Who is Joseph by nationality. Natalya, Duchess of Oldenburg

- Dzugaev). On Georgian soil, the metathesis "z-zh" took place with the addition of the Georgian "shvili" at the end. 2) In accordance with this version, Stalin's ancestors came from the mountain villages of the upper reaches of the Bolshaya and Malaya Liakhva rivers in South Ossetia, from where they moved to the village.

Didi Lilo. It should be added that before the revolution, Ossetian surnames in South Ossetia, with rare exceptions, were written with Georgian endings, especially after baptism.

Stalin, Dzhugashvili, Dzugaev ....

In the surname Dzhugashvili, the original form is the Ossetian surname "Dzugata" (Russian.

Dzugaev). On Georgian soil, the metathesis "z-zh" took place with the addition of the Georgian "shvili" at the end.

2) In accordance with this version, Stalin's ancestors came from the mountain villages of the upper reaches of the Bolshaya and Malaya Liakhva rivers in South Ossetia, from where they moved to the village. Didi Lilo. It should be added that before the revolution, Ossetian surnames in South Ossetia, with rare exceptions, were written with Georgian endings, especially after baptism.

Thirteen years ago, she and her husband moved to Russia from Abkhazia, acquired Russian passports. Husband died. She adopted a boy who now lives with her sister in Zugdidi. Therefore, in Moscow, Eka earns a living, and goes there to rest with her soul.

"We used to consider Stalin a Georgian." Eco you, Eka! There was a time when I thought of Stalin as a Georgian on the Soviet throne. I didn’t take Mandelstam’s line about the “broad chest of Ossetians” literally.

Joseph Stalin: biography, family, quotes

Until now, disputes over the life of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin have not subsided. This is a man who was able to outstrip all other people by as much as 2 generations in his understanding of not only the state apparatus, but also global sociology. Stalin's nationality even now causes many opinions, as a result, a lot of versions have been put forward, several of which will now be considered.

Exploring a large number of archives, you can stumble upon various references and facts that may speak in favor of a particular theory.


Stalin's real name is Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (his name and the name of his father in Georgian sound like Ioseb and Besarion), the diminutive name is Soso.

In the surname Dzhugashvili, the original form is the Ossetian surname "Dzugata" (Russian.

Dzugaev). On Georgian soil, the metathesis "z-zh" took place with the addition of the Georgian "shvili" at the end. 2) In accordance with this version, Stalin's ancestors came from the mountain villages of the upper reaches of the Bolshaya and Malaya Liakhva rivers in South Ossetia, from where they moved to the village. Didi Lilo. It should be added that before the revolution, Ossetian surnames in South Ossetia, with rare exceptions, were written with Georgian endings, especially after baptism.

Stalin was an Ossetian, this is a scientifically established fact.

DNA taken from Stalin's grandson, theater director A.

V. Bourdonsky proved this. The DNA of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin belongs to the haplogroup G2.

Its representatives originated in India or Pakistan 14,300 years ago. Oleg Balanovsky, an employee of the laboratory of human population genetics of the Medical Genetic Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, claims that only Ossetians have such a blood type in the Russian Federation.

Myth #101

The myth arose in response to the need of the anti-Stalinists to discredit Stalin from head to toe, from the moment of birth until the last minute of his life.

The meaning of the myth is that in Georgia there is no name "Juga", and in the Georgian language there is no word with a similar root.

So, Iosif Dzhugashvili is not a Georgian. Unpretentious, but how pleasing to the ears of zoological scoundrels from anti-Stalinism. And there are more than enough reverse versions on this topic.

Who is Joseph Stalin by nationality?

In fact, for such a legendary person as Joseph Stalin was, the question of nationality always gives rise to many disputes and opinions. Some are proud that they could consider him their compatriot, others are trying in every possible way to disown such kinship.

So what was Stalin's real nationality?

Unfortunately, no one has yet given a 100% answer to this question.

The official version is Georgians, but we know very well that there are more than a dozen nationalities in Georgia itself.

It is believed that Stalin was a Georgian Jew, a popular version that appeared abroad in the early 50s of the last century.

However, quite recently I received a similar offer from people I respect, and I know some of them personally. It is precisely in view of the fact that they did not conceive anything “bad”, and most importantly, that these people are not indifferent to me, and I want to maintain friendly relations with them, I would like to explain, explain the reason for my refusal to do this analysis.
The fact is that any knowledge that we acquire during our life should be useful. This knowledge should help us to improve our life: both spiritual and material. If the acquired knowledge does not contribute to raising our cultural level, if it does not make us smarter, then why is it needed and can it be called the word “knowledge”?
This is especially important to understand when it comes to knowledge concerning Joseph Stalin. What should be revealed about him as a result of the analysis of my blood in such a way that it would later be considered KNOWLEDGE? So, Alexander Burdonsky (grandson of Joseph Vissarionovich, son of Vasily), as far as I know, agreed to pass a similar analysis. So what? As I understood from various Internet sources, a piece of paper with the results of the study suggests that the blood of Alexander Burdonsky contains a “marker” that is characteristic of Ossetians. Roughly speaking, judging by this piece of paper, Joseph Stalin is an Ossetian. And what do you want to do with this so-called "knowledge" now? How to apply it? Does it explain the essence of the affairs of Joseph Stalin or the nature of the events of those years and his role in these events? Well, very valuable knowledge!
I am against such "research", and I would prefer that Joseph Stalin for some time, until the truth about him reaches the majority of the people, had no nationality at all. And when that time comes, then, most likely, due to the fact that people will already be DIFFERENT, the question of the nationality of Joseph Stalin will disappear.

Ya.E. Dzhugashvili

Yakov has his own blog http://jugashvili.com/index.php, where, among other things, there is a good section with photos of Stalin's descendants. This photo was especially intriguing.

Winston Churchill, Curtis Roosevelt and Yevgeny Dzhugashvili (2005, Maastricht).

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Stalin's great-grandson Yakov Dzhugashvili commented on the topic of Stalin's nationality in the context of disputes between Ossetians and Georgians.

Over the past five or seven years, I have been contacted several times by people I do not know who have offered to have my blood tested in order to establish my origin. (I don’t understand this at all, but it turns out that there are some so-called “markers” with the help of which a person’s belonging to a particular ethnic group is established). This analysis is expensive, and these people offered to pay for the entire procedure. I sent these people, without a detailed explanation of the reasons, to where they usually send those whom they want to get rid of for a long time and seriously.
However, quite recently I received a similar offer from people I respect, and I know some of them personally. It is precisely in view of the fact that they did not conceive anything “bad”, and most importantly, that these people are not indifferent to me, and I want to maintain friendly relations with them, I would like to explain, explain the reason for my refusal to do this analysis.
The fact is that any knowledge that we acquire during our life should be useful. This knowledge should help us to improve our life: both spiritual and material. If the acquired knowledge does not contribute to raising our cultural level, if it does not make us smarter, then why is it needed and can it be called the word “knowledge”?
This is especially important to understand when it comes to knowledge concerning Joseph Stalin. What should be revealed about him as a result of the analysis of my blood in such a way that it would later be considered KNOWLEDGE? So, Alexander Burdonsky (grandson of Joseph Vissarionovich, son of Vasily), as far as I know, agreed to pass a similar analysis. So what? As I understood from various Internet sources, a piece of paper with the results of the study suggests that the blood of Alexander Burdonsky contains a “marker” that is characteristic of Ossetians. Roughly speaking, judging by this piece of paper, Joseph Stalin is an Ossetian. And what do you want to do with this so-called "knowledge" now? How to apply it? Does it explain the essence of the affairs of Joseph Stalin or the nature of the events of those years and his role in these events? Well, very valuable knowledge!
I am against such "research", and I would prefer that Joseph Stalin for some time, until the truth about him reaches the majority of the people, had no nationality at all. And when that time comes, then, most likely, due to the fact that people will already be DIFFERENT, the question of the nationality of Joseph Stalin will disappear.

Ya.E. Dzhugashvili

http://jugashvili.com/press/o_nacionalnosti_stalina.html - zinc

PS. I completely agree with Yakov, Stalin is a supranational figure and all these attempts to win him over to themselves are too petty. Although Ossetians who want to publicly declare him an Ossetian can be understood, in Georgia, until recently, under Saakashvili, Stalin was poured with slop in every possible way, which created fertile ground for body movements, if you don’t need it, then we will take Comrade Stalin to us. Personally, I don't care whether Georgian or Ossetian roots are there, Stalin is respected not for his roots, but for his deeds.

PS2. The title photo shows Stalin's great-grandson Yakov Dzhugashvili and his older brother Vissarion at Stalin's grave in 1975.
Yakov has his own blog http://jugashvili.com/index.php, where, among other things, there is a good section with photos of Stalin's descendants. This photo was especially intriguing.

Winston Churchill, Curtis Roosevelt and Yevgeny Dzhugashvili (2005, Maastricht).

It would seem that the father of nations with the paternal surname Dzhugashvili has no issues with nationality. Lenin himself patronized the native of Gori for many years and called him a "wonderful Georgian."


Many have probably heard about Mandelstam's poem "We live, not smelling the country under us," which cost the poet his life. It is considered one of the most famous in the twentieth century. The first lines are often quoted to this day. Does anyone remember the final line?

"... and the broad chest of an Ossetian."

It is strange, where did the Ossetians suddenly come from? After all, everyone knows that the hero of the poem - the Kremlin mountaineer with cockroach mustaches and sparkling tops - is Georgian! Once, twice, I carefully re-read Mandelstam. There is no error. The wide chest of the Ossetian is Stalinist! What a twist!

The other day, the patriot Kurginyan, in a TV duel with the liberal Gozman, said that Mandelstam wrote these poems at the request of Trotsky. I don’t know how it really is with a request, because by the time of writing a suicidal, in the words of Pasternak, poem (November 1933), Trotsky had already been outside the USSR for 4 years. In the status of sent. Although the evil demon of the revolution really bitingly described his enemy in the book "Stalin": "... a rude uncouth figure, like all Ossetians living in the high Caucasian mountains." Having offended, having slandered with this phrase the whole people, courageous, cultured. However, what were the peoples for the arrogant Lev Davidovich? So, chips in the fire of the world revolution. Well, he arranged the decossackization in Russia.

In 1933, another emigrant, the writer Grigol Robakidze, lit up the Ossetian father Dzhugashvili in a novel about the leader Chakluli Suli (The Murdered Soul) published in Germany.

Mentioned about Stalin's parents and Anatoly Rybakov in the sensational perestroika novel "Children of the Arbat": "The mother was a domineering woman, a thoroughbred Georgian Kartveli, and her father seemed to be from the South Ossetians who inhabited the Gori district. His ancestors became Georgians, and his grandfather changed the Ossetian "ev" in his surname Dzhugaev to the Georgian "shvili".

The word "like" caught on. Maybe Trotsky, in impotent rage, launched a false rumor about a “rude Ossetian” in order to somehow annoy the “wonderful Georgian”, who won the brutal battle for leadership in the party and country? And the rest got it.


I continue to investigate.

“Dzhugashvili is a Georgian surname of Ossetian origin,” argued the famous Slavic philologist, professor at Oxford University B. Unbegaun in the book “Russian Surnames” (rather, “Soviet.” - E.Ch.), published in London in 1972 - The original form is the Ossetian surname "Dzugata" (Russian Dzugaevs). On Georgian soil, the metathesis “z-zh” took place with the addition of the Georgian “shvili” (son) at the end. This is no longer speculation - science!

I find curious details in Z. Gagloeva's book "Ossetian surnames". For the first time, the Dzugaev family was recorded in documents in the 15th century. In the village of Tsamad, Alagir Gorge, North Ossetia. From there they settled later in other gorges. In the village of Dzomag they had their own neighborhood (farm) Dzugaty kuldym.

Stalin's ancestors on the paternal side were "Georgian" obviously not of their own free will. Before the revolution, Ossetian surnames in South Ossetia, with rare exceptions, were written with Georgian endings. Especially after baptism. As the researcher G.D. Togoshvili in his work “Georgian-Ossetian relations in the 15th-18th centuries”, “... if he is a Christian, then he is no longer an Ossetian in the full sense of the word, he is already considered a Georgian.” This work, by the way, was published in Tbilisi.

What does a surname mean? "Dzug" - in Ossetian - flock. Perhaps the distant ancestors of the leader had large flocks of sheep. In short, the Otarovs. But Dzuga is also an Ossetian name. So the Dzugaevs (Dzhugashvili) could have come from Dzuga's ancestor. Like the Russian Ivanovs, Petrovs, Sidorovs...

I happened to read from one historian an exotic version of the origin of the surname, allegedly from the Ossetian word "dzuts" - a Jew. “In this regard, it is possible that Dzhugashvili were - like Jews - capable and resourceful people, or ... even themselves descended from mountain Jews! Is it because under Stalin, as never before in Russia, there was a flourishing and glory of the Jewish nation, although the demand was special?! For Stalin confessed the biblical rule: to whom much is given, much will be asked from him!

Yes, someone, but Lev Davidovich Trotsky would definitely not like this version. Although it is popular on the web.

A frank phonetic and semantic juggling, - an acquaintance of the Ossetian philologist, who helped in the investigation, explained to me. - And it's rough. In Ossetian, a Jew is "dzutag". And the Jews as a nation - "dzut". But not "zuts". This word has nothing to do with "dzugu". It's like the Russians "year" and "goth", "genus" and "mouth" ... They changed one letter - and turned Stalin into a Jew. (In Georgian, "Jew" is completely "uria" or "ebraeli", even further from Dzhugashvili. - E.Ch.)


I open the historical and biographical reference book “Around Stalin”, prepared by the historian V.A. Torchinov and the candidate of philosophical sciences A.M. Leontyuk. The first known ancestor of the leader is the great-grandfather Zaza Dzhugashvili. He participated in a peasant uprising in Ananur (Dushetsky district of the Tiflis province), was arrested, fled to the Gori district and here became a serf of the princes Eristavi. Lived in the Ossetian village of Geri. He took part in the uprising led by Prince Elizbar Eristavi against the Russians, fled again. .. Apparently, his rebel genes were passed on to his great-grandson, who also ran a lot from custody.

Priest Iosif Purtseladze on December 8, 1805, testified to Major Reich about the participants in the anti-Russian uprising: “I know and saw that Ossetians who lived on this and that side went to the son of kular agasi Elizbar; not even a night passed without some of them coming, others not leaving, the people sent by Elizbar were Zaza Juka-shvili and Tauri-hata, but Zaza often walked during the day and brought Ossetians at night. In 1805, Zaza was again arrested and imprisoned in the Metekhi castle.

After his death, the son of Vano (Iuane) moved to the village of Didi Lilo, Tiflis district. Growing grapes. According to the statement of 1802 about the division of Georgia into districts, peasants lived in this village - attention! - “baptized from Ossetians”. The name Dzhugashvili was first mentioned in Didi Lilo's documents in 1819.

Around 1850, Vano's son Beso was born.

It is curious that the very first revolutionary pseudonym of young Joseph Vissarionovich is Besoshvili. “If we only consider its root to be Russian, and the suffix to be Georgian, it means “son of a demon,” the researcher A. Abrashkin immediately deciphered the party nickname. “Surprisingly easily and simply, Stalin’s passion to work at night is also explained - when else should the son of the Devil work?”

There is the same crude substitution as in the case of Stalin's Jewishness, - the same philologist explained to me. - Why mix the Russian root and the Georgian suffix? For a cheap sensation? The casket just opens. Beso, Besik - our common male name, in no way connected with devilry. In Ossetian, a demon, a devil, is “hairag”. "Son of Beso" - that's the whole secret of Stalin's first pseudonym. The church name of Beso is Vissarion. Therefore, Joseph was officially Vissarionovich.

But Beso, to be honest, was possessed by a demon - drunkenness. In his youth, drunk, he committed a grave crime - he killed a relative. For murder, according to mountain custom, blood feud was supposed. But this is the case if the killer is from someone else's family. And here "their" blood was shed. Whom to take revenge? Beso was subjected to a terrible Ossetian punishment - kody. Eternal exile from the clan. Something like a church anathema. Moreover, the damned never had to communicate with relatives. In ancient times, such people without the support of the family were doomed to certain death.

Beso left the village in winter. I broke my leg in the mountains. So it would freeze, but random travelers picked it up. But Beso remained lame for the rest of his life. The outcast got a job in Tiflis at the Adelkhanov tannery. Later, the merchant Iosif Baramov entered into an agreement with the military for the supply and repair of shoes for the garrison in Gori, opened his workshop, where he invited the best shoemakers. Among them was Beso Dzhugashvili. He settled with Ossetian Kulumbegashvili from the Dzher Gorge. Soon he got married to the Georgian woman Ekaterina (Keko) Geladze, the daughter of a serf.


“At that time, Beso was considered a brave man with a very beautiful mustache, and he was beautifully dressed,” the leader’s mother recalled in her declining years. - He was from the city and therefore he felt the imprint of the city. In a word, he was one head taller than all the suitors. We had a big wedding… Beso turned out to be a good husband. I went to church, worked hard, brought money. I was happy. Many envied my happiness. A year later, the crown of our happiness was replenished - a son was born. Beso almost went crazy with joy. But joy was replaced by sadness, since the child was 2 months old when he died. Beso began to drink from grief ... Two years later, the second son was born. But even that child was not destined to live. Beso almost lost his mind from grief ... "

And he began to drink even more. Apparently, he imagined that the death of babies is connected with a family curse. But the outcast still hid the tragedy of his youth from his wife. “Beso never said where he came from,” Keke wrote. - He explained it this way: “My ancestors were shepherds, so we were called “jogans”. And then we used to have a different surname. My ancestors' ancestors were generals." What were the generals in the mountains in the 15th-17th centuries?

Keko herself sinned against a family friend, wine merchant Yakov Egnatashvili, the godfather of the dead babies.

“Finally, I got pregnant again and had a third child. We hastened to baptize him so that he would not die unbaptized. Another witness has already been made godfather (at their wedding - Mikhail Tsikhitatrishvili. - E.Ch.), since Jacob's hand turned out to be unhappy. Egnatashvili was not offended.”

Judging by the entry on the 33rd page of the first part of the parish book of those born in 1878 in the Gori Cathedral Church of the Tiflis province: “On December 6, the son of Joseph was born to a resident of Gori, peasant Vissarion Ivanovich Dzhugashvili and his legal wife Ekaterina Gabrielovna (both Orthodox confessions). The newborn was baptized by Archpriest Khakhanov with the clerk Kvinikidze ... The Sacrament took place on December 17.”

“The child survived. True, he was in very poor health. He was very gentle and did not put on any weight. If someone fell ill nearby, then he fell ill next ... Once Soso caught a cold and lost his voice. We sobbed so loudly that all the neighbors could hear. They sympathized with us. Everyone thought that the son also died. But he survived...

And then it was decided to perform the rite of slaughter. The family went to the family sanctuary of the Dzugaevs Dzery-dzuar, located in a gorge near the village of Gera, where the rebel ancestor Zaza lived. According to the ancient Ossetian custom, a black lamb was sacrificed. Three ritual pies and a bowl of black beer. Asking the health of baby Joseph from the Virgin Mary, St. George and guardian angels.

“We went to pray in Geri,” the God-fearing mother wrote, without going into details of the pagan rite in the sanctuary. - They gave a sheep to the slaughter and ordered a thanksgiving service in the church. Soso got scared in the church. And then even at home he sometimes shuddered, raved in his sleep and clung to me.

Perhaps the ancient Ossetian rite of slaughtering a black lamb, a prayer service in the church really removed the terrible curse from Joseph, saved the child. Although death guarded the future leader for a long time. “As a child, my Soso never got better. And several times he almost died ... He fell ill with measles. That year there was a lot of measles, almost all families were crying. Our godfather Jacob had three children who died. Soso was very seriously ill, and it seemed to me that I would lose him. On the third day he began to delirious. At the very least, I thought he would go blind. But I turned out to be a very happy mother ... ”Another time, after standing for a long time in a draft, the baby fainted. For a long time they could not bring him to his senses. At the age of 5, he suffered a deadly smallpox that left marks on his face. Hence the nickname "pockmarked". Already a schoolboy crossed the street. A phaeton crashed into Joseph. He lost consciousness. I couldn't speak for two whole weeks. As Keke writes, paramedic Tkachenko and doctor Lyubomudrov saved his life. They didn't even take the money!

True, the left hand remained damaged for life. That is why the leader was called "dry-handed". In the 1920s, rumors circulated in Moscow that Stalin had six fingers on his left foot! The so-called "satanic hoof". Because of this, Bulgakov was forced to change the original title of the mystical novel The Hoof of an Engineer to the neutral Master and Margarita. Although he left Woland's sore left leg in the text. In fact, Joseph was born with fused 2nd and 3rd toes of his left foot. So it was in his special signs at the tsarist secret police.

… Beso drank more and more. It can be seen that the curse did not leave the unfortunate shoemaker. Over time, his hands began to tremble, which interfered with the craft. Beso was going to make his son a shoemaker. But the devout Keko, remembering the miraculous repentance of the baby Joseph, went against the will of her husband. And she did everything so that her son entered the Orthodox Tiflis Theological Seminary. She dreamed of becoming the mother of a priest.

An enraged Beso left the family. Wandered. He did not help his wife and son. And he seemed to have died in a drunken brawl in 1890. At forty! According to other sources, he died in 1906.

And having been prayed for in the sanctuary and the temple from a terrible family curse, Joseph in the theological seminary became a rebel. And he preferred the tunic of a revolutionary, the ruler of a sixth part of the world, to the cassock of a priest.


But why did the leader call himself a Georgian, although the nationality in the Caucasus comes from his father? Perhaps the well-known Marxist-internationalist did not attach much importance to nationality. Moreover, he was born in Georgia, and his mother is Georgian ... And after Lenin in exile called him a “wonderful Georgian”, it was completely too late to reverse. I do not exclude the mystical option. In the official Soviet biography of the Georgian Stalin, his date of birth is December 21, 1879. Although, in fact, judging by the church record, he was born a year and three days earlier. The failed priest deliberately concealed the exact date of birth so that the enemies could not harm him esoterically. The influence of the famous mystic Gurdjieff made itself felt. Isn't that the reason why he concealed his father's nationality as well?

But he remembered about the Ossetians. Under him, in 1924, shortly after the death of Lenin, the North Ossetian Autonomous Region was created. Since 1936 it became the Republic of North Ossetia.

Another curious moment in the biography of the "wonderful Georgian". On February 26, 1944, he summoned the first secretary of the North Ossetian Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Kubadi Kulov, to the Kremlin. And here is the conversation between them:

Stalin: Tell me, what do you think about the name of your city, Ordzhonikidze? As far as I know, this name is not entirely clear to local residents, it is difficult to pronounce, and its historical origin is not entirely clear. I also know that Ossetians used to call their city in Ossetian. If I'm not mistaken, they called him Dzaudzhikau.

Kulov: Quite right, Iosif Vissarionovich, Dzaudzhikau...

Stalin: Say it again...

Kulov: Dzaugikau...

Stalin: Tell me how it will seem to the Ossetians if instead of Ordzhonikidze we call him by his former name - Dzaudzhikau?

Kulov: The Ossetians will certainly approve this proposal of yours.

Stalin: Then you will discuss this issue with whomever you need as soon as possible and send us your request, we will also think about it and tomorrow we will make the necessary decision.

Kulov: All right, Iosif Vissarionovich, we will send our request today.

Two days later, on February 28, 1944, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 795, the capital of North Ossetia, Ordzhonikidze, was renamed Dzaudzhikau.

In fact, Stalin was cunning. The city has never been officially named like that before. Dzaudzhikau is just the village of Dzaud. Ossetian Dzaud Bugulov, who first came here from the mountains, to the banks of the Terek, and built a house in the 18th century. In 1784, Empress Catherine the Second ordered to found here, at the foot of the mountains, the fortress city of Vladikavkaz (Lord of the Caucasus!) So it was called until 1931, when it was renamed Ordzhonikidze. In honor of the Georgian Bolshevik, a loyal ally of Stalin from the time of the Caucasian underground. So in the USSR everything was clear with this name.

But Stalin suddenly renamed the city in the Ossetian manner. It is evident that the call of blood has affected. And only after his death, Khrushchev returned the name of the Georgian Ordzhonikidze to the capital of North Ossetia. In 1990, the city again began to be called Vladikavkaz.

It is believed that it is from the Ossetians that the famous asceticism of the leader of the peoples, the frank disdain for luxury, “loot”, hatred of corruption, money-grubbing comes from. This phenomenon has historical roots. The nomadic people, defeated in the 13th century by the Tatar-Mongols, were forced to hide in the mountains, literally survive in harsh conditions. What kind of luxury is there? On the maternal side, from the Georgians, Stalin took a love for the feast, songs.


At the age of 16, the seminarian Joseph wrote poems that can be mistaken for a prophecy of his resounding fate and death.

In this country he was a shadow,

A guest who came without a trace.

He touched the eternal strings,

He sang strange songs.

Songs born of light.

Songs born of pain.

All of them were true.

Everything in them breathed love.

Songs excited him

Even cold souls

Made thoughts clear

To the light from the darkness going.

But unable to listen

Singing those wonderful songs

People poured poison

And, blinded by arrogance:

“Drink everything, you damned one! - shouted -

This is your fate, hell's angel...

Why are we really like this?

We do not need such songs!

(translation from Georgian - Nikolai Nad.)

Many researchers are now inclined to the version that in March 1953 Stalin was indeed poisoned by his closest associates. Mikhail Poltoranin, Deputy Prime Minister in the Yeltsin government, who headed the interdepartmental commission for declassifying documents of the CPSU, directly spoke about this. The historian Nikolai Nad develops this theme in the books “How Stalin Was Killed”, “Stalin and Christ”, “How Stalin Defeated Corruption”. According to Edvard Radzinsky in the book “Joseph Stalin. The last riddle, "Beria used the development of the secret Laboratory X of the NKVD against the Owner - the poison warfarin. He was allegedly injected with a syringe through the cork of a wine bottle. And they presented the leader with "poison" from a youthful poem ...

Since then, officials, having abandoned the forced asceticism of the Stalinist era, began to take more care of themselves and their loved ones. And, in the end, for the sake of personal enrichment, accounts and villas in the West, the USSR was destroyed in 1991. Corruption began to rule the ball.

Information about Stalin's ancestors is few, scarce and superficial. When, during Stalin's lifetime, some of the toadying historians of Transcaucasia tried to find documents and materials on this subject, digging into the church books of Georgia or interviewing centenarians from the small town of Gori, where Stalin was born on December 21, 1879, Stalin expressed not too clear on this subject. content, but extremely angry in form, a phrase that not only immediately interrupted all these archival researches, but also cost the lives of several too curious researchers of his ancestry. Stalin reacted no less sharply to the initiative of the Children's Literature Publishing House (Detgiz), which prepared for publication "Stories about Stalin's childhood" - by analogy with stories about Lenin's childhood. Without much anger, Stalin also banned Mikhail Bulgakov's play about Stalin's revolutionary youth from being staged. Only Stalin himself said in the preface to the first volume of his works that he had once been an "immature Marxist"; no one else could repeat or even quote this phrase. Just as decisively, Stalin banned the publication of a small collection of poems once composed by the young Dzhugashvili-Koba; they were hastily translated into Russian for Stalin's 70th birthday by a group of leading Soviet poets. And yet, something about Stalin's childhood and youth can be said from sources published in the Soviet press, and from the testimonies of some of his childhood and youth friends who, by the will of fate, ended up in exile.

It is known, for example, that Stalin's great-grandfather Zaza Dzhugashvili was a serf and even took part in one of the peasant uprisings that break out from time to time in the Transcaucasus - more often than it happened in Russia. Later, Zaza Dzhugashvili settled with his family in the village of Didi-Milo near Tiflis, where his life path ended. His son Vano, Joseph Stalin's grandfather, inherited his father's farm, growing grapes and making wine. Here, in Didi Milo, his son Vissarion, nicknamed "Beso", was born. As you know, serfdom was abolished in Russia in 1861, and after the death of his father, Vissarion decided to abandon hard peasant labor. He went to Tiflis and got a job as a student, and then as a worker in a leather factory. It was the shoemaking that brought Vissarion to the small Georgian town of Gori, where he met Ekaterina Geladze, who soon became his wife. Catherine also came from a peasant family. Only after the abolition of serfdom, her family moved to Gori. In Georgia, early marriages for women were accepted at that time. The first son of the Dzhugashvili spouses died at the age of one year, and much later, when the entire leadership of Georgia came to Catherine’s house to congratulate her on her birthday or on the birthday of the “great Stalin”, independent and sharp-tongued, she often said, that it was her first son who was much more capable and smarter than all the others. Joseph (Coco) was her fourth child, the second and third died in infancy. When the future "leader" was born, Catherine was only twenty years old.

We know almost nothing about Stalin's father. There is evidence that he was a rude and uneducated person and was too addicted to wine. Often he beat his little son, and these severe beatings could hardly contribute to the development of good beginnings in the character of Coco. In 1885, Vissarion left the family and again moved to Tiflis to a leather factory, although he did not completely break off ties with the family. He returned home a few years later seriously ill and died soon after. Later, Stalin never mentioned his father, and even the date of his death was not given either in Stalin's Brief Biography or in the official chronology of Stalin's life and work. It was the lack of accurate data about Stalin's father that later gave rise to many different kinds of legends about Stalin's father and, in general, about the reality of this paternity. Some of Stalin's ill-wishers spread a rumor in Georgia that Vissarion Dzhugashvili was not a Georgian at all, but an Ossetian. In the Caucasus, from time immemorial, various manifestations of national discord were strong, and relations between Georgians and Ossetians were not the best. I also heard that Stalin's father did not die from a serious illness, but was stabbed to death in a drunken tavern fight. On the other hand, even when the author of this article lived in Georgia, one often heard whispered rumors that Stalin's true father was some kind of Georgian prince, for whom Ekaterina Dzhugashvili worked as a laundress, or even a person of high spiritual rank. It was also said that Stalin's father was the famous Russian traveler Przhevalsky, who really was in Gori and outwardly very similar to the fifty-year-old Stalin, as can be seen from the photograph of Przhevalsky placed in the Small Soviet Encyclopedia. However, if we look not at the ITU, but at the biography of Przhevalsky himself, we can read that he really lived for some time in Gori, but six months after the birth of little Joseph.

In A. Rybakov's novel "Children of the Arbat", Stalin's father is depicted as a kind, gentle and cheerful person - as opposed to a harsh and irritable mother. Memories of Stalin's father according to Rybakov are the brightest memories of childhood. I will not analyze Fazil Iskander's versions of Stalin's childhood here, after all, every writer has the right to fiction - where there is almost no reliable data.

Be that as it may, but the burden of worries about earning and raising her son fell on the shoulders of Ekaterina Dzhugashvili. Stalin's childhood friend, later one of his first biographers, Joseph Iremashvili, described Catherine as a very pious and economic woman and noted her great love for her son. Mother dreamed of Joseph becoming a priest. In order to pay for his son's education, he was hired as a laundress and seamstress in the rich houses of Gori, did various menial work in the same church school in which Joseph received his initial church education. Studying was not easy for the boy, and the Russian language was especially difficult for him. In those years, in the Georgian provinces, few people spoke Russian, and, not accustomed to Russian from childhood, Stalin spoke with a strong Georgian acceptance until the end of his life. Stalin almost always spoke Georgian with S. Ordzhonikidze, A. Yenukidze or L. Beria. After graduating from a church school, Stalin entered the seminary in Tiflis. Later, he very rarely visited his mother - both in Gori and, after the civil war, in Tiflis. She resolutely refused to move to her only son in Moscow and lived alone.

The revolution often severed family ties for a long time, or even forever. Parents often did not even know where their children lived and worked, and children often showed little interest in their parents' lives. When Stalin visited his mother for the last time in late 1935, newspapers across the country launched a campaign to restore family ties that had been severed earlier. Thousands of party and state workers began to look for their parents and visit them. According to legend, at their last meeting, Stalin's seriously ill mother said to her son: "Still, it's a pity that you didn't become a priest." She died in 1936 and is buried in the Georgian Pantheon on Mount David. But Stalin did not come from Moscow to the funeral.

Stalin's first wife was Ekaterina Svanidze, whom Joseph was introduced to by his close friend from the seminary and Ekaterina's brother, Alexander Svanidze.

We do not have an exact date for this meeting. The combination of a legal, that is, at that time, church marriage occurred either in 1902 or in 1903, after which the young spouses moved for some time to the homeland of Dzhugashvili's ancestors - to the village of Didi-Milo. However, Stalin was not so often next to his wife; he already led the life of a professional revolutionary, and he had to move illegally from place to place from Batumi to Baku.

Ekaterina Svanidze, like Stalin's mother, was very pious, she did not go into politics, and the life of her husband, who had already survived exile and prison, she did not understand, only caused her fear. But, faithful to the centuries-old traditions of the Georgian family, she did not ask her husband unnecessary questions and could only pray for him. In March 1907, in the small village of Badzhi near Kutaisi, Catherine's son Yakov was born. Stalin at that time was imprisoned in the Baku prison, and his young wife had to work hard, doing any work, not only to support the life of the baby, but also send parcels to prison from time to time.

When Yakov Dzhugashvili was not yet a year old, Ekaterina Svanidze (Dzhugashvili) became seriously ill and died - according to some sources from typhus, according to others - from pneumonia. The prison authorities allowed the imprisoned Joseph to attend his wife's funeral. In the archive of one of the daughters of Prokofy Dzhaparidze (who died among 26 Baku commissars in 1918 under the nickname "Alyosha"), back in the 60s, a photograph was kept, presented to her by the mother of Ekaterina Svanidze. In the picture one could see Stalin, overgrown with a short black beard, and relatives of his deceased wife, standing at the head of the coffin.

The Svanidze family took care of the upbringing of little Jacob. Stalin had to leave Georgia for many years, he visited different cities of Russia and Krakow, and from 1913 - in the distant Turukhansk exile. From 1918 to 1921 Georgia existed as an independent state under the control of the Menshevik government. Only in the early 1920s was Stalin able to visit Georgia again and see his son again. But it was a short meeting—Stalin now had new worries and a new wife.

With the father of his second wife, S. Ya. Alliluyev, Stalin met back in 1903 in Tiflis, where he came on business of the Baku underground printing house. A few years later, fate again brought them to Baku, where Alliluyev lived with his family, and Stalin could meet in their house not only his son Pavel and daughter Anna, but also the youngest, but very lively and attractive six-year-old Nadia. Stalin often visited the Alliluyev family, but soon he had to go into a new exile, and S. Ya. Alliluyev moved to St. Petersburg with his whole family and got a job as a worker at an electromechanical plant. S. Alliluyev continued to maintain close contact with his party comrades and carry out various party assignments. In 1910, Stalin, who illegally left his next exile - this time in Vologda, stopped precisely in the Alliluyev family. The connection with this family, beloved by the lonely and unsociable Stalin, continued further, and when Stalin was exiled to the distant Turukhansk region, the Alliluyevs sent him parcels with warm clothes and money. In a letter to S. Ya. Alliluyev's wife, Olga, Stalin thanks her for the package she has just received and asks her not to send more money, which this large family badly needed. The letter is dated 1915.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that after the February Revolution of 1917, when Stalin returned to Petrograd, he sought out the Alliluyev family, who lived on the outskirts of the city, and he was given a warm welcome here. Soon the Alliluyevs moved into a larger apartment, and their house became a place for secret meetings of the Bolsheviks. After the July events, V. I. Lenin hid here for several days. As for Stalin, he became almost a member of the Alliluyev family. Their eldest daughter Anna worked at the headquarters of the Bolsheviks in Smolny, and Nadezhda was still in high school. Stalin came late, but the sisters were waiting for him, fed him and gave him tea. Stalin told the girls a variety of stories from his life, even read excerpts from the books of Chekhov, Gorky, Pushkin. At the same time, even then, Stalin began to give Nadezhda special signs of attention. Nadia grew up in the family of a professional revolutionary, sympathized with the Bolsheviks and was also carried away by the 37-year-old Stalin, although he was 20 years older than her. Most often silent and gloomy, Stalin nevertheless managed to restrain his inherent rudeness, trying to be attentive, helpful and even gentle to those people who he needed, or to the women he liked.

The October Revolution decisively changed not only the situation in Russia, but also the position of Stalin. Now he is a member of the first Soviet government, the People's Commissar for Nationalities. But he does not forget about the Alliluyevs and, forming the still small apparatus of the People's Commissariat, offers Nadezhda a job as a secretary. Nadya agreed, and at the beginning of 1919 she had to move from Petrograd to Moscow together with the entire Soviet government. Here, in Moscow, 18-year-old Nadezhda joined her fate with the fate of Stalin, taking on the chores of his simple household. However, she retained her maiden name. This was accepted among the families of many Bolsheviks. No weddings were arranged then, and only a few of the party members resorted to civil registration; more often they simply declared themselves husband and wife and began to live together. It is not surprising that many people in the Central Committee and the Council of People's Commissars continued to consider Stalin as still a widower or a bachelor. Meanwhile, Nadezhda Alliluyeva joined the party and, together with Stalin, went to the Tsaritsyn front.

Returning to Moscow, Nadezhda began to work no longer in the People's Commissariat of Nationalities, but in the Secretariat of the Council of People's Commissars and in Lenin's personal secretariat. To characterize the morals and relations of that time, the episode associated with the next purge of the party, which took place in 1921, is indicative. Among other employees of the apparatus, N. Alliluyeva was expelled from the party for "insufficient social activity", although she worked in Lenin's secretariat. Upon learning of this, Vladimir Ilyich sent a letter to the leaders of the commission for the purge of the party A. A. Solts and P. A. Zalutsky with a special letter, "considering it a duty" to bring to the attention of this commission the circumstances that remained unknown "in view of the youth of Nadezhda Sergeevna Alliluyeva ".

“Personally, I,” wrote Lenin, “observed her work ... in the Administration of the Council of People's Commissars, that is, I am very close. However, I consider it necessary to point out that I have known the entire Alliluyev family, that is, the father, mother and two daughters, from the period before the October Revolution. In particular, during the July days, when Zinoviev and I had to hide and the danger was very great, it was this family that hid me, and all four, using the full confidence of the then Bolshevik Party members, not only hid us both, but also provided a number of conspiratorial services without which we would not have been able to get away from Kerensky's bloodhounds.

Alliluyeva was reinstated in the party.

Alliluyeva's "insufficient social activity" was, by the way, due to the fact that it was in 1921 that her son Vasily was born (this name Stalin gave him, probably, according to one of his party nicknames). A few years later, the daughter Svetlana was born.

After Lenin's death, Alliluyeva worked for several years in the Revolution and Culture magazine, and at the very end of the 1920s she entered the newly formed Industrial Academy, wanting to study the then new technology for manufacturing artificial chemical fibers. She came to the Academy by tram, always crowded with passengers, and few of the students of the Academy knew that this young woman was the wife of Stalin, whom the whole country already knew about, of course. Without completing her studies, Nadezhda Sergeevna went to work in the Moscow City Party Committee in the early 30s.

Even in those years, many rumors and legends arose around the personality of Alliluyeva. In the 1960s, the book “Stalin” came into my hands, published in Russian in Riga in 1930 by one of the émigré publishing houses. Some of the facts in this book were true, but others were simply made up. For example, the author of the book, who took the pseudonym "Essad-Bey", claimed that Stalin, like an oriental despot, kept his wife in a large apartment in the Kremlin and that none of the other residents of the Kremlin had ever seen her. In fact, N. Alliluyeva was an open and sociable woman. She was very friendly with the family of Avel Yenukidze, with the family of the deceased Alyosha Dzhaparidze, with the large Svanidze family. She was well acquainted with N. S. Khrushchev since the days of the Industrial Academy, where Khrushchev not only studied for some time, but also headed the party organization of the Academy .

At the same time, it should be noted that Nadezhda was very independent in choosing her acquaintances and by no means broke off friendly relations with those who sometimes came into conflict with Stalin for political reasons. Of the women, the closest friend of Stalin's wife was Molotov's wife, Polina Zhemchuzhina.

In addition to an apartment in the Kremlin, the Stalin family, as well as the families of other members of the Politburo, received a large state dacha in the late 1920s. At that time, such dachas were not yet built according to special projects, but various estates near Moscow that previously belonged to Moscow merchants and industrialists were equipped or converted. They were built mainly at the beginning of the 20th century and in a different style than the estates of the 19th or 18th centuries. Stalin's country dacha was located near the village of Usovo near Moscow and on the banks of the Moscow River. The couple called their house Zubalovo - after the name of the oilman who owned it before the revolution. Stalin's children - Yakov, who arrived in Moscow only in the early 1920s as a teenager, Vasily and Svetlana - lived for the most part in Moscow and went to school. But the house in Zubalov was not empty. Relatives and some friends lived here for a long time, they occupied the entire first floor. Stalin and his wife lived on the second floor, but there were many rooms in the oilman's house, and Nadezhda's brothers Fyodor and Pavel with their wives were right there on the floor. Frequent guests in the house were Anna Alliluyeva and her husband, Chekist Stanislav Redens, as well as Stalin's relatives from his first wife, Alexander Svanidze with his wife, Alexandra and Mariko Svanidze. Stalin did not particularly like this crowd, but in the 1920s he still wore the mask of a "democrat" and in the house - a hospitable host.

However, even then, quarrels broke out between him and Nadezhda more and more often, the cloudless years of the first years of marriage were a thing of the past. Twice it came to the point that Nadezhda with little Svetlana left not only the apartment in the Kremlin and the house in Zubalovo, but also Moscow. However, under the auspicious influence of her father and relatives, Nadezhda returned under a common roof a few months later. The reasons for these quarrels could be different, since the views on the life and characters of Stalin and his wife turned out to be too different. Stalin's daughter, Svetlana, cites in her memoirs an episode of a quarrel between Stalin and her mother because of the presence of the "scoundrel Beria" in her house. This episode could only take place at the end of 1931 or in 1932, since Stalin and Beria met in Georgia only in 1931 during Stalin's next vacation. The head of the GPU of Georgia, L. Beriy, then decided to personally head the security of Stalin's southern dacha.

It was also difficult for Nadezhda because in quarrels with Stalin, if they went out, most of the relatives remained on the side of Stalin, especially since some of the quarrels arose not on a personal, but on a political basis - the end of the 20s and the beginning of the 30s years were an incredibly difficult time for the whole country and the party. It can be assumed that it was at this time that Nadezhda had the idea of ​​​​suicide, since she did not meet with understanding not only from Stalin, but also from most of her relatives and friends. When Pavel Alliluyev, a participant in the Civil War, a military engineer, and later the commissar of the Armored Directorate of the Red Army (RKKA), leaving on business abroad, asked Nadezhda what to bring her as a gift, she asked not for cosmetics or clothes, but for a revolver. Pavel brought her a small ladies' Browning from Berlin. Of course, Nadezhda hid this from her husband, although the possession of weapons was commonplace in those years. Almost all senior officials of the party had revolvers of different models and brands, this has been the custom since the days of the civil war. The best gift or even an award for military and even civilian distinctions was a good pistol. Each member of the Central Committee or the Politburo kept one or even two pistols in his desk. On Bukharin's Browning, for example, there was a plate with the inscription "To Dear Bukharchik from Klim Voroshilov." I remember that my father, a commissar and participant in the Civil War, also had a revolver in his desk drawer with the inscription "For Merit in the Civil War" engraved on it. Father did not hide these weapons from us, but only kept clips with cartridges in secret or in a cache. Then the Komsomol activists also had weapons. But for women, the presence of a gun was still rare in those days, although not so unusual. Therefore, Paul was not at all surprised at his sister's request.

Although the relationship between Stalin and his wife was getting worse, Nadezhda still apparently loved Stalin. According to A. Adzhubey, N. S. Khrushchev told him that on November 7, 1932, during the November demonstration on Red Square, he, Khrushchev, ended up on one of the lower stands next to Nadezhda. It was windy and rainy, and cold autumn days were already setting in in Moscow. Alliluyeva kept looking at the podium of the Mausoleum, obviously worried about her husband. She said to Nikita Sergeevich: “It’s freezing after all! She asked me to dress warmly, and he, as always, muttered something rude and left. And just 40 hours later, on the night of November 8-9, Nadezhda Alliluyeva shot herself.


History and stories

  • orchid fragrance
    The ferocious robber Ban barely managed to escape, convinced of the correctness of the sage Lun Yi and cursing the just order of the world.
  • Now, in the workshop where she began to sew wedding dresses, seven tailors worked for her from the ruined ateliers that had given way to commercial shops. These were real craftswomen who seized upon beautiful work.
  • At the beginning of the 19th century, the creators of embroidery still remembered the semantic meaning of “decoration”, the ritual of reading patterns was also alive. The girls gathered for him in their best outfits, and the guys chose old women as escorts, and those, showing them the aprons embroidered by the girls and the hems of their shirts, explained the meaning of the patterns.
  • It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that every person wants to have a strong, strong-willed character. Having envied book and movie superheroes in childhood, we hope to see a strong personality in ourselves. And we suffer excruciatingly when we discover in ourselves the character not of a “leader,” but of a “follower.”
  • An attentive viewer who is lucky enough to see these paintings all together, to see, without haste, their cozy, bright world, will certainly notice that from canvas to canvas, in almost any plot, the artist places one sweet, spiritual, attractive female image with calm dignity and cordiality.
  • According to foreign envoys, Russian culinary art was specific, the cuisine consisted of various dishes, but garlic and onion smells made them almost inedible for foreigners.
  • Evgeny Lebedev is known to everyone and loved by everyone. ACTOR! Capitalized. And - PERSON - charming, emotional. The energy that he radiates from the stage and in life is young and incendiary.
  • And during his exile in Mikhailovsky, Pushkin again planned to leave Russia without permission, which would inevitably threaten him with serious troubles.
  • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin owns the treatise "On Public Education"
  • Exactly ten years ago, after one of the "apartment" concerts of the Aquarium group, the unknown Vitya Tsoi met his idol - Boris Grebenshchikov.
  • The Russian bath is a protective system of our distant ancestors from the constant lack of heat inherent in the harsh northern and temperate latitudes. It was in order to warm up well (first to sweat, and then to steam), our ancestors - the Slavs and created the Russian bath.
  • The long-awaited and beloved holiday - the New Year - is rapidly and inevitably approaching! So, again, as always, we will pronounce and listen dozens of times to words that have almost lost their meaning from constant use: “Happy New Year! With new happiness!" 2
  • On the night of October 31, on the eve of All Saints Day, the most terrible and fun holiday is celebrated - Halloween. The main traditions on this day are carnivals, parties, bonfires, "Haunted House" and "Treat or regret" visits.
  • Before the appearance of the Christmas tree, in the middle of the 19th century in England they decorated the house with a "kissing branch". It was a ring braided with branches of oak and mistletoe, decorated with garlands, apples and candles. If a girl accidentally found herself under this branch, she was allowed to kiss.
  • Gambling has accompanied mankind throughout its history. The game of dice at the dawn of civilization looked something like this: a gnawed bone was thrown up for a bet - whether it would fall with its hip joint to the fire.
  • The inventors of central heating, plumbing and underfloor heating were the engineers of the Roman Empire. They also thought of a taximeter: while the hired carriage was driving, pebbles fell into a special urn.
  • Only at the end of the 19th century in St. Petersburg, for the first time, they tried to illuminate the streets with electric light. At the same time, in France, on one of the streets of Paris, they installed electric "Yablochkov candles" and began to call them "Russian light".
  • Nowadays, new types of cutlery are being invented. For example, in France, a special spoon for mustachioed people has been patented with an ingenious device that allows you not to dirty your mustache while eating.
  • There are enough cases in history when real events coincided exactly with book stories written decades before ...
  • The Battle of New Orleans (January 8, 1815), the victory of which made Andrew Jackson a national hero of America, took place two weeks after the signing of the peace treaty between the British and Americans.
  • Valentine's Day as a mass holiday of all lovers has been celebrated in Western Europe since the 13th century, and in our country since the late 90s of the 20th century.
  • The concept of haute couture was introduced by the Paris Fashion Syndicate, which determined that haute couture products must be unique and handmade by at least seventy percent.
  • Agatha Christie is the queen of the detective genre. Her life was full of contradictory extraordinary episodes, which were later embodied in her works.
  • Anastasia.
    Anastasia was attractive with her youthful freshness, combined with a deep, beyond her years, education and the ability to conduct a conversation in such a way that it seemed to the interlocutor that he had surpassed himself and exalted the interlocutor; and only later did he begin to guess that it was she, the noble patrician Anastasia, the first beauty of Constantinople, imperceptibly and inoffensively, with some gentle grace, who raised the conversation to such a height that he had not yet had to rise.
  • Baltic gold
    Since ancient times, amber has been endowed with magical properties: amber necklaces were hung on wet nurses and babies from the "evil eye", the young, so that their life was long and comfortable, were fumigated with amber smoke, Roman gladiators decorated combat spears with amber, relying on its protective power.
  • Poor Dickie
    Hearing such a quick and impudent question, the princess lowered her eyes in embarrassment, the king was speechless, and the parrot in the cage fell dead from its perch. Even the mirrors could not stand it and cracked in half, the candles in the candelabra went out, and the patterned parquet heaved in waves, like the sea in a storm.
  • Donbass
    On the frescoes of Egyptian temples built in the third millennium BC, the image of a slave is preserved, who fans narrow-necked jugs and amphoras with a fan. Why, one wonders, was this living fan needed? To speed up the evaporation of moisture from the clay walls: the stronger it is, the colder the liquid in the vessel!
  • Charming beads, precious beads...
    What a miracle it is - small, smooth, shiny beads, collected with taste and patience into a marvelous picture, a purse or a glass holder! How they delight the eye with play of color, what a play of light in the depths of tiny spheres!
  • "Niger Levushka" and "Little Enchantress".
    The grown-up Sashenka was not distinguished by beauty, but she charmed with unusual talent. She sang beautifully, and in the grace of dance, no one could compare with her. For the swarthy complexion of the face, the empress called Sasha "Black Sea Leuvuska" and in the messages she turned simply and friendly, as if it were not the sovereign, but an older friend.
  • Clean Monday
    It begins to seem to me that now the former life is ending, and we must prepare for the life that will be ... where? Somewhere in heaven. It is necessary to cleanse the soul of all sins, and therefore everything around is different.
  • May I sleep like this!
    At home, you could warm yourself by the hearth or in bed. A “roof” was built over the bed, from which dense curtains descended in two rows, during the day they were tied around the pillars at the corners of the bed.
  • Vasnetsov's house.
    And Vasnetsov's Russia began with Vyatka. Three centuries of priesthood, this kind of shaft on Vyatka land. Where he came from is now difficult to ascertain. There is an assumption that among the Novgorod ushkuins, who often attacked their northern neighbors, was Vasnets, who was later captured by the Vyatichi...
  • Soul is full
    Here, in Vologda, I saw how they returned and did not return from the war, I understood what human grief, suffering, women's tears are ... From here I brought out the main theme of my work - the theme of female fate, female character.
  • This deceptive visible world...
    The non-fictional almost detective stories - there are fourteen of them in the book - tell how dowsing helps to solve the mystery of harmful anomalous radiation.
  • Count-master.
    One day, his father gave Fyodor a cameo with a portrait of Napoleon, whose unusual ascent to the heights of glory then excited Russian minds. Fedor made a wax copy of the cameo.
  • Borders in time
    I think that Slavic paganism is a whole boundless world. And to everything else, this world is alive to this day, he did not even think of dying, despite a thousand years of Christianity, almost a century of imposed atheism.
  • Citizen, comrade, sir?
    With all this wealth of choice, there was a need for universal and neutral words, devoid of this or that emotional coloring, familiarity, attachment to a specific situation, suitable for any occasion in life and, of course, impeccably polite.
  • Name day and birthday
    Name day is a personal holiday that falls on the very day when the church celebrates the memory of the saint of the same name. Otherwise, it's the day of the angel. And the birthday usually did not coincide with the name day.
  • Name
    The pagan under no circumstances should have said “I am such and such”, because he could not be completely sure that his new acquaintance deserved full trust, that he was a person in general, and not an evil spirit.
  • Origins of hospitality
    Surely you have heard about it: upon entering the hut of a highlander or the tent of an inhabitant of the northern tundra, a traveler often becomes an object of surprising, in our opinion, hospitality.
  • History of proverbs
    Where did the proverb come from: "The truth does not sink in water and does not burn in fire."
  • History of chocolate candy
    Cool spring replaces summer there, and the bright sun warms the earth all year round. Under the sunlight grow chocolate forests of palm trees, and in the cool under their green tents, low cocoa trees.
  • "... And the secret will become clear"
    So a coquette of the 18th century could sing in a languid voice to the object of her adoration, but then such frank manifestations of sympathy were not accepted in the world, and in order to nevertheless “bring to the attention” of her gentleman the full force of suffering, the ladies of the past indulged in all sorts of tricks.
  • IVAN RYZHOV: “Why did God give me such happiness?..”
    There an amusing incident occurred: the shooting took place near Kaluga, where my kingdom was built. Artists were brought to the shooting early. I was called somehow at seven o'clock: they dressed me up and brought me to the place. The car is gone. I stood and stood - such a good morning, there was no one. And he went to "his" kingdom to take a nap. Sat on the throne...
    There were many swamps and springs in all the forests. In the summer on Trinity Day, young girls, dressed in dark clothes and covered with white handkerchiefs (not in vain: a white handkerchief is a clean, white stream), went with shovels, hoes, buckets to the springs to clean them. . Jokes, mischief, fun. Warm, humid, spicy.
  • A trap for the BUREVESTNIKA family.
    The personal life of Alexei Maksimovich was not easy - his first wife, Ekaterina Pavlovna Peshkova, lived in Moscow, who once gave him a son, Maxim, whom the writer took abroad with him in 1922. The second, civil, wife, actress Maria Fedorovna Andreeva, appeared from time to time on the horizons of Gorky's life, but everything was over between them since her departure from Capri in 1913.
  • snake crown
    For this crown, the king was especially sick of his soul. It was carved from a single carbuncle gemstone that glowed like the sun; but not only was it of exorbitant value in itself, it also had the ability to find hidden treasures: when it was carried over the place where the treasure was buried, it flashed with a bright light, so that you even had to close your eyes.
  • Braid and beard
    Now it’s clear how the praise of the Spanish singer to the brave Sid is deciphered: “Your valor is so great that no one has the courage to quarrel with you.”
  • Mow, spit, while dew.
    Well, the braid itself is unpretentious and simple. However, it is ingeniously simple, like many peasant tools that have come down to us from time immemorial and are marked by folk wisdom and ingenuity.
  • Epiphany games with snow.
    On the same Epiphany evening, the guys and girls arranged another competition: who will cut the largest cube of snow in the field and who will be able to lower it whole into the well?
  • Lion and unicorn
    A long time ago they brought an overseas carpet to Russia in the royal palace. Magical animals are woven on it: a lion with a golden mane and a unicorn - a marvelous white horse with a sharp horn on its forehead.
  • Either strength - or the ruble
    Our village has a very vague idea of ​​a market economy. There is a lot of prejudice about this. The long-term indoctrination of people in the spirit of "socialist values", and the confusion of opinions, assessments, and the purposeful stirring up of passions regarding the "bourgeois degeneration" of society also affected.
  • False landmark
    The destructiveness of any false deed is especially great in conditions when it is not allowed to question it, when falsity becomes the rule, is replicated in decisions and deeds.
  • Mother Vologda
    The history of Vologda is vast and amazing. And, choosing from it the brightest pages, moving through the centuries, you can see this city arranged and decorated with many temples.
  • Fashion
    However, with such a wealth of diversity, do we remember when this type of clothing arose in Russia, which became one of the main elements of the Russian national costume?
  • "MY PRINCESS..."
    Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich composed a spiritual. Not for the first time - wills were written before every big battle, a difficult campaign, when the prince's life was in the balance. But now the winner of the Kulikovo field knew - life was just coming to an end.
  • Natalya, Duchess of Oldenburg
    From the once romantic castle, nicknamed Babylon, now only picturesque ruins remain. Somewhere here was Natalya Gustavovna's bedroom with a glass ceiling built in at her request. Falling asleep, she loved to look at the bright Brodzyansky stars ...
  • Night lakes.
    He just can't sleep. It seems that drowsiness begins to overcome, and suddenly someone knocks. He opens his eyes and looks at the lake: something is about to happen.
  • Khonya
    So, driven by the mere thought that she would never leave a cat alone in the world, Matveikha flew up to her porch. Clutching Khonya to her chest, she inserted the key into the keyhole, opened the veranda and... on the veranda she saw her cat!!!
  • About Karamzin.
    We do not always remember what complex meaning the people of that era put into the words “teacher” and “student”, which are now erased from the long and thoughtless use. It would be a mistake to understand them as a mere training in the craft of writing, although, of course, this was also the case.
  • Eagle.
    Birds came from all over the world, animals came from all over the world. A battle ensued worse than before. They fought for several days, no one takes over.
  • island of joy
    But reading books left an even deeper mark on Bolotov's life. And those that he was able to read in the rich enough libraries in Koenigsberg, and those that, not being afraid of expenses that were sensitive for his relatively modest budget, he diligently collected until the end of his days,
  • From Rurik...
    Who could have imagined that one of the most romantic stories of true love is connected with the royal dynasty, with the history of Russian tsars?
  • Singing stars
    And indeed! It happens like this: it seems that someone is out of place, interferes. And take it away, and everything around will change, it will become different. Something very important will disappear, perhaps the most important thing.
  • Attempt on a relic
    The rightful owner, a native of Amboise, bequeathed the relic for storage to the Postal Museum, where, in accordance with the profile, it is written on the plate: “The pistol with which Alexander Pushkin was killed is the author of the story“ The Stationmaster ”.
  • A princess who married... for love.
    Life in the Izmailovsky Palace was a curious mixture of patriarchal mores and new European customs. Guests were greeted here in the old fashioned way with a glass of wine offered with a low bow.
    Printers brought their products to Sretenka and hung them on the walls of the church standing here. The memory of this is still preserved in its name: "Trinity in the Sheets."
  • His life will end tragically, in its prime: a month before the start of the war, he will be arrested on a denunciation, and six months later he will be shot in the camps.
    A small house under the canopy of old willows in the very center of the village is known throughout the world for the fact that the great Russian poet was born and raised in it.
  • "I see the enlightened faces of Russia"
    ... Completely black-looking board. This is an old icon, covered with a layer of dirt and soot. I put a piece of baize soaked in solvent on it, cover it with glass. After about twenty minutes, I remove the compress ...
  • "In the world of beauty"
    “He was a man with an extraordinary, enormous talent, which are rare. The very inconsistency and exaggeration of judgments about Mochalov's talent proves that he really stood far beyond the ordinary.
  • At the beginning of the journey
    Memoir literature about Chekhov is extraordinarily interesting. Why did the gymnasium years become such a failure in this literature?
  • In harmony with life.
    ... His father, a famous fighter pilot, dies, he dies insultingly - albeit in wartime, but not in war, but in the Northern Nice sanatorium, where he ends up after being wounded: the Nazis bombed this sanatorium.
  • growing up
    When the boy began to become a young man, and a girl - a girl, it was time for them to move into the next "quality", from the category of "children" to the category of "youth" - future brides and grooms, ready for family responsibility and procreation.
  • LARK
    The future Russian pop star was born in 1884 into a peasant family in the village of Vinnikovo, Kursk province. The family had five children. As long as Nadya Vinnikova, Dezhka, as she was affectionately called, could remember herself, hard peasant labor was always accompanied by a song.
  • Ancient Egypt
    In ancient Egypt, there was a very advanced medicine. The mummies bear witness to heart bypasses, organ transplants, as well as facial plastic surgeries, and maybe even limb transplants and brain enlargements.
  • Silver
    Back in 5000 BC. Silver jewelry was made in ancient Egypt. However, this was not the only use of silver. Egyptian warriors used silver to treat battle wounds - they put very thin silver plates on them, and the wounds healed quickly.
  • Steel arms
    Naginata is a Japanese edged weapon on a long, up to two meters, shaft, to which a blade about 60 cm long is attached. Naginata was considered the main weapon of women from samurai clans.
  • Laws in history
    The Code of Hammurabi is a code of laws of Babylonia, created at the end of the reign of Hammurabi, around 1760 BC. e. The original text of the laws, inscribed in cuneiform on a diorite stele, was found in 1901-1902. during excavations on the site of the capital of ancient Elam - the city of Susa.
  • History of games.
    Billiards originated in India and China. In Europe, this game appeared in the 16th century, in Russia - under Peter I, who made it his favorite pastime. V. V. Mayakovsky, I. P. Utkin, I. Z. Babel, S. M. Budyonny, M. I. Zharov, V. S. Vysotsky were fond of billiards.
  • royal affairs
    Empress Elizaveta Petrovna was very fond of fashion. Once she unsuccessfully dyed her hair, and she had to cut it, and “for company” she ordered all the ladies of the court to cut their hair. The beauties were forced to wear black wigs until their hair grew back.
  • famous horses
    The horse of the Roman emperor Caligula Incitatus (Swift-footed) is famous for becoming a senator at the behest of his master. Probably, the horse would have received the rank of consul if the emperor had not been killed.
  • Let's hit the road...
    In the Soviet Union, the women's rally in 1936 was held on trucks, 45 participants covered over 10 thousand km through mountains, deserts, forests and steppes. In impassable areas, the lorry had to be literally dragged by hand. But Soviet women proved their complete equality with men.
  • From the history of roads
    The first country to start improving roads was France. The royal decree of 1508 prescribed the repair and improvement of roads, and established the financing of this necessary work through outpost duties.
  • History of Maslenitsa
    Pure Monday - the day after the farewell to Maslenitsa - was considered the day of cleansing from sin and fast food. Men usually "rinsed their teeth", that is, they drank vodka - supposedly in order to rinse out the remnants of the fast food from their mouths.
  • Philosophers
    The ancient Greek philosopher Archytas of Tarentum served as a strategist (commander) in Tarentum seven times and was never defeated in hostilities. As soon as he refused this high position, Tarentum immediately lost the war with Athens.
  • Historical incidents
    In Vincent van Gogh's famous self-portrait, The Man with the Ear Cut off, his right ear is bandaged, although he actually cut off his left.
  • How did writing begin
    In the second century BC. e. in Babylon and China, shards of baked clay, as well as pieces of wood and small bamboo tablets, began to be used as writing material.
  • From the history of ballroom dancing
    The first secular, or ballroom, dances arose in the 12th century, during the heyday of chivalric culture. The pavan dance, which was performed with candelabra or torches in hand, was very popular.

    There is no unanimity of opinion on this issue, so many options were divided into groups depending on one or another assumption.

    The most common point of view is the version of the Georgians. There is also an assumption that he is Georgian, but Jewish blood also flowed in his blood.

    There is also such a version of the Tiflis Armenians. Stalin's mother worked in the house of the famous Aramyantsev princes, and when she became pregnant, they called their worker, a Georgian shoemaker, handed him a bag of gold, on the condition that he would marry her and set the road on the road. Hence, they say, Stalin's genetic hatred for the Armenians.

    Perhaps for a very long time people will shovel the information of Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich on the issue of his nationality while the question of national differences between the peoples of the world will be raised.

    By nationality, he is considered a Georgian who was born in Georgia.There are several more versions, the main version after the fact that he is Georgian is that he is a Georgian Jew.

    There are many untrue similar versions about his illegitimacy, which I am not very interested in talking about.

    In fact, for such a legendary person as Joseph Stalin was, the question of nationality always gives rise to many disputes and opinions. Some are proud that they could consider him their compatriot, others are trying in every possible way to disown such kinship. So what was Stalin's real nationality?

    Unfortunately, no one has yet given a 100% answer to this question. The official version is Georgians, but we know very well that there are more than a dozen nationalities in Georgia itself. It is believed that Stalin was a Georgian Jew, a popular version that appeared abroad in the early 50s of the last century. I will list a few more entertaining versions of Stalin's nationality: Ossetian, whose father belonged to the Dzugaev family, Russian, father - the traveler Przhevalsky, Armenian - the son of the merchant Aramyants, Georgians - the son of Prince Egnatoshvili.

    A distinctive feature of all these versions is the practical recognition of the illegitimacy of Joseph Stalin.

    Compare Przhevalsky and Stalin:

    After Lenin, Joseph Stalin was the General Secretary and Supreme Commander during the Great Patriotic War. By nationality, Joseph Stalin is Georgian. There are many theories that refute such theses about Stalin's nationality, but until they are proven, they remain at the level of hypotheses.

    According to historical textbooks and literature, Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich, real name - Dzhugashvili, was a Georgian by nationality. Although there are some sources claiming that he is more Ossetian than Georgian. I don’t know the exact nationality of Stalin, there are quite a few of them in Georgia. I can also add that there are sources that claim that Stalin is from mountain Caucasian Jews, from Abkhaz families, there are even suggestions that he is of Russian origin. In fact, there is no exact and 100% answer to this question; different historians adhere to their versions.

    There are different versions about the nationality of Joseph Stalin. Many sources indicate that he was born in a Georgian family. But there are also statements about Ossetian origin (ancestors were Ossetians). In any case, it's hard to say for sure.

    He was born in the Russian Empire, he had Russian citizenship.

    Most of the sources say that Stalin was a Georgian. But there are other versions about its origin. But he devoted his whole life to serving the Russian people and he was born at that time in the Russian Empire.

    Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin is Georgian by nationality. The real name is Dzhugashvili.

    This is what the Wikipedia page says. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalin,_Joseph_Vissarionovich

    I am inclined to the version that Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was a Georgian by nationality. This is evidenced by his real name - at birth Dzhugashvili. Also, the blood of the Jews flowed in the blood of the Soviet leader. I can agree with this too. Historians also do not refute other hypotheses about Stalin's nationality, but so far there are no exact facts proving them.