Insults in Ukrainian. Funny Ukrainian words and expressions

A dictionary of Ukrainian obscene vocabulary will be presented in Kyiv

The dictionary includes about 5 thousand words and phrases, and the theoretical preface answers a number of important linguo-psychological questions.

"Ukrainian language without taboos" is the third book by Lesya Stavytska, Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Sociolinguistics of the Ukrainian Language Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, about Ukrainian profanity. In 2003, her "Brief Dictionary of Slang Vocabulary of the Ukrainian Language" was published, and two years later - its extended version called "Ukrainian Jargon" and "Dictionary of Ukrainian Slang". The new book, which has been worked on for more than four years, includes about 5 thousand words and set phrases. As usual, each of them is given with an indication of stress and is accompanied by a stylistic description, data on the origin and historical and cultural commentary, mentioning cases of unusual use. The dictionary is preceded by a theoretical part with brief information on the history of the issue and an explanation of the necessary linguistic concepts and principles for constructing a dictionary.

In the theoretical preface to the dictionary, the author touches on a number of issues that in themselves could become topics for serious research. Among them, for example, is the issue of borrowing some words and expressions from the obscene vocabulary of the Russian language, as well as the devalued vocabulary of other peoples. According to Professor Stavitskaya, it is wrong to talk about direct borrowings from the Russian obscene dictionary: "The fact is that Russian swearing is largely borrowed from other Slavic languages, and its spread can be explained by the fact that swearing has always been more public and used in Russia." In addition, the author explains the well-known linguo-psychological phenomenon of using obscene vocabulary of a foreign language. "Foreign swearing in the mouth of a person of a different language culture always does not sound as obscene as native - a person simply fences himself off from the abusive nature of these words," explains Lesya Stavitskaya.

The theoretical part of the book also contains some interesting information about the age and gender characteristics of the use of profanity, as well as about the deep differences between Ukrainian and Russian obscenities. While Russian obscene language mostly appeals to the sexual sphere (like the southern Slavs), Ukrainians (as well as Czechs, Slovaks and French) have a shit culture that is based on a different bodily function. In a conversation with Lesya Stavitskaya, she also described the regional features of the use of profanity within the country. "According to my observations, as we move west across the territory of Ukraine, sexual contexts in obscene language intensify, while in the central and eastern regions of the country a strict attachment to shit-culture remains," the author notes.

According to the annotation, the book is addressed to philologists, writers, translators and all those who are interested in the Ukrainian word.

According to Irina Hnatiuk, Deputy Director for Research at the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the opinions of scientists on the issue of the scientific study of obscene language are divided: "There are conservative people who deny the need to bring this topic into the sphere of public scientific discussion, but there are those (especially among young scientists) who hold the opposite opinion, referring to the fact that now in all languages ​​this language layer is rapidly developing, and its study is being activated.

The interviewed writers welcome the appearance of a dictionary of obscene vocabulary of the Ukrainian language. "Such books, of course, are needed - this gives the subject under discussion significance. Since it turns out that the phenomenon exists, but science ignores it. Meanwhile, this subject is easy and accessible for study and research in any pub," notes Les Podervyansky.

gave rise to many jokes, anecdotes, tales, jargons and have always been a kind of buffer in the age-old, centuries-old, but not very serious enmity (rather, its imitation) between "Khokhls" and "Katsaps".

The one who does not understand Ukrainian well laughs well

In the Ukrainian language there is such a tongue twister: "Buv sobi tsabruk, ta y peretsabrukarbyvsya." This abracadabra (a certain tsabruk lived for himself, who eventually got stabrukarbilized) can serve as a kind of test for Russians who want to learn the Ukrainian language. If he repeats correctly (at least once!) - he will speak Ukrainian, if he doesn’t repeat - he will make the Ukrainian laugh, although for the “Russian ear” there is nothing funny about the fact that some kind of “tsabruk pepperabrukarbilized”, as the majority tries to pronounce a tongue twister "students".

The Russians are also amused by the not always coherent Russian speech of many Ukrainians, but numerous funny Ukrainian words arouse delight, the list of which in volume depends on the “degree of understanding of the Ukrainian language” (the degree of understanding of the Ukrainian language).

"Zupynka" on demand

Ordinary situation. The client of the restaurant wants to pay, turning to the waiter in Ukrainian with a request: "Rozrahuyte mene, be kind" (calculate me, please). The serious face of the client is unlikely to be able to contain the cheerful reaction of the waiter, who does not speak Ukrainian.

Can any of the ignorant come to mind that "having smelled the back of the head" means "scratched the back of the head"? And he who heard the admiring exclamation of the girl: "Oh, what a grandmother!" - hardly thinks about a dragonfly.

Mastering the art of fighting on "dryuchki" is probably more difficult than fighting on "sticks". "Who forgets the parasol?" - can be heard in Ukraine in public transport, and the "unreasonable", smiling in bewilderment, will think about anything, but not about an umbrella. Or in the same place, in public transport, the conductor, leaning towards you, will politely remind you that "Your zupynka is following", and you will only guess that it is about a stop by consonance with something "next".

If someone agrees with you with the words: "You maete the radio", - boldly smile, because this expression means "You are right", and not a suspicion of espionage.

Miraculous droplet

Some words in Ukrainian are funny because ordinary and familiar concepts acquire a cheerful, parodic sound. The word “shkarpetki” touches and makes many people laugh, while socks (and these are “shkarpetki”) do not cause any special emotions in anyone (as a rule). When visiting friends in Ukraine, you may hear an offer to put on slippers, which in Ukrainian sounds like this: "Axis your captsi" (here are your slippers). Someone, looking at your ring on your hand, may say: "Garna (beautiful) heel", - and if they praise the hat, you can hear such a compliment: "Wonderful droplet!"

In the park, on a bench, an old man sits down next to you and, exhaling wearily, says: "Ledve doshkandybav." Most likely, upon hearing this, you will smile, instead of sympathy, despite the fact that the grandfather "barely got along."

Many funny Ukrainian words with a translation into Russian sound completely different, losing their charm, such as the invitation "sit down together" instead of "syadem vkupi" (words from the song).

By declaring that you are "out of the blue" your opponent is not at all trying to guess where you have moved from - he is claiming that you are crazy.

Asking when the next bus (tram, trolleybus, etc.) will come, and having heard in response “it’s already a nezabar”, do not try to figure out where it is, they answered you that “soon”.

Learn Ukrainian

"Dyvna dytyna!" - the Ukrainian woman will say, looking at your child. Do not be offended, the kid has nothing to do with it, because "dytyna" is a child. A little khokhlushka girl, seeing a grasshopper in the grass, will joyfully exclaim: "Mom, breathe, konyk!"

If someone boasts to you that they have built a "hmarochos" in their city, take the message seriously, because this is a skyscraper that literally "scratches the clouds".

Do not be embarrassed if you, intending to walk barefoot on hot coals, hear a warning exclamation: "Nothing!" It's not what you might think, it's just "recklessness".

Hearing behind him a quiet, astonished exclamation: "Yaka is a pretty girl!" - do not rush to be indignant or offended, because someone simply admires your beauty (in Ukrainian - "like"). And vice versa, if a confident “schlondra” was heard behind your back, do not flatter yourself, because, despite the French pronunciation that breaks through this word, you were mistaken for a woman / girl of “not very difficult” behavior.

“I’m going to jump like-nebud,” a new Ukrainian acquaintance may tell you, promising to “run in somehow,” and not jump, as you might hear.

Treating you with plums or pears, a generous Ukrainian woman can warn you against abuse, hinting at the possibility of indigestion with the words "... so that the fast Nastya does not attack" (so that fast Nastya does not attack). Agree that it is not as scary as diarrhea, and sounds more pleasant.

And chogla roar and roar

The funniest Ukrainian words are associated with unusual for "Russian hearing", but intuitive translations. Some children, for example, like "Vedmedyk Klyshonogy" sweets more than well, and girls will prefer "Tsem-Tsem" zukerkas to "Kisses" sweets.

"A golden chain on that oak (And a golden lansyug on it): day and night, the learned cat (and day and day there is a whale of teachings) keeps walking around the chain (on the lanzyug we are circling tim)." It sounds nice, melodious, but ... "smiles."

Many people are amused by the "Ukrainian Lermontov" when he has "... and she roared like a horse", although if "... and the mast bends and creaks", there is no laughing matter.

In Russian in Ukrainian

Funny Ukrainian words and expressions often appear as a result, to put it mildly, of inaccuracies, and sometimes even attempts to pronounce a Russian word in the "Ukrainian manner." For example, you can hear such an expression from a pretty girl in the address of a boyfriend: "Don't jerk off, Vasko!" I can't believe my ears, but this is just an innocent slip, because the girl wanted to say "ne fight" (do not tease, do not be angry). "I'm telling you frankly," a Ukrainian who has forgotten his native speech and who has not remembered the word "vidverto" can say. From the same series there are such pearls: kanhwetka (candy), ne talk, pevytsya (singer), bite (delicious), ne catch up (dislike), etc.

Ukrainian words in Russian, funny hybrid phrases and expressions are often "in a hodgepodge" with the Russian language or against the background of predominant Russian words, where they are appropriate, "like a horse in a store."

In the international melody of the Odessa slang language, you can often hear such "notes": tamochki (over there), tutochki (right here), there (that way, side), this way (this way, side), mats (touch, paw), poke (to loiter) and many other pearls. "Wus trap?" - they will ask you for some reason at the Odessa import, and try to guess what it means (vus - in Hebrew "what", and trapylos - this is Ukrainian "happened").

Innovations "in the Ukrainian manner"

The list of phrases in the category, which includes "innovative" words in Ukrainian (funny, somewhat exaggerated translations), is growing every day. These are mainly expressions and concepts that do not sound Ukrainian enough. Therefore, today you can also hear the following: drabynkova maidanka (stairwell), cross-overhead drotochid (elevator), morzotnyk (freezer), mapa (map), pilosmokt (vacuum cleaner), komora (pantry), dryzhar (vibrator), dushets (nitrogen) , lipylo (glue), bayonet (syringe), zhivchik (pulse), rotoznavets (dentist), drybnozhivets (microbe), krivulya