How a separate comparative turnover stands out. What is a comparative turnover: examples

Refined or colorful, expressive and interesting. One of them is comparative turnovers. These are tricks that are quite easy to use, but require some rules to be followed. Correct application will ensure the expressiveness of both written and oral speech.


A comparative turnover is a special technique that expresses a comparison and at the same time is part of a simple sentence (does not contain a statement). There are several education options. A turnover may include:

1) The name of the noun, standing in the nominative case, and explanatory words (or goes without them). Example: "She screamed like a shot bird" (a variant of the agreed definition for the main word of the comparative turnover).

2) The noun is not in the nominative, but in the indirect case or be a word of a different part of speech and act as a circumstance. Example: "The weather was just as beautiful as in a fairy tale."

3) A comparative clause may be incomplete, devoid of a predicate, or only with a predicate that has dependent words. Example: "We began to communicate easily, as if we had been together for a century."

Unions used

This part of the sentence may begin with comparative conjunctions. as if, as if, exactly, as, what, as if, rather than, as a rule and is separated or highlighted by commas. Examples: "Poplar fluff, like sea foam, enveloped the city." "The sky is clear, as in the picture." “And suddenly an unknown force, gentler than a spring breeze, lifts her into the air” (A. Pushkin). "The days of the week, like swift birds, rush past."

Important Points

Comparative turnover with the union "as" is always distinguished in cases where:

1) The sentence (in its main part) contains the words "such, so". Example: "She always avoids such meetings as our gatherings with you."

2) A turnover is introduced with the help of unions “like”. Example: "For her, as well as for her entire group, I harbor an inexplicable hatred."

3) If the turnover with the union "how" has a causal meaning. Example: "Since he was a kind and honest person, he simply could not deceive anyone."

4) If the comparative turnover is expressed using combinations as an exception, as a rule, as usual, as before, as always, as now, as on purpose, as now. Example: "Well, what is it! As if on purpose, not a single soul in the whole district!"

5) If the expression contains phrases nothing else (other than); none other than. Example: "The guy was none other than my old acquaintance from a neighboring yard."


In addition, a turnover can be in the middle of a sentence, but separated by just one comma. This happens when you need to express which member of the sentence it refers to. Example: "That same summer, when Masha, amorous as an ardent schoolgirl, threw fiery eyes at Oleg, I talked with Olga."

When a turnover is not distinguished by punctuation marks

This happens if:

1) The turnover is part of the predicate. Example: "Her face was terribly white, her eyes were glassy."

2) The turnover in meaning is connected with the same predicate or is a stable expression (like the apple of an eye, like flaky). Example: "And I always feel this confusion as happiness" (Paustovsky K.).

3) If the union “how” is preceded by: quite, almost, just exactly, just, exactly. Example: "She does everything not like normal people."

What to pay attention to

Punctuation marks do not distinguish sentences in which the union "how" is used in the meaning "in the role, as, in the function." Example: "Venice entered the world history of painting as the place of life and work of many famous artists." This expression is not a comparative phrase.

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with comparative turns, learn about the rules of punctuation in them, consider in detail punctuation in comparative turns with the union HOW.

note that not allocated commas (do not separate) comparative turns with the above unions, if such a comparative turn is closely related in meaning to the predicate. For example:

It was an old experienced shark, it was impossible to say about her that she was looking at life as if through rose-colored glasses.

In this sentence, comparative turnover as if through rose-colored glasses closely related in meaning to the predicate looks.

The shark swam slowly and solemnly like giant submarine.

If we don't put a comma before the word like, then in this way we will show the reader that there is a close connection between the comparative turnover and the predicate floated, i.e. the sentence takes on a different meaning. We do not compare a shark with a boat, but the shark itself spied how the submarine was swimming, and swam in the same way (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Shark in the ocean ().

Let us consider in detail the punctuation in sentences where the comparative turnover begins with the union as.

1. Turnover with union as is necessarily isolated if it has only the meaning of comparison and it can be replaced by a turnover with the word like.

For example:

, as strong bird.

The shark pretended to be flying , like strong bird.

, as in an almost asleep child.

The shark's eyes were dreamily closed , like the eyes of a sleeping child.

2. Turnover with union as is isolated if the main part of the sentence contains words so, such, that other.

For example:

The shark was in the same good mood , as and yesterday.

3. Be sure to separate the turnover if it begins with words like .

For example:

Like yesterday , the shark intended to take a leisurely swim in the warm bay.

4. The turnover that begins with the union is isolated as if it contains words normally, as an exception, as always, like before, like now, as it is now other.

For example:

Her evening has begun , normally, with a visit to the coral grotto(Fig. 3) . in the grotto , usually, no one was there, but the shark , as if on purpose suddenly wanted to communicate.

But such combinations are not isolated if they are part of the predicate or are closely related to it in meaning. For example:

Yesterday's shark day is gone normally.

as usual=usually

5. Put a comma in revolutions nothing but and none other than. For example:

From around the corner appeared none other than the familiar striped shark.

It seemed that no one else, as a familiar striped shark swam past us.

Pay attention to the placement of punctuation marks.

Comparative turnover with union as is not separated by commas in a fairly large number of cases.

1. There will be no separation of revolutions with the union as, if this turnover has a circumstantial meaning of the mode of action, is closely related in meaning to the predicate. In this case, this turnover can often be replaced by a noun in the instrumental case or by an adverb. For example:

like hail

phrase like hail can be replaced by a noun hail :

hail pieces of coral rained down on the shark.

The shark swam majestically like a queen.

Can be replaced like this:

Shark swam royally majestically (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Underwater world ().

2. Turnover with union as will not be isolated even if the meaning of this turnover is equalization or identification. For example:

The shark appreciated the evening rest as precious gift.

The proposal says that for the shark, an evening's rest is like a precious gift.

3. The turnover with the union is not isolated as if it matters as or characterizes an object from one side. For example:

Shark appeared in this bay for the first time as random guest.

You can replace it with something like this:

The shark appeared in this bay for the first time as an accidental guest.

4. The turnover with the union is not isolated as if it is part of a compound nominal predicate. The predicate (verb) without such a turnover does not have a complete meaning. For example:

She was accepted here. as native, welcomed as friend, she always felt here as at home.

Rice. 5. A flock of sharks ().

5. If the comparative turnover is preceded by negation not or words exactly, like, exactly etc., then such a turnover is also not isolated. For example:

Sharks often behave quite as people.

6. And finally, according to the general rule of punctuation of the Russian language, the turnover with the union is not isolated as if it has the character of a stable combination. For example:

The shark protected its peace, its quiet life as the apple of an eye.

There are a lot of such stable combinations in Russian.

Phraseological units with union as:

white as snow

hungry as wolf

fall asleep as dead

healthy as bull

red as cancer

gloomy as cloud

similar as two drops of water

sit as on pins and needles

stubborn as donkey

cold as ice

Today you learned about punctuation in comparative phrases, paying special attention to phrases with the union as.


1. Bagryantseva V.A., Bolycheva E.M., Galaktionova I.V., Zhdanova L.A., Litnevskaya E.I., Stepanova E.B. Russian language. Textbook for senior classes of humanitarian schools, Publishing House of Moscow University, 2011.

2. Barkhudarov S.G., Kryuchkov S.E., Maksimov L.Yu.. Cheshko L.A. Russian language . 8th grade. Textbook for educational institutions , : Enlightenment, 2013

3. Rosenthal D.E., Dzhandzhakova E.V., Kabanova N.P. Handbook of spelling, pronunciation, literary editing. - M.: CheRo, 1999.

1. Website "Video tutor in Russian" ()

2. Internet site "Russian for 5" ()


1. List the cases in which the comparative turnover with the union as separates.

2. Write down sentences. Place punctuation marks and explain them.

The water shone all around like a mirror.

The sun shone in all eyes as it shines only in July.

The snow was clean and smooth as a tablecloth.

The starry sky, like a giant bowl, tipped over me.

Your eyes are like two clouds.

Steps were heard in the aisle of the car, as if someone incredibly heavy was walking.

The lion was lifted off his shoulders like a mountain.

The air is clean and fresh like a baby's kiss.

His features were the same as those of his sister.

There was something unusual in her eyes, as well as in her whole face.

3. Come up with a sentence with each hint word, using a comparative turnover with a union as.

Suggestion words: tree, house, friend, bouquet, book.

A comparative turnover is a part of a sentence that figuratively characterizes objects, actions, signs by comparing them with other objects, actions, signs. It is introduced into a sentence using comparative conjunctions. as, exactly, what, as if, as if, than etc.

In the sentence, the comparative turnover is one and basically fulfills the circumstances of the mode of action. For example: And the sparrows, as if from behind the scenes, fell in a flock on the millet.

Note! It is necessary to distinguish with a comparative turnover and in which the comparative part is joined by unions as, as if, as if. For example: I remember how you quietly opened the door to your room ... In this sentence, the part how did you quietly open the door to your room"has a grammatical basis" you opened”, which means that it is a proposal, not a turnover.

It is distinguished by intonation, and in writing - by commas. If the turnover is in the middle of a sentence, then commas are placed on both sides. Compare:

  1. I love, like the sun, a mother's smile.
  2. Like the sun, I love a mother's smile.
  3. I love a mother's smile like the sun.

In a sentence, there are always turns that begin with like. Also allocate turnovers with as, provided that they are preceded by the words such, so and the like, for example: Most children, like adults, love movies; The new article by this author is as interesting and informative as all the others.

A comma is placed before as in the following turns: nothing but or none other than. For example: For a split second it seemed to him that it was none other than his own brother, who decided to play a trick on him like that.

In addition, commas distinguish such comparative turns that begin with unions as if, as if, than, as if, exactly, what, than etc. For example: He looks as if he is hypnotizing... The moon has risen gloomy and crimson, as if sick...; It's much better to break up before than to regret later.

Comparative turnover is not separated by commas in such cases:

If it is part of a compound predicate. In this case, you can put a dash. For example: A child is like a golden sun.

If in circulation the meaning of the circumstance comes to the fore (more often the mode of action that answers the question How?). Such turnovers as can usually be replaced by an adverb or in for example: Like streams of tears flowed cf. : flowed in streams).

If there are adverbs before the comparative phrase almost, completely. For example: The guys were already talking almost like adults.

If the turnover is part of the phraseological turnover ( afraid like fire, pours like a bucket etc.). For example: It smelled of sulfur, burning, and the rain poured down like a bucket.

Note! Do not confuse comparative turns with an application with a word as, which is mostly not separated by commas in the letter. For example, in a sentence: Pushkin as a poet known all over the world- expression " like a poet”is an application, not a turnover (this sentence does not compare Pushkin with a poet, because he is a poet, we are talking about the fact that Pushkin is known throughout the world as a poet).

We constantly find ourselves in situations where it is necessary to choose a thing that satisfies our needs in terms of parameters. We have to match items(phenomena) to select the optimal product. In this we will be helped by a comparative turn in which the words are used: as if, as if, etc.

In contact with

What is comparative turnover

Comparison is literary device, correlating common features of objects/persons/phenomena. Comparative conjunctions “as if”, “as if”, “than”, “rather than”, “exactly”, “that” introduce turns into syntax.

Examples. The earth, subject to the cold, became hard as ice. The whole circus troupe: acrobats and fakirs, animals, uniforms and trainers tried to outdo one another.

The sky lowered, became a crimson orange, as if the reflection of a distant fire fell on it. It is safer to fly in clear weather than in adverse conditions. He knows the ocean better than I do my street.

Comparative turnover can be expressed:

  • The comparative degree of the adjective. Food tastes better after a hard day's work. This city has never seen a brighter night. The portfolio becomes lighter when there are few lessons at school.
  • A phrase expressing similarity with another object / phenomenon. Paw-like maple leaves stood out sharply against the yellow sand of the alleys. Such walking straight ahead is rather difficult for pack horses. The snowstorm outside the window seems impenetrable. The outlandish flower of its bizarre forms, united by a central tent, resembles a multi-domed group of Kremlin cathedrals.
  • . A warm spring wind blew from the sea. If you want to become a truly intelligent, educated and cultured person, pay attention to your language.
  • Widespread application. Moscow architectural and sculptural monuments - outstanding works of art - enjoy worldwide popularity.

How comparative turnover is emphasized

In a sentence, the construction answers the questions of adverbs, as well as emphasized by the circumstance. If it is part of the predicate, then it is underlined with a double line. Similarly, comparison can be a definition. Accordingly, it is underlined by a wavy line.

Punctuation marks for comparative turns

In syntax, comparative phrases separated by commas, but there are cases when the comma is not put:

  • If the comparison is expressed by a phraseological unit: A cold wind blew, as if heavenly abysses opened up, lakes flooded meadows and roads.
  • The construction is part of the predicate. An evil tongue is like an arrow.

Note! These cases do not require separation by punctuation marks.

Comparative constructions with the union "as"

There are many cases of isolation of comparative revolutions of a comma, but there are rules prohibition of punctuation. Let's consider them below.

Separation of comparative turns: If you can draw another analogy, and replace “how” with other comparative unions.

His face, pockmarked, plump, expressed bored laziness; tiny eyes were closed, as if after sleep. I bent down to stroke the cat, and he purred so expressively, as if he was playing a harmonica.

The main part of the sentence contains amplifying words (such, so, so, etc.). Flocks of sparrows strewn along the roadside willows cry so furiously that nothing can be heard.

A sentence with a comparative construction with the word "such" has its own characteristics. There are two cases where a comma is placed before the word "such":

  1. The main word to which "such" refers is. The water is cold, like in a mountain river.
  2. The construction is "the main word, such as + homogeneous members". We visited southern cities such as Anapa, Sochi, Gelendzhik. Cities - the main word, Anapa, Sochi, Gelendzhik - homogeneous additions.
  3. The combination "like". A firm disposition, like a strong stream, when it meets an obstacle, intensifies even more.
  4. Comparative turnover is causal; "as" can be replaced with "because", "because" or the gerund "being". Being a pioneer in many areas of linguistics, Grot followed the rules all his life ...
  5. Introductory combinations "as a rule / exception / always / absolutely / before / now / on purpose". I, as now, remember the history of past years.
  6. Combinations "no one/what other(s)/other(s) like". The elevator is nothing more than a special mechanized large-sized granary.

Note! When a sentence contains two homogeneous comparative turns, they are connected by the union "and". There was a noise outside the window, as if the wind was angry and as if the taiga was moaning.

Comma not set:

  • If the turnover acts as a circumstance and can be replaced by a creative noun. The pond (with what?) gleamed like steel in the sun.
  • If the comparative turnover serves as an equating, "like" can be replaced by "like". The police consider their assumptions like a real possibility.
  • The expression "as" can be applied to syntactic constructions with the union "as". Everyone perceives Semenov as a professional locksmith.
  • The turnover is part of the predicate. Our homestead yard is like a botanical garden - species of rare plants are collected here. They are like fairground jesters.
  • When there is a particle “not” or

What is Comparative Turnover?

Comparative turnover- this is a turnover that expresses a comparison and is part of a simple sentence (See the subordinate part in the 2nd meaning). Unlike the comparative clause, the comparative clause does not form a predicative unit, since it does not contain a statement, which is related to the nature of its composition. Comparative turnover usually includes:

a) a noun in the nominative case, without explanatory words or with explanatory words - an agreed or inconsistent definition, potentially acting as a dominant composition, if the comparative turnover is expanded into a two-part sentence. He could discover feelings, and not bristle like a beast (Pushkin). The officer gasped and, curled up, sat down on the ground, like a bird shot on the fly (L. Tolstoy) (an agreed definition for the reference word of comparative turnover). And the clouds and smokes have already mixed up, as if the privates of one regiment (Mayakovsky) (inconsistent definition for the key word);

b) a noun in the form of an indirect case or a word of another part of speech, acting as a secondary member of the sentence (most often circumstances). Just as unconstrained as in Stalheim was her gait (Fedin). Both sleep and sweet peace, as before, visited again my narrow and simple corner (Pushkin).

An intermediate position between the subordinate comparative and comparative turnover is occupied by an incomplete comparative subordinate clause, in which the composition of the subject and the composition of the predicate without the predicate itself, restored from the main part of the sentence, or only the predicate with dependent words are presented. Its existence is enclosed in this tight program, like an egg in a shell (Chekhov) (the prepositional-nominal combination e-shell does not define the word egg and represents the second composition). The three of us began to talk, as if we had known each other for a century (Pushkin).

Thus, according to the degree of completeness of the composition and according to the design features associated with this, they are arranged in descending order:

1) comparative clause (represented by two compounds). Serve the dark as you served him (P u sh-k and n). The whole room suddenly darkened, as if the curtains were drawn in it (Kuprin). Ahead could be seen a white veil, as if the river had overflowed its banks (A.N. Tolstoy);

2) incomplete comparative clause. The coachman was as amazed at his generosity as the Frenchman himself was at the offer. Dubrovsky (Pushkin). Litvinov was very dissatisfied, as if he had lost at roulette or did not keep his word (Turgenev);

3) comparative turnover. The air is clean and fresh, like the kiss of a child (L. ermontov). She looked at him as if at an icon, with fear and remorse (Chekhov). Like a bride, we love our Motherland.”