City psychological and pedagogical center. City Psychological and Pedagogical Center Oltarzhevskaya Love Evgenievna Department of Education

  • 1,944 people - Work on organizing the activities of creative teams, studios, circles, sections, amateur associations W 0
  • 1 person - Work on maintaining (filling) the information public space on the Internet W 0
  • 600 people - Implementation of advanced training programs in the amount of 72 to 144 hours in full-time for students with the exception of students with disabilities W 0
  • 11 people - Implementation of educational programs of pre-school education for disabled children with musculoskeletal disorders, blind and visually impaired, in the middle group of short-term stay (from 3 to 5 years), as well as the provision of care and supervision services. S0
  • 4 people - Implementation of educational programs of pre-school education for disabled children with musculoskeletal disorders, the blind and visually impaired, in the senior group of short-term stay (from 5 years), as well as the provision of care and supervision services. S0
  • 36 people - Implementation of educational programs of preschool education for disabled children, with the exception of disabled people with disabilities, blind and visually impaired, in the middle group of short-term stay (from 3 to 5 years), as well as the provision of care and supervision services. S0
  • 18 people - Implementation of educational programs of pre-school education for disabled children, with the exception of disabled people with disabilities, the blind and visually impaired, in the senior group of short-term stay (from 5 years), as well as the provision of care and supervision services. S0
  • 188 people - Implementation of educational programs of pre-school education for children with the exception of children with disabilities in the younger group of short-term stay (up to 3 years), as well as the provision of care and supervision services. S0
  • 119 people - Implementation of educational programs of pre-school education for children with the exception of disabled children in the middle group of short-term stay (from 3 to 5 years), as well as the provision of care and supervision services. S0
  • 120 people - Implementation of educational programs of preschool education for children, with the exception of disabled children in the senior group of short-term stay (from 5 years), as well as the provision of care and supervision services. S0
  • 22 people - Implementation of educational programs of pre-school education for disabled children, with the exception of disabled people with disabilities, the blind and visually impaired, in the younger group of short-term stay (up to 3 years), as well as the provision of care and supervision services. S0
  • 3 people - Implementation of educational programs of preschool education for disabled children, with the exception of disabled people with disabilities, blind and visually impaired, in the middle group of long-term stay (from 3 to 5 years), as well as the provision of care and supervision services. S0
  • 1 person - Work on acquisition and accounting of library funds W 9
  • 1 person - Organization and holding of intellectual and creative competitive events aimed at identifying and supporting children who have shown outstanding abilities W 8
  • 1 person - Comprehensive monitoring of the quality of education W 7
  • 9,004 people - Organizational, methodological and informational support for the activities of organizations and their employees W 6
  • 300,000 people - Organization and holding of festivals, reviews, competitions, other mass cultural, public, socially significant events W 5
  • 132,100 people - Conducting psychological and pedagogical counseling for students, their parents (legal representatives) and teachers W 4
  • 9,539 people - Provision of psychological and pedagogical support and methodological assistance to organizations engaged in educational activities for students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic general education programs W 3
  • 1 person - Organization of the provision of education to persons who have shown outstanding abilities, as well as persons who have achieved success in educational activities W 2
  • 21 people - Conducting seminars, round tables, meetings, conferences, teleconferences, forums, strategic sessions, symposiums, review competitions, exhibitions on labor protection, participation in the organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences, master classes W 1
  • 11 people - Implementation of supervision and care, implementation of educational programs of preschool education for children, with the exception of students of the number of disabled children in the middle group (from 3 to 5 years) of long stay S 5
  • 7 people - Implementation of supervision and care, implementation of educational programs of preschool education for disabled children, with the exception of children with disabilities with a violation of the musculoskeletal system, the blind and visually impaired in the senior group (from 5 to 7 years) of long stay S 4
  • 50 people - Implementation of supervision and care, implementation of educational programs of preschool education for children, with the exception of students from among disabled children in the senior group (from 5 to 7 years) of long stay S 3
  • 139 people - Provision of social conditions of education for students with disabilities S 2
  • 91,000 people - Provision of psychological and pedagogical medical and social assistance to students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic general education programs, their development and social adaptation S 1

Financial indicators

Year of latest information - 2015

Employees at the beginning of the year - 2500.00 people

Employees at the end of the year - 1538.00 people

The average salary is 51,384.80 rubles.

Expenses - 1,276,561,152.00 rubles.

Total income - 1,146,965,376.15 rubles.

  • Subsidies for the implementation of the state task - 1,108,366,546.88
  • Target subsidies - 6,725,503.66
  • Budget investments - 0.00
  • Paid services and other activities - 31,873,325.61

Real estate - RUB 3,141,012

Movable property - 150,247 rubles.

Real estate area - 45.841 m2

Income from property - 0 rubles.

Budget expenditures, rub

  • 1,211,862,612 - Compensation and accruals on payroll payments
  • 2,214,016 - Communication services
  • 1,197,956 - Transport services
  • 27,769,813 - Utilities
  • 0 - Rent for the use of the property
  • 25,857,161 - Works, property maintenance services
  • 317,164 - Increase in the value of fixed assets
  • 0 - Increase in the value of intangible assets
  • 7,342,430 - Increase in the cost of inventories


TIN - 7726317748

Checkpoint - 772101001

OGRN - 1037739386717

OKFS - Property of the subjects of the Russian Federation 13

OKOPF - State budgetary institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation 75203

OKTMO - municipal district of Nagatino-Sadovniki 45918000

OKPO - 49936629

Registrar - City of Moscow the capital of the Russian Federation city of federal significance

Registrar OKTMO - Municipal formations of the city of Moscow (the capital of the Russian Federation, the city of federal significance) 45000000

Registrar OKATO - City of Moscow capital of the Russian Federation city of federal significance 45000000000

  • Pre-school education 85.11 C
2329. Repeated. The previous message was published in No. 24(536) dated 06/24/2015. State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support "Interaction" Director Kovalev Evgeny Valeryevich) notifies that on May 26, 2015, the Department of Education of the City of Moscow (Order No. and social assistance "Vostochny" (OGRN 5147746224104, TIN 7719892497, KPP 771901001, location: Moscow, Shcherbakovskaya st., 20), Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow (OGRN 1027739808216, TIN 7735078849, checkpoint 773501001, location: Moscow, Zelenograd, building 1554), State th budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support" "Live Streams" (Primary State Registration Number 1037739627881, TIN 7731174397, KPP 773101001, location: Moscow, Osenniy Blvd., Building 16 Building 6), State Budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow, the diagnostic and consulting center "Participation", (OGRN 1077760627779, TIN 7716587167, KPP 771601001, location: Moscow, st. Lenskaya, d. 4), State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education of the City of Moscow "Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction "Irida" , building 2), the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support "North-West" ), the State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow "The District Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance "Severny" institutions of the city of Moscow "Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction" Peasant Outpost ", (OGRN 104779705 1796, TIN 7705637521, KPP 772301001, location: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, 27/2), State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance "Center for Career Guidance "Gagarinsky" house 30, building 3), Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance "South-West" of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow (Primary State Registration Number 1147746219653, TIN 7728871983, KPP 772801001, location: Moscow, Generala Antonov St., 5A), State budgetary educational institution of additional education of the city of Moscow "Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction" Yasenevo ", (Primary State Registration Number 1027739836035, TIN 7728242262, KPP 772801001, location: Moscow, Novoyasenevsky Prospect, 12, building 4), State Budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow district center for psychological, medical and social support (OGRN 11 27746731771, TIN 7708770352, checkpoint 770801001, location: Moscow, Orlikov pereulok, 8). Claims of creditors may be submitted no later than 30 days from the date of the last publication of the notice of reorganization at the address: 115201, Moscow, Kashirsky pr-d, 7. The notice was published in the journal State Registration Bulletin (http://www.vestnik


BCBA behavioral analyst, specialist in inclusive education (USA) Marina Azimova talks about educational models and technologies for children with autism, tutor qualifications, working with parents, inclusive education, ABA classes and much more.


On October 17, 2018, within the framework of the "WEB-council" project, a webinar "Resource School Resources: A Territory of Success for Everyone" was held, dedicated to the education of children with disabilities in the city of Moscow. Since 2016, the Resource School project has been implemented in the metropolitan education system in order to create a holistic support system for students with special educational needs in the city. The City Psychological and Pedagogical Center is the operator of this project. This academic year, 61 schools will take part in the project. Web council experts spoke about the project and presented best practices in organizing the educational process for children with disabilities in the modern city space.


As part of the Web Council project, a webinar was held on the topic “Alternative communication: “I can communicate!”, Dedicated to the issues of communication and adaptation in the society of people with developmental disabilities. The life of a modern person is impossible without communication. The ability to communicate is essential in both our personal and professional lives. It helps to establish good relations in society, achieve certain professional goals, build a personal life. And what about those people who, due to the peculiarities of the perception of the world, cannot communicate with others in the form we are used to? Is it possible to communicate with others not through speech, but through other alternative systems?​


What is reading? What is its importance in the development of a growing person? Why is it the foundation of all foundations? Specialists of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center, together with invited experts, answered these and other questions at the webinar "Reading is the basis of all the basics", dedicated to the formation of reading skills in modern children. Interest in books should be developed from an early age. The value of books for a child is very great: they introduce children to nature, the world around them, human feelings ... But, unfortunately, modern children spend more and more time at a computer, TV, tablets and phones, so interest in reading is noticeably declining. How can you develop a love of reading in your child? WEB-council experts agreed that, first of all, a parent should love to read! Speech therapist teacher of school No. 460 in Moscow Natalia Svobodina, senior methodologist of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center Antonina Romanova and head of the department of methodological and innovative activities of the GPPC Elena Ushakova, together with colleagues from Volgograd who connected to the webinar, also discussed the types of existing reading disorders, commented on popular methods and techniques (global reading, speed reading) and gave professional recommendations on the effective formation of reading skills in children of different ages with different educational needs. The webinar was attended by listeners from 36 cities of the Russian Federation, as well as from near and far abroad countries (Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the USA): the total number of listeners exceeded 1500 people! The participants actively supported the “feedback”: they asked the experts their questions during the webinar, and also left rave reviews upon its completion. Recall that the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center regularly holds free webinars as part of the WEB-Council project, where specialists answer topical issues of education, development and upbringing of children, highlight the experience of the capital. Follow the webinar announcements on our website.


On September 20, 2017, the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center of the DOGM hosted a webinar "Small Steps to the Big World", dedicated to organizing the work of early intervention services in Moscow! The Early Assistance Service helps every "special" child to learn more about the world around him, to develop, to master life skills!


On February 15, 2017, within the framework of the "Web Council" project, the Center hosted a webinar on the topic "Psychological and pedagogical consultation: from A to Z". The webinar was attended by:

  • Ushakova ElenaVictorovna- Head of the department of methodological and innovative activities of the GPPC DOgM, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor.
  • Vilshanskaya Adela Damirovna - head of the structural subdivision of the State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School No. 2110" Multidisciplinary educational complex "Maryino", teacher-defectologist, candidate of pedagogical sciences.
  • Kutepova Elena Nikolaevna- Deputy Director of the Institute of Problems of Inclusive Education of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
  • Epihina Elena Yurievna- Educational psychologist of the Social and Psychological Support Service of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "School 2044".
During the webinar, our experts answered the following questions:
  • What is a Psychological and Pedagogical Council (PPK)? What are its goals and objectives?
  • What are the differences and similarities between the activities of the PMPK and the PPK?
  • Does every educational organization have to create a PPK?
  • What local acts need to consolidate the activities of the PPK in educational organizations?
  • What specialists are included in the PPK?
  • What are the features of the organization of the activities of the PPK?
  • What are the possibilities of network cooperation of support specialists in the conditions of modern educational space?
  • What problems and questions can be addressed to the PPK specialists?
  • How can I sign up for PPK?
  • What is the performance of the PPK?


On January 11, 2017, within the framework of the "Web Council" project, the Center hosted a webinar on the topic "Speech therapist-wizard: speech therapy assistance in modern conditions." The webinar was attended by:

  • Oltarzhevskaya Lyubov Evgenievna, director of the GPPC DOgM, candidate of pedagogical sciences.
  • Ushakova Elena Viktorovna, head of the department of methodological and innovative activities of the GPPC DOgM, candidate of psychological sciences.
  • Tumanova Tatiana Volodarovna, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, academician, full member of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences.
  • Presnova Olga Viktorovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Methodist
During the webinar, the participants discussed the educational standard, which opens up wide opportunities for teaching children with speech impairments in an inclusive education environment. The Federal State Educational Standard for HVD guarantees the creation of special educational conditions for children with severe speech disorders, as well as a special system of interaction between specialists of an educational organization in the framework of establishing meta-subject links for the effective education of students in this category. The participants of the meeting considered the features of two adapted basic general education programs (AEP) for students with severe speech disorders, and identified their differences. In addition, the participants of the web-council answered a number of important questions that the audience of the webinar asked in the chat:
  • By what signs can you determine that a child has speech development disorders?
  • At what age should you seek professional help?
  • What speech disorders are most common in preschool age?
  • What should parents do to properly and timely develop their child's speech?
  • How to organize speech therapy assistance in a public institution?
  • What to do if a child with severe speech impairment comes to school?
  • What technologies and methods of work can a speech therapist use in his classes?
The lively response of the audience showed that the topic under discussion is extremely relevant not only for specialists and heads of educational organizations teaching children with severe speech disorders, but also for parents of schoolchildren with special educational needs who need correctional and pedagogical classes. In total, more than 900 people from different regions of the Russian Federation took part in the web-council.


On December 5-7, 2016, specialists from the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center and educational organizations of the city of Moscow, implementing inclusive practices, introduced the participants of the seminar to innovative models of education, upbringing and vocational guidance for children with disabilities/disabilities. On the first day of the workshop, December 5, 2016, curator of inclusive education GBOU Moscow "School No. 1321 "Ark" Natalia Borisova introduced the participants to the “School for All” model of inclusive education, which includes the activities of the psychological and pedagogical support service, methodological support for the inclusive educational process, organization of extracurricular activities and additional education. On the second day of the event, December 6, 2016, head of the structural unit of inclusive and integrated education GBOU of Moscow "School No. 2110" Multidisciplinary educational complex "Maryino" Adela Vilshanskaya presented variable models for building individual educational routes for children with disabilities/disabilities in an inclusive school. On the final day of the workshop, December 7, 2016, director GBPOU of Moscow "College of Small Business No. 4" Tamara Antonova told the participants about the vocational guidance of a child with disabilities / disabilities, the effectiveness and ways of developing vocational guidance inclusive practice. Experts and leading events:

  • Director of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow Lyubov Oltarzhevskaya
  • Head of the Department for Supporting the Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Olga Yegupova
  • seminar leader Elena Ushakova


On November 16, 2016, within the framework of the WEB-council project, a webinar was held on the topic: "Caught in the Net: A Teenager on the Internet". There is a constant expansion of the information and living space of the younger generation. The modern Internet generation has unlimited possibilities for obtaining and processing information. At the same time, thanks to open and comprehensive information on the Internet, children have become hostages of the virtual world. Teenagers do not just use the Internet, they live in it, this is their habitat. WEB-council experts:

  1. Seredenko Nina Vladimirovna - Deputy Director of the GPPC DOgM, Candidate of Medical Sciences
  2. Vasilyeva Natalya Nikolaevna - senior methodologist of the Emergency Psychological Aid Service of the HPPTs DOgM
  3. Prokopishin Rostislav Alexandrovich - methodologist of TO Basmannoe GPPTs DOgM
Webinar host:
  1. Ushakova Elena Viktorovna - Head of the Department of Methodological and Innovative Activities of the GPPC DOgM, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor


On October 12, 2016, within the framework of the WEB-council project, a webinar was held on the topic: “ Adapted basic general education program: from design to implementation”. All children with disabilities and disabilities have special educational needs. Therefore, it is necessary to create special conditions for them to receive education. Among these conditions, much attention is paid to the adaptation of educational material, the development of educational programs for both a particular student and a group of children. The creation of adapted programs for managers, specialists and teachers of educational organizations raises a large number of questions:

  • Is the educational organization developing an Adapted Core General Education Program or an Adapted Education Program?
  • Who develops AOOP?
  • What is the structure of AOOP?
  • Is AOOP designed for one student or for a group/class?
  • Is there a need for external review and AOOP approval?
  • Is it possible to develop only a Program of Correctional Work for a child and not write AOOP?
Experts of our Center:
  • Seredenko Nina Vladimirovna Deputy Director of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • Egupova Olga Vladimirovna senior methodologist at the Laboratory for the Development of Inclusive Practices.
Guest of our WEB-council:
  • Eremina Anna Alexandrovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Webinar host:
  • Ushakova Elena Viktorovna


On September 14, 2016, within the framework of the "Web Council" project, a webinar was held on the topic " Federal State Educational Standard for Children with Disabilities: Expansion of Educational Opportunities, New Prospects for Development" The topic is extremely relevant for specialists and heads of educational organizations teaching children with disabilities, as well as for parents of schoolchildren with special educational needs. The new educational standard opens up wide opportunities for teaching all categories of children and is a major milestone in the development of the national education system. GEF HVD guarantees the creation of special educational conditions for each child. However, in practice, the introduction of educational standards raises a huge number of questions:

  • Is the school obligated to accept any child at the place of residence?
  • How to teach a child according to an adapted basic general education program?
  • Who decides what type of program is suitable for the student and what special educational conditions he needs to master it?
  • Is it possible to transfer a child from one program option to another?
  • What to do if there are no specialists in the educational organization to provide corrective assistance to the child?
  • What is a mobile e-school and what are its capabilities in teaching children with special educational opportunities?
Experts of our Center:
  • Oltarzhevskaya Lyubov Evgenievna
  • Egupova Olga Vladimirovna– senior methodologist of the Laboratory for the Development of Inclusive Practices
Guest of our WEB-council:
  • Solovieva Tatyana Alexandrovna Director of the Institute of Childhood of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Webinar host:
  • Ushakova Elena- Head of the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Innovations of the GPPC DOgM, Candidate of Psychological Sciences.


  • Aleksandrov Mikhail Fedorovich 1999-1998 - teacher-psychologist of the TO "Otradnoe", laureate of the All-Russian competition of psychological and pedagogical programs "New technologies for the "New School".
  • Pershina Tatyana Vladimirovna– educational psychologist; family systemic therapist, head of the Tverskoye TO;
  • - Director of the GPPC DOgM, candidate of pedagogical sciences.
  • Elena Viktorovna Ushakova- Head of the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Innovations of the GPPC DOgM, Candidate of Psychological Sciences.


  • Medvedkova Olga Leonidovna- candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the territorial branch "Khoroshevo-Mnevniki" of the State Budgetary Institution GPPTs DOgM
  • Kondrashkin Artem Vladimirovich- Ph.D., teacher-psychologist of the territorial branch "Taganskoye" of the State Budgetary Institution of the State Budgetary Educational Center of the DogM
  • Lyubov Oltarzhevskaya- Director of the GPPC DOgM, candidate of pedagogical sciences.
  • Elena Ushakova- Head of the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Innovations of the GPPC DOgM, Candidate of Psychological Sciences.


  • Nina Seredenko- Deputy Director of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • Elena Ushakova- Head of the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Innovations of the GPPC DOgM, Candidate of Psychological Sciences.
  • psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the territorial department of the SEPC "Zelenogradskoe" Yuri Belekhov;
  • teacher-psychologist, member of the organizing committee of tournaments of intellectual creativity "Convince Me", "Storytellers and Dreamers", "Green Noise" Tatyana Korablina.


  • Nina Vladimirovna Seredenko- Deputy Director of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
  • Elena Viktorovna Ushakova- Head of the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Innovations of the GPPC DOgM, Candidate of Psychological Sciences.
  • Olga Viktorovna Abramova, teacher-psychologist, senior methodologist of the territorial branch "Chertanovo" of the State Budgetary Institution of the State Budgetary Educational Center of the DogM
  • Kirill Daniilovich Khlomov, candidate of psychological sciences, head of the structural unit "Taganskoe" (direction "Crossroads") of the State Budgetary Institution GPPTs DOgM



  • Olga Yegupova- a certified specialist in NUMIKON technology in the Russian Federation, head of the "Laboratory for the Development of Inclusive Practices" of the GPPC DOgM
  • Kurbanov Rustam Anverovich, head of the TO "Ostankinskoye" GPPTs DOgM, teacher-psychologist of the highest qualification category, teacher of developmental psychology, author of scientific and practical publications.
  • Lyubov Oltarzhevskaya- Director of the GPPC DOgM, candidate of pedagogical sciences.
  • Elena Ushakova- Head of the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Innovations of the GPPC DOgM, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor.


  • Lyubov Evgenievna Oltarzhevskaya- Head of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center of the Department of Education of Moscow;
  • Elena Viktorovna Ushakova- Head of the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Innovations of the GPPTs DOgM.
  • Irina Vladimirovna Vshivkova– senior methodologist of the Donskoye territorial branch, project manager for interaction with parents in the context of a centralized model of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with learning difficulties;
  • Kudlenok Victoria Evgenievna- mother of a disabled child, member of MGARDI, NGO "Contact".

Project working group (2017 - 2018)

Project Manager

Project working group

Project working group (2016 - 2017)

Project Manager

Project working group