Dialogue teaching method and student self-development. Dialogue technologies Dialogue technologies


In the course of teaching practice, students of our college of the “Additional Education” department quite often use interactive technologies.

The most important components of dialogue technology are problematic, communication, cooperation. When students use dialogue technology in practice, it becomes possible to organize diverse and multi-level activities of students, active communication. This contributes to the self-development and self-realization of students, the formation of communicative competence and culture. In the process of dialogue, the development of independence and critical thinking, initiative and own position of students, the desire to discuss and solve the problem posed to them takes place.

To organize a dialogue during the lesson, you need to find an interesting topic, choose the form and structure of the dialogue. The structure of the learning dialogue:

1Post topic

2 Setting learning objectives

3. Joint search for a solution, there are different points of view

    1. Achieving a joint solution.


Of great importance in the dialogue is equal communication. For its organization, the future

The teacher must be able to:

    formulate a problem

    express one's own point of view in the context of others;

    be able to listen and understand interlocutors;

be able to highlight the meaning, compare different opinions;

    evaluate the meaning and significance of incoming information;

    if it is difficult for students, be able to ask a leading question in time, help

During the dialogue, a speech culture of communication is formed, the skills of public speaking and discussion of problems are formed. And this is part of the communicative culture, which includes the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, the analysis of different points of view on the object of knowledge, the ability to reasonably state one's position, and correctly express value judgments.

In our college, students had an internship in a teenage club, where

organized an intellectual game for students of one of the schools in the Nevsky district

"Debate". Theme "What is more important for a young person in modern society education or upbringing" . In the course of group preparation for the speech, our students led the students: invited to participate in the discussion of the position of all

students, encouraged them, tried to get as much information as possible, Oriented children to communicate with each other, guided by the following


        1. Every student has the right to express their opinion

          Everyone is entitled to their own version

          Everyone has the right to support or criticize the version of a friend

When preparing schoolchildren for the performance, our students used

the following questions: this is an interesting idea for Olya, but what does Sasha think about it? And who thinks otherwise? Who can answer this question?

The students and I agreed to avoid evaluative reactions to the answers

students, praised those who expressed their opinion, trying to involve everyone in

discussion of the problem. They gave, as far as possible, time for reflection, avoided the temptation to give answers to questions themselves.

Having prepared with the help of our students (the teams were given 10 minutes to prepare for the performance), the students

defended their version with arguments. The event was a success.

Thus, our students used in practice the dialogue

learning technologies.

When using interactive technology, the dialogic position of the teacher is of particular importance - a tolerant attitude towards the different views of students, a willingness to accept mutually exclusive points of view on the problem and find a collegial solution, taking into account the evidence and argumentation of the positions of the participants in the dialogue. This is possible only if a positive emotional environment is created: a free exchange of opinions and ideas in an atmosphere of lively discussion.

One of the goals of learning in dialogue is to create comfortable learning conditions in which each student feels his success, intellectual consistency, which makes the process of mastering knowledge productive. All students are involved in the process of cognition, each makes his own individual contribution, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity. Moreover, this happens in an atmosphere of benevolence and mutual support, which not only allows you to receive new knowledge, but also develops cognitive activity itself, brings it to a higher level of cooperation and cooperation.

The active use of dialogue forms requires serious methodological training of the teacher and teaching students how to conduct discussions and disputes, the ability to restrain their emotions, respect the opinions of their comrades, even if they have the opposite point of view.

At the stage of preparing the teacher and students for the dialogue, we pay special attention to the choice of topics and problems, forms of dialogue. When conducting a dialogue, it is important to clearly organize and involve each student in the dialogue, process management.

When summing up, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the assimilation of knowledge and skills within the framework of the topic studied in the lesson, the level of students' communicative culture and the achievement of the objectives of the lesson. I will give a few provisions that characterize the culture of dialogue

    Criticize ideas, not people. To see the goal not in winning the argument, but in coming to the best solution to the problem.

    Encourage everyone to participate in the discussion and assimilate the necessary information.

    Listen to everyone's ideas, even if you don't agree with them.

    Try to understand what is not clear.

    First, take in all the expressed ideas and facts related to different points of view, and then try to combine them in such a way that it contributes to understanding the problem.

    Strive to comprehend and understand different views on the problem.

    Do not be afraid to change your point of view under the influence of undeniable arguments and facts. The following forms of activity can be used in the work: discussion, dispute, group project activity, defense of projects, discussion and solution of complex environmental problems, etc. Dialogue technology can also include elements of other technologies, their use in combination enhances the impact on the student's personality.

Practice shows that the introduction of interactive forms of education contributes to a deeper and more conscious understanding of the subject content by students than during a regular lesson, the assimilation of more ideas and ways to solve problems, including original and non-standard ones, generalization and functionality of the acquired knowledge and skills, development students have the ability to transfer knowledge to new conditions. In addition, students develop a need for a comprehensive discussion of the problem being solved, develop critical thinking, communicative competence and culture.

Discipline report:

"Pedagogical technologies"

"Dialogue pedagogical technology"

Plotnikova M., 393 (8) gr.

Dialogue technology, its functions, elements, components.

As a result of the introduction of interactive technologies in education, there was a transition from the traditionally established, instructive, personality-alienated, unidirectional learning model (extractive), in which the teacher presented specific and normatively fixed content to all students without taking into account their individuality and cognitive abilities to a personality-oriented model that forms the content of student learning with their direct and active participation and interaction with the teacher, united by a common subject of discussion and taking into account the individual characteristics of each student.

Elements of dialogue technology:

* setting goals and their maximum refinement;

* strict orientation of the entire course of interaction to the specified goals;

* Orientation of the course of the dialogue on the guaranteed achievement of results;

* assessment of current results, correction of training aimed at achieving the goals;

* final evaluation of the results.

Pedagogical dialogue technology in the formation of new concepts is designed to fulfill the following functions:

* cognitive;

* creative;

* reflexive.

Components pedagogical dialogue technology:

* communicator-teacher (the one who sets the semantic orientation of the dialogue, sets the student a “task for meaning”, creates an appropriate semantic setting or is a translator of a certain meaning);

* the motive and purpose of meaning formation (what should in the dialogue give rise to the desire of the student to verbalize personal meaning);

* communication code (oral or written dialogue);

* recipient-student (his motivational and semantic features);

* result (feedback that reveals the features of meaning formation in this dialogue, correlated with the level of educational result).

Forms of dialogue technology.

Among the dialogue technologies, there are: problem-search dialogues, discussion seminars, educational discussions, heuristic conversations, analysis of specific situations.

Seminar-discussion(group discussion) is formed as a process of dialogical communication of participants, during which the formation of practical experience of joint participation in the discussion and resolution of theoretical and practical problems takes place.

Teacher's actions:

* must organize such preparatory work that will ensure the active participation in the discussion of each student;

* defines the problem and individual sub-problems that will be considered at the seminar;

* selects basic and additional literature for speakers and speakers;

* distributes the functions and forms of participation of students in collective work;

* prepares students for the role of an opponent, logic;

* manages the entire work of the seminar;

* summarizes the results of the discussion;

* asks questions, makes individual comments, clarifies the main provisions of the student's report;

* fixes contradictions in reasoning.

Student actions:

* learns to accurately express his thoughts in reports and speeches, actively defend his point of view, argue with reason, refute the erroneous position of a fellow student;

* gets the opportunity to build his own activity, which determines the high level of his intellectual and personal activity, involvement in the process of educational cognition.

Thus, a seminar-discussion may contain elements of "brainstorming" and a business game.

In the first case, the participants strive to put forward as many ideas as possible without criticizing them, and then the main ones are singled out, discussed and developed, and the possibilities of proving or refuting them are evaluated.

In another case, the seminar-discussion receives a kind of role-playing "instrumentation" that reflects the real positions of people participating in scientific or other discussions. It is possible to introduce, for example, the roles of a presenter, an opponent or a reviewer, a logician, a psychologist, an expert, etc., depending on what material is being discussed and what didactic goals the teacher sets before the seminar. If a student is appointed to the role of the leading seminar-discussion, he receives all the powers of the teacher to organize the discussion: he instructs one of the students to make a report on the topic of the seminar, manages the course of the discussion, monitors the argumentation of evidence or refutation, the accuracy of the use of concepts and terms, the correctness of relations in the process of communication, etc.

Opponent or reviewer: reproduces the opposing procedure adopted among researchers. He must not only reproduce the main position of the speaker, thereby demonstrating his understanding, find vulnerabilities or errors, but also offer his own solution.

Logician reveals contradictions and logical errors in the reasoning of the speaker or opponent, clarifies the definitions of concepts, analyzes the course of evidence and rebuttals. Psychologist is responsible for organizing productive communication and interaction of students at the seminar-discussion, achieves coordination of joint actions, goodwill of relations, does not allow the discussion to turn into a conflict.

Expert evaluates the productivity of the entire discussion, the legitimacy of the hypotheses and proposals put forward, the conclusions drawn, expresses an opinion on the contribution of one or another participant in the discussion to finding a common solution.

The teacher can introduce any role position into the discussion, if it is justified by the goals and content of the seminar. But a special role belongs, of course, to the teacher. He must organize such preparatory work that will ensure the active participation in the discussion of each student. It defines the problem and individual sub-problems that will be considered at the workshop; selects basic and additional literature for speakers and speakers; distributes the functions and forms of participation of students in collective work; prepares students for the role of an opponent, logic; supervises the entire work of the seminar; sums up the discussion.

During the seminar-discussion, the teacher asks questions, makes individual comments, clarifies the main provisions of the student's report, fixes contradictions in the reasoning.

Such classes require a confidential tone of communication with students, interest in the judgments expressed, democracy, adherence to principles in the requirements. Educational discussion(from lat. discussio - research, consideration) - this is a comprehensive discussion of a controversial issue in a public meeting, in a private conversation, dispute. In other words, the discussion consists in a collective discussion of any issue, problem or comparison of information, ideas, opinions, proposals.

The goals of the discussion can be very diverse: education, training, diagnostics, transformation, changing attitudes, stimulating creativity, etc.

During the discussion, students can either complement each other or oppose one another. In the first case, the features of a dialogue appear, and in the second, the discussion takes on the character of a dispute. Both a mutually exclusive dispute and a mutually complementary, mutually developing dialogue play a big role, since the fact of comparing different opinions on one issue is of paramount importance. The effectiveness of the discussion depends on factors such as:

* training (awareness and competence) of students on the proposed problem;

* semantic uniformity (all terms, definitions, concepts, etc. must be equally understood by all students);

* the correct behavior of the participants;

* the ability of the teacher to conduct a discussion.

The technology of educational dialogue is one of the main technologies of student-centered education. In recent years, education has been aimed at expanding the use of communications and humanization, so ATTs are currently extremely in demand and relevant.

Dialogue presupposes a subject or topic, reflections on which do not lead to simple empirically verifiable truths. What can be such an object for a person that causes unsatisfied motivation for research? Probably primarily herself. That is why a dialogue is always a conversation about the meaning of an event for a person, about the significance of the person himself for other people and events. Dialogue is a confirmation for the personality of its value and, as a result, the birth of a desire to become even better. Consequently, the subject of dialogue always lies in the context of personal goals, interests, meanings of the interlocutors. The more this is true for both the teacher and the student, the more natural and productive their dialogue is. Dialogue never comes down to mastering the subject. It is always over-subject, expanding the boundaries of the cognizable through the exchange of not only information, but also assessments, meanings, hypotheses-revelations.

The personality-developing potential of the dialogue is connected with the dialogical nature of the personality, with the fact that it exists in a constant internal dialogue with itself. It has an invariably peculiar movement from consciousness to thinking and vice versa.

In the dialogue, self-knowledge processes are produced that have several levels of flow: reflective self-knowledge (most often unorganized, spontaneous), self-knowledge "from another" and, finally, a scientifically organized process of self-knowledge using special techniques, which the student can learn in dialogue with teacher.

Dialogue is a confidential collaboration between a teacher and a student, in which the latter refuses to achieve a “result” at any cost. The dialogue that took place is already a pedagogical result.

Readiness for dialogue is one of the universal indicators of the formation of an individual as a person. This readiness includes a focus on finding the meaning of the values ​​being studied, the ability to subjectively perceive the material, to determine the “boundaries of other opinions”. An individual's readiness for dialogue implies his acceptance of dialogue as a special situation of communication that requires adequate behavior, compliance with certain rules; keeping in mind the purpose of the dialogue, "not slipping" into the ordinary clarification of personal priorities and ambitions, without reducing all the richness of the dialogue to an emotional "showdown".

What is needed for dialogue to take place? For the two parties to be willing to seek the third truth. First of all, of course, there is a need for material, a problem that would induce them to do so. An objectively existing problem must be presented in the form of a subjectively significant question. “We need an undying question… If you can find an answer to it without searching and dialogue, then why subject the class to an artificial experiment?”, the well-known teacher and innovator E.N. Ilyin.

“Figuratively speaking, the whole universe is in dialogue”
I. Zyuzyukin

Children learn with interest when they are motivated to learn, use the knowledge and skills they already have, and can see the application of the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.

One of the problems of education today is the passivity of schoolchildren, a low level of independence, the inability to transfer knowledge from a learning situation to a life situation and, as a result, a decrease in learning motivation by the end of elementary school.

One of the ways to solve this problem is the development and application of interactive teaching technology for younger students. A distinctive feature of interactive learning technology is the organization of the educational process, in which it is impossible for the student to refuse to participate in the learning process. This technology is aimed at involving all students in discussing the topic, completing assignments, and presenting the results of independent work. And not just to involve, but to make their participation interested, motivated, aimed at achieving results.

One of the ways to solve this problem is to organize an educational dialogue in the lesson. First, let's remember what is dialog.

Dialogue is a form of oral speech, a conversation between two or more persons; speech communication through the exchange of remarks. It is distinguished by dependence on the situation of the conversation, conditionality of the previous statement, involuntary and a low degree of organization.

Currently, the school uses 2 forms of information submission: monologue and dialogic. The monologue form is carried out through lectures, stories, explanations. Dialogical - through various types of conversations, discussions (argument, discussion of some issue), disputes (public dispute on an important topic), creation of a problem situation.

Dialogic speech of younger students must be developed at each lesson. To do this, the teacher must use various methods and techniques of dialogic teaching in his work.

Why DIALOGUE is a way of learning? Firstly, because speech itself is dialogical in nature, and our task is to promote its development. After all, the development of speech is, first of all, the development of thinking. Speech itself affects the development of his own mental processes: attention is focused, there is a feeling of the word, the feelings that words evoke, and memory is trained.

Secondly, the priorities of education are changing in modern society. A school graduate should be able to organize their own learning activities, i.e. have a willingness and ability to learn (high level - able to teach another). Therefore, it is clear that such goals of education involve the use of a different method of organizing joint activities: a monologue is replaced by a dialogue.

What should be taken into account when constructing a dialogue lesson as “a meeting place for people (our students) who think differently”?

First, it must be remembered that dialogue is a form of communication. Therefore, if a teacher has problems communicating with children, if he consciously and unconsciously raises barriers in communication, a dialogue lesson, alas, will not work.

So, what factors block communication, and hence dialogue in the classroom? These factors include the following:

  1. The categoricalness of the teacher, intolerance to a different opinion, to a mistake; imposing one's own opinion; unfree atmosphere in the classroom, an abundance of disciplinary comments. All this is a manifestation of the authoritarian, monologue activity of the teacher. As well as the adult’s distrust of the child: “He is small, he doesn’t know much, he doesn’t know how, so I myself will explain everything to him, help, suggest or do it for him.”
  2. Lack of emotional strokes (i.e. psychological) in relation to the child. Stroking is a unit of attention of an adult to a child. The more such “strokes”, the more confident the student feels; he is comfortable, comfortable in the classroom with a teacher who is attentive to everyone. Such emotional "pats" include smiling, calling by name, physical and eye contact.
  3. Ineffective verbal constructions that hinder learning. Closed questions predominate, to which children give boring monosyllabic answers. Preference in terms of expanding the dialogue should be given to questions that are open, problematic, clarifying, critical, to which it is impossible to give a monosyllabic answer.
  4. The inability of the teacher to be a good listener (i.e. interrupts, does not listen to the end, negatively evaluates what he heard, does not take into account what was said by the student). And it is important for the student to see that the teacher listens and hears him. To do this, you need to use the techniques of passive and active listening. Passive listening involves gestural and interjectional assent (eye contact, head nods, words like “uh-huh”, “so”, “okay”, “continue”, “well done”).
  5. The inability of the teacher to teach children from grade 1 to listen to each other (children answer for the teacher). As a result, it is not possible to build a learning dialogue. Purposeful work assumes that the teacher invites the respondent to turn to the class (especially if he is sitting at the first desk), not to repeat the answers already given), to include phrases like “I agree with Masha that ...”, “I respect the opinion of Misha, but it seems to me that ... ”, etc.
  6. The inability or unwillingness of the teacher to create a general situation of “failure” (“It happens to everyone”), when the lesson concludes: “You yourself cannot, and no one can, even the teacher, let's try together.”

The first condition for organizing an educational dialogue is the removal of factors that cool and hinder communication between the teacher and children and children with each other. The teacher and students want and know how to communicate, they are receptive to other people's opinions, i.e. seek not to evaluate, but to hear, understand and accept someone else's opinion.

Secondly, the teacher himself must master the technology of organizing a subject dialogue. The task of the teacher is to create a situation in the classroom that is close to the situation of live communication. An inciting dialogue is an "excavator" that digs up a problem, question, difficulty, i.e. helps to create a learning task. In the formation of a problem (a learning task), such techniques as stimulating, open-ended questions, provocations, “trap” tasks, contradictions, situations of risk, and an intellectual gap help. This is the main condition for the emergence of an educational dialogue in the lesson, because It is the problem situation that is the “initial moment of the thought process”.

Question-problem encourages students to independently search for new knowledge. The question can be formulated as an interesting riddle, as a cognitive problem that would interest children and be the beginning of an educational dialogue. For example, two groups of words are written on the board: with the suffix -ek- and with the suffix -ik- (in the initial form). The teacher asks to guess why the words have different vowels in the suffix. Children put forward various versions, they may not find the correct one (at the same time, sometimes the teacher can promise to give an “A” to the one who “gets to the bottom” of the truth first). Then the teacher adds to the words of the second group, for example, the word "hedgehog". Further, by analogy, one of the children guesses to put any word from the first group into another form and draws a conclusion.

In the formation of the problem, such an interesting technique as trap tasks that distinguish between the child's orientation to the task and the teacher's action helps. Such tasks bring up the habit of trusting oneself and not considering every teacher's word as the ultimate truth.

For example, a teacher asks children a question and, in the work of the class, joins the incorrect children's answer, reinforcing it with his authority. Or the teacher himself suggests the wrong answer. Children are given the choice to either repeat the teacher's answer, or, having challenged it, insist on their opinion. We write on the board: "Vocabular word forest t nitsa-test word "climb". And we pause.

A visual property of the appearance of a problem situation is "surprise phenomenon". The presence of an unexpected obstacle in a seemingly familiar situation causes surprise in the child and contributes to the emergence of the question: “Why did this happen?”, “It doesn’t happen like that!”. And a question appears - it means that the child is on the threshold of thinking. And he will not remain indifferent to what is happening in the lesson. Russian language. Grade 2 Lesson topic: "Spelling of doubled consonants at the junction of a prefix and a root, a root and a prefix." At the end of the lesson, I suggest thinking: “In the word argument a double consonant is written at the root, using a prefix race- form a related word quarrel. How many letters with spelled in a word: two or three? And how to disassemble it by composition? Children can never come to the correct choice of the answer. The problematic issue of some leads to the use of a spelling dictionary. The second part of the question made the children turn to the Internet for help (since there are no words with tripled consonants in Russian, the word has the prefix ras- and the root -sor-). It is fundamentally important that the teacher uses an interactive teaching method in the classroom (in particular, a learning dialogue). It gives participants in the educational process:

for each student

- awareness of involvement in the common work;
- the development of the child as a person;
- the formation of an active position in educational (and other) activities.


- the formation of a class team;
- increasing the cognitive activity of the class;
– development of communication skills;
– adoption of moral norms and rules of joint activity.

Teachers working with the new Federal State Educational Standards cannot but use the possibilities of interactive learning technology. Here are some criteria for the effectiveness of a modern lesson:

  • various forms, methods and techniques of teaching are used, which increase the degree of activity of students in the educational process;
  • the teacher owns the technology of dialogue, teaches students to put and address questions;
  • the teacher effectively (appropriate to the purpose of the lesson) combines reproductive and problem-based forms of education, teaches children to work according to the rule and creatively; the lesson sets tasks and clear criteria for self-control and self-assessment;
  • the teacher specifically plans the communicative tasks of the lesson;
  • the teacher accepts and encourages the student's own position expressed, a different opinion, teaches the correct forms of their expression;
  • the style, the tone of relations, set in the lesson, create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, psychological comfort.

Thus, the technology of interactive learning is undoubtedly an interesting, creative direction in teaching methods.


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  5. Ostroglyad L.P. Interactive technology and elementary education. // Educational portal "Class assessment": URL: http://klasnaocinka.com.ua/ru
  6. Shelunts O.A. Active teaching methods used in teaching primary school students // Social network of educators: URL: http://nsportal.ru/
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Report at the RMO "Dialogue Technologies"

(Performed by the teacher of Russian language and literature Chekhlotenko Olga Anatolyevna)

« Gradually, respect for the person arose in people,

who spoke simply and boldly about everything.»

M. Gorky

In the light of the modern tasks facing public education and due to socio-political and socio-economic changes in society, as well as fundamental changes in the field of science, technology and production, the problem of developing the personality of the student, increasing his intellectual and creative potential has become of fundamental importance.

Nowadays, more and more teachers are attracted to innovative technologies. Among them, a special place is occupied bydialogue technologies that most fully implement the idea of ​​humanization and self-realization of the personality of students.

The relevance of this problemdue to changes in the understanding of the personal approach to education. The essence of communication between the teacher and the student is also changing, which takes on the character of a dialogue. Today, the issue of dialogue is declared as one of the most important for the concept of student-centered education.

At the coredialogue technology

Socrates, A. Camus were the first to show interest in the problem of dialogical interaction in education; the humanistic orientation of the dialogue strategy was shown by Plato, Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Rousseau, K.D. Ushinsky.

It was in the dialogue, in the discussion, that the great teachers J. Korchak and V. A. Sukhomlinsky saw the essence of education.

problem, communication andcooperation . On their basis, students' multi-level activities are organized, group creation of projects, etc. in the process of dialogue, critical thinking is formed, students are not afraid to express their opinion, defend their position.

So what is a learning dialogue? This is a lesson.

As an epigraph to such a lesson, the words of M. Bulgakov are the best fit:

They are argued about something very difficult and important,
and none of them
couldn't beat the other.
They didn't get along with each other.
and from this their dispute was
especially interesting and endless.

One of the goals of learning in a dialogue is to create comfortable learning conditions in which each student feels his success, intellectual viability. This stimulates him on the path of mastering knowledge.

The use of dialogue technologies requires serious training of the teacher and teaching students how to conduct discussions, disputes, and the ability to restrain their emotions.

Here are some rules for dialogue:

    To see the goal not in winning an argument, but in

to come up with the best solution to the problem;

    Do not be afraid to change your point of view under the influence

irrefutable arguments and facts.

In order to successfully establish a relationship of benevolent contact between a teacher and students, it is important to observe an indispensable condition - the equality of the psychological positions of the teacher and the student. This means recognition and acceptance by the teacher of the student as he is, as an equal active subject of cognition, and not a passive object of educational influences.

The main thing here is to direct the efforts of students to the developmentcooperation, co-creation , joint search for a solution, as well as the fundamental correction of erroneous moves and miscalculations of both the teacher and students.

Equality of positions and reciprocity of influences imply mutual respect, the right of the student to actively cooperate with the teacher and actively influence him, which, in turn, allows the participants in the discussion to get involved in the process of active knowledge of each other.

Such a construction of equal positions in communication makes it possible to recognize the student's right to his own judgments and assessments, to his own original view of the world, which can be defended in disputes and discussions right in the lesson.

And the task of the teacher is not to be afraid of these disputes, to be able to organize them, to direct them in a productive direction.

The educational dialogue is based on the organization of purposeful communication between students or between students and the teacher. A feature of interactive learning is that elements of problem-search activity fit well into its framework, since the dialogue itself is always associated with the solution of certain educational problems.

The active use of interactive learning technologies requires serious methodological preparation of the teacher and teaching students how to conduct discussions and disputes, the ability to restrain their emotions, respect the opinions of their comrades, even if they have the opposite point of view.

The main pedagogical effect of interactive learning lies in the fact that it has an intensive development on the personality of the trainees, contributes to the conscious assimilation of the subject in reality, in the creative transfer and use of knowledge and skills in other areas.

Active teaching of students in a dialogue increases their communication skills, teaches them to defend their point of view, listen to an opponent, exchange opinions, ideas in a comfortable and creative atmosphere in the classroom.

    prepare questions in advance;

Forms of dialogue technology.

Among the dialogue technologies stand out: problem-search dialogues, discussion seminars, educational discussions, heuristic conversations, case studies, role-playing games, interviews.

Dialogue develops critical thinking.

    Discussionreveals the diversity of existing points of view on any problem. It can be used as a separate pedagogical technique, and as an approach to organizing the educational process.

During the discussion, the opportunity is most fully presented:

- simulate real life problems;

- to develop in students the ability to listen and interact with others;

- demonstrate the ambiguity of solutions characteristic of most problems;

- to teach to analyze real situations, to separate the main from the secondary.

In the educational process, the discussion approach can be used in various forms: debates, disputes, polemics, disputes.

In educational activities, the following are used: classical debate, express discussion, discussion based on the study of texts, problematic discussion, liberal club, discussions on behalf of ... (role-play discussion),« Round table», « Aquarium», discussion« What would happen if...»

    Variety« express discussions » can be« mini debate » - they do not require much time, most often they are carried out« one on one» ( two students involved).

Usually, one large topic is taken as the topic of the lesson, which is then split into several smaller ones. On each of these topics, one pair of speakers speaks, who defend opposing points of view.

Application of technology« Debate» in the educational process, it contributes to the creation of sustainable motivation and learning, as the personal significance of educational material for students is ensured; the presence of an element of competitiveness stimulates creative, search activity, careful study of the material being studied, an increase in civic consciousness, and the development of an active life position.

The debate develops:

    Logical and critical thinking;

    Skill in organizing your thoughts;

    Skills in oral speech;

    Tolerance for different views;


    Ability to work in a team;

    Concentrate on the core of the problem.

It should be noted that the invariable benevolence of the teacher, his readiness for contact, the ability to win over students cause their reciprocal readiness for cooperation, the desire to meet halfway.

And vice versa, the commanding tone contributes to the formation of resistance to the teacher, unwillingness to participate in the discussion.

Methods to prepare children for successful dialogue.

Formation of dialogue thinking, you can start simple.

    For example, from lessons in the form of questions - answers. In these lessons, students received different tasks:

    answer the suggested questions;

    continue the phrase;

    make up questions. (Sometimes only composed questions were checked, the answers were not of interest, that is, the question was asked for the sake of the question.)

    O soundingpre-prepared interpretation of the text, which requires the expression of only yours, nowhere peeped, point of view,only yours shines perception.

    This isheuristic conversations when you needhear problem raised,formulate hypothesis andline up your thinking todefend their position, and then formed thoughtsput in speech .

How to wake up the children's dialogue activity.

as a basis for dialogue .

He must havevariable nature of interpretation . Only by providing this condition, the teacher will be able to call studentscounter dialogical activity .

And this implies the following condition:teacher shouldstart lesson and act liketeasing interlocutor that is, actively ask provocative questions.

In the process of educational dialogue, high school students express judgments from various points of view. It is necessary to respect and take into account all the positions of the students participating in the dialogue.

The teacher speaks in classequal participant dialogue. But it is important to remember that the teacher isbearer of sociocultural patterns , since he must achieve the student's assimilation of their generally accepted content (scientific, ethical, moral, social), therefore it is not permissible for the teacher to play ignorance, misunderstanding.

Summarizing the above, the following can be noted:
dialogue provides a joint search for truth, which means that this form of education allows the student to be not just a consumer of knowledge, but also an active partner in obtaining it. The student experiments in a space created by himself, confronting his hypotheses with objections, supplementing them with new arguments. Thus, the exploratory type of thinking of the student is formed, during the entire dialogue, his mental activity is maintained.

Dialogue is a confirmation for the personality of its value and, as a result, the birth of a desire to become even better.

Due to the exchange of participants in the dialogue, not only information, but also assessments, meanings, hypotheses, it is always over-subject, expanding the boundaries of the cognizable.

Dialogization of teaching the Russian language contributes to the development of students' personal properties: vitality, cognitive independence, the presence of their own position in relation to their native language, the ability to be responsible for their point of view and defend it.

It is interactive activities - trainings, debates, discussions, round tables - that contribute to the development of such personal qualities as civic consciousness, initiative and communication skills. By developing these qualities in various forms of work, adolescents acquire the skills and abilities of social activity, living in simulated, artificially created situations in training, they develop their own system of views on social life.

Memo on the topic of the speech« Dialogue technologies».

At the coredialogue technology lies cognitive activity and intersubjective interaction of participants in the educational process based on an individual approach, taking into account the characteristics of each student.

The most important component of the dialogue technology are -problem, communication andcooperation .

The learning dialogue is the lessona special type in which the teacher and students demonstrate different types of thinking and logic .

In order for the educational material to be presented in the lessonas a basis for dialogue , it should be presented asamazing, paradoxical, mysterious, stimulating creativity in its comprehension .

When using interactive technology, the position of the teacher is very important - a tolerant attitude towards different views of students, the ability to accept mutually exclusive points of view, not be afraid to admit defeat, the ability to exchange ideas and opinions in an atmosphere of lively discussion.

A few rules of dialogue:

    Criticize ideas, not people;

    Seeing the goal is not to win the argument, but to come to the best solution to the problem;

    Encourage everyone to participate in the discussion;

    Listen to everyone, even if you do not agree with him;

    Trying to figure out what is not clear;

    Strive to understand different perspectives on a problem;

    Do not be afraid to change your point of view under the influence of undeniable arguments and facts.

In order to organize a discussion and exchange of information in the full sense of the word, so that the discussion does not turn into a mini-lecture, a teacher's monologue, the lesson must be carefully prepared.To do this, the teacher must:

    prepare questions in advance;

    avoid going beyond the scope of the problem under discussion;

    do not allow the discussion to turn into a dialogue between the two most active students or a teacher with a student;

    to ensure wide involvement in the conversation of as many children as possible, and preferably all;

    do not disregard any wrong judgment;

    do not rush to answer questions yourself;

    make sure that the object of criticism is an opinion, and not the person who expressed it;

    compare different points of view.

Among the dialogue technologies stand out : problem-search dialogues, seminars-discussions, educational discussions, heuristic conversations, case studies, role-playing games, interviews.

In educational activities are used : classic debate, express discussion, text-based discussion, problematic discussion, liberal club, discussions on behalf of ... (role-play discussion),« Round table», « Aquarium», discussion« What would happen if...»

It is important to remember that the debate is not held for the sake of debate, but to teach the guys:

    Be honest when using this or that information;

    To be fair, taking into account the possibility of the existence of different points of view;

    Clearly state your thoughts and ideas, build evidence;

    Respect the other, seek a solution through joint efforts.

A learning dialogue is productive only when it brings out its participantsto a new level of knowledge, skills .