Prolonged stay in altered consciousness. Altered state of consciousness

All people experienced an altered state of consciousness. Only everyone had their own experience and ways to achieve it.

You can enter an altered state of consciousness both spontaneously, while falling into a dream or trance, and consciously, under the influence of meditation or certain drugs. The altered state of consciousness manifests itself in the following way:

  • constriction (with detachment during trance, meditation, hypnosis or falling asleep) or expansion of perception (holotropic states);
  • distortion of time, space and one's body;
  • hallucinations;
  • the transition of sensations from one form to another, when colors sound, taste or smell, and sounds become colored;
  • the emergence of absolute understanding, intuitive perception, insight;
  • long experience of the strongest emotions - ecstasy and euphoria or panic fear, deep depression;
  • increase or decrease in suggestibility;
  • decrease or increase in the threshold of sensitivity.

Despite the unusual nature of these experiences, they are not harmful to humans. Of course, if he, seeking to achieve an altered state of consciousness, does not use such dangerous means as alcohol, drugs, toxic substances.

Entering an altered state of consciousness happens:

  • spontaneous - under the influence of monotony, strong stimuli (loud music, physical or nervous fatigue, exhaustion, strong emotions or unbearable pain) or, conversely, in the complete absence of stimuli;
  • artificially induced - psychoactive substances or special procedures, such as holotropic breathing;
  • requiring special ceremonies and rituals.

Hyperstimulation of the psyche also causes a person to enter an altered state of consciousness. Here are the methods used for this:

  1. Bloodletting, being buried alive with causing severe physical discomfort, overcoming sleep, causing severe pain by scourging, wearing torture clothes, shackles, chains - this is a direct and excessive effect on the body and mind.
  2. Ritual dances and chants, rituals for celebration or mourning, treatment or expression of feelings, prayers, gratitude bring shamans, priests, sorcerers to exhaustion and ecstasy.
  3. Drugs and hallucinogens, known since ancient times - hallucinogenic mushrooms, peyote cactus, hemp, opium - were used in ritual actions and medicine among Asian and African peoples.
  4. Nowadays, modern means of hyperstimulation have been added. Volatile drugs (acetone, gasoline), psychedelics (LSD), psychostimulants (coca, amphetamine, ecstasy), alcohol are the most dangerous among them. Then stress and nervous overload follow.
  5. People who wish to achieve an altered state of consciousness as a way to change themselves and get rid of fears, resentments and pain use safer and more effective methods. We are talking about powerful psychotechnologies aimed at changing the state of consciousness and correcting the personality. These are holotropic breathing and rebirthing, the author's DMD method of Professor Kozlov, hypnosis.

How to achieve an altered state of consciousness with the help of hypostimulation?

Monotonous repetition of mantras, prayers, monotonous actions, yoga and meditation, fasting, overcoming sleep are the oldest ways to change consciousness.

The modern method is deprivation, depriving a person of all feelings, when he is placed in special laboratory conditions and does not hear, does not see, and does not experience either heat, or cold, or hunger, or pain.

What is it for?

Studies have shown that an altered state of consciousness helps to speed up the process of recovery and psychological recovery, cope with pain, stress, get rid of internal tension and feel happier and calmer. But not in those cases when with its help people just want to escape from reality.

You know what those states are. And this is not the first time you type this phrase in a search engine. And not for the first time, entering, trying to find something there. Then the soul again becomes painful and empty, and you again look for these states. And so on ad infinitum.

Well familiar? So you are here. Why does a desire arise to change the state of consciousness, to go into another reality?

In the state of knowing: Who I am

The answer to this question is given by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan. Such a desire arises only in people with a sound vector.

The soundman is significantly different from other people. He's a little weird, a lot of people don't understand. Prefers to remain silent rather than speak. He prefers solitude to companionship. The sound engineer has no material desires, the body for him is in second place. He would like to know what we live for.

Not every sound engineer is aware of his aspirations. But in most cases, the unsatisfied thirst for understanding the meanings dictates the way of life. Such a sound engineer is always in a state of cognition. And that's exactly what the soundtrack is about.

He studies foreign languages, exact sciences. He reads books in piles to the point of insanity, storms the Internet for days. Huge amounts of information go through his head. The soundman is interested in religion, all sorts of teachings, trying to find God. Interested in esotericism. The search state occupies all his time.

It's painful and hard on the soul. “What is all this meaningless life for? What's the point?" Because of his absence, there is an emptiness inside. The speaker goes inward. Constantly conducts an internal dialogue with himself. Questions float uninterruptedly one after another: “Who am I? Why am I here? The strongest desire to understand. Thoughts do not give rest, reliably populate his entire head, and it seems that it will soon burst.

This world is alien to the sound engineer, he does not find himself in it. And life is like an illusion, and the people in it are like dolls. Just wants to dissolve. Closing himself completely in himself, he does not understand that in this state he is even worse.

Go beyond body and mind

Pain... dull, penetrating, penetrating into all cells of the soul and body. This state is unbearable. The soundman seeks to go beyond the body. He realizes that the soul is infinite.

If it is impossible to find answers in this world, then perhaps it can be done in another world, in a parallel reality. To get to where, perhaps, there is something that is not here. Trying to expand consciousness. He puts experiments on himself. He goes into other states of consciousness to ease the pain. Leave to find yourself, find the truth.

The universe is infinite and the search is unlimited. There is rarely a sound engineer for whom altered states of consciousness are unknown. He seeks these states, changing his consciousness up and down. Affirmations, meditations, alcohol. Conducts experiments with various substances that supposedly expand consciousness. He tries poisonous hallucinogenic mushrooms, like the characters in Weller's books.

It doesn’t work with mushrooms, which means it goes further and deeper. Often not realizing what he needs, he is looking for the same strange states as himself. Holotropic breathing, yoga, qigong. Continuous selection. Lucid dreams, astral travel, hypnosis, trance. Castaneda with the assemblage point and Zeeland with reality transerfing.

May go into retreat. Meditating around the clock, he seeks spiritual states and the path to enlightenment.

Comprehend the secret

An altered state of consciousness stops thoughts for a while. This happens due to the fact that certain parts of the brain are turned off. It seems that the running of thoughts has stopped. The sound engineer experiences changes in sensations, new emotions, a certain buzz. But this is a temporary euphoria. After the "expansion" of consciousness there is no complete satisfaction. After such states of consciousness, the feeling of the meaninglessness of life remains, the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan confirms this.

“We need something stronger,” he thinks. When absolutely unbearable, the sound engineer tries drugs that dull the pain for a while. Starting from smoking soft drugs and then ascending. He understands that they do not solve the problem. But he sees no other way.

In the captivity of altered states of consciousness, the sound engineer tries to comprehend the unknown, incomprehensible and inaccessible, that which is inaccessible to others. And plunges headlong into it. Sometimes it seems that it’s already just about ... very close, I found something, felt it ... But, alas ... Such a state that blows my brains out of all this. He thinks that by expanding his consciousness he improves.

The sound engineer understands that he does not find answers in all this. But then where to look? How many years have been spent, information is already rushing from the ears, but there is no answer.

Know yourself to change the state of consciousness

The sound engineer is trying to approach self-knowledge from the wrong side. And for many years he wanders in darkness. All these ways do not cause the expansion of consciousness. There is another way - self-knowledge. When you know yourself, there is also a change in consciousness, but this is a natural state. The real transformation of the state of consciousness occurs only in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Thinking for a sound engineer is the most important thing, this is his mission. He was born to think, to give birth to brilliant ideas. For his abstract mind and vast scope of the psyche, nothing is impossible.

The sound engineer listens to the meaning of vibrations, which is in every word. Able to understand the meaning in order to reveal the intention. The attitude changes, reality is seen from a different angle.

The soundman will feel the meanings with every cell of the body, they will penetrate so deeply that he will see them in everything. Will see the meaning in every minute of life. It will not be necessary to strive for a state of altered consciousness in order to live comfortably in this world. The path to the knowledge of reality lies in a completely different way.

The sound engineer needs to realize his great desires, which he often does not realize and therefore suffers. The void must be filled with meaning. Know where to go and what to do.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals what is hidden in the depths of the psyche. Our psyche stores all the hidden answers to questions.

A state of consciousness in which life is filled with meaning

The sound engineer is fixated on himself, does not understand that it is impossible to be happy alone. We all live among other people. And no one is superfluous in this world, everyone plays their role.

The sound engineer needs to focus not on himself, but on others. Understanding what can understand yourself and others fills life with meaning.

The sound engineer is able to create especially deep, spiritual connections between people and a new reality, then the need to change the state of consciousness goes away. There is pleasure from this. The outside world and the people in it stop hurting him. There are changes in the head of the sound engineer, and he begins to fit into this world. After all, only together with other people, understanding them, their desires, we feel unity.

Many people, having gone a long way of searching, found, with the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, the state of consciousness in which they began to see the real reality.

“... Today, thanks to Yuri Burlan's training, I don't use drugs at all. It's been eight months since the desire to do so has disappeared. I didn't force myself to refuse. The desire for drugs is gone. I found more interesting things that fill me up a lot deeper. Yes, there are also difficult conditions, but I already know how to cope with them without resorting to drugs.

If you study well and understand the subject, then a new worldview opens up, where you fit into this general system. I learned to focus on the psyche of another person - this work of the brain gives a change in consciousness. Its effect is incomparable to any other drug I have ever taken. If we talk about the pleasure of knowing yourself and others, then it is deeper and much longer and, most importantly, without side effects ... "

“... The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan opened this door for me, which I always wanted to look behind. I know this definition - the mental unconscious, that which controls us. I used to have some guesses about this, which did not have a definite form, but now they have been voiced, moreover, a whole system, a perfect cubic matrix, has opened up before me. And, finally, it became easier, calmer at heart. My sound emptiness began to be filled with great meanings, and desires rushed to new comprehensions ... "

“...During the course of the training, the information I received fascinated me so much that one day I began to notice with bewilderment that I forgot to smoke marijuana. At the same time, a balanced state and even a slight euphoria are maintained. Further more: the use of drugs no longer had the same effect, I could not feel either the “high” or the “expansion”.

Over time, I came to a complete horror - the use of drugs began to bring discomfort ...
… I can say with confidence that the most powerful and beneficial states of consciousness in my entire life I received during the training. These sensations cannot be compared with any drug or psychedelic. The state of sobriety and clarity of thought began to have a paramount priority value ... "

Are you tired of looking for another change in the state of consciousness one after another, without feeling any sense? Register for a free nightly online training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan at the link.

The article was written using materials from online trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

often read

There lies an area fraught with a lot of unknown and unusual. Altered states of consciousness are a hidden area of ​​human mental activity, which even at the current stage of development of psychological science is an uncultivated virgin lands. The functions and nature of this phenomenon, despite the abundance of clinical and experimental data, continue to be thoroughly unexplored. Dreams and daydreams, sleep and drowsiness, hypnosis and hypnotic states, and historical states of dissociation, depersonalization, pharmacologically induced mental disorders, etc., having a clear natural origin, are presented not as variants of the manifestation of something in common, but as separate phenomena. In each specific case, the processing of the material led to conclusions that have applied value and practical application.

There have been so few attempts to systematize and organize into a clear system all the material accumulated over the years that all research in this area borders on a first discovery.

Before proceeding to the study of the concept of “altered states of consciousness”, it is worthwhile to understand what the most important concept of both philosophy and psychology is for us - consciousness. First of all, it denotes the ability to ideally reproduce reality using specific forms and mechanisms at different levels of reflection. Consciousness can manifest itself as an individual (personal) and social phenomenon. An attempt to systematize knowledge about consciousness was carried out by Sigmund Freud. Its clear hierarchical system played an important role in the development of human knowledge in this area, but at the present stage, even it shows failure in many areas and requires radical improvement.

The state of consciousness is clearly fixed, but nevertheless it can undergo a number of changes, being at different levels of states. The most familiar and ordinary is the waking consciousness that accompanies us in everyday affairs, worries, and even on vacation. Next comes sleep. This is the only natural state of altered consciousness, which not only accompanies the important physiological process of restoring all the forces of the body, but also immerses a person in the world of dreams.

A special form of the dream state is the hypnotic state, in which consciousness can abide in a subjective fantasy. Artificially induced hypnotic altered states of consciousness force a person to be in a half-awakened state, which is accompanied by flashes of intensification of consciousness.

Severe shock, stress, mental crisis, emergency situations, and even anger or fear can provoke the emergence of a state when consciousness obeys a certain force. The appearance of changes in the nature of sensations, feelings and behavior can signal that a change in the state of consciousness is taking place.

As a result of some systematization, it was possible to produce a certain typology of these phenomena. Altered states of consciousness of the first group are artificially evoked. For their appearance, it is necessary to use psychoactive substances (for example, psychedelics) contained in dope, marijuana, etc. They can also appear under the influence of certain procedures (sensory deprivation). , hypnotic trance, meditative actions.There is also a group of spontaneously arising states in normal conditions.The cause can be significant stress, listening to music, playing sports.

The study of this problem is of great importance for anthropology, psychiatry, clinical and


ALTERED CONSCIOUSNESS - a special state of consciousness, significantly different from the state that is considered normal for a person. All or almost all aspects of normal consciousness can be subjected to more or less profound changes, for example, the sensory image of the "I" typical of it as a set of ordinary sensations of one's own body, together with the boundaries of the body and its scheme. The “I-concept” of a person, the usual image of the perceived world, the ratio of the world perceived and represented, orientation in time and space, the ability to give self-report in what is happening, to exercise self-control and self-regulation of behavior may change inadequately. There is an impressive variety of I.S. states, including hallucinations and pseudohallucinations, phenomena of derealization and depersonalization, multiple personality, sensory delusions, various mental automatisms, I.S. during sleep (normal or hypnotic), during somnambulism, and many others. A significant number of factors are known that cause I.S. For example, sleep as a special state of the body, as well as prolonged sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, drugs, alcohol, increased or decreased pressure, mental trauma, etc. Not always the states of I.S. are a consequence, a manifestation of psychopathology. One can speak of psychopathology only when these states are not controlled by the individual, are persistent and do not disappear without special therapeutic intervention. In many cases, the state of I.S. are short-term and disappear without a trace along with the disappearance of the factor that caused them. Moreover, various methods are known that allow you to consciously, purposefully cause certain states of I.S. (yoga, autogenic training, S. Grof's method, based on the use of hyperventilation in combination with a certain musical effect). Found in the states of I.S. intellectual experience can be so unique that it has a strong impact on the person and her subsequent life (for example, prophetic dreams). The range of emotions experienced during IS is huge - from horror to ecstasy. For this reason, the known methods of calling I.S. they often try to make the individual a source of new creative abilities (Sri Auro-bindo and others). It is indisputable that I.S. - a sphere almost unexplored and mysterious. According to some researchers (S. Grof), accumulated in the process of studying I.S. facts are often completely inexplicable from the standpoint of established ideas about the consciousness of the individual, the forms of his interaction with the world, and may eventually lead to their radical changes.

The latest philosophical dictionary. - Minsk: Book House. A. A. Gritsanov. 1999

See what "ALTERED CONSCIOUSNESS" is in other dictionaries:

    ALTERED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS- En.: Altered state of consciousness A simple, at first glance, concept. The rather simple definition of altered states of consciousness, proposed by Arnold Ludwig (Arnold Ludwig, 1969), to which Weitzenhoffer refers, does not pose any ... ... The New Hypnosis: Glossary, Principles and Method. Introduction to Ericksonian Hypnotherapy

    The hero of N.V. Gogol's story "Notes of a Madman" (1834). The real source of the image of P. to a certain extent is Gogol himself. While studying at the Nizhyn Gymnasium, Gogol skillfully staged madness: according to N. Kukolnik, the reason for pretense ... ... literary heroes

    AFFECT- (from lat. affectus state of mind), a term used to refer to phenomena in the field of feeling. The most ancient explanation of the word A. is found in Augustine, who equates it with the Latin perturbatio. So, in this sense, ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    I Dysphoria (dysphoria, Greek dysphoreō hard to endure, to be irritated) is a mood disorder with a predominance of sadly angry, gloomy dissatisfied, combined with irritability, aggressiveness, often fears. Occurs more frequently when... Medical Encyclopedia

    The term K. R." refers to psychology. violations, the prevalence of which is limited to representatives of certain ethno-cultural groups and traditions. Both this term and the concept behind it are highly controversial and have been the subject of extensive discussions, since ... ... Psychological Encyclopedia

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    "F05" Delirium not caused by alcohol or other psychoactive substances- An etiologically non-specific syndrome characterized by a combined disorder of consciousness and attention, perception, thinking, memory, psychomotor behavior, emotions and sleep-wake rhythm. It can occur at any age, but more often after ... ... Classification of mental disorders ICD-10. Clinical descriptions and diagnostic instructions. Research Diagnostic Criteria

    One of the most powerful areas of modern psychoanalysis, synthesizing the ideas of Otto Rank (birth trauma), the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, and the philosophical ideas of non-classical modern physics (see the ADDITIONAL PRINCIPLE) of Werner ... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

practical methodology for changing consciousness. It was found in the training manual 15 years ago, and the basics are generally thousands of years old. Fundamentals - Attention Management:
  • a) you can concentrate, narrow down
  • b) you can expand, distribute attention

Concentration / expansion is carried out for each of the senses (sight, hearing, sensations, etc.) or for all together. In total, a number of ways to change consciousness, from the most famous (concentrate on a point) to complex, requiring preparation and mastery of dispersed perceptions.

Why are we? This technique is very similar to the methods from the article “How to call the devil? "(Section "Magic" and subsection ""). How? Aimlessness.

Let's say the devil is called: and what? What will you do with it? Release back? 🙂

So with this "practical" technique - what will you do with these states? Well, they changed it, well, they changed it again. So what?

So where are we going. In a previous article, Altered States of Consciousness: A Theory, put forward a number of thoughts that make practice of altered states of consciousness much more purposeful. That is, we have why". Useful end result. GOAL.

Briefly what was discussed:

  1. Consciousness is not a state, but process awareness of awareness.
  2. Man is a unit of awareness of awareness, observer.
  3. You can change the process of primary awareness, or you can change the process of awareness of awareness.
  4. Can increase or reduce the amount of awareness.
  5. Decrease in awareness = unconsciousness, unintelligence and result: failures, failures, etc.
  6. Increase = awareness, intelligence, good luck, success, happiness and other goodies.
  7. The purpose of changing consciousness is upward. Although ... as you like. We are for growth.

There are only seven points in total. If the logic is not very clear, then we advise the theory: "Altered states of consciousness: theory". Well, now about practice.

Changing the processes of awareness at the level of the body

Man perceives mainly through the senses, through the body. Therefore, a change in perceptions leads to a change in consciousness. The first thing that comes to mind in this regard: Castaneda and the change of consciousness substances. For what you can:

  • thump
  • inject
  • to sniff
  • lick
  • rub
  • etc.

This is the easiest way to change consciousness. But there is a big BUT:

Substance-related mind-altering methods reduce the amount of awareness.

Maybe seem which is the opposite. But, in fact, by “changing”, a person realizes much less than even in ordinary life. And then

  1. Chasing his wife with an axe.
  2. Or jumping from the 10th floor thinking he can fly.
  3. Or stares at the sun all day and gets retinal burns, then goes blind.
  4. Or get addicted...

Other ways, offhand:

  1. Communication with interesting people: you are interested, observe, increase awareness of awareness (otherwise these people will not be interested in communicating with you - why do they need an unconscious robot interlocutor?).
  2. Learning new: you are interested, you observe, you increase awareness of awareness (otherwise it will be almost impossible to master this thing, because unconscious machines cannot control machines).
  3. Traveling to new places, countries: you observe, you are interested, you raise awareness of awareness (otherwise, why go - become a victim of divorce?)
  4. Drawing, needlework, creation: you observe, you raise awareness of awareness, you wonder (otherwise you will end up with bullshit).

The list can easily be expanded into a huge number of areas - family, friends, animal care, ecology, inventions, books, adventures - everywhere you need to increase awareness of awareness. The answer is joy and happiness.

Increasing awareness of awareness is life to the fullest.

But the change of consciousness brings pleasure only then when you increase awareness your his awareness.