Professional and applied readiness of students of the Faculty of Law. Organization, forms and means of PPPP in the educational process of the university Based on modern positions, PPPP is understood as a system of organizational and pedagogical activities aimed at

The problem of insufficient professional-applied physical training (PPPP) of students of a legal specialty has been studied. In the course of the study, the concept, features, tasks of PPPP, ways of its implementation were considered, as well as options for overcoming the problems of forming PPPP at the stage of studying at a university were proposed.

Keywords: professional and applied physical training, personality traits of a lawyer, physical properties, mental properties, tasks of professionally applied physical training, actual problems.

Relevance of the research topic. Each profession imposes certain requirements on its specialists. For example, work in law enforcement is one of the most intense and extreme. It requires from its employees the ability to act in emergency conditions, conditions of high physical and mental stress.

An increase in the level of crime in the country and the world leads to an increase in the number of employees of state power structures who die in the pursuit of criminals. In total, in Russia in 2010, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs lost 410 officers who died in the line of duty. In 2011, 322 employees of the internal affairs bodies and servicemen of the internal troops were killed.

For comparison, data on the death rate of US police officers: in 2009, 48 police officers were killed, and a total of 124 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty. In 2010, 59 US police officers were killed in armed attacks.

Most often, young employees die in the line of duty. One of the reasons is insufficient professional and applied physical training.

Purpose of the study. The study of problematic points in the formation of PPFP among future lawyers.
Research objectives:
- define what PPFP is;
- to determine the personality traits that are important for the legal profession, which are developed through PPFP;
- identify the tasks of the PPFP;
- to find out in what ways PPFP is formed at physical culture lessons;
- explore the problems of formation of PPFP;
- to consider ways of solving these problems.

The concept of professionally applied physical training can be considered in a broad and narrow sense.

"In the broad sense of the word PPFP is a component of the entire system of physical education, the main goal of which is the formation of the physical culture of the individual. It should be aimed at creating a high level of formation of special education, physical perfection, motivational and value orientations and socio-spiritual values ​​that create conditions for the formation of a culture of lifestyle, spiritual and psychophysical health.

In the narrow sense of the word PPFP is a process that has an applied character, the main task of which is the formation of motor skills that contribute to the development of a profession and the development of professionally important abilities.

In other words, an employee of law enforcement agencies, law enforcement agencies, etc. must not only be physically and mentally prepared for various extreme situations, but he also needs to develop in harmony with the culture of society (including physical culture). Achieving such harmony guarantees the individual social confidence, mental peace.

To reveal the tasks of the PPFP lawyers, you need to find out what personality traits are preferable for working in this area.

In his scientific article, A. G. Mironov raises this issue and, in comparison with other authors, reveals it quite fully. He divides personality traits into mental and physical properties. On my own behalf, I would like to explain: mental properties are the most significant features of a person, they affect emotions, properties of character, temperament and are manifested in relationships with people; physical properties are qualities that characterize the physical preparation of a person, the readiness to perform certain actions. A. G. Mironov refers to mental properties as high mental performance in situations of prolonged, intense physical and mental overload; high neuropsychic stability, self-control, a high level of self-control over emotions and behavior; independence and initiative, perseverance and perseverance, purposefulness, courage and determination; self-confidence, low anxiety. Physical properties include good physical health, special physical qualities, such as the ability to show speed in all its elementary forms and strength and speed-strength qualities necessary in a power confrontation with an offender, running speed and endurance, manifested in the pursuit of an offender, dexterity as the ability to act in variable situations in conditions of lack of space and time, professional and applied motor skills that allow ensuring public and personal security, and, above all, the skills of power confrontation.

Based on the features, the tasks of the PPFP can be distinguished:

1) the formation of applied psychophysical qualities;

2) development of applied special qualities;

3) development of applied skills and abilities.

Professional-applied physical training of lawyers is formed during their studies at the university. The discipline "physical culture" makes a significant contribution to this process. During the fulfillment of the tasks provided for by the curriculum, students form the appropriate psychophysical qualities necessary for further work.

To develop mindfulness, you can use activities such as sports games (volleyball, football, basketball, table tennis). The student during the game has to focus his attention on different objects, for a successful game he must be able to quickly transfer his attention from one object to another. For the education of behavior in situations of high emotional tension, it is possible to use gymnastic and acrobatic exercises, relay races. Endurance is developed through cross-country training, ski training, etc.

What is the actual problem of PPFP?

1. Modern methodological complexes provide for topics and tasks that are not interesting for many students. Hence the low attendance of physical education classes. For example, according to the RPD, 15 hours are allotted for gymnastics and ski training, and 21 hours for sports games, although at the same time only 8 hours are allocated for martial arts. At the same time, students prefer such areas of physical training as hand-to-hand combat, sambo, aikido, and a much smaller number of students prefer skiing and gymnastics. Perhaps, it is necessary to change the means of the PPFP, to recalculate the hours for studying sports based on the wishes of the students.

2. In the last courses of study at universities, there is not only such a section as PPFP, but also the discipline “physical culture” in general. This leads to a very rapid decrease in the level of physical fitness of graduates.

3. Despite the fact that the state standards of higher professional education require more active implementation of PPFP in the learning process, it is practically not implemented in law schools. This is perhaps the biggest problem. In accordance with the methodological recommendations, compulsory education based on the Federal State Educational Standard at the level of basic general education began to be implemented from 2015/16 studies. year, at the stage of secondary (complete) general education is planned from 2020/21 studies. of the year . Nothing is said about compulsory education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard in higher educational institutions. We believe that this problem should be solved at the legislative level by amending the laws on education.

conclusions. Professional-applied physical training plays an important role in the activity of a future lawyer. It forms the personal qualities of a specialist, such as character, endurance, readiness for extreme situations, and also improves his physical fitness, etc. Currently, there are problems regarding the implementation of PPPP in universities.


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Physical Culture. Sport. Tourism. Motor recreation. 2016. V.1, No. 3

Orenburg State University

department: Physical education

Professional applied

physical training

Completed by: student group BUA-?

Orenburg 2000

1. Professionally applied physical training
1.1. The need for professional-applied physical training; tasks solved in it
1.2. Requirements for the physical fitness of workers in various areas of modern professional work and trends in their change
1.3. Tasks to be solved in the process of PPFP
2. Means and methodological foundations for constructing PPFP
2.1. Features of the composition of PPFP funds
2.2. The main features of the methodology and forms of building classes in PPFP


The principle of the organic connection of physical education with the practice of labor activity is most concretely embodied in professional-applied physical training. Although this principle extends to the entire social system of physical education, it is in professionally applied physical training that it finds its specific expression. As a kind of physical education professional-applied physical training is a pedagogically directed process of providing specialized physical fitness for the chosen professional activity. In other words, it is basically a learning process that enriches the individual fund of professionally useful motor skills and abilities, the development of physical and directly related abilities, on which professional capacity directly or indirectly depends.

1.1. The need for professional and applied physical training; tasks solved in it

Causation. It is known that the effectiveness of many types of professional work significantly depends, among other things, on special physical fitness, acquired previously through systematic physical exercises, adequate in a certain respect to the requirements for the functional capabilities of the body by professional activity and its conditions. This dependence receives a scientific explanation in the light of deepening ideas about the patterns of interaction between various aspects of the physical and general development of an individual in the process of life (in particular, about the patterns of mutual influence of adaptive effects in the course of chronic adaptation to certain types of activity, the transfer of training, the interaction of motor skills and abilities acquired and improved in the process of training and mastering the profession). The experience of the practical use of these regularities led in due time to the formation of a special kind of physical education - professionally applied physical training (hereinafter abbreviated as PPFP).

The beginning of its formation as a profiled direction and type of physical education in relation to the needs of socialist production in our country dates back to the 30s. A significant role in this was played by the decision of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of April 1, 1930, which provided for serious state and social measures to introduce physical culture into the system of labor rationalization and training of professional personnel, not only for utilitarian purposes, but also in order to promote the full development and strengthening of workers' health.

With the accumulation of positive practical experience and research data in the relevant areas, a whole profiled branch of physical culture has developed - professionally applied physical culture, and the pedagogically directed process of using its factors has taken an important place in the general system of education and upbringing of the younger generation and professional personnel (in the form PPFP). At present, PPFP in our country is carried out primarily as one of the sections of the compulsory course of physical education in vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as well as in the system of scientific organization of labor during the period of the main, professional activity of workers, when necessary. by nature and working conditions.

The need for further improvement and implementation of PPPP in the education system and the sphere of professional work is determined mainly by the following reasons and circumstances:

1) the time spent on the development of modern practical professions, and the achievement of professional skills in them continue to depend on the level of functional capabilities of the body, which have a natural basis, on the degree of development of the physical abilities of the individual, the diversity and perfection of the acquired motor skills and abilities.

It is no coincidence, for example, that vocational school graduates who have completed a thorough course of PPFP. often receive a higher professional qualification level in their specialty than students who have not completed such training for various reasons; the latter, as a rule, adapt more slowly to the conditions of professional activity in production (T. F. Vitenas, V. V. Stanovov, and others); PPPP in this respect is one of the factors in reducing the time of mastering the profession and one of the guarantees of the quality of its development;

2) the productivity of quite a few types of professional labor, despite the progressive decrease in the share of gross muscular efforts in modern material production, directly or indirectly continues to be due to the physical capacity of the performers of labor operations, not only in the field of predominantly physical labor, but also in a number of types of labor activity of a mixed (intellectual-motor) nature, as with machine tool adjusters, assemblers, builders, etc.; in general, a normal physical condition, without which health and effective functioning are inconceivable, remains the most important prerequisite for a consistently high fruitfulness of any professional work;

3) the problem of preventing the likely negative impacts of certain types of professional labor and its conditions on the physical condition of workers remains; although this problem is solved by many means of optimizing the content and working conditions, including social, scientific, technical and hygienic ones, factors of professionally applied physical culture, including PPFP, are called upon to play an important role among them;

4) promising trends in general social and scientific and technological progress do not relieve a person from the need to constantly improve their activity abilities, and their development due to natural causes is inseparable from the physical improvement of the individual.

1.2. Requirements for the physical fitness of workers in various areas of modern professional work and trends in their change.

In various spheres of professional work, there are currently several thousand professions, and tens of thousands of specialties. Their main differences are determined by the characteristics of the subject, technology and external conditions of a particular labor and are expressed in the specifics of labor activity, its constituent operations, actions (including sensory and intellectual in perception, information processing, decision-making and motor in practical impact on the object of labor) , and all this is due to objectively unequal requirements for functional capabilities, physical and other qualities of people professionally engaged in one or another type of labor.

Only a relatively few of modern professions require the maximum or close to it mobilization of physical abilities in the process of labor activity itself (these are mainly professions complicated by extreme conditions of activity - testers of flight and other transport and high-speed equipment, professional military personnel, operational workers of investigative bodies, divers and etc.). In most types of professional work, even physical, the requirements for the physical capabilities of workers are not normalized at the limit level (according to the generalized data of M. I. Vinogradov, the power of work when performing most labor motor actions in the field of physical labor, as a rule, does not exceed 30 % from the individual maximum). Nevertheless, for the reasons already mentioned, this does not exclude the expediency of specialized physical training in the process of vocational education, and in many professions - in the years of the main labor activity.

Some idea of ​​the requirements imposed by a number of common professions on the physical and directly related qualities of a person, motor abilities and skills, is given by the examples given in Table. fourteen.

Table 14

Examples that give an idea of ​​the nature of the requirements imposed by some of the common types of professional work on the physical and directly related qualities of a person, motor abilities and skills

Types (varieties) of professional labor activity Professionally important physical and directly related qualities (abilities), the degree of development of which significantly affects the effectiveness or safety of professional activity: motor skills associated with this activity
Mining labor (mining and similar), mostly physical Strength and other motor abilities; the resistance of the functional systems of the body in relation to the effects of adverse environmental conditions (high and low temperatures, high humidity and gas impurities in it, etc.); a variety of motor skills (in particular, the skills of moving in a limited space, overcoming objective obstacles, lifting and carrying weights); mental stability based, among other things, on physical condition
Varieties of agricultural and forestry labor, including a large amount of motor activity Complex endurance, manifested in dynamic and static modes of prolonged functioning of various muscle groups; the ability to navigate the terrain and rationally distribute energy costs over time; a variety of motor skills, including skills that contribute to the skillful operation of various tools; hardening of the body in relation to adverse meteorological effects
Exploration, geodetic, meteorological, hydrological and similar; expeditionary work carried out in natural conditions Complex endurance; preparedness for extraordinary manifestations of coordination and other motor abilities; the ability to navigate in difficult terrain and in other unusual conditions, to rationally distribute energy costs in the process of prolonged unregulated standard motor activity; cyclic locomotor and many other motor skills that contribute to the performance of professional tasks and are necessary in everyday expeditionary life (skills in walking, skiing, cycling, boating, horse riding, driving a motorcycle, overcoming object obstacles, etc.); hardening of the body in relation to the sharply variable effects of meteorological, climatic, geographical and other environmental factors
Varieties of motor active construction work

Endurance, manifested mainly in dynamic modes of muscle tension; coordination and other motor abilities; a variety of motor skills; hardening of the body in relation to the effects of changing environmental conditions; in the work of high-altitude fitters and construction work performed under similar conditions, the ability to maintain the orientation and balance of the body on a narrow and unstable support, in unusual positions; stability of sensory control function, self-control based, among other things, on physical condition

Varieties of machine work in metalworking and other industries (locksmith, turning, milling, sewing and other work) Extraordinarily developed manual dexterity, the ability for instant motor reactions; general, regional and local endurance (manifested during repeated reproduction of motor actions, in which mainly some of the links of the muscular apparatus participate - the muscles of the girdle of the upper limbs and the muscles that fix the posture); stability of visual and tactile control functions: skills of finely tuned hand movements
Varieties of conveyor labor, including motor actions, mostly standard and relatively narrowly limited in composition The ability to timely and accurately perform local and regional movements (with the participation of muscles mainly of the upper limbs) within the specified kinematic and dynamic parameters; stability of touch control functions; skills of analytically identified motor actions and “micromovements” (mainly with the hand), brought to a high degree of stereotyping; local, regional and general endurance
Operator work on multi-position remote control panels for energy, mechanical and other systems The ability to finely differentiate a large amount of sensory information; ability for emergency motor reaction with choice, sensory endurance; muscular-static endurance (manifested mainly with prolonged fixation of the working posture); emotional stability based, among other things, on general physical performance
Varieties of labor of the seafarers of the water fleet, including a significant amount of motor activity Versatile physical readiness for extraordinary manifestations of strength, speed and other motor abilities, especially in extreme situations; resistance of the functions of the vestibular apparatus to motion sickness; general resistance of the organism to the effects of adverse weather and other environmental factors; a variety of motor skills, in particular the skills of diving, rescue swimming, rowing, sailing boats; resourcefulness, determination, courage, based, among other things, on excellent physical condition

Already from these examples it is clear that many of the existing types of professional labor present both general and specific requirements, and that in order to achieve high performance in these and similar types of labor, specially oriented physical training is needed.

In order to present in detail the nature of the requirements of a particular type of labor for professional, including physical fitness of workers, a serious research development is needed. professiograms, which is compiled on the basis of studying the content and forms of this labor activity in psychological, physiological, biomechanical, ergonomic and other aspects, taking into account the subject, technology and working conditions (the available professiograms are also used for career guidance and career selection; then they are compared with a test assessment of individual inclinations, qualities , abilities).

When identifying the specifics of the requirements that the physical fitness of representatives of certain professions must meet, one must proceed from the fact that it is objectively determined by the totality of the features of a particular labor activity and the conditions for its implementation, including:

the peculiarities of the prevailing work operations (the extent to which they are simple or complex in terms of motor coordination, to what extent they are energy intensive, what is the degree of activity of various functional systems during their performance, etc.);

features of the regime (in particular, how strictly it regulates the behavior of workers, whether it is characterized by continuity or discontinuity of work operations, what is the order of alternation of work phases and intervals between them, to what extent the work process is characterized by monotony and other factors leading to fatigue);

features of environmental conditions that affect the state of physical and general performance, especially when they differ sharply from comfortable ones (high or low external temperature, vibration and noise effects of labor tools, machinery, production equipment, pollution of the inhaled air or low oxygen content and etc.).

With a differentiated development of PPFP programs, the entire set of features of labor activity and its conditions is subject to careful analysis in terms of the requirements for the physical fitness of the worker due to them. At the same time, when defining PPFP programs, it is important to take into account the prospects for changing the nature of work and its conditions and be guided by the general direction of improving the general social system of education, designed to ensure unlimited human development in a truly humane society.

The scientific and technological revolution, as is known, radically changes the nature and conditions of labor, especially in material production. It must be assumed that the growing influence on the transformation of the entire system of vocational training, and in particular PPFP, in the future will be exerted by such trends in changing the nature of labor, the role and place of the human factor in it, such as erasing the opposites between mental and physical labor, freeing workers from exhausting physical effort (with the replacement of energy-intensive production operations with technical devices, automata, robots), the transformation of the performer of work operations into an initiative "manager" and adjuster of complex machine devices, automated lines, production processes, the combination of narrow specialties within broad professions, dynamic updating of professional functions. Under these conditions, the nature of physical preparation for professional activity will undoubtedly change. The applied meaning of physical training, in all likelihood, will increasingly be determined not by the fact that it ensures the adaptation of an employee to any one, once and for all, given professional form of activity, but by how well it will create the necessary prerequisites for mastering rapidly changing methods. professional activity, to guarantee an integral increase in the overall level of functional and adaptive capabilities of the body, to stimulate the versatile development of motor abilities, especially coordination and directly related to them, to form a fairly rich fund of motor skills that contribute to the rapid construction of new and the transformation of previously learned forms of working movements. Of course, the specialized nature of PPFP will not completely disappear in this case either (since a certain professional specialization, judging by serious futurological forecasts, will exist at least for the foreseeable future), but in general it will acquire a different quality.

The noted trends in the change in the nature of labor and its conditions are already noticeable at the present time, at the present stage of the scientific and technological revolution, although they are naturally expressed differently in various spheres of social production and in various professions. So far, physical labor, partially mechanized, has been preserved in a number of branches of industrial and agricultural production. At the same time, professions have become quite common, the efficiency of labor activity in which largely depends on the variety and finely tuned motor skills in manual operations (adjusters of complex instruments, equipment, automatic production lines), as well as professions that require specific psychophysical stability in relation to information loads with increased responsibility for performance results (operators at multi-position consoles of modern powerful power plants, including nuclear power plants, energy and transport systems, industrial complexes, etc.). Among the new professions, there are also those where unprecedentedly high demands are placed on the comprehensive physical fitness of a specialist: astronauts, researchers-submariners of the world ocean, etc.

All of the above leads to an understanding of the actual and prospective tasks to be implemented in the professionally applied physical training of those who master the profession and work in one or another area of ​​professional activity.

1.3. Tasks to be solved in the process of PPFP

The essence of the main tasks solved in the process of PPPT is to: 1) replenish and improve the individual fund of motor skills, skills and physical education knowledge that contribute to the development of the chosen professional activity, useful in it and necessary at the same time in the process of PPPT in the quality of its means;

2) to intensify the development of professionally important physical abilities and those directly related to them*, to ensure the sustainability of the increased level of capacity on this basis;

3) to increase the degree of resistance of the organism in relation to the adverse effects of the environmental conditions in which labor activity takes place **, to promote an increase in its adaptive capabilities, the preservation and strengthening of health;

4) contribute to the successful fulfillment of common tasks implemented in the system of professional training of personnel, the education of moral, spiritual, strong-willed and other qualities that characterize purposeful, highly active members of society, creating its material and spiritual values.

These tasks in each individual case must be specified in relation to the specifics of the profession and the characteristics of the contingent involved. It is also clear that PPFP can be quite effective only in organic combination with other components of the social system of education as a whole, where the tasks of preparing for work activity are not reduced to particular immediate tasks characteristic of individual stages of vocational training, and are not solved episodically, but permanently. The paramount role in their implementation, which has already been discussed many times, is played by a full-fledged general physical training. On the basis of the prerequisites created by it, a specialized PPFP is built. Its specialization is necessary insofar as it is required by the specificity of professional activity and its conditions, but even in the case of a pronounced specificity, one should not forget about the paramount importance of the principle of all-round assistance to the all-round harmonious development of a person.

Problem regulatory criteria of professional-applied physical fitness has so far been solved only partially and mainly in the first approximation, which is explained both by the multiplicity of existing professions and their dynamic renewal, and by the insufficiently massive deployment of relevant research, although some indicative standards are already included in the current official programs of PPFP

* It is legitimate to consider the so-called professionally important abilities or qualities of an individual as those on which not only the effectiveness (efficiency) of professional activity, but also the possibility of its improvement, as well as the adequacy of behavior in extreme situations likely to occur, for example, emergency,

** This task is of particular importance, of course, when the environmental conditions of professional activity differ sharply from comfortable ones (they are fraught with overheating or hypothermia of the body, vibration or noise overloads, lack of oxygen in the inhaled air, etc.).

2. Means and methodological foundations for constructing PPFP

2.1. Features of the composition of PPFP funds

As the main means of PPFP, quite a variety of forms of physical exercises are used from among those that have developed in basic physical culture and sports, as well as exercises that have been transformed and specially designed in relation to the characteristics of a particular professional activity (as specially-preparatory).

It would be a mistake to assume that only exercises similar in form to professional labor motor actions can serve as adequate means. To reduce only to them the means of PPFP, as was done in due time in attempts to bring physical culture closer to labor practice by simply imitating certain labor actions in physical exercises, for example, a locksmith, a hammerer, a digger, etc., means to distort its very essence . This approach has become especially unsuitable in modern conditions, when many types of labor activity are characterized by micromovements, local and regional motor actions, which by themselves are by no means sufficient for the optimal development of motor abilities, and the mode of their implementation often acquires more and more features. , causing industrial physical inactivity with all its dangers for the normal physical state of the body.

At the same time, this does not mean that it is generally inappropriate to model certain features of labor activity in modern PPFP. However modeling is not reduced here to a formal imitation of labor operations, but involves the predominant performance of exercises that make it possible to mobilize purposefully(effectively manifest in action) precisely those professionally important functional properties of the body, motor and related abilities, on which the effectiveness of a particular professional activity significantly depends. At the same time, it may be advisable to reproduce the essential moments of coordination of movements that are part of professional activity, but on condition that the corresponding exercises can give an educational, developing or maintaining fitness effect as effective means of implementing at least some of the tasks pursued in PPFP. Mainly due to such modeling of the features of professional activity, the composition of the PPFP funds acquires its own specifics.

A significant part of the exercises used as means of PPFP is a general (widely) applied exercise. As such, it is legitimate to consider those exercises through which they develop motor skills that are used in normal conditions of professional activity (often when performing auxiliary actions) or in extreme conditions that are likely to occur in it. Naturally, directly applied exercises occupy a special place in PPFP when they are built in relation to professional activities, which include a large amount of motor activity in the form of basic motor actions necessary in everyday life (walking and other cyclic actions to overcome space, lifting and carrying loads, etc.), when the effectiveness of professional activity directly depends on the variety and fine-tuning of motor skills (as, for example, in the work of high-altitude assemblers performing non-mechanized operations), and also when specialized complex motor skills (swimming, diving and rescuing drowning people among representatives of naval professions, martial arts skills among operatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel, etc.). The composition of PPFP funds in such cases, of course, is the most specific.

Less specific are those means of PPFP that are used primarily for the education of physical qualities and abilities derived from them, in one way or another affecting the effectiveness of professional activity and causing its impact on a person. Indeed, in the implementation of tasks for their education, one must be guided by the laws of not only direct, but also indirect transfer of the training effect of exercises, using the general (non-specific) effect of adaptation to various types of muscular activity and environmental factors.

Thus, for the development of motor-coordinating abilities, necessary in the glanding types of professional activity, in the process of PPFP, a wide range of exercises of various forms is used; for the education of general endurance - aerobic running and other exercises of a cyclic nature; to increase the level of efficiency in activities carried out in conditions of high external temperature, various types of exercises, during which the body temperature rises significantly and the hired person is forced to resist functional shifts in the internal environment of the body for a long time (multiple repeated running of high and submaximal physiological power, etc. d.). PPFP in such cases practically merges with general physical training, specialized to some extent in terms of a professional profile, or sports training in a correspondingly chosen sport.

The desire to profile physical training in relation to the requirements of the profession was expressed, among other things, in the creation of a special kind of gymnastics - professionally applied gymnastics and the cultivation of professionally applied sports. As it is already clear, the exercises typical for them and the methodology for their application are characterized, on the one hand, by modeling the forms and especially significant moments of coordination of movements included in professional activity, and on the other hand, by more directed and ultimately higher requirements than in it. to motor and related abilities.

