Russian show business stars are drug addicts. Star children with alcohol and drug addiction (18 photos)

November 7, 2015, 13:24

It's no secret that many celebrities use drugs. In their world of temptation, partying and hard work, it's probably hard to resist. There are many examples when foreign artists were caught with “weed” or white powder, and only Russian stars avoid such scandals. Guesses about the pernicious passion of celebrities for illegal substances sound only in connection with the next death of one or another famous person. But they don’t pay much attention to them: what to say when it’s too late?

Drug addiction (unofficially) explains the death of many: Roman Trakhtenberg, Murat Nasyrov, Igor Sorin. The stars themselves do not make a big secret from the fact that drugs are an integral part of the backstage of bohemian life, but ask someone directly - they are, of course, an exception. Colleagues in the artistic workshop literally took up arms against Vlad Topalov.

Vlad Topalov

Among the few, he dared to tell how his colleagues got him hooked on drugs, how he went to the next world with one foot, but managed to get out. The Samoilov brothers also dabbled in drugs. The ex-soloist of "A-Studio" Polina Griffiths once said that in the Russian show business "drugs are distributed semi-officially." The artist Nikas Safronov recently admitted on NTV that he offered Vlad Galkin to hush up the scandal with the shooting in the Moscow bar and even agreed with one of the officials not to give this case a go. But the actor rejected the help of a friend. So is it any wonder that with such a willingness of the police to preserve the good name of celebrities (on a non-gratuitous basis, of course) in Russia, not a single high-profile drug scandal has happened lately?

The Samoilov brothers ("Agatha Christie")

The late art director of the Leps Bar, Rahman Neimark-Koen, who was also the creative director at the Basque Club, had extensive experience in organizing various events. But Russian stars did not love him for this. He used cocaine himself and knew where to get it. Rahman was found dead in the bath. Just like Whitney Houston, who died shortly before from cocaine abuse.

Victoria Lopyreva and Rahman Neimark-Koen

Neimark-Koen came to Moscow from Uzbekistan and, according to documents, bore the usual Uzbek surname Makhmudov . Many were surprised by the unexpectedly violent reaction of the star party to his death. Why would Yana Rudkovskaya, Dima Bilan, Sergei Lazarev, Lera Kudryavtseva, Vyacheslav Manucharov, Anfisa Chekhova and other famous persons suddenly begin to mourn some party organizer, of whom there are no number in Moscow? Maybe the fact is that the deceased rendered them scrupulous services?

Vyacheslav Manucharov and Rahman Neimark-Koen

Thirty-year-old promoter Igor Logachev, in addition to organizing concerts of world pop stars, arranged leisure activities for Russian VIPs and was directly involved in the sale and purchase of the purest Colombian cocaine. In 2010, he was arrested in St. Petersburg. "This is exactly the drug that is in demand among representatives of this kind of profession," Viktor Ivanov, director of the Russian Federal Drug Control Service, said at a press conference.

Igor Logachev

From an interview with Otar Kushanashvili (

Murat Nasyrov committed suicide by using hard drugs. When I tried to talk about it on Channel One in a popular talk show, I was quickly gagged. Well, of course, the man dressed in a concert costume, took a video camera in his hands and stood on the windowsill, and they tell us about the search for Allah and the accident!

Murat Nasyrov

How many artists use drugs?
- Let's put it this way: 50 people out of a hundred are on soft drugs - cocaine, pills. Another 49 - on heavy. If we had spoken openly about these terrible statistics earlier, perhaps we would not have cried at the coffin of Murat Nasyrov, Leni Nerushenko, Igor Sorin.

Leonid Nerushenko

I was friends with Sorin and after his departure I made a film. In it, I directly stated that after Igor left Ivanushki, his entourage predetermined his death. But, as best he could, he spared the feelings of his parents, the wound was too fresh. He hinted only about the strange smell that always stood in his apartment, especially after the visit of friends. Igor's mother was offended. She still claims that he accidentally fell from the 16th floor. Although, of course, it was hard drugs.

Igor Sorin

Drugs appeared in the pop scene back in the 1990s. I first tried it at the legendary Titanic Club at the Young Pioneers Stadium. Like any exalted person, I liked it, but I did not know about the disastrous consequences. The introduction of cocaine into the daily diet of consumption is fraught with the exhaustion of the body's defensive reaction and the demand for something stronger, because perception atrophy sets in. Every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That is, at some point, cocaine becomes “like brushing your teeth.” Unfortunately, the vast majority of people in our show business go through this.

Otar Kushanashvili

I myself am no exception, once almost died after an overdose. Even the pop old-timer Irina Allegrova, to my direct question whether she used tranquilizers, answered: “Understand it as you like - that was it!”

A real drug train stretches for the winner of Eurovision 2008, Dima Bilan. He was not caught with drugs in his pocket, but somehow his “trips” - when he is in an absolutely inadequate state - become public knowledge very easily. Therefore, in terms of the number of requests on the Internet like “Bilan is a drug addict”, as well as the number of compromising and sometimes disgraceful videos posted on YouTube, he is the undisputed leader. However, the singer himself prefers to deny all "drug charges" and say that he is completely independent. “I bought a lot of books on this topic,” Bilan admitted. - I have a good Encyclopedia of Independence, which describes many different conditions. You read about them - it really becomes just bad. A reasonable question arises - why does he need such books if he is “clean” ?!

Dima Bilan

Another name that is constantly mentioned in connection with drugs in Russian show business is Zemfira. As close acquaintances of the singer say, the first acquaintance of the rocker with them happened in her native Ufa, when she was only 16 years old. Skipping classes at the Ufa School of Arts, she smoked marijuana. And then, while working on the Ufa radio "Europe Plus", Zemfira often hung out with friends in an empty studio. Parties were not complete without prohibited substances. “There was a period when I took hard drugs,” Zemfira admitted then. - It was a long time ago, I lived in Ufa. In general, what it means to be a drug addict, I know firsthand. But in the end I solved this problem.


This continued until the middle of the 2000s. According to the testimonies of those who came across Zema at that period of her life, the girl, disappointed in her own songs, began to use potent drugs again. The limit came during a concert tour of Siberia in 2007, when the organizers announced her illness. Concerts have been rescheduled. And about the fact that Zemfira lost weight due to drugs and became extremely nervous and irritable, only the lazy does not say. Now the singer prefers to stay away from journalists, almost does not give concerts and generally "recluses" in every possible way. But despite this, drug scandals still overtake her. So, last year, the portal accused her of having sniffed a certain substance in the company of Renata Litvinova, Ksenia Sobchak, Sergey Kapkov and Alexander Mamut after a closed show she organized at Art-Strelka in Moscow. Initially, the name of the narcotic substance appeared in the article - cocaine, but then it disappeared. This was the reason for Zemfira to go to court. Zemfira won the court, but, by and large, this had little effect on her tarnished reputation.

Ksenia Sobchak and Sergey Kapkov

Bogdan Titomir calls himself a "psychoactive substance professional":

I got rid of drugs on my own. I didn’t lie anywhere, although the famous doctor Murad Nazarliev offered to go to his clinic. I switched to extreme. So smoothly and overcame himself, changed one hobby for another. Drugs are a very serious thing. People die from them, they undermine health and psyche. Especially hard drugs - such as gerych. This is scary. I went through this and would not recommend to anyone.

Bogdan Titomir

Ksenia Sobchak:

I have had cocaine in my life. But I'm not addicted. Moreover, I did not understand what the buzz is. The same goes for alcohol and cigarettes. I can smoke a pack a night, and then I can not smoke for weeks. I have never used it regularly, but I know what it is. I am surprised by Russian performers who say they have never heard of cocaine.

Alexander Medvedev (Shura)

I was on drugs for three years. It was a very difficult period. Somehow I managed to work, but I also had to eat drugs. Russian show business is simply stuffed with drugs. I also really wanted to try. There was simply no strength to hold on. Thank God it's all over. I went through a rehabilitation course in a good clinic.


Lolita Milyavskaya:

It was a serious problem. Cocaine every day for a year. First, for cheerfulness, for confidence, for clarity of thought. Then - so as not to fall off your feet ... And after a while you look at yourself in the mirror and do not understand: where did this old swollen woman with red eyes and tachycardia come from? Yesterday I was slim, beautiful and brilliant! I told myself "Stop!" - and that was the end of it. Two years have passed since I quit cocaine, and now there is no place for doping in my mind. I sometimes take sleeping pills...


All confessed stars claim that they have already overcome addiction and quit drugs, but is it really so?



President Dmitry Medvedev asks Vladimir Putin to introduce criminal liability for drug use and forcibly treat drug addicts. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin.

AT June 2011, the government must submit the relevant documents to the president. We are talking about "the systematic non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as the possibility of using as a punishment for persons who have committed crimes of minor gravity related to drugs, the obligation to undergo a medical rehabilitation procedure for getting rid of drug addiction," Medvedev's order says. .

It remains to wish the president to pay attention to those who could be included in the list of drug addicts: there are many interesting characters. Among them: a member of the Public Chamber, an activist of the Young Guard, athletes and musicians.
"Salt" compiled a list of celebrities who at one time could also be sent for compulsory treatment.

Vlad TOPALOV, musician, member of the public council of the "Young Guard"
cocaine, ecstasy

- One winter evening (in January 2004), my friends and I were sitting, and I said: “Come on! And what?" And we tried. That's how it all started. I don't remember the first six months. It's like a blackout, when you remember only in pieces, frames.
When I tell this, they usually do not believe me. People can eat two tablets per night. We ate 10-15 per night. Once we ate 150 tablets for the three of us over the weekend from Friday to Monday evening.
[After four years] I realized that it is much cooler to give up drugs, to be absolutely sincere, honest about it and be proud that this is in the past and that you finally have the opportunity to choose a new life and live it the way you always dreamed of.

Sky Ferreira

It was worth the titled model to announce the release of her album, as in a couple of days Ferreiro with her friend - DIIV band member Zachary Cole Smith - detained by the police. The suspicion of the cops was caused by stolen numbers on the Ford in which the couple was traveling. However, the problem turned out to be much more serious. When checking documents in the car, they found ecstasy tablets and a bag with 42 doses of heroin. The lovers were taken to the police station, but before the court's decision, they had already managed to release them on bail. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the car was listed as stolen, and during the arrest, Sky tried to resist. They have already been indicted on several counts, although Zachary claims in a tweet that they were set up.

Zac Efron

A good boy and a favorite of the entire female (and not only) half of America, the star of High School Musical, has never been famous for his reputation as a party-goer and reveler. The other day, information appeared that shocked all fans of the well-behaved Efron. It turns out that for several years he abused alcohol, cocaine and ecstasy. But he found the strength in himself and underwent a course of treatment for drug addiction. Due to addiction, the actor began to skip filming and had already dealt with the police. After five months of rehabilitation, he again plunged into work. Efron has already presented the film "Parkland", where he starred and is working on a new film "Shantarpa".

Courtney Love

The widow of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, singer Courtney Love is considered to be the most experienced drug addict in Hollywood. On account of her countless offenses: she knocked out the windows of her own house, crushed furniture in hotels, staged brawls on board the plane, attacked the police - in general, everything, as befits a rock star. Her friends even gave her the nickname "black tornado", referring to constant trouble, and her other nickname - Coco - reflects her long history of dealing with cocaine. Surprisingly, after litigation, she almost always managed to get out of the water. At the moment, Courtney has settled down and gone to work on a new album.

Elton John

It's hard to believe that one of Rolling Stone's "greatest performers of our time", Sir Elton John, was once a drug addict. The singer spoke about his addiction a few weeks after the death of Whitney Houston. The artist admitted that he used cocaine in unlimited quantities and often brought himself to a near-death state, but he never considered himself a drug addict. After another seizure, he could get up and sniff the next track. A meeting with his current husband, Canadian designer and director David Furnish, helped him recover from the disease. Today, the composer is ready to help anyone who wants to give up drugs.


The British singer, whose positive image never aroused suspicion, also suffered from addictions. Fame came to Sting as part of the rock band Police, which he left at the peak of his popularity in 1984. The ideal husband and caring father turned out to be a drug addict and a rake. His drunken antics increasingly came out until a new girlfriend, Trudie Styler, forced him to recover from drug addiction. After a course of rehabilitation, he decided to start a solo career and in the 90s he again became a star. A few years ago, on his blog on the Huffington Post, he made a statement calling on the government to legalize marijuana and use the proceeds from its sale to fight crime, poverty and global warming.

Lindsey Lohan

American actress Lindsay Lohan has repeatedly been imprisoned for drug use and possession. The star underwent treatment for addiction six times, even was sentenced to 14 days in prison, but this did not stop the singer. In March of this year, she underwent another course at a special clinic due to a traffic accident. At the time of the incident, Lohan was already on probation for her previous offense of jewelry theft. A month ago, on the Oprah Winfrey show, Lindsay admitted that getting into trouble due to her addiction to alcohol and kleptomania, she always subconsciously wanted to go to jail, since only imprisonment can stop and calm her down at least for a while.


The artist never hid that he was addicted to antidepressants, but until recently he preferred not to talk about this dark side of his biography. Slim Shady admitted to taking 60 Valium tablets and 30 Vicodin capsules a day in the mid-2000s. At some point, the artist suffered a serious overdose, almost all of his organs failed and the doctors did not hope for recovery. A month later, the singer began to work. According to the artist, the main reason why he did not allow himself to give up was a sense of responsibility for his own daughter Haley, as well as two adopted daughters Laney and Whitney.

Britney Spears

America's "pop princess" has always been predicted to have a bright future. So it was until the moment when the singer met her husband, dancer Kevin Federline. Divorce from Kevin in 2007 unsettled the artist. After the trial, Britney had a series of mental breakdowns: she suddenly gained weight, left her career, started using drugs, alcohol, and even shaved her head. In 2008, Spears was admitted to a psychiatric clinic and declared incompetent, so the custody of her two children was transferred to their father, Kevin.

Robert Downey Jr

In his youth, after several jobs in teen comedies, the actor played a desperate teenager drug addict in the film Less Than Zero. After that, Downey began to have problems with drugs in real life. After a series of high-profile scandals, he was fired from the studios where he was busy filming, and the court sentenced him to 16 months in prison for possession of cocaine, heroin and weapons. In addition, Robert had to undergo compulsory treatment. The actor said that his father, director Robert Downey Sr., was to blame for addiction, who gave the boy at the age of 8 to try marijuana.

Lady Gaga

In 2011, the singer admitted to using drugs, urging her fans not to follow her example. The artist used illegal substances, namely marijuana, to create new hits. Gaga explained that in her youth she wanted to be like her idols so much that she started taking drugs and miraculously survived. Having overcome her addiction, she began to do charity work, transferring huge sums for the treatment of drug addicts.

It is no secret that many famous people suffered from drug addiction.

Traditionally, it is believed that rock musicians and top models are especially guilty of this. The latter, with the help of drugs, are trying to suppress the feeling of hunger that constantly haunts them (suffice it to recall the “heroin chic” style popular in the late 90s). However, actors, TV presenters and singers in this sense are not far from them. Some of the stars, through incredible efforts and huge sums spent on rehabilitation clinics, managed to completely abandon drugs, some break down from time to time, and some do not stop using at all. For some, the next dose is fatal. The American portal Radaronline presented a selection of Hollywood stars who have ever suffered from drug addiction.

Ex-wife of famous Hollywood reveler Charlie Sheen Brooke Mueller not far from her windy husband. The actress was in rehabilitation in various clinics for 20 times, survived six drug overdoses, but in the end she could not return to normal life. For this reason, the twin sons Brooke and Sheen are now being raised by another ex-wife of the actor, Denise Richards.

Jennifer Aniston

During the filming of the popular show "Friends", Jennifer smoked one cigarette after another. However, in 2007 she decided to give up her bad habit by undergoing an intensive detox, and now uses exercise to keep from returning to nicotine use.

Angelina Jolie

In the distant past, Jolie abused drugs, however, the Oscar-winning actress herself never denied this fact.

Outrageous singer Pink she once admitted in an interview that at the age of 12 to 15 she “tried all club drugs”, from ecstasy to methamphetamine. She also overdosed once, after which, according to Pink, she never touched the drugs once.

“Drugs stole five years of my life from me, my memory and part of my brain,” admitted Eminem. The successful rapper revealed that he began dabbling in drugs in 2002 while filming 8 Mile and due to the physical and mental stress associated with filming. The peak of drug addiction came in 2005: during the Anger Management 3 tour, the singer "dragged high every single day." In 2007, Eminem finally took on himself, realized his problems and began to actively fight drug addiction - in recent years he has not taken a single pill.

Robert Downey Jr
Few people have managed to pull themselves together again, as did actor Robert Downey Jr. He received his first Oscar at the age of 27 for his role in the film Chaplin.

However, he ended up in prison and rehab because of his irresistible craving for drugs.
From 1996 to 2001 he was arrested several times. The actor was so unstable that the directors simply could not predict when he would have another breakdown.

In 1996, the lead singer of the group "Depeche Mode" David Gahan almost died from an overdose of cocaine and heroin in a hotel in Los Angeles. The pop star allegedly gave up drugs after going through compulsory rehab.

Charlie Sheen
The famous actor first entered a rehabilitation clinic in 1990.

Bassist for American rock band Motley Crue Nikki Sixx almost died of a heroin overdose back in 1987. The musician even survived clinical death - his heart stopped for two whole minutes, but through the efforts of doctors he returned to life. After that, the rocker completely tied up with drugs and for more than two decades has not even touched alcohol.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Irish film actor. Winner of the Golden Globe Award.

Several times he was treated for alcohol addiction.
On June 28, 2011, he was hospitalized after taking a lethal dose of pills while at his home in London. The actor was found unconscious by neighbors. The doctors managed to save him.

Actor Burt Reynolds once said that at one time he got hooked on the sleeping pill "Halcion". In 1992, Reynolds tried to stop taking heavy pills, and then fell into a coma for eight hours. “I heard the doctor said that they were losing me, and I returned,” the actor recalled.

Recently it became known that Whitney Houston shortly before her death, she once again turned to doctors for help to help her overcome her drug addiction. The first scandal erupted in 2000, when employees of one airport discovered marijuana in her. After that, she constantly tried to recover from her addiction, but to no avail.

28 year old Australian actor Heath Ledger died in 2007 at the very zenith of fame, but all alone and among a pile of drugs. Now you can’t tell if the overdose was his conscious choice, or it was the result of a tragic mistake. Scandalous actress and Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith died of a drug overdose in 2007, but her life and death are still haunting minds. The star passed away at the age of 39, only a few months outliving her eldest child, son Daniel, who died at the age of 20 from an overdose of drugs and alcohol.

King of pop music Michael Jackson died in 2009 shortly before his expected triumphant return to the stage. According to the official version, the cause of the artist's death was an overdose of the drug he drank, an anesthetic that helped him fall asleep. In 2011, Jackson's doctor who prescribed the drug, Conrad Murray, was found guilty of manslaughter.

Drugs have become the scourge of many celebrities. The love for banned substances was reflected not only in the lifestyle of the stars, but also in their work. Not all of the artists below ended their earthly journey due to addiction, but in many cases it was the catalyst for death.


Amy Winehouse

Some are still haunted by the passing of soul diva Amy Winehouse, who passed away on July 23, 2011. The eccentric artist has been found dead in her London apartment. The public suspected that it was an overdose, as the singer had been treated for addiction more than once. The results of the toxicological examination showed that there were no illegal drugs in Amy's blood. The investigation reached a dead end, because this version was the main one.

The artist's death was classified as unexplained. Detectives suggested that Winehouse was killed by a sharp rejection of alcohol - shortly before the tragedy, she was treated in a specialized clinic, but this option also disappeared. Then the police officers began to sin on vodka, remembering that three bottles of strong drink were found in the singer's apartment.

At the end of 2012, they decided to resume the investigation: according to authorities, the assistant coroner who conducted the inquest was not qualified. However, the re-examination has become formal, and therefore the British still do not know why Amy died.

Whitney Houston

Her death raises a lot of questions among the townsfolk, since police sergeant Terry Nutall, who arrived at the scene of the discovery of the body, was seen for obscene acts and ruined the evidence. The former head of the special forces of the American law enforcement agencies filed a lawsuit against Nutall, who on the day of the singer's death was in the hotel room where Houston was found. The commandos did not touch the sheet with which the corpse was covered, so as not to "destroy evidence from a possible crime scene," and the police sergeant showed an unhealthy interest in the deceased. He threw away the sheet and began to examine the deceased, almost touching her.

As in the case of Amy, many believed that Whitney was killed by drugs, but even here the examination surprised everyone. The Los Angeles County coroner's office, which conducted the investigation, released a statement saying the singer died as a result of drowning. Atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use did their job. An examination showed that the 48-year-old performer was a chronic cocaine addict. Also found in her blood was marijuana, a sedative, muscle relaxant and anti-allergic drug. Such results did not please the relatives of the star, because shortly before her death, Whitney announced her victory over drug addiction.

Hollywood private detective Paul Huble was also dissatisfied with the work of the coroners and conducted his own investigation. He stated that the drug mafia killed the singer because of a debt of 1.5 million dollars. According to Paul, he got hold of a video recording showing the killers of the legendary performer who broke into her room. Huble stressed that the injuries on the body indicate that the singer tried to resist. True, the detective did not show this record to anyone, so there is a version that he is not himself.

In turn, the law enforcement officers of Beverly Hills claim that Whitney's death was not of a violent nature. "Based on the results of the investigation and the pathologist's report, we concluded that the death was not the result of a crime. The case is closed," the police department dotted the i's.

Kurt Cobain

The founder and frontman of Nirvana was found dead on April 8, 1994 in a greenhouse behind his home in Seattle. The perpetrator injected a large dose of heroin, and then shot him in the head with a gun. Kurt joined the "27 Club", which includes talented musicians who passed away at the age of 27, at the peak of their popularity (by the way, Amy Winehouse was also there). Cobain is said to have committed suicide because of drugs.

Heath Ledger

The cause of death of the actor from "Brokeback Mountain" was also considered drug addiction, but coroners found out that Ledger died from an accidental drug overdose. Few people knew that Heath suffered from insomnia, and doctors also prescribed sleeping pills, antidepressants and tranquilizers for him. A killer mixture of six drugs took the artist's life.

Marilyn Monroe

The "Only Girls in Jazz" star was found dead in her bed on August 5, 1962. Medicine packs were found nearby. So there was a version of Monroe's drug addiction. Suicide was considered the main version of death. In addition, one of the former CIA employees said that the state "ordered" the artist, but there was no confirmation of the information.

In 2015, experts announced the true cause of Marilyn's death. According to them, the Hollywood actress was the victim of medical negligence. The documentary Autopsy: The Last Hours of Marilyn Monroe claims that Hyman Engelberg prescribed her a "deadly sleeping pill cocktail." The version of suicide was also refuted by the fact that on the fateful night the star tried to get through to relatives.