What is kfu. Key success factors - a scientific tool for the success of companies, managers and entrepreneurs

Why do you think some projects and companies can achieve success, while others are in constant failure? And the answer to this question is quite simple - there are the main factors for the success of the company, which have been used by entrepreneurs and corporations for 50 years. And this is not surprising, because their creator has provided a lot of evidence of the effectiveness of this tool.

It is unlikely that you will listen to the advice of a fat nutritionist or an exhausted therapist. Same in business. Any company that is engaged in management consulting must set an example of prosperity. Ron Daniel created the Key Factors for Company Success management tool in 1961. He explained from a scientific point of view the mechanism for the success of departments and the company as a whole.

What are key success factors?

A key success factor (KSF) is a certain number of areas of activity, the achievement of high results in which guarantees the success of a person, company or division in the competition. Simply put, these are the factors or areas that you need to focus on in order to.

The main success factors are those areas of activity that should work without any failures, only then this will guarantee the success of an individual manager or the entire company. Those. these are the few areas that need to be given special and continuous attention, getting the most positive results from them.

Do not confuse Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) with Key Success Factors (KSFs). KPI is a measure of success, and CSF is what contributes to success. For example, KFU is the opening of a new store with more favorable purchase conditions. Actually due to this, KPIs will be achieved. And KPI is, let's say, there should be 10 new clients per week.

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Examples and Features of Key Success Factors

1. The one who deals with the strategy of the company must be a professional in the area of ​​industry or business in which the company develops, because in any area there are individual success factors.

2. The company's success factor must be divided into two areas: personnel management and process management. Neither area should be ignored.

3. An important component in determining the KFU is the task of the company. The company's success factor is a logical continuation of the task.

4. Very often nowadays the main success factor is the improvement of the process due to modern technologies.

5. For manufacturers, the success factor is most often the low cost of production, quality control, as well as high labor productivity. The best options for KFU would be a balance of these three indicators.

6. For distribution companies, a key success factor is the creation of a global distribution network or retail presentation of goods through competent merchandising.

7. Company success factors related to marketing - advertising, brand strength, guarantees.

8. In the service sector, the success of a company depends on design, speed of service delivery and, of course, on the qualifications of employees.

9. If we take the human factor, then the success factor here can be: a culture of communication, an effective method for accepting change, an effective communication system, the development of a team spirit

Key success factors and development strategy

Step one.

In order to determine the main KFU of the organization, it is necessary to create a "strategic session" where the company's managers who were selected by the management to the planning group will participate.

Step two.

The first thing to do is to think in writing and provide suggestions on what needs to be learned and what needs to be done by all participants in the session.

Step three.

There is a reading of their proposals with reasonable arguments.

Step four.

Determination of two or three success factors. This is a major part of the process of finding a CSF for a company.

Step five.

Based on the selected CFUs, make a SWOT analysis, where weaknesses and strengths, threats and opportunities are determined based on and taking into account key success factors. In the future, SWOT analysis is used for detailed planning with the definition of the vector of changes and the funds allocated for this.

7 key success factors

There are the following types of key factors:

1. Factors related to technology:

— competence in scientific research;

— the role of experts in this technology;

- the ability to innovate in products;

– the ability to innovate in the production process;

2. Factors related to production:

- production quality;

- high labor productivity;

— efficiency of low-cost production;

- high return on assets;

— location of production, guaranteeing low costs;

— provision of adequate qualified manpower;

- cheap design and technical support;

— flexibility of production when changing models and sizes.

3. Factors related to distribution:

- fast delivery;

— own trade network of the company;

- the possibility of income in retail trade;

— a powerful network of distributors/dealers.

4. Factors related to marketing:

- a proven way of selling;

— convenient service and maintenance;

- Exact satisfaction of customer requests;

- the breadth of the range of goods;

- commercial art;

— attractive izdayn and packaging;

- guarantees to buyers.

5. Qualification related factors:

- outstanding talents;

– know-how in quality control;

— experts in the field of design;

- technology experts;

- Ability to introduce new products to the market.

6. Factors related to the organization's capabilities:

— first-class information systems;

— the ability to quickly respond to changing conditions;

— the competence of the management and the availability of managerial know-how.

7. Other types of CFU:

— favorable image and reputation;

- self-awareness as a leader;

— convenient location, friendly, polite service;

— access to financial capital;

– patent protection, etc.


To identify the key factors of achievement, taking into account the prevailing and predictable conditions for the development of the region and competition in it, is the most important analytical task for any company. And for this you need to know your area well enough and be able to distinguish what is important in the competition and what is not. Be clear about what types of resources are required. An incorrect analysis of certain success factors leads to the choice of an erroneous strategy and goals.

What is the secret to the success of some companies or divisions and the constant failure of others? It turns out that there is a scientific model to answer this question - a management tool called "Key (Critical) Success Factors". This model has been widely used by corporations and entrepreneurs for 50 years. And no wonder, because the fate of the creator of this model is a convincing proof of the effectiveness of this tool.

It is unlikely that you and I will follow the advice of a fat dietitian or an emaciated, sickly-looking therapist. The same is true in business. If a company is engaged in management consulting, it is obliged to demonstrate an example of prosperity. A prime example of such a company is McKinsey &co, one of the most prestigious global management consulting firms. Much of its success and prosperity stems from Ron Daniel who has worked in McKinsey &co for more than 30 years, in particular, 12 of them was the executive director of the company. In addition to working in McKinsey &co, Ron Daniel was the director and chairman of a couple of other successful companies, held key positions in the management of Harvard University and its properties around the world, and raised several world-class top managers under his supervision.

Why am I talking so much about Ron Daniel? Because he created in 1961 a management tool Key Success Factors, scientifically explaining the mechanism of success of companies and divisions. Agree that Daniel certainly cannot be said to be a "shoemaker without boots"!

So what is this amazing tool that this amazing top manager has created?

The scientific definition of Key Success Factors states: CSF is a limited number of areas of activity, the achievement of positive results in which guarantees success in the competitive struggle of a company, division or person. That is, these are the areas, or factors, on which attention should be focused in order to succeed.

“Key Success Factors are those few areas where everything must go smoothly in order to guarantee the success of a manager or company. Therefore, these are the areas of management activity or the work of the company, which should be given special and constant attention, achieving maximum results in them. KFU is not only vital to a company's current prosperity, but also to its future success,” said Boenlon and Zmud, authors of the article “Research on Key Success Factors”. They also draw attention to the fact that there is a difference between the success factors of the company, that is, what can contribute to the prosperity of the company in the future, and CSF, a limited number of factors that require constant attention of managers.

While we are talking about what should not be confused with what, let's separate the Key Success Factors (CSF) from . KPIs are measures of success, and CSFs are what drives success. For example:

  • KPI - the number of new customers of the company must be at least 10 per week.
  • KFU - creation of a new call center that provides services to customers at a higher level, due to which, in fact, KPI indicators will be achieved.

Features and examples of Key Success Factors

  1. Those involved in the development of a company's strategy must have a good understanding of the area of ​​business or industry in which the company operates, because in every area of ​​business, in every industry, there are CSF companies.
  2. CSFs can fall into one of two areas: either work process management or personnel management. Do not neglect any one or the other area.
  3. An important component in determining KFU is the mission of the company. KFU are a logical continuation of the mission and answer the question: "How to achieve the goal defined in the mission?".
  4. In our time, very often the key factor is modern technology, the improvement of the work process.
  5. For manufacturing companies, quality control, high labor productivity, or low production costs are often key factors. The optimal balance of these three factors can also be CFU.
  6. For distribution companies, the key factors are most often a powerful distribution network and / or the presence of goods in retail due to its competent merchandising.
  7. Marketing-related factors include brand strength, advertising, and customer guarantees.
  8. For the service sector, the key factors can be the qualifications of employees, the speed of service delivery, and design.
  9. CSFs related to human factors may include: strengthening team spirit, an effective methodology for accepting change, a culture of learning in the company, an effective system of vertical and horizontal communication.

And how can this be put into practice?

Bill Birnbaum, in his book Strategic Thinking: Four Pieces of the Puzzle, offers the following methodology for defining and applying CSF in your company or division.

Step 1. To determine the KSF, the company should organize a "strategy session" in which the company's managers, selected by management in the planning group, participate.

Step 2 At the very beginning of the session, the audience is asked to consider and complete the following sentence in writing: “In order for our organization to be successful, we must be especially good at doing ...”. At this stage, everyone thinks for themselves. You can write the mission of the company on a flip chart.

Step 3. The participants take turns voicing their answer and arguing their opinion. Answers are recorded on a flip chart.

Step 4. The most important part of the process of determining the KFU is the selection of two or three KFU. As Bill Birnbaum writes, it is quite common for companies to choose 6-8 CFUs, which may include “understanding customer needs”, “hiring competent employees”. Managers can be understood, they are trying to cover all important areas of the company. But the essence of KFU is not in this, but in the ability to focus efforts on the main thing. Birnbaum writes: “Focus is what is required for success. Focus on a limited number of the most important areas of your activity - two or three (no more) KFU. In any business, there are two or three areas that determine success. If your company excels in these areas and remains mediocre in everything else, it still succeeds. Yes, you read that right, remains mediocre in everything else.”

Step 5 Further, on the basis of CFU, it is compiled SWOT analysis in which strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities are determined taking into account and based on the CSF. A SWOT analysis forms the basis of more detailed strategic planning. That is, KFU become a compass in the process of strategic planning of the company, they set the vector of changes and the allocation of funds.

An example of developing Key Success Factors

  • Become the No. 1 store on Main Street selling high quality, fresh farm produce, going from farm to consumer within 24 hours for a 75% range with 98% customer satisfaction.

Based on the mission, the company's management compiled a list of strategic goals. There he is:

  • Capturing 25% of the local market share.
  • Achieve the supply of products of daily freshness for 75% of the assortment.
  • Maintain a 98% customer satisfaction rate.
  • Expand the range to attract new customers.
  • Have sufficient shelf space to accommodate all the items requested by customers.

Now the management of the store is faced with the task of allocating KFU. Based on the strategic goals, a list of candidates is compiled. There he is:

Strategic Goals Possible KFU
Capturing 25% of the local market share. Increase the competitiveness of the store in comparison with competitors. Attract buyers.
Achieve the supply of products of daily freshness for 75% of the assortment. Maintain successful relationships with local suppliers.
Maintain a 98% customer satisfaction rate. Work with personnel: retention of valuable personnel and training in communication skills with customers.
Expand the range to attract new customers. Find new local suppliers.
Have sufficient shelf space to accommodate all the items requested by customers. Find funds to expand retail space. Successfully conduct construction while coping with possible disruption to business.

Now the management needs to choose 2-3 KFU from this list.

  • A key success factor for Farm Fresh Foods is relationships with local suppliers. Without their perfect debugging, there will be no fresh goods, no expansion of the range, no competitive prices.
  • The next most important factor is customer acquisition. Without new customers, the store will not be able to expand and increase its market share.
  • The third factor is finding funding to expand retail space. The store will not be able to achieve its strategic goals without expansion, and that requires money.

KFU is a simple and effective tool for strategic planning by focusing efforts and finances on the essentials. Use it - and it will lead your business to success!

KFU is one of the oldest Russian universities that has made a huge contribution to the development of higher education and science in our country. Many famous scientists and public figures have come out of its walls.

Today, like many decades ago, it continues to be a place where you can get a quality higher education, so there are always many who want to enter this university. The main questions that concern applicants relate to the placement of students in Kazan, KFU faculties, specialties and points required for admission to state-funded and paid places. You will find answers to them in this article.

Institutes and faculties

KFU is a classic multidisciplinary institution of higher education that trains highly professional personnel for Russian science, economics, production, education and other areas in many specialties and areas.

In 2011, a reorganization was carried out, as a result of which institutes of Kazan Federal University appeared on the basis. They are headed by directors who have more powers than deans.

Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology

This unit was created in 2012 as a result of the reorganization of the former KFU Faculty of Biology and Soil. In Kazan, there are 13 of its departments, three dozen research laboratories, a research institute of biology, a zoomuseum named after. E. A. Eversman. In addition, the institute has 4 educational and scientific bases for summer practices outside the city, including one on the White Sea. The unit is headed by A. Kiyasov.

Institute of Ecology and Nature Management

In June 2006, the geographical and geoecological faculties of Kazan Kazan Federal University were transformed into the Institute of Ecology and Geography, later it was renamed the Institute of Ecology and Nature Management. The institute includes 2 departments: ecology and nature management, as well as scientific and production divisions, including the center for environmental design and engineering surveys, which carry out scientific and applied work for the domestic economy. There are 5 scientific and educational laboratories. A meteorological observatory has been functioning at the university since 1812. In addition, the institute has 3 bases for practice.

Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies

The Faculty of Geology of KFU (Kazan) in 2011 was transformed into the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies. It includes 7 departments, a geological museum, 3 research laboratories and the oldest magnetic observatory in the Russian Federation.

Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

The division, which bears the name of the great scientist N. Lobachevsky, was created in 2011 on the basis of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of KSU with the addition of the Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics named after N. Chebotarev and some departments of the Faculty of Mathematics of the TSHPU.

KFU Kazan: Faculty of Law

This unit is known for the fact that Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin graduated from it at one time. Today the structure includes 9 departments, as well as:

  • educational forensic laboratory;
  • legal information center;
  • a branch of the UNESCO Chair on Human Rights and Democracy and the Tatar branch of this structure for the protection of intellectual property;
  • CA of additional educational services;
  • centers of international law and European documentation.

KFU: Faculty of Education

Kazan has traditionally been a forge of teachers from Tatarstan and the entire Volga region. At the Pedagogical Faculty of KFU, there are basic and professional retraining programs "Defectology", "Psychology of Education" and "Preschool Education". Education is organized in full-time and part-time departments.

The faculty has the following departments:

  • pedagogy;
  • psychology;
  • theories and methods of primary and preschool education;
  • theories and methods of physical culture and life safety.

Other divisions

Applicants who are interested in what faculties there are in KFU (Kazan) will be useful to know that there is also the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance, which was opened in 2014. Year by year, the number of applicants who want to get an education in this division of KFU in Kazan is growing. The Faculty of Economics was also popular in the Soviet period, as it made it possible to obtain popular and prestigious specialties.

In addition, studies at the Engineering Institute are of great interest. Its departments are engaged in the implementation of educational programs of higher vocational education at all levels in order to train engineering and technical personnel.

In 2003, through the merger of the Chemical Research Institute. A. Butlerov and the Faculty of Chemistry of KSU, an appropriate institute was created, which continues to bear the name of the great scientist. Along with educational activities, its employees conduct fundamental and applied scientific research.

In 2011, the Institute of Physics appeared in the main one, which continues the 200-year natural science traditions of KSU.

The all-university department of physical education and sports (OKFViS) also plays an important role in the education of young people.

It included the relevant divisions of two reorganized universities: KSPEI and TGGPU. OKFViS trains specialists in the field of physical education and life safety for secondary schools and trainers for youth sports. It consists of 5 specialized departments: theory of physical culture, sports disciplines, gymnastics and cyclic sports, adaptive physical education and life safety.

The effectiveness of classes is ensured by the presence of a sports complex with a swimming pool "Bustan", a football and athletics arena and a gymnasium of the Central Stadium, a training and recreation center, as well as a building for theoretical classes.

It is impossible not to mention the Institute of Computational Mathematics and IT, which was created on the basis of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of KSU, which has been operating since 1978. His scientific personnel are known for their developments far beyond the borders of Tatarstan.

Graduate School of IT and Information Systems

This educational division of KFU, founded in 2011, trains specialists for companies operating in the IT field.

The HS ITIS structure includes 6 technically well-equipped centers: Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Oracle, etc.

Institute of Philology. Lev Tolstoy

This division of KFU includes 2 faculties of the former KSU, as well as 4 of the former TSPU.

At the moment, there are 2 departments at the IFMK KFU (Russian and foreign philology named after L. Tolstoy and Tatar philology and intercultural communication named after G. Tukay), as well as the Higher School of Arts named after. S. Saydasheva, where more than 3,000 students study.

Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences

This important scientific and educational division of KFU was founded in 2014. The ISP KFU preserves and develops university traditions of teaching political science, philosophy, sociology, religious studies, journalism, conflict studies, and the theory of public communications. The knowledge acquired by graduates of the institute allows them to successfully manifest themselves in various fields of humanitarian and socio-political activities, as well as in the field of media and public communications. The teaching staff of the KFU ISPS strives to combine fundamental theoretical training with applied research.


In 2013, on the basis of the Institute of International Relations of KSU, a new division was created, in which there are centers for Iranian studies, Korean studies, Japanese studies, Judaic studies, Arabic culture, Middle Eastern studies, Turkey, culture and history of Islam, oriental manuscripts, Central Asia, Islamic civilization, economics and law, intercultural dialogue, and the Confucius Institute.

Institute of Psychology and Education

The division united the Faculty of Psychology of KSU, the Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical Education of the TGGPU and some structures of the Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan. The Faculty of Psychology of KFU Kazan is the largest educational institution in the Volga region for the training of teachers and psychologists, where you can get all levels of higher education, including doctoral studies.

Information for applicants

If you want to enter the faculties of KFU in Kazan, you can find out the passing scores from the bulletins published by the university. They change from year to year, depending on the number of applicants at their level of preparation. In addition, it should be noted that there are some categories of citizens who enjoy the right to preferential enrollment in undergraduate programs. A certain number of additional points will be added to the main points obtained in the USE, depending on the personal achievements of the applicant. These include dinners at the Olympics, as well as the presence of a gold or silver medal.

It should be noted that KFU conducts some entrance examinations on its own. These include professional exams in subject design, journalism, drawing and economic geography.

All out-of-town students of KFU 1 (full-time students) are provided with a bed in one of the university dormitories.

Now you have enough information to decide which faculties of KFU (Kazan) you can enter if you have a desire to become a student of this university.