Like demonic black priests control our civilization. Priest - History of World of Warcraft, Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm

From the World of Warcraft Roleplay Wiki

Priests(English Priest) embody a spirituality based on moral philosophy, the worship of a particular deity or belief in spirits, but not the reverence of the elements practiced by shamans, or the connection with the natural world that is supported by the druids. They act not only as respected and influential figures among their peoples, but also as powerful spellcasters, using divine magic to heal and protect allies or to defeat and weaken opponents. Clerics belong to a wide variety of peoples and organizations on Azeroth.

Sincere faith in their religion makes many priests embark on the path of courage and heroism. In dark times, the priests embody the Light (or other belief) as a reminder of the existence of powerful forces that are beyond the understanding of the inhabitants living on the lands of Azeroth. The strongest priests have a close connection to the revered deity or entity and use amazing abilities that help them in times of need.

Famous representatives

  • Akama is the leader of the broken draenei of Outland, who was a priest of Karabor before the orcs attacked.
  • Anduin Wrynn is the young prince of Stormwind.
  • Alonsus Faol is the late leader of the Church of the Holy Light and head of the Northshire Priests.
  • Archbishop Benedict is the current leader of the Church of the Holy Light.
  • Velen is the leader of the draenei.
  • Grand Inquisitor Isillien is the spiritual leader of the Scarlet Crusade.
  • High Inquisitor Fairbanks is a former adviser to Alexandros Mograine, the only non-living member of the Scarlet Crusade now destroyed.
  • Zabra is a troll who became a supporter and priest of the Holy Light, who participated in the events of the Ashbringer comic.
  • Iridi is a draenei priestess, a deceased member of a group of heroes who opposed Cyntharia in Outland.
  • Ishana is the High Priestess of the Aldors in Shattrath City.
  • Lady Liadrin is the leader of the Order of the Knights of the Blood, who was a priest before becoming a paladin.
  • Mara Fordragon was the High Cleric of Stormwind during the First War.
  • Moira Thaurissan is the leader of the Dark Iron dwarves and the clan's representative on the Council of Three Hammers.
  • Confessor Paletress is an Argent priestess in the Argent Tournament.
  • Rastakhan is the ruler of the Zandalar troll tribe, the king of all the trolls of Azeroth.
  • Sen "jin - the late leader of the Darkspear tribe.
  • Tahu Wisewind is a former tauren druid and apprentice of Hamuul.
  • Tyrande Whisperwind is the High Priestess of Elune.


The most common belief among the various races is the Sacred Light, which is common to almost all peoples of the Alliance, as well as blood elves in the Horde. However, many races have carried through the centuries or founded their own religions through which they are able to use divine magic.


Although the draenei were chronologically the first physical race to be connected to the Light, it was the Humans who first discovered the Holy Light on Azeroth and spread the new belief to other races, especially the high elves and dwarves. People have built many churches and cathedrals as places to study and worship the Light. The religion instructs its followers in virtue throughout their lives, although it is more philosophical than theistic, however, followers believe that devotion to the Light helps them to connect with some great and mysterious force in the universe. There are references to a certain divine entity called "hope", which guides the followers of the Light with an invisible hand.

Night elfs


This section contains reflections or findings

The spread of belief in the Holy Light also affected the dwarves, who were likely influenced by their allies, humans and dwarves. It is difficult to determine at what point in time this happened, but the events before the Sundering and the Cataclysm itself could push some members of the race to search for divine powers.

It's worth noting that Dwarf Priests were introduced as NPCs back in the Invasion of Northrend, where they acted as medics in the Howling Fjord. The title of "Doc" is also the first mentor of the priests, whom the gnomes meet at the beginning of their journey.

high elves

However, despite the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, the priests of the Forsaken (or some of them) are still able to use the Holy Light.

“The Undead and the Forsaken in particular require tremendous willpower to manipulate the powers of the Light, as it is self-destructive. Therefore, such representatives are extremely rare. When someone from the undead passes a stream of Light through himself, he feels that his entire body is engulfed in righteous fire. Forsaken who are healed by the Light (regardless of whether the healer is a Forsaken or not) are also burned by the Light. Of course, the wound heals, but the cost is crippling pain. As such, Forsaken Priests are beings with unyielding willpower."

Developer Interview, Summer 2010


Most of the priests of Azeroth's various troll factions, including the Horde's Darkspear tribe, are followers of an ancient tribal religion known as Voodoo, which reveres and invokes powerful spirits called the Loa. After the battle, the voodoo priest often decapitates the opponent and dries his head in a special way so that his spirit cannot be released. Troll priests often become spiritual advisors to their tribe due to their ability to communicate with spirits and respect for the ways of their ancestors.

Some trolls have taken the path of followers of the Blood God Hakkar the Soul Eater, which is a generational tradition among the trolls of ancient Tahu Wisewind made an interesting suggestion during a conversation with Aponi Brightmane. He stated that the night elves revere the moon goddess Elune so much only because they themselves are creatures of the night, and the tauren should maintain balance in everything, including the worship of the Sun or An "she, the second eye of Mother Earth, as described in myths. Tahu also said that Hamuul Runetotem, his mentor, was spreading among his people what the night elves had taught him.

Although at the time Tahu considered these talks to be only philosophy, he probably managed to spread his thoughts among enough tauren, after which the foundation of a new belief began. Thus arose among his people a paladin order of the Sunwalkers and priests who might be characterized as "solar druids".

It is difficult to determine how divine powers are received from the Sun, but there are two main theories - either the Sun means a certain deity, An "she, similar to Elune, in which the priests of the night elves believe, or the Sun is just a tauren perception of the Holy Light, widespread among the races of the Alliance.


This section contains reflections or findings rather than official information.

Determining the exact affiliation of Goblin Priests to any faith is difficult to determine due to lack of information, however, from some tasks, the appearance of Goblin Priest Trainers and the fact that they were present on Kezan, it can be concluded that the main religion of Goblin Priests is The Holy Light, which they could become familiar with through the Alliance races. Kezan is one of the largest ports on Azeroth, where representatives of any race could be located, having reached here by ship. It is possible that the situation is similar to the gnome priests who are presented as medical NPCs, since the first mentor of goblin priests has the status of "Sister", reflecting either medical or religious themes.

If we recall the situation typical for goblin shamans, we can assume that the Holy Light has become one of the ways for them to achieve their own goals and additional benefits, and this is confirmed by some replicas of goblin characters. Thus, the goblins become the second race of the Horde, among which the belief in the Light is widespread (the first is the blood elves).

Do not forget the fact that jungle trolls lived nearby for a long time, from which the goblins could learn about Loa and voodoo, however, the game world does not reflect this fact. Similarly, an interesting situation that developed after the Bilgewater Cartel joined the Horde is not reflected - goblin priests can fall under the influence of several common beliefs of various races of the Horde at once and possibly join one of them - Darkspear voodooism, worship of the Tauren Sun and the Forgotten Shadow Forsaken.


  • World of Warcraft Official Site - Game Class Description

Basically, look in your starting hand for Northshire Cleric, Vicious Pyromancer, Power Word: Shield, and Acolyte of Pain. Against aggro decks, try to find a Furious Pyromancer and the Protector of the Sin'dorei, giving up the table to such archetypes, you practically get an auto-loot. Against control decks, look for Twilight Dragon and Stolen Thoughts.

Try to pull Raging Pyromancer and Acolyte of Pain removal to give Twilight Drake some peace of mind, as they are very important to this deck and losing them will make it difficult for you to get into the late game.

Playing style

Against aggro: This version of the Dark Priest suffers a lot from aggro decks, like Face Hunter. The absence of strong 1-2 drops forces you to catch up with the enemy from the very beginning of the game, using healing and removal. The Ancient Healer might save you from the Face Hunter, but it's still more useful in matchups with midrange and control decks.

Basic Combinations


Overall, this is a very situational deck. Such decks are created in a moment of calm in Hearthstone while we wait for the new addition. Dark Priest has never been competitive and I don't think this deck will change that trend. However, if you have enough cards for this deck, give it a try.

This deck not suitable for progression on the ladder and don't waste dust crafting cards for her. It's easier to take the economical and efficient Face Hunter and break the heavy Snob decks and move up the ladder!

Translated and edited mus1q, edited Vadim Parfiriev

An analysis of ancient legends about the ancient ancestral home of the Slavs, Germans, Lithuanians and some other peoples - the northern continent of Arctida-Hyperborea, reveals some nuances that speak in favor of the fact that the long-term policy of the Anglo-Saxon Empire aimed at the destruction of Russia is a continuation of the ancient war of Hyperborea with Atlantis .

Esoteric knowledge tells us that once the civilization of the Atlanteans fell under the power of the essences of darkness, which instilled in it the cults of bloody sacrifices that require an aggressive policy, aggressive wars and the slave trade.

According to one version, this happened after one reptilian alien race managed to introduce its genes among the Atlanteans, which gave the higher castes of this race such properties as greed, desire for power, aggressiveness and cruelty. A rapidly degrading caste of priests and rulers planted blood-sacrifice cults throughout their empire.

Over time, Atlantis, striving for world domination and having conquered many countries, ran into opposition from the descendants of the "white gods" living on the northern continent. It was the only force capable of resisting the transformation of our entire planet into a stronghold of the forces of darkness.

The war that began between these powers was fought not only with conventional weapons, but also with the help of magic, as well as some analogues of climatic and geophysical weapons. During this war, Atlantis was destroyed, but the northern continent also began to slowly sink to the bottom of the ocean. In addition, due to the displacement of the Earth's Axis, climatic changes occurred that brought cold weather to the once flourishing Hyperborea.

All this forced the inhabitants of this country to migrate to the territory of Eurasia, where they subsequently created at first the "country of the Aryans", and eventually the Slavic and German states. But the caste of the dark priests of Atlantis did not die completely. Some of them managed to land on the British Isles, Egypt and the American continent. And then, they decided to apply the principle of "divide and conquer" in order to take revenge against the descendants of Arctida-Hyperborea.

For this purpose, they did a colossal job of processing the consciousness of the descendants of Arctida, who settled throughout Europe. Imperceptibly, people were instilled with the same values ​​as before the Atlanteans, as well as thoughts about their racial (nationalist) superiority. At the same time, all authentic sources about ancient civilizations were destroyed, and the interpretation of history was diligently distorted.

One of the most successful tools of the dark priests was the Roman Empire, which actively implemented the "divide and rule" method to gain world domination. According to this method, with the help of cunning provocations and an active "information war", the two peoples were pitted against each other, and after they exhausted themselves in bloody wars, the Roman legions appeared as "peacekeeping contingents" and annexed these territories to their state.

But over time, the Roman Empire also ran into the resistance of the Slavic, Germanic and some other tribes, which stopped the victorious march of its legions. By that time, the ideals of the dark priests were able to corrupt the "elite" of the Roman Empire, mired in debauchery and luxury. And it is not surprising that she also fell under the blows of the descendants of Arctida.

Centuries later, the dark brotherhood managed to infiltrate the elite of the Anglo-Saxons and some other Western nations and create three of their "centers of power" on the planet - religious (Vatican), financial (City of London) and military-political (Washington).

The religious center was engaged in hiding and discrediting secret knowledge, falsifying history, "editing" the teachings of light and creating religions based on blind obedience to hierarchs, worship of dogmas and rituals of disguised sacrifices.

A significant role was given to instilling religious fanaticism and pitting against each other various religious fundamentalists belonging to various faiths and movements, which led to the creation of such a type of bloody sacrifices as religious wars. Over time, ideological (civil) and then world wars began to be provoked, because the essences of darkness demanded constant "food" for helping the dark brotherhood of priests in achieving world domination.

But the main success of the religious center was, no doubt, the division and pitting of the once united Aryan peoples among themselves. At first, it was possible to "turn to the East" the Germans, and it was under their blows that Western Russia, which once existed on the present lands in the east of Germany, fell.

Then it was possible to divide the Slavs themselves, inspiring the various tribes with the idea of ​​their "exclusivity" and "supremacy" among the Slavic tribes and clans. Not the last role in the destruction of the surviving Eastern Russia was played by the Polish panship, brought up on the idea of ​​uniting all the Slavs under the rule of "Great Poland from sea to sea." Later, as we now perfectly see, Ukraine was also able to be drawn into the sphere of influence of the dark priests.

The financial center was engaged in the creation of a fraudulent banking system, which, with the help of ingenious schemes, deceived people, pulling money out of them, which were placed on the pedestal of the ideology of the cult of universal material consumption. Gradually, a cunning scheme was worked out to draw people into credit traps with subsequent artificial financial and economic crises, which deprived people of all their property, but enriched the financial center of the dark priests. Wars, especially world wars, also brought good profits, because both warring parties needed weapons, food, fuel, medicines, etc.

The military-political center (which was originally located in Britain) was engaged in colonial and conquest wars, as well as special operations to plant "loyal" regimes around the world, eliminate objectionable leaders of states and directly political intrigues, mainly to draw various countries into mutually weakening wars.

The undoubted success of this "center of power" is the centuries-old clash of foreheads in the wars of Russia and Germany, while at first Britain, and then the new "police baton" of the dark brotherhood - the United States, only intensified from these wars, enriching, first of all, controlled by the forces the darkness of the elite of these countries. It was these forces that invented the ideology of Nazism, and concentration camps, and massacres of civilians, which are the real bloody sacrifices to their dark "gods".

And yet, despite the numerous efforts of the dark cabal on our planet, there remained one stronghold of the descendants of Arctida, the souls of whose people the dark brotherhood could not completely take control of. And it was on its territory that individual carriers of ancient secret knowledge were preserved, which in previous centuries were actively "cleansed" by agents of influence of the dark brotherhood of the Illuminati.

But the Night of Svarog is over and this hidden knowledge comes to the surface again, awakening the souls and hearts of this people and the peoples living with them in friendship. And this is the main danger for the dark priests, which can finally bury their plans to create a "bastion of darkness" on our planet.

That is why the situation in the world is now so aggravated. The dark priests are trying to avoid this fate even by provoking another world war. That is why the governments of the Anglo-Saxon Empire and its satellites under their control concentrate their military forces on the borders of Russia and its allied states.

That is why in fraternal Ukraine, these forces, after many years of "handouts" and powerful ideological propaganda, its people were deceived by the elite who sold themselves to the dark brotherhood and dragged into a civil war, the main goal of which was to draw Russia into it in order to expose it to the whole world as an "aggressor" and organize another destructive war in Europe, the main instigators of which again hoped to sit out from its negative consequences across the strait and ocean.

Well, then the "peacekeeping legions" would come again and crush the countries weakened by the war. Only this time it didn't work out. And, perhaps, it is no coincidence that more and more ordinary Germans are beginning to realize that the well-being of Germany is based on an alliance, and not confrontation with Russia for the amusement of dark forces. And at least half of the Ukrainian people also understand this.

Now the confrontation between the heirs and descendants of the "Atlantic" and "Hyperborean" civilizations again threatens the world with a global destructive war. The world is again divided into two camps. However, the decrepitude and degradation of the main striking force of the priests of darkness - the Anglo-Saxon empire, which includes the United States, becomes quite obvious.

The war between Atlantis and Hyperborea continues, but the onset of the Day of Svarog tells us that the dark forces will be invariably defeated. It is not for nothing that the predictions of many prophets who lived in various countries claim that Russia is waiting for an extraordinary spiritual flowering, and its enemies - great disasters and cataclysms.


If you have been reading articles on our site for a long time, you probably noticed that we are trying to select the most interesting builds that will be fun to play on the ladder. Most of our articles are devoted to Priests, Shamans and Mages, primarily because of the huge variety of combinations and specific class cards. We really like archetypes like the Dragon Priest and Mech Mage, as well as the Shaman, which gives the game a very orthodox direction. That's why, we have chosen another, but no less interesting build of the Priest, proposed by the player Sengfal. He managed to successfully combine practically useless and long-forgotten cards in this deck with completely new ones that came out with the League of Explorers.

Starter set of cards

In the early to mid game, always try to play defensively. Try to deprive the opponent of as many removals and creatures as possible. With the 5 strongest AoE spells (Light Nova, Flashbomb and Unearthed Evil) at your disposal, board clearing is no longer affected by the standard Auchenai Priestess + Circle of Healing combo. Shadow Word: Pain , Delicious Zombie , Volatile Ghoul , Master of Death and Sen'jin Shield Bearer are also great to help you maintain board control so that you can effectively play a massive board clear later on.

By the beginning of the late game, you should have already drawn most of the strong cards from the opponent - removals and spells. Depending on your remaining health, evaluate the situation, and if you are sure that you can survive two or three more turns, it's time to turn on Shadowform. In most cases, it's best to transform into Shadowform after placing a Tournament Healer on the board to offset the lack of permanent healing later in the game. If you have too little health left after the middle stage of the game, then it is better to play Holy Fire or Ancient Healer in order to somehow increase your chances of winning. By turn 7-10, you should be done with just board control and try to ramp up the pace of the game with a series of powerful spells. Most often, a successful synergy of Inspire and your class ability is the key to victory. Just imagine being able to deal 2-3 Hero Power damage while healing with the Tournament Healer and summoning additional Kodos with the Kodo Rider. Such a combo is unlikely to be able to resist any opponent.

Possible replacements

Dark Priestess: We're not big fans of this card, as we usually have to keep it in our hand for too long or the value from it is too low. A good replacement would be Doctor Boom, who can give you more damage. For just 1 mana, you get a lot more value. And remember, Dr. Boom is always a great turn 7 play.

Sen'jin Shieldbearer: This card broke our hearts. First, we understand why this card is needed in this deck. It adds an extra defensive option in the mid game and is probably the best card for this build for 4 mana. The reason why Sen'jin Shieldbearer broke our hearts lies in the fact that this card has long been in the archives of many players and forgotten as a relic of the past. However, we do not recommend replacing two Shield Bearers at once, you can replace one with Dark Madness or Piloted Shredder. Dark Madness allows you to gain additional benefits by killing opponent's creatures without your help. In addition, you will be able to benefit from the Deathrattles of your opponent's creatures. A piloted shredder is also a good choice, as you can get another minion on the board after it dies.


It is worth noting that this deck fits well into the current meta. At the same time, she is very fun to play and you can definitely surprise your opponent. Good luck to you! Play and win!