Famous graduates of RSU. Russian State University for the Humanities

    "RGGU" redirects here. See also other meanings. Year of foundation 1991 Rector ... Wikipedia

    Russian State Humanitarian University (Miusskaya Square, 6). It was formed in March 1991 on the basis of the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute (MGIAI, since 1932; founded in 1930 as the Institute of Archival Studies). The history of the institute is connected with the activities of Academicians S.B. Veselovsky, Yu.V. Gauthier, ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    Russian State University for the Humanities- Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Russian State University for the Humanities- Moscow, Miusskaya Square, 6. Psychology, social anthropology. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. S. 473) See also Universities Ch489.514(2)7 ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU)- (, 6). It was formed in March 1991 on the basis of the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute (MGIAI, since 1932; founded in 1930 as the Institute of Archival Studies). The history of the institute is connected with the activities of academicians, Yu.V. Gauthier, L.V. Cherepnin, professors ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    Russian State Agrarian University- Moscow Agricultural Academy named after Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev (RGAU Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev) ... Wikipedia

    Russian State Hydrometeorological University- (RGGMU) Year of foundation 1930 ... Wikipedia

    Russian State Social University- The style of this article is not encyclopedic or violates the norms of the Russian language. The article should be corrected according to the stylistic rules of Wikipedia ... Wikipedia

    Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze- (MGRI RGGRU) Former names MGGRU, MGGA, MGRI Motto Mente et Malleo (mind and hammer) ... Wikipedia

    Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen- (RGPU named after A.I. Herzen) ... Wikipedia


  • Russian-Azerbaijani relations. The end of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century, Pivovar E.I. , In the monograph, for the first time, based on a wide range of sources, the twenty-year history of the formation and development of relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan is recreated, as in ... Series: Publisher: Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), Buy for 866 rubles
  • "Walls and bridges" - III. The history of the emergence and development of the idea of ​​interdisciplinarity. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities, April 25-26, 2014. Grif of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Savelyeva Irina Maksimovna, The collection includes materials from the III annual International Scientific Conference 171; Walls and Bridges 187;: the history of the emergence and development of the idea of ​​interdisciplinarity that took place in the Russian ... Series: Publisher:

Are you talented and ambitious? Are you full of ideas and desire to develop? Do you want to get a decent education that will open up many opportunities for you and help you become a good, highly paid specialist?..Then run away from the RSUH and don't look back.
Here, for a lot of money, they will instill in you an aversion to learning, play a polka on your nerves, make a mess in your head and turn you into an inert, tired of life and no longer wanting or understanding vegetable. This is the main stratum of the population of the Russian State Humanitarian University - vegetables with a taste of bullying and bio-garbage. Maybe once these individuals had potential, craving for knowledge, dreams ... Now, drowning in the swamp of degradation, they fill their heads with tons of useless and incoherent information, completely unaware of what they spend their lives on and what to do with it. farther. They have no lofty goals, no understanding and meaning of life. They float like a dead gray mass in the hope that a small cardboard square, indicating a "higher" education, will somehow increase their chance of getting a job. Their best prospect is sorting through papers in some office or frying cutlets in an eatery. In the RSUH student employment department itself, McDonald's and libraries are a priority.

The exception is the rare owners of bright minds who achieve success through self-education or a punchy character.

Corruption blooms and smells, shamelessly scattering its petals on the faces of students, covering the broth of Doshirak on their cheeks.
Moving along the corridors and stairs of this Nedohogvards, sometimes a convinced atheist involuntarily prays that the granite of knowledge does not fall from the ceiling of the crumbling university and crush his already depressed being. Legend has it that if you look into one of the cracks in the wall, you can see Moses. And sometimes, if you're lucky, among the local toilets, exuding a grave cold and no less grave stench, you can even notice the ghost of an exciting student life and interesting events of the Russian State University for the Humanities...

Pluses are not pampered here, but they are still there ... Delicious and relatively inexpensive food in the dining room. Some really good teachers. Preparation of good historians. Few, but produced. Also, languages ​​are strong here. Perhaps everything.

For the money that the RSUH asks, you can buy excellent courses, hire tutors and master almost any profession on your own. Preserving self-respect and nerve cells. If you want to get at least some kind of diploma, especially without straining intellectually and with the opportunity to skip couples to your heart's content - RSUH is waiting for you! You can show up once a year, have only threes and retake items a bunch of times, you will not be expelled as long as you pay.

Appreciate your life, respect yourself and remember that life is too short to waste it on the RSUH.

09 Mendeleevskaya 05 Belarusian 02 Belarusian

Russian State Humanitarian University(RGGU) - one of the leading humanitarian universities in Russia in the field of humanitarian and social areas, a higher educational institution in Moscow.


The Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) was organized in March 1991 on the basis of.

Another component that joined the RSUH was the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky - one of the most progressive pre-revolutionary higher educational institutions, open to people of all classes and sexes (existed from 1919 to 1919). From 1932, the Shanyavsky University was reorganized into the "Ya. M. Sverdlov Communist University". From 1939 to 1939, the same university was renamed the Higher Communist Agricultural University, from 1991 it was called the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Thus, the new university occupied the historic building of the Shanyavsky University on Miusskaya Square as the main one, becoming the successor to the Higher Party School. The building of the Historical and Archival Institute on Nikolskaya Street also became an equal part of the territorial structure of the university.

In the mid-2010s, it turned out that a “hole” of 238 million rubles had formed in the university’s budget, and as a result, a reduction in the number of teaching staff began. On September 16, 2016, 12 employees quit en masse from the Institute of Psychology due to the plans of the new rector of the university, Yevgeny Ivakhnenko, to optimize the staff and increase the load on teachers. The practice of introducing annual contracts with teachers has spread in the university, and the load on the teaching staff has reached 900 hours per year (and 600 hours of extracurricular work) .

Since September 2017, the post of acting rector, who replaced E.N. Ivakhnenko, is occupied by A. B. Bezborodov, who has taken a course to increase the position of the university in the ranking of higher educational institutions in Russia. The widespread practice of one-year contracts with teachers was abolished, and the load on the teaching staff was reduced. By order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in September 2018, he was appointed Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

In 2018, according to the RAEX rating, RSUH entered the top 10 universities in the field of "Humanitarian and social areas". One of the criteria was the cooperation of universities with the world's leading educational organizations, in this area the Russian State University for the Humanities demonstrated a confident leading position.


The Russian State Humanitarian University trains students in 39 professional educational programs of bachelor's and 28 master's programs, including: documentation and archiving, international relations, oriental and African studies, cultural studies, religious studies, history, sociology, political science, art history, museology, management, tourism, advertising and public relations, economics, philosophy, philology, psychology, intellectual systems in the humanities, journalism and many others.

More than 15 thousand students study at RSUH. The teaching staff of the university includes more than 600 full-time teachers and about 200 part-time workers, specialists from institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities in Moscow and other scientific institutions, both domestic and invited specialists from abroad. More than 70 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and foreign academies, more than 200 professors and doctors, more than 500 candidates of sciences work at RSUH.

  • Institute of Economics, Management and Law
  • Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky
  • Institute of Mass Media
  • Institute of Linguistics
  • Institute of Information Science and Security Technologies
  • Institute of Philology and History
  • Institute of Post-Soviet and Interregional Studies
  • Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity
  • Institute of Higher Humanitarian Studies named after E.A. Meletinsky
  • International Institute of New Educational Technologies

In addition, there are 3 university-wide faculties (sociological, philosophical, art history), 7 university-wide departments, 8 university-wide educational and scientific and scientific centers, 17 international educational and scientific centers.

Also at the Russian State University for the Humanities there are the Institute of Additional Education, the Humanitarian College, the Educational Art Museum, created jointly with the State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin, Scientific Library, Center for Acquisition of Russian Universities Libraries with Foreign Literature, Center for Conservation of Documents of Russian Universities Libraries.

Historical and Archival Institute

The Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State Humanitarian University (IAI RGGU) is a structural unit within the Russian State Humanitarian University, the successor of the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute (MGIAI), founded in 1930. Director - Dr. ist. Sciences, Professor A. B. Bezborodov. The Institute includes: Faculty of Archives; faculty of document management and technotronic archives; Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities, including Yu. V. Knorozov; Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies, Higher School of Records and Archiving.

Institute of Economics, Management and Law Institute of Information Sciences and Security Technologies

Consists of the Faculty of Information Systems and Security (FISB).

Institute of Philology and History

The Institute includes: Faculty of History and Philology; Department of Translation Studies and Practice of Translation; Department of literature, theater and cinema.

Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity

The institute includes: Center for Comparative Studies of the Cultures of East and West; Center for Comparative Studies; Center for Antiquities; Center for Oriental and Hellenistic Archeology; Center for Ancient Oriental Studies; Memorial office-library of academician V. N. Toporov; as well as 5 departments.

Institute of New Educational Technologies

The Institute includes: Educational and Scientific Center for the Development of Information and Educational Projects; Educational and Scientific Center for Advanced Media Technologies; Center for network broadcasting, maintenance and information support of the complex of multimedia classes; educational and scientific laboratory of developing technologies; laboratory of system integration of educational space; Laboratory for Informatics, Mechatronics and Sensorics; laboratory of technical teaching aids.

Russian anthropological school

Educational and Scientific Institute "Russian Anthropological School" was founded in 2003 on the basis of the seminar "Cognitive Problems of Anthropology". RAS is a stage in the implementation of the plan of Academician Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov to create an educational and scientific structure that integrates various humanities and related disciplines of logical-mathematical and biological knowledge.

The Institute holds annual conferences on visual studies, annual summer schools, international conferences: "Metaphor and Method" (April 29-30, 2004), "Translation: Concepts and Practices" (June 18-19, 2004), "Actual Mythologies" (16- November 17, 2006), "Traces of a Dream: Dreaming in Philosophy, Psychology, Art" (December 13-14, 2007).

The almanac "Proceedings of the Russian Anthropological School" is published annually, monographs are published.

Department of Sociocultural Studies

Created in 2013, the head of the department is Galina Ivanovna Zvereva. The department includes the Department of History and Theory of Culture, the Educational and Scientific Center for Socio-Cultural Projects and the School of Informal Humanitarian Education "Cultural Dimension". Preparation of bachelors in the areas of "Culture of Russia", "Culture of Europe", "Culture of Mass Communications", as well as masters in the programs "Culture of Media" and "Cultural Studies of the 20th Century". Among the teachers of OSKI are O. V. Gavrishina, K. Yu. Yerusalimsky, I. V. Kondakov, O. V. Moroz, E. I. Nesterova, A. A. Oleinikov, E. E. Savitsky, I. G. Yakovenko. OSKI holds annually in mid-April a conference "Modern Methods of Cultural Studies".

All-university faculties

  • Faculty of Philosophy. The dean of the faculty is Valery Dmitrievich Gubin. The faculty includes: Department of History of National Philosophy (Head - Vyacheslav Serbinenko); Department of Contemporary Problems of Philosophy (Head - Vladimir Filatov); Department of Social Philosophy (Head Evgeny Ivakhnenko); Department of History of Foreign Philosophy (Head - Valery Gubin); Center for Phenomenological Research (Head - Viktor Molchanov); Center for Historians of Russian Philosophy. V. V. Zenkovsky (chairman - Vyacheslav Serbinenko); experimental educational and scientific laboratory "Dialogue of cultures" (head - Anatoly Akhutin).
  • Faculty of Sociology. Dean - Zhan Terentyevich Toshchenko. The faculty includes: Department of Theory and History of Sociology; Department of Applied Sociology; Department of Political Sociology; base department of VTsIOM; center of sociological research.
  • Faculty of Art History. Until 1999 - Faculty of "Museology". Dean - Vladimir Alekseevich Kolotaev. The faculty includes: the department "Higher School of Restoration"; Department of Art History of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages; Department of Theory and History of Art of Modern and Contemporary Times; department of museology; Department of Cinema and Contemporary Art; training center "Art Design"; Higher School of Art Practices and Museum Technologies.
  • Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations. And about. Dean - Alan Lazarevich Abaev. The faculty includes: Department of Marketing and Advertising; Department of Theory and Practice of Public Relations.

All-university departments

  • Department of Post-Soviet Countries Abroad
  • Department of History of Science
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Applied Foreign Languages ​​"International Specializations"
  • Department of Physical Education
  • Civil Defense Group
All-university educational and scientific and scientific centers
  • Center for the Study of Religions
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Social Anthropology
  • Center "Society of Historians of Russian Philosophy" V.V. Zenkovsky
  • Center for the Study of the Culture of the Peoples of Siberia
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Visual Anthropology and Egohistory
  • Scientific and Educational Center for Cognitive Programs and Technologies
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Typology and Semiotics of Folklore
  • Educational and Scientific Institute of Russian History
  • Educational and Scientific Mesoamerican Center. Yu.V. Knorozov
International educational and scientific centers
  • Educational and Scientific Mesoamerican Center. Yu.V. Knorozov
  • Russian American Center for Biblical and Judaic Studies
  • Russian-American Educational and Scientific Center
  • Center for Research, Education and Culture "Moscow-Quebec"
  • Russian-Swiss Educational and Scientific Center
  • Russian-German Educational and Scientific Center
  • Russian-French Center for Historical Anthropology. Mark Blok
  • Russian-Italian Educational and Scientific Center
  • Benelux Center
  • Russian-Swedish Educational and Scientific Center
  • Russian-Turkish Educational and Scientific Center
  • Educational and Scientific Center of Iranian Studies
  • Educational-Scientific Center of Egyptology. V.S. Golenishcheva
  • Graduate School of European Cultures
  • Educational and Scientific Center of the Russian Language
  • International Research and Training Center for South Asian Studies



RSUH is a partner of the Russian Intellectual Resources program, so every year the university graduates a large number of graduates, who then go to work in leading Russian and foreign companies, as well as in public administration. Among the graduates of the RSUH, such famous personalities can be distinguished as: Tina Kandelaki, Maxim Galkin, Andrey Malakhov, Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC), Dmitry Borisov, Lyudmila Alyabyeva, Petr Osipov, Yuri Lander, Alexander Malkin, David Belozerov and others.


The dissertation council on economic theory at the Russian State Humanitarian University is repeatedly mentioned in the Dissernet investigations about “plagiarism in scientific work”: “Our favorite expert council is on economic theory. Here are some of his experts. Nadezhda Ivanovna Arkhipova, scientific secretary of this ES, director of the Institute of Economics and Law of the Russian State Humanitarian University, is a member of the Discussion Council No. 212.198.01. Only on our server there are 54 fake dissertations defended in this dissertation council. Nadezhda Ivanovna herself participated in the "multi-color" defenses of the applicant Yu. V. Musarsky and the associate professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University L. I. Badrenkova. According to Dissernet, 50 “fake” defenses took place in this dissertation council.

In 2014, a round table on the problems of plagiarism in science was held at the Russian State University for the Humanities. According to the report of Sergei Parkhomenko, in the dissertation council D 212.198.01 on economic sciences at the Russian State Humanitarian University, there was a "factory of dissertations by Professor Fyodor Sterlikov", which produced dissertations containing plagiarism. Among the plagiarists, the report also mentioned the head of the Department of Marketing and Advertising of the Russian State Humanitarian University, Professor D. A. Shevchenko. An anti-plagiarism commission was created at the university, which considers dissertations of former and current employees of the Russian State Humanitarian University, which was liquidated under the rector Yevgeny Ivakhnenko.

In May 2015, RSUH teachers wrote an open letter to Rector E. I. Pivovar, in which they criticized the humiliating, in their opinion, practice of concluding one-year contracts with teachers, according to which teachers do not receive salaries for the summer months. The letter also criticizes the lack of moral condemnation and the necessary administrative response to dissertations defended at the RSUH that contain massive plagiarism. In total, the letter was signed by 105 people, including 74 researchers from the Russian State Humanitarian University and 3 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The meeting of teachers with the rector on May 27 ended with the rector's refusal to answer the questions of the teachers and his early departure from the meeting.

Nikolai Belov, who worked with former rector Yuri Afanasiev from 1988 until his last day, including for many years as an assistant to the rector, is sharply critical of the current leadership of the university. According to him, the university has turned into a loose conglomerate of structures, the library exists inexplicably, and the first-class publishing house has been destroyed. Teachers are delayed salaries, which was not even "in the dashing nineties." According to the new Statute, the elections have turned "into an outright farce": the academic council, which elects the rector, actually forms the current and. about. rector. Belov also notes that only the RSUH Conference, which did not take place, could have changed the Charter of the university. Since the Charter was nevertheless changed, this fact falls under Article 292 of the Criminal Code (“Official forgery”).

The 21st century is the century of high technologies, business, computers and the Internet. What should a person do in order not to get lost among all this technical and informational abundance, without the knowledge of which it will be very difficult to take his worthy "place in the sun"? The answer is simple - study, study and study again, as the unforgettable grandfather Lenin bequeathed to us! This is especially true in such a metropolis as Moscow. The city, and indeed the whole country, will always need smart, talented and educated people, and the state, in turn, takes care to develop all these useful qualities in its citizens. Therefore, there are so many universities in Moscow. Any high school student who will soon leave the walls of his native school forever (well, at least as a student) will have to take a difficult step that can determine his whole future life - choose his future profession - a niche in a huge building of society - and enter University in order to master it and get a higher education. We will talk about a number of the most famous Moscow universities, hoping that we will help you, dear readers, to understand the abundance of the proposed "vacancies", to give preference to one or another technical or humanitarian university. You decide who to become in this life!

Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU)

RGGU - the first state humanitarian university in Russia was founded in 1991 on the basis of the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives under the auspices of the famous academician Yuri Nikolaevich Afanasyev. Indeed, the Russian State University for the Humanities is rightfully considered the largest Russian humanitarian university, which has become the "alma mater" for about 6 thousand students and graduate students. Currently, 70 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and foreign academies, more than 200 doctors and 500 candidates of sciences work at the university. More than 25,000 students study at the branches of the Russian State University for the Humanities. At the same time, speaking about the Russian State Humanitarian University as a whole, it is necessary to understand that the Russian State University for the Humanities has united 12 different institutions, including 4 research institutes, 18 faculties, 7 university-wide and 11 international educational and scientific centers. In a word, the educational base here is the richest. Therefore, it is hardly worth questioning that RSUH graduates are highly qualified specialists in their field.

The university has the richest library book fund, which includes about 30 thousand rare and valuable publications and historical monuments, its own publishing center and the bookstore "At the Centaur". There is even a museum of classical and modern art at the Russian State Humanitarian University, exhibitions are regularly held. Technological innovations at the Russian State University for the Humanities have created a local computer network, a scientific Internet library, a student Internet cafe, Internet access for "everyone in need" and much more.

Admission to any university begins with preparation for entrance exams. Of course, you can prepare on your own, but it would be better to sign up for paid preparatory courses for applicants. Such classes are organized at the Russian State Humanitarian University and are conducted by highly qualified teachers of the University.

Students of grades 10-11 and persons who have already graduated from school are accepted for preparatory courses. Classes at the courses help students systematize the knowledge accumulated over the years of study at school, obtain additional information on the disciplines submitted for entrance exams at the Russian State University for the Humanities and acquire practical skills in presenting examination material at the entrance test. At some schools there are Lyceum classes included in the program of pre-university education at the Russian State Humanitarian University.

Since it is simply impossible to cover the scientific wealth of the entire RSUH as a whole in one article, our story will focus on the Institute of History and Archives, as the "ancestor" and center of the entire structure of the University.

The building of the institute itself makes an impressive impression, exactly the kind that the appearance of a majestic temple of science should evoke from an ordinary person. The main pride of the Historical and Archival Institute is the fact that it now occupies the building in which the first printing house in Russia was founded in 1564, the so-called "Print Yard". This year, Ivan Fedorov and Peter Mstislavets published the first book "The Apostle" here. In addition, the building has undergone a recent renovation and therefore looks even fresher and more solid. And how else!? After all, it is located on Nikolskaya Street, "five steps away" from Red Square, right next to GUM.

There are 4 main faculties at the Historical and Archival Institute:

Faculty of Archival Affairs;

Faculty of technotronic archives and documents;

Faculty of Documentation;

Faculty of History, Political Science and Law.

However, each of the faculties offers a choice of a large number of specializations - smaller branches of the chosen profession. (Well, you can’t be an expert on everything!) Basically, training takes place according to the standard form of specialist training - a five-year one, but at some faculties of institutes that are part of the RSUH system, the system "bachelor (4 years) + master (2 of the year)". In all specializations, the main form of education is full-time, however, evening and correspondence forms are practiced - as it is more convenient for anyone. For admission to any university, an applicant is required to go through "natural selection" - to pass entrance exams. At the Institute of History and Archives, a system of tests is practiced for written exams in the following disciplines: Russian and literature; foreign language; mathematics; social science; biology and history. Their set varies depending on the chosen faculty, specialty and specialization. Needless to say, the dream of any applicant is to enter a university on a budgetary basis, but the competition for entrance examinations is very high - from about 3.5 - 5 people per place to 10 or more, depending on the prestige of each individual specialization. Therefore, the "battle" is going to be very serious, and one should prepare for it thoroughly. For those who want to "nibble on the granite of science" at the Historical and Archival Institute on a paid basis, we will give the following figures: in order to study, you will have to fork out from 32,800 rubles. up to 71 300 rubles. for one semester, depending on your choice and financial possibilities. When studying at the evening department (where it is provided), your expenses will be significantly reduced: 18,500 rubles. - 25,700 rubles, and 10,000 rubles will be enough for part-time students. per semester. But do not grieve too much - your education will pay off, the main thing is to study well!

The indisputable advantages of the education system at the Institute of History and Archives include the small number of groups into which the flow is divided - from about 6 to 15 people in a group. This allows each student to devote more time in the classroom, which leads to an almost individual approach and increases the assimilation of the material. Many teachers have previously studied at the Institute of History and Archives, which allows them to better understand the difficulties of their students. In such an atmosphere of mutual understanding, the effectiveness of classes increases and the number of conflict situations between the student and the teacher decreases. In addition, the Historical and Archival Institute is the only university in Russia that trains such highly qualified specialists in the field of archiving.

Upon graduation, you can go further along the path of science, enrolling in graduate school, and then in doctoral studies, or even improve your qualifications and get a second higher education. For these purposes, the RSUH provides a two-year course "Documentary Support for Management and Archiving", which will result in a diploma of secondary vocational education, as well as the Faculty of Training, Retraining and Advanced Training of Archival Workers "Archival School". After 3 years of study at the "Archive School" you will be able to proudly declare that you have received a second higher education!

Well, for those who still decide to get a job after graduation, there is an employment assistance service for students and graduates of the Russian State Humanitarian University, offering vacant positions in the largest media departments, the Russian State Archives and so on. What is important, students will be helped to get a "part-time job" during their studies, without prejudice to the educational process, but, on the contrary, with the benefit of the case, since nothing reinforces the acquired theoretical skills better than live practice. And, as you know, students don’t have too much money!

In the story about the university, one cannot do without the opinion of the "heroes of the occasion" themselves - the students - about the quality of the education they receive and other hardships of their life. As a result of a small sociological survey, it was possible to establish some "pluses" and "minuses" of the Historical and Archival Institute.

Cons in IAI

There is practically no student social activity: discos, creative evenings, literary cafes, etc. are not arranged. (students will be like flies!)

There is no normal full-fledged dining room in the building on Nikolskaya, 15. (Don't let you die of hunger! You won't be full of coffee and a bun!)

Physical education classes are held too far from the building and a trip to Academician Yangel Street takes a lot of time and effort, which could be used for good business - to study, of course!

From spontaneous student humor: "We very often, even too often hear the word" archive ", and everyone is sure that he will not work there, but, apparently, he will have to! .."

Advantages of IAI

The flow groups are very small, and, consequently, learning becomes almost individual.

Highly qualified teachers, many of whom themselves once graduated from the Institute of History and Archives, are able to better understand student hardships.

The Institute of History and Archives is unique in its kind, and therefore the specialists trained by it are always in demand.

As physical education classes, there are different sections to choose from (swimming pool, athletics, karate, volleyball, football, table tennis, etc.).

There is the possibility of official part-time work and employment after graduation for interesting and highly paid positions in various institutions.

For a good half of the students, there is another very significant plus: a respite from the army. The only pity is that we do not have a military department.

Convenient location of the institute - in the center of Moscow, close to several metro stations.

So, the pluses turned out to be much more than the minuses. In addition, the pluses are more meaningful in terms of the prospects for studying at the Historical and Archival Institute. And this cannot but rejoice!

Studying at such a university as the Historical and Archival Institute is prestigious and interesting. And how pleasant it is to go out during a break between lectures and walk along Red Square, contemplating the majestic walls of the Kremlin, and after classes, having passed through the labyrinth of "Moscow curved streets", take a break with fellow students in some cozy cafe, which is apparently invisible here.

And as a parting word, I would like to wish all applicants: "Go for it, now you are encouraged ..."!

For more information about RSUH, see: www.rsuh.ru e-mail: [email protected]