In the complex of exercises and the methodology of professional applied gymnastics, a kind of analytical approach is often predominantly expressed, in which the necessary forms of movements are consistently constructed and selectively directed influence is carried out on certain parts of the musculoskeletal system, its morphofunctional qualities (in particular, strength, mobility in joints, local and regional static endurance), and proceeding not only from the requirements of professional activity, but also from the need to prevent adverse effects on the physical and general condition of the employee arising during its course, which is aimed, in particular, at gymnastic exercises that prevent and corrective posture disorders due to the peculiarities of the working posture.

In professional applied sports, a holistically accentuated impact on the development of motor and closely related abilities, which are essential for improvement in professional activity, is clearly expressed. Accordingly, oriented sports improvement can have a direct positive impact on professional activity, provided, of course, if the subject of sports specialization has a significant similarity with professional activity both in terms of the operational composition of actions and the nature of the displayed abilities. This is what determines the choice of professional-applied sports by representatives of a particular profession.

So, for those who are preparing to become and working as professional drivers of motor transport, automobile, motorcycle and similar sports are actually applied sports, for steering water transport - water-motor and sailing, for pilots - gliding, aircraft, helicopter, parachuting, for reconnaissance geologists, as well as for all those who have chosen other professions that require a developed ability to accurately navigate the terrain - sports tourism and the corresponding types of orienteering, for military personnel and operational workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - a number of applied sports all-around and martial arts, etc.

Giving paramount importance to the actual applied exercises as factors of PPFP, one should not, however, forget that they are far from exhausting the entire set of effective means of physical training for the chosen professional activity. Depending on the particular developing individual system of physical exercises and the characteristics of the chosen profession, a significant role in the implementation of the tasks pursued in the process of PPPP can be played by the means of general physical training. As already mentioned, the choice and use of them, as far as possible and appropriate, should be specialized taking into account the specifics of professional activity in order to exclude the negative transfer of the effect of inadequate exercises to it (in particular, it is likely in cases where skills are developed or consolidated in the process of physical training). conflicting with the skills of production operations in certain key moments of coordination of movements). In general, the probability of a negative transfer is relatively small, in any case, much less (despite the fact that the level of physical activity in most modern professions is low) than the probability of a positive integrative effect on the capacity of the systematically used common means of general physical training. It is advisable, despite this, in order to strengthen its applied orientation, to give preference to those means that, other things being equal, with a great positive effect, contribute to an increase in the functional capabilities of the body, limiting the effectiveness of professional activity and resistance to adverse effects that are likely in specific working conditions.

In full, the set of adequate means of PPFP is not limited, of course, only to physical exercises. In combination with them, to implement the tasks pursued in it, natural environmental factors of hardening are used, and when necessary, special hygienic and other means of increasing the level of adaptive capabilities of the body and resistance to the adverse effects of specific conditions of professional activity, including, in particular, training in thermal chambers and pressure chambers. , artificial ultraviolet irradiation and air ionization, specialized nutrition. It goes without saying that in the process of PPFP, the means of intellectual education, moral education and specialized mental training, which are indispensable for comprehensive professional training, should also be used that correspond to its characteristics.

2.2. The main features of the methodology and forms of building classes in PPFP

The PPPP methodology is mainly based on the consistent implementation of the general pedagogical principles and the fundamental principles of the physical education methodology (Chapter III), which are specified in relation to the features of its content and construction in real conditions of professional education and life.

The most important for the rational construction of the PPFP as a whole is, as already emphasized, ensuring organic interconnection, unity of general and special physical training. This means, first of all, that when building PPPP, it is necessary to rely on the prerequisites created by the previous and accompanying general physical training: the harmonious development of basic vital physical qualities, the formation of a rich fund of various motor skills and abilities. Only on the basis of these fundamental prerequisites, PPFP can be carried out with the greatest efficiency, without unnecessary expenditure of time and energy. From what was the general physical training of the future specialist during the passage of the basic course of physical education (in a secondary school, other educational institutions), and how it is carried out in the future (during certain periods of many years of professional and labor activity), in The content of the PPFP and a number of specific features of its rational construction largely depend on it. In particular, the composition of the PPPP means used depends on this, since the types of physical exercises included in it include elements and variants of previously developed forms of movements and are often similar in terms of coordination to the motor actions mastered in the basic course of physical education in terms of general physical training (a number of cyclic locomotor exercises, exercises to maintain the balance of the body in difficult conditions, operating with various kinds of objects, lifting and carrying weights, etc.)

The embodiment of the principle of unity of general and professional-applied physical training implies, at the same time, a certain profiling of general physical training in relation to the characteristics of the profession, both during the period of mastering it, and in the years of subsequent professional and labor activity. Depending on its specifics, in this regard, it is advisable:

Strengthen those of the components of general physical training that more than others contribute to the development of professionally important physical and related abilities (according to the mechanism of positive training transfer), respectively redistributing the time and effort spent in its various sections;

During the period of formation of professional motor skills, avoid those exercises in the process of general physical training that can negatively affect the formation of these skills; for this it is necessary, of course, to clearly represent the patterns of positive and negative transfer of skills in order to use the effect of positive transfer and not cause a negative one;

Include in the general physical training in sufficient volume training loads that counteract the adverse effects on health and capacity for occupational physical inactivity (especially when professional activity is characterized by an extremely low level of physical activity), as well as selectively directed complexes of physical exercises for the prevention and correction of individual deviations in physical condition and development of the body, likely under chronic exposure to adverse factors and conditions of professional activity. We are talking here, in particular, about the use of exercises directed and normalized according to the magnitude of the load, selectively stimulating the development of those vital physical qualities of the individual that practically do not manifest themselves or are little manifested in professional and labor activity, as well as exercises that contribute to an increase in the body's resistance to in relation to the negative impact of specific environmental working conditions, exercises for the prevention and correction of posture disorders arising due to the peculiarities of working postures, etc.

Such profiling of general physical fitness in a certain respect brings it closer to PPFP. But this rapprochement would be wrong to understand as the possibility of replacing one of them with another. Despite the fact that they are closely interconnected, ambiguous tasks are solved in them by different means and methods. And then, when general physical training is profiled in relation to the characteristics of professional work, it should be aimed not only at the implementation of purely utilitarian tasks, but mainly at ensuring the comprehensive physical improvement of a person, no matter what activity he chooses as his profession.

One of the main problems of the PPFP methodology stems from the need to ensure adequate and systematic modeling of the requirements imposed by professional activity on the functional capabilities of the body, with a gradual excess of the level of these requirements. There is a contradiction here. It is clear that these requirements can be reproduced quite accurately and completely only by performing labor actions in the regime and conditions characteristic of professional work, but if in itself it imposes relatively low intensity and narrow requirements for physical capacity (which, as already noted, characteristic of many types of modern professional work), then their exact modeling in the process of PPFP will not allow to ensure the necessary effectiveness of model exercises as factors for increasing functional capabilities. That is why modeling the requirements of professional activity in the construction of PPFP is justified insofar as it ensures the effectiveness of the means of training used, and should occur with certain variations that contribute not only to adaptation to professional work, but also to increase its effectiveness.

Fundamentally, the model reproduction in the process of PPFP of certain requirements of professional activity is all the more important, the higher the level of mobilization of the motor and other capabilities of the body necessary for its effective implementation. If these requirements are very high (as, for example, in the extreme conditions of professional activity of military personnel, firefighters, divers, aircraft testers), then initially they have to be modeled with restrictions, and then gradually increase the load in model training exercises, up to exceeding the level of similar professional loads to create a kind of margin of safety in relation to them. In such cases, the most effective means of increasing the functional reserves of the body, mobilized in extreme conditions of professional activity, can be classes in the appropriate professional-applied sport, organized in the form of systematic training and participation in sports. competitions. Selective modeling of individual requirements of professional activity in the process of PPFP is achieved mainly by means of professional applied gymnastics, including exercises on specialized simulators (for example, on simulators such as centrifuges and doping in PPFP for pilots, high-altitude fitters and workers of other specialties who place high demands on functions of the vestibular apparatus).

Although the degree of intensity of physical effort in most modern types of professional activity is relatively low and stable, the methodology for constructing PPPP should be guided by the principle of a gradual increase in training loads, and to the extent that it is necessary not only to prepare for specific professional and labor loads, but also for a general rise in the level of functional capabilities of the body, strengthening and maintaining health. Here, as well as in physical education in general, of course, there cannot be some universal quantitative norms for the increase in loads that are equally suitable in all cases, since the boundaries of an expedient increase and their dynamics depend on many variable circumstances, including the actually developing total the volume of loads and the regimen of physical exercises in an individual lifestyle (for example, some, in parallel with PPPP, devote a lot of time and effort to in-depth exercises in one or another sport, while others have basic physical exercises limited mainly or exclusively to the framework of PPPP).

In general, the system of classes in PPFP, when they are organized officially, is regulated by unified programs, usually developed for groups of related professions or individual professions. In this case, the main forms of training are, as a rule, lesson forms, having a structure typical of physical education (Chapter X), which varies depending on the characteristics of the content and conditions for constructing classes.

Often, especially within the framework of the compulsory course of physical education in special educational institutions, lessons that include PPFP material are combined and. Professional-applied exercises in them are performed along with exercises used as a means of general physical training, which, among other things, is due to a shortage of study time. In such cases, the rational arrangement of the various components of the lesson is determined according to the rules for constructing a complex lesson (Chapter X; 2.2). With the high labor intensity of the tasks to be solved for the formation of complex professionally applied motor skills or selective massive impact on the development of professionally important physical abilities, it is preferable not only to build individual classes, but also a series of them as one-subject - concentrated in the main part mainly on the implementation of one of these tasks. The ratio of single-subject and combined classes in the course of physical education, including the material of the PPFP, depends largely on the total budget of time allocated to the course as a whole, and the complexity of the tasks to be solved. The more time and the more difficult the tasks, the more often one-subject classes should be practiced; if the time budget is small, it is advisable, under the same other conditions, to do most of the classes combined.

As one of the effective forms of organization and intensification of classes in PPFP practice competitions in professional applied exercises. Competitive forms of training are most widely represented, of course, in the case of in-depth specialization in the chosen professional-applied sport. The system of classes at the same time acquires the character of a specialized sports training and regular participation in competitions, which puts forward a special problem of rational balancing of sports, vocational education, and work activities. For athletes who do not move into the sphere of elite sports, the priority should, of course, not be sports interests proper.

An important role in the implementation of PPFP can be played by non-sporting amateur physical education classes, including professional applied exercises along with other means of physical self-education in the mode of everyday life and extended active recreation (in particular, in the form of daily individual exercises, physical training, hiking trips). It is clear that the actual contribution of such classes to PPPP especially depends on the degree of familiarity with physical culture, understanding the essence of PPPP and methodological readiness for independent use of its means and methods. To implement some of the tasks pursued in the PPFP, in addition to those indicated and small forms of classes practiced within the framework of industrial physical culture(see about them ch. X; 3.1). Although their possibilities in this regard are relatively narrow, they should not be neglected, in particular, when solving problems involving the development of the ability to independently regulate operational performance in the process of work, and tasks to prevent regression of the specific fitness achieved as a result of PPFP.

Thus, most of the forms of occupations accepted in the system of physical education and self-education can be used to some extent for the purposes of PPPP. At the same time, their content is determined not only by the requirements of professional activity and is not limited to it. PPPP must certainly be considered in unity with other components of a holistic system of education and, depending on their nature, in an individually specific expression, to find the most justified ratio of various forms of classes at one stage or another, allowing the realization of personally and socially significant goals.


1. Kabachkov V. A., Polievsky S. A. Professional and applied physical training of students in secondary vocational schools. M., Higher School, 1982.

2. Raevsky R. T. Professional and applied physical training of students of technical universities. M., Higher School, 1985.

UDC 378.096

A. G. Mironov


Annotation. The paper considers and substantiates the pedagogical conditions for improving the professional-applied physical training of future lawyers based on the use of aikido, which relate to all its elements: goals and objectives, content, means and methods, educational and extracurricular activities of students.

Key words: professional competence, students of law faculties of universities, physical education, professional and applied physical training, aikido, pedagogical conditions.

abstract. The articles considers pedagogical conditions of improving professional-applied physical state of future lawyers through aikido, which regard all the elements of training: the purposes and tasks, the contents, means and methods, educational and extracurricular activity of students.

Key words: professional competence, students of law faculties, physical training, professionally-applied physical preparation, aikido, pedagogical conditions.

Relevance of the problem

The strategic goal of modern vocational education is the formation of professional competence as a set of versatile competencies of university graduates, which make it possible to successfully operate in numerous situations of professional activity, effectively implement the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process, personal and professionally significant qualities in solving new, non-standard professional tasks. . This fully applies to future lawyers. The content of the professional education of a lawyer with a competency-based approach should be based on an orientation towards the formation of key competencies in the intellectual, civil law, communicative, informational and other fields. In the content of the professional competence of employees of legal specialties, the following interrelated parties are distinguished:

Gnoseological - the presence of certain knowledge necessary for the performance of professional duty, their constant updating, improvement;

Regulatory - the scope of powers (rights and obligations) established by law or the charter of the body (organization);

Functional - the ability to perform their professional duties based on legal experience;

Personal - the lawyer's awareness of his mission, assessment of his professional abilities, self-criticism, the ability to introspection and self-education of his professional qualities.

The worsening crime situation in the world leads to an increase in the number of employees of state power structures who die in the line of duty. In the Russian Federation, according to

N.V. Cheskidova, in 1995, 470 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty (in the USA about 100) and 1,750 law enforcement officers were injured. In 8.9% of cases, law enforcement officers were unable to use weapons and self-defense techniques when attacked by a criminal. In recent years, these figures have been steadily increasing. According to the results of a study by the Yuri Levada Center in Russia, it was revealed that the profession of a policeman (policeman) is risky, every third resident of the country (29%) considers the work of police officers (police) to be extremely dangerous.

It was revealed that young employees die most often when pursuing criminals. One of the reasons for their death is the insufficient level of professionally applied physical fitness, which determines the functional and personal components of the professional competence of law enforcement officers. A significant contribution to their formation should be made by training sessions in the discipline "Physical Culture".

In the curriculum for the discipline "Physical culture" for university students, one of the main tasks of physical education is to provide general and professionally applied physical fitness, which determines their psychophysical readiness for their future profession. Professional-applied physical training is defined in the literature as a specialized type of physical education, carried out in accordance with the requirements and characteristics of this profession. Meanwhile, the analysis of scientific and methodological literature indicates that the problem of improving the professional-applied physical training of future lawyers in the process of studying at a university remains insufficiently studied at present.

The existence of a contradiction between the socially and personally conditioned need to increase the level of professionally applied physical fitness of graduates of law faculties of universities, on the one hand, and the insufficient development of the issues of its formation in the process of physical education, on the other, determines the relevance of our work.

The purpose of the study is to identify and theoretically substantiate the pedagogical conditions for improving the professionally applied physical training of students of law faculties of universities based on the use of aikido.

To achieve this goal, we used the method of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature on the research problem.

Research results

The main tasks of professionally applied physical training are:

Development of special physical qualities that ensure the success of the chosen professional activity;

Education of professionally important mental qualities for this professional activity;

Formation and improvement of professional and applied skills and abilities;

Increasing the functional resistance of the organism to the adverse effects of factors of specific conditions of professional activity;

Communication of special knowledge for the successful assimilation by students of the practical section of professionally applied physical training and the application of acquired skills, abilities and qualities in professional activities.

A complex solution of these problems provides the necessary level of professional and applied physical fitness of a university graduate for the upcoming work activity.

Professional-applied physical training is based on the implementation of the principle of organic connection of physical education with the practice of labor activity. The specific tasks of professionally applied physical training of future lawyers are determined based on the objective requirements of the profession for a person.

Therefore, the first pedagogical condition is the definition of the tasks of professionally applied physical training based on the study of the factors of professional activity and its conditions, which mainly determine the requirements for certain physical and mental qualities, the functional resistance of the body to external influences, the mastery of applied skills, skills and related knowledge. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, we have identified individual components of the functional and personal aspects of the professional competence of lawyers working in law enforcement agencies, the development and formation of which should act as tasks of professionally applied physical training when studying at a university. These include the physical and mental properties of the individual.

The mental properties that characterize the features of the development of the cognitive, emotional, volitional spheres of the personality, the nature and properties of temperament include:

High mental performance in situations of prolonged, intense physical and mental overload (cognitive sphere);

High neuropsychic stability, self-control, a high level of self-control over emotions and behavior (emotional sphere);

Independence and initiative; perseverance and perseverance; purposefulness; courage and determination (volitional sphere):

Self-confidence (character);

Low anxiety (temperament).

The physical properties that determine the professional competence of lawyers include:

1) good physical health;

2) special physical qualities:

The ability to show speed in all its elementary forms (speed of reaction, speed of a single movement, frequency of movements) in conditions of power confrontation with the offender;

Running speed and endurance, manifested in the pursuit of the offender;

Power and speed-power qualities, manifested in the conditions of power confrontation with the offender;

Dexterity, manifested in the ability to act in variable situations in conditions of lack of space and time;

3) professional-applied motor skills and abilities that allow ensuring public and personal security, and, above all, the skills of power confrontation.

In accordance with the conceptual provisions of the synergistic approach, the solution of the problems of developing specific physical and mental properties necessary for law enforcement officers to successfully solve professional problems can be and is being carried out in practice through the use of various means of physical culture.

One of the effective, in our opinion, means is aikido, a Japanese martial art that requires a person not only to have excellent physical fitness, but also the ability to mobilize his psyche at the right time. The decisive factors in the development of fortitude are: concentration and meditation. They are aimed at performing extremely precise movements and at cultivating the ability of a person to instantly respond to any movement of an opponent. The upbringing of self-control, sobriety of thought and composure is simultaneously accompanied by physical training, many hours of training sessions to improve technology, develop strength, endurance, coordination, and develop an instinctive reaction. In aikido, a connection is formed between thought and movement. At the right moment, this connection works on a subconscious level, and the necessary techniques are performed unconsciously.

Mastering the skills and abilities of using aikido combat techniques provides, on the one hand, the advantage of law enforcement officers in a forceful confrontation with the enemy, on the other hand, significantly reduces the risk of loss of health and possible death. Therefore, the second pedagogical condition is the choice of a limited set of combat techniques from the entire arsenal of aikido as the content of professional-applied physical training, mastering which at the level of skills and abilities is necessary to neutralize and detain offenders in conditions of direct power confrontation.

The activity approach to vocational education involves the formation of students' attitude to professionally applied physical training based on the use of aikido as a personally significant type of activity, inclusion in which ensures not only the formation of readiness for the effective solution of professional problems, but also personal safety in situations that pose a threat for health and life (the third pedagogical condition). The formation of this attitude should be based on the motives for maintaining health, safety, achieving success, self-affirmation in professional activities. These motives in their content are characterized by a focus on achieving a certain result - health, safety, success, self-affirmation. To form them, you can use motivational

training of causal schemes and personal causality, helping students to realize that they, and only they, are the true cause of the positive or negative consequences (results) of their behavior and activities. Along with them, procedural motives that are directly related to experiencing a sense of satisfaction from the activity itself can be fully involved. To do this, it is necessary to use methods and methodological techniques to increase the emotional attractiveness of training sessions: gaming and competitive methods, creating a favorable psychological climate in the study group, cooperation relations with the teacher, a variety of means and forms of organizing educational activities, etc.

The fourth pedagogical condition is the unity and interrelation of general physical and professional-applied physical training. The necessity of this condition is due to the significant dependence of the effectiveness of the implementation of special physical qualities in the structure of professionally significant motor actions (pursuing the offender, the use of combat techniques related to the detention of the offender, etc.) on the general level of development of speed, strength, speed-strength qualities, endurance and dexterity. Developing these physical qualities in the process of general physical training, we create the prerequisites (only prerequisites) for their manifestation in the implementation of professional motor actions. In order to use these prerequisites to the maximum, it is necessary to supplement general physical training with the means of professionally applied physical training. These means act in the form of physical exercises simulating situations of implementation of professionally significant motor actions with the maximum manifestation of one or another physical quality.

The fifth pedagogical condition is the choice of means and methods that ensure the unity and interconnection of the development of physical and mental qualities. The development of the mental qualities of a person is carried out only in the process of such activity, which makes the maximum possible demands on their functioning. Therefore, when choosing the means of professionally applied physical training, it is necessary, on the one hand, to take into account their training effect (promoting the development of physical qualities), on the other hand, their educational potential (promoting the development of mental qualities). Sports games are sports games that require speed and accuracy of cognitive processes (perception and thinking), distribution and switching of attention. In addition, they contribute to the development of speed and agility. Performing exercises within the framework of the competitive method, on the one hand, ensures the formation of high neuropsychic stability, on the other hand, requires students to maximize the manifestation of certain physical qualities, significantly affects their development. The implementation of this pedagogical condition ensures the maximum possible efficiency of professional activity on the basis of the most complete implementation: motor potential, which provides spatial, temporal and dynamic characteristics of professional motor actions; the potential of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of the personality, which ensures the quality of management of these actions.

Implementation of professionally applied physical training based on the use of aikido requires high professional competence in the field of this type of martial arts (the sixth pedagogical condition). The teacher must be proficient in the fighting techniques of aikido. Equally important is the mastery of the technique of teaching combat techniques. At the same time, the learning process should be distinguished by a pronounced professional-applied orientation, which implies the disclosure to university students of the connections of the studied techniques with specific situations of professional activity in which they can and should be applied.

A characteristic feature of aikido, unlike other sports, is the lack of competition. Instead, at the end of each semester of study, after passing a certain number of training sessions at the university, a system of test tests is used, in which students, on the instructions of the teacher, demonstrate the technique of combat techniques, the art of insurance and self-insurance. The student's performance in the program is evaluated by the teacher according to certain requirements and criteria. Therefore, mastery of aikido combat techniques should be associated not only with preparation for professional activity (although this remains the main task of professionally applied physical training), but also with test tests. Therefore, the seventh pedagogical condition is the unity and interconnection of professionally applied physical training based on the use of aikido with test tests. Such motivation, being formed in students in the process of physical education classes, acts as an additional powerful personal factor that encourages them to be active not only in the classroom, but also outside it, in the form of independent studies.


Thus, we have identified the following pedagogical conditions for improving the professional and applied physical training of future lawyers based on the use of aikido:

Defining the tasks of professionally applied physical training based on the study of the factors of professional activity and its conditions;

Selection as the content of professional-applied physical training of a limited set of combat techniques from the entire arsenal of aikido, mastering which at the level of skills and abilities is necessary to neutralize and detain offenders in conditions of direct power confrontation;

Formation of students' attitude to professionally applied physical training based on the use of aikido as a personally significant type of activity;

Unity and interconnection of general physical and professionally applied physical training;

The choice of means and methods that ensure the unity and interconnection of the development of physical and mental qualities;

High professional competence of the teacher in the field of aikido;

Unity and interrelation of professional-applied physical training based on the application of aikido with tests.

The conditions identified by us relate to all elements of professionally applied physical training: goals and objectives, content, means and methods, to students and teachers, educational and extracurricular activities. In their totality, they are necessary and sufficient to increase the effectiveness of the formation of the psychophysical readiness of future lawyers for the upcoming professional activity in the process of physical education at the university. Ignoring any of these conditions will lead to the fact that the tasks of professionally applied physical training will be solved with great difficulty or become completely unsolvable.


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Mironov Aleksey Gennadievich Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Mari State University (Yoshkar-Ola)

Mironov Aleksey Gennadyevich Senior lecturer, sub-department of physical education, Mari State University (Yoshkar-Ola)

Email: [email protected]

UDC 378.096 Mironov, A. G.

Pedagogical conditions for improving the professionally applied physical training of future lawyers based on the use of aikido / A. G. Mironov // News of higher educational institutions. Volga region. Humanitarian sciences. - 2012. - No. 4 (24). - S. 160-167.



The fundamental principle of physical education is the connection of physical culture and sports with the labor and social activities of people. This relationship is carried out in practice through the introduction of physical culture and sports in the scientific organization of labor.

At present, when organizing the educational process, each higher educational institution is tasked with training specialists at a high scientific and methodological level using modern methods of organizing the educational process, ensuring that they use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical work or scientific research.

Studies show that the general physical training of specialists cannot fully solve these problems, since modern highly skilled labor requires, in addition, a certain profiling of physical education in accordance with the characteristics of the profession. Therefore, the physical education of students in higher education has its own specific features: its specific focus as a subject of the curriculum is determined not only by the general social tasks that physical education is designed to solve, but also by the requirements of the specialty for which the student is being prepared. As a result, the physical education of students should be carried out taking into account the conditions and nature of their future professional activity, and therefore, contain elements professional and applied physical training, those. PPFP, use the means of physical culture and sports to form professionally necessary physical qualities, skills, knowledge among students, as well as to increase the body's resistance to the effects of the external environment.

Professional-applied physical training (PPFP)

Future specialists

Professionally applied physical training, its goals and objectives.

Analysis of research and methodological works of various authors shows that the most complete definition of the concept of PPFP will be the following: professional-applied physical training is one of the directions of the system of physical education, which should form certain applied knowledge, physical, mental and special qualities, abilities and skills that contribute to the achievement of a person's objective readiness for successful professional activity.

In universities, physical education is an integral part of the entire educational process and is designed to maintain high performance of students throughout the years of study, to ensure their comprehensive physical development and education.

In the system of physical education, an independent applied direction has taken shape, one of the types of which is professionally applied physical training for a specific work activity.

PPPP in higher educational institutions is one of the main tasks of physical education of students: it is designed to equip them with certain knowledge, bring up physical and special qualities, develop motor skills that ensure physical and psychological readiness for the upcoming professional activity.

The main tasks of the PPFP are as follows:

1. Promote an increase in the productivity of workers.

2. Contribute to the accelerated learning of the profession and the preparation of a person for highly productive work.

3. Formation of applied knowledge, physical, mental and special qualities, abilities and skills that ensure the objective readiness of a person for successful professional activity.

4. To create conditions for active recreation of workers, to ensure the prevention of industrial injuries and to combat industrial fatigue of workers by means of physical culture and sports.

5. To acquaint students with the theoretical foundations of PPFP, teach them some professional-applied exercises, improve the level of physical qualities necessary for specialists in this field, prepare them for participation in competitions in specially-applied sports.

2. Socio-economic factors determining the need and general direction of PPFP

As already mentioned, at present many professions combine elements of physical and mental labor, with a constant increase in the proportion of the latter, while maintaining the relative independence of both. The sphere of application of heavy and monotonous physical labor is gradually reduced and the share of intellectual efforts is increasing. Mental labor is also undergoing qualitative changes. The growth of its technical equipment leads to an increase in the complexity of this form of labor, to the emergence of its new types. At present, the labor of representatives of a number of professions, even if it is directly materially productive, can already be regarded as lightened physical labor, saturated with the complex and combined functions of mental labor.

At the same time, the progress of production and the evolution of labor in various sectors of the national economy and even in enterprises are taking place and will not take place at the same level. Therefore, when determining the general direction and content of the PPFP of specialists from various professional groups, it is important to take into account that the improvement of social production is a constant and continuous process that determines the main directions of labor. In turn, the evolution of labor has a decisive influence on the change in the content of professiograms of individual specialties, as well as on the fundamental orientation and content of PPFP personnel.

With the development of technology, heavy production operations are more and more shifted directly to various mechanisms, while the functions of management and control are increasingly left to the share of man. Physical loads on a person in the labor process with the development of automated production are constantly decreasing.

In addition, the development of automation, integrated automation, electronics, robotics imposes on a person increased requirements for resistance to mental stress, for urgent perception and comprehension of a large flow of information about the course of production.

Working postures are monotonous and uncomfortable, associated with prolonged static stress.

The work of lawyers has its own specifics associated with long-term work with documents, analysis and comparison of various facts and events, observations and control over the work of various services, with the reproduction and urgent processing of a large flow of information with significant emotional and volitional stress.

The working conditions of lawyers specializing in operational work also have their own characteristics; specific requirements are imposed on their physical fitness, due to the nature of the tasks performed.

The phenomena of hypodynamia adversely affect the health and hardiness of many specialists. Under these conditions, the role of physical exercises, specially organized to eliminate the lack of physical activity of workers, for their professionally applied physical training, increases.

That is why it is important for graduates of educational institutions, future specialists, to know the basics of PPFP, to be able to organize the necessary classes with the team in which they will have to work after graduation from an educational institution.

In the process of physical training at all stages of education at the university, special attention should be paid to general and PPPP, as the main means of improving efficiency, reliability and longevity in work.

Organization, forms and means of PPFP in the educational process of the university

Professional-applied physical training (PPPP) is an important section of the physical education program for students, which should take up to 35-45% of the total number of hours, and in some faculties up to 50-60%. This is explained by the need for targeted development and improvement of students' professional skills and qualities. In solving these problems, OFP, PPFP and a sports specification with a professional orientation are widely used, especially sections of OFP and specialization, which necessitates the development of various forms of organizing and conducting classes. In addition, special PPFP shells should be used on them.

Currently, several forms of PPPP have been identified in the system of physical education, which can be grouped according to the following principle: training sessions (mandatory), amateur physical exercises in the daily routine, mass recreation, physical culture and sports events. Each of these groups has one or more forms of PPFP implementation, which can be selectively used either for the entire contingent of students, or for a part of it.

The significance of theoretical studies is great, since in some cases this is the only way to present to students the necessary professional and applied knowledge related to the use of physical culture and sports. This lesson should cover the following topics:

A brief description of various types of labor with a more detailed presentation of the psychophysiological characteristics of the labor of specialists preparing at this faculty;

Dynamics of human performance in the process of work, highlighting the features of changes in the performance of a specialist in this profile during the working day and year;

The influence of age and individual characteristics of a person, geographical, climatic and hygienic working conditions on the dynamics of a specialist's performance;

The use of means of physical culture and sports to improve and restore the efficiency of specialists, taking into account the conditions, nature and mode of their work and rest;

The main provisions of the methodology for the selection of physical exercises and sports in order to combat work fatigue, to prevent occupational diseases;

The influence of physical culture and sports on the acceleration of vocational training.

As a rule, these questions should be presented in the first half of the lesson. The content of the material should be based on general theoretical principles with examples from the professional activities of graduates of this faculty. With an excess of material, some of it can be presented in another mandatory topic "Physical culture in the mode of work and rest", where there are a number of provisions close to the listed issues.

The second half of the classes is devoted to issues that are directly related to the professional activities of graduates of this faculty:

Characteristics of working conditions and psychophysiological loads of a specialist in the labor process;

Basic requirements for the physical and special applied fitness of a specialist, ensuring high and sustainable productivity of his work;

The use of means of physical culture and sports in order to prepare (self-training) for professional activities, prevent occupational diseases and injuries, and ensure active recreation in free time.

Most researchers point out that high efficiency in the development of professionally applied physical qualities can be achieved with the help of various means of physical culture and sports.

At the same time, special applied exercises used in the process of PPFPthese are the usual physical exercises and sports, but selected and organized in full accordance with its tasks,

At present, there is no special classification of physical exercises, focused on the tasks of the PPPT of specialists from various professional groups, therefore, in each individual case, this issue should be resolved independently.

However, when choosing the means of physical education for the purposes of PPFP it makes sense to carry out their more differentiated grouping, which will allow more directed and selective use of these means in the process of physical education of students.

Such groups of means of PPFP students can be considered:

- Applied physical exercises and individual elements from various sports;

- applied sports;

– healing forces of nature and hygienic factors;

- auxiliary means that ensure the rationalization of the educational process in the section PPFP.

Applied physical exercises and individual elements from various sports can be combined With other exercises to ensure the education of the necessary applied physical and special qualities, as well as the development of applied skills and qualities.

Test questions:

1. Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle, health-improving physical culture of youth.

2. Professional-applied physical training of students of educational institutions of a legal profile.

3. Physical culture for knowledge workers.

4. Professional-applied physical training of university students.

5. Physical qualities of athletes.

6. Sports and professionally applied physical training as a means of improving performance.

7. Professional-applied physical training (PPFP) of future specialists.

8. Socio-economic factors that determine the need and general direction of PPFP.

9. Forms and means of professionally applied physical training.


The subject of the article is the study of modern forms of physical culture and mass sports in the process of professional and applied training of specialists for the judicial system. During the formation of professionally important qualities, attention is paid to the preparation of not only physical, but mental, in order to prevent such conditions as: depression, anxiety, aggressiveness, since the mental health of students is one of the most important conditions for the development of professionally important qualities. The results of the study helped to highlight the main professionally important qualities of the judiciary. The main tasks of the discipline "physical culture" at the first stage of training were determined. The developed technology makes it possible to effectively influence the psychophysical qualities of students and achieve their goals.

modern forms of physical culture and mass sports

mental training of lawyers

physical training of lawyers

professional-applied physical training of lawyers

1. Gabrielyan K.G., Ermolaev B.V. Professional-applied physical fitness of students, paradigm shift // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury. - 2006. - No. 12. - From 24-27.

2. Efimov-Komarov V.Yu., Efimova-Komarova L.B. "New technologies in the multilevel system of the educational process in physical culture as an important factor in maintaining the health of a student and a specialist." Materials of the scientific-methodical conference of the North-Western Institute of Management. - 2008. - No. 1. - S. 67-72.

3. Kabachkov V. A., Polievsky S. A., Burov A. E. Professional physical culture in the system of continuous education of youth. - M.: Soviet sport, 2010. - 296 p.

4. Landa B. Kh. Methods of complex assessment of physical development and physical fitness: textbook. allowance / B. H. Landa. - 5th ed., Rev. and additional - M .: Soviet sport, 2011. - 348 p.: ill.

5. Romashov A.A. Health-saving technologies for employees of the judicial system // Anthology of scientific thought. To the 15th anniversary of the RAP. - M.: RAP, 2013. - S. 1033-1037.

At present, the improvement of lifelong education is an important task, especially for physical education programs. Today, the attention of this problem is focused on the possibility of using the means of physical culture and the formation of professionally important qualities (PVC) of specialists from specialized universities, namely those providing training for the judicial system.

Professionally important qualities for various professions have been studied quite extensively and are included in the training programs for these specialties. There are also works devoted to the formation of the IRC among lawyers (Cherginets V.P., 2004, Mironov A.G., 2012, Kuznetsov A.F., 2012, Fadeev A.V., 2012).

Professional-applied physical training of employees of the judicial system has not been studied enough, which indicates the relevance of this study.

In connection with the transition of society from professions of hard work to mental work, where there is a sharp decrease in motor activity and an increase in mental stress on the human body, changes and correction of the means of physical culture used in the training of specialists are required.

Modern educational activity takes place in conditions of constant emotional stress, which is manifested in a decrease in motivation and a negative attitude towards learning, including future professional activities.

First of all, professional-applied psychophysical training is focused on the use of physical culture for personal improvement. As a result of the ongoing work, the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities are formed in the course of training sessions and improved independently in the form of applied knowledge focused on successful implementation in the future profession [V. A. Kabachkov, S. A. Polievsky, A.E. Burov. 2010].

Professional studies of the work activity of judges have shown that their motor mode during the working day is quite static. As a rule, this is a long stay in a sedentary, sedentary position, work with documents, which leads to a decrease in the functionality of the musculoskeletal system, fatigue, the presence of states of physical and mental overstrain and deterioration in performance.

“With significant physical, mental stress and overstrain, negative emotions associated, including with the content and working conditions, professional and applied physical training for specialists of the judicial system should affect not only the physical component of the human body, but also the mental, with the purpose of preventing such conditions as: depression, anxiety, aggressiveness" [Romashov A.A., 2010].

The choice of means that contribute to the formation of PVK should take into account the impact on two aspects: physical and mental, which corresponds to the current trend in the formation and strengthening of "individual health", in a changing nature of work, where "its intellectual component is constantly increasing" .

The level of students' health is one of the most important factors influencing the productivity of education, including the development of the IEC.

Objective: to develop sports and recreational technologies aimed at the formation of professionally important psychophysical qualities of future employees of the judicial system.

Research objectives:

  1. To reveal professionally important psychophysical qualities of the employees of the judiciary.
  2. Clarify the main tasks of the academic discipline "physical culture", taking into account the specialization of the university and the stages of education.
  3. To develop a sports and recreation technology for full-time education of the Faculty of Law. Experimentally test its effectiveness.

To clarify the content of the pedagogical physical education technology, as well as the tasks of physical education at different stages of education, we conducted a preliminary pedagogical experiment.

The purpose of the experiment was to assess the level of psychophysical qualities of students in the dynamics of the academic year and to check the possibility of their correction by means of physical culture.

The study was carried out according to the test of G. Yu. Eysenck. 130 full-time students (40% boys and 60% girls) of the 1st year faculty of law (n=130) took part in the testing, see diagram No. 1.

Chart #1

Evaluation of the mental state of 1st year students according to the Eysenck test in the dynamics of the academic year, the beginning of 2010 - the end of 2011 (n=130)

The data obtained indicate that the state of anxiety, aggressiveness, rigidity in an average degree or more is experienced by the majority of students. Comparing the results obtained in September 2010 and May 2011, there is an increase in anxiety and aggressiveness by an average of 7-8%. The presence of such conditions in more than 50% of students complicates the educational process, including the formation of PVK .

In view of the foregoing, we have developed an experimental pedagogical technology using tools from the arsenal of Pilates techniques, strength functional training and stretching, as well as specially selected methodological techniques. First of all, the technology is aimed at reducing the level of anxiety and aggressiveness, the formation of PVK, facilitating the process of socialization, especially at the initial stage of education at a university.

To test the effectiveness of the technology, two groups were selected and formed: experimental (n=30) and control (n=30) with approximately the same indicators of the psychophysical state.

At the end of each physical culture lesson, sets of exercises were carried out, lasting from 15 to 30 minutes, with a gradual increase in the coordination complexity and intensity of exercises throughout the experiment.

Additionally, the participants of the experimental group practiced three times a week in the Pilates section, and the students of the control group attended classes in the volleyball and athletic gymnastics sections. The volume of training hours in the two groups was the same and amounted to 8 hours per week.

The test results obtained at the beginning and end of the academic year made it possible to identify certain patterns in the experimental group: body weight decreased by 0.7 kg (2%), body length increased by 0.1 cm (0.07%), and chest circumference cells increased by 0.4 cm (0.4%), however, all these changes are not significant at a 5% significance level (p> 0.05) (Table No. 1).

Table 1

Dynamics of indicators of physical development of 1st year students aged 16-17 (girls),participants of the pedagogical experiment(



Body length, cm

Body weight, kg

Chest circumference, cm

Dynamometry right hand


left hand

Strength indicators improved by the end of the academic year. The strength of the right hand increased by 2 kg (8%) (p<0,05), сила левой кисти увеличилась на 1 кг (4 %) (p<0,05).

Comparative analysis of the results of motor readiness of 1st year students (table No. 2), participants of the experiment, obtained at the beginning and end of the academic year, allows us to speak about reliable (p<0,05) изменении показателей в тестовом упражнении на сгибание-разгибание туловища, соответственно на 2,88 (16 %) и гибкости на 7,24 (22 %). В беге на 1000 м и прыжке в длину с места средние показатели увеличились, но прирост недостоверен (p>0,05).

Table number 2

The results of physical fitness of 1st year students(16-17 years old, girls) (n=30) in October 2011 (n) and April 2012 (c)



Run 60 m, s

Run 1000 m, s

Standing long jump, cm

Flexion-extension of the body, for 30 seconds

Tilt forward from a sitting position, cm

Focusing on the estimated standards for this age period, it should be noted that the general, strength endurance, flexibility of participants in both the control and experimental groups are at a fairly low level.

The results of the study of the mental qualities of the participants in the experimental group (table No. 3) allows us to talk about a decrease in anxiety by 3.0 (24%) and aggressiveness by 3.0 (24%) compared with the control group by 0.7 (7%) and 1.0 (6%). Changes are considered significant at a 5% significance level (p<0,05). Показатели фрустрации и ригидности уменьшились незначительно, на (p>0,05).

Table No. 3

The results of the study of the mental qualities of the participants in the experimental and control groups in the dynamics of the academic year (2011-2012)







An improvement in the mental qualities of students is observed in both groups, which is due to the natural process of socialization. But in the experimental group, these changes are significant.


  1. The professionally important qualities of specialists in the judicial system include: general endurance, static endurance of the muscles of the body, concentration of attention, the ability of the body to withstand mental stress and negative emotions.
  2. The main tasks of the discipline "physical culture" for future specialists of the judicial system at the first stage are: socialization of the individual, reducing the level of anxiety and aggressiveness.
  3. Physical culture and health technology includes complexes of specially selected exercises from the arsenal of Pilates techniques, strength functional training, stretching lasting 30 minutes in the structure of the lesson and in the amount of 4.5 hours of classes outside of school hours in the Pilates section.
  4. The experimental technology allowed to significantly improve the performance (p<0,05) в сгибании-разгибании туловища на 16 % и гибкости на 22 % соответственно. Уровень агрессивности и тревожности также снизился на 24 % (p<0,05). Другие психофизически показатели улучшились, но изменения недостоверны (p>0,05).
  5. The developed sports and health-improving technology makes it possible to effectively influence the psychophysical qualities of students in the conditions of educational activities within the framework of professional and applied physical training at the university.
  6. In the process of educational activity, it is necessary to develop all physical qualities, since the general level of physical fitness of students is at a rather low level.


Kabachkov V.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Mass Physical Culture, FGBU FNTs VNIIFK, Moscow;

Burov A.E., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Education, Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan.

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