A sample of a technological map in the Russian language. Technological map of the lesson in the Russian language

The concept of "technological map" came to education from industry. The technological map describes the manufacture, processing and production of products, production operations and equipment used.

In education, the technological map is considered as a way graphic design lesson- a table that allows the teacher to structure the lesson according to the selected parameters:

  • stages and objectives of the lesson;
  • content of educational material;
  • methods and techniques for organizing the educational activities of students;
  • the activities of the teacher and the activities of students.

The technological map of the lesson includes elements of the outline plan: topic, goal, tasks, but still differs from it.

Differences between the technological map and abstract

Technological map of the lesson

Lesson summary

It is drawn up in the form of a table and describes the activities of the teacher and students at each stage of the lesson.

It is designed as a script and describes the words, actions of the teacher and the expected answers of the students.

It characterizes the activities of students with an indication of UUD, formed during each educational action.

Indicates and describes the forms and methods used in the lesson.

Helps to plan the results for each activity and control the process of achieving them.

Only indicates the objectives of the lesson.

With the help of a technological map, the teacher looks at the educational material holistically and designs a lesson on mastering a specific topic within the entire course.

Benefits of the routing as a planning tool

The technological map will allow the teacher to:

  • determine the universal learning activities that are formed during the performance of a specific learning activity;
  • design a sequence of actions and operations to master the topic, leading to the intended result;
  • design pedagogical activity for a specific period;
  • in practice to implement interdisciplinary connections;
  • ensure coordinated actions of the participants in the pedagogical process;
  • diagnose the achievement of the planned results at each stage of the lesson;
  • build the educational process as a project activity, where all stages are logical, interconnected and can be expanded within the subject.

The structure of the technological map of the lesson

The technological map indicates:

  • subject;
  • the purpose of mastering the educational material;
  • expected results: personal, subject and meta-subject;
  • intersubject communications;
  • organization of the learning space: forms of work, resources and equipment;
  • basic concepts of the topic;
  • technology for studying this topic.

The lesson is built from several stages: an organizational moment, updating knowledge, setting a learning task, and so on. In the technological map at each stage of the lesson, the goal and planned result, the activities of the teacher and students are determined.

Difficulties in compiling a technological map of the lesson

Despite the advantages and growing popularity of this method of lesson design, teachers often face difficulties in compiling a flow chart. Professor of the Institute of Additional Education at the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University" Andrey Ioffe identifies seven mistakes that teachers make when constructing a technological map:

  1. Ten pages long.
  2. Arrangement of the entire content of the lesson as a table.
  3. Setting strict time limits.
  4. The abundance of columns.
  5. Reduction of reflection to summing up.
  6. The use of complex and incomprehensible expressions - "self-determination to activity."
  7. Setting goals for the student and teacher, but not the goals of the lesson.

These errors are caused by the lack of uniform requirements for the preparation of technological maps of lessons. Separate blocks and sections differ both for individual teachers and for each teacher in the flow charts of different lessons. Errors are also influenced by subjective factors: lack of knowledge, low motivation of the teacher, misunderstanding and rejection of the new.

Competent methodological support can assist in the preparation of technological maps. At meetings of the methodological council of the school, it is determined how to reflect subject, meta-subject and personal results, the implementation and diagnosis of various types of UUD in the technological maps of the lessons.

Examples of lesson charts

Sample flow chart No. 1

  1. Name of the teacher
  2. Class
  3. Thing
  4. Lesson topic
  5. The purpose of the lesson
  6. Characteristics of the stages of the lesson

  1. The work of students in the lesson (activity and measure of employment are indicated)
  2. Differentiation and individualization of education: was present or absent.
  3. The nature of students' independent work: reproductive or productive.
  4. Evaluation of the achievement of the objectives of the lesson.

Sample flow chart No. 2

  1. Name of the teacher
  2. Class
  3. Thing
  4. Lesson topic
  5. The purpose of the lesson
  6. The objectives of the lesson: teaching, educational and developing.
  7. Relevance of the use of ICT tools.
  8. Types of ICT tools used.
  9. Required hardware and software.
  10. Organizational structure of the lesson.

Sample flow chart No. 3

  1. Name of the teacher
  2. Class
  3. Thing
  4. Lesson topic
  5. The place and role of the lesson in the topic under study
  6. The purpose of the lesson
  7. Lesson structure.

Sample flow chart No. 4

  1. Name of the teacher
  2. Class
  3. Thing
  4. Lesson topic
  5. The place and role of the lesson in the topic under study
  6. The purpose of the lesson
  7. Lesson structure

And what will change in the work of schools with the release of the new GEF COO? You can find out the answer to this question at the International Design Seminar-Training "Introduction of GEF SOO" , which will take place July 23-26. Come to our training seminar and you will receive all the necessary tools and recommendations to move to the new standard.

methodical description of the educational product

Title of the contest entry : "A lesson in the study of linguistic material on the example of an artificially created text of local history"

Nomination : development of a technological map of the lesson

Target user groups : language teachers working in the 6th grade

Application area : the material of this lesson can be used both in the lessons of the Russian language and other lessons: mathematics, history, English, etc. In addition, it can be useful for developing extracurricular activities.

Justification of the expediency of using the declared form of organization of children's activities : the ability to work with information is the key to the success of the educational activities of schoolchildren. For teachers of the Russian language, working with text refers to subject skills. In order to actualize the meta-subject function of the Russian language, to increase the motivation to study it, it is necessary at the level of an educational organization to think over such a system of events, thanks to which students could see the significance of the Russian language. One of these events can be the day of the single text, which was held at the secondary school No. 27 on January 19, 2017.

Pedagogical tasks that the proposed product allows to solve : holding this lesson as part of a single text day, of course, serves, firstly, as one of the ways to increase motivation for learning a language in general (For more on this, seerusacademedu.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/kiseleva-n.v.pdf), secondly, it implements interdisciplinary connections, and thirdly, it contains a huge potential for the formation of universal educational actions of students, which is the most important requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The project of the technological map of the lesson of the study of language material on the example of an artificially created text of local history orientation

Teacher's name: Zelenkova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Class : 6

Thing : Russian language

scheduled lesson : 1

Lesson topic : the study of linguistic material on the example of an artificially created text of local history orientation

Lesson Objectives : consolidation of knowledge about the features of the text, information and participle as a part of speech

Formed universal learning activities :

Personal : the formation of a sense of pride in their hometown, which has a rich history, the formation of the ability to set educational goals and determine the motives for achieving them, the ability to evaluate one's behavior and actions, the formation of a respectful attitude to a different opinion, to a different point of view

Regulatory : highlighting and understanding what has already been learned and what is to be learned, the formation of the ability to carry out cognitive and communicative reflection.

cognitive : search and selection of information, identification of the essence, features of objects, independent selection and formation of a cognitive goal.

Communicative: the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, the ability to express one's thoughts in accordance with the conditions of communication.

subject : consolidation and deepening of knowledge about the features of the text, updating knowledge about the participle as a part of speech.

Lesson equipment : presentation in the programpowerpoint ( Appendix 1 ), Handout(appendix 2)

Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities


Greets students, checks their readiness for the lesson

Greeting teachers, checking their readiness for the lesson


It creates conditions for the emergence of an internal need for students to be included in educational activities.

Today, guys, you came to school without textbooks, because our school has an unusual day - the day of a single text. This sheet, which is now in front of you, will be the only study guide for all four lessons.

Feel the inner need to be included in learning activities

Knowledge update

Dictates sentences, offers to independently highlight spellings, later name them and explain (frontal survey)

Please write down the following expressions:

Own land and in a handful is sweet.

Where the pine has grown, there it is red.

Everyone has their own side.

On the native side and a pebble is familiar.

Name the types of orthograms encountered

Self-check, explanation of spelling and punctograms


They write down sentences under dictation, highlight the met spellings, name them. Check the correctness of the record by comparing it with the standard.

Introduction to the topic with the formulation of the purpose of the lesson.

Creates conditions for a problematic (leading) dialogue.

Organizes observation of the material that contributes to the output on the topic and problem of the lesson.

- What are such expressions called? What unites them? Can it be called text?

List the features of the text (SLIDE 2)

The unity of the theme

The presence of the main thought (idea)

Semantic and grammatical connection of sentences


Logical connection of parts

Stylistic unity (SLIDE 2 with two spaces to be filled in later)

Why do you think we remembered all the signs of the text? Try to formulate the purpose of the lesson today

They are included in the problematic dialogue, they answer that these expressions are sayings united by the theme of the homeland, but this does not make them a text, since there are other obligatory signs of it.

Students answer that these expressions are sayings united by the theme of the homeland, but this does not make them a text, since there are other obligatory signs of it.

Formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson

In the technology of problematic dialogue, he organizes observation.

Is it possible to call the text what you read at home? Let's prove it. So,

What was its theme?

Formulate the idea of ​​the text

I wonder what title you would come up with for our text, because we remember that, as a rule, it reflects either the topic of the text or its idea.

Please note that there are blank lines in my entry. The fact is that some linguists distinguish between the features of the text the so-called "initial" and "final" sentences.

Try to guess what is the function of the opening sentence? (indicates subjecttext)

- And what does the opening sentence in our text sound like? (Homeland...)

Why does the text begin with the word "Motherland" if it refers to Rybinsk?

And what, in your opinion, is the function of the final sentence? (summarizes the development of the topic)

We will return to it a little later. (Return to SLIDE 2)

- In addition, the sentences in the text should be related in meaning and grammatically. What types of communication proposals do you know?

Try, working in pairs, to draw up a connection diagram of the sentences of the first paragraph, in parallel noting

what lexical means help connect sentences.

- Any text should be informative for us. I think a lot of our text was already known to you. Was there any information that was new to you?

There are words in the text, the meaning of which, I am sure, was unknown to you. Name these words Let's ask our experts to find out the meanings of these words. Which dictionary should be consulted?

- In the meantime, we will try to figure out what logic the parts of the text obey (one of the signs of the text) and make a simple plan, working in groups for 5 minutes. SLIDE 3

So, the text is divided by us into semantic parts. In each, you can highlight the keywords. Tell me, why are they called that?

Let's write down the key words of our text that I have highlighted, andlet's repeat the spellings we know (work at the blackboard)

chair-throne, temporary wooden palace, due to geographical location, deep-sea route, residents of surrounding cities, navigation period, flour mills, shipyard, reservoir filling, moisture-loving vegetation, difficult years,situatedbeyond Cheryomukha

What part of speech is the word "located"? What do you know about her? What groups are the sacraments divided into? Write out the participles from paragraphs 1-9, distributing them into 2 columns, highlighting the suffixes.

They observe the text, they answer that the text was about Rybinsk. Its idea was determined by the author's desire to tell the reader that Rybinsk is a city with a rich history that continues its active development.

Students provide their own titles.

Students suggest that the initial sentence "introduces" the topic, sets it, and the final one, therefore, sums it up.

Students answer that Rybinsk is our small homeland.

Students, working in pairs, draw up a diagram, coming to the conclusion that chain and parallel connections are used to connect sentences, from lexical means - personal pronouns and repetitions.

Students share their impressions of the text, telling what information was new in it.

Students name a number of words: goats, enfilade, liturgy, etc., saying that in order to clarify their meaning, it is necessary to refer to the explanatory dictionary.

Pupils unite in groups, make a collectively simple plan of the text.

Students answer that they call especially important words that reveal its meaning as keywords, write them down from dictation, correct and supplement the answerer at the blackboard, compare their record with the standard.

Students determine the part of speech and name all the signs of the sacrament known to them, then write them out from the named paragraphs,

Dividing into 2 columns, highlighting suffixes.

Physical education minute

Prevents general fatigue of students by switching them from mental to physical activity.

Perform the exercises of the student responsible for conducting physical education on this day

Study of language material (application of knowledge and skills)

Continues to organize observation of language material

Let's get back to the features of the text. Our text, of course, differs in stylistic unity. However, you and I have yet to get acquainted with the journalistic style, the text belongs to it.

Continue to monitor linguistic material

Reflection of educational activity

Organizes reflection through a leading dialogue, thanks for the work.

- Have we been able to prove that we have before us not just a set of sentences, but really a text?

So, let's sum up our unusual lesson. Tell me, what did we manage to repeat today on the material of only one text?

Text features

Previously studied spellings

Information about communion

Facts from the history of the native city

What new things did you find out?


Experience the reflection of learning activities

The students, again referring to the features of the text, prove that they worked the entire lesson with it, note that, in addition, they repeated the previously studied spelling, information about the sacrament, facts from the history of their native city, indicate that some information was new to them: Meaning unfamiliar words, signs of the text, not previously studied, facts from the history of the native city


Sets homework, makes the necessary comments, sets up to work with this material in other lessons.

Read again the final sentence of the text, which, as we found out, sums up. At home, I ask you to write a miniature essay and answer the question as you understand it. (5-7 offers)


We are finishing the Russian lesson, but we are not finishing the work with the text. Ahead you have to look at it from other points of view.

Students write down their homework and ask questions.

Annex 2

(1) Motherland…. How much this word means to each of us! How often do we hear the phrases “serve the Motherland”, “love the Motherland”, “miss the Motherland”. But at the same time, we are also familiar with the expression “small Motherland”. And here, of course, we are talking about the place where a person was born and raised. Our small Motherland - Rybinsk. What do you know about him?

(2) Rybinsk is located in Central Russia. It is the second largest city in the Yaroslavl region in terms of area and population. The distance from Rybinsk to Yaroslavl is 82 kilometers (that is, an average hour by car), to Moscow - 330 kilometers (about 4 hours), to St. Petersburg - 720 kilometers (about 9 hours).

(3) Cities greet travelers in different ways. You need to enter Rybinsk by water - and then he welcomes the guest with a front suite of buildings along the Volga, albeit devoid of the capital's impeccable brilliance, but having a very convincing double culmination - the Cathedral and the Stock Exchange.

(4) It was this way that Catherine arrived in Rybnaya Sloboda in 1767 II . The Empress attended the liturgy in the cathedral and walked along Krestovaya Street to a temporary wooden palace specially built for her.

(5) The arrival of the Empress is captured in the history of Rybinsk: this is the gangway depicted on the coat of arms of the city, along which Catherine descended from the side of the galley, and the royal chair-throne prepared for her, which can still be seen in the museum.

(6) What was the significance of the arrival of the empress? Rybnaya Sloboda was given the status of a city by decree of 1777. Its name also changed: from now on it was called Rybinsk. Which is also not a coincidence. It was from the Rybinsk rifts that the sterlet was delivered to the royal table. This fish (as well as another) was rich in the waters of the Volga.

(7) It was the end of the 18th century that marked the rapid development of the city. This is largely due to its geographical position: here the deep-sea route from the lower reaches of the Volga ended, and above the city, in the village of Perebory, the Volga became so shallow that it was forded. Therefore, in Rybinsk there was an overload of goods and grain cargoes that came from the lower reaches of the Volga.

(8) In 1863, a railway was built along Sheksna, and since 1870, the Rybinsk-Bologoe railway, after which the reloading went to trains. Further, the cargoes followed to all ends of Russia and abroad. At this time, residents of the surrounding cities, which were bypassed by economic development, moved to Rybinsk: Uglich, Bezhetsk, etc. The transshipment of goods in the summer attracted a huge number of barge haulers, lomoviks and goat workers to the city, who lived right on the shore and many times exceeded the number of permanent residents. So, at the beginning of the 20th century, the winter population of the city was 25 thousand people, but during the navigation period it quadrupled.The massive development of shipping on the Volga led to the fact that by 1870 there were no barge haulers on the Volga.

(9) In the second half of the 19th century, industry was actively developing in the city. In 1859, the merchant N. M. Zhuravlev built the largest rope factory in Europe in the vicinity of the city, then a brick and shipbuilding plant (flooded during the construction of a reservoir in 1940). Golovin's iron foundry and railway workshops appear (on the basis of which the Raskat road machinery plant now operates). Large flour mills of the merchant E. Kalashnikov and A. Galunov are actively working. In 1907, the Nobel brothers built a shipyard that still exists in the suburban village of Slip.

(10) During the First World War, enterprises were evacuated to the city, which gave rise to the current plants (Polygraphmash appeared on the basis of the Phoenix enterprise, and the Vympel shipbuilding enterprise on the basis of the Ressora plant). In 1916, the construction of the Russian Renault automobile plant began, on the basis of which an engine-building plant later grew. In 1860, a printing house was built, which developed into a large enterprise, which is still functioning today (currently under the name of Rybinsk Printing House OJSC).

(11) A new stage in the development of Rybinsk began with the industrialization of the country. Since the beginning of the 30s of the XX century, the city has been growing rapidly, turning from a trade into an industrial one. Many large enterprises are opening here: a plant for printing machines, a shipbuilding plant, a plant for road machines. The river port and its associated warehouses, including grain elevators, still play a significant role. In 1936, a terminal elevator was built near the Rybinsk-Tovarny railway station, the largest in Europe at the time.

(12) One of the landmark events in the history of Rybinsk in the 20th century was the construction of the Rybinsk hydroelectric power station and a hydroelectric complex. The dam of the hydroelectric power station blocked the channel of the Sheksna, which now merged with the Volga into one reservoir above the dam. The "Rybinsk Sea", as people call it, is unusually wide and shallow, it flooded large areas of land in the floodplains of the Sheksna and Mologa rivers, for which this project was criticized. The reservoir, in addition to many villages and villages, flooded the city of Mologa, the majority of whose population was resettled in Rybinsk.

(13) In the first years after the filling of the reservoir, aquatic organisms developed rapidly. Flooded floodplain meadows, arable lands and vast areas of cut forests harbored a large amount of organic matter that caused the active development of life in the reservoir. The well-warmed shallow waters are densely overgrown with moisture-loving and aquatic vegetation: sedges, rushes, cattail, bent grass, chastukha, burrweed, and amphibian buckwheat. This did not fail to affect the number of waterfowl. The mallard, pintail, teal-whistle began to nest in the coastal protected bays. In the flood zone, in shallow waters, fish began to spawn, and young hatched from eggs were fed.

(14) Such a huge man-made sea, of course, should have affected the surrounding nature. In July 1945, the Darwin State Reserve was organized, which was to study the effect of the created sea on wildlife.

(15) Continuing to trace the historical path traveled by our city, it is worth noting that it did not always bear this name. September 13, 1946 the city was renamedShcherbakov in honor of the politician Alexander Shcherbakov, but already in October 1957 he was returned to his historical nameRybinsk. However, on March 15, 1984, the city was renamed again - already inAndropov , in honor of Secretary General Yuri Andropov, and in March 1989 the nameRybinsk was returned again.

(16) In the second half of the 20th century, the city continued its active development. After the war, an instrument-making plant, a cable plant, and a large optical-mechanical plant "Prisma" appeared here. The woodworking and food industries are developing.

(17) Our city experienced difficult years together with the whole country in the post-Soviet period, taking a step back in its socio-historical development. Some businesses closed, others were downsized. All this caused an outflow of the population and, together with the demographic decline of the 1990s, led to a sharp decline in the city's population: in 25 years, the city's population decreased by almost 60 thousand people (24%).

(18) The last decades, no doubt, a new stage in the development of Rybinsk. Probably, never before has the city experienced such an upsurge in the development of all spheres of human life: industry, education and culture, healthcare.

(19) A number of famous surnames are also inscribed in the history of Rybinsk. In 1745, in the village of Burnakovo, on the left bank of the Volga, not far from Rybinsk, the boy Fedya was born. Since childhood, he wanted to become a warrior. His dream came true: Admiral Fyodor Ushakov became not just a warrior, but a true hero of our history, who gave more than 40 naval battles and did not suffer a single defeat.

(20) It was in our city that the future brilliant scientist Alexei Alekseevich Ukhtomsky, who studied the laws of human behavior, spent his childhood. Across the river Cheremukha is the Academician's House-Museum, one of the halls of which is an exact copy of the room of the boy Alyosha Ukhtomsky, the other is the academician's office in St. Petersburg.

(21) Our fellow countryman is also Lev Ivanovich Oshanin - a famous poet, author of the lyrics of the songs “Oh, roads”, “Volga flows”, “Solar circle”. A monument to him is erected on the Volzhskaya Embankment.

(22) Concluding this short excursion into the history of our native city, we note that modern Rybinsk is a developed city with a great history. And what our small Motherland will become famous for in the future may depend on you.

Technological map of the construction of the lesson

in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Subject, class

Russian language, 5

Lesson topic

Spelling prefixes pre- and pre-.

Lesson type

Learning new material

Used pedagogical technologies

Technology of problem-based learning, development of critical thinking

The purpose of the lesson

Familiarization with the spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-

Lesson objectives


    Identify the conditions for choosing vowels e - and in prefixes;

    To form the skill of writing prefixes pre- / pre-;

    Repeat morphemic analysis of words;

    Develop the ability to formulate definitions of concepts;

    Enrich students' vocabulary;

    Improve spelling and skills.


    Implementation of a system-activity approach;

    Development of attention;

    Formation of UUD (personal, regulatory, cognitive):

    development of the ability to formulate and prove one's point of view;

    development of skills to analyze, compare, generalize;

    develop the ability to apply new knowledge;

    development of creative, speech abilities of students;

    formation of logical skills;

    development of the ability to rely on what is already known, on one's own subjective experience;

    development of the ability to formulate a problem.


    Raising interest and respect for the native language;

    Education of a value attitude to the word;

    Development of communicative UUD:

    creation of a favorable atmosphere of support and interest, respect and cooperation.

Planned results:


    respect for the mother tongue;

    The desire for speech self-improvement;

    Replenishment of vocabulary;

    The ability to self-assessment based on the criterion of success.

1. The ability to freely, correctly express their thoughts orally;
2. Interaction with other people in the process of joint performance of the task, participation in the discussion.

1. Development of creative independence;
2. Possession of different types of speech activity;
3. The ability to freely, correctly express their thoughts orally;
4. The ability to participate in verbal communication in compliance with the norms of speech etiquette;
5 . Conducting morphemic analysis of words.


Screen, computer, presentation for the lesson “Spelling prefixes pre- and pre-”, textbook “Russian language. Grade 5. "(authors: (E.A. Bystrova, L.V. Kiribeeva, Yu.N. Gosteva)

Lesson stage


Teacher activity

Student activities

Methods and forms of work

Formed UUD

1. Organizational moment, motivation for learning activities

Preparing students for work in the classroom, creating a friendly atmosphere, motivation to study, psychological attitude

Greets students, fixes those who are absent, checks readiness for the lesson, organizes attention and internal readiness

Greeting teachers, checking readiness for the lesson

The principle of psychological comfort


personal, communication

2. Updating knowledge

Improving knowledge, skills and abilities

Organizes the game "Believe - do not believe" Confirm these definitions on the topic "Morfemics"

Answer the questions in writing with symbols. The correct statement is the number 1, the wrong one is 0.



3. Setting a learning goal

Organization and purposefulness of students' activities,

Creates a problem situation, proposes to determine the topic and purpose of the lesson, concretizes them

Answer the questions posed, determine the topic and purpose of the lesson, draw up a notebook

Development of critical thinking through reading


Regulatory (independent formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson)

4. Assimilation of new knowledge

Ensuring perception, primary memorization of the studied material

Organizes work with didactic material, clarifying the rules for writing the prefix PRE-, PRI-

1. Together with the teacher, they derive the rule for writing the prefix PRE- in words.

2. Work in groups. After reading a short text, they find words with the prefix PRI- and conclude in which cases this prefix is ​​​​written



Communicative, cognitive, regulatory (development of students' attention, monologue speech, work on the formation of logical skills: analysis, generalization, reasoning)

5. Primary consolidation of new knowledge

Developing the ability to apply new knowledge.

Organizes work, including training exercises

Perform exercise 79 of the textbook (according to options), identify words in which PRE and PRI are not prefixes, but are part of the word



Regulatory (work with words)

6. Physical education

(pause of relaxation)

Organizes a physical education session

Do the exercises


7. Consolidation of the studied material

Consolidation of acquired knowledge

Organizes work on fixing the spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-, conducts a distributive dictation, test

Arrange word combinations in the correct column

Work in pairs


Cognitive (based on what is already known), communicative (way of interaction, cooperation

8. Reflection of activity

Generalization, conclusion, self-assessment

Draws attention to the objectives of the lesson and offers to evaluate the level of their achievements. Encourages and appreciates

Everyone analyzes their achievements


Cognitive, regulatory

9. Homework

Communication of information about homework, methods of its implementation

Offers to choose tasks to choose from: difficult tasks - for "5", medium difficulty - for "4", easy - for "3".

Choose and write down homework

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.The stage of motivation (self-determination) for learning activities.

Good afternoon, dear guys!

The cheerful bell rang

We are ready to start the lesson!

Sit quietly, back straight.
I see our class anywhere!
We'll start the lesson, friends

Let's listen, discuss

And help each other.

I am very pleased to see you in a good mood, and I hope that we will work very amicably and actively today.

2. Updating knowledge

- And the lesson we have with you is unusual. Today you will acquire knowledge and evaluate yourself. And I will help if needed. Well, let's start our lesson with a repetition of the studied material. Let's check how good your knowledge on the topic "Morfemics" is. To do this, we will conduct a small game "Believe it - do not believe it." I will read the statements, if you agree, put “1” in the appropriate cell, if not, “0”.

1. A section of the science of language that studies parts of a word - the basis.

2. The significant part of the word is a morpheme.

3. The basis is a part of a word without an ending.

4. Ending - a morpheme after the root, forming new words.

5. Root - the main significant part of the word.

6. Words with the same root are called single-root.

7. Prefix - a morpheme in front of the root, forming new words. (slide 1)

Did everyone complete the task? Now let's check your answers. We evaluate the work according to the criteria. You all have criteria. If you didn’t make a single mistake, put “5” in the “Achievement List”, if you have 1-2 mistakes - “4”, whoever made 3-4 mistakes - “3”, but who has more than 4 mistakes, that respectively receives only 2 . (slide 2)

Achievement list

5th grade student(s) _____________________________

on the topic "Spelling of prefixes pre-pri"

"Believe - don't believe"

Group work

Distributive dictation

Teacher evaluation

Overall rating

3. Setting a learning goal.

Guys, in the morning I found a sheet of text on my desktop. Only bad luck: I could not read it - some letters disappeared somewhere. Let's try to read together.

On a red evening, Vasilisa Pr... a wise pr... had a pr... bizarre dream. Right…funny and so on…pretty hares were jumping right…jumping across the clearing. Suddenly the sun was covered by a pr ... a huge cloud. This is pr ... flying evil-pr ... evil Serpent Gorynych. Pr...he landed, pr...sat down on the grass and pr...thinking. Pr ... told him Kashchei Vasilisa Pr ... wise to find, pr ... frighten, lead ... to him. But insurmountable obstacles arose on the way of the Serpent Gorynych.

What do all the words with missing letters have in common? (letters e-i are missing).

What part of the word is missing letters? (in attachments)

Try to formulate the topic of the lesson. (Spelling prefixes pre- and pre-).

Correctly. Today in the lesson we will talk about the spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-. Write down the date and topic of the lesson.

Guys, could you fill in the missing letters correctly? (No)

What do you need to know to write these words correctly? (rule)

You're right. So what is the purpose of our lesson? What should we learn for the lesson, what skills should we master? learn how to write words with such prefixes correctly). under what condition it is necessary to write pre-, and when at-.)

We must learn to determine the correct choice of spelling of the prefix, depending on its meaning. Filling in a small table that each student has will help us in this.

4. Assimilation of new knowledge.

The weather is wonderful,

My friends

Two inseparable friends

Prefixes Pre- and Pre-.

Guys, these consoles are included in a separate group and are considered difficult. Surely, you have a question: “Why?” I will answer - for two reasons. First, their spelling depends on understanding their meaning in the word. Secondly, there is not one rule about the spelling of these prefixes, but six! Therefore, in order to reveal the secret of the spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-, you will have to immediately learn to distinguish between different meanings of prefixes according to six rules.

But first, let's learn to recognize them by sight. And for this, let's listen to a linguistic tale.

There were two consoles. One is pre-, the other is pre-. The prefix Pre- was very kind, very proud, very serious. She made friends with adjectives and played with them new words: very kind - pre-kind, very proud - proud, very wise - wise.

What words with a prefix were found in this text? (The students name, and the teacher displays on the screen - GOOD, GREAT, WISE). (slide 3)

So, under what condition do you think the prefix PRE - is written? (When the prefix can be replaced by the word "very") fill in the table. Examples in one column, meaning in another.

The prefix was the daughter of the prefix re-, she was very similar to her mother. She did not take only one letter from her mother, the letter E. Thanks to this similarity, she could replace the prefix per- in verbs: interrupt - interrupt, cross - transgress, cross - stop.

- What words with a prefix were found in this text? (The students name, and the teacher writes on the board - INTERRUPT, CRIME, STOP) (slide 4)

- Let's conclude: in which case is the prefix PRE- written? (when the prefix Pre- = Re- (Fill in the table again)

PRE is a great prefix.
She needs a supplement in everything.
Word "VERY" checking
Or RE- replace.

But the tale does not end there, we should consider the cases of spelling the prefix PRI. We have four lines left unfilled. On your tables are excerpts from the work of sixth graders. Your task is to read excerpts from the works of your peers, find words with prefixes At -, write out and also conclude in which cases this prefix is ​​​​still written. (group work)

1 group

Tongue bitten - not quite bitten off,

Warm doesn't mean hot.

Remember what's done, but not quite

Slightly, barely, slightly:

Came, got up, then lay down

Doesn't want to hit the road again.

- What prefixed words are found in this passage? The students name and the teacher writes on the blackboard


What is the significance of the prefix PRI in this case?

( Everything is done “A little bit, not completely - incompleteness of action”)

2 group

If a person walks and approaches something, then they say “came, the train -“ arrived ”, the steamer -“ sailed ”, the astronaut“ flew in ”from the Universe, the horse - galloped, the turtle - crawled, and the bun generally rolled.

What words with the prefix did you find?

I CAME, I SAIL, I FLEW, I RIDED, I Crawled, I ROLLED. (slide 6)

So, what does the prefix mean in this case? ( Approximation)

3rd group.

I think the most important subject in school is technology. Girls are taught to sew on buttons and tie bows, and boys are taught to nail and fasten screws.

What words with prefix did you find?

Sew, tie, nail, screw. (slide 7)

So, what does the prefix mean in this case? (Accession, addition)

4 group.

The station square is very large, the school area is not so huge, and our grandmother's garden plot is quite small.

What words with the prefix PRI- found in the text?


So, what does the prefix mean in this case? (Proximity to something can be equated with the word "about".)

So, we have completed the table. Let's once again conclude when the prefix PRE is written, and when is PRI? (Children make a conclusion according to the table)

5. Work with the textbook.
- Let's compare our conclusions with the textbook (§9, pp. 47,48).
- Are there discrepancies? Not?
- Problem solved? (Yes).

6. Assimilation of new knowledge and primary consolidation. (Training exercises.)

Guys, what do you think, maybe they put the text on us for a reason? Now you know enough and you can restore it yourself. This will be your homework. And in order to check how much you have mastered today's topic, let's do exercise 79 on page 49 according to the options. Option 1 writes out words with the prefix PRE-, option 2 - with the prefix PERE- (independent work, 2 students work at the blackboard).

Finished? Let's check.

Are there any difficulties in the distribution of words in columns? (yes, the words teacher, fastidious, obstacle, greeting are not included in any column)

In Russian, there are words in which pre- and pri are not a prefix, but are part of the root. The spelling of such words must be memorized. Read the words in the blue box carefully and memorize their spelling forever.

2) Physical education minute"Attachments".
(The teacher calls words with prefixes pre- or pre-, students repeat the words spoken with facial expressions, gestures, movements)

Guys, we have worked hard, it's time to relax.

We all quietly stood up in unison, looked closely, drew ourselves up, slowly raised our hands, bent our fingers, straightened them, lowered our hands down.
And now they sat down, got up, sat down, got up, bent down, sat down again and thought: “But we got an interesting lesson!”
And again sit down on a chair and listen to a new task.

7. Consolidation of the studied material.

- The next task is a distributive dictation. Your task is to distribute the word combinations in the right column.

1. Distributive dictation.

An interesting story, stick to the edge of the table, railway station hotel, stick it on cardboard, come by car, school site, unexpected obstacle, pretty child, lift a heavy closet, sew on a button, rush headlong, overcome obstacles.




incomplete action



Finished? Swap notebooks, check the criteria and rate each other. (Mutual check of work) (slide 9)

2. Test

1. Indicate the row in which the same letter is written at the place of the gaps:

a) pr ... to river, pr ... to overcome

b) pr ... flattering, pr .. red

c) pr..jump, pr..rotate

d) pr .. fence, pr .. wise

2. Indicate the row in which the same letter is written at the place of the gaps:

a) pr.. vykayu, pr.. I declare

b) pr .. hindrance, pr .. step (to work)

c) pr .. create (dream), pr .. vykayu

d) pr .. sew, pr ... hail

3. Indicate the row in which the same letter is written at the place of the gaps:

a) pr..be present, pr..kind

b) pr ... close, pr .. hail

c) pr .. to say, pr ... unpleasant

d) pr .. look, pr ... heavy

4. Indicate the row in which the same letter is written at the place of the gaps:

a) pr .. overcome, pr .. hail

b) pr .. rate, pr ... yard

c) pr .. show, pr ... knit

d) pr..to reduce, pr..to return

5. Indicate the row in which the same letter is written at the place of the gaps:

a) pr..teach, pr..tear

b) pr..interesting, pr..suitable

c) pr ... marine, pr .. zident

d) pr .. overcome, pr ... long

6. Indicate the row in which the same letter is written at the place of the gaps:

a) pr .. dear, pr ... touch

b) pr ... unpleasant, pr .. yard

c) pr..manor, pr..tear

d) pr ... run, pr ... swim

7. Indicate the row in which the same letter is written at the place of the gaps:

a) pr..bite, pr..open

b) pr..station, pr..glue

c) pr..drag, pr..screw

d) pr .. interesting, pr ... curious

Check yourself on the slide. You should have got 5 .

(slide 10)

And if it didn't work out, don't be upset. You will definitely succeed in the next lesson.

3. One word game.

Time flies unnoticed. Our lesson is coming to an end. Finally, let's play a little game called "In a word". I will read phrases, and you will replace them with one word with the prefix PRE- or PRI-.

Ask again (Ask again)

Located near the coast (coastal)

Very kind (kind)

Sit on the edge (sit down)

Slightly open the window (slightly open)

Get sick, but not much (get sick)

Lawbreaker (criminal)

very bad (very bad)

Area near the school

Who is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin? (the president)

8. Reflection of activity. (summarizing the lesson)

So our lesson has come to an end. Let's summarize.

1. What was the purpose of our lesson?

2. Have we fulfilled our goals?

3. Did you like the lesson? If yes, then clap your hands, half - pat your head, no - stomp your foot.

4. Are you satisfied with your work during the lesson?

5. Would you like to conduct such lessons more often?

Yes - clap your hands, half - pat yourself on the head, no - stomp your foot.

6. What form of work did you like more?

Calculate your scores, set the appropriate grade for the work.

Guys, today at the lesson I was pleased with your work, your answers (commenting on the grades).


And now it's time for homework. Task of your choice. ( The task is differentiated)

Choose one card to work with.

1. Card with a red heading - difficult, "5"

Make an algorithm for writing the prefix PRI- and PRE- in words, that is, describe the necessary actions, as well as the order in which they are performed in order to solve the task. (What should be done to correctly write a prefix in a word?)

2. A card with a green title - medium difficulty, on "4".

Restore the text using the words from the "help desk".

From snow captivity.

All ... in the forest. The trees are trying .... to escape from the snow captivity. From the south…..forest birds fill the forest with bird calls. The whole forest... in motion. Everything comes alive.

INFORMATION OFFICE: it is also necessary to put it in order.

Pr ... formed (e), pr ... overcome (e) pr ... cities (e), pr .. there are (s), pr ... walks (s).

3. A card with a blue title - simple, on "3".

"Corrector". Correct the mistakes in the text. Highlight prefixes PRE- and PRI- in words

The ball rolled, stopped. Ivanushka looked down and saw that the area was unfamiliar. He shouted at the ball, and he calmly lies in place. Ivanushka is not afraid of any obstacles. I wanted to lie down, only touched the grass, and the grass was covered with dew. Ivanushka sat down on the roadside stone and thought for a moment.

At the end of the lesson, I

wish you to bloom, grow,

save, improve health,

It is for a long journey -

The main condition.

May every day and every hour

You will get a new one.

May your mind be good

And the heart will be smart.

Russian language lesson

Subject: « Pronoun ».

Class: 2 "b"

EMC "School of Russia"

Textbook - Russian language, grade 2, in 2 hours Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G.,
Russian language. Grade 2 Electronic supplement to the textbook by Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. (1CD) (Included with textbook)

Technology: a lesson in discovering new knowledge with elements of critical thinking

The purpose of the lesson: To form an idea of ​​the pronoun as a part of speech; his role in the proposal.

Planned results:

Students will learn to recognize the pronoun as a part of speech; use pronouns instead of nouns; apply spelling rules.

Lesson type: combined.

Forms of work: frontal, steam room, group.

mise-en-scene: traditional lesson.

Expected educational achievements:


1. Recognize personal pronouns among other words in a sentence.

2. Distinguish between pronouns and nouns.

Metasubject results:

Personal results:

Build logical reasoning, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships

Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation

Regulatory results:

Independently determine the learning task

Plan your activities to solve a learning problem

Adequately assess the correctness of the performance of the action and make the necessary adjustments to the performance during its implementation and at the end of the action.

Cognitive results:

Students understand what a pronoun is, the role of a pronoun in speech

Consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement in oral and written form

Recognize the value of their language.

Communication results:

Apply the rules of business cooperation

Engage in productive dialogue.

from parts; analyze work.

Educational Resources: Multimedia equipment, presentation

Textbook "Russian language", grade 2, part 2

Rule algorithm

signal cards

Cards with a creative task by difficulty levels

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

Motivation for learning activities.

Purpose of the stage:

Inclusion in educational activities at a personally significant level.

Greeting students.

Readiness check by the teacher

class to the lesson; organization


The bell rang again

He calls us to class.

Don't yawn in class

And work and write!

Look at the motto of our lesson : "Learn to discover secrets!"

What is a secret?

Are you ready to discover the secrets? Yes, let's start

Activity planning

Check readiness for the lesson.

The children make their guesses.

Personal: Determine if you want to write well.


be able to express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy

Updating of basic knowledge and methods of action. Identification of the problem.

1 . vocabulary work

On the board are words with missing letters (sn_gir, _prel, x_r_sho, _lf_vit, r_byata)

Make up a new word from the first letters of these words (sugar). Write, emphasize

Presentation display.

Conversation harmful or useful sugar.

Text for the presentation

Sugar came to us from India. Sugar is extracted from sugar cane.

Later they learned to get from sugar beets.

Sugar is necessary for a person, as it supplies him with energy. But excess sugar can lead to diseases, caries.

How to be?

We need to eat foods that will supply us with sugar, absorbed by the body without causing harm. These are fruits.

At this time, students at the blackboard perform the transcription of the word of the word, 2 - writes down single-root words and highlights the root

Checking the work of the guys who worked at the blackboard, the students themselves evaluate them.

Pay attention to the fact that the word is both heard and written.

Answer questions

They make assumptions.

One of the students answers

Set a goal for the work correct spelling of elements, accuracy, do not go beyond the top and bottom lines, etc..)

Evaluate the work (What goal was set and succeeded - did not work)

(mark in notebooks with a pencil)

Students pick up the letter to be inserted.

Get to know a new vocabulary word.

Listen, answer questions

Select and write down single-root words

Set the goal of the work, choose the level.

Appreciate comrades


focus on relevant information.

Cognitive: be able to analyze, synthesize, compare information, navigate in their knowledge system: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher.


perform a trial exercise

fix individual difficulty in

trial action,

volitional self-regulation in a difficult situation


express one's thoughts adequately


Self-determination to activity

What part of speech is the word sugar? Let's review what you know about the noun.

Let's remember: "What is speech?"

What parts of speech do you know?

I offer you a task in which we will test our knowledge. Pay attention to the blackboard and tell me what task you have to complete?



Take yellow cards with the words: work, blue, he, write, bear, you, me, brave, mow.

Why didn't you distribute all the words?

- Do we use these words in speech?

- So they are also part of speech?

What is the name of this part of speech?

So what is the purpose of our lesson?

In pairs, using an algorithm, students tell each other a rule about a noun, evaluate each other

Ex., adj., ch.

Personal: self articulate

topic and set the goal of the lesson;

take aim

setting goals and objectives of the lesson 5 min.

Creating a problem situation, as a result of which students independently put forward the objectives of the lesson in the form of questions or hypotheses.

Speech is everything that we say, hear, write.

Noun, adjective, verb.

It is necessary to distribute words, according to parts of speech.

1 person to the board, speak aloud and write down.

They do not belong to any of the groups.

We don't know.

Learn the name of the new part of speech

Primary assimilation of new knowledge

Drawing up an algorithm

Purpose of the stage:

. Construction and fixation of new knowledge.

To do this, I suggest that you complete the following task - take the blue cards

I create a problem situation in the course of solving which students draw the necessary conclusion

« "- already knew "-" - thought differently

"+" - new for me "?" - I do not understand, I have questions

Determine if the text is written correctly? find the mistakes and correct them directly in the cards.

Sugar belongs to one of the most popular food products. Sugar is often used as an additive in various dishes. People consume sugar in almost every meal. Sugar came to Europe about 150 years ago. Then sugar was very expensive and inaccessible to ordinary people, it was sold by weight in pharmacies.

What have you learned?

What didn't you understand? (homework - look in different sources of information, tell everyone at the next lesson)

    what error did you notice?

2. How can I fix it?

3. Read the corrected text.

4. name the words that you inserted

5. Do we use these words in speech?

6. So this is a part of speech?

7. And to what part of speech do we attribute these words?

8. What part of speech do we use instead?

9. that is, whose place do they occupy?

On the desk


Let's add a letterE .

This is the topic of our lesson. (Read in unison)

- What is a pronoun?

- You are already familiar with some parts of speech. Using this knowledge, try to derive the rule for yourself what a pronoun is. reference words on the board, along the way, I put them in the right order.

Let's remember where any definition begins?

pronoun - part of speech which indicates objects, signs, quantities, but does not name them.

For example: I, she, he, she, they, you, we

Have you opened a new one? learned the secret?

They answer questions.

Algorithm on the board

Work independently

repetition of the word sugar - a speech error)

Determine the topic and purpose of the lesson

Children with the help of supports formulate the definition of the pronoun.

Write an algorithm on the board

Application of new knowledge.

New knowledge has been revealed, what you must now do.

Opened computers, working in pairs

(we tell each other what we are doing)

Who did the right thing? well done! closed the computer.

Learn to apply new knowledge.

Work on laptops



nie to the form of work;


self-control in





analyze, compare and select


Define primary and secondary information.


plan educational cooperation in the group;

be able to find and correct errors in their own work and the work of others

be able to evaluate the results obtained in accordance with the task.


be able to build verbal statements in oral form; express one's thoughts adequately

note and accuracy, to argue your opinion and position in the


take into account different opinions, coordinate different positions in cooperation, resolve conflicts.


I will name the words, and you be careful, if you hear a pronoun - sit on a chair and sit like mice, if I name other parts of speech, get up and start jumping.

House, he, forest, green, they, song, I, you, board, he, desk, pen, she, jump, you

Sit straight and continue the lesson.

initial check of understanding 5 min. .

Application of new knowledge

organization of independent fulfillment by each student of tasks for a new way of action;

organization of self-examination by students of their decisions according to the standard;

creating a situation of success for everyone;

Take red cards -


insert the missing pronouns, work on your own, then exchange leaflets, check.

That's right, one mistake- +

Two mistakes, three mistakes -

Raise your hands those who completed the task correctly, with one mistake.

Who made mistakes - do not be discouraged. This is the first lesson on the topic "Pronouns". In the next lessons we will consolidate our knowledge well

Standard check.

Children raise their hands.


navigate your system

knowledge, perform actions according to the standard.

Communicative: express your thoughts with sufficient fullness

with accuracy, to formulate and argue your opinion

in communication, reach agreement in pair work.

Summing up the work in class

    So, what secret did we reveal in today's lesson?

    what is it called?

    How does this part of speech differ from other parts of speech known to you?

    tell the definition

    what pronouns do you already know?

They answer the questions asked.

    that there is another part of speech


    it does not designate objects, but points to them

    I, you, we, he...

Put down in the notebook the total score scored in the lesson

Evaluate your work in class

Personal: self-assessment of one's work, an adequate understanding of the reasons for success / failure

infantry in educational activities.


reflection of methods of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of action



be able to answer the questions.


Draw pronouns in the form of objects or animals on landscape sheets

Students write down their homework depending on the level of mastering the topic of the lesson.

Reflection of educational activity

Compose a syncwine on the topic of a pronoun

Compose syncwines, read them out


1.Altynova T.V., Yudina O.A. We invite you to the lesson.2 class. Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

2. Bakulina G.A. Intellectual development of younger schoolchildren in Russian language lessons. Grade 2 M.: Vlados, 2001.

3. Kanakina V. P., Goretsky V. G. Russian language: A textbook for educational institutions: At 2h. M.: Education, 2012.

4. Nefedova E.A., Uzorova O.V. Reference manual on the Russian language for elementary school. Moscow: Aquarium 2007.

5. Sitnikova T.N., Yatsenko I.F., Vasilyeva N.Yu. Lesson developments in the Russian language for teaching materials by Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Grade 2 M.: VAKO, 2012.

Technological map of the Russian language lesson in grade 3b under the program "School of Russia" 04.09.19

Teacher: Tarasova L.V. MOAU "Secondary School No. 13 of Orsk"

Subject: Text

Planned results.

knowledge: know what text is

skills: be able to identify the topic and main idea of ​​the text

Regulatory UUD: to accept the educational task of the lesson, to carry out the solution of the educational task under the guidance of the teacher; answer the final questions of the lesson and evaluate their achievements.

Subject UUD: to form the ability to determine the topic of the text and the main idea; work with deformed text of varying complexity.

Communicative UUD:

Personal UUD: the ability to correctly formulate a statement, to form a positive learning motivation.

Target: recall and consolidate knowledge about the text


To form the ability to determine the topic of the text and the main idea;

Work with deformed text of varying complexity.

Self-determination to activity

Check your readiness for the lesson.

I really want to study

Don't be lazy, but work hard.

I know for sure that I can

And I'll help the kids.

    We write down: number, class work.

    Min. Calligraphy


    vocabulary work

April, beach, album, city, dawn

Read the words and write them in alphabetical order.

Make a sentence with the first word.

    Knowledge update

Read the notes, compare them, draw conclusions, I ask any student from the group.

The birds are gathering for the winter. They sat on the wires and shouted loudly. Birds said goodbye to their native places until spring.

It was raining like a bucket. Juicy sorrel grew by the road. The children took the kitten and went home.

    Formulation by students of the topic and purpose

- Who guessed what the topic of the lesson today we have?


Statement of the learning task

- What is the goal for the lesson?


Today in the lesson we will try to answer all the questions posed.

What is a text?

    Working on new material

Open with. 12 and read what the text is. Tell each other in pairs.

- Find exercise 11 (work on the assignment of the textbook)

    Primary fastening

Exercise 12

    Fizminutka from Aunt Owl and her assistants


    Consolidation (differentiated learning)

I offer assignments to choose from. On white sheets, the easiest task. On yellow, the task is more difficult, on red, the most difficult task. We will work in groups

Arrange punctuation marks to make text. Title the text. Determine the topic of the text and the main idea.

Late autumn, the wind blew the last leaves from the trees, it rains all day long, only the crows cawing can be heard in the yard, the time for frost and blizzards will soon come.

Arrange the sentences in order to form a text. Title the text. Determine the topic of the text and the main idea.

Suddenly there was a loud barking.
The children came to the forest.
Moose drank water.
Near the forest lake they saw moose.
The moose quickly disappeared into the forest.

Compose and write a coherent text from the deformed sentences, placing them in the correct order. Title the text. Determine the topic of the text and the main idea.

summer, hallway, he, in, lived
hedgehog, in, fell asleep, burrow, in winter
hedgehog, hungry, spring, will come
beware mice!

gave, children, hedgehog, grandfather


Evaluate your work at the lesson with a traffic light


What is the purpose of our lesson?

What are the tasks?

Greeting teachers, checking readiness for the lesson

write down

Answer questions frontally.

Group work

deer scheme

blizzard scheme

does not indicate a sound, indicates the softness of a consonant sound


Carry out the task


They work. They check.

Choose words for your question

Groups choose a task and complete it.

Regulatory UUD: accept

t the learning task of the lesson

Communicative UUD:

    listen andunderstand the speech of others;

    agree with classmates together with the teacher about the rules of behavior and communication and follow them;

    to studywork in pairs, group ; perform various roles (leader performer).

Regulatory UUD:

Determine and form the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of a teacher;

Speak the sequence of actions in the lesson;

Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher

Personal UUD: the ability to correctly formulate a statement, the formation of positive learning motivation.

Communicative UUD: dialogue, work in pairs.

Subject UUD: produce based on the scheme - a syllable model - a sound analysis of a word with a vowel sound [‘o] after a soft consonant, read syllables - merge with the letter Yo, draw a conclusion

    Subject UUD:

    meaningful, correctread

    whole words within the operational reading field (3-4 letters);

Communicative UUD: dialogue, work in pairs, groups