (sentence 1)

2) It's sneaking (sentence 2)

3) They have to (sentence 3)

4) Difficult (sentence 4)

5) Spring (sentence 5)


Punctuation analysis.

Set up punctuation marks. Specify the numbers where commas should be.

A ringing (1) sharp (2) like despair (3) note (4) a howl burst into the monotonous sound of rain (5) cutting through the darkness (6) and (7) fading (8) rushed (9) over the bare fields.


Syntactic analysis.

Replace phrase "roared hysterically", built on the basis of adjacency, by a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.


spelling analysis.

Indicate the answer options that give the correct explanation of the spelling of the highlighted word. Write down the numbers of these answers.

1) USELESS - at the end of the prefix, before the letter denoting a deaf consonant, the letter C is written.

2) PAINTED (fence) - in the suffix -ENN- of the adjective, -НН- is written.

3) GROW (harvest) - the spelling of an unstressed alternating vowel at the root of the word depends on the stress.

4) (covers) TRIM - in nouns of the III declension, the letter b is written after the hissing.

5) (ate) HALF-BERRIES - words with HALF- are always written with a hyphen.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Vadimka didn’t have the courage to follow his mother’s order, because he felt sorry for the little puppies.

2) Vadimka was playing for time, hoping that the mother would change her mind and allow the puppies to remain.

3) The local veterinarian advised Vadimka to take the puppies to their grandfather Boris.

4) Vadimka hoped to give the puppies to one of his fellow villagers, in good hands.

5) Vadimka was a weak and indecisive boy.

do with them?"

to a stout woman.

- (44) Vadik, wait!

(According to A. Nikolskaya) *



Analysis of expressive means.

Indicate the answers in which the means of expressiveness of speech is a phraseological unit.

1) Tears came to his throat, began to choke, but he restrained himself - he did not cry.

2) Smearing tears with dirty palms, he wiped his face, folded the puppies back and resolutely headed for the village.

3) The store was opened, and Aunt Masha went busily to the door.

4) Inspired, Vadimka rushed to the hunter's house ...

5) Hello, aunt Masha, - blushing, he turned to a portly woman

(1) Morning breathed freshness. (2) A transparent fog hung over the river, but the sun's rays were already gilding the quiet surface. (3) The rising bank was covered with emerald grass, dotted with countless sparks of dew. (4) The air, saturated with the spicy aromas of wild flowers, froze. (5) Quietly - only in the thickets of reeds near the water itself mosquitoes rang with bells. (6) Vadimka sat on the bank and watched how the old poplar tree drops snow-white fluffs whirling in the frozen air and how they float along the river in white boats. (7) A subtle whining disturbed the calm of the morning.

(8) The boy shuddered - he remembered why he came here. (9) Tears came to the throat, began to choke, but he restrained himself - he did not cry.

(10) Yesterday the Beetle whelped: she brought four. (11) Mother saw Zhuchkin's belly and let's lament to the whole village! (12) “I didn’t notice! (13) How many times I said: do not let the dog out of the yard! (14) What do you want

do with them?"

(15) Vadimka is to blame. (16) And the demand is now from him. (17) Mother ordered

to get rid of the puppies in the evening - to drown. (18) It's easy to say, but try it, do it ... (19) They are at least small, blind, but living beings!

(20) Vadimka could not imagine how Zhuchkin's puppies would be drowned. (21) It seemed simpler: leave the bag by the water - the river will do its job itself - and walk without hassle and worries ...

(22) Vadimka would not have been able to do that. (23) Smearing tears with dirty palms, he wiped his face, folded the puppies back and resolutely headed for the village.

(24) At the general store, waiting for the morning bread, people crowded - more and more women. (25) Seeing a familiar face, Vadimka went to the porch.

- (26) Hello, Aunt Masha, - bursting into color, turned

to a stout woman.

- (27) Great! (28) What's in the bag? Curious Aunt Masha immediately became interested.

- (29) Now I'll show you! – Vadimka began to fuss. - (30) Zhuchkin's puppies. (31) Can you take it?

- (32) Are puppies? (33) Some rats, - the woman quipped. (34) Those gathered around jumped.

- (35) Little ones - they were born yesterday ...

- (36) Once yesterday, then bring them to your mother. (37) They burst into tears - they want to eat.

- (38) I can't. (39) Mother forbade them to return home with them ... (40) Maybe you can still take it?

(41) But the women, having lost interest in the bag, dispersed one after another. (42) The general store was opened, and Aunt Masha busily went to the door. (43) Sighing, the boy dejectedly trudged away.

- (44) Vadik, wait!

(45) Vadimka turned around: Nikolai Yegorych is a collective farm veterinarian, an old friend of his father.

- (46) What are you, go to grandfather Boris, the hunter. (47) With him, Silva, by the way, whelped, brought eight pieces. (48) Maybe the old man will take yours.

(49) Inspired, Vadimka rushed to the hunter's house ...

(According to A. Nikolskaya) *

*Nikolskaya Anna (born in 1979) is a contemporary Russian children's writer.


Lexical analysis.

Find in the text an antonym for the word WALKED (sentence 43). Write this antonym.

(1) Morning breathed freshness. (2) A transparent fog hung over the river, but the sun's rays were already gilding the quiet surface. (3) The rising bank was covered with emerald grass, dotted with countless sparks of dew. (4) The air, saturated with the spicy aromas of wild flowers, froze. (5) Quietly - only in the thickets of reeds near the water itself mosquitoes rang with bells. (6) Vadimka sat on the bank and watched how the old poplar tree drops snow-white fluffs whirling in the frozen air and how they float along the river in white boats. (7) A subtle whining disturbed the calm of the morning.

(8) The boy shuddered - he remembered why he came here. (9) Tears came to the throat, began to choke, but he restrained himself - he did not cry.

(10) Yesterday the Beetle whelped: she brought four. (11) Mother saw Zhuchkin's belly and let's lament to the whole village! (12) “I didn’t notice! (13) How many times I said: do not let the dog out of the yard! (14) What do you want

do with them?"

(15) Vadimka is to blame. (16) And the demand is now from him. (17) Mother ordered

to get rid of the puppies in the evening - to drown. (18) It's easy to say, but try it, do it ... (19) They are at least small, blind, but living beings!

(20) Vadimka could not imagine how Zhuchkin's puppies would be drowned. (21) It seemed simpler: leave the bag by the water - the river will do its job itself - and walk without hassle and worries ...

(22) Vadimka would not have been able to do that. (23) Smearing tears with dirty palms, he wiped his face, folded the puppies back and resolutely headed for the village.

(24) At the general store, waiting for the morning bread, people crowded - more and more women. (25) Seeing a familiar face, Vadimka went to the porch.

- (26) Hello, Aunt Masha, - bursting into color, turned

to a stout woman.

- (27) Great! (28) What's in the bag? Curious Aunt Masha immediately became interested.

- (29) Now I'll show you! – Vadimka began to fuss. - (30) Zhuchkin's puppies. (31) Can you take it?

- (32) Are puppies? (33) Some rats, - the woman quipped. (34) Those gathered around jumped.

- (35) Little ones - they were born yesterday ...

- (36) Once yesterday, then bring them to your mother. (37) They burst into tears - they want to eat.

- (38) I can't. (39) Mother forbade them to return home with them ... (40) Maybe you can still take it?

(41) But the women, having lost interest in the bag, dispersed one after another. (42) The general store was opened, and Aunt Masha busily went to the door. (43) Sighing, the boy dejectedly trudged away.

- (44) Vadik, wait!

(45) Vadimka turned around: Nikolai Yegorych is a collective farm veterinarian, an old friend of his father.

- (46) What are you, go to grandfather Boris, the hunter. (47) With him, Silva, by the way, whelped, brought eight pieces. (48) Maybe the old man will take yours.

(49) Inspired, Vadimka rushed to the hunter's house ...

(According to A. Nikolskaya) *

*Nikolskaya Anna (born in 1979) is a contemporary Russian children's writer.

(4) The air, saturated with the spicy aromas of wild flowers, froze.


1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist I. N. Gorelov: “The most amazing thing is that the master writer is able, taking ordinary, well-known words, to show how many shades of meaning are hidden and revealed in his thoughts, feelings ". Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the composition with the words of I. N. Gorelov. The essay must be at least 70 words. A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment: “Inspired, Vadim rushed to the hunter’s house ...” In your essay, give 2 (two) arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

3. How do you understand the meaning of the word KINDNESS? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic “What is kindness”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second - from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) Morning breathed freshness. (2) A transparent fog hung over the river, but the sun's rays were already gilding the quiet surface. (3) The rising bank was covered with emerald grass, dotted with countless sparks of dew. (4) The air, saturated with the spicy aromas of wild flowers, froze. (5) Quietly - only in the thickets of reeds near the water itself mosquitoes rang with bells. (6) Vadimka sat on the bank and watched how the old poplar tree drops snow-white fluffs whirling in the frozen air and how they float along the river in white boats. (7) A subtle whining disturbed the calm of the morning.

(8) The boy shuddered - he remembered why he came here. (9) Tears came to the throat, began to choke, but he restrained himself - he did not cry.

(10) Yesterday the Beetle whelped: she brought four. (11) Mother saw Zhuchkin's belly and let's lament to the whole village! (12) “I didn’t notice! (13) How many times I said: do not let the dog out of the yard! (14) What do you want

do with them?"

(15) Vadimka is to blame. (16) And the demand is now from him. (17) Mother ordered

to get rid of the puppies in the evening - to drown. (18) It's easy to say, but try it, do it ... (19) They are at least small, blind, but living beings!

(20) Vadimka could not imagine how Zhuchkin's puppies would be drowned. (21) It seemed simpler: leave the bag by the water - the river will do its job itself - and walk without hassle and worries ...

(22) Vadimka would not have been able to do that. (23) Smearing tears with dirty palms, he wiped his face, folded the puppies back and resolutely headed for the village.

(24) At the general store, waiting for the morning bread, people crowded - more and more women. (25) Seeing a familiar face, Vadimka went to the porch.

- (26) Hello, Aunt Masha, - bursting into color, turned

to a stout woman.

- (27) Great! (28) What's in the bag? Curious Aunt Masha immediately became interested.

- (29) Now I'll show you! – Vadimka began to fuss. - (30) Zhuchkin's puppies. (31) Can you take it?

- (32) Are puppies? (33) Some rats, - the woman quipped. (34) Those gathered around jumped.

- (35) Little ones - they were born yesterday ...

- (36) Once yesterday, then bring them to your mother. (37) They burst into tears - they want to eat.

- (38) I can't. (39) Mother forbade them to return home with them ... (40) Maybe you can still take it?

(41) But the women, having lost interest in the bag, dispersed one after another. (42) The general store was opened, and Aunt Masha busily went to the door. (43) Sighing, the boy dejectedly trudged away.

- (44) Vadik, wait!

(45) Vadimka turned around: Nikolai Yegorych is a collective farm veterinarian, an old friend of his father.

- (46) What are you, go to grandfather Boris, the hunter. (47) With him, Silva, by the way, whelped, brought eight pieces. (48) Maybe the old man will take yours.

(49) Inspired, Vadimka rushed to the hunter's house ...

(According to A. Nikolskaya) *

*Nikolskaya Anna (born in 1979) is a contemporary Russian children's writer.