Red dots on the base of the tongue. Red dots on the tongue: causes and treatment

Diaper dermatitis (PD) in newborns is a periodic inflammation of the skin in the buttocks and inner thighs under the influence of a number of factors:

  • Mechanical - friction of the skin on the fabric of a diaper, gauze or diaper
  • Chemical - ammonia, salts of fatty acids, digestive enzymes
  • Physical factors- high humidity and temperature
  • Microbial factors— Escherichia coli and other pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms

Causes of PD

The main reason for the development of PD in infants is a violation of the rules of hygiene. If the diaper is not changed in time, as well as the use of diapers and gauze, which is generally unacceptable, the effect of the above factors occurs and the risk of inflammation increases.

Microbial flora, in particular fungi of the genus Candida, may also play a role. At the same time, PD is not a skin candidiasis, however, a fungal infection can aggravate the course of the disease or contribute to its early appearance in conditions of violation of hygiene rules in a child.

It can also be noted that some children are more susceptible to PD, among them children prone to allergies, with impaired water-salt metabolism, with atopic dermatitis, with immunodeficiency, children with unstable stools or those with high levels of ammonia in the urine. Artificial feeding can also be one of the factors influencing the development of the disease.

A few words about diapers

Many mothers are faced with assurances from relatives that wearing diapers is harmful. Nothing like this! Diaper dermatitis in children who wear diapers is ten times less common than in children who are simply swaddled or tied with gauze diapers. With the observance of preventive measures and the correct use of modern diapers, the risk of this disease is minimal. You should also not stop using diapers too early, forming an incorrect hygiene habit in him. Before a year and a half, it makes no sense to stop using them, you can learn more about this in articles related to potty training.

Features of the skin in young children.

  • The skin of a child at this age is still immature: the epidermis is very thin and easily injured, there is still little connective tissue in the dermis, and the basement membrane is very fragile.
  • The baby's skin contains a small amount of water.
  • The skin is easily injured.
  • Imperfect functioning of the immune system.
  • Poor thermoregulation.

All these features contribute to the development of PD.

Symptoms of diaper dermatitis

The prevalence of the disease varies from 30 to 50% according to various sources. More common in girls than boys. The process may be local, the area of ​​the lesion may be small and appear as a slight redness on the skin, or there may be a deep skin lesion with infiltration.

The main symptoms of PD are:

  • Hyperemia (redness) of the skin in the buttocks, perineum and inguinal folds, there may be small bubbles filled with fluid or in this area. In the initial stages, hyperemia can be very limited, with time and progression of the disease, the area and depth of the lesion increase.
  • In severe cases, ulcers appear in the affected area, edema, ulceration, tissue infiltration.
  • The child becomes restless, cries, sleeps poorly, appetite may decrease.

Formula-fed infants often have PD localized around the anus, as the feces of these infants are alkaline, unlike those of breast-fed infants.

With the predominance of mechanical factors, redness appears primarily in the area of ​​​​the closest contact with the edges of the diaper, which can be due to the wrong size of the diaper. Redness appears in the inguinal folds, gluteal folds and lower abdomen. With the addition of other factors, hyperemia increases.

Diaper dermatitis, complicated by candidiasis, is manifested by bright red areas localized in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfolds with whitish abscesses. If PD does not go away with treatment within three days, then it is likely that a fungal infection has joined.

What does diaper dermatitis look like (Fig. 1) and complicated by candidiasis (Fig. 2)

In what cases it is necessary to interrupt the treatment of diaper dermatitis at home and consult a doctor:


For the diagnosis of this disease, as a rule, it is enough to examine and collect an anamnesis. It is possible to differentiate diaper dermatitis with allergic rashes (see), which usually appear after changing baby hygiene products (napkins, diapers, soap, bathing foam, cream), as well as. You should know that.


An important issue is how and with what to treat PD at home. Treatment includes a few simple items.

Proper hygiene care

  • After emptying the bowels or bladder of the child, the diaper must be removed.
  • Rinse the area of ​​the perineum, buttocks, thighs under a warm stream of water, pay special attention to the folds.
  • From cosmetics for hygiene, it is permissible to use hypoallergenic baby soap, but it is quite possible to get by with plain water. Other products (foams, liquid soap, gel) are not recommended.
  • Dry the baby's skin by gently blotting it with a soft towel. Never rub your skin with a towel.
  • Apply a thin layer of a special cream to the affected areas (more on them below).
  • Leave the child to take an air bath for 20-30 minutes, if possible.

These manipulations must be performed at each diaper change.

The use of ointments

  • The best among them are ointments containing zinc oxide. These include Desitin. Such ointments have a "tightening" effect and reduce the degree of harmful effects of mucus and other secretions of the child.
  • Antimicrobial ointments, for example, "Drapolen" have an antiseptic effect, perform a protective and moisturizing function.
  • Ointments containing dexpanthenol, such as Bepanthen (Panthenol, Pantoderm), stimulate the healing process and reduce skin inflammation.
  • Antifungal ointments are used for complications of candidal infection, they are prescribed only by a doctor.
  • With severe inflammation, corticosteroid ointments can be prescribed and, they are also prescribed only by a pediatrician.

Never use cream and powder at the same time, as this results in small lumps that injure the baby's skin!


  • Avoid using powder altogether.
  • If necessary, use a diaper cream, often you can even use a cream with dexpanthenol for prophylaxis.
  • A diaper change should be after each bowel or bladder emptying, that is, on average at least 8 times a day.
  • Refusal of diapers and gauze diapers.
  • Consider the gender of the baby when choosing diapers, as in this case, the best absorption occurs in different areas of the diaper, depending on the gender of the baby.
  • Daily intake of vitamin D in a prophylactic dose from the age of 3 weeks to 3 years (see). With a decrease in the level of vitamin D, immunity decreases, sweating increases, which can provoke, among other things, diaper dermatitis.

Babies in their first year of life often have skin problems. After all, the skin of the baby is very thin and delicate, and the immune system is not yet perfect enough to provide full protection. One of the most common problems is diaper dermatitis in a child. We will figure out what is the cause of this disease, how it can be cured and how to avoid relapses.

Babies of the first year of life are absolutely defenseless and completely dependent on their parents. The skin of babies is thin and velvety, but it does not yet have a sufficient level of protection from negative external influences.

Therefore, in the presence of irritating factors, inflammation appears on children's skin. Let's figure out why diaper dermatitis develops in children and how to avoid the onset of this disease.

general description

Young parents should know what diaper dermatitis is. This term in pediatrics refers to diaper rash that forms on the skin of the buttocks and groin. Inflammation on the skin is accompanied by pain and burning, so the baby is very worried.

Redness may be slight, but sometimes the rash covers the entire surface of the buttocks and the upper part of the legs. The affected surface can be both dry and weeping.

What causes?

The disease is not in vain called diaper dermatitis, its development is directly related to swaddling or wearing disposable diapers. The causes that cause the development of diaper rash are divided into four groups depending on the type of exposure.


Squeezing and rubbing the body with clothes or underwear provokes a violation of the integrity of the upper layer of the epidermis. And if the irritating factor affects the skin for a long time, then abrasions can develop into dermatitis.

Skin lesions at the site of abrasions are the entrance gate for infections, which is why inflammation develops. Diaper dermatitis develops, caused by mechanical factors, most often in children under the age of one year, since the epidermis of the newborn is very thin, so even a slight impact can lead to abrasion.

Advice! Dermatitis caused by mechanical rubbing of the skin can develop not only in the groin area, but also in the axillary folds. To avoid the development of the disease, clothes for a newborn are sewn with seams outward so that rough seams do not rub delicate skin.


Diaper dermatitis in infants often develops with insufficiently good hygienic care. If a child rarely changes diapers, then the skin is irritated from prolonged contact with urine and feces, which leads to the development of dermatitis.

Another cause of skin irritation in babies is the use of inappropriate cosmetics and hygiene products for skin care, as well as the use of synthetic laundry detergent.

Temperature and Humidity

Babies spend most of their time in diapers, and under it a specific microclimate is created - humid and warm. Such conditions are excellent for the development of a fungal infection. Therefore, inflammation in diaper dermatitis is often caused by yeast fungi.

A fungal infection often joins an already existing inflammation, which further exacerbates the situation. Especially often the development of a fungal disease that complicates the course of dermatitis is noted in a child who is undergoing antibiotic treatment.

Advice! It should be noted that the widespread distribution of high-quality disposable diapers has significantly reduced the likelihood of developing diaper dermatitis in infants. The fact is that with the correct use of diapers, it practically eliminates prolonged skin contact with physiological secretions. But if you rarely change diapers, then the development of diaper dermatitis in children will be difficult to avoid.


How does this disease manifest itself? Main features:

  • redness of the skin in the groin and upper thighs;
  • the formation of small bubbles filled with liquid;
  • peeling.

At the initial stage, with diaper dermatitis, the areas of redness are small. But if timely therapeutic measures are not taken, the inflammation spreads and can capture large areas of the skin. In a severe course of the disease, the appearance of:

  • edema;
  • abscesses;
  • infiltrates.

If the disease is complicated by an associated yeast infection, then specific symptoms appear. Affected skin with fungal dermatitis becomes bright red, a white coating appears on the surface.

Children receiving adapted milk formulas are more prone to diaper dermatitis. In this case, inflammation develops in the anus. This is due to the alkaline environment of feces. Breastfed babies do not have this problem.

Dermatitis caused by mechanical causes most often develops on the lower abdomen, upper legs and in the axillary folds. This is caused by rubbing improperly selected clothes and diapers.


Before starting the treatment of diaper dermatitis, it is necessary to correctly establish the diagnosis. Usually, for diagnosis it is enough to make an examination and take an anamnesis. It is necessary to exclude allergic dermatitis, which may develop due to the use of a new brand of diapers or other hygiene products. In the process of diagnosis, the stage of development of diaper rash is also determined:

  • with a mild degree of damage, slight reddening of the skin is noted, which quickly disappear, subject to the rules of hygiene and the use of special means;
  • with an average - the affected skin acquires a crimson hue, vesicles and pustules may appear on it;
  • with a severe degree of damage, extensive weeping areas are observed, as a rule, the course of the disease is complicated by secondary infections, most often fungal.


Parents are often interested in how to treat diaper dermatitis? First of all, you need to provide good hygienic care for the skin of the child. In addition, it is necessary to take measures to stop the inflammatory process.

What can not be done?

Parents should remember that with dermatitis, the following actions cannot be performed:

  • wash the affected area with soap and bathing gels;
  • wipe them with alcohol-containing antiseptics or hydrogen peroxide;
  • do not rub the skin, trying to eliminate plaque;
  • lubricate the lesions with brilliant green or sprinkle with baby powder;
  • do not use potassium permanganate solution for washing;
  • if the affected skin is covered with crusts, then in no case, do not tear them off, this will lead to additional infection.

Such actions will cause pain to the baby, in addition, they can cause additional skin irritation.

Proper care

It is very important to provide proper care for newborns. This will avoid the development of diaper dermatitis. And if the disease has already manifested itself, then proper care will become one of the important components of treatment. Recommendations:

  • change your baby's diapers more often, don't wait until he's full;
  • after defecation, changing the diaper is mandatory, while the baby must be washed with warm water with baby foam for bathing;

  • be sure to periodically arrange air baths for the baby, leaving him without diapers and diapers. This allows the skin to "breathe";
  • to wash sliders and diapers, use baby soap or special powders for washing children's clothes;
  • in the presence of slight redness, lubricate the skin with creams for children or.

These simple baby care measures may be enough to cure mild diaper rash.


And how to treat diaper dermatitis with moderate and severe skin lesions? In this case, the use of medicines is indispensable. What ointment for diaper dermatitis can be used in treatment? A pediatrician should prescribe ointments for the treatment of an inflammatory process, since individual indications must be taken into account when prescribing.

  • In the absence of signs of associated infections, ointments with wound healing properties are prescribed. Most often, ointments containing dexpanthenol are prescribed, for example, Bepanten or D-panthenol. The use of these creams stimulates regeneration, so all wounds heal faster.

Advice! You can use ointments with dexpanthenol not only if diaper dermatitis is being treated, but also to prevent this disease.

  • Fungal diaper dermatitis is treated with creams containing antimycotic additives. For the treatment of babies, creams containing clotrimazole are used, these remedies not only successfully cure yeast infections, but are also completely safe.
  • In the presence of weeping areas, it is advisable to use creams containing zinc oxide. They dry well and promote faster healing of damage.
  • If there are pustules on the skin, then ointments are used to treat bacterial infections, for example, tetracycline or erythromycin.

So, diaper dermatitis in newborns, most often, is due to improperly organized care for the baby. If signs of inflammation on the skin are found, do not delay treatment. With a mild degree of damage, the disease is cured quickly enough.

Diaper dermatitis (PD) is an inflammatory skin disease that develops as a result of friction of the child's body on a diaper or diaper.

Compared with the integument of adults, the skin of newborns is more susceptible to environmental factors. The pathological process of tissue damage is triggered due to a number of reasons, ranging from an untimely diaper change to the influence of candidal fungi, staphylococci, streptococci.

Causes of the disease

The main reasons for the development of PD in babies are the following points:

  • increased humidity between the body and the diaper / diaper;
  • rubbing or squeezing the skin with clothing;
  • insufficient air access to the covers;
  • exposure to the skin of chemical irritants excreted with feces;
  • damage to delicate tissues by pathogens.

Parents may face a problem from the first days of a child's life, but most often the disease progresses in the 2nd half of the year, when the composition of feces and urine changes against the background of complementary foods.

In the 2nd year of life, children are less likely to suffer from PD, since their skin already has protective properties. Komarovsky says about the treatment of diaper dermatitis that by following simple rules, unpleasant symptoms can be eliminated. Children's skin reacts with inflammation to poor care or friction. The elimination of these factors allows you to get rid of the problem in a few days. If it is not possible to cope with the task with one change in the rules of care, it is necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician.

Candidiasis dermatitis develops in the groin after prolonged use of antibiotics. The disease is recognized by a bright red rash. Its course of more than 3 days contributes to infection of the body.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about diaper dermatitis.

How does diaper dermatitis manifest?

Initially, PD makes itself felt by reddening of the skin areas hidden by the diaper / diaper. These are the buttocks, the surface of the thighs, the external genitalia. In some children, the picture is complemented by vesicles and foci of peeling. In advanced cases, swelling appears, and the vesicles are filled with purulent contents.

The clinical picture may differ depending on the nutrition of the baby:

Redness in the inguinal folds appear due to friction on the diaper. As a rule, PD affects only those areas that are constantly in contact with feces. It is noteworthy that the disease can proceed in waves when its manifestations arise due to changes in the weather, infection of the body or the ingestion of new food.

What diaper dermatitis looks like in newborns is shown in the photo.

Based on the characteristics of the course of the disease, in dermatology it is classified into three forms:

  • mild - expressed by slight redness, disappearing after treatment of the body with baby cream or bathing;
  • medium - recognized by severe inflammation and pustules;
  • severe - diagnosed by profuse rashes, foci, swelling and sores. An increase in temperature in the presence of such signs gives the right to suspect the addition of a secondary infection.

The general condition of a child suffering from PD worsens due to burning and itching of the affected area. The baby does not sleep well, worries, is in a depressed mood, refuses to eat.

Proper hygiene care is the key to healthy skin

You can quickly treat diaper dermatitis as follows:

  • substitute the lower part of the baby's torso under a stream of warm water so that it also gets into the folds;
  • use hypoallergenic baby soap for washing the body (foams, gels, liquid soap for baby care are not suitable);
  • blot the skin with a soft towel without rubbing;
  • treat the affected areas with a special one;
  • if possible, leave the child naked for 20 - 30 minutes. (air bath).

These actions must be performed after each emptying of the baby, but not less than 8 p. in a day. When buying diapers, experts recommend paying attention to the gender of children they are intended for. Hygiene products for boys and girls absorb moisture better in different parts.

In agreement with the pediatrician, the child can be given a prophylactic dose of vitamin D every day. Its deficiency affects the immune system, increases sweating and develops diaper dermatitis.

One way to combat PD is to switch to diapers from another manufacturer. If the mother prefers to wear homemade gauze diapers for the baby, she should use vinegar or antiseptics when washing. For better processing, 10-minute boiling of gauze cuts is recommended.

Video: how to avoid diaper dermatitis in babies.

Drug treatment of children's diaper dermatitis

Usually, adjusting the right care for the child is enough for the redness to go away. Medical treatment of diaper dermatitis in children should be sought in several cases:

  • dermatosis foci with proper care last more than 3 days;
  • skin rash moves from the buttocks to other parts of the body;
  • inflamed areas covered with crusts or pustules, turned into weeping erosions;
  • The child had diarrhea and a fever.

Based on the existing picture, the doctor selects therapeutic measures against PD. To remove fluid from weeping areas, the baby is prescribed drying ointments and therapeutic powders. Reddened areas are allowed to be lubricated with creams containing dexpanthenol. Rivanol or Furacilin can be used to wash irritated surfaces.

How to treat diaper dermatitis in a child, provoked by Candida fungi? In this case, doctors prescribe antifungal drugs. Creams with miconazole, clotrimazole and ketoconazole are applied to diseased skin for a month. If the signs of PD have disappeared earlier, therapy is still carried out until the 30th day.

From the means of external treatment, babies are prescribed:

It is not recommended to sprinkle the affected area with talc and wipe it with boric acid. It is better to replace the powder with corn starch. Dermatitis creams prescribed for the treatment of other family members are not suitable for treating children's skin. They can cause allergies.

Alternative methods of treatment of diaper dermatitis in children

1. One of the methods of home therapy for children's PD is daily bathing with the addition of oat infusion to the bath. The drug relieves itching and soothes the integument.

To prepare a useful remedy, take 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and brew a glass of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the infusion is filtered and poured into a container prepared for bathing the baby.

2. St. John's wort shows itself well in the treatment of diaper dermatitis with folk remedies. It is prepared from herbs and olive oil by languishing in a water bath (60 minutes). The cooled composition is used to wipe the skin several times a day.

3. Potatoes will help to quickly remove inflammation from delicate tissues. The raw root crop is ground on a fine grater and gruel is applied to the skin. After 20 minutes, the mass is removed, and the skin is rinsed with warm water.

Diaper dermatitis (diaper) is an inflammatory process on the skin of a child, which occurs as a result of the action of various physical, chemical, microbial factors. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in young children under one year old. The peak incidence occurs at 6-7 months.

Light traumatization of the skin of babies is determined by the peculiarities of its structure and functionality (insufficient function of the sweat glands, low local immunity, increased humidity). Infants cannot control the excretory function and non-compliance with the rules for caring for them by adults (untimely change of a diaper, diaper) becomes an impetus for the development of diaper dermatitis.

Reasons for the development of inflammation

Many exogenous and endogenous factors can cause the disease.

Irritants that cause diaper dermatitis:

  • Mechanical. High skin moisture with prolonged contact with urine, diaper friction, high temperature.
  • Chemical. Fecal enzymes, bile salts, sweat.
  • Biological. Infection with pathogenic microflora.

The main factor that causes the disease is a violation of the rules for caring for a baby. There is prolonged contact of the skin with irritating substances, which creates a favorable environment for the development of diaper dermatitis.

The peculiarity of the body of a small child also becomes fertile ground for the inflammatory process. The epidermis is thin and vulnerable, thermoregulation of the skin is not yet perfect, the connective tissue is poorly developed.

Factors provoking diaper dermatitis:

  • the presence of concomitant diseases (immunodeficiency, diarrheal conditions, diseases of the urinary system);
  • congenital allergic diseases.
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • the use of antibacterial and other drugs that reduce immunity;
  • transfer of the child to artificial feeding;
  • predisposition of relatives to allergic diseases and gastrointestinal disorders;
  • improper feeding of the baby (lack of zinc and biotin in the diet);
  • use of unsuitable care products (soap, cream).

Many people think that diapers provoke dermatitis. When used correctly, the risk of irritation is minimal. They absorb moisture well and stay dry. If the diaper is of good quality, it keeps the pH level of the skin at a normal level. The inflammatory process develops only in case of untimely diaper change or if it does not correspond to the weight of the baby.

First signs and symptoms

The disease begins with a slight inflammatory process on the skin at the points of contact with a wet diaper, diaper. Often the area of ​​redness is in close proximity to the genitals. The buttocks and thighs of the child, inguinal folds can also be affected. Along with hyperemia of the skin, vesicles and peeling may appear.

Diaper dermatitis has 3 degrees of severity depending on the clinical manifestations:

  • Light- mild rashes, moderate reddening of the skin and peeling at the points of contact with the irritant.
  • Medium- develops with prolonged exposure to irritating factors that are not eliminated for a long time. This stage is characterized by the presence of infiltrates, papules.
  • heavy- bubbles, weeping and deep erosions, drain infiltrates are formed. There is swelling of the skin.

The manifestations of this form of dermatitis may vary depending on the nature of the baby's nutrition. If he is bottle-fed, the skin lesion appears around the anus. This is due to the alkaline stool of the child. With breastfeeding, such a pathological process is not observed until the child is transferred to solid food.

Diaper dermatitis can occur against the background of other dermatitis (for example, seborrheic). To its typical symptoms, persistent diaper rash is added in the areas familiar to diaper dermatitis (buttocks, skin folds). The disease in this case has a wave-like character of the manifestation of symptoms. Any factor can exacerbate dermatitis (infection, change of weather, food).

When diaper dermatitis occurs against the background of candida, a painful rash appears in the inguinal folds, after which pustules spread from the focus of inflammation to other areas. If, against this background, diaper dermatitis persists for more than 3 days without the effectiveness of the appropriate treatment, it can be assumed that the skin is affected by Candida albicans fungi.

Effective Treatments

A doctor can diagnose diaper dermatitis with a visual examination. If the disease is severe, the baby may need additional examinations. Treatment should begin with the elimination of the irritating factor.

Baby skin care

The first step towards eliminating the disease should be proper care. This will help not only to remove inflammation, but also to prevent it in the future. Recommendations:

  • Wash your child regularly (at least 6 times a day). You need to use special detergents for small children.
  • Dry the skin after bathing with a soft natural towel.
  • Change the diaper every 3-4 hours.
  • Apply cream under the diaper to protect the skin from bowel movements.
  • Bathe your baby every evening for no more than 5 minutes. Water should be 36-37 o C.
  • Choose a diaper according to the weight of the child, it should not cause discomfort.

Drug therapy

In mild form, dermatitis can be eliminated with the help of external agents based on zinc oxide or dexpanthenol. They have good regenerating and antiseptic properties. If the rashes are weeping in nature, you can treat them with powder. She dries out the skin. Do not use ointment and powder at the same time.

Ointments for diaper dermatitis:

  • D-panthenol;
  • Drapolene;
  • Bepanthen;
  • Desitin.

These remedies will relieve inflammation, soften the skin and speed up healing. You can treat the affected area with a baby cream with panthenol, glycerin, lanolin.

Note! With diaper dermatitis, antiallergic drugs are not used, since the disease is not allergic.

With the course of the disease against the background of seborrheic dermatitis, you need to use a topical steroid ointment. When an infection is attached, antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal agents are used. A bacterial infection can be dealt with with Baneocin powder based on neomycin and bacitracin. The product treats the baby's skin up to 4 times a day.

With candidal diaper dermatitis use:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Miconazole;
  • Batrafen;
  • Ketoconazole.

Funds must be applied for at least a month. Even after the disappearance of visible symptoms of the disease, therapy should not be stopped, otherwise a relapse may occur. In order not to complicate the course of a fungal infection, hormonal ointments should not be used. The fungus must be fought not only externally. For oral administration, children are prescribed Deflucan.

When to Seek Medical Care

Contact a specialist in the following cases:

  • the rash does not go away for more than 3 days, and even intensifies (it spreads beyond the diaper to all parts of the body);
  • loss of appetite, diarrhea and fever in a child;
  • the formation of weeping erosions and pustules.

Folk remedies and recipes

A mild form of dermatitis can be treated with herbal medicine. Recipes:

  • Decoctions of chamomile, string, calendula have an antiseptic and soothing effect. To prepare a decoction, you need to pour 3 tablespoons of dry raw materials into ½ liter of water. Put on a small fire for 15 minutes. The cooled broth is added to the bath for bathing. You can simply wash the inflamed areas with the product.
  • Soothes the affected skin decoction of oats. Take 200 g of oats and grind it. Pour it with 1 liter of water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. The resulting product is added to the bath while bathing.
  • Grate raw potatoes. Apply gruel to inflamed skin. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

The main preventive measure against diaper dermatitis is to keep the baby's skin clean and dry.

The following measures will help prevent the disease:

  • It is necessary to change diapers and diapers in a timely manner, wash the baby more often (after each bowel movement).
  • After the water procedure, the genitals and buttocks should be dried with a napkin and a protective cream should be applied.
  • Diapers should be chosen with a special well-absorbent ball, which allows the skin to stay dry longer.
  • The diaper should not rub or squeeze the baby's skin.
  • Diapers and clothes should be made from natural materials.
  • For washing children's clothes, use special powders or gels without alkalis that do not cause allergies.
  • Give your child air baths more often (20-30 minutes each). The temperature in the room should be comfortable.

Diaper dermatitis often occurs in infants who are not well cared for. Therefore, the condition of the child's skin depends on how responsible adults are. Elementary rules of hygiene will help to avoid inflammation and rashes. The key to healthy baby skin is dryness and cleanliness.

Useful tips for parents to treat diaper dermatitis in the following video:

Film dermatitis is one of the skin diseases characteristic only of newborn and very young children. The disease is common and becomes a problem for most parents. The causes of a rash in a baby can be different.

Ignore the symptoms of this type of dermatitis is not worth it. The disease can be a sign of abnormalities in the work of internal organs.

What is this disease?

Diaper type dermatitis is a skin disease caused mainly by external factors. It manifests itself in the form of a rash on certain areas of the skin. Most often, symptoms appear in the buttocks, genitals, neck and armpits. At risk are newborns and children under three years of age.

Features of the disease:

  • diaper dermatitis develops in children in the first years of life;
  • the main factor leading to the development of the disease is considered to be non-compliance with the rules for using diapers or diapers;
  • diaper dermatitis may be a complication of other types of this disease (for example, seborrheic or candidal dermatitis);
  • excessive sweating of the skin combined with insufficient hygiene;
  • factors such as malnutrition or lack of necessary hygiene can cause a relapse of the disease;
  • the urine of a child who has liver and kidney disease contains ammonia, so diaper-type dermatitis can be a symptom of serious illness (ammonia corrodes the baby's delicate skin).

Why does it appear?

The causes of diaper dermatitis can be not only external and internal, but also be the result of an infection or a structural feature of the baby's skin. Some children are prone to this disease due to the congenital features of the epidermis. If the skin is overly sensitive and dry, then the newborn baby is at risk for diaper dermatitis.

The causes of diaper-type dermatitis can be the following factors:

  • high humidity diapers or diapers;
  • tight underwear or diapers that do not fit the baby in size;
  • an allergic reaction to a diaper or a diaper (if the diaper was washed with powder and washed poorly, then the baby may be allergic to chemistry);
  • too frequent wearing of a diaper and insufficiently frequent replacement;
  • insufficient development of the child's immune system;
  • infection of the skin with bacteria or fungi;
  • lack of vitamins (especially vitamins of group D, phosphorus and calcium);
  • poor development of the connective component of the dermis;
  • the content of ammonia in the urine (a symptom characteristic of a number of diseases);
  • significant violations of the stool (the presence of "alkaline stool");
  • the child's tendency to allergic reactions;
  • disorders of water-salt metabolism in the body.

How does it look and feel?

With diaper dermatitis, the general condition of the child is satisfactory, but the baby shows dissatisfaction due to constant itching and pain in the affected areas of the skin. In connection with this condition, irritability, sleep disturbance occurs. The child is naughty, crying. The development of diaper-type dermatitis occurs gradually. First, the skin turns red, and then small bubbles appear on it.

  • redness of certain areas of the skin of the buttocks and genitals;
  • peeling of the skin is accompanied by the formation of small crusts;
  • when urinating, the child cries;
  • a rash on the skin of the buttocks in the form of small bubbles that burst over time;
  • on the affected part of the skin, a curdled plaque may occur (an advanced stage of the disease);
  • small cracks form on the skin (with an advanced stage of diaper-type dermatitis, wounds can bleed);
  • itching and burning in the affected area.

You can recognize diaper dermatitis at home. With the appearance of a rash on the buttocks and the presence of the fact of wearing a diaper, the diagnosis becomes obvious. The lack of timely treatment will lead to the spread of the rash to the thighs and increased pain due to the formation of new bubbles.

The advanced stages of the disease are accompanied by swelling and the formation of ulcers. It will be difficult to cure dermatitis of this form, and spots may remain on the skin of the child.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by the following methods:

  • examination by a pediatrician and a pediatric dermatologist (doctors determine the visual signs of diaper dermatitis and refer the child for further examination);
  • skin scraping from the affected areas is taken only in case of difficulty in establishing the diagnosis;
  • blood and urine tests are also optional (assigned if necessary).

How and what is the right way to treat?

The treatment of diaper dermatitis is not difficult. There is no need to use strong drugs. The child should be bathed more often, treat the affected areas of the skin with special medicines, apply some recommendations of alternative medicine and follow the basic rules of hygiene.


For the treatment of diaper dermatitis, zinc-containing preparations for external use and ointments with an antibacterial or antifungal effect are used. If the disease is supplemented with seborrheic disease, then the medications are selected from the topical steroid group. It is better to entrust the preparation of a course of treatment to a specialist.

With diaper-type dermatitis, the following medicines are used:

  • antiseptics (Drapolen, zinc ointment, Bepanten, etc.);
  • antifungal ointments (Miconazole, Clotrimazole);
  • antibacterial ointments (Tetracycline ointment);
  • vitamins (when choosing vitamins, you must take into account the age of the child);
  • antiallergic drugs (prescribed by a doctor when an allergy is detected in a child, for example, Suprastin).

Folk remedies

Alternative medicines are a good addition to the main course of treatment for diaper dermatitis. Most of the recipes are based on the principles of herbal medicine or the use of other natural ingredients that are safe for children. When carrying out any procedure, it is important to be careful. The inflamed skin of the baby gives him discomfort, and sudden movements can increase pain.

Examples of folk remedies for diaper type dermatitis:

  • herbal baths(combine chamomile, string and celandine in equal proportions, for example, one teaspoon of each ingredient, pour a glass of boiling water and add to the water when bathing a baby);
  • Oak bark(two tablespoons of the component should be poured with boiling water, insist, add a decoction to the water when bathing or wipe the affected skin area with a cotton pad);
  • calendula(a decoction of calendula is prepared in the traditional way by pouring a glass of boiling water over the component, the product can be used to treat the affected skin or as an addition to the bath);
  • oats(the product relieves itching well, to prepare a decoction, you need to use a pharmacy dry mixture, the grass is poured with boiling water, filtered, the skin is treated with a cotton pad soaked in the decoction);
  • celery root and potatoes(the ingredients are crushed with a blender, the potatoes must be raw, the workpiece is applied to the skin in the form of a compress, the procedure takes 5-6 minutes, after which the skin must be washed with herbal decoction).

It is impossible to ignore the signs of diaper-type dermatitis in any case. The lack of timely treatment can cause the formation of painful abscesses, which will be much more difficult to get rid of than a rash. It is not recommended to use dubious folk recipes or choose ointments without knowing their features. If the child has sensitive skin, then many drugs can aggravate the situation. A pediatrician or pediatric dermatologist can draw up a course of treatment and advise preventive measures.

  • allow the child to constantly be in a diaper (affected skin especially needs air baths);
  • treat diaper-type dermatitis only with folk remedies;
  • use talc or boric acid to care for the skin under the diaper (talc can turn into lumps and become a source of irritation, and boric acid is toxic);
  • excessive use of powder (lumps of this product can become a source of greater skin irritation);
  • when wiping the child after bathing, apply sudden movements (the skin is only slightly blotted);
  • neglect the hygiene of the baby (contamination of the affected skin should not be allowed).

Preventive measures

The main means of preventing diaper dermatitis is considered to be baby skin care, the implementation of hygiene procedures and an attentive attitude to his health in general. Do not allow excessive soiling or filling of the diaper. It is necessary to change the diaper as often as possible, but it is better to allow the baby's skin to "breathe".

Prevention measures for diaper dermatitis also include the following recommendations:

  • air baths (regularly, the child should be left for some time without clothes and diapers, the duration of such procedures should be at least 10 minutes);
  • proper nutrition (an improperly selected diet changes the composition of the child's feces and urine, making them literally poisonous);
  • a responsible approach to the choice of a diaper (the diaper should be suitable in size, not injure the skin and not cause discomfort to the baby);
  • diaper change should be accompanied by skin treatment and its cleaning from contamination;
  • underwear and diapers of the child should be made of the softest fabrics;
  • bathing a child is recommended with the addition of herbal decoctions (calendula, chamomile, oak bark, etc.);
  • use cream and powder at the same time (either only cream for diapers, or only powder);
  • the child should receive a sufficient amount of vitamins (lack of useful elements can cause the development of rickets);
  • bathing with beneficial additives (herbs, special mixtures for baby bathing, etc.);
  • for washing children's clothes, it is necessary to use special powders that do not cause allergies even in a child with hypersensitivity of the skin).

If symptoms of diaper dermatitis appear, you should visit a pediatrician and consult about possible measures to treat the disease. It is also recommended to change the care of the baby and take a more responsible attitude to their actions. If signs of diaper-type dermatitis appear regularly in an infant, then an additional examination is necessary.

Diaper dermatitis in children is an inflammation of sensitive children's skin that occurs under the influence of external irritating factors. Due to the fact that diapers or diapers have the closest contact with the skin, it is precisely with this that the name of the disease is associated - “diaper”. A more common name for diaper dermatitis among the people is diaper rash.

Most often, diaper dermatitis in infants occurs in the gluteal area or on the inner surface of the thigh, where diapers or clothes fit snugly against the skin.

Causes of diaper dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis in infants is observed in the buttocks and inner thighs. Several factors influence its appearance:

  • mechanical irritants - the fabric or diaper rubs against the delicate skin of the baby;
  • chemical effects - the negative effects of ammonia, stool enzymes and salts of fatty acids;
  • physical factors - excessive sweating, humidity and temperature affect the appearance of diaper rash;
  • violation of microflora - E. coli and other pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.

Diaper dermatitis in newborns most often occurs due to violations of general hygiene rules. The use of unsuitable gauze diapers and diapers, the untimely change of a wet or dirty diaper increases the risk of diaper rash.

Violation of the microflora by fungi of the genus Candida also negatively affects the course of the inflammatory process. Diaper dermatitis is not a form of candidiasis of the skin, but the presence of a fungal infection makes the disease even more serious or can cause diaper rash in a child with poor hygiene.

There are a number of childhood diseases with which the likelihood of developing diaper dermatitis increases dramatically - allergies, atopic eczema, impaired water-salt metabolism, unstable stools, increased ammonia in the urine, immunodeficiency.

Diapers versus diapers

There is a widespread belief that wearing diapers is harmful to the health of the baby, but this is absolutely not true. Diaper dermatitis occurs much less often in diaper-wearing babies than in babies whose mothers use gauze or cloth pads for swaddling. Proper use and timely diaper changes minimize the risk of diaper rash.

Diapers should be worn until about a year and a half - their cancellation too early can form the wrong hygiene habit. The early "discard" of diapers is also unreasonable in terms of potty training a child, which is described in detail in articles on this topic.

Features of diaper dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis, according to some reports, covers from 30 to 50% of infants, the disease is most common among girls. Inflammation can be localized with a small area of ​​the lesion in the form of redness on the skin, there are also more severe cases of diaper dermatitis with deep damage to the skin.

Symptoms of diaper dermatitis:

  • Redness of the baby's skin in the perineum, groin, buttocks (photo of a rash in the groin of a child). There may be bubbles with liquid, as well as peeling. Hyperemia (redness) at the initial stage of diaper dermatitis is local, but with the course of the disease, inflammation is likely to spread to large areas and increase the depth of the lesion.
  • Severe forms of the disease are characterized by the appearance of abscesses, edema and tissue infiltration.
  • The baby does not sleep well, is naughty, cries, behaves restlessly and eats poorly.

Formula-fed children are more likely to develop diaper dermatitis with a characteristic inflammation of the anus due to the alkaline environment of feces, which is not typical for breast-fed children. Thus, mothers of artificial babies should pay special attention to the proper care of their baby's buttocks.

Incorrectly selected diaper size, cutting edges are external causes that exacerbate diaper dermatitis. The mechanical effect on the skin is manifested in the inguinal and gluteal folds, as well as in the lower abdomen. Redness in these areas is greatly enhanced if other irritating factors join these negative effects.

Candida diaper dermatitis, complicated by fungi of the genus Candida, is characterized by the appearance of areas with bright red inflammation and white pustular formations. The reason for the ineffectiveness of treatment within 3 days may be just the fungal nature of diaper dermatitis.

Establishing diagnosis

To diagnose diaper dermatitis, it is enough to examine the child and collect all possible information to make an accurate diagnosis. Diaper dermatitis is often similar in signs to an allergy that a baby develops to a new hygiene product (soap, wipes, diapers, bathing cream or foam) (how is an allergy to diapers treated?).

Parents often ask the question: what means to treat diaper rash on their own, without resorting to the help of doctors? The treatment technique of Dr. Komarovsky has become very popular: the simple and safe principles of this technique will help save your beloved child from diaper dermatitis in the shortest possible time. We mention that the occurrence of diaper rash is a mistake in caring for delicate baby skin.

It is noted that the use of disposable diapers reduces the possibility of diaper rash at times, while the risk of inflammation when using diapers and gauze diapers is much higher. When choosing disposable panties or diapers, make sure that they do not press or rub the baby's skin. The diaper should fasten easily and not create artificial skin folds.

When treating diaper dermatitis, pay attention to the characteristic features of the disease:

  • a wet surface of the skin with weeping indicates that a cream should be used for treatment;
  • the presence of crusts and foci of peeling suggests the use of an ointment.

Parents should ensure the maximum possible access of air to damaged areas of the skin - ideally, you should let the baby be naked. Significant improvements will be noticeable after 2-3 days of treatment.

Diapers should fit the baby in size, be of high quality and hypoallergenic. Of great importance in the prevention of dermatitis is the timely replacement of a disposable hygiene product. Compliance with hygiene rules

Every parent should take a responsible approach to caring for children's skin:

  • After the baby has pooped or peed, the diaper should be changed.
  • Rinse the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs and perineum thoroughly with warm water, do not forget about the wrinkles.
  • From hygiene products, you can use hypoallergenic baby soap or do without it at all. It is better not to use other detergents.
  • Gently blot wet skin with a soft towel, avoiding rubbing damaged areas.
  • Apply a remedy (we will write about them below) on the affected skin.
  • Leave the child naked for 20-30 minutes.

The most effective and safest way to get rid of diaper dermatitis is to combine the above hygiene rules with air baths, i.e. ensuring contact of irritated skin with air.

Medicines, creams and ointments

  • Zinc oxide, contained in many ointments for this purpose, has a tightening effect and reduces the irritant factor from the feces and urine of the child. Desitin would be a good option.
  • Antimicrobial ointments - for example, Drapolen, are antiseptics and at the same time protect and moisturize damaged skin.
  • Healing ointments with dexpanthenol - for example, "Bepanten" ("Panthenol", "Pantoderm"), help relieve inflammation and stimulate the process of regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Diaper dermatitis with severe inflammation is treated with corticosteroid ointments. These drugs are prescribed by a doctor.

It is important to note that the skin in the area of ​​irritation may be dry (with peeling and cracks), or, on the contrary, wet (weeping, i.e. with traces of tissue fluid). Dr. Komarovsky in the book "The Beginning of Life" draws attention to the fact that "you need to moisten dry and dry wet", i.e. in the first case, it is necessary to use oils and fatty creams, and in the second, powders and drying ointments.

Simultaneous use of cream and powder is unacceptable. The lumps formed as a result of the combination of these agents damage the delicate skin of the child. If no improvement is noticeable during treatment, parents should seek help from a pediatrician.

Bepanten ointment is one of the most popular remedies for the treatment of diaper dermatitis, it is advisable to keep it in a home medicine cabinet (for more details, see the article: how to use Bepanten for allergies in newborns?)

Home treatment of diaper dermatitis should be transferred to a medical institution if the child has the following signs:

  • Increased body temperature associated with diaper dermatitis. Diaper dermatitis in advanced forms is characterized by the presence of pustular formations.
  • A significant thickening of the skin is noticeable and the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation increases, the skin color can become purple or even cyanotic.
  • Ineffective fight against diaper dermatitis for 3-5 days.
  • Slowdown of physical and mental development due to the development of diaper dermatitis.


We list the preventive measures that can prevent the appearance of irritation:

  • Diaper dermatitis is less likely if the use of powder is completely avoided.
  • As a suitable alternative, diaper cream or dexpanthenol-based creams can be used.
  • Make sure the diaper is always dry. As soon as it becomes dirty or wet, change immediately - changing the diaper, thus, will occur at least 8 times a day.
  • Do not use gauze diapers and diapers.
  • When buying diapers, be guided by the gender of the child. Manufacturers enhance the absorbent effect in those places that get wet faster in boys and girls.
  • Give your child a regular dose of vitamin D (to prevent rickets in a child) for up to three years. A lack of vitamin D affects the decrease in immunity and increases sweating, which can cause the development of diaper dermatitis.

Video tips for dealing with dermatitis from moms and doctors

Adults often look with envy at the delicate, velvety children's skin, so thin and soft that you just want to touch it with your cheek. However, this refinement and tenderness needs enhanced protection. Otherwise, the baby's butt instantly "blooms" and begins to give him a lot of discomfort. You will learn about what diaper dermatitis is and how to deal with it from this article.

What it is

Diaper dermatitis is an inflammatory process on the skin, localized advantage in the most piquant places - in the perineum, in the sacrum, in the tender femoral and gluteal folds, in the inguinal folds of the skin. Inflammation is quite disturbing for both the child and his parents. The rash can be insignificant and quite extensive, have the appearance of separate rashes or merge into one large eczema, it can be both dry and weeping.

To combat this phenomenon, which affects six out of ten Russian babies, and if hygienic rules of care are violated, all ten, mankind invented disposable diapers, however, this only slightly reduced the number of skin diseases.

Diaper dermatitis remains one of the most common complaints that parents turn to pediatricians.

Why does it occur?

The problem has two main causes: external stimuli and internal factors. In practice, there is always a combination of both.

Internal causes

In newborns, the skin is very thin, not having such a developed degree of protection as the skin of adults. It is particularly sensitive to any influence - temperature, humidity, the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. It absorbs moisture faster, gets wet, the pores expand. This feature of the structure of the dermis is characteristic of children up to one and a half to two years old. Then the skin becomes denser and less prone to inflammation.

The most susceptible to diaper dermatitis are children who have problems with the balance of beneficial and opportunistic bacteria. These conditions sometimes occur due to prolonged use of antibiotics. Babies with reduced immunity after a disease are also more susceptible to negative local effects on the skin. Children who are genetically predisposed to allergies in general and its skin manifestations in particular often suffer from diaper dermatitis.

External causes

External irritants are well known and obvious - these are feces and urine. Diaper dermatitis always occurs due to the fact that the baby's skin comes into contact with ammonia, which is contained in the urine, with urea. But the combination of urine and feces is the most dangerous, because in this case the skin is not only injured by the aggressive environment of urine, but also infected with opportunistic microbes that come out of the intestine along with feces. Inflammation develops in conditions of a lack of air flow, which is created under a diaper or wet diaper. In such a space, it is much easier for bacteria to multiply.

The most aggressive is concentrated urine. Such it becomes during periods of fluid loss by the body.

If the child is sick, he has a fever, if he sweats, then less urine is excreted. The less urine, the more concentrated it is.

Another reason from the outside is the mechanical friction of the diaper. Irritations from diapers are quite painful, especially when urine or feces get on them. The stool itself can change acidity depending on the child's diet, and even without urine can cause quite serious skin lesions. More often, children of the second half of the year suffer from diaper dermatitis, since complementary foods, which the mother introduces from about 6 months, significantly change the composition of the intestinal contents, acidity increases, and the composition of urine when eating not only mother's milk, but also juices, changes significantly.

Auxiliary factors

A poor-quality diaper that does not hold moisture well is more likely to cause dermatitis in the intimate area than a good diaper that separates fluid from feces and is impregnated with a softening balm. But even an excellent and expensive diaper will not save the child from the inflammatory process if the parents rarely change it, allow overflow, and also wipe the child when changing the diaper, and not wash it.

Violation of hygiene rules - the most common auxiliary factor against which inflammatory processes develop under the diaper. Moreover, violations include not only insufficient water procedures, but also excessive washing, especially if parents use soap for this every time. Soap dries the skin, makes it more fragile and vulnerable, it is easier to form microcracks on it, in which pathogenic bacteria multiply perfectly.

Soap is enough to use only when the baby crap one's pants. If there was no bowel movement, you can simply wash the child with plain water. Overheating also affects the appearance of inflammation. If the room is tropical heat, then the baby sweats. Under the diaper, the temperature is higher than outside it, respectively, not only urine and feces, but also the salty environment of sweat act on the skin.

Symptoms and signs

Moms can easily identify the first symptoms of diaper dermatitis without any special knowledge in the field of medicine:

  • The skin of the child turns red and visually swells. The lesion may be reddish or deep red, slightly swollen. Inflammation does not have clear delineated boundaries, it is blurry.
  • Outside diaper the skin remains clean and healthy.
  • The swelling is unevenly distributed. Where there was the closest contact with urine or feces, hyperemia is more pronounced. Nearby there may be "islands" of perfectly healthy light skin, alternating with other inflamed fragments.
  • Inflammation changes all the time. If in the morning fragments of redness and swelling looked a certain way, then by lunchtime they can merge, decrease or increase, change their location.
  • "Fresh" inflammation is characterized by the appearance of a small weeping rash. Older foci of inflammation dry up, peel off.

More "picturesque" looks like dermatitis, which is joined by a bacterial or fungal infection. In addition to all the above signs, the lesion sites are covered with a serous coating, a film, eczema with loose edges are formed. With fungal diaper dermatitis, the edges of eczema may be white or grayish.

In general, the child behaves restlessly, cries, eats less willingly and sleeps very badly. Pain, itching, tingling increase significantly immediately after the baby pees, and some time after he empties the intestines, provided that he does all this in a diaper. With a large area of ​​damage, inflammation can also affect the mucous membranes of the genital organs - under the foreskin in boys and the labia minora and the vaginal opening in girls.

Body temperature may rise slightly if the dermatitis is extensive. Small inflammatory processes are not accompanied by fever.


The task of the pediatrician is not only to confirm or refute diaper dermatitis in infants, but also to distinguish it from other skin diseases - atopic or allergic dermatitis, seborrheic inflammation or contact dermatitis. These conditions require different treatment with different medications.

Diaper dermatitis, according to its characteristic visual signs, is diagnosed quite easily. It is more difficult to determine which bacterium or fungus caused secondary inflammation if there is a fact of an attached infection.

Treatment of diaper dermatitis always begins with a review of the parents' approach to hygiene when caring for a child. It is important that the diaper be changed as often as possible without waiting for it to overflow and inflate. After a bowel movement, a diaper change is mandatory, with the obligatory washing of the child with warm soapy water. Air baths are very useful, so parents often need to remove the diaper from the child and let the skin “breathe”.

Quite often, it is possible to cope with mild diaper dermatitis with the mere observance of hygiene rules and the use of air baths.

With a more extensive lesion, which greatly worries the child, the doctor may additionally prescribe some pharmaceutical products to correct the care. In choosing drugs, he will adhere to the rule "wet - dry, dry - moisturize" . Therefore, for weeping rashes and wet eczema, drying agents, such as talker, are usually prescribed. "Tsindol" or ointment "Desitin". With dry skin in the affected areas, soft anti-inflammatory and moisturizing creams are prescribed: "Bepanten", "Drapolen" or children's "Panthenol".

If the doctor determines that a fungal infection has joined the inflammation, then he may advise nystatin ointment or Clotrimazole for topical use. With a bacterial complication - ointments with antibiotics. Quickly cure bacterial inflammation helps "Baneocin" and tetracycline ointment.

Allergy medications are not usually prescribed. If the problem is not resolved within a week, despite the prescribed treatment, then the doctor may advise hormonal ointments, such as "Advantan". Parents will treat the baby at home, there are usually no indications for hospitalization for diaper dermatitis. From folk remedies, pediatricians fully approve of sea buckthorn oil on dry areas of inflamed skin, washing with a decoction of chamomile with a weeping rash.

It is strictly forbidden to lubricate the inflamed areas of the skin with brilliant green, iodine, sprinkle abundantly with powder. Do not wash the child with a solution of potassium permanganate. Manual removal of dried crusts is prohibited in order to avoid additional infection.

  • The diaper must be sized. Disposable panties, which are large or small, only increase the negative mechanical effect on the skin. It is especially important to choose good and high-quality diapers for a night's sleep, because the child is in them longer than during the day. Such hygiene products must have excellent ability to absorb liquid. It is best to give preference to diapers with a gel-forming outer layer. All the liquid that enters them turns into a gel, the skin of the crumbs, even with a long stay in a diaper, does not come into contact with urine.
  • For daily hygiene, it is important to use only children's cosmetics and care products. Adult soap or cream is not suitable for children's skin and, in addition to the prerequisites for the development of diaper dermatitis, they also create an excellent platform for the development of contact allergies.
  • When washing, it is important to ensure that so that a jet of water rinses all the folds of the skin, since urine and fecal particles that may remain in them will definitely give an inflammatory process in the most painful place - in the folded area.
  • After bathing or washing, you do not need to dry the child with a towel., since this only increases the possibility of inflicting a microtrauma on the skin. It is best to gently blot the skin with a dry and clean diaper.
  • Opponents of wearing disposable diapers argue that they are harmful and dangerous, especially for boys. This harm is medically unjustified and greatly exaggerated. If a child who grows up in diapers begins to suffer from diaper dermatitis, it makes sense to switch to diapers at least at night.
  • Manifestations of diaper dermatitis are stronger in children who are bottle-fed. This is due to a different acidity of the feces, which is formed in children who eat mixtures. To minimize the risks and save the baby from such trouble as diaper rash, you need to carefully consider the choice of the mixture itself. It is best if it is fully adapted for children up to 6 months and partially adapted for children from six months.
  • If parents prefer to use gauze diapers or reusable panty diapers with fabric or gauze inserts, then they should be washed only with baby soap or a special hypoallergenic powder, then boiled for 10 minutes and only then rinsed with chilled, pre-boiled water. This will help reduce the risk of developing inflammation in the groin and genital area.

You can learn more about children's film dermatitis from Dr. Komorowski by watching the video below.

Mothers have to deal with such a disease as diaper dermatitis quite often. To quickly cope with such a disease, you should pay attention to its symptoms in a timely manner, consult a pediatrician.

It is this approach that prevents the spread of inflammation on the skin, and also prevents the condition of the baby's dermis from worsening. About what are the symptoms and quick treatment of diaper dermatitis in newborns, what are the photos of patients, we will tell in this informative article.

Features of the disease

Diaper dermatitis is represented by an inflammatory response of the child's epithelium to mechanical, chemical, physical microbial factors. At risk are girls, children who are bottle-fed. This disease affects about 60% of newborns.

The inflammatory process can bring discomfort to the baby from birth to 3 years of age. The course of the disease depends on such factors:

  • the nature of the diet;
  • skin properties.

Film dermatitis (photo)


Diaper dermatitis often occurs due to a violation by the mother of the rules of personal hygiene of the newborn. Irritation of the skin occurs under the influence of substances with which they come into contact.

When parents use diapers, diapers, the circle of irritants is as follows:

  1. Prolonged contact of the baby's skin with urine, feces.
  2. Elevated temperature, humidity.
  3. Fungi that multiply rapidly.

Studies have shown that children's stools of children suffering from diaper dermatitis contain the causative agents of candidiasis, the fungus Candida albicans. But fungi of this kind in the intestines are activated only if personal hygiene is not observed.

The likelihood of diaper dermatitis, the causative agent of which is candidiasis, increases due to the treatment of the baby with antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacteria that can inhibit the growth of fungi. A fungal infection develops under favorable conditions that antibiotic treatment creates.

Rarely, diaper dermatitis can occur due to:

  • malnutrition of the baby;
  • the presence of allergic, congenital diseases (enteropathic acrodermatitis, atopic dermatitis).

If inflammation of the epithelium occurs in a child without violations of personal hygiene, it may be associated with an allergy to a hygiene product (cream, wet wipes), a diaper.

A well-known doctor will tell you about what diaper dermatitis is in his video:

Classifications and forms of diaper dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis can be local in nature, localized only in small areas. This lesion of the dermis has a variety of subspecies:

  1. Dermatitis affecting the folds of the neck. It occurs when gastric contents get on them with frequent regurgitation in a child. The regurgitated masses are provocateurs of the inflammatory process under the clothes, the baby's diaper.
  2. Perianal dermatitis. Inflammation occupies the area around the anus. The occurrence of epithelial lesions is influenced by: enzymatic activity of feces, nutritional habits.
  3. Defeat exclusively inguinal folds.
  4. Genital dermatitis (isolated). Its occurrence is influenced by the characteristics of urine.

The name "diaper dermatitis" is various problem formations in the diaper area. These include:

  • Attrition. This form of irritation is very common. With timely treatment, it disappears without a trace.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. This type of sipi has a bright red color. Over time, yellow scales form on it. It initially affects the diaper area, then rises up the baby's body.
  • marginal dermatitis. This irritation is a consequence of rubbing the skin with the edges of the diaper.
  • Candida dermatitis. Appears after the baby has been taking antibiotics for a long time. It has the appearance of a bright red rash that affects the groin. The entry of infection into the body is noted after 72 hours of progression on the epithelium.
  • Atopic dermatitis. This subspecies of diaper dermatitis occurs on different parts of the body, passing to the diaper area. Its symptom is severe itching.
  • Intertrigo. This subspecies is represented by reddening of the epithelium, the cause of which is the friction of the skin against the skin. When exposed to abrasion of urine, the dermis may become inflamed, covered with a yellow substance.
  • Impetigo. So called staphylococcal diaper dermatitis, affecting the diaper area. There are two types: bullous (with the appearance of blisters), non-bullous (without blisters, represented by scars covered with a yellowish crust). It affects the lower abdomen, thighs, buttocks.

To accurately establish the subspecies of dermatitis, a simple examination is required without additional diagnostic procedures. Only with a long course of the disease is a smear taken to determine the composition of the microflora in the affected area.


During the course of the disease, 3 stages are distinguished, which manifest themselves in:

  1. violation of the protective function of the stratum corneum of the dermis;
  2. loss of barrier function from infectious pathogens;
  3. normalization of the epidermis.

Let's find out what diaper dermatitis looks like in newborns.


Initially, scuffs and redness appear on the skin of the baby in the following areas:

  • inguinal folds;
  • hips;
  • genitals;
  • buttocks.

Diaper rash is considered the first stage in the development of the disease. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, the process progresses. The gradual addition of various components of the mechanism of the development of the disease begins. As a result, dermatitis affects healthy areas of the dermis.

On the affected areas of the epithelium are formed:

  • wounds;
  • erosion;
  • small papules;
  • red spots;
  • peeling;
  • vesicles containing a cloudy liquid. They are formed when the disease is neglected, when infection occurs with a fungal infection, staphylococcus aureus;
  • crusts.

The child becomes capricious, cries.


To diagnose diaper dermatitis, a routine examination should be performed. Other diagnostic measures may be needed only in the case of a long course of the disease. The pediatrician may refer the child to a smear, which is taken from the affected area of ​​​​the dermis. It is needed to determine the microflora.

An accurate diagnosis is made by a doctor during a clinical examination. In the uncomplicated course of the disease, additional laboratory tests are not required.

And now let's find out how to treat diaper dermatitis in infants.



Diaper dermatitis can be treated with medication and folk remedies. It involves the following items:

  1. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Elimination of the inflammatory process through creams, ointments.

Read about the treatment of diaper dermatitis with ointments and other medicines below.


Drug treatment of diaper dermatitis consists in performing the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Remove the diaper, wash the affected area of ​​the dermis (genitals, buttocks) with warm running water.
  2. Limit or eliminate the use of all kinds of hygiene products. As a hygiene product, use hypoallergenic soap or warm water without anything.
  3. Blot moisture from the dermis with a towel. You can not perform rubbing movements.
  4. Before applying therapeutic agents, it is recommended to take an air bath after wiping the skin with a cotton, gauze swab dipped in a warm solution of oak, chamomile, string.
  5. Apply an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent (cream, ointment) to the affected area of ​​the epithelium. For this purpose, you can use "Lanolin", "Vaseline", "Zinc ointment". Also, the treatment of the dermis can be performed with talc, "Sudokrem", cream "Desitin", "Bepanten", "Drapolen", "D-Panthenol".
  6. If the child has signs of a fungal infection, the doctor may prescribe Miconazole, Clotrimazole.
  7. If the baby has bacterial suppuration, antibacterial ointments are prescribed (tetracycline eye ointment).

The next section will tell you how and how to treat diaper dermatitis in a newborn baby at home.

On the treatment of diaper dermatitis, Dr. Komarovsky will voice his opinion in the video below:

Folk methods

Among the folk methods of treating dermatitis are effective:

  1. Air baths. They are recommended to be performed when changing a diaper.
  2. Change diapers more often than with healthy skin. Do not immediately put on a new diaper, let the epithelium breathe.
  3. You can use herbal infusions prepared from celandine, chamomile, string. Infusions from these plants help relieve irritation, they dry the skin. Herbs are prepared half an hour before bathing. 2 tbsp. l. dry plants are brewed in a glass of boiling water. After insisting for half an hour, the contents of the glass should be poured into the bath.

Disease prevention

The best way to treat dermatitis is to prevent it. The baby's skin should be kept clean and dry. If irritation still occurs, use the following measures:

  1. Use of baby diapers. The use of this hygiene product significantly reduces the likelihood of illness.
  2. Frequent diaper changes. In newborns, you need to change the diaper after each stool, and in older children 3-4 times a day.
  3. Washing the genitals, buttocks should be done very carefully and at every diaper change.
  4. Frequent application of a protective cream with zinc on the dermis in the diaper area.
  5. Maximum restriction of the use of hygiene products (soaps, creams). It is advisable to use soap only once a day, so as not to overdry the baby's skin.


The main complication of the disease is infection of the skin. Without timely treatment, the following complications occur, in which inflammation penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis:

  • infiltrates;
  • abscesses;
  • candida dermatitis.

With a complication, the baby's temperature rises, he becomes lethargic (restless), his appetite decreases, and sleep is disturbed.


The mild form of the disease is subject to rapid treatment. You can get rid of it in just 3-4 days.

If the inflammatory process is running, it is difficult to treat, relapses are possible. In case of complications, you should be examined by a dermatologist, immunologist, gastroenterologist, allergist.

Parents will be given helpful tips regarding diaper dermatitis in the video below: