How to make yourself healthy. Self-hypnosis: how to do it right so that it works? At a short distance

The suggestion of thoughts is an influence during which a person changes his own attitudes, beliefs, intellectual attitude regarding any event, action or object. Also, the suggestion of thoughts includes the acquisition by a person of new attitudes, for example, the emergence of desires and aspirations that he did not have before.

In order for the suggestion of thoughts to always have a positive result, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • The object of suggestion must be in a state in which critical comprehension and logical processing of information are disabled. This can happen in a light trance, under the influence of hypnosis and alcohol.
  • The person exercising the influence must sincerely believe in what he inspires his ward. If this does not happen, the result of the suggestion will be doubtful.
  • You can not feel dissatisfied with yourself and your actions during a suggestion session. Otherwise, the result will not be achieved.
  • It is necessary to fulfill all those promises that were given to the suggestible, otherwise the result of the suggestion will be leveled.
  • You need to constantly train and improve your skills, as this affects the quality of the result.

suggestion and persuasion

Suggestion and persuasion are ways of influencing the human psyche.

Persuasion is one of the types of directed psychological influence, which is carried out through arguments. Persuasion operates with human consciousness. Therefore, it is important to use argumentation to explain the essence of the phenomenon, causal relationships and relationships in the course of it, the essence of the phenomenon is explained, the explanation of the significance of any issue.

The means of persuasion include showing, telling and justifying (argumentation). Therefore, you can convince not only with the help of words, but also by action, by a personal example of behavior. A suggestion effect is possible, which is based on opposition, which, for example, makes the object of persuasion want to try something that is considered inaccessible to it.

A belief influences a person's behavior, but not directly. Since it is an internal motivation or compulsion to act through an appeal to the human mind.

The following factors influence the strength and quality of persuasion:

  1. Prejudice. In this case, the main work is done with the formulation of the problem itself and the solution that the client already has. For the manipulator, it is necessary to change with his message those attitudes in which the object of persuasion believes.
  2. Trust in the source. It is very important to inspire confidence with your appearance and behavior, inspire sympathy and look authoritative.
  3. Message. The message itself must be compelling. For this, not only arguments are used, but also vivid images designed to focus the attention of the audience on the emphasis of the problem that the manipulator needs.
  4. Emotions. Despite the fact that persuasion appeals to the mind of people, it is impossible to bypass emotions with this impact on a person. For example, messages that “take to the soul” of a client have a much greater impact on him than dry arguments and facts.

The difference between persuasion and suggestion lies in the fact that suggestion refers to the subconscious, bypassing the conscious aspect of information control. And persuasion affects the human mind, in which it is very important to critically comprehend the information received, correlate it with previous experience and build logical chains. Although persuasion has an emotional component, suggestion only operates on a person's emotions and other subconscious factors when the persuasion refers specifically to the person's mind.

Methods of suggestion

Experts distinguish the following methods of suggestion:

  1. Suggestion while the client is awake, when he is in an active state of consciousness.
  2. Suggestion during relaxation, when psychological and muscular relaxation occurs.
  3. Suggestion through hypnosis, when the client enters a highly altered psycho-physiological state.

There is another classification of methods of suggestion:

  1. Verbal suggestion, in which the impact is carried out with the help of speech, is verbal.
  2. Mental suggestion, which is made without direct contact with the client, through a long distance.
  3. Metaphysical suggestion, which is a connection of a conversation about the reality of the human "I" and the unity of the Universe with the mental process of suggestion. This method is used for the physical and mental healing of the client.
  4. Spiritual impact, which is used for the physical, mental and spiritual healing of a person. The healer is in the flow of the healing forces of the Universe, which he directs to the client. The healing process involves the superconscious, which has good contact with the subconscious of a person and helps to heal from ailments, as well as bring the psyche into a state of harmony.

There are also three forms of suggestion:

  1. Strong persuasion.
  2. Pressure.
  3. Emotional and volitional influence.

indirect suggestions

Indirect suggestions are a type of influence on a person in which he has a choice: to accept or reject the suggested suggestion. This type of suggestion is necessary in order to direct the behavior, emotions or thoughts of the client in the direction that he is avoiding.

Indirect suggestions are divided into several subspecies:

  1. An acceptance sequence in which the suggestor lists statements that the client agrees with. And at the end he pronounces the installation that a person needs to accept.
  2. An implication in which the suggestor affirmatively says what might happen, and the client pre-sets himself for the predicted outcome.
  3. Double bind is a commonly used technique in which the client is offered a choice of two similar options.
  4. Suggestion by lack of mention, in which the suggestor lists a list of possible situations, missing a significant event. Subsequently, the attention of the client is attracted to it, and as a result, the person focuses his consciousness precisely on this factor.

hypnotic suggestion

Hypnotic suggestion is a type of influence on a person that requires the client to be immersed in an altered state called hypnosis. During the suggestion session, the client, with the help of a suggestor, falls into a hypnotic sleep. In this state, the object of influence actively reacts to what the hypnotist says. At the same time, there is no critical comprehension of information, and the commands go directly to the subconscious, bypassing conscious analysis and comprehension. And then they influence the behavior and health of a person, his psycho-emotional state.

Hypnotic suggestion methods are divided into:

  1. Mechanical, during which the client is influenced by objects and phenomena that have a monotonous character (light, sound, and so on).
  2. Psychic, when verbal influence is used.
  3. Magnetic, based on the use of therapeutic magnetism.

It is believed that the combination of psychic and magnetic approach gives the greatest effect.

Psychological suggestion

Due to the fact that there is everyday suggestion, it is necessary to specifically highlight the psychological suggestion. This is a form of suggestion, in which a special psychological influence of one person (suggestor) on another person (suggestor) is carried out. The above influence is carried out through verbal and non-verbal communication. At the same time, the quality of the suggestor's arguments is low, and the criticality of the suggestor's thinking is at a low level.

The suggestor is imbued with the arguments of the suggestor, as if they were his own, and often without requiring any evidence of the statements being made. In such cases, the suggestor is influenced not so much by the source, content and form of suggestion, but by the personality of the suggestor, which inspires unquestioning trust in the client.

Suggested attitudes, embedded in the suggestor by the suggestor, become an integral part of the client's personality. And in the future, a person who has been exposed to suggestion changes his behavior in accordance with the received settings.

mental suggestion

Mental suggestion is carried out in the case when the object of influence is absent in the range of the suggestor. Such an impact is considered to be in absentia. Mental suggestion is carried out as follows - you need to imagine that the recipient of the influence is next to the person carrying out the suggestion. You can imagine a client from a distance, but it is important to see him nearby. Then you need to turn on the idea that thoughts leave the suggestor and reach the brain and consciousness of the suggested. It is also allowed that the person making the suggestion imagines that he and his client are having a conversation.

One of the main conditions for this technique is the ability of the suggestor to imagine the desired state of the client. When transmitting thoughts over a distance, much energy is not consumed. You just need to imagine that there is a movement of thoughts from the suggestor to the suggested person.

Mental suggestion has several stages:

  1. Tracking and tuning to the object of suggestion.
  2. Focusing on the object and forming contact.
  3. Providing the necessary information.

Suggestion at a distance

Suggestion at a distance is an ability that not every person possesses. Most people are sure that their thoughts and desires are completely independent. However, there is such a phenomenon as suggestion at a distance, which can change the beliefs and behavior of people. This phenomenon is associated with telepathy and hypnosis. Classical hypnosis methods require direct contact with the client. However, hypnotic telepathy is possible without eye contact with the suggestor, or even without the need for the presence of the object of suggestion.

Suggestion at a distance occurs through the transmission of impulses emanating from the cerebral cortex of the person exercising the influence. The receiver of signals does not even suspect that he has involuntarily become a receiver of other people's thoughts. Therefore, the thoughts and feelings that arise in oneself, a person perceives as his own.

It has long been known that the human brain is like a kind of "radio receiver" that can both receive and emit different impulses. Under certain circumstances, the brain begins to perceive other people's thoughts at a distance, as well as transmit its own thoughts to people.

suggestion technique

The basic technique of suggestion includes the following steps:

  1. Establish contact (rapport) with the client and form subconscious trust. For this, the mechanism of verbal and non-verbal adjustment (implicit imitation) is used. Verbal adjustment occurs with the help of agreement with the statements of the object of influence. Non-verbal adjustment uses the pace of speech, intonation and timbre of the client's voice; posture and gestures; the rhythm of breathing and pauses in speech, and so on.
  2. Leading the client into a light trance in order to reduce the activity of consciousness. This happens with:
    • fixing the client's attention on some external object, manipulating objects;
    • drawing attention to any part of the suggested body and focusing on the sensations in it;
    • keeping the attention of the object of suggestion on any experience, emotion.
  3. The activity of consciousness also decreases in situations of mild shock, surprise, confusion, overload with excessive information.
  4. The launch of an unconscious search for analogies in the client's subconscious is carried out with the help of metaphors, questions, stories told by the suggestor.
  5. Direct suggestion. At this stage, the suggestor uses the introduction of commands into the subconscious of the object of influence.

suggestion mechanism

In order for the suggestion to achieve a result, it is necessary to influence the subconscious of a person. For this, conscious processes responsible for the critical understanding of information and the logical analysis of the received data are turned off in various ways. And the emotional component of a person's personality, on the contrary, becomes actively involved in the process of suggestion.

The subconscious perceives as truth any command that is repeated many times, and in a convincing form. The suggestible attitude penetrates the subconscious and remains there forever, even if the object of influence has forgotten about the very act of suggestion. Within a certain period of time, there is a change in the state and behavior of the client, in accordance with the received commands.

Neurophysiologists explain the mechanism of suggestion as follows. With the help of speech, the suggestor affects the client's cerebral cortex, thereby irritating it. The orders of the suggestor cause certain emotions that arise due to the stimulation of the subcortical areas of the brain. Negative induction, which appears due to low resistance of consciousness, is transmitted throughout the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the command becomes limited from all other influences and the client submits to suggestion. A new excitation dominant appears in the cerebral cortex, which is quite stable and strongly influences the client's further behavior.

Suggestion and hypnosis

Hypnosis is a special altered state of a person's psychophysiology, which is called for the purpose of suggestion. With the help of this state, it is possible to achieve a change in the attitudes and beliefs of the client, to achieve an improvement in his psycho-emotional state and well-being. Since the subconscious of the object of suggestion is configured to carry out those commands that were received under hypnotic influence.

There are four phases of hypnosis:

  1. There is a slight drowsiness and muscle relaxation, while consciousness and memory remain clear.
  2. There is a waxy flexibility in the muscles, which allows the client to maintain a particular position for a long time. Consciousness becomes clouded.
  3. Actually hypnosis, when the impressions and emotions of the client are limited directly to the information that is given to the client by the hypnotist verbally. In this phase, the client can be put into a state of catalepsy, in which his body seems to become wooden.
  4. It is characterized by the client entering a somnambulistic state, in which the manifestation of such phenomena as telepathy and clairvoyance becomes possible.

Suggestion and hypnosis are different types of influence, since hypnosis takes place in a strong altered state of consciousness, and suggestion is carried out either in a light trance or in the full consciousness of the client. The relationship between suggestion and hypnosis is that any hypnotic effect is carried out in order to produce a session of suggestion to the client.

Types of suggestion

Types of suggestion are divided into verbal and non-verbal, intentional and unintentional influence.

  1. Verbal is a type of suggestion that is carried out with the help of words. There are three subspecies of verbal suggestion:
    • direct;
    • indirect;
    • open;
    • hidden.
  2. Non-verbal is a type of suggestion that is carried out wordlessly, with the help of gestures, looks and intonations. There are three forms of non-verbal suggestion that specialists use:
    • catalepsy;
    • pauses;
    • levitation.
  3. Intentional is a form of suggestion when the suggestor has a specific goal of influence; he clearly understands what and to whom he is going to impress and makes every effort to achieve his goal.
  4. Unintentional is a form of suggestion, when the suggestor does not have explicit goals to suggest anything to the object of influence and does not use any intentional efforts for this. This form of suggestion is effective if the object of influence is internally predisposed to the suggested information.
  • Positive - allows you to achieve positive changes in the state of the client, his qualities, emotions and behavior.
  • Negative - has a negative psychological impact on a person, after which he has negative states, properties, feelings and actions.

Strict suggestion

Strict suggestion is a censure of certain actions of a person expressed in a harsh form. Strict suggestion is made in a negative form and predicts the most deplorable measures to the object of influence if the suggester does not fulfill the conditions that were set for him.

Strict suggestion is usually made after a misconduct committed by a person. Usually such an impact is more influential, authoritative person, the highest in rank, rank or position. With strict suggestion, they can use elements of intimidation or threats, emotional pressure and blackmail, as well as a forecast of negative consequences for a person.

suggestive suggestion

Suggestion is a mental suggestion that is used to change the thinking processes of the object of influence. Also, during the process of suggestion, feelings and emotions, reactions and other aspects of the client's behavior change. The act of influence is usually not noticed by the person on whom the suggestive suggestion is carried out. The method of suggestive influence is usually used in psychotherapy in order to cure the mental and physical ailments of the patient.

Distinguish suggestion, which is carried out from the side (another's suggestive suggestion) and one's own suggestive suggestion (autosuggestion, self-suggestion).

verbal suggestion

Verbal (or verbal) suggestion is a type of influence on a person that is produced with the help of words.

Consider the subspecies of verbal suggestion:

  • Direct suggestion. With this type of suggestion, the intentions and goals of the suggestor are clear, which are clearly pronounced and implemented. They cannot be interpreted in any other way than the one that was offered to the object of influence. This type of suggestion is used, for example, during operations to anesthetize the process.
  • Indirect suggestion. In this case, the intentions of the suggestor are not clear to the object of suggestion, so it may not be influenced. Since the goals and intentions of the person carrying out the suggestion are incomprehensible to the client, the latter has a choice - to succumb to suggestion or not. Usually, indirect suggestion is used when they want to direct a person in a direction that he ignores.
  • Open suggestion, which differs in that it provides a person with a choice of various options for action. There are several forms of open suggestion:
    • Mobilizing, when the object of suggestion is offered a fairly wide framework, which the client fills with content to his liking.
    • Limited, when the client is offered a list of answers from which he can choose the one that suits him.
    • A therapeutic metaphor that uses the replacement of the name of one object, phenomenon or event with another. This method is used to connect different aspects of reality in suggestion.
  • Hidden suggestion is the arrangement of the suggestor's speech with the help of various kinds of hidden commands. Such forms of influence are inserted into the wider context of the text that the inspirer pronounces.

Non-verbal suggestion

Non-verbal suggestion is an influence carried out without the help of words through the use of non-verbal methods - intonation, gestures, glances, manipulation of objects, voice timbre and others. It is possible to use this type of suggestion not only with a conscious specific purpose, but also exclusively unconsciously.

Consider the types of non-verbal suggestion:

  1. Catalepsy, during which the client assumes a certain imposed position for the success of the suggestion being made. Allocate catalepsy of the whole body or its individual parts. It is not worth constantly resorting to this type of suggestion.
  2. Pauses that are inserted in the right places. The gap (emptiness) in the spoken text is filled by the client with his own solutions, so the use of pauses can take the form of an open suggestion. In addition, with the help of pauses, you can highlight the main idea of ​​a phrase or the entire text.
  3. Levitation, during which no physical influence of the suggestor is required. Produced suggestion is carried out with the help of the client himself, namely, thanks to his imagination. In this case, the object of suggestion itself determines the moment of entering the trance state, which makes levitation suitable for self-suggestion sessions. Since after the suggestor has taught the client to enter the state of levitation, the object of suggestion can use it independently.

Hidden suggestion

Hidden suggestion is a form of non-verbal influence. There are several forms of covert suggestion:

  1. Suggestion through speech strategies. This is a method of hidden suggestion, when the instruction given to the client is dissolved in the structure of the sentence. Such verbal tricks are achieved through the techniques of assumption, choice restriction, abstract sentence, negation, causal opposition, truisms, and so on.
  2. Suggestion using hidden quotes. This method of suggestion involves the impact by expressing the thoughts of strangers or creating an artificial situation that can be used as a pretext for psychological impact. The story is carried out on behalf of another person, but the object of influence understands that the appeal is directed personally to him.
  3. Suggestion through marking. The essence of this technique lies in the non-verbal selection of that part of the statement, which is a command for the object of suggestion. This can be achieved, for example, by raising the voice on the desired phrase, changing the rate of speech, inserting small pauses before and after the command, changing the timbre of the voice. You can gesticulate with your hands or manipulate objects - a mobile phone, a lighter, a pen.
  4. Creation of a thoughtform. Suggestion occurs due to the introduction of thoughts to the client, which begin to guide his actions. Such statements, which are uttered in a convincing manner, begin their independent life in the head of the object of suggestion and direct his reasoning in the right direction.

Suggestion in a dream

The result of this method of influence is similar to the effect of hypnotic suggestion. In a dream, the influence of speech is not conscious. The object of influence is not aware that he is listening to someone's speech; clients refer to the words they perceive as thoughts that appeared in their dreams.

Suggestion in a dream occurs by whispering special phrases to a sleeping person. The technique of suggestion to a sleeping person is simple and is divided into several stages:

  1. Adjustment to the sleeper. It is necessary to sit at the head of the object of influence. You need to touch the client's finger and hold it in such a way as not to wake him up. You can also gently place your palm on your forehead. Within 2-3 minutes, you need to say in a quiet voice, to the rhythm of the sleeping person's breathing: "The dream is getting deeper and deeper."
  2. Checking the conduct of the sleeper. Speech should be quiet and calm, while pronouncing words, you need to either slow down or speed up the pace of speech. If the sleeper's breathing rhythm also changes, then contact with the client is established.
  3. Suggestion. At this stage, phrases are spoken that need to be conveyed to the client.
  4. The suggestion of forgetting. You can tell the client that after waking up he will forget everything that happened during sleep. But, at the same time, the sleeper will remember that he was inspired.

The suggestion session is carried out at night in the first 15-45 minutes of sleep or in the morning 1-2 hours before waking up.

waking suggestion

Suggestion in reality occurs in several varieties:

  1. During active wakefulness of the client.
  2. At rest and light relaxation.

There are several rules that help to achieve success during suggestion:

  1. You must be absolutely confident in your abilities and in what is pronounced.
  2. It is required to speak loudly, clearly and distinctly pronounce the words.
  3. You need to look into the eyes of your ward.
  4. Before starting work with a client, you need to relax as much as possible and relieve yourself of psychological stress.
  5. At the beginning of the session, it is necessary to establish contact with the client.
  6. The best results are obtained when the object of influence is in a state of light trance.
  7. It is necessary to set the required expectation; say what should be the result and why.
  8. The suggestor must be at rest.

direct suggestion

Direct suggestion is a type of suggestion in which the intentions of the influence are open and cannot be interpreted in any other way. Direct suggestion is divided into the following subspecies:

  1. Explicit suggestion - the suggestor transparently and in detail explains to the client what goal is being pursued and what result is expected.
  2. Camouflaged suggestion - the suggestor does not declare the intentions of the influence, but at the same time makes it clear that the effect of influence also depends on the client himself.
  3. Post-hypnotic suggestion - is used to provoke a state of self-hypnosis in the client or in cases where the object of influence needs to be erased from memory of any events that traumatize his psyche. Thanks to post-hypnotic suggestion, you can program the client to perform some action after the end of the hypnotic session.

Suggestion of thoughts from a photograph

Suggestion of thoughts from a photograph is a type of mental suggestion that is carried out at a great distance from the client. With mental suggestion, you need to establish contact with the object of influence. To do this, the suggestor in his mind calls up the image of the client and keeps it for a long time.

To facilitate the transmission of thoughts over a distance, a photograph of the object of suggestion is used. Since it is not required to direct efforts to retain the image of the client in the mind, the mental impact on him is more successful.

The technique of suggesting thoughts from a photograph is simple. The suggestor needs to sit down, relax and put himself into a state of light trance. Then you need to focus your eyes on the photo of the client and begin to mentally say any command repeatedly. This must be done confidently, discarding any doubts. A constant concentration of consciousness is required on the desired installation, as well as on the image of the client.

Suggestion in business communication

Suggestion in business communication occurs under the influence of the authority of the person from whom the information received comes. This happens in emotionally charged business negotiations, as well as in stressful situations. At this time, the criticality of consciousness decreases and one can succumb to provocative suggestion.

The lack of time when it is impossible to take a break and critically rethink the information received is also a factor contributing to suggestion.

The suggestion is made in a categorical form, with elements of psychological pressure. Therefore, the suggested person does not weigh the information and does not lend it to logical analysis, but simply automatically reacts to it by performing certain actions.

A person who falls under a suggestive influence is able to impulsively make a decision only under the influence of emotions, without thinking about his behavior.

The quality of suggestion depends on the person's age, gender, personality characteristics and type of thinking. Also, the suggestor's knowledge of the personality traits of the individual to whom the suggestion is made is the key to the success of the impact.

Treatment by suggestion

The word is considered healing no less than other medical techniques - medication, surgery, physiotherapy, folk. With the help of suggestion techniques, you can cure:

  1. Neurosis, stuttering, aggressive behavior and other psycho-emotional disorders.
  2. Many internal diseases, especially of a psychosomatic nature.
  3. Early stages of cancer.
  4. Alcohol, drug, food and other types of addictions, as well as smoking.
  5. Bad habits, for example, the desire to constantly bite your nails and so on.
  6. Correct unwanted behavior, for example, get rid of laziness, improve school performance, lack of desire to eat, and so on.

Healing of the body and psyche comes through the use of huge hidden reserves of the human central nervous system. Treatment by suggestion is carried out by means of managing psychophysiological processes during the introduction of a patient into a hypnotic state and pronouncing a command to him that changes the attitudes, beliefs and mood of the client.

Suggestion of disease

The suggestion of illness refers to the negative form of suggestion. The object of influence, previously distinguished by health, has manifestations of the disease for which it was programmed. Very often, the suggestion of diseases occurs at the everyday level, for example, by overly caring parents or grandmothers who constantly suggest to their child that he will get sick from some external factors.

Suggestion diseases most often occur in hypochondriacs, who are subject to both external suggestion and self-hypnosis. Hypochondria is a condition that is manifested by the presence of fears or excessive anxiety about one's own health. Hypochondriacs are often afraid of contracting some dangerous, deadly disease.

Usually, the suggestion of a disease is effective when a person internally agrees with the speaker or suspects something like that.

instill fear

The suggestion of fear is the impact of a negative nature, designed to provide a person with a state of anxiety, anxiety or panic fear. Actualization of depressive states or apathy is also possible. The danger can be real or imagined. Fear can cause a particular object, phenomenon, or simply hold on to an inexplicable state of anxiety or panic. Feelings of fear can also arise in front of the unknown.

Characteristically, until the moment of suggestion, the object of influence had no negative reactions to the above stimuli. After the suggestion has been made, the suggesters exhibit stable behavior, in which they begin to avoid any places, objects or phenomena to which they were previously indifferent. Moreover, this fear is unmotivated: if a person is asked why he is afraid of something specific, then he will not even be able to give a reasoned answer to this question.

When faced with an object or phenomenon that causes fear, a person changes all psychophysiological characteristics, he easily gets out of control of his consciousness and falls into a panic. The suggestion of fear can be removed only by a reciprocal session (or sessions) of influence of the opposite direction. Rational methods, persuasion and other methods do not remove the inspired fear.

Suggestion of health

Health suggestion refers to a type of therapeutic suggestion that is carried out during a patient's illness. Such suggestion sessions can be carried out in a state of relaxation, light trance or under hypnosis. With autosuggestion, it is also possible and necessary to apply settings to improve health.

Many cases are known when complex somatic ailments disappeared only due to sessions of suggestion or self-hypnosis.

Experts recommend conducting self-hypnosis sessions aimed at improving health immediately after waking up or before falling asleep. The fact is that at these moments the line between consciousness and the unconscious is erased, a person finds himself in the so-called sleepy state. In this state, access to the unconscious is facilitated, which more easily assimilates commands for restoring health and healing.

Suggestion to lose weight

Since the subconscious perceives commands or images well when the control of the cerebral cortex is turned off, suggestion methods can be used for weight loss sessions.

To do this, the suggestor conducting the session must use verbal commands that encourage the client's psyche to stimulate the processes of fat burning in the body. Very good results are achieved through suggestion in a state of hypnosis. It is also good to use images and verbal commands in self-hypnosis sessions.

The suggestion to lose weight is used to restore the optimal state of the psyche and metabolism; the lost skills of self-regulation of the protective functions of the body are restored.

Instilling self-confidence

Self-confidence is a feeling of one's own inner strength, rightness, supported by a calm state of mind, in which a person feels comfortable in any situation.

There are several ways to create a state of self-confidence:

  1. You need to play self-confidence, direct the activity of the body to copy confident behavior.
  2. It is necessary to use affirmations or self-hypnosis phrases that should be used in situations of stress or loss of confidence.
  3. Resort to self-hypnosis and relaxation sessions, while using images of success and self-hypnosis phrases aimed at strengthening the psyche.

The suggestion of self-confidence can also occur in psychotherapeutic sessions through trance or hypnotic influence.

Suggestion training

Training in suggestion begins with the ability to establish contact or rapport with a person. These skills are well practiced in a psychological course called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Training to introduce the client into a state of light trance and the effective use of speech constructions and special commands takes place at trainings and seminars on Ericksonian hypnosis.

Training in hypnotic suggestion can be done at special training courses on hypnosis, but for this you need to have a medical education that allows you to use hypnotic influence for therapeutic and psychotherapeutic purposes.

Suggestion Protection

Defense against suggestion is a necessary skill, not only in a critical situation, but also in everyday communication.

To protect yourself from suggestion, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Always keep your goals in mind when communicating and get the conversation back on track.
  2. In a conversation, change your posture, tempo of speech, voice timbre and intonation, rhythm and frequency of breathing more often, gesticulate differently.
  3. Do not look into the eyes of the interlocutor, do not follow the things that he manipulates. It is best to focus on an object that you have chosen yourself or move your gaze from object to object.
  4. Go into an internal trance - immerse yourself in some memories, reflections, imagine any events.
  5. Turn on the internal monologue: start to mentally say a prayer, read a poem, sing a song.
  6. If you cannot get out of the suggestive influence, it is best to immediately break off contact and leave the meeting place.

How not to be tempted?

There are rules of conduct for those people who care about the problem, how not to succumb to suggestion:

  1. It is necessary to avoid communication with suspicious strangers, gypsies, beggars and so on.
  2. You should not take information from strangers without critical reflection, no matter how frightening or attractive it may be. Any information received must be questioned.
  3. Do not look into the eyes of unfamiliar interlocutors and avoid touching your body.
  4. You have to learn to say no, to say no. Each person is free to act, and no one is obliged to help anyone, enter into someone's position, know the answers to all questions, fulfill rash promises, or communicate with anyone.
  5. You should never make quick decisions under pressure from outside.
  6. You do not need to tell strangers any confidential information about yourself, "open your soul" to strangers.
  7. It is necessary to engage in autogenic training in order to resist extraneous influences in a critical situation.
  8. Sunglasses, listening to a walkie-talkie, simple haste are a good way to block out suggestion.
  9. In critical situations, it is necessary to remain calm and composure, to avoid emotional response to various circumstances.
  10. Collective suggestion has a greater effect than individual suggestion. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid mass gatherings in which there is a possibility of becoming an object of influence.

Suggestion is a serious tool of psychological influence on a person. And therefore, using it, you need to be professional and very careful. Because with the help of suggestion, you can both harm a person and heal him.

Self-hypnosis is the ability of a person to inspire himself (usually in a trance state) using thoughts, images, ideas, imagination and visualization, some specific attitudes of a positive or negative nature. It is also known as the placebo effect.

Often there is an unconscious self-hypnosis for diseases or, on the contrary, self-hypnosis for recovery, for increasing self-confidence, the realization of what was planned, and so on.

The power of self-hypnosis is very great, although many people underestimate it. Of course, this is not a magic wand that instantly solves any problems, but it helps a lot in life to get rid of certain conditions.

It is important to take a very responsible approach to conscious self-hypnosis, performing it not for fun, but when there is a serious need for it.

Self-hypnosis can be of an irrational nature, unconscious, come from the attitudes, beliefs and beliefs that a person has been laid down by his parents and society. In the case when they are negative, a person unconsciously for himself inspires himself with various pathologies, sets himself up for failure in his career or love.

If you learn to control your mental state, thanks to the technique of self-hypnosis, you can significantly improve your life: gain health and longevity, improve the quality of your life, become successful, attract love. Regular use of the method will bring it to automatism.

Self-help for recovery

If you suffer from any pathologies - physical or mental, then we recommend that you use controlled self-hypnosis for recovery.

But note that the self-hypnosis technique can be used as an aid to recovery in conjunction with other therapies (medication, physiotherapy, and so on). Although in some cases self-hypnosis allows you to get rid of pathologies without additional intervention.

And if you apply the concept of "recovery" on a social, personal and emotional-psychological level, then self-hypnosis will improve your position in society, improve interpersonal relationships and allow you to make your life successful and happy.

Watch the following video to learn how the placebo effect works

Fundamentals of self-hypnosis

To use self-hypnosis effectively, you first need to be familiar with its basics. Below we give you the rules, the observance of which in this case is mandatory if you want to get the desired result:

  1. Be 100% sure of the final action. The presence of doubt calls into question the effectiveness of technology. The presence of your fears and prejudices can prevent you from achieving your goal, which ultimately ends in complete failure.
  2. Positive thinking. If you use the particle "not" in your speech, your brain automatically starts to be programmed to defeat. Therefore, it is necessary to try to build your judgments in such a way that they do not contain a negative wording. For example, you decide to lose weight and if you have a desire to eat something harmful, you inspire yourself that you do not feel hungry. But soon you will feel treacherous nausea. It would be more correct to convince yourself that you are currently full and feel great.
  3. Don't force yourself. If you resort to coercion, you will face constant internal conflict. And fighting with yourself is the worst thing you can think of. Therefore, do not try to force yourself, but try to apply persuasion to find a compromise.
  4. Focus on the present. You will never correct the mistakes of the past, and thinking about the distant future is also not very effective. Therefore, put the right emphasis on the present - concentrate on the present moment.
  5. Give yourself the right settings. It is important that they are short and concise, while being clear and concise. If you think about the wording of your desire for a long time, it will become blurred and cease to work. Try to repeat your settings often.

Autosuggestion of diseases

There is such a thing as iatrogenic disease, which is a mental disorder provoked by a careless statement by a doctor. So for especially impressionable patients, because of a careless word uttered by a doctor, there is a conviction that there is a serious pathology. Although the development of this condition is possible without the fault of the physician.

Suspicious people tend to independently establish various diagnoses for themselves. The most dangerous thing in this case is that as a result of such self-hypnosis, a person really encounters a real pathology.

If you focus on yourself, various negative changes begin to occur in your body. Gastrointestinal pathologies develop most rapidly. A person under negative self-hypnosis experiences a state of stress, and stress provokes many real diseases.

How to get rid of self-hypnosis disease

In the case when the disease was provoked by self-hypnosis, it is necessary to make a change in your thoughts and thinking in general, tune in to recovery and be in a positive mood. The affirmation “Every minute I become healthier and happier” is very effective.

Self-hypnosis treatment

Our pathologies are our mental experiences, all our anxieties and fears. To gain health, you need to remain calm and self-confident, as well as think less about negative images.

Self-hypnosis or the placebo effect is a huge power that will help you change your reality. Using the power of self-hypnosis, you will get rid of various physical and mental pathologies, and you will also be able to achieve a state of inner harmony and happiness.

Suggestion- this is a process of influence by one person on the subconscious of another, in which an uncritical perception of the installations that are implanted is made by the latter. Suggestion is a specially formed emotional or verbal constructions. Psychological suggestion blocks a person's thinking and changes his behavior. Many people firmly believe that only they control their behavior and their own thoughts. But many experts argue and prove that there are such phenomena: suggestion, telepathy, hypnosis. It is with the help of these techniques that some people influence others, inspire them with their thoughts and desires. Not a single sphere of human activity can do without suggestion, many processes of society occur only thanks to it.

Suggestion on a person occurs during communication, education, work, relationships. Sometimes this process of influencing a person is used for selfish purposes, for profit, psychological suggestion is used for the sake of auxiliary therapy, for example, with attitudes towards well-being.

Together with the concept of suggestion, the term is used, and the person using the suggestion is called the suggestor.

The art of suggestion includes the possession of verbal and non-verbal methods of influence. Often a person does not even understand that when communicating, they influence him, imposing his own, mood and opinion.

The power of suggestion is multiplied by repeated repetition of exposure. It is necessary to repeat the information suggested to a person several times, since the first time he will not be able to remember it and perceive it as proper information.

The strength of the influence process depends on several factors: the mood of the suggested, his emotional stability, the nature of the impact, the conditions for conducting it, the authority of the suggested, compliance, natural disasters and other factors.

Suggestion, the technique of the method, is based on the willingness of the individual to accept the transmitted information on a subconscious level, therefore it is often more effective than the method of persuasion, which is based on logical evidence.

Psychological suggestion instills in a person other people's ideas and thoughts, feelings and even sensations, without using any evidence or logical explanations. This process of influence is very well subject to individuals who manifest themselves as spiritually weak, timid, timid and shy, those who uncritically perceive others, are too gullible and simple-hearted, prone to dependence on others.

It is difficult to suggest strong personalities who own business activity, enterprising, energetic; arrogant and proud; uncommunicative and gloomy; eccentric; too frank; not dependent on others or having someone in their own dependence.

The following factors will contribute to the suggestion:

- internal dependence;

- overwork and psychophysical exhaustion of the object;

- psychological tension;

- unexpectedness of the message of information;

- repeated repetition of the message;

- specific emotionality and absolute logic of the suggestor;

Suggestion to a person may not come true if internal barriers interfere with its implementation, among them:

- critical-logical - a person rejects what he considers unreasonable logically;

- intuitive-affective - the individual does not perceive information that does not cause subconscious confidence;

- ethical - a person does not accept material that contradicts his moral and ethical laws.

Overcoming the described barriers does not imply a focus on their elimination, but adjustment. For example, in order to influence an individual with a small , it is necessary to combine the impact with strong negative emotions, if this person is intellectually developed, then use positive emotions.

If the subject is unsure or depressed, it is best to approach them with an imperative tone, using gestures and facial expressions.

Suggestion of thoughts

Often, the closest environment can, from the most benevolent motives, use suggestion on a person, and make him think that this perception is his own.

When exposed, it is absolutely not necessary to use only verbal or tactile contact in order to impose information on a person, you can do this even at a distance.

Suggestion to man, in contrast to the overwhelming phenomena that modern mystics claim to be real, is an objective fact of reality. Scientists call it hypnosis. Hypnosis can change the state of consciousness. An individual who is awake or, conversely, asleep, is difficult to hypnotize. For hypnotic suggestion to be effective, the individual must be in a state of drowsiness or trance. Consciousness in such an intermediate state acquires specific properties. The degree of criticality of consciousness drops sharply in an individual, the mechanism for forming a critical assessment of material coming from outside and the process of filtering data that do not agree with his experience, beliefs, laws of logic, habits, prejudices weakens, therefore, he will perceive everything that he will be told about .

Also in this state, the influence of imagination and fantasy on conscious processes increases. Things that could previously be regulated by logical mechanisms now begin to obey only emotional perception, so if earlier all decisions were made based solely on the criteria of right or not, profitable - unprofitable, now they are changing: like and dislike. That is why the personality of the inspiring hypnotist and the level of trust will play the main role here.

At first, the hypnotic process of influence was considered as a tool, thanks to which it is permissible to inspire a person with anything, any thoughts. Gradually, psychotherapists who practiced came to the conclusion that hypnotic suggestion will be effective if the suggested information matches the needs of the person.

If the suggested thoughts are contrary to the needs and attitudes of the individual, then she may develop an internal conflict, depression, nervous breakdown, and a breakdown. Due to the possible consequences, hypnotic suggestion is used only through the use of Ericksonian hypnosis, in which ready-made solutions and thoughts are not suggested. The patient gets the opportunity to sneak into his own, there to discover the cause of personal problems and, thanks to an experienced doctor, find their solution.

The suggestion of thoughts will have positive results if certain rules are followed. Thus, the object of influence must remain in this state until critical thinking and a sober logical analysis of information are turned off.

The person carrying out the suggestion of thoughts must believe in the information that he inspires the ward. If he fails to do this, then the suggestible will not be able to trust and the process will fail. Also, the suggested person should not feel dissatisfied with himself during the exposure session, otherwise the result cannot be achieved. It is worth fulfilling all the given promises to the suggestible. To improve your art of suggestion, you need to practice often.

Suggestion methods

To incline a person to a desired action, block an undesirable way of behavior or way of thinking; the rapid spread of rumors and the necessary information requires methods of suggestion.

The types of suggestion have several classifications, in one of them the following are distinguished: verbal, non-verbal, unintentional and intentional.

Verbal influence is realized with the help of verbal formulations.

Non-verbal suggestion is carried out wordlessly, through intonations, postures and glances. Non-verbal influence has three subtypes: catalepsy, pause and levitation.

Involuntary suggestion is when the suggestor, not having specific goals to inspire something to the object of influence, does not make a conscious effort to do so. This type of influence is effective when the object is internally disposed to the induced information.

Intentional suggestion is when the suggestor has a goal of influence and is clearly aware of what exactly he is going to and will suggest, and takes all steps to achieve the goal.

Types of suggestion by content: positive - allows you to achieve positive changes in the state of the object, its character, emotions and behavior.

Negative suggestion is a psychological impact of a negative nature, after which negative states, actions, properties and feelings appear.

Some masters distinguish the following types of suggestion:

- impact when the client is awake, when his consciousness is quite active;

- in the relaxing state of the individual, in which muscular and psychological relaxation appears;

- hypnotic suggestion, in which the object of influence is in an altered psychophysiological state;

- mental suggestion, carried out without direct contact with the personality;

- metaphysical suggestion is a combination of a conversation about the reality of the "I" of the individual and the indivisibility of the Universe with the thought process of influence. This method is used to mentally or physically heal the client.

There are also other types of suggestion: pressure, strong persuasion, emotional-volitional influence.

Indirect suggestions are such an impact in which the individual has his own choice to reject or still accept the impact. Such influence is necessary to direct the actions, emotions and thoughts of a person in the direction that he is trying to avoid. Indirect suggestions are divided into the following types:

- the sequence of acceptance: when the suggestor lists the statements that the individual perceives, and at the end of the listing, the installation that needs to be accepted is pronounced;

- implication: the suggestor speaks firmly about the possible consequences, and the client sets himself up precisely for the predicted outcome;

- double bind: the client is asked to make one choice between two similar options;

- a suggestion in which the suggestor voices a list of possible options for the situation, while missing the most significant event. Subsequently, the attention of the individual is attracted to him most of all, and he fixes his consciousness on a certain aspect.

Hypnotic suggestion is such an influence that immerses the client into a state of altered consciousness. With the help of manipulations of the suggestor, a person goes deep into a hypnotic sleep, and being in the state of this dream, he vividly reacts to the statements of the hypnotist. There is no critical evaluation of information, so the commands pass into the subconscious itself, skipping conscious analysis. Then there is an impact on behavior, health and psycho-emotional state.

According to another classification, there are the following types of suggestion:

- mechanical: the client is influenced by things and phenomena that have a monotonous effect (sound, light);

- mental suggestion, the same as verbal - the impact of the word;

- magnetic suggestion - based on the use of therapeutic magnetism.

Experts believe that the best effect is achieved with a combination of magnetic and psychic effects.

Psychological suggestion stands out separately from other types, it is often correlated with everyday suggestion. In psychological suggestion, a special psychological effect of the suggestor on the suggestor is used, which uses verbal and non-verbal methods of communication. The quality of the suggestor's arguments is not so high, the criticality of the suggestor's thoughts is small. It turns out that the suggestor delves into the weak arguments of the suggestor, and credits them to his own, without requiring evidence for this. Here the suggestor is exposed not so much to the influence of the source, the form of suggestion and content, as the personality of the suggestor, which causes unconditional trust.

The attitudes that are instilled by the suggestor and laid in the subconscious of the suggestor become part of his personality. In the future, the individual who was influenced changes his habitual way of behavior in accordance with the received attitudes.

Suggestion at a distance is a method in which attitudes are imposed on an individual when he is not in the immediate area of ​​action. This method is able to change beliefs and behavior.

Suggestion at a distance is associated with such phenomena as hypnosis and telepathy.

Suggestion at a distance

Suggestion of thoughts at an indefinite distance is not recognized by skeptics. They do not even recognize the possibility of its presence, however, this is real and has already been proven. Many people know about hypnosis, they believe in it, but in addition to hypnosis, there is also hypnotic telepathy, thanks to which it becomes possible to exert a powerful influence at a distance, that is, without visual contact.

The technique of suggestion of thoughts at a distance is based on the impact through signals that come from the cerebral cortex. Those to whom this signal is oriented are unaware of the influence that is on them, believing that the thoughts in their heads belong only to them.

There is a theory that all thoughts are radio waves of certain frequencies. A person is considered a radio receiver and, under appropriate conditions, he will be able to catch other people's thoughts at a distance.

The method of mental influence at a distance is telepathic suggestion, which is called telehypnosis. Telepathy has no quantitative or spatial restrictions, unlike force or material influence, has no dependence on external conditions and can affect anyone, regardless of the size of the separating distance.

You can even do something that seems completely unbelievable to others - get an individual to call. Even when the person of interest is at a distance of up to a thousand kilometers, he will be able to catch the transmitted thought that you are asking her to call back. The human thought transmitted by the brain moves much faster than the speed of light and is able to reach any point on the Earth in an instant. You just need to understand that a thought is a wave that is able to move in space without restrictions and be transmitted to others.

An individual who believes that he does not have telepathic abilities should analyze his own life well and be able to remember when he used telepathic abilities at least once. For example, it is not difficult to remember such a case when you were about to call a person and suddenly, as you picked up the phone, the phone rang from the person you needed to call.

The second example, you think about a person for a long time, soon you meet him, as if by chance. Also, when in a conversation you suddenly utter one phrase at the same time as the interlocutor.

Often telepathy is found among the closest people. Hearing the words of a loved one, you understand that you probably knew what he would say. There are quite a few case examples for everyone. After all, it happens that you are watching a person who does not see you for a long time and intently, and suddenly he turns around and catches eye contact with you.

Sometimes it happens that suddenly such thoughts come to mind that are usually completely unusual for a person, and he feels them as alien. Indeed, there are thoughts that are not characteristic of you, they may not be yours, they were inspired by another person.

The human brain is a powerful radio station and at the same time a radio receiver. In some states of consciousness, after a change in electro-wave activity, one can hear other people's thoughts and also broadcast them at a distance.

The technique of suggestion of thoughts at a distance is not as difficult as it seems. Probably, many imagine that there should be a magical ritual for this, but everyone can do it just at home. The technique is best done at night, just then the human consciousness is best exposed to suggestion, it relaxes as much as possible, or sleeps. It is sleep that is the most suitable moment for suggestion, since the subconscious mind is best open to influence. Thoughts can be transmitted at a distance, and a person will perceive them as his own. Thanks to this method, you can inspire a person with love, desire and emotion.

The technique of suggestion of thoughts at a distance begins with the adoption of the most comfortable position, lie down or stand. As soon as you are comfortable, you need to relax all the muscles of the body, feel this sensation. Inhale deeply and exhale three times. Next, you need to think of a short, well-perceived text, a wording that meets the needs, which will be sent to the person.

It is necessary to concentrate as much as possible on the feeling of the person to whom the suggestion is planned. To do this, it is worth closing your eyes, imagining it vividly, and as realistically as possible, as clearly as possible and expressing the already invented text, mentally repeating it several times, extremely carefully, there should no longer be a single superfluous thought in your head.

Next, you need to visualize the moment when he executes the order that was given in the text. For example, he confidently picks up the phone, dials a number and calls. Suggested thoughts penetrate through the energy channels into the brain and do what is necessary - the suggestion reaches the object. The thoughts of the suggestor become the thoughts of the suggestor, he will pick up the phone, thinking that he himself wants to call you. You can develop your art of suggestion by practicing every day for 15 minutes.

simple and effective psychotechniques

Suggestion is the presentation of information, perceived without critical evaluation and influencing the course of neuropsychic processes. Self-hypnosis is a process of suggestion addressed to oneself. Through self-hypnosis, sensations, ideas, emotional states and volitional impulses can be evoked, as well as have an impact on the autonomic functions of the body.
The essence of self-hypnosis methods is the formation of positive impulses by constantly repeating specially selected phrases until they turn into a working tool of your subconscious mind and it begins to act according to this thought impulse, transforming it into a physical equivalent. Repetition of settings for the subconscious is the basis of self-hypnosis.
Words and phrases of self-hypnosis must be mentally pronounced in the first person in an imperative tone and always in an affirmative form. The negative particle "not" in verbal formulas is excluded. You can't say "I don't smoke". You need to say "I quit smoking" or "I stopped smoking." You should also not pronounce long monologues. Phrases should be short, they should be pronounced slowly with full concentration of attention on the subject of suggestion. During the pronunciation of each phrase of self-hypnosis, it is desirable to vividly represent what is being suggested.
Self-hypnosis methods are most effective when active thoughts in the form of target formulas (thoughts that carry a clear, meaningful setting to the subconscious) proceed against the background of a state of relaxation of the body. The more relaxed the body, the more pliable the subconscious becomes for target settings. The power of self-hypnosis is directly dependent on the degree of desire to achieve the set specific goal, on the degree of concentration of attention on the settings for the subconscious.
There are a fairly large number of self-hypnosis methods - these are affirmations, psychological attitudes, various meditative techniques, visualization, mantras, prayers and many other psychotechnics.


Affirmations are a self-suggestion method where you repeat formulas out loud or to yourself. The meaning of this psychotechnics is that you build a sentence in which you report that you have reached a certain goal. For example, “I am in good health”, “I am confident in myself”, “I have a good job”, “I am married to my beloved”. What exactly to repeat depends on your goal. Thanks to affirmations, positive thoughts will begin to replace negative ones and gradually completely replace them. And then everything that you repeat will come true in your life.
Gratitude is a kind of affirmation, but a much more powerful psychotechnic. Gratitude is the second most powerful emotion after love. Because when we thank, strong emotions arise at the same time, and this is a powerful effect on the psyche and consciousness. You need to be grateful for everything that you have and say: “Thank you, Lord, for good health”, “Thank you for my new home”, even if you do not have one. Thank you sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, as if you already have this house. And over time, self-hypnosis will do its job and you will have the repeatable.
For this psychotechnics, the most ordinary state of a person, in which he usually lives every day, is suitable. The effectiveness of affirmations will depend on how much the practitioner can make the spoken words the essence, the content of his whole day. That is, you can do whatever you want: work, relax, play sports, sunbathe, so long as the necessary affirmation continues to live on the surface of memory.
Affirmations are the simplest method of self-hypnosis and, accordingly, this is the easiest way to influence the subconscious, they are less powerful than visualization and they need to be repeated more often. But they are also effective and easy to use.


Visualization is the mental representation and experience of imaginary events. The essence of this psychotechnics is simply to imagine the desired situation and live in it. Visualization is so effective because our mind does not distinguish between real and imagined events. When you imagine something, the mind thinks it is actually happening. It is very important to perceive everything with your own eyes. Not from above, not from the side, but with your own eyes. If you imagine a car, you must imagine that you are driving this car and you are looking at the road. Your goal is to buy a house. Imagine how you insert the keys into the keyhole for the first time and open the door, how you enter the house, how you inspect it. Your visualization should be only positive and carry an exclusively positive charge.
You need to visualize in a comfortable, calm environment, so choose a time and place when no one will distract you, and take a comfortable position. Relax. Imagine that your muscles, starting with your toes and ending with your head, alternately relax. The tension leaves you. The mental image that is placed in the subconscious must be very clear and bright - then the subconscious will be able to give a command to the relevant organs and tissues.
The duration of this psycho-technique does not matter much. The main criterion is your satisfaction. Visualize yourself for as long as you like. It can last for an hour or five minutes. Most importantly, the process should be fun. The more often you submit the desired image, the sooner the update process will begin. And the results you get will simply amaze you!


When performing this psychotechnics, a person takes a comfortable position sitting or lying down, closes his eyes, relaxes and in a whisper, without any tension, several times (at least 20) monotonously pronounces the same self-hypnosis formula. The formula should be simple, consisting of a few words, a maximum of 3-4 phrases and always have a positive content. For example, "I'm healthy." In no case should it contain the particle “not”, since the denial of any action or phenomenon is not recognized by the subconscious and can be mistaken for the opposite statement. A session of this method of self-hypnosis lasts 3-4 minutes, repeated 2-3 times a day for 6-8 weeks. E. Coue recommended using prosleep states in the morning when waking up or in the evening when falling asleep for psychotechnical sessions.


Autogenic training is a method of self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation (lower stage) or hypnotic trance (higher stage). The creator of the method of autogenic training is Johans Heinrich Schultz, he also owns the term “autogenic training”. This psychotechnics is based on the findings of the ancient Indian system of yogis, the experience of studying the sensations of people immersed in hypnosis, the practice of using the method of self-hypnosis by E. Kue and others.
Practicing this method of self-hypnosis, it is necessary to achieve relaxation, which comes on the verge of reality and sleep. It is recommended to lie or sit in the "coachman" position. To achieve relaxation, you need to:
- activate memories associated with pleasant sensations experienced in the past,
- to cause, if necessary, not only calming, but also an increase in psycho-emotional tone,
- accompany the self-hypnosis formulas with figurative representations.
The effectiveness of the application of this psycho-technique will depend on the degree of concentration, so other cases are excluded. The self-hypnosis method requires daily practice, at least twice a day. Skipping at least one is extremely bad for achieving the effect.
A variety of autogenic training is imago - training. The author of this method of self-hypnosis is Valery Avdeev. He argues that with the help of imago-training, each person without any training is able to step far (under the direct supervision of an imago-training specialist) beyond their usual capabilities and reveal their creative abilities.


Meditation is an intense, penetrating contemplation, immersion of consciousness into the essence of an object, an idea, which is achieved by focusing on one thing and eliminating all interfering factors, both external and internal, from the consciousness.
A necessary condition for meditation is the cessation of the internal dialogue, the conversation that we constantly have with ourselves. It's very easy to stop it. To do this, it is usually enough to focus on something in yourself. For example, on both hands at once.
Meditation is a psychotechnique that allows you to repeatedly increase your physical, intellectual and mental capabilities, reaction speed and much, much more, in principle, it is very simple. It can be conditionally divided into four parts, four components:
- installation definition;
- entry into a state of emptiness and a real feeling of a given setting in oneself;
- exit from the state of emptiness to the normal state with the installation already embedded in the subconscious;
- if it is necessary to fulfill the installation, spontaneous entry into a state of thoughtlessness and its implementation.
Installations should be extremely concise, capacious and at the same time bright.


Self-hypnosis is one of the most powerful psychotechniques. The first step is to relax. Then you need to calm down and enter a state of peace. Then say the phrase "I sleep deeply ...". Then you should mentally calculate from five to zero, imagining how you are breaking away from the familiar world further and further, plunging deeper and deeper into the darkness of hypnotic oblivion. After counting "zero", once again say the key phrase "I am a deep sleep ..." and mentally look around. You are inside your subconscious. Now it's time to say the formula that will help you reach this state faster in the future. It sounds like this: "Each time I say the words "I am a deep sleep ...", I enter the state of self-programming faster and faster."
This formula must be repeated at each of the first lessons several times, and only after that, pronounce the self-hypnosis formulas.


Recapping is an effective psychotechnique that makes it possible to relive - in the virtual space - a concentrated experience of the past situation, but to experience it in a new way. Re-experiencing is seeing new possibilities in the old situation, and not for then, but for new possibilities now. We are talking about situations that are still significant. Only therefore it makes sense to experience them, only therefore they can be experienced. To really relive a situation is to see new possibilities in it.
The main provisions of this psychotechnics are as follows:
1. The situation must be re-experienced (real experience), and not just restored in memory.
2. The situation must be experienced in its significant components, which alone make it a given existential situation. The reality of the significant components of the situation is determined by the fact that they can be deployed, there is something in them that can be seen anew, rethought, and so on.
3. It is necessary to restore, reproduce in a situation what happened for you personally. A situation is always your personal, individual, existential situation. And what was around there is a gradually dissolving, disappearing background.


For this method of self-hypnosis, an active state is important, when a person's consciousness reaches the maximum degree of composure. Therefore, during the implementation of the mood, it is necessary to behave as actively as possible: it is best to walk or move vigorously, but not lie down. However, it is not recommended to be distracted by any other activity.
Tune in these words addressed by a person to himself, an attempt to awaken the forces dormant in the depths of each of us. From the fact that the words are pronounced by the person himself, their influence will not weaken. On the contrary, a conscious and clearly expressed word coming from within, in which the speaker himself believes, will have a much more pronounced effect than heard from another.


Visualize a deflated balloon above your head. Take a deep breath and as you exhale imagine how all your problems and anxieties, fears, worries and various troubles fill this ball. You are completely relieved of these worries by filling the balloon with them. Then, taking another deep breath, as you exhale, visualize the balloon floating up and disappearing, taking with it all your worries and problems that you put into it. This is a great mental technique and is best done before bed, especially if problems are preventing you from sleeping.


This psychotechnics was developed by Gennady Andreevich Shichko. He experimentally established that the word that a person writes with his hand before going to bed, in terms of the power of influence on the subconscious, is a hundred times greater than the word seen, said or heard.
Psychotechnics is performed as follows. Before going to bed, write the suggestion formula on a piece of paper with a pen (you can write it several times). Read it several times. Then go to bed and, pronouncing the suggestion formula, fall asleep.

Non-traditional treatment (alternative medicine, alternative medicine) is based on the experience gained over several millennia by different peoples. It has proved its effectiveness already by the fact that non-traditional methods of treatment have existed throughout the history of mankind and are in demand at the present time. The advantage of alternative medicine, first of all, is that it uses natural remedies that are safe and harmless. Its other advantage is the alternative nature of non-traditional methods of treatment, that is, the possibility of choosing different ways of healing (you can turn to alternative medicine if academic medicine is powerless), and sometimes you can combine traditional and non-traditional treatment.
Traditional methods of treatment are very effective in exacerbation of diseases, in conditions requiring immediate assistance, quick and competent treatment. Such treatment can only be prescribed by an experienced doctor.
Non-traditional treatment is the best assistant in chronic diseases, when you need to strengthen the body, prevent the development of the disease, the appearance of exacerbations or complications, when there is no immediate danger to life or the severity of the disease. Herbal teas, honey treatment, hardening, mud therapy, aromatherapy, etc. are the best ways to prevent diseases and improve health.
Traditional medicine is not always effective. Long-term use of drug therapy in chronic diseases is often accompanied by side effects, which significantly reduces the therapeutic effect, and sometimes leads to the emergence of new pathological conditions.
Reasons why people choose alternative medicine:
1. Inefficiency of traditional methods of treatment.
2. The desire to recover and gain good health, which traditional medicine could not give.
3. Desire to reduce the amount of medication taken.
4. The belief that traditional medicine treats the symptoms and not the cause of the disease.
5. Desire to improve the quality of life.
To compare traditional and alternative medicine, it is necessary to understand the theoretical foundations of the two systems, which determine the methods of treatment.
1. Traditional medicine believes that its task is to treat the disease. Alternative medicine believes that its task is health care, health promotion.
2. The main methods of treatment of traditional medicine are drugs and surgery. The main alternative medicine treatments are exercise, diet, homeopathy, honey, acupuncture, etc.
3. Conventional medicine believes that treatment is an attempt to cure a diseased organ. Alternative medicine believes that the treatment is to stimulate the process of self-healing.
4. Traditional medicine believes that the main attention should be paid to the constituent parts, matter. Alternative medicine believes that the focus should be on the whole, energy.
5. According to traditional medicine, the doctor must suppress and eliminate the symptoms. According to non-traditional treatment, the doctor must identify the cause of disharmony and imbalance.
6. The task of traditional medicine is to fight the disease. The task of alternative medicine is to restore the harmony of the body, spirit and mind.
7. Traditional medicine believes that disease occurs when the constituent parts are damaged. Alternative medicine believes that disease occurs when the balance of energy and vitality is disturbed.
8. According to traditional medicine, the body consists of separate parts and is a mechanism. According to alternative medicine, the body is a single whole and is part of the universe.
9. Traditional medicine believes that the mind, body and spirit are separate. Alternative medicine believes that they are one.
1. Azonotherapy.
2. Acupuncture (acupuncture, acupuncture) is a method of treating many diseases with injections (special needles) at certain points of the body.
3. Apitherapy - treatment with bee products, the use of bee venom and its preparations for therapeutic purposes.
4. Aromatherapy - non-traditional treatment with essential oils.
5. Autogenic training - the impact on the physical and mental state with the help of self-hypnosis.
6. Aerosol therapy - inhalation of aerosols of medicinal substances for the purpose of prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.
7. Aeroionotherapy - treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract with ionized air.
8. Balneology - a section of balneology that studies mineral waters and their therapeutic and prophylactic use.
9. Barotherapy - non-traditional treatment with high or low air pressure.
10. Bioenergy therapy - treatment with the help of biological energy.
11. Vibrotherapy - a method of treating diseases with the help of vibration created by special devices.
12. Hydrotherapy (hydrotherapy) - the use of water for preventive and therapeutic purposes in the form of local and general baths, rubdowns, showers, wraps, compresses, douches.
13. Heliotherapy - sunbathing treatment.
14. Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches.
15. Medical fasting - a method of treating obesity and a number of other diseases by temporary restriction or complete cessation of food intake.
16. Homeopathy - the use of minimal doses of substances that cause phenomena in large doses that are similar to the signs of the disease.
17. Mud therapy - a method of thermotherapy with mud of mineral-organic origin, as well as mud-like substances (peat, clay, etc.). Apply in the form of general or local mud baths, applications, tampons.
18. Diathermy - deep heating of tissues with high-frequency and high-power currents received from a special apparatus.
19. Non-traditional treatment with kerosene.
20. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide.
21. Treatment with blue iodine.
22. Breath healing.
23. Lithotherapy - non-traditional stone treatment.
24. Magnetotherapy - treatment with constant and pulsed magnetic fields.
25. Manual therapy - a complex of biomechanical techniques performed by hands aimed at eliminating pain and restoring mobility of the spine and joints.
26. Metal therapy - applying plates of various metals to the body.
27. Naturotherapy - treatment with medicinal products of natural, mineral, plant or animal origin.
28. Naftalan treatment - therapeutic use of Naftalan oil in the form of steam or solar heating baths.
29. Osteopathy.
30. Paraffin treatment - the use of molten paraffin in the form of applications, layering or baths.
31. Turpentine baths.
32. Stone therapy - a massage technique using various natural stones.
33. Thalassotherapy - treatment with sea water, seaweed, salt and mud.
34. Peat therapy - a type of mud therapy: applications from peat that meets certain requirements, heated to a temperature of 42-52 ° C.
35. Urine therapy - external or internal use of human or animal urine for therapeutic purposes. Traditional medicine treats it extremely negatively.
36. Ultrasonic wave therapy.
37. Phytotherapy - treatment with medicinal herbs.
38. Fungotherapy - non-traditional treatment with mushrooms.
Some of the above methods are of limited use in conventional medicine when conventional therapy cannot be applied or in the treatment of chronic, non-life-threatening illnesses.
The most common non-traditional treatment in China and Russia. In other countries, it is prohibited or strictly limited.
Sit in a chair and begin conscious diaphragmatic breathing. When inhaling, the diaphragm descends and the abdomen protrudes; when exhaling, the diaphragm rises and the abdomen retracts. Breathe like this for 2-3 minutes. Then start breathing through the diseased organ. Let's say your liver is playing tricks - not so much that hospitalization is required, but slightly - and you would like to get rid of this "sore" with minimal and natural means. Imagine that you are breathing in and out right through your aching liver. After some time, you will have some sensations in the liver area: tingling, pulsation, warming up, etc. Very good, this is a signal that the technique has "started". Exercises are performed regularly, at least three times a week, for 10-15 minutes. Similarly, you can work with any other organ except the heart and head. With any of your "sores" you should cope with a maximum of 20 sessions or feel, in any case, significant relief. If it doesn't, then you're doing something wrong. Very often, the beginning of recovery is outwardly accompanied by an exacerbation of the disease. Keep this in mind and don't be scared if you encounter it. In this case, continue classes as before. Such exacerbations usually last only a few days, then there is a significant improvement, and a speedy recovery. Much worse if your classes are not accompanied by any symptoms at all.
This method can also be attributed to an unconventional method of treatment. Sit on a chair, put your elbows on the table, clench the palms of your hands into fists in the form of tubes and place them between the eyebrows (third eye). When inhaling through the mouth, imagine that we are taking energy through the tube created by the fists and directing it to the organ (muscle) that we want to improve, for example, the stomach. Then comes a pause (holding the breath), during which the energy accumulates there with the corresponding positive wishes. After that, attention switches to the organ (or place) that hurts and we want to cure it, for example, the bladder or knee, and at the same time exhalation begins. While exhaling through your mouth, you imagine how a black jet of negative information comes out of a diseased organ, which you burn. You need to do at least 10 minutes daily, preferably more. It is difficult to name a sore that could not be removed with the help of this energy breathing. You can treat diseases of internal organs, you can remove body fat, you can, on the contrary, build up and strengthen muscles. There is evidence of successful removal of dangerous neoplasms.
Melt water is formed when ice melts. The main feature of melt water is that its structure is similar to the structure of our blood. It is perceived by the body as its own component, and is easily and quickly absorbed. Melt water has internal energy and, when consumed, powerfully stimulates the human body. If you use melt water, then after about 5-7 months, your overall health will improve significantly, your working capacity will increase, and your sleep time will decrease. The systematic use of melt water cleanses the blood and lymph, all internal organs and skin. At the same time, the work of the cardiovascular system improves, metabolic processes are activated, you feel an unprecedented influx of strength and energy, the whole organism is healed and rejuvenated.
We heat the water in a saucepan with an open lid to a white key, i.e. bubbles emerge in a stormy chain, but the water as a whole does not boil. Close the lid and put the pan in cold running water - cool quickly. We get degassed water, which has a number of healing properties. Washing the affected areas of the skin leads to their rapid healing - the elimination of eczema, burns, bruises. When rinsing, it cleans the teeth, strengthens the gums, and successfully treats a sore throat. When ingested, it has an effective analgesic effect, improves peristalsis. It has been proven that degassed water is superior to thawed water in terms of biological effect, but its use must be dosed and strictly individual. When working with degassed water, you should always remember that as it re-saturates with gas, it gradually loses its biological activity. Therefore, it is more efficient to always use freshly prepared water and try to pour it as little as possible. And one more feature - degassed water is much softer than melted water. G.P. Malakhov recommends drinking it to dry, constrained people with reduced calorific values. Melt water in cold form is well suited for obese people with pronounced calorific abilities. Degassed water is a very effective remedy for restoring and strengthening health.
An unconventional method of treatment with leeches has existed for several millennia. The leech, having bitten through the skin, introduces saliva into the human body, which contains more than a hundred different beneficial enzymes. These enzymes have a huge number of medicinal effects. They reduce blood clotting, destroy blood clots, restore blood microcirculation, break down body fat, increase immunity and much more.
Non-traditional treatment with leeches should be carried out by a specialist - a hirudotherapist. He prescribes a course of treatment and indicates the number of sessions and the number of leeches per session. Self-treatment is possible, but for this the patient must undergo special courses.
Currently, alternative medicine has accumulated a lot of experience in the treatment of leeches. All the points on which leeches should be placed for various diseases are known. This method of alternative medicine is becoming more and more popular today. Hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches is a very effective method of treating many diseases.
Clay treatment is one of the most highly effective methods used in alternative medicine since ancient times. For therapeutic use, different types of clay are used. They differ in color, chemical composition and fat content. The most valuable variety is blue Cambrian clay. This is a universal healer. It contains all the mineral salts and trace elements that we need. External use of blue clay gives excellent results in the treatment of skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, spurs and warts, in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, bruises and stretch marks. Blue clay is used for mastitis and varicose veins. It has been established that clay has a strong antitumor effect, which extends to both benign and malignant tumors. In folk medicine, clay is used for a very wide range of diseases.
Before use, the clay must be well dried, crushed into powder, cleaned of foreign inclusions. Then fall asleep in an enamel basin, pour clean, boiled, warm water, but not hot, otherwise you can kill all the biologically active substances contained in it and let it stand for several hours. In the process of cooking, contact of clay with metal should be avoided. After 2 - 3 hours, stir the clay with your hands or with a wooden spatula and bring to the consistency of sour cream or mastic. It is advisable to keep the vessel with clay more often and longer in the sun. This ready-to-use solution can be stored indefinitely.
A clay tile 2 cm thick is laid on gauze or just on the skin, slightly larger than the sore spot. Clay can be cold or slightly heated in a water bath to 40 ... 45 degrees. The duration of compresses is 2-3 hours. The course of treatment is usually 12 - 15 procedures.
Contraindications: should not be used for heart disease, acute inflammatory processes, hypertension and kidney disorders.
Kerosene is obtained from oil by boiling it in the temperature range of 200–300 ° C. It is lighter than water and does not dissolve in it. For treatment in alternative medicine, only purified kerosene is used. It has many medicinal properties and non-traditional treatment with it is becoming more and more popular.
However, if used incorrectly, it can cause great harm to health.
The tincture of walnuts on kerosene - todikamp - is very widely used in alternative medicine.
Non-traditional treatment with kerosene is used for the following diseases: tonsillitis, warts, bronchitis, sinusitis, leukemia, lichen, sciatica, wounds, erysipelas and many others.
Apitherapy is a treatment with bee products. These include: honey, propolis, perga, royal jelly and others.
Non-traditional honey treatment has been practiced for many centuries. Honey is one of the most reliable and proven medicines, it is used to treat wounds and burns, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, gastrointestinal tract, for colds and many other diseases.
Propolis is formed from resinous substances collected by bees and mixed with their secretions from the salivary glands. This is a fabulously effective remedy for the treatment of a huge number of diseases. Alternative treatment with propolis preparations is often more effective than treatment with patented chemotherapeutic agents.
Bee pollen is a flower pollen collected by bees, filled with honey and sealed in honeycomb cells in which its lactic acid fermentation takes place. At the end of all these chemical reactions, bee bread is obtained. It is several times more active than pollen. Perga has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system, increases potency and sexual desire. It has a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole.
Non-traditional treatment with honey, propolis and bee bread are the most popular folk methods of treatment.
Hydrogen peroxide is a transparent, colorless, non-flammable, tasteless and odorless liquid. It was first received in 1818. It is 1.5 times heavier than water and mixes with it in any ratio.
Alternative treatment with hydrogen peroxide is now increasingly used. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent healing agent and, if used correctly, can be a panacea for many intractable diseases. However, you should be extremely careful when using it. The main thing is not to overdose and be sure to consult a doctor.

Researchers of the Egyptian pyramids have found that their smaller copies have healing properties. Thanks to this discovery, it became possible to use various types of pyramids in health-improving practice.
Non-traditional treatment with pyramids gives good health-improving results:
The blood composition improves quite quickly, blood pressure normalizes, pain subsides, bone fractures, wounds and other injuries heal rapidly.
In a month and a half, you can get rid of osteochondrosis.
You can cure impotence and mastopathy.
A person who has been in the pyramid acquires immunity from many diseases.

How to give yourself everything. Self-hypnosis techniques.

Suggestion is the presentation of information, perceived without critical evaluation and influencing the course of neuropsychic processes. Self-hypnosis is a process of suggestion addressed to oneself. Through self-hypnosis, sensations, ideas, emotional states and volitional impulses can be evoked, as well as have an impact on the autonomic functions of the body.

The essence of self-hypnosis methods is the formation of positive impulses by constantly repeating specially selected phrases until they turn into a working tool of your subconscious mind and it begins to act according to this thought impulse, transforming it into a physical equivalent. Repetition of settings for the subconscious is the basis of self-hypnosis.

Words and phrases of self-hypnosis must be mentally pronounced in the first person in an imperative tone and always in an affirmative form. The negative particle "not" in verbal formulas is excluded. You can't say "I don't smoke". You need to say "I quit smoking" or "I stopped smoking." You should also not pronounce long monologues. Phrases should be short, they should be pronounced slowly with full concentration of attention on the subject of suggestion. During the pronunciation of each phrase of self-hypnosis, it is desirable to vividly represent what is being suggested.

Self-hypnosis methods are most effective when active thoughts in the form of target formulas (thoughts that carry a clear, meaningful setting to the subconscious) proceed against the background of a state of relaxation of the body. The more relaxed the body, the more pliable the subconscious becomes for target settings. The power of self-hypnosis is directly dependent on the degree of desire to achieve the set specific goal, on the degree of concentration of attention on the settings for the subconscious.

There are a fairly large number of self-hypnosis methods - these are affirmations, psychological attitudes, various meditative techniques, visualization, mantras, prayers and many other psychotechnics.


Affirmations are a method of self-hypnosis where you repeat formulas out loud or to yourself. The meaning of this psychotechnics is that you build a sentence in which you report that you have reached a certain goal. For example, “I am in good health”, “I am confident in myself”, “I have a good job”, “I am married to my beloved”. What exactly to repeat depends on your goal. Thanks to affirmations, positive thoughts will begin to replace negative ones and gradually completely replace them. And then everything that you repeat will come true in your life.

Gratitude is a kind of affirmation, but a much more powerful psychotechnic. Gratitude is the second most powerful emotion after love. Because when we thank, strong emotions arise at the same time, and this is a powerful effect on the psyche and consciousness. You need to be grateful for everything that you have and say: “Thank you, Lord, for good health”, “Thank you for my new home”, even if you do not have one. Thank you sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, as if you already have this house. And over time, self-hypnosis will do its job and you will have the repeatable.

For this psychotechnics, the most ordinary state of a person, in which he usually lives every day, is suitable. The effectiveness of affirmations will depend on how much the practitioner can make the spoken words the essence, the content of his whole day. That is, you can do whatever you want: work, relax, play sports, sunbathe, so long as the necessary affirmation continues to live on the surface of memory.

Affirmations are the simplest method of self-hypnosis and, accordingly, this is the easiest way to influence the subconscious, they are less powerful than visualization and they need to be repeated more often. But they are also effective and easy to use.


Visualization is the mental representation and experience of imaginary events. The essence of this psychotechnics is simply to imagine the desired situation and live in it. Visualization is so effective because our mind does not distinguish between real and imagined events. When you imagine something, the mind thinks it is actually happening. It is very important to perceive everything with your own eyes. Not from above, not from the side, but with your own eyes. If you imagine a car, you must imagine that you are driving this car and you are looking at the road. Your goal is to buy a house. Imagine how you insert the keys into the keyhole for the first time and open the door, how you enter the house, how you inspect it. Your visualization should be only positive and carry an exclusively positive charge.

You need to visualize in a comfortable, calm environment, so choose a time and place when no one will distract you, and take a comfortable position. Relax. Imagine that your muscles, starting with your toes and ending with your head, alternately relax. The tension leaves you. The mental image that is placed in the subconscious must be very clear and bright - then the subconscious will be able to give a command to the relevant organs and tissues.

The duration of this psycho-technique does not matter much. The main criterion is your satisfaction. Visualize yourself for as long as you like. It can last for an hour or five minutes. Most importantly, the process should be fun. The more often you submit the desired image, the sooner the update process will begin. And the results you get will simply amaze you!


When performing this psychotechnics, a person takes a comfortable position sitting or lying down, closes his eyes, relaxes and in a whisper, without any tension, several times (at least 20) monotonously pronounces the same self-hypnosis formula. The formula should be simple, consisting of a few words, a maximum of 3-4 phrases and always have a positive content. For example, "I'm healthy." In no case should it contain the particle “not”, since the denial of any action or phenomenon is not recognized by the subconscious and can be mistaken for the opposite statement. A session of this method of self-hypnosis lasts 3-4 minutes, repeated 2-3 times a day for 6-8 weeks. E. Coue recommended using prosleep states in the morning when waking up or in the evening when falling asleep for psychotechnical sessions.


Autogenic training is a method of self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation (lower stage) or hypnotic trance (higher stage). The creator of the method of autogenic training is Johans Heinrich Schultz, he also owns the term “autogenic training”. This psychotechnics is based on the findings of the ancient Indian system of yogis, the experience of studying the sensations of people immersed in hypnosis, the practice of using the method of self-hypnosis by E. Kue and others.

Practicing this method of self-hypnosis, it is necessary to achieve relaxation, which comes on the verge of reality and sleep. It is recommended to lie or sit in the "coachman" position. To achieve relaxation, you need to:
- activate memories associated with pleasant sensations experienced in the past,
- cause, if necessary, not only calming, but also an increase in psycho-emotional tone,
- accompany the self-hypnosis formulas with figurative representations.

The effectiveness of the application of this psycho-technique will depend on the degree of concentration, so other cases are excluded. The self-hypnosis method requires daily practice, at least twice a day. Skipping at least one is extremely bad for achieving the effect.

A variety of autogenic training is imago - training. The author of this method of self-hypnosis is Valery Avdeev. He claims that with the help of imago-training, each person, without any training, is able to step far (under the direct supervision of an imago-training specialist) beyond the limits of his usual capabilities and reveal his creative abilities.


Meditation is an intense, penetrating contemplation, immersion of consciousness into the essence of an object, an idea, which is achieved by focusing on one thing and eliminating all interfering factors, both external and internal, from the consciousness.

A necessary condition for meditation is the cessation of the internal dialogue, the conversation that we constantly have with ourselves. It's very easy to stop it. To do this, it is usually enough to focus on something in yourself. For example, on both hands at once.

Meditation is a psychotechnique that allows you to repeatedly increase your physical, intellectual and mental capabilities, reaction speed and much, much more, in principle, it is very simple. It can be conditionally divided into four parts, four components:
— installation definition;
— entry into a state of emptiness and a real feeling of a given attitude in oneself;
- exit from the state of emptiness to the normal state with the installation already embedded in the subconscious;
- if it is necessary to fulfill the installation, spontaneous entry into a state of thoughtlessness and its implementation.

Installations should be extremely concise, capacious and at the same time bright.


Self-hypnosis is one of the most powerful psychotechniques. The first step is to relax. Then you need to calm down and enter a state of peace. Then say the phrase "I sleep deeply ...". Then you should mentally calculate from five to zero, imagining how you are breaking away from the familiar world further and further, plunging deeper and deeper into the darkness of hypnotic oblivion. After counting "zero", say the key phrase "I am a deep sleep ..." again and mentally look around. You are inside your subconscious. Now it's time to say the formula that will help you reach this state faster in the future. It sounds like this: “Each time I say the words “I am a deep sleep ...”, I enter the state of self-programming faster and faster.”

This formula must be repeated at each of the first lessons several times, and only after that, pronounce the self-hypnosis formulas.


Recapping is an effective psychotechnique that makes it possible to re-experience the past situation in a virtual space, but to experience it in a new way. Re-experiencing is seeing new possibilities in the old situation, and not for then, but for new possibilities now. We are talking about situations that are still significant. Only therefore it makes sense to experience them, only therefore they can be experienced. To really relive a situation is to see new possibilities in it.

The main provisions of this psychotechnics are as follows:
1. The situation must be re-experienced (real experience), and not just restored in memory.
2. The situation must be experienced in its significant components, which alone make it a given existential situation. The reality of the significant components of the situation is determined by the fact that they can be deployed, there is something in them that can be seen anew, rethought, and so on.
3. It is necessary to restore, reproduce in a situation what happened for you personally. A situation is always your personal, individual, existential situation. And what was around there is a gradually dissolving, disappearing background.


For this method of self-hypnosis, an active state is important, when a person's consciousness reaches the maximum degree of composure. Therefore, during the implementation of the mood, it is necessary to behave as actively as possible: it is best to walk or move vigorously, but not lie down. However, it is not recommended to be distracted by any other activity.

Tune in these words addressed by a person to himself, an attempt to awaken the forces dormant in the depths of each of us. From the fact that the words are pronounced by the person himself, their influence will not weaken. On the contrary, a conscious and clearly expressed word coming from within, in which the speaker himself believes, will have a much more pronounced effect than heard from another.


Visualize a deflated balloon above your head. Take a deep breath and as you exhale imagine how all your problems and anxieties, fears, worries and various troubles fill this ball. You are completely relieved of these worries by filling the balloon with them. Then, taking another deep breath, as you exhale, visualize the balloon floating up and disappearing, taking with it all your worries and problems that you put into it. This is a great mental technique and is best done before bed, especially if problems are preventing you from sleeping.


This psychotechnics was developed by Gennady Andreevich Shichko. He experimentally established that the word that a person writes with his hand before going to bed, in terms of the power of influence on the subconscious, is a hundred times greater than the word seen, said or heard.

Psychotechnics is performed as follows. Before going to bed, write the suggestion formula on a piece of paper with a pen (you can write it several times). Read it several times. Then go to bed and, pronouncing the suggestion formula, fall asleep.