What is the 6th sense in humans. Subtle human feelings

The five senses allow us to perceive the world around us and respond in the most appropriate way. The eyes are responsible for sight, the ears are responsible for hearing, the nose is responsible for smell, the tongue is responsible for taste, and the skin is responsible for touch. Thanks to them, we receive information about our environment, which is analyzed and interpreted by the brain. Usually our reaction is to prolong pleasant sensations or to stop unpleasant ones.


Of all the senses available to us, we most often use vision. We can see thanks to a variety of organs: light rays pass through the pupil (hole), the cornea (transparent membrane), then through the lens (a lens-like organ), after which an inverted image appears on the retina of the eye (a thin membrane in the eyeball). The image is converted into a nerve signal by the receptors lining the retina, the rods and cones, and transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve. The brain recognizes the nerve impulse as an image, flips it in the right direction and perceives it in three-dimensional form.


According to scientists, hearing is the second most commonly used sense. Sounds (air vibrations) travel through the ear canal to the eardrum and cause it to vibrate. Then they pass through the window of the vestibule - a hole closed with a thin film, and the cochlea filled with a liquid tube, while irritating the auditory cells. These cells convert vibrations into nerve signals that are sent to the brain. The brain recognizes these signals as sounds, determining their volume level and pitch.


Millions of receptors located on the surface of the skin and in its tissues recognize touch, pressure or pain, then send the appropriate signals to the spinal cord and brain. The brain analyzes and decodes these signals, translating them into sensations - pleasant, neutral or unpleasant.


We are able to distinguish up to ten thousand smells, some of which (poisonous gases, smoke) alert us to imminent danger. Cells located in the nasal cavity detect the molecules that are the source of the smell, then send the appropriate nerve impulses to the brain. The brain recognizes these odors, which can be pleasant or unpleasant. Scientists have identified seven main odors: aromatic (camphor), ethereal, fragrant (floral), ambrosial (the smell of musk - a substance of animal origin used in perfumery), repulsive (putrefactive), garlic (sulphurous) and, finally, the smell of burning. The sense of smell is often called the sense of memory: indeed, the smell can remind you of a very old event.


Less developed than the sense of smell, the sense of taste reports the quality and taste of food and liquids consumed. Taste cells, located on the taste buds - small tubercles on the tongue, detect flavors and transmit the appropriate nerve impulses to the brain. The brain analyzes and identifies the nature of the taste.

How do we taste food?

The sense of taste is not enough to appreciate food, and the sense of smell also plays a very important role. The nasal cavity contains two olfactory regions that are sensitive to odors. When we eat, the smell of the food reaches these areas that "determine" whether the food is tasty or not.

The sixth sense is our ability to perceive the subtle or invisible world of angels, ghosts, Heaven, Hell, etc. It also includes our ability to understand the subtle causal relationships between different events that are beyond the understanding of the understanding of the mind. Extrasensory perception (ESP), clairvoyance, premonition and intuition are synonymous with the sixth sense (subtle perception ability).

"The Sixth Sense" is a special gift that only a few possess. Some people are able to see through others and predict the future. Where do these "paranormal" abilities come from? Many scientists have dealt with this issue, as a result of which several hypotheses have been put forward. But, despite these theories, some phenomena are still difficult to fit into any rational explanation.

"Past" consciousness

The "sixth sense" can give a person information about an event that happened earlier with other people. Suppose such a "clairvoyant" can say that the stranger standing in front of him was engaged in martial arts. But how did he understand it? Perhaps the possessor of the “sixth sense” unconsciously came to this conclusion by observing the movements of the person in front of him, which reminded him of the movement of a fighter, or by paying attention to the speed of his reaction. Therefore, what happened is not magic, but is explained due to the peculiarities of information processing in our brain.

"Voices" in the head

Since ancient times, people have explained the appearance of voices by such mystical incidents as possession, communication with spirits, angels or demons. In psychiatry, this phenomenon indicates a sign of schizophrenia. But how to determine whether the voices are pathological, or whether they are in fact the appeals of incorporeal creatures that only people who are sensitive to subtle matters can hear. After all, some remain quite sane despite the presence of these voices, and even sometimes become esotericists and practitioners. They help people in situations in which no one but them knows. However, most scientists refuse to recognize the presence of superpowers in people, calling such seers sick people or ordinary charlatans.


Despite finding scientific explanations for many "paranormal" cases, inexplicable things still happen in life. For example, telepathy. Anyone can read minds. Especially if these are the thoughts of relatives and friends, which are easy to “read”, having studied their interests and characteristics over many years. However, how can we explain the phenomenon when we recognize the thoughts of a person at a distance, and, moreover, an unfamiliar one? After all, this is more than intuition. So, it can already be called the "sixth sense".

Prophetic dreams

Prophetic dreams, for the most part, are not at all dreams-predictions about the future. It’s just that, most likely, a person “adjusts” an event from such a dream to those that occur in reality. Most often, he saw something like this in everyday life, which was not difficult to “predict” at all. For example, a tense relationship with a friend may be reflected in a dream in which a person sees a quarrel with a friend. The next day they really fight. But such a dream cannot be called "prophetic."

Humans have five basic senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. The sense organs associated with each sense send information to the brain to help us understand the world around us. In addition to the main five people, there are also other senses. Here's how they work.


The sense of touch is considered the first sense that a person develops. It consists of several different sensations transmitted to the brain through specialized neurons in the skin. Pressure, temperature, light touch, vibration, pain, and other sensations are part of the sensory experience and are all attributed to various receptors on the skin.

Touch is not just a sense used to interact with the world; it also seems to be very important for human well-being.

The sense of touch can also influence how people make decisions. Texture can be associated with abstract concepts, and touching something can influence a person's decisions, according to six studies by psychologists from Harvard University and Yale University, published in the journal Science on June 24, 2010.

These tactile sensations do not just change the general orientation, but create a mood. They have a certain connection with some abstract meanings."


Seeing or perceiving things with the eyes is a complex process. First, light is reflected from the object to the eye. The transparent outer layer of the eye, called the cornea, bends light as it passes through the pupil. The iris (which is the colored part of the eye) works like a camera shutter, retracting to turn off the light or opening wider to let in more light.

The cornea focuses most of the light, and then the light passes through the lens, which continues to focus the light.

The lens of the eye then bends the light and focuses it on the retina, which is full of nerve cells. These cells are shaped like rods and cones and are named after their shapes. Cones translate light into colors, central vision, and details. The rods translate light into peripheral vision and movement. The sticks also give people vision when there is limited light, such as at night. The information translated from the light is sent as electrical impulses to the brain via the optic nerve.

Even in the case of profound blindness, the brain works in such a way as to use the information at its disposal so that it can interact more effectively with the environment.


This feeling works through the complex labyrinth that is the human ear. Sound is directed through the outer ear and fed into the external auditory canal. The sound waves then reach the eardrum. It is a thin sheet of connective tissue that vibrates when sound waves hit it.

Vibrations travel to the middle ear. There, the auditory ossicles vibrate—three tiny bones called the malleus, anvil, and stirrup. The latter, in turn, pushes a structure called the oval window and sends vibrations to the organ of Corti. This spiral organ is the receptor organ for hearing. The tiny hair cells in it translate vibrations into electrical impulses. The impulses then travel to the brain via sensory nerves.

People maintain their sense of balance because the Eustachian tube, in the middle ear, equalizes the air pressure in the middle ear with the air pressure in the atmosphere. The vestibular complex in the inner ear is also important for balance because it contains receptors that regulate the sense of balance. The inner ear is connected to the vestibulocochlear nerve, which transmits sound and balance information to the brain.


According to researchers, humans can smell more than 1 trillion scents. They do this with the olfactory cleft, which is located on the roof of the nasal cavity, next to the "olfactory" part of the brain, the olfactory bulb and fossa. Nerve endings in the olfactory fissure transmit odors to the brain.

Dogs are known for their good sense of smell, but studies show that humans are just as good at it as man's best friend. A study published in Science on May 11, 2017 suggests that humans can distinguish 1 trillion different odors; It was once thought that humans could only perceive 10,000 different odors.

Humans have 400 olfactory receptors. It's not as many as some animals, but the much more complex human brain makes up for the difference.

In fact, a poor sense of smell in humans may be a symptom of illness or aging. For example, a distorted or reduced ability to smell is a symptom of schizophrenia and depression. Old age can also reduce the ability to smell. More than 75% of people over the age of 80 may have severe olfactory disorders.


This sense is usually subdivided into the perception of four different tastes: salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. There is also a fifth taste, defined as umami. There may be many other flavors that have not yet been discovered. In addition, the spicy taste is not.

The sense of taste helped in human evolution because it helped people test the food they ate. A bitter or sour taste indicated that the plant might be poisonous or rotten. Something salty or sweet, however, often means the food is rich in nutrients.

Taste is sensed by taste buds. Adults have between 2,000 and 4,000 taste buds. Most of them are on the tongue, but they also affect the back of the throat, the epiglottis, the nasal cavity, and the esophagus. The sensory cells on the kidneys form capsules in the shape of flower buds or oranges. The tips of these capsules have pores that work like funnels with tiny taste hairs. The proteins on them are bound to cells for tasting.

It is a myth that the tongue has special zones for each taste. The five tastes can be felt in all parts of the tongue, although the sides are more sensitive than the middle. About half of the sensory cells in taste buds respond to several of the five basic tastes. Cells differ in their level of sensitivity. Each has a specific palette of tastes with a fixed ranking, so some cells may be more sensitive to sweet followed by bitter, sour and salty, while others have their own ranking. The full experience of taste is produced only after all the information from different parts of the tongue has been combined.

The other half of the sensory cells are specialized to respond to only one taste. Their job is to convey intensity information - like a salty or sweet taste.

Other factors help shape the perception of taste in the brain. For example, the smell of food greatly affects how the brain perceives taste. Smells are sent to the mouth in a process called olfactory referral. This is why a stuffy nose can have trouble tasting food properly. Texture translated by the sense of touch also contributes to taste.

Sense of space

In addition to the traditional big five, there is also a sense of how your brain understands where your body is. This is called proprioception.

Proprioception involves the sense of movement and position of our limbs and muscles. For example, proprioception allows a person to touch the tip of their nose with their finger even when their eyes are closed. This allows a person to climb the steps without looking at each one. People with poor proprioception can be clumsy and incoherent.

People who have particularly poor mechanosensation proprioception - the ability to sense force, such as the feeling when someone is pressing on your skin - may have a mutated gene that is passed down from generation to generation.

Additional Feelings and Variations

There are more subtle feelings that most people never perceive. For example, there are neuron sensors that sense movement to control balance and head tilt. Specific kinesthetic receptors exist to detect stretch in muscles and tendons, helping people keep track of their limbs. Other receptors detect oxygen levels in certain blood flow arteries.

Sometimes people don't even perceive feelings in the same way. For example, people with can see sounds as colors or associate certain sights with smells.

Today, few of the miracles are recognized by official science. Among the exceptions is the sixth sense. What is this, the sixth sense, what is it, and how to recognize it?

Even Aristotle identified five basic human senses (hearing, smell, touch, sight and taste) and added to them a sixth sense that defies description. Later it became known about another sense - balance and orientation in space. Today it is called the seventh, and the sixth sense, which was also called intuition, has remained under its number.

Of course, a person has many more feelings: joy, anger, sorrow, sadness, etc. But we are talking about those feelings that, with the help of special sensors - receptors, provide us with communication with the outside world, receive information from it, allow us to analyze it and synchronize your body with the environment.

Sixth sense - what is it?

We are now well aware of the six organs and receptors that allow us to sense and recognize external world. But which sense helps us to predict events, which organ, which receptor is responsible for it, still remains a mystery that scientists around the world are trying to solve.

Then, the sixth sense is what? The sixth sense or intuition is understood as the human ability to perceive the world, events in it and respond to them without supporting their actions and without explaining them with any specific facts or evidence - instantly and without control by consciousness. The very word intuition in translation from Latin is translated as instantaneous comprehension or penetration by sight. In other words, intuition is a premonition that allows you to predict events and quickly make sometimes the only right decision without any reasoning.

They say that the sixth sense is associated with life experience, the baggage of accumulated knowledge, the ability to analyze. However, you can often meet smart, talented, educated people in life who never manage to achieve what they want, moreover, they often find themselves in unpleasant situations, encounter problems out of the blue. They say about such people that they are unlucky. And on the contrary, there are people, light and carefree, who go through life “laughing”, they succeed in everything, they succeed, at first glance, without much difficulty, luck always accompanies them. They are called lucky ones. In fact, these people for the most part simply have a developed 6th sense.

What is the principle of intuition based on? One of the most accurate definitions says that this is, first of all, the coordinated work of our soul with our body, the ability to concentrate subconscious impressions and sensations, freeing them from consciousness, and to predict or predict the course of various events based on them. It has been proven in practice that the sixth sense can be developed using various methods, for example, you can either independently study thematic literature from leading experts.

Why does our sixth sense deceive us?

You can often hear complaints that intuition fails. But the people who present them, for the most part, do not even know where their intuition is hidden and how to use it. As a rule, they attribute their mental laziness, self-doubt, fear of responsibility for their decisions to intuition.

Can intuition be developed?

Developed intuition or the sixth sense is not only a natural gift, but also a huge work on oneself, on one's ability to perceive the world around, sensitivity, sensitivity, attentiveness, and most importantly, the ability to listen to oneself. Course M.S. Norbekova was created specifically for those who sincerely want to wake up their inner voice, expand their capabilities and reveal their talents, gain independence from public opinion, gain confidence in themselves and their abilities, learn to make decisions without fear of responsibility. Having chosen courses for the development of Norbekov's sixth sense, in a week you will notice how luck begins to turn to face you, and you will feel how easier it has become for you to follow the path to your intended goal.

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov's blog! A person learns about himself and the world around him with the help of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. He also knows how to distinguish between temperature and various kinds of changes in the environment.

But there is the so-called sixth sense, which is responsible for the ability to anticipate, for example, some events and actions of people. This is our intuition. Or psychic powers. And today we will learn how to develop them, as well as what to do to finally learn to trust your instincts.

general information

Every person has a sixth sense, the problem is that he is not always able to distinguish and notice it. For example, a person who does not know how to withstand group pressure, is afraid to be different from the rest, does not trust his own opinion at all. She believes that she is unable to make the right choice, because others know better. They're smarter, or they're less likely to make mistakes. In this case, there is no need to be responsible for your actions and choices.

This can actually be very convenient. But this way of life is desensitizing. Then their feelings, thoughts, and of course, forebodings are ignored. What kind of intuition can we talk about when you have to devalue your desires.


I propose to consider a number of signs by which you will learn to track and notice that the inner voice is trying to get through to your consciousness. Then this process will take place on its own, when you can trust yourself and your feelings.


It manifests itself at the moment when a person experiences fear, horror. You may not see danger, but feel it. Therefore, if you only notice that “goosebumps” ran through your body, look around, look around and think about what this condition could be connected with. This can save your life and prevent you from making irreparable mistakes.

It happens that goosebumps appear when a person passes by or is nearby. This means that it is better to avoid intersections with it. At the subconscious level, you “thought” what future awaits you if you have to deal with it, the only thing left is to bring this information to consciousness.

Unreasonable distrust

If by nature you are a distrustful and suspicious person, this is one thing. But if you didn’t experience psychological traumas about safety, you should listen, and why don’t you believe this particular person, while you “converge” with the rest quite normally?

If you have read an article about non-verbal communication, then you know that in the first minute after a meeting, a person reads from about 60% to 95% of information on facial expressions, gestures, posture, and so on. That is why they consider the first opinion that has arisen to be the most correct.

We recognize body signals completely unconsciously, except for those who have been trained in the basics of non-verbalism. They watch every facial muscle closely enough to recognize lies in time and understand what the interlocutor is really experiencing at the moment of communication. What kind of science of non-verbalism is, you will find out if you follow the link.

So, if you notice that you are somehow alert in the presence of someone specific, ask yourself a couple of questions for awareness. There is such a defense mechanism in psychology as projection. It helps the psyche to cope with some kind of trauma and stress, sometimes turning into a favorite method of building relationships with the outside world.

Its essence lies in the fact that we endow, for example, another person with qualities and characteristics that he does not possess in reality. Just because it's so used, it's more convenient, it's safer and so on.

For this reason, when meeting someone who vaguely resembles someone from relatives, old friends, even celebrities - we immediately think that he is the same in character. And then, getting to know him better, they were disappointed, because they thought that he was actually good-natured and sweet, but he took it and turned out to be completely different. Have you noticed this?

So ask yourself, does he remind you of someone? Think about what it was about him that bothered you. Perhaps it's not intuition, but just in projection. And you, having made a mistake several times, will stop trusting your inner voice.


Out of the blue, you may be confident that you know what might happen in the near future. You can’t explain why you decided to go this particular way, and not along the long-term route. Or why they suddenly took and abandoned the party that they had been dreaming of for the last weeks. This is also a manifestation of intuition. You are simply not able to give a reasonable logical justification for your decisions. Are you sure you should. And that's it.

We know that in life you have to pay for absolutely everything. And I'm not talking about money now. If you want to achieve world recognition - be kind, work to the fullest, invent and offer this world something that it has not been offered before. If you want to do nothing, accept the fact that it will be difficult at times, there will be no reasons for respect and real means of existence, as well as freedom if this existence will be provided by someone else. So it is with intuition.

Before you take action, you should accept the fact that now you will always have to make a choice on your own. On the one hand, this is freedom, and on the other, responsibility. No other way. All external changes begin after internal ones, that is, realizations and insights (sudden understanding, insight).

Otherwise, feelings will begin to dull if they are ignored and not used. Why would your subconscious make its way to you every time if it's pointless? Therefore, be patient until you can restore the functions of anticipation and anticipation.


Pay attention to every detail. Yes, this is quite difficult, especially if you are used to not looking around and not examining the interior, not listening to every word said by the interlocutor, and so on. But knowledge just from space will not enter your head. They come from observation, lived experience.

An important point - try to avoid value judgments. Just observe the processes, both internal and external, without giving them a semantic form. Critical thinking is useful, but not in situations where a person is trying to listen to the inner voice.

For example, when a person usually looks at the water, he does not try to think about where exactly the currents are changing, what is the temperature at the moment, and so on? When he gets to the sea, he rests, allows himself to just be, the way he is. And most of the time, they don't even control their thoughts. They flow like a stream, sometimes even completely illogical and chaotic. But this process helps to make an important decision, recover and gain confidence.


Develop your imagination. To gain a sixth sense, you do not have to jump with tambourines and feathers. There is no need to sacrifice someone. It's simple - it's important to allow yourself to be free. And if in reality there are a lot of restrictions that should be followed. At least because you can go to jail. Then in your fantasy no one can control what you imagine and imagine there.

If you have difficulties with this, then for a start it is worth focusing on development, which is precisely responsible for intuition, speech and creativity, creativity. You will find exercises and detailed information.


The best way to listen to your own feelings is meditation. A nice bonus is that you will become more resilient, healthy, plastic. And even an intellectually developed person. But because various parts of the brain are activated, which are not always involved in the work process, and everyday life in general. You will find exercises and recommendations for beginners. So, if you wish, you do not have to allocate a large amount of time or money for group training. Even at home before going to bed, you can relax and improve your health.

If yoga doesn't appeal to you, take up a sport that resonates. The task is to concentrate on something, and, if possible, to contemplate. For example, while running or swimming, a person may well reach a state where control over thoughts is released.


Don't miss the opportunity to exercise. And even play. For example, waking up in the morning, form a relevant and exciting question, and imagine that you just released it into space. And during the day, focus on all the signs that the universe will send you. Let it be a phrase heard on the radio in time, or let your eyes fall on a cutting in a newspaper in which you will find the answer.

Also, let's say, in public transport, guess who will be the first to enter at a bus stop, a man or a woman. What color will the car now appear at the intersection. An employee will come to work in a dress or trousers. How long will relations with neighbors last ...

The main thing is not just to come up with a game for yourself, but also to constantly play it, improve and complicate it. Then you will track how you are progressing and what difficulties you most often stumble upon.


I want to recommend that you take a test that will help determine how much you are able to listen to your feelings in order not only to predict the near future, but also to understand the true intentions of the people around you. You can find it by clicking on the link. You will receive results immediately after answering all the questions provided. Good luck and accomplishments! And subscribe to the blog to keep abreast of new and interesting information!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina