Gdz in English language library. Gdz in English

7th grade

English textbook for 7 grades. Student "s book., V.P. Kuzovlev

8th grade

English language. Happy English 2, grades 7-9, T.B. Klementieva, J.A. Shannon
English language. Happy English 2. Reading book, grades 7-9, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English language. Happy English 2. Workbook 1, grades 7-9, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English language. Happy English 2. Workbook 2, grades 7-9, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English language grade 8. New Millennium English. Derevyanko N.N.
English textbook for 8 grades. Student "s book., V.P. Kuzovlev
English grade 8 Starks

Grade 9

English language. Happy English 2, grades 7-9, T.B. Klementieva, J.A. Shannon
English language. Happy English 2. Reading book, grades 7-9, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English language. Happy English 2. Workbook 1, grades 7-9, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English language. Happy English 2. Workbook 2, grades 7-9, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English textbook for 9 grades. Student "s book., V.P. Kuzovlev

Grade 10

Grade 11

English language. Happy English 3. Workbook 1, grades 10-11, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English language. Happy English 3. Workbook 2, grades 10-11, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English language. Happy English 3. Workbook 3, grades 10-11, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon

Homework in English for any student is not an easy task. By itself, English is considered one of the easiest foreign languages ​​to learn, much easier when compared, for example, with Russian. After all, it is no coincidence that almost half of the globe speaks it. But still, when studying English at school, there are many difficulties.

GDZ in English this is the lifesaver that can in a difficult moment. There are many textbooks to prepare for English. These are such authors as Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa, Peregudova E.Sh., Klementyeva T.B., J.A. Shannon. Any of these textbooks will help you learn to communicate in English. It will help you find solutions for any problem and do your homework in English.

Many people often ask: "How long does it take to learn English?". There cannot be a clear answer. In some schools, language learning begins in grade 2, in others from grade 5. In the 11th grade, education also does not end. It continues after graduating from school - at the university, institute. One thing is for sure, if you use gdz in English, then the time for doing homework will be much less. But you need to resort to the help of the GDZ when the student really has difficulty, and not every time when homework was given to the house.

Modern teaching aids consist not only of textbooks. There are also books to read and workbooks, such as Klementieva's Happy English series for different grades. If possible, you can listen to the radio, or use the Internet to immerse yourself in the environment as much as possible, for better language acquisition, or use the GDZ in English.

In our database GDZ in English There are ready-made tasks for schoolchildren from grade 5 to grade 11. There is also a mobile version of the site, created specifically for access from phones and smartphones. Access to the GDZ catalog in English is absolutely free and without SMS.

Welcome to our site, friends!

Images of textbook covers are shown on the pages of this site solely as illustrative material (Article 1274, paragraph 1 of the fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)


Effective learning of English using GDZ

  • The study of English is one of those tasks that will be solved by students without fail within the framework of secondary school and after it. It is especially relevant and topical after the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, which establishes the mandatory study of two foreign languages ​​as part of the school curriculum. In this regard, English as the main or additional language is studied in all schools of the country without exception. To cope with this task, to solve it as competently as possible, high-quality teaching aids and solution books for them will help.
  • Choose the right kit and start training on GDZ can be in any classroom. In elementary school, subject teachers, parents, tutors and leaders of language courses and circles can help students solve this problem. Subsequently, middle and high school students will be able to cope with such a task on their own. In any case, when organizing such training according to collections of ready-made homework assignments, one should focus on:
    - their tasks and goals - to "bring up" knowledge and get a higher current and final score in English, prepare and participate, win language olympiads and competitions held at out-of-school and school sites, pass the OGE / Unified State Examination in discipline in the final grades;
    - basic level of knowledge, the possibility of attracting additional assistance and its need, responsibility, interest in the subject, purposefulness;
    - the amount of time that can and will be spent on effective and efficient training.
  • The basic principles of working with collections are as follows:
    - consistency;
    - complexity;
    - compiling a high-quality set of educational literature;
    - regular work;
    - carrying out self-examination, self-control of results, adjustment of plans, identification of problems, tracking the dynamics of results.
  • Among the useful literature, in addition to the basic textbooks within the framework of the applied program, teaching materials in English, are:
    - workbooks on discipline;
    - Exercise books on the subject;
    - KIMs in English;
    - other collections of workshops.
    Among the authors who are most popular with schoolchildren and their teachers are Dulya, Biboletova, Dvoretskaya, Afanasyeva, Baranova, Lapa, Kuzovlev, Kaufman and others.
  • Some of the presented collections are universal, suitable for any teaching materials in English, others come with workshops for a better and more complete, in-depth mastering of the course material.

Especially for students in grades 10-11, a solution book in English was published, the authors of which were V.P. Kuzovlev, N.M. Lapa and E.Sh. Peregudov. Their GDZ collection fully complies with all the requirements provided by educational institutions. The authors creatively approached the design of the solution book, added some of their comments to the ready-made answers.

GDZ give graduates the opportunity to independently check their homework and deal with all identified errors. In addition, students can easily understand the solution of non-standard exercises and tasks of an increased level of complexity. Such benefits develop the child's analytical ability, ingenuity, train memory and creative thinking. Schoolchildren develop a sense of language and develop communication skills.

Ready homework thoroughly work through all the exercises of the textbook (Students book). Students will find solutions to tasks from the Grammar block, they will also deal with exercises from Comprehension and Reading. The authors also solve all thematic crossword puzzles, provide full translations of texts, solve test tasks and offer some options for writing creative tasks for sections of the school textbook.

Collection GDZ in English for grades 10-11 Kuzovlev includes seven parts, which are further subdivided into sections. The first part of How Different the World is will convey to schoolchildren how diverse and beautiful our world is. The next part addresses the question of the democracy of the West, where every student will be able to express their opinion (Western Democracies. Are They Democratic?). The third part tells about modern fashion (What is Hot with the Young Generation?). The fourth part will bring the answer to the question: is it easy to be young? (Is it Easy to Be Young?). Next, tenth graders will be able to discuss the topic: is the System of Social Welfare Fair? The sixth part will reveal the essence of our entertainment and help you learn to relax (What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves?). And from the seventh part, students will learn about the inventions that shocked the world (Inventions That Shook the World).

The exercises are solved in the order laid down in the original edition. The authors took the liberty of giving some useful advice and recommendations that students will find in ready-made answers. All material is presented in an accessible form that will be understandable to any reader.

GDZ to the book for reading (Reader) in English grade 10-11 Kuzovlev V.P. can be downloaded.