What kind of mirror is kept in the British Museum. John Dee Secrets

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Crystal Skull from Luaantum

For the first time, well-crafted crystal turtles were talked about in the 1920s. Until now, the mystery of these amazing finds, which is one of the greatest mysteries of our planet, is striking. So far, more than 20 crystal skulls have been found and recorded. Most of these finds were made in Central America and Tibet. Artifacts are replicas of a human skull or elaborately crafted quartz face masks. These items, in all likelihood, were made in ancient times, and the craftsmanship proves the high level of technical knowledge that the unknown ancestors of modern mankind possessed.

The most famous crystal skull was found in 1927 in British Honduras in the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Luaantuma (since 1981, the independent state of Belize). As early as 1924, British medical officer Dr. Thomas Gunn and British archaeologist F. A. Mitchell-Hedges discovered, they say, the ruins of the oldest Mayan city in Central America. The archaeologist believed that the found city, built of huge stone slabs, belonged to the era of Atlantis. The skull was found by the seventeen-year-old daughter of F. A. Mitchell-Hedges Ann, who helped her father in excavating this city. Now this artifact is known to the whole world as the Skull of Luaantum, the Skull of Mitchell-Hedges, or the Skull of Doom.

Less well known is another crystal skull, which was found around 1860 in Mexico by a Spanish officer. It is an almost exact but simplified copy of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. Since 1898 this skull has been kept in the British Museum.

We have already noted that there are some strange dates that are associated with the events of world atlantology, taking place parallel to each other and in different parts of the world. These events and people are interconnected by the mystical secret of Atlantis, which manifests itself from time to time in the world and influences the course of earthly history. It was in 1927 that Edgar Cayce for the first time telepathically received information about Atlantis, Guénon publishes the famous book "King of the World", the now famous Mitchell-Hedges Skull was found in Honduras, declared as a mystical object from Posidonia, the archaeologist de Prophet discovers the tomb of the mythical the progenitors of the Tuareg kel-ahaggar Tin-hinnan (identified with the heroine of P. Benoit's novel "Atlantis" - Antinea), in Tibet Lobsang Rampa first saw the bodies of huge Atlanteans in marble sarcophagi, and the Russian explorer Leonid Kulik arrived at the site of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. A few more examples can be cited, but these facts are enough to see how some events in the world intersect with the occult manifestations of some higher spiritual center of the Earth.

The American restorer Frank Dorland studied the find from 1964 to 1970. He came to the conclusion that the construction of the skull is so balanced that the lower jaw of the five-kilogram skull starts to move from the slightest breath of the breeze. The eye sockets suddenly flash with an ominous light when the skull is brought close to the burning fire. It turned out that the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, along with the movable lower jaw, was made from a single rock crystal. The hexagonal crystal is perfectly polished in such a way that, under certain conditions, the intended optical effect is obtained. At the back of the skull is a skillfully polished lens that collects the rays falling on it and directs them to the eye sockets. Dorland could not understand how the master could achieve such a perfect surface smoothness, there are no traces of a chisel or any other tool on it. “Excluding,” says Dorland, “the involvement of supernatural forces, Mayan artisans would have had to polish their crystal skull by hand. For hundreds of years, no matter what changes took place during this time in social conditions and religion, artisans would continue their incredible work. We can hardly imagine that the work on one thing was passed down from generation to generation for many centuries.

To give a quartz crystal the rounded shape of a human skull, with all the anatomical details, it would take seven million working hours. This corresponds to 800 years of round-the-clock work. If we assume that the skull was polished for 12 hours a day, the work would stretch for 1600 years! Well-known computer firm "Hewlett-Packard" from the city of Santa Clara in California conducted an examination of the famous skull. The company's specialists came to the conclusion that without the use of the latest technology, manually, it would have to be polished continuously for 300 years.

The opinions of most specialists, researchers and scientists boil down to the fact that these mysterious crystal skulls were made by representatives of the most ancient civilizations on Earth at least 3-5 thousand years ago. This is the most modest age for such crafts. The fact is that rock crystal is not amenable to radiocarbon dating. Mitchell-Hedges himself determined the age of the skull - approximately 3600 years. The main conclusion of experts: the skulls were made by the great magicians and priests in the workshops of the legendary Atlantis. Professor R. Distelberger from the Museum of Art History in Vienna examined one of these skulls called E.T. He recognized this product as genuine and determined the age - 500 years. Previously, the scientist came to the conclusion that the Skull of Mitchell-Hedges is a fake. But the professor noted the high skill with which the skull was made.

According to Ann's memoirs, after a long communication with the found skull, she began to have strange visions. The girl seemed to be transported to the times of the ancient Mayans, watched their rituals, saw unusual cities and buildings. Some experts believe that these skulls resemble a young girl, perhaps the queen of Atlantis. One of the psychics found that such skulls were made by the Atlanteans for space communications.

For example, one Tibetan monk reported that a skull called Max was passed down among them from generation to generation and served to heal people. It was with his help that a connection with an extraterrestrial civilization was allegedly established. When carefully studying these strange products, the researchers encountered a striking phenomenon. After certain periods, the skull suddenly began to glow and change its color. And inside it suddenly appeared images of mysterious, unearthly landscapes and various buildings. Sometimes the space around the skull began to glow with a 45-cm halo, while the object emitted soft high-pitched sounds, similar to the ringing of silver bells. There is no doubt that a very powerful energy emanates from the skulls, which can affect a person positively or negatively, depending on what mental “request” he sends.

In his book Danger Is My Ally, Mitchell-Hedges wrote that, according to ancient legend, with the help of a found skull, priests could doom any person to death. The priest mentally gave him a "death task", and after a while the person died or perished. Mitchell-Hedges claimed that the Skull of Doom is the embodiment of universal Evil. Already after the discovery of this item, rumors spread that a number of unexplained deaths were associated with it, like the “curse of the pharaohs”.

Ann, now over 90, is still convinced that the skull belongs to the Mayan culture. In 1970, she admitted: “Sometimes I sincerely regret that I did not fulfill the wish of my father - he wanted me to put the skull in his coffin. This would probably be the most suitable place for such a strange thing, because in the wrong hands it will begin to do evil.

You can pay attention to the Mexican legends about Quetzalcoatl and his sworn enemy Tescatilpoca named Smoking Mirror. Forever young, omnipotent and omniscient, Tescatilpoca was associated in legends with night, darkness and the sacred jaguar. He was "invisible and elusive, appearing to people now as a flying shadow, now as a terrible monster." He was often depicted as a gleaming skull. In the myths, Tescatilpoca owned a mysterious object - the Smoking Mirror, after which he was named and which allowed him to observe at a great distance what people and gods were doing. This object is similar to a magic mirror made of obsidian, which was readily used by the local Indians.

Most likely, the skulls served to communicate with the higher spiritual spheres, when a person, in the process of prolonged contemplation of this subject, entered a trance and could extract certain information from it. Crystal or quartz fully contributed to this activity, it is an ideal material for various kinds of divination and predictions. The magical property of quartz has been known since ancient times. Magicians and sorcerers assure that, peering into the polished surface of the crystal ball, one can see pictures of the past and the future. It can be recalled that Nostradamus predicted future events with the help of such a crystal ball. For example, the skull could be used as some kind of oracle, when head nods and jaw movements mean "yes" and "no" respectively.

Eyewitnesses say that when looking at the skulls, the pulse quickens, the arms and legs cramp, and a nervous tic begins. One archaeologist described his feelings as follows: “The skull sometimes changed color or became covered with haze. A faint smell emanated from him and a strange tinkling was heard. The most amazing thing is that images of mountains, temples and other objects appeared inside it, and it was all luminous. According to one version, the crystal skulls affected the minds of people during mass rituals.

A more convincing hypothesis was put forward by the American researcher Richard Hoagland, author of the books "Monuments of Mars" and "Dark Mission. The Secret History of NASA. In his opinion, crystal skulls were created in zero gravity, the fact is that crystal crystals were specially grown. Then the quartz turns into the living energy of the crystal. The ancient creators of such skulls faced a difficult task - the energy of the skull should influence not only the fate of people, but also the fate of the world and our planet. A long time ago they were placed on Earth in the most energetically saturated points. The ancient Maya believed that the skulls should stop the impending earthly catastrophe, which should happen, according to the Mayan calendar, on December 21, 2012. It is on this day that a certain number of skulls specially prepared for this mission should prevent the cataclysm and restore world harmony again. But for this it is necessary to find all the skulls intended for this, which will be connected into some kind of common energy network in order to achieve this goal. The fact is that the city of Luaantum, where the Skull of Mitchell-Hedges was found, means “City of Fallen Stones”. This means that the ancient Maya perfectly remembered the past catastrophe and prepared well for the future.

The black mirror of the soothsayer and magician John Dee

John Dee (1527-1608) was not only a famous mathematician, astronomer and naturalist, but also an outstanding specialist in occult philosophy and magic, which allowed him to penetrate into many secrets of the Earth and Cosmos. In the last years of his earthly life, John Dee was fond of crystalmancy - divination, contemplation of the future and communication with otherworldly entities using crystals and mirrors. The court astrologer of the English Queen Elizabeth I had a whole set of magic crystals and the famous black stone - a piece of anthracite or other black mineral, one cut of which was polished to a mirror finish. According to some reports, Dee had a piece of obsidian (black volcanic glass) that shone like a mirror.

On May 25, 1581, an incredible event happened in the life of John Dee. A supernatural being of inhuman breed appeared to him, surrounded by a bright radiance. Dee called this mysterious creature an angel. The angel handed the magician a piece of some black material that shone like a mirror crystal. The angel informed Dee that by looking into this mirror, he would be able to see other worlds and make contact with non-human sentient beings.

Beginning in 1581, Dee performed regular magical rituals to summon angels in a crystal stone. To do this, he used the services of mediums - the most famous of all was a certain Edward Kelly. The magician carefully recorded the results of these sessions in his diary. Part of these notes, titled "A true and faithfull relation of what passed between Dr. John Dee and some spirits" was published in 1659 by Meric Casabon. Another part of the recordings of the conversations remained unpublished, the manuscripts are kept in the British Museum. Most of the archive and valuable library of John Dee was destroyed by fanatically minded or deliberately incited people, in whom modern researchers see "men in black."

On March 11, 1582, the archangel Uriel appeared to John Dee, who said literally the following: “Go ahead. God bless you. The whole world begins with your deeds. Angels in my power will be at your disposal."

A few days later, Archangel Michael showed Dee a magical ring of power over the world. The archangel's sword suddenly became fiery, and a ring appeared from that flame. Archangel Michael said that from the time of King Solomon to John Dee, no one had seen this ring and that with its magical help, Dee could gain worldwide power. In addition to the ring, the angels gave Dee and the sacred black stone of power. It was a magical crystal for contacts with higher realms and higher beings, "the most intimate part of the Roman heritage." The stone was handed over to the magician by an angel who appeared in the west window of his room (hence the title of Gustav Meyrink's famous novel The Angel of the West Window). The angel Karmara said that with this stone, Dee would surpass all the kings and rulers of the world.

Another angel named Naphraj taught Dee and Kelly several lessons in antediluvian geography. Nafrazh was very contemptuous of Mercator's maps and showed the occultists several mysterious maps that did not correspond in any way to the geographical ideas of a person of the 16th century. From the notes that have been preserved, it can be argued that the Mercator projection is only the first rough approximation to the real geography, which people do not yet know about. According to John Dee, the Earth is actually not quite round, it consists of many spheres superimposed one on top of the other, lined up along another dimension. Between these spheres there are points, or rather surfaces, of contact, and thus Greenland in other worlds extends to infinity. That is why John Dee submits numerous petitions to Queen Elizabeth, in which he convinces her that England must take possession of Greenland in order to get at its disposal the door to other worlds.

John Dee managed to draw six of these cards. America in those drawings was called Atlantis. Greenland was only a cape of the huge continent Phalangoy, which extended even further to the north and northwest. The angel showed them a more accurate coastline of the large southern continent - later found Antarctica, which was called Tol-Pam, which translates as "the continent of death" or "the peninsula of the continent of death."

Angels or information entities communicated in the so-called angelic language or the language of Enoch. John Dee was shown a table with an alphabet of 21 letters. Modern linguists believe that it was the original single proto-language that disappeared after the destruction of the Tower of Babel. In their opinion, the angelic alphabet includes letters from the ancient Ethiopian, ancient Egyptian, ancient Greek, Slavic languages ​​and, possibly, Sanskrit. The Australian scholar Donald Laycock even compiled an Enochic dictionary, which was reprinted several times. The Enochic language formed the basis of the secret doctrine of the famous society of the late 19th century. Golden Dawn.

After the death of John Dee, his rich occult library and magical objects were sold to private collections. The famous black stone ended up in Horace Walpole's Cabinet of Curiosities. Elias Ashmole, author of The Chemical Theater, described this relic as follows: “With the help of this magic stone, you can see any face you want, in whatever part of the world it may be, even if it hides in the most remote chambers or caves that fit in the depths of the earth." According to rumors, Walpole did not touch this outlandish stone and did not let others do it, fearing a terrible magical power that could destroy the ignorant and the uninitiated. In 1842 the Walpole collection was put up for auction and sold to private individuals. The black stone was acquired by a man who preferred to remain incognito. Until now, the location of the famous John Dee crystal remains unknown. Who this mysterious stranger was has not yet been established. At least the famous occultist and magician Dietrich Eckart, who had a significant influence on Hitler, owned a black meteorite stone, which he called his Kaaba. He died with this stone in his hand. But whether it is possible to identify the stone of John Dee and a piece of the Eckart meteorite is unknown. One of John Dee's magic crystals is now in the British Museum, but the administration does not allow unauthorized persons to use it or examine it.

In fact, it is now difficult to judge what the famous black mirror looked like. Most likely, it is necessary to distinguish this blackest mirror from the magic crystal - the crystal ball, which is now in the British Museum. From several sources it is known that the mirror had an expensive gold frame and was placed on a special "sacred" table, allegedly made at the request and recommendations of the Archangel Gabriel himself.

Mirrors are the entrance to a certain parallel world, their reflective ability is a powerful means of magic, mostly black. With the help of mirrors, you can cast spells, make the necessary prediction.

A well-known researcher, candidate of technical sciences, head of the information and analytical center "Unknown" Vitaly Pravdivtsev, at the recent Siegel Readings in Moscow, made a report "Fine ecological and informational interactions of a person with mirrors", in which an attempt was made to explain all mirror phenomena from a scientific point of view. Pravdivtsev believes that the surface of a mirror, due to certain physical properties, is capable of reflecting all kinds of radiation, primarily coming from the person himself. Using a mirror, you can facilitate the transition to an altered state of consciousness. Hypnotists usually put patients into a trance by instructing them to stare motionless into a mirror or at a shiny object.

With prolonged and in-depth contemplation of the surface of the mirror, mental images stored in our minds may appear in it. Sometimes it is even possible to photograph thoughts and hallucinations (the famous experiments of Yu. Eikzenbud, T. Fukarai, G. Krokhalev). Pravdivtsev claims that mental images are emitted through the eyes and, possibly, the pineal gland. If at the same time we stand in front of the mirror, the polarized light greatly enhances the radiation of your brain, and therefore we literally see our thoughts, or rather, their energy projection in the mirror.

Mirrors catch not only our radiations, but also images from the information field of the planet. Therefore, they sometimes reflect events that we could not know about. V. Pravdivtsev is convinced that the unique properties of mirror reflection should find practical application in biology, medicine and other sciences.


Treasures and relics of lost civilizations Alexander Voronin

The black mirror of the soothsayer and magician John Dee

John Dee (1527-1608) was not only a famous mathematician, astronomer and naturalist, but also an outstanding specialist in occult philosophy and magic, which allowed him to penetrate into many secrets of the Earth and Cosmos. In the last years of his earthly life, John Dee was fond of crystalmancy - divination, contemplation of the future and communication with otherworldly entities using crystals and mirrors. The court astrologer of the English Queen Elizabeth I had a whole set of magic crystals and the famous black stone - a piece of anthracite or another black mineral, one cut of which was polished to a mirror finish. According to some reports, Dee had a piece of obsidian (black volcanic glass) that shone like a mirror.

On May 25, 1581, an incredible event happened in the life of John Dee. A supernatural being of inhuman breed appeared to him, surrounded by a bright radiance. Dee called this mysterious creature an angel. The angel handed the magician a piece of some black material that shone like a mirror crystal. The angel informed Dee that by looking into this mirror, he would be able to see other worlds and make contact with non-human sentient beings.

Beginning in 1581, Dee performed regular magical rituals to summon angels in a crystal stone. To do this, he used the services of mediums - the most famous of all was a certain Edward Kelly. The magician carefully recorded the results of these sessions in his diary. Part of these notes, titled "A true and faithfull relation of what passed between Dr. John Dee and some spirits" was published in 1659 by Meric Casabon. Another part of the recordings of the conversations remained unpublished, the manuscripts are kept in the British Museum. Most of the archive and valuable library of John Dee was destroyed by fanatically minded or deliberately incited people, in whom modern researchers see "men in black."

On March 11, 1582, the archangel Uriel appeared to John Dee, who said literally the following: “Go ahead. God bless you. The whole world begins with your deeds. Angels in my power will be at your disposal."

A few days later, Archangel Michael showed Dee a magical ring of power over the world. The archangel's sword suddenly became fiery, and a ring appeared from that flame. Archangel Michael said that from the time of King Solomon to John Dee, no one had seen this ring and that with its magical help, Dee could gain worldwide power. In addition to the ring, the angels gave Dee and the sacred black stone of power. It was a magical crystal for contacts with higher realms and higher beings, "the most intimate part of the Roman heritage." The stone was handed over to the magician by an angel who appeared in the west window of his room (hence the title of Gustav Meyrink's famous novel The Angel of the West Window). The angel Karmara said that with this stone, Dee would surpass all the kings and rulers of the world.

Another angel named Naphraj taught Dee and Kelly several lessons in antediluvian geography. Nafrazh was very contemptuous of Mercator's maps and showed the occultists several mysterious maps that did not correspond in any way to the geographical ideas of a person of the 16th century. From the notes that have been preserved, it can be argued that the Mercator projection is only the first rough approximation to that real geography, which people do not yet know about. According to John Dee, the Earth is actually not quite round, it consists of many spheres superimposed one on top of the other, lined up along another dimension. Between these spheres there are points, or rather surfaces, of contact, and thus Greenland in other worlds extends to infinity. That is why John Dee submits numerous petitions to Queen Elizabeth, in which he convinces her that England must take possession of Greenland in order to get at its disposal the door to other worlds.

John Dee managed to draw six of these cards. America in those drawings was called Atlantis. Greenland was only a cape of the huge continent Phalangoy, which extended even further to the north and northwest. The angel showed them a more accurate coastline of the large southern continent - later found Antarctica, which was called Tol-Pam, which translates as "the continent of death" or "the peninsula of the continent of death."

Angels or information entities communicated in the so-called angelic language or the language of Enoch. John Dee was shown a table with an alphabet of 21 letters. Modern linguists believe that it was the original single proto-language that disappeared after the destruction of the Tower of Babel. In their opinion, the angelic alphabet includes letters from the ancient Ethiopian, ancient Egyptian, ancient Greek, Slavic languages ​​and, possibly, Sanskrit. The Australian scholar Donald Laycock even compiled an Enochic dictionary, which was reprinted several times. The Enochic language formed the basis of the secret doctrine of the famous society of the late 19th century. Golden Dawn.

After the death of John Dee, his rich occult library and magical objects were sold to private collections. The famous black stone ended up in Horace Walpole's Cabinet of Curiosities. Elias Ashmole, author of The Chemical Theater, described this relic as follows: “With the help of this magic stone, you can see any face you want, in whatever part of the world it may be, even if it hides in the most remote chambers or caves that fit in the depths of the earth." According to rumors, Walpole did not touch this outlandish stone and did not let others do it, fearing a terrible magical power that could destroy the ignorant and the uninitiated. In 1842 the Walpole collection was put up for auction and sold to private individuals. The black stone was acquired by a man who preferred to remain incognito. Until now, the location of the famous John Dee crystal remains unknown. Who this mysterious stranger was has not yet been established. At least the famous occultist and magician Dietrich Eckart, who had a significant influence on Hitler, owned a black meteorite stone, which he called his Kaaba. He died with this stone in his hand. But whether it is possible to identify the stone of John Dee and a piece of the Eckart meteorite is unknown. One of John Dee's magic crystals is now in the British Museum, but the administration does not allow unauthorized persons to use it or examine it.

In fact, it is now difficult to judge what the famous black mirror looked like. Most likely, it is necessary to distinguish this blackest mirror from a magic crystal - a crystal ball, which is now in the British Museum. From several sources it is known that the mirror had an expensive gold frame and was placed on a special "sacred" table, allegedly made at the request and recommendations of the Archangel Gabriel himself.

Mirrors are the entrance to a certain parallel world, their reflective ability is a powerful means of magic, mostly black. With the help of mirrors, you can cast spells, make the necessary prediction.

A well-known researcher, candidate of technical sciences, head of the information and analytical center "Unknown" Vitaly Pravdivtsev, at the recent Siegel Readings in Moscow, made a report "Fine ecological and informational interactions of a person with mirrors", in which an attempt was made to explain all mirror phenomena from a scientific point of view. Pravdivtsev believes that the surface of a mirror, due to certain physical properties, is capable of reflecting all kinds of radiation, primarily coming from the person himself. Using a mirror, you can facilitate the transition to an altered state of consciousness. Hypnotists usually put patients into a trance by instructing them to stare motionless into a mirror or at a shiny object.

With prolonged and in-depth contemplation of the surface of the mirror, mental images stored in our minds may appear in it. Sometimes it is even possible to photograph thoughts and hallucinations (the famous experiments of Yu. Eikzenbud, T. Fukarai, G. Krokhalev). Pravdivtsev claims that mental images are emitted through the eyes and, possibly, the pineal gland. If at the same time we stand in front of the mirror, the polarized light greatly enhances the radiation of your brain, and therefore we literally see our thoughts, or rather, their energy projection in the mirror.

Mirrors catch not only our radiations, but also images from the information field of the planet. Therefore, they sometimes reflect events that we could not know about. V. Pravdivtsev is convinced that the unique properties of mirror reflection should find practical application in biology, medicine and other sciences.

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John Dee, despite a well-preserved literary heritage and several detailed biographies, is still one of the dark horses of English history. A brilliant erudite, whose curiosity for the world and thirst for knowledge knew no bounds, he is known to posterity at best as an astrologer to Queen Elizabeth, and even as James Bond of the Tudor era.

John Dee was born on 13 July 1527 in London to Welsh parents. The boy, even though he was the son of an ordinary cloth merchant, was distinguished by an enviable intelligence and at the age of 15 he entered the University of Cambridge. At 23, he had already managed to conquer Paris, where he lectured on the recently discovered works of the Greek mathematician Euclid.

A year later, radiant with glory, he returned to England and took the honorary position of astrologer at the court of the then Queen Mary Tudor, infamously known as the Bloody. Soon he began to make horoscopes for Princess Elizabeth.

In those distant times, mathematics and magic were considered, if not relatives, then at least cousins, and women accused of witchcraft ended their lives at the stake. Drawing up horoscopes, from the point of view of many, especially the envious of a successful young scientist, was a very suspicious occupation. On May 28, 1555, John Dee was under arrest for "computing".

Accusations of high treason were soon added to suspicions of practicing witchcraft. Fortunately, our hero, who appeared before the judges of the Star Chamber (an emergency court under the English monarch in the period from 1487 to 1641), managed to convince them of his innocence. However, after that, he was subjected to religious interrogation by the radical Catholic Bishop Bonner, like Queen Mary, who bore the nickname Bloody. However, the ingenuity and the gift of eloquence rescued the staunch Protestant John Dee this time as well; moreover, when he was released three months later, he even became a friend and adviser to his former jailer.

Three years later, to the sincere joy of the English people, Queen Mary died and her half-sister Elizabeth ascended the throne. Her friendship and patronage not only provided John Dee with a comfortable existence, but also guaranteed protection from possible accusations of witchcraft.

Henry Gillard Glindoni. John Dee conducts an experiment in front of Queen Elizabeth

The queen sincerely believed in the magical abilities of the court astrologer and regularly visited him - a mere mortal! - to consult on a particular issue. John Dee was instructed to choose the right day for the coronation of Elizabeth, as well as to bring damage to the Spanish fleet (now you know, thanks to whom England defeated the Invincible Armada in 1588).

But it would be wrong to imagine John Dee as a sort of charlatan astrologer. In addition to compiling court horoscopes, he, being an excellent cartographer and specialist in the field of navigation, was also actively involved in training and advising navigators and navigators who explored the New World. He also supplied them with the instruments necessary for successful navigation.

John Dee also coined the term "British Empire". He dreamed of uniting Europe from Muscovy to Greenland under the rule of the British monarch, not only through trade and conquest, but also with the help of ... magic. In the manuscript of Dee's The Science of Making Progress and Winning the World, now in the Sloan Collection, Liber Scientia Auxilli et Victoria Terrestris, or The book of the Science of Help and Victory in the World) reveals a list of all the spirits that rule the earthly kingdoms, as well as information on how to summon them. The spirits supposedly assured the scientist that with their help he could not only conquer countries without weapons, but should also do it for the glory of God.

Who knows, perhaps the European Union would have appeared four hundred years earlier if John Dee had not been carried away by a new passion.

Once, during a prayer, a six-winged seraph appeared to him and handed him a magic crystal; looking into it, as the divine messenger said, it was possible to communicate with spirits and, in particular, with angels, the very existence of which, it should be noted, did not cause any doubts in John Dee and his contemporaries.

Edward Kelly

True, in fact, the gift of heaven was not so easy to use. However, here a certain Edward Kelly appeared in Dee's life, who from the first attempt managed to establish contact with otherworldly forces. (Dee himself had to be content with the role of secretary, documenting these séances for History.)

Edward Kelly was a classic rogue who, before proclaiming himself a medium, worked as a lawyer and even paid partly with his own ears for counterfeiting. He had a very convincing talent as a ventriloquist and was fond of necromancy (fortune-telling by summoning the souls of the dead).

Enochian alphabet

Apparently, flattered by such attention from Dee and Kelly, who held one after another "spiritual meetings", the angels revealed to them the secret of a new, "angelic" language, later called Enochian. It is still a mystery whether this language was invented by Kelly, who "communicated" with the messengers of heaven, who then convinced his gullible colleague of the truth of his existence, or whether Dee was an active accomplice of the farce; however, they made a lot of noise. Some even believed that the angelic language was the predecessor of Hebrew and, therefore, the first language on earth. It has also been suggested that Dee was the founder of British intelligence and used the Enochian language to send ciphers to Queen Elizabeth, which he signed with the three code digits 007.

The friendship and cooperation of John Dee and Edward Kelly lasted 7 years. All this time they traveled around Europe, entertaining with magical performances first one monarch, then another, until they fell out in 1589. Kelly returned to Prague to the court of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II, where, having not achieved success in the alchemical field, he was imprisoned by a disappointed monarch and died.

Dee decided to go home. The queen appointed him a good pension, but the zenith of his glory, alas, passed.

James I, who succeeded the virgin queen on the English throne, did not share her enthusiasm for the supernatural. It is clear that this did not affect the prosperity of the former royal astrologer in the best way. He spent the last years of his life in poverty, earning a living by divination and selling books from his legendary collection, at that time the largest private library in England.

The white-bearded wizard died at the incredible age of 82. However, the tombstone from his grave has been lost, so the exact date of his death remains in question.

It is believed that John Dee served as the prototype of Dr. Faust in the play of the same name by Christopher Marlowe and Shakespeare's magician Prospero in The Tempest, and even today has appeared on the pages of Peter Ackroyd's novel "Doctor Dee's House", in the group's song Iron Maiden and even one of the popular video games.

John Dee's Magic Mirror

The crystal ball and the golden disc, with which the Elizabethan Merlin communicated with the angels, are kept in the British Museum, and in the Science Museum there is a mirror in which you can see the future, and the same crystal that was once presented to him by the archangel Uriel.

But I want to convey my thoughts more from the point of view of science and then draw a parallel with esotericism, thereby showing that many practices in esotericism are based on the scientific methods and knowledge of our ancestors.

The works of our Russian scientist - astrophysicist, Professor Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev turned out to be very interesting for me. There are a lot of articles on this topic, on the basis of which I describe my vision of this scientific theory and experiments related to it. The essence of Kozyrev's theory is that the main idea is the difference between cause and effect in time. Kozyrev argued that the flow of time is two funnels, one of which folds space - this is the cause, the next unfolds - this is a consequence, moreover, these two funnels are here and now at the same time, representing a constant process of convolution and development of the surrounding space. The distance from cause to effect is the course of time, which separates them from each other. Kozyrev said that: "The world in which the course of time is opposite to ours, subject to the action of the same forces, should be equivalent to our World reflected in the mirror." If we assume that the entrance to the funnel is a concave mirror, then, having placed ourselves in the focus of the concave mirror, we voice a question or want to see the consequences of this or that mistake, committed here and now, then our consciousness, penetrating through the passage or tunnel, will hear what will be the answer to our question or will see the development of events due to a perfect mistake. Continuing Kozyrev's theory, scientists in the 90s conducted experiments on curved and spiral mirrors made of a special aluminum alloy. Some of them contained a laser. What is the peculiarity of concave mirrors besides the fact that they reflect energy invisible to the eye and amplify it? When working with "Kozyrev's mirrors", very interesting events were recorded. Experimental volunteers, standing in the focus of a concave mirror, that is, in the focus of their personal reflected energy flows, suddenly experienced strange visions. Some received visions that refer to their past, others - to the invisible, due to separation by distance, the remote present, others - to the future. It should be noted that a device similar to Kozyrev's mirror existed more than 4 centuries ago, and they called it the egg of Nostradamus. Being in it, Nostradamus received information from the future and the past. According to legend, the secret of this device, constructed from plates of polished metal, was revealed to him by the Knights Templar. Today, throughout Russia and in the states bordering it, mirrors are used in divination, magic, and even healing. And the successful experiences of these traditions are confirmed by scientific data, which suggests that, for example, mirrors coated with warm-colored metal coatings, such as brass or bronze, absorb cold negative energy flows, transforming them, and reflect, enhancing warm, positive and healing energy flows. In practice, for treatment, such a mirror is placed in a sunny place, saturating it with the energy of life, and then the patient is allowed to look into it. As a result, a person receives, if not a recovery, then certainly an alleviation of the course of the disease. Black concave mirrors are used more often to enhance clairvoyance. The black surface of such a mirror does not allow a single photon to pass through, thereby reflecting and amplifying the energy flows of the person in focus by almost 100%. In the British Museum in London, there is an Obsidan Mirror belonging to John Dee, the famous astrologer, mathematician and astronomer who lived in the 15th and 16th centuries. According to this scientist, one day, an unearthly creature appeared before him, which left him an obsidan mirror, and told John Dee that with the help of this polished piece of rock, he would be able to see the future and communicate with beings of other dimensions. Today, alas, the employees of the British Museum do not allow inspecting and experimenting with John Dee's mirror. Information on the topic of talking with spirits, recorded by John Dee in his diary, now called Enochian magic, can be found on Wikipedia.