We come into the world in order to comprehend. Beauty is an important means of educating kindness, diligence, cordiality and love.

From Guest

Option 2
We come into the world in order to (would) comprehend the beauty of affirm ... to create it.
Beauty is the joy of our life. A man became a Man (by) the fact that he saw .. l the depth of the azure sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink spill of the evening .. transparent dawn .. the haze of the steppe expanses. over the city.. rihontom blue .. shadows in the snowdrifts of March snow cranes .. a flock in the blue sky reflection of the sun in million ions of morning drops .. her dew gray threads of rain on a cloudy day ..in a rhubarb bush, a gentle st..belek and a blue k..l..snowdrop ring - I saw and, amazed, went along the earth, airing ..wai new beauty. Stop and you are in amazement .. in front of beauty - and nobility will bloom in your heart. The joy of life (by) the fact that he heard ..l sh..sweat of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of springs ..his stream and overflows of silver ..s to..l..rings of a lark in a hot summer sky, the rustling of snowflakes and groaning m ..teli gentle square ..skanye waves and solemn .. the stillness of the night - hear ..l and hold your breath listens .. for hundreds and thousands of years the wonderful music of life. Feel free to listen to this music. Treasure beauty. Take care of her.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

1. Title the text.
2. Prove that this is a text.
3. What is the main idea of ​​the text.
4. Determine the style of the text (prove your opinion).
5. Determine the type of text (prove your opinion).
6. Arrange the missing punctuation marks, insert the missing letters where necessary, open the brackets.
7. Determine the lexical meaning of the word nobility.
8. Make a phonetic analysis of the word heart.
9. Disassemble the words
holding back
10. Parse the first sentence.
11. Explain the setting of the dash in the highlighted sentence.
12. Vocabulary work. Insert the missing letters.
Ab..tour..ent. ab..n..ment, abs..lute, av..ngard, aut..r..tet, agr..gat, agr..nom, adv..kat, acc..mp..n.. ment, acc..mulator, al..bastr, all..goria, alpha..vit, amb..l..thorium, ampl..there, amph..t..atr, an..logiya, an. .silent, appl..disments, ar..mat, atm..sfera, auditory..tion, b..gazh, b..l..rina, b..nokl, b..g..tyr, b ..ykot, b..cal, br..zent, but..rbrot, v..kansia, vak..um, v..ktsina. v..nt..lator, v..st..bule, v..t..ran, v..n..gret, v..rtuoz, v..kzal.
13. Write an essay - a discussion about the role of nature in human life.

Answer left Guru

We come into the world in order to comprehend beauty, to affirm, to create it.
Beauty is the joy of our life. A man became a Man because he saw the depth of the azure sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink spill of the evening dawn, the transparent haze of the steppe expanses, the god-like sunset before a windy day, the haze fluttering over the horizon, blue shadows in the snowdrifts of March snow, a flock of cranes in the blue sky, the reflection of the sun in millions of drops of morning dew, gray threads of rain on a cloudy day, a purple cloud on a lilac bush, a delicate stem and a blue bell of a snowdrop - I saw and, amazed, went along the earth, giving new beauty. Stop also in amazement before beauty - and nobility will blossom in your heart. The joy of life opened before a man, because he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the play of silver bells of a lark in a hot summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes and the groan of a blizzard, the gentle splashing of a wave and the solemn silence of the night, - he heard and, holding his breath, has been listening to the wonderful music of life for hundreds and thousands of years. Feel free to listen to this music. Treasure beauty. Take care of her.

1. The secret splendor of life
2. This is text, because all offers are arranged in succession. and related in meaning.
3. The main idea of ​​the text is contained in these sentences: "We come into the world in order to comprehend beauty, to affirm, to create it",
"Beauty is the joy of our lives."
4. Book: journalistic, usually costly. current issues, topics, the presence of an appeal to the public.
In this text, an appeal to a person is "Know how to listen to this music too. Treasure beauty. Take care of it", "Stop in amazement at beauty - and nobility will bloom in your heart", the actual topic is: "Beauty is the joy of our life."
5. This is an argument with elements of description. The author first asks a question, then argues, tries to answer, shows his point of view. At the same time, he uses a description of nature, feelings, moods. And at the end he draws a conclusion from his reasoning.
6. +
7. Nobility (benevolence, generosity) - or a good kind, from a good kind.
8. see? heart> [with "erce]

In the word "se? rdtse ": syllables-2 (se-rdtse), letters-6, sounds-5:

C >
[with "]: consonant, deaf, soft
e >
[e]: vowel
p >
[r]: consonant, voiced, hard
e >
c >
[ts]: consonant, deaf, hard
e >
[e]: vowel
9. 1) stop -
prefix - O; root - STAN; suffix - OB; ending - And; postfix -СЫ
2) amazed -
asumulus - root
enn - suffix
th - ending
astonished - the basis of the word
3) holding back -
prefix - FOR; root - TA; suffix - IV;
Base word: HOLD
10. [-=] to [=-,=,=].
Narrative, unexcused, SPP,
with an adjective purpose.
We are coming - grammar. the basis
into the world-circumstance of place
for that (for what? why?) - addition or circumstance - subordinate clause - one-part, no subject.
comprehend, approve, create beauty - nominal compound predicate.
11. Dash between subject and predicate: Beauty is the joy of our life.
12. Applicant, subscription, absolute, avant-garde, authority, aggregate, agronomist, lawyer, academy, accompaniment, accumulator, alabaster, allegory, alphabet, dispensary, amplitude, amphitheater, analogy, anonymous, applause, aroma, atmosphere, audience, baggage, ballerina, binoculars, hero, boycott, glass, tarpaulin, sandwich, vacancy, vacuum, vaccine, fan, vestibule, veteran, vinaigrette, virtuoso, station.

Beauty is the joy of our life. Man became Man because he saw the depth of the azure sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink spill of the evening dawn, the transparent haze of the steppe expanses, the crimson sunset before a windy day, the haze fluttering over the horizon, blue shadows in the snowdrifts of March snow, a flock of cranes in the blue sky, the reflection of the sun in a myriad of drops of morning dew, gray threads of rain on a cloudy day, a purple cloud on a lilac bush, a delicate stem and a blue bell of a snowdrop - I saw and, amazed, went along the earth, creating new beauty. Stop also in amazement before beauty - and nobility will blossom in your heart. The joy of life opened up before a man because he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring brook and the play of silver bells of a lark in a hot summer sky, the rustling of snowflakes and the groan of a snowstorm, the gentle splashing of a wave and the solemn silence of the night, - he heard and, holding his breath, has been listening to the wonderful music of life for hundreds and thousands of years. Feel free to listen to this music. Treasure beauty, take care of it. please title the main idea of ​​the text

In the world there is not only necessary, useful, but also beautiful. From the time a man became a man, from the moment he looked at the petals of a flower and the evening dawn, he began to look into himself. Man has achieved beauty.
Beauty is deeply human. Beauty exists independently of our consciousness and will, but it is discovered by a person or comprehended, lives in his soul, if there were no our consciousness, there would be no beauty. We come into the world in order to comprehend beauty, to affirm, to create it.
Beauty is the joy of our life. Man became Man because he saw the depth of the azure sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink spill of the evening dawn, the transparent haze of the steppe expanses, the crimson sunset before a windy day, the haze fluttering over the horizon, blue shadows in the snowdrifts of March snow, a flock of cranes in the blue sky, the reflection of the sun in a myriad of drops of morning dew, gray threads of rain on a cloudy day, a purple cloud on a lilac bush, a delicate stem and a blue bell of a snowdrop - I saw and, amazed, went along the earth, creating new beauty. Stop and you are in amazement before beauty - and nobility will blossom in your heart. The joy of life opened before a man because he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the play of silver bells of a lark in a hot summer sky, the rustling of snowflakes and the moan of a snowstorm, the gentle splashing of a wave and the solemn silence of the night - he heard and listened with bated breath to hundreds and thousands of years of wonderful music of life. Feel free to listen to this music. Treasure beauty, take care of it. /> We repeat these words in those happy moments when a new shade of the beauty of the world around us opens up before the children, awakening in them joy, excitement, amazement. We talk about the silver bells of the lark's song on a hot summer day, when, resting in the shade of the oak forest after a hike or after work, children peer into a trembling ball of life ... Words about beauty reach the point of
benka only when he feels beauty in his heart. Contemplation and listening, experiencing what is heard is the first window into the world of beauty.
I take my pets a thousand times to the origins of beauty - during the years of training in elementary grades. These are the lessons of seeing beauty. Children learn to see, admire, listen to the music of the world around them, understand it.
Beauty is one of the streams that nourish kindness, cordiality, love. Amazement at a wild rose bush on which red berries and orange leaves are blazing, a small maple and a slender apple tree with several yellow leaves, a tomato bush burned by the first night frost breath - all this awakens in children's hearts an affectionate, benevolent, caring attitude towards the living and beautiful. The child sympathizes with plants preparing for winter. They become living creatures for him, who will be cold under the piercing winds. The child wants to protect the plant from the cold. When we cover roses and grapes for the winter, the children gently and carefully bend each branch to the ground so as not to break or damage it. In winter, children talk anxiously about young trees: “Are they cold?” And when we collect snow to accumulate more moisture for trees, then this work for children is a heartfelt concern for beauty, and not just a duty.
I see great educational value in the fact that the child sees, understands, feels, experiences, comprehends the awakening of life in nature as a great secret. The first spring flowers and opening buds, the first tender arrows of grass, the first butterfly, the first kumkat of a frog, the first swallow, the first thunder, the first spring font of a sparrow - all this I reveal to the children as the beauty of eternal life. And the deeper they become inspired by this beauty, the more they strive to create beauty. A real holiday for children is the flowering of the garden. Early in the morning, children come to the garden, admire the white, pink, purple, orange waves, as if floating in the garden, listen to the bee harp. You can’t sleep for a long time these days, you have to wake up at dawn, I teach children, you’ll oversleep the beauty! And the children rise before sunrise, so as not to miss those moments when the first rays illuminate the flowers, abundantly covered with dew drops. This is an amazing play of colors and shades, and if a child admires this beauty with bated breath, he will not be a callous, indifferent, heartless person. We develop and enrich the spiritual wealth gained through the contemplation of beauty in the work aimed at creating joy for people.
He who creates beauty creates happiness for people. Let a chrysanthemum bloom next to a wheat field, a rose next to a sunflower stalk, a lilac bush next to a potato bush. By decorating the earth, you create your own beauty.
Beauty ennobles only when a person works, creating bread for life and beauty so that there is no life just for the sake of bread itself. Our educational ideal is for a person to work not only for the sake of bread, but also for joy, so that the good feelings that arise when contemplating the beautiful inspire people to work in the name of people's happiness.
The creation of beauty is especially important at a younger age. The work of young children is, first of all, the creation of material values ​​that embody beauty. Spiritualization, inspiration for this work requires a wise, bright, persuasive word of the educator. The word is the first spark that kindles the torch, illuminating the world of beauty. In my ethical anthology there are fairy tales designed specifically to help the child understand the essence of beauty and the meaning of labor necessary to create beauty. I tell little children - preschoolers and first graders the fairy tales "Flute and Wind" and "Sergey and Matvey".
Beautiful elevates, inspires, ennobles a person - this idea is learned by children through many fairy tales and stories that they deeply experience. I consider it important to educate in such a way that from an early age in the children's minds the beauty of a woman - a girl, a mother - is surrounded by a poetic halo. A person cannot become spiritually rich, subtly feeling the word, the prize of an educator, if he does not bow before the beauty and greatness of a woman - her destiny, mission, feat. From the tale of the Flute and the Wind to the poetic legend of the Mother cursing her traitor son, I lead my pets along this path of penetration into the world of beauty. I strive to ensure that every boy with a sense of delight discovers an important truth for himself: there is nothing more beautiful in the world than a mother who has raised a son-hero, a son - a true patriot of the Fatherland. During the years of adolescence, my pets experience a sense of amazement, admiration, listening to a poetic story about the Mother at the grave of her son.
The image of a happy mother, carefully hugging a sleeping baby to her chest, is a symbol of that beauty, which we consider the most powerful force of education. Every day, entering the school, the child sees a picture that depicts Mother and Child. I consider this image a symbol of the ideas in the name of which we work, give our souls to children, take the present to heart and think about the future. This is the brightest beauty of our being. As the planets revolve around the Sun, so all our cares about the child are directed towards this beauty, attracted to it by a mighty force and illuminated by its bright light. I am firmly convinced that this light teaches children, adolescents, young men to see the beauty of a woman, gives rise to a sense of spirituality with this beauty, makes them measure their actions by the highest standard - the standard of genuine human beauty.
The beauty of a woman is the pinnacle of human beauty. An enthusiastic attitude to female beauty was embodied in immortal artistic images by great poets - Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Pushkin, Shevchenko, Mickiewicz. The beauty of living women, chastely sung by them, in whom they themselves were in love, has become a measure of morality, the purity of feelings of love for many generations. We strive to ensure that, comprehending this beauty, our young men understand: the beauty of a woman is not generated by sexual instinct and does not represent something inseparable from sexual needs. We make sure that everyone thinks about the words of V. G. Belinsky: “Here is a beautiful young woman: in her facial features you do not find any definite expression - this is not the personification of feelings, soul, kindness, love, selflessness, loftiness of thought and aspirations. It is only beautiful, sweet, animated by life - and nothing more, you are not in love with this woman and alien to the desire to be loved by her; you calmly admire the charm of her movements, the grace of her manners, and at the same time, in her presence, your heart beats somehow more vividly, and the meek harmony of happiness instantly spreads in your soul ”(Belinsky V. G. Sobr. Op. V. 7 Moscow, 1959, p. 372). A person goes through a long school of ennoblement of the senses before he rises to such a high, disinterested vision of beauty. This school begins with the contemplation of the beautiful in nature, with the ability to see and hear the beautiful; it includes wise lessons in understanding human fidelity, devotion, affection, duty, responsibility. One cannot truly be selflessly in love with beauty who has not suffered, who has not comprehended the beauty of the mother's soul, silently leaning over the grave of her son. The moral vision of beauty is an important condition for what I would call falling in love with the living beauty of a girl, a woman. A morally and aesthetically educated person is in love not only with external beauty, not only with anthropological perfection, but also with inner spirituality. The ability to be fascinated by the rich world of thoughts and feelings is a very important feature of moral and aesthetic education.
The focus of spiritual life, the mirror of thought, the expressor of feelings are human eyes. The higher the intellectual, aesthetic, moral development and the general level of a person's spiritual culture, the more clearly the inner spiritual world is reflected in external features. This glow of the soul is increasingly understood and felt by modern man. Inner beauty is expressed in outer appearance.
The unity of inner and outer beauty is an aesthetic expression of moral dignity. A person strives to be beautiful, wants to look beautiful - this is natural. But the feasibility of this aspiration depends on the moral character - on the extent to which the beauty of a person merges with his creative, active essence. Most clearly, human beauty manifests itself when a person is engaged in his favorite activity - the external appearance, as it were, is illuminated by inner inspiration. It is no coincidence that Miron embodied the beauty of the discus thrower at a moment when the tension of internal spiritual forces is combined with the tension of physical forces, in this combination - the apotheosis of beauty. In a girl whose thoughts are about creativity, beauty is brighter and deeper than in the same girl, languishing from idleness. Idleness is the enemy of beauty. We instill this idea in our pets. A handsome man of labor is a combine operator, a tractor driver, a pilot at the helm of his car, a gardener at his favorite tree. Inner spiritual beauty illuminates the face of a scientist, thinker, poet, artist, worker at the moment when the mind is inspired, illuminated by the light of creativity.
If you want to be beautiful, work to self-forgetfulness, work so that you feel like a creator, a master, a master in your beloved.
deed. Work so that your eyes express spirituality with great human happiness - the happiness of creativity. External beauty has its own internal, moral origins. Favorite creativity leaves an imprint on facial features, makes them thinner, more expressive. "
Beauty is created by anxiety, care - what is usually called the pangs of creativity. Just as grief creates indelible wrinkles on the face, so creative cares are the most subtle, the most skillful sculptor that makes the face beautiful. The concept of creativity should be considered multifaceted. Inner creative life, leaving the thinnest imprint on outer beauty, is not only the creation of new values. It is also the ability to see the beauty of the world around. One who subtly sees and feels beauty becomes beautiful himself. And vice versa, the inner emptiness gives the outer features of the face an expression of dull indifference, inexpressiveness.
If inner spiritual wealth creates beauty, then inactivity and even more so immoral activity destroys this beauty. When you come into contact with many young people in a large team, among bright, memorable faces you see faces that do not attract attention in any way - they flicker, but are not remembered. Spiritual emptiness makes a person's appearance faceless.
Immoral activity disfigures. The habit of lying and idle talk gradually creates a wandering look: a person avoids looking directly into people's eyes; it is difficult to see the thought in his eyes, he hides it. Toadying, servility give an expression of subservience to the eyes, to the whole face; envy, selfishness, suspicion coarsen the features of the face, give it sullenness, unsociableness.
The ideal of human beauty is also the ideal of morality. The harmony of all-round development is in the unity of physical, moral, aesthetic perfection. It is impossible to make our life beautiful without making a person beautiful in all respects. The pinnacle of human beauty lies in the fact that each of the millions of members of our society, figuratively speaking, sparkles with their inner beauty.