Is what if. False is that which claims to be the ultimate truth

The Anti-Corruption Foundation published an investigation into Medvedev's "secret empire" in early March, a month later the prime minister commented for the first time, calling the publication "nonsense" and "compote". One of the authors of the investigation, Georgy Alburov, an employee of the investigation department of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, commented on Medvedev's response to Dozhd.

Dmitry Medvedev:

Moreover, everything is done according to the principle of "compote": they take all sorts of different dregs, all sorts of nonsense, they collect: if it concerns me, then about my acquaintances, about people whom I have never heard of at all, about some places where I have been, about some places that I have never heard of either.They collect some pieces of paper, photographs, clothes and then create such a product and present it.

Georgy Alburov:

This is very funny. Every time we play after investigations with the one against whom we did such an investigation, this is the game: when we say some facts, we are answered with some insults and some completely inadequate statements, to which we also respond with facts.

But every time it is rather difficult to answer with facts what Medvedev or someone else said, because, well, they called our investigation “compote”, “nonsense” and “papers” - well, what can you say about it? Apparently, this is intended for those who have not read our investigation, because it consists of hundreds and hundreds of documents, screenshots, references, videos, photographs, maps, everything in the world. And all this is interconnected, and all this proves that Medvedev owns a whole corrupt empire, into which oligarchs and state banks pumped 70 billion rubles.

It's hard to argue with Medvedev when he doesn't answer with a texture, when he doesn't answer in essence, because apparently he simply has nothing to answer. He cannot present his certificates against our certificates, which would refute all this. He needs something to answer, he can't be silent all the time.

Dmitry Medvedev:

And if this (investigation - Rain.) is well paid for, then the product turns out to be quite solid.

Georgy Alburov:

We talked about how much this investigation cost - about 400 thousand rubles. This is money for business trips, for shooting, for buying an American boy song - for some such things, there were no other expenses. The Anti-Corruption Foundation is a non-profit organization. We exist on donations, people are paid salaries and we just don't need a lot of money to release this investigation. We do everything on a budget, economically, because we live on the people's money.

Dmitry Medvedev:

What do people achieve with these materials? They naturally try to show that the government is behaving badly, and they are better than everyone else. In other words, these are all the stories that are filmed, and, by the way, they are filmed for a lot of money, and moreover, this money is collected, of course, not from the people, but there are private sponsors who are behind everything behind this, they are aimed at achieving a very specific political result.

Georgy Alburov:

As for private investors, yes, indeed, we exist on the money of private investors. These are people who invest in their future and the future of their children 100 rubles a month, 500 rubles a month - tens of thousands of such people donate to the Anti-Corruption Foundation so that we film such investigations.

If our prime minister has been thinking for a month that the investigation of his billions is political, then he has some kind of problem with cognitive abilities. Because yes, of course, if the corruption of the prime minister is being investigated, when he takes bribes from the oligarchs, of course, this has both a political and a criminal nature. Apparently, they believe that if something is political, then it is immediately false and can be stigmatized.

No, of course, the investigation is related to politics - it would be foolish to say that we are investigating some abstract Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, and not a specific prime minister and former president.

On March 26, the police detained all employees of the office of the Anti-Corruption Foundation of Alexei Navalny. The police came to the office of the organization, saying that they intended to conduct a search "because of the report of a bomb threat." At that moment, the fund's employees were broadcasting the rally on Tverskaya Street online. After the FBK employees were detained in the foundation's office, the searches continued, the police took out all the equipment.

Page 6

An important feature is that if in the Russian address it is possible to use the entire paradigm of names in relation to the same addressee (Alexander, Sasha, Sashenka, Sashunya, Sanya, Sanyok, Shura, Shurochka, Shurik, etc.), which is determined the choice of this or that addresser, his mood, attitude towards the addressee, the established tradition and many other factors, then in English address, as a rule, only one name from the existing paradigm is used. So, if instead of the full name Edward, when referring to a specific addressee, the abbreviated Ed is used, then everyone around him is called that: family members, friends, colleagues, etc. This appeal becomes a tradition accepted by all and sometimes completely replaces the official name, for example, Mick Jagger, Jimmy Jackson and even Bill Clinton, Tony Blair. This fact confirms the absence in them of that emotional meaning that is contained in Russian diminutive names (see also about this).

The questionnaire that parents fill out when their child enters school, as a rule, contains three columns: for the official name, surname and common name. Also, in the lists of students at the teacher, in addition to the name and surname of the student, his common name is given in brackets. Thus, names such as Eddie, Betty, Bessie are not petty diminutives of the names Edward, Albert and Elizabeth, but neutral addresses chosen by others to name the addressee and have become generally accepted.

The number of endearments expressed by nouns and adjectives in English is also much less than in Russian, and they do not convey the whole variety of emotional shades inherent in Russian addresses. The most commonly used are dear, darling, dearest, honey, sweetheart, love:

That "s for you, my dear (mother to son).

Hi, honey, I "m home !; Did you send the invitations, love? (husband to wife).

Are you sure that everybody understands that, loves? (teacher - to the students in the lesson).

These appeals are largely desemantized, as evidenced by their wider and more frequent use compared to the Russian language:

"I"m afraid I"m rather nervous.

"Yes, my dear,

I can see that. (J. Asher) (Physician at a private clinic to a wealthy patient).

don't worry, love

- we "ll get your little one back, he can" t be far. (J. Asher) (policeman - to a young woman).

As a friendly address, mainly among men, the address is used mat.

Used instead of a name, it avoids the expression of intimacy, which is a modern trend in English communicative behavior: Good to see you, mate. How "re you, mate?

Sorry, mate, I "m afraid I must be off now. Thanks, mate.

There are also those who came from American circulation kiddo, lass:

"Hi, kiddo, how"re you feeling?. (J. Asher) (a young woman addresses her friend); "Hey Johnny.

"Hey there, lass" (J. Colgan) (referring to a female colleague). In case of an unexpected meeting after a long absence of contact, an appeal is possible stranger:

Hello, stranger. Fancy coming over for a chat? (to a friend). Well, hello, stranger (teacher - to a student who missed a lot of classes, with irony).

The manifestation of intimacy in addresses in general is not as characteristic of English communicative behavior as it is for Russian. In the youth environment, the tendency to avoid intimacy is observed to an even greater extent, for which, as already noted, the addresses mate, buddy are used instead of the name. For the same purpose, when referring to close friends, swear words (swear words) are often used, which in this situation are a kind of sign of closeness. So, among educated intelligent youth, the following greetings are widespread: Oh, you bastard you / How are things going, you sonuvabitch. You can also hear as addresses: bollocks, shiester, shithead, mother-fucker and other words related to swear words, which in this communicative situation are neutral and serve as markers of close relationships.

see also

Audit report
The opinion is dated the date corresponding to the date of completion of the audit, and not earlier than the date of signing or approval of the financial statements. The auditor's report is usually signed by...

1 Population 3,323,906 people (St. Petersburg 4,800,000) 2 Density 19 people/km² Russia 8.4 people/km² 3 Ethnic composition of Uruguay. 88% - immigrants from Europe, 8% - mestizos, 4% - Africans ...

Out of doors
Having reached this final chapter, I realized that there was still a lot to say. Especially about what makes up the life of an American family outside of her home, or, as they say here, out of doors. ...

Whoever does not attach importance to spiritual love may develop a frenzied sexual activity, but he will not know pleasure.

You should know that those who have spiritual love in the first place have rare sexual contacts, but they bring much more pleasure.

Ask for forgiveness from your accumulated discontent for not releasing him earlier; ask for forgiveness for your mistake at the communication chakra, especially at its back part - the neck and shoulders, and also ask for forgiveness from the head for blocking the flow of love from the heart to the head, and therefore the head had to suffer. Your migraine or other ailment indicates your inability to look for the cause of the ailment in the proper place. The head will tell you the proper place - it is in the head that the brain is located, from which wrong thinking originates. When dissatisfaction with yourself is released, then you stop exhausting yourself with work and no longer say in despair: "I don't want anything, I don't want to live!"

Forgiveness frees the body from negativity step by step. Each new release introduces a change in the usual life, which you need to get used to. Take your time, stock up on perseverance, and you can experience joy. Whoever is in a hurry will face a crisis because of the haste.

In the future, learn to let dissatisfaction with yourself pass through yourself so that nothing that could cause pain lingers in you. So you will gradually grow wiser, but already without suffering. But if you, without suspecting anything, accumulate discontent, then soon you will demand that someone correct your life. And even if this happens, you will still not be satisfied, as people who improve their lives themselves are satisfied, because the really good thing is that a person creates himself, correcting the bad. Each personal achievement is a learned lesson and the eternal wisdom of the spirit, a source of satisfaction and happiness.

Bad becomes bad when it meets resistance, an obstacle on its way. Thus, the fight against the bad increases the bad, and the love of the bad reduces the bad. The more I love bad, the better bad becomes. Bad is the absence of love, and I am the very person who compensates for the absence of love. If you are capable of this, then you will stop feeling dissatisfied with yourself and the world.

Everything that exists has two poles.

Excessive satisfaction with oneself leads a person to narcissism. He does not see or hear the bad things that came to teach him a lesson. He doesn't look down at his feet. it doesn't matter to him, because he's fine. However, bad things happened his way. Why?

A person who becomes blind and deaf from joy for his good life does not learn to think. Are his life lessons left unlearned? Usually not. His arrogant indifference sooner or later turns into imprudence, and the day will come when he will receive everything in full. If he did not understand what it was others because of his indifference, now he will experience on myself someone else's indifference to their troubles. Whether it happens at home, at work or in a medical facility, it will not pass without a trace. Does the person realize my mistake or get angry with others, but his spirit will draw the mind through the experience acquired by the body. Before a severe test in a person concentrates visible only to others haughty arrogance towards everyone, the habit of getting whatever he wants, and if this does not happen, then taking revenge on the one who did not satisfy his thirst for profit. Denying your negativity only makes matters worse.

If you meet such a person who looks down on others, then he is your lesson. All the emotions that have stirred up in you are your stresses that are waiting for release.

We think we know what danger is. And if a protest is heard in the soul: "I do not want!" - is this a danger? Yes, this is a big danger. "I do not want!" is evil.

A man gets everything he wants. But if he thinks wrong, then he gets exactly the opposite of what he intended, because:

- fear inhibits the will;

- anger destroys the will.

At the back of the body is the energy of the will. It moves up and down the main energy channel located in the spine.

The main destroyers of will energy are:

- unwillingness(located at the level of the lower back);

- forced position(located in the region of the lower thoracic vertebrae);

- exactingness(located in the region of the upper thoracic vertebrae);

- discontent(located in the neck area);

- desire to be better than others(located in the region of the upper cervical vertebrae).

Being in a state of balance, these stresses give life meaning and movement, and when exorbitantly increased, they destroy if a person does not learn a lesson.

The figure shows the location and scope of the will energy destroyers. Each of them contains much more than a cursory reading might seem. Look and you will find them in your body. Think and you will understand what they want to teach.

The forced situation and discontent were discussed in detail above (in the chapter "On the fire of purification" and in this chapter).

reluctance comes to teach a person to do with pleasure what he previously did without desire. It says: "Dear person! The path of life is full of obstacles. Instead of reluctance, learn to overcome them with pleasure, and you will understand what they teach. Then your legs will no longer be stubborn from unwillingness, or even refuse to move at all.

exactingness wants to teach a person to be undemanding. She says: “He who knows how to rejoice in the little, he attracts great joy. And whoever immediately strives for great things will remain without a little, because he does not know how to appreciate and cherish happiness.

Desire to be better than others is such a natural need that it is considered a negative trait. On the contrary, each person should be better than others - this is taught to children. Life proves otherwise. Why?

We are used to running in a herd, to be the same. If someone wants to be better than others, then he must get ahead. To do this, he has to crush others under him or push them apart. Either way, both parties experience pain. This is how envy arises.

The one who rushes ahead gets tired of someone else's envy, and sooner or later anger flares up in him towards envious people. This is where his death begins. His strength dries up, his run slows down, and the herd tramples him. This is how development occurs on a horizontal level.

A person who releases the desire to be better than others begins to develop on a vertical level. Gradually, he outgrows himself and rises to a new level of consciousness, where there is no petty comparison and evaluation. There he is not disturbed by the life struggle of others.

This is the blessed highest living level of peace of mind. We are on our way to it.


Thought governs life. A good thought creates good, a bad thought creates bad.

The problem of civilization is a woman, but everyone has their own, personal thoughts. With the help of thoughts, we are connected with our previous lives, where we were either men or women. A person should himself take care of correcting his way of thinking, and not look for faults in others.

If physical disease is artificially eliminated by resorting to drugs or surgical intervention, then the body is deprived of the opportunity to teach its lesson. Your trouble breaks into the psyche. Your inability to listen to the edification of thought has led to the fact that mental anguish has turned into a physical illness, which in turn is fraught with mental deviations if you continue not to heed the instructions of the body. Your body is the bridge connecting soul and spirit. The strength of this bridge is determined by your prudence, which is given forever from God and which develops in the direction of the future.



Syntactic constructions with the union "if" are distinguished by punctuation marks, usually commas. Before the correlative word "then" a comma is always placed.

And penetrate if, then there was nothing to be ashamed of. B. Vasilyev, Don't shoot white swans.If a I didn't come to town for a long time, then , then I was sick or something happened to me, and they were both very worried. A. Chekhov, About love. Listen... because if it's true, then so both of them... V. Korolenko, At night.

The union "if ... then" in a complex sentence may be preceded by another union. There is no punctuation mark between the two conjunctions, since the correlative word "that" implies the impossibility of excluding or rearranging the subordinate clause.

It was warm in the cabin, and one could forget that there was a mile and a half of empty space under the apparatus, what if you fall a raven will not collect bones, that the life of all is in the art of a pilot and the proper operation of engines. B. Zhitkov, Above the water. And I also thought that if dad so wants to invent me, then , please, I can leave the house directly to the virgin lands. V. Dragunsky, Deniska's stories.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what "if ... then" is in other dictionaries:

    if only- if only …

    if- if … Spelling Dictionary

    if- if …

    if- (b) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    if only- if (b) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    IF- 1. union. Expresses the condition for the commission, existence of which n. E. you ask, I will go. E. you can, come. 2. particle. The same as except (in 2 values). I don't have time to come in. E. just a minute (just a minute e.). A shovel does not take, with a crowbar e. If 1) union ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    IF- IF, union. 1. at the beginning of the conditional appendage. proposals, from in present temp. or bud. temp. In the case when ... (in the main clause, the conjunction this or that may correspond). "If life deceives you, do not be sad, do not be angry." Pushkin. If the demand... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    if- If, if, when, if, if, if soon; unless. If, if only. If you tell the truth, then ... It doesn’t matter who asks, then tell me ... If I die, otherwise I’ll do it. Praise my lip, not that (if not, otherwise, otherwise) I will break ... even if ... . Vocabulary … Synonym dictionary

    if- when, if yes, if only, if, if only, if yes, if only beans would grow in the mouth, if yes, if only mushrooms would grow in the mouth Dictionary of Russian synonyms. if ever; if yes, if only (beans would grow in your mouth or mushrooms would grow in your mouth) (colloquial jest.); if… … Synonym dictionary

    if- IF, if, in the event that, if and ... then, if only, if ... then, in case, in case if, on the condition that, on the condition that, on the condition that, on the condition which, perhaps, is outdated. if outdated. if, razg. ... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    IF- Rapprochement with other languages, their influence accelerated and aggravated those development trends that had been identified even earlier in the Russian language itself. Both in the field of vocabulary and grammar, under the influence of foreign languages, it is rapidly spreading and ... ... The history of words


  • If not you! , Vyacheslav Viktorovich Marchenkov. Only sincere love makes a person purer. Elevates him above the abyss of being, lies and hypocrisy. Only sincere love gives us the strength to survive in this crazy ...

In complex sentences consisting of three or more predicative parts, there may be combinations of two subordinating conjunctions (WHAT IF, WHAT WHEN, etc.) and combinations of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions (AND HOW, AND ALTHOUGH, etc.).

1. Two subordinating conjunctions in a row can occur in complex sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Compare two sentences:

And I'm telling you what I will go with you if you'll go.
And I'm telling you what if you will go, I will go with you (L. Tolstoy).

In the first example, the main part is at the very beginning ( And I'm telling you...), followed by an adjective (... I will go with you...) related to the main part. Such parts of the assumption are called subordinate clauses of the first degree. The sentence ends with an adjective (... if you go), relating not to the main part, but to the first subordinate clause. Such parts of the sentence are called subordinate clauses of the second degree.

In the second case, the subordinate parts are rearranged: after the main part of the sentence, the subordinate clause of the second degree follows, and then the subordinate clause of the first degree. It was in this situation that two subordinating unions turned out to be side by side: the union WHAT, with the help of which the subordinate clause of the first degree is attached, and the union IF, which is attached to the subordinate clause of the second degree. In such a sentence, there is a comma between the two subordinating conjunctions.

Please note: from such a sentence, a subordinate clause of the second degree ( …if you go…) is easy to remove without destroying the entire syntactic construction: And I'm telling you that ... I'll go with you.

Now let's change this sentence a bit:

And I'm telling you what if you'll go, then I will go with you.

In this example, the correlative word TO appeared in the last subordinate clause. This is the second part of the compound union IF ... THEN. As a result, there is no comma between the unions WHAT and IF. Note that here we cannot omit the second-degree clause ( …if you go…), since the sentence will retain the word TO, referring to the last part of the sentence.

It turns out that the union WHAT joins a single construction of two parts connected by the union IF ... THEN, and therefore, a comma between the words WHAT and IF is not needed. Consider two more similar sentences, only with conjunctions WHAT and WHEN.

That's because what when the car stops, your whole body slows down (A. Tolstoy).
Egor brought a remark unexpected for Levin, what when he lived with good masters, then he was pleased with his masters (according to L. Tolstoy).

The comma between the unions WHAT and WHEN is only in the sentence where there is no word THEN.

2. In addition to complex sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses, a similar situation can develop in constructions where both coordinative and subordinating relationships are used at the same time. In this case, there may be coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Compare two sentences:

Curtain rose, And How as soon as the audience saw their favorite, the theater trembled with applause and enthusiastic shouts (Kuprin).
Curtain rose, And How only the public saw their favorite, So the theater trembled with applause and enthusiastic cries.

Please note: in both examples, AND and HOW are side by side, but only the first sentence has a comma. The fact is that in the second example, the simple union AND and the compound union HOW ... SO were nearby. The second (correlative) part of the compound union follows after the subordinate tense.

Try to remove the clause from the sentence, starting with the word HOW to the next comma. This is possible only in the first case, and in the second sentence the meaning will be destroyed, since the second part of the compound union SO will remain in the subordinate clause.

Compare two more sentences:

and although her words were familiar to Saburov, they suddenly ached her heart (Simonov).
The woman kept talking and talking about her misfortunes, and although her words were familiar to Saburov, but they suddenly broke my heart.

In the second sentence, a comma is not put between the union AND and the union ALTHOUGH, since the union BUT follows the concessive clause, which actually assumes the function of connecting the first and third parts of the complex sentence. For this reason, in the second example, the words AND ALTHOUGH turn into a single allied combination that does not require separation in writing with a comma.

So, you need to remember the following rules.

1. With consistent subordination, subordinating conjunctions may be nearby (WHAT and IF, WHAT and WHEN, etc.). A comma is placed between them only if there are no correlative words TO or THEN further in the sentence.

2. If in a complex sentence there are coordinating and subordinating conjunctions (AND and ALTHOUGH, AND AND HOW, etc.), then you need to find out if there are correlative words TO, SO or another coordinating union (A, BUT, HOWEVER) after the clause and etc.). A comma is placed only when these words are absent after the subordinate clause.

An exercise

    The hunting sign that if the first beast and the first bird are not missed, then the field will be happy, turned out to be fair (L. Tolstoy).

    She knew that if the letter was shown to her husband, he would not refuse her (according to Tolstoy).

    He felt that if he stumbled, then everything would immediately go to hell (Gogol).

    It always happened with Levin that when the first shots were unsuccessful, he got excited, annoyed, and shot badly all day (Tolstoy).

    It never occurred to him that if he and other foreign idealists were Russians in Russia, they would be exterminated immediately by the Leninist regime (Nabokov).

    In this case, the Foolovites surprised the world with their ingratitude, and as soon as they learned that the mayor was having a bad time, they immediately deprived him of their popularity (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    On the way, he ran into a change shop and exchanged all his large paper for small paper, and although he lost it on the exchange, his wallet grew considerably thicker (according to Dostoevsky).

    In the penultimate room, Andrei Filippovich met him, and although there were quite a few other faces in the room, completely strangers to Mr. Golyadkin at the present moment, our hero did not even want to pay attention to such a circumstance (Dostoevsky).

    By morning the temperature had dropped, and although I was sluggish like a toad, I put on my purple dressing gown over my corn-yellow pajamas and went to the office where the telephone was (Nabokov).

    It may very well be that if the forms do not match my requirements, I will abandon the legal claim (Tolstoy).

    Andrei Filippovich replied to Mr. Golyadkin with such a look that if our hero had not already been completely killed, he would certainly have been killed another time (Dostoevsky).

    For example, she became more and more convinced that if the general conversation was sometimes conducted in French, then this was done by conspiracy for the sake of devilish fun (according to Nabokov).

    The regimental commander announced that if these scandals do not stop, then we must go out (Tolstoy).

    He felt that if he admitted this, it would be proved to him that he was talking nonsense that had no meaning (Tolstoy).

    Levin made the remark a long time ago that when it is awkward with people because of their excessive compliance, humility, it will very soon become unbearable from their excessive exactingness and captiousness (Tolstoy).

    Yankel turned to him and said that Ostap was in the city dungeon, and although it was difficult to persuade the guards, he hoped to get him a meeting (according to Gogol).

    He also petitioned for the establishment of an academy, and when he was refused, he built a movable house in its place (Saltykov-Shchedrin) without further thought.

    Even by the sound of light steps on the stairs, he felt her approach, and although he was pleased with his speech, he became afraid for the upcoming explanation ... (Tolstoy).

  1. _ although no one asked himself, what does anyone care about the fact that the mayor is sleeping on the glacier, and not in an ordinary bedroom, but everyone was worried (Saltykov-Shchedrin).
  2. But their hopes did not come true, and when the fields cleared of snow in the spring, the Foolovites, not without amazement, saw that they were completely naked (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    In a word, he thoroughly studied mythology, and although he liked to pretend to be pious, in essence he was the worst idolater (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    I liked to visit them, and although I overate terribly, like all those who visited them, although it was very harmful for me, I was always glad to go to them (Gogol).

    She told him to hide under the bed, and as soon as the anxiety passed, she called her maid, a captive Tatar, and gave her the order to carefully take him out into the garden and send him over the fence from there (Gogol).

    The grammarians started before everyone else, and as soon as the rhetoricians intervened, they already ran away and stood on the dais to observe the battle (according to Gogol).