Electronic programs in English. How to learn English using a computer

It is a known fact that the most popular language in the world is English. Knowing him, you can communicate with a resident of almost any country. All this is possible due to the fact that English is an international language and is spoken in 106 countries of the world. It is not difficult to guess that in order to be a successful person, you need to expand your language boundaries. Learning English from scratch is not so difficult if you know where to get the information from and how to use it. This article will help you learn everything you need to learn English on your own absolutely free.

Once you have realized the need to learn English, it's time to take action. Modern technologies of the 21st century allow you to learn a new language on your own without teachers. Thanks to the Internet, you can learn a language quickly and effectively. To do this, it is enough to find sites and video lessons in English, sign up for online courses or take online lessons. In addition, you can find a lot of material where English for beginners is intelligibly explained.

Before you start learning a language, you need to understand where to start learning.

If you have at least some long-forgotten English skills, then it will be easier to learn the language on your own. After all, if you once learned grammar and words, then you already have some basics of the English language and everything you need will pop up in your subconscious, you just have to start going through the program.

If you have never touched English or foreign languages, it does not matter. Find an English tutorial that you can understand. In such books, as a rule, basic rules and words are written, which are enough for a foreigner to understand your speech, and you can conduct an elementary dialogue.

If you are interested in a deeper and more effective study of the language, then you will have to look for special literature or find a site on the Internet that tells how to learn English from scratch, for free. Such sources exist in large numbers, so learning a whole foreign language on the Internet will not be difficult and you can be sure that your knowledge will be at the level.

So, if you decide to learn English from scratch, this article will help you step by step to figure out how to organize your studies without involving expensive specialists and at the same time get up-to-date information about the language.

if desired, available to everyone at home

How to organize self-study in English?

How long do you plan to study English?

Learning English on your own is easier than you think. To begin with, determine how much you plan to study and for what period of time you plan to learn the language. Honestly decide for yourself, if you have enough superficial knowledge, then in 3 months it is quite possible to learn basic words and basic grammar. If you want to master an intermediate level of English, get ready to set aside 3 days a week for this for at least a year. And, of course, if your goal is to know English perfectly, then when you start learning English, get ready to practice the language every day, learn something new and improve your knowledge every year.

What do you need to learn a language?

Stock up on materials and tools depending on your needs. To learn the basics of English for tourism purposes, a self-instruction manual and a dictionary with basic words and phrases will be enough. If your goal is more global - you need a good and high-quality dictionary, a grammar book and various audio and video lessons in English. It is a well-known fact that communication with a native speaker is the best way to acquire speech skills. If you have the opportunity to communicate with a native English speaker, take advantage of it. Alternatively, watching English films without translation (subtitles are acceptable) or reading English fiction in the original is also suitable. Be sure to get a notebook in which you will write down new words and always have it with you so that you can repeat the words while in traffic, on the way to visit or at any other time.

Set yourself a goal

Once you decide what level of English you need and how much time you are ready to learn new words and rules, set yourself goals. By reaching each new small goal, you overcome the path of learning English from scratch step by step. Each new step is a new level for you. It will be relevant if you set yourself approximate deadlines:

  1. Learn the entire alphabet in 2 weeks;
  2. Learn the correct pronunciation in 3 weeks;
  3. Learn the main tenses in 1 month (present, past and future);
  4. Learn in 50 days the minimum vocabulary - 300 words or more;
  5. Learn to make complete sentences in 1.5 - 2 months.

Schedule your classes

Once you have decided on all the main points, it's time to organize your work. Decide which day you study grammar when you watch instructional videos, solve tests, or read. At least you need to spend an hour of time studying, learn about 5 new words every day. On Saturday evening, watch episode 1 of your favorite English series without translation, believe me, this will help you a lot in learning the language. Over time, you can switch from TV shows to films, and there you can already start and read books in English.

Surround yourself with English

In addition to the specially allotted time for learning the language, it is necessary to fill the space around you with English speech and words. For example, hang leaflets with new words in the apartment, listen to the news in English (again, everything is available on the Internet). Find a foreign friend with whom you can chat every day on Skype or chat. There are special sites where oral and written practice of a foreign language is possible. If you have the opportunity to go abroad, where they speak English, for 1-2 months, this will be the most informative and interesting trip for you, as you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself entirely in the English atmosphere without creating it artificially.

will pass quickly and successfully if you learn to read English text, master vocabulary and grammar, listen to speech, learn to write and train pronunciation

Free websites and online programs for learning English from scratch

So, the Internet can be your main assistant in learning English. The main thing is to find useful sites and video courses and look at them daily, looking for new words, interesting videos and grammar rules. The program for learning English at home can be based on ready-made online courses, or you can combine watching helpful videos, reading books, and even using chat rooms to communicate with native speakers. You can learn English easily and quickly if you choose the way and method that you like. Below you will find various resources for learning English from scratch, from which you can choose what you like best.

Learning to read correctly and quickly in English

  1. Reading English consonants - alphabet and sounds
  2. Alphabet and Basics of Reading in English- video, part 1, basic knowledge;
  3. "A" in a closed syllable, sh pronunciation and more- video, part 2, pronunciation of the article and some sounds;
  4. Reading rules and pronunciation ar, are, air, y, e, ch- video, part 3, rules for reading complex sounds.

It is also good to read magazines (britishcouncil.org) in English aloud or silently. You can find any material that interests you.

Memorizing new vocabulary

So that new vocabulary is not hard labor for you, the best way is to download and install special applications for your phone in order to be able to learn vocabulary even outside the home, when you can just get your phone and not waste time in a traffic jam / subway / queue, but learn the language.

The channel will be useful for business negotiations Business English Pod.

Another good way to learn new words is to solve crossword puzzles from English words:

Listening to English speech

To understand English, it is important to listen to foreign speech as often as possible. These can be songs (lyrics.com), audio recordings and audio books (librophile.com). To constantly expand your vocabulary, it is useful to watch news in English (newsinlevels.com), foreign TV programs, films and series in English. But first, you should take a small online course on understanding English speech. YouTube will help you with this.

  1. English with Jennifer. There is a special section on the page “understanding rapid English speech”, where in 20 lessons you can acquire good skills.
  2. You can also use the link to the channel Real English, where you can find many videos of real people speaking English, each video has subtitles.
  3. Another useful channel british council, where you can find a selection of educational cartoons with various situations in which people communicate in English.
  4. No less useful would be comprehensive study of English with the BBC on the YouTube channel.

Learning and improving grammar

The main thing to learn is grammar. Tenses, verb forms, pronouns and much more can be learned using the English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy, which describes tenses, English verbs and sentence construction in a very accessible way. This tutorial can be easily found on the Internet and downloaded for free. Any free grammar books that you can download that you can understand will also work.

But you can learn grammar using any resource for adults and children. One of the most interesting ways for beginners is to subscribe to one of the YouTube channels:

Also, you can start learning English grammar on the following web resources:

And do not forget to solve English proficiency tests, some can be found here - englishteststore.net , begin-english.ru , english-lessons-online.ru .

We read adapted texts in English

Adapted texts are very useful when learning English, especially at a beginner level. You can download them. So, we learn to read and immediately understand the meaning of the text, avoiding cumbersome sentences and unnecessary constructions. On this site envoc.ru you can find both easy texts and more complex ones to improve your reading technique. Here, in each work, simple phrases are used and translations are given. Also, simple texts can be found. In addition to the texts themselves on the site, you can repeat the rules of reading and some words. Remember, to read even adapted literature, you need basic knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and knowledge of reading rules.

Improving speech skills

Perhaps the biggest problem for a person who wants to master English is to find English interlocutors to practice speaking. Communication is a very important part of learning, as communication helps you learn the right tone, pronunciation and learn new words. To find English interlocutors, you can use one of the sites below. It is enough to register and the doors to the world of English speech will open for you.

Each of us in our circle of friends has people who have started to learn a foreign language more than once and more than once gave up this “difficult” task. The example of such friends, of course, does not inspire self-confidence. But do not rush to give up the desire to learn English - we know the method that will 100% help you master a foreign language. The secret is simple: all you need is a well-designed program for learning English and your desire to become better. The program for learning English from scratch is independently presented in this article, and since you are already reading it, it means that you are interested in learning English. Then let's get to work!

The first step to mastering a foreign speech is a conscious decision to learn a language. Do not underestimate this factor: a clearly made decision and a set goal will help you not to quit classes in difficult times. Therefore, before moving on to the lesson program, we note several important psychological points.

  1. Set a goal for yourself before you start. I will learn English in order to ...(pass an exam, go to college, move to live abroad, travel, etc.).
  2. Reward yourself for successfully completed exercises, mastered topics, learned words.
  3. Don't let yourself miss classes: there are 4 English lessons per week, so they should all be done. If circumstances interfere with classes, then the planned lesson is postponed and worked out on a free day.
  4. Complete the lessons in full. Do not seek to reduce or speed up the development of topics. It is better to carefully work with the material than to go over the top and then constantly return to the forgotten nuances.

These are the recommendations that beginners should follow at the beginning of mastering the English language. The proven “carrot and stick” method, through rewards and a set goal, will help develop interest in classes, and strict rules will force you to keep discipline and work in a tight schedule. Subsequently learning English language will become a habit and the severity of the mode of operation will cease to be felt.

Selection of educational materials

The second important step that needs to be taken at the initial stage is to select English learning materials for beginners. Let's talk about them a few words.


In the age of technological progress, many people prefer electronic versions to paper books. But for foreign language classes, we would not recommend this approach. It is still possible to simply read the theory on a computer or on a phone, but it is extremely difficult to work with different paragraphs. In a printed textbook, it is much more convenient to search for the necessary topics and make the necessary notes. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a printed English textbook or at least print an electronic file.

  • Phonetic section;
  • Grammar explanations;
  • Examples of texts;
  • Exerciseswith keys;
  • Lexical material.

And it would be nice to have an audio application, but this is an additional requirement.

So, ideally, it should be an impressive textbook with a detailed explanation of the theory and a quality practical part. Do not take books from the series " English in 5 minutes», « English for the lazy», « Learn a language in 30 days" etc. In them, the material is presented very abbreviated and according to a peculiar methodology that is not suitable for people who are seriously studying English.


Everything is exactly the opposite here: it is better to work with online dictionaries, especially for beginners. Almost all of them have built-in voice acting, which makes it easier to work with transcription and helps you immediately learn the correct pronunciation of new words. We also recommend that you install extended versions of dictionaries on your phone and computer so that an unfamiliar word can be translated even when there is no Internet.


Educational literature does not always give a complete picture of the topic, so it will not be superfluous to stock up on additional sources of information. As an alternative to textbooks and manuals, we suggest using educational materials from websites.

Here, without too much modesty, we can recommend our project, which contains articles on phonetics, reading, vocabulary and grammar, as well as practical exercises for practicing and consolidating the topics covered. For example, you are unlikely to find songs and sayings for children, top 100 words for beginners, or a complete list of irregular English verbs in a textbook. And we have all of the above and hundreds of other materials. Bookmark our site and you will always have quick access to a huge archive of useful English language content.

Computer programs and mobile applications

A special role in teaching is played by computer programs for learning English. They can be used to practice pronunciation, learn irregular verbs, learn new words, review what you have learned, etc. Also, such simulators allow you to distract from serious lessons with textbooks, while not violating the class schedule and without losing interest in the English language.

Interactive programs are of different types: from simple, designed for one function, to simulators, which are a full-fledged English course and allow you to simultaneously develop pronunciation, reading, vocabulary, grammar and writing. We recommend installing one multifunctional program on a personal computer or laptop, and downloading several applications on a tablet or phone. So you can do small exercises and improve your knowledge of English in any free moment.


Workbooks are required for class. One of 48-96 sheets will be required to write down the theory, the other of the same volume will be used as a personal dictionary for difficult words. The third notebook will be needed for practical work and its volume should also be at least 48 sheets. And, of course, do not forget about pens of different colors, a simple pencil, an eraser and a ruler.

On this preparatory work came to an end. Having set yourself up in the right way, armed with educational materials and installing the best computer programs for learning English on your devices, let's get acquainted with the annual training plan.

Program for learning English from scratch

In this section, we provide an approximate work plan for mastering English speech. It is assumed that the student gets acquainted with English from scratch, i.e. the learner has no experience and starts learning the language for the first time. If you studied English at school or at a university and want to continue your studies, then you can conduct an express review of what you have learned or skip the introductory course altogether, starting your studies with the topic you need.

Month 1. Introductory Course

When starting foreign language lessons, remember that you need to start small. Yes, there are methods for quickly learning English, but their use is advisable only in a limited time. For example, there was an urgent business trip and in 2 weeks you need to somehow learn how to communicate on the simplest everyday topics. In other cases, it is better to learn slowly but thoroughly. Therefore, in this program, we propose to start with an introductory course.

In introductory classes, the basics of the language are comprehended: alphabet, phonetics, reading rules, numbers, etc. Also in this month, the first words are studied, and it is necessary to remember not only their translation, but also the correct English spelling. Therefore, devote part of the lesson to a small written dictation on the learned words. In general, lessons are held 3-4 times a week for an hour and add up to approximately the same schedule.

Introductory Course Plan
days 1 Week 2 weeks 3 week 4 week
1 Introduction to the alphabet.
Writing and pronunciation of letters.
Introduction to letter combinations.

Reading practice.

Repetition of numbers.

Repetition (alphabet, numbers up to 100).

The study of words on the topic of life and profession.

Repetition of articles.

Construction to be: theory and self-suggestion.

Repetition of personal and possessive pronouns.

2 Learning the alphabet by heart. You can work with songs and poems. Alphabet repetition.

Learning words on the topic of personal pronouns and family.

Reading words with different syllables and letter combinations.


Working with articles.

Dictation days of the week and months.

Repetition of reading rules.

New vocabulary (popular adjectives).

3 Alphabet repetition.

Acquaintance with the rules for reading letters in syllables of various types.

Working out the rules.

Written dictation on the studied words.

Parsing numbers from 13 to 20.

Introduction to articles.

Learn the days of the week and months.

Number dictation.

Possessive pronouns.

Dictation (numbers).

Pronunciation: working out phonetic nuances.

Exercises on to be.

4 Work on reading rules.

Learning numbers up to 12.

Repetition of the alphabet.

Repetition of numbers 0-20.

Introduction to numbers 20-100.

Exercises for articles.

Repetition of learned words.

Plural of nouns.

Vocabulary (popular verbs).

Building sentences with to be, writing a short story about yourself.

Learning numbers up to 1000.

Introduction to new vocabulary.

Naturally, this plan can be adjusted to suit your mode of operation.

Month 2-4. First level

After completing the introductory course, we already understand the structure of the language a little and are ready for further active work. Now our task is to master the initial stage of knowledge in 3 months and move from the Beginner level to the confident Elementary. To do this, we need to study:

  • Types of verb tenses (Simple andcontinuous);
  • Degrees of comparison of adjectives;
  • Imperative mood;
  • Possessive;
  • Irregular Verbs;
  • Adverbs and prepositions;
  • sustainable constructions withthere andtobegoing;
  • New vocabulary (1000-1500 words).

You also need to constantly improve your listening comprehension and begin to speak the language you are learning on your own.

At this stage, the lesson program for learning English is developed individually, because. everyone masters grammar in different ways: some suffer for several lessons, while others grasp on the fly. The recommended mode of study is 3 lessons of 2 hours per week.

Month 5. Consolidation of the initial level

We will devote the fifth month to repeating everything learned, correcting common mistakes, and also developing the skill of understanding English speech.

Before starting the stage, analyze the entire path traveled and note the shortcomings. It is the “sagging” topics that will become the lesson plan for this month. For example, you need to finish learning half-forgotten irregular verbs, eliminate gaps in the knowledge of tenses, remember the exceptions in the plural. nouns, etc. Also do not forget to listen to English dialogues more often and watch small adapted videos.

Ideally, during this period, you need to directly polish your knowledge, so as not just to well navigate the topics covered, and do it automatically.

Month 6-10. Mastering the Intermediate Level

Having confidently fixed on the Elementary step, we begin to move towards the Intermediate. Here, the lessons combine a theoretical approach (working with a textbook) and a practical one (creating a language environment). Of the 4 weekly lessons, 2 lessons should be full immersion in English. It could be:

  • reading books, newspapers, websites and forums;
  • listening to dialogues and podcasts;
  • video viewing;
  • communication with foreigners.

Thus, we continue to study the theory of language and at the same time actively practice what we have learned in our own speech.

Month 11-12. Fixation at the middle level

5 months are allocated for mastering the intermediate level. But in fact, during this time you will have time to cross its edge and get closer to the Upper-Intermediate. In this case, for the remaining 2 months, it remains only to tighten up the “sagging” topics and, finally, to reach 100% of the average level of knowledge.

So, after a one-year course, you will be able to thoroughly support a conversation in English on any topic. In addition, there is still something to strive for, because there are still 2 levels of language proficiency left: advanced Advanced and perfect Proficiency. But we'll talk about them later, but for now, success in improving the language and see you soon!

Every day is scheduled to the minute, but do you still need to squeeze English lessons into your busy schedule? Or do you lack language practice and would it be nice to replenish your vocabulary?

"No time" is the most boring and banal of all reasons. In fact, even the busiest person in the world can find time in their schedule for. Classes do not have to be long and exhausting, but regular ones are a must!

Make English a good habit, repeat words and memorize new ones on the way to work or over a cup of coffee with the help of English (and other foreign languages) learning apps for iOS and Android.


The main difference of this application from all others is that it adapts in real time to your needs and desires. Want to prepare for TOEFL? Want to learn phrases that might come in handy while traveling? Want to ? You are welcome! Native tutors will help you quickly with this. In addition, the application is updated daily.


Apple editors consider this program the best in the Education category for a reason. The database of the program contains more than 8 thousand words, in addition, the application is available offline. The main advantage: the program adapts to a specific user and in tasks and tests it offers exactly those words with which you previously had difficulties. We made a mistake in determining the meaning of the word - a few more times you will be asked this particular word until you remember it.

Easy Ten

With the help of the program, you can replenish the lexicon daily, . The application does not require a lot of time - it is enough to spend 20 minutes a day. The program contains more than 20 thousand English words, will help you improve your pronunciation thanks to special simulators. In addition, you can divide new words into thematic lists, track progress, which serves as an additional lever of motivation.

Learn English

An application that will help you improve your grammar and sentence construction, which are not uncommon even in the speech of native speakers. Text materials, audio files and tests will allow you to study weaknesses and fill gaps in knowledge.

Rosetta stone

This app helps you memorize new words through associations. The pronunciation assessment program will help you learn how to pronounce the learned words correctly. The application is available for free, but there are also paid materials.

English Grammar in Use Activities

A program from Cambridge University Press that will help you improve your grammar skills. The use of articles, irregular verbs, nouns, you can bring to automatism.


To make learning English fun and remember new words easier, we offer you an application with an unusual game approach to learning. The curator of the Memrise intelligence group will take you on an exciting journey through the unknown universe of the English language, full of secrets, mysteries, mysterious enemy agents and kind helpers.


A fun application that is designed to learn how to use phrasal verbs correctly. The creators of Phrasalstein did their best: the 100 most frequently used phrasal verbs are accompanied by visual illustrations from horror cartoons. You definitely won't get bored!

15500 Useful English Phrases

A dictionary app containing over 15,500 interesting idioms that are often used in live communication. You can use aphorisms, words, comparisons and much more when communicating at the household level and in the professional and business sphere.

WordBook - English Dictionary & Thesaurus

A real treasure, not just a dictionary that can be on your smartphone: 15 thousand words, etymology of 23 thousand words, spell check and the ability to search for words to create anagrams. In addition, every day you will memorize the word of the day that the program will offer you. The dictionary is available offline.

All applications are designed for people with different . You can set the level of difficulty, learn the language in a mode convenient for you and in your free time. It is enough to choose at least one application that you will access daily.

Programs can be used as an independent tool for vocabulary replenishment and grammar repetition, and as an additional element that will help make your learning in English courses or with a tutor even more effective.

Learning English is easy!

Based on Enguide, an English course search service

You can buy the following products (with the Kit designation - with the Collins COBUILD Student's Dictionary, with the Pack designation - without this dictionary):

(4 CDs)
Contains: "The Long Tunnel" (John Milne), "The Garden" (Elizabeth Laird), "Dangerous Journey" (Alwyn Cox), "Rich Man Poor Man" (T.C. Jupp).

ENGLISH READING CLUB. elementary kit.
(4 CDs)
ENGLISH READING CLUB. elementary pack.
(4 CDs)
Contains: "The Stranger" (Norman Whitney), "Room 13 and Other Ghost Stories" (M.R. James),
"The Picture of Dorian Gray" (Oscar Wilde), "Riders of the Purple Sage" (Zane Grey).

ENGLISH READING CLUB. intermediate kit.(4 CDs)
ENGLISH READING CLUB. intermediate pack.
(4 CDs)
Contains: "Dracula" (Bram Stoker), "The Sign of Four" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), "The Woman Who Disappeared" (Philip Prowse), "The Speckled Band and Other Stories" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).

ENGLISH READING CLUB. Full kit. (12 discs, contains all levels and Collins COBUILD Student's Dictionary)
ENGLISH READING CLUB. Full pack. (12 discs, contains all levels, but without the Collins dictionary)

The English Reading Club course is based on a practice-proven method of learning and improving a foreign language through reading fiction. This course will be especially useful for anyone who needs to consolidate and develop basic knowledge of the English language.
When you open the eBook, you will see the table of contents. You can not only read, but also listen to texts voiced by professional actors - native speakers, and illustrations will help you understand what is at stake. Each chapter is preceded by tasks. If you come across unfamiliar words, the voiced electronic explanatory dictionary Collins COBUILD Student's Dictionary will come to the rescue.
The English Reading Club course comes in two packages: with and without a fully voiced Collins COBUILD Student's Dictionary (if you already have one). In the dictionary you will find an explanation of each word from the texts of the course, its grammatical forms, examples of use and the exact meaning, taking into account the context.A special section of the program makes it possible to train the pronunciation of individual words and phrases.
A useful feature of the dictionary is the original technique for memorizing RE-WISE words (you can add any word from the text to your own dictionary and work with it using RE-WISE). The program will create for you the optimal individual scheme for memorizing and repeating words. This will allow you to save a large amount of learned material in memory. (Attention: the RE-WISE memorization technique only works with the Collins COBUILD Student's Dictionary.)
You can also train your pronunciation: voice dialogues, repeat sentences, compare your version with the announcer's, perform phonetic dictations.
E-books of the English Reading Club series are suitable both for self-study and for classes at schools, universities, and courses. Read, listen, speak along with their characters, and you will understand that English can be learned easily, interestingly, and with pleasure. Try it and see for yourself!

Everyone knows folk wisdom - in his life a man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. For some reason, I had other goals all my life - to learn to play the guitar and learn English.

As a result, I built several houses, raised three sons and the trees did not escape me - I planted a lot of them, but I still don’t play the guitar, I don’t speak English.

Why am I? I'll tell you today how to learn english with computer, I will list a whole list of small and lightweight computer programs for this purpose.

The free computer programs for learning English listed below are mostly very small ( mini-programs) are simple and lightweight. I will not describe each one - just briefly characterize ...

Association (544 kb) — we remember foreign words using the phonetic association method.

Business Letters (508.5 kb) - thanks to this program you will learn the structure of a business letter and the rules for writing such letters.

BX Language acquisition (47.2 Mb) is a learning tool for learning English words.

English Test (5.1 Mb) - will show you the real level of English proficiency.

EnglishCheck (340 kb) - displays a sentence in English and offers several answers from which you need to choose the correct one.

EnglishWord (420 kb) - we compose lessons for ourselves and courageously teach them.

ETrainer 4800 (27.2 Mb) is an English language proficiency exam with grading.

ETrainer 5000 (1.4 Mb) is a mini version of the previous program.

EZ Memo Booster (1 Mb) is a free computer program that will help you quickly and effectively improve your vocabulary while learning English.

Exerciser (177 kb) - a set of exercises to strengthen your knowledge of the English language.

English Grammar In Use (735 kb) - English grammar course, consisting of 130 lessons.

FVords (505 kb) - has 10 main modes, 30 different topics, 15 training texts, about 30,000 words, expressions and articles in the databases, about 70,000 words in the English-Russian and 40,000 words in the Russian-English dictionary.

Hangman (31 kb) is a game program based on the principle of guessing words or expressions in English.

Irregular Verbs (23.9 kb) is a program for learning English irregular verbs.

Language Memory Bomber (2.3 Mb) - we use visual images and distractions, there is a built-in speech synthesizer that allows you to hear the pronunciation of words.

Language Study (509 kb) - displays English words with their translation on top of all windows.

Lex! (540 kb) - lexical trainer.

Repeng is an English language tutor program.

Selfln (1.1 Mb) - we remember English words by the method of repeated repetition.

WordsTeacher (760 kb) - we study foreign words, phrases, short expressions, without looking up from the process of working on a computer.

Word Translation Simulator (230 kb) — we learn how to write English words.

Just in case of a fire (suddenly some link dies), I collected these programs (except for the two fattest ones) into one archive and uploaded it to Yandex.Disk ...

The size turned out to be 43.2 MB. (20 programs)

Of course, these are not all existing programs for learning English, but only those that I found on the Internet this morning. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to check absolutely everything - write if something is wrong, but don’t kick without being rude and kicking.

By the way, these programs are very suitable for schoolchildren to learn english with computer.

And for lazy (like me) comrades, I previously suggested using instead of learning languages translation program.

To new useful and interesting computer programs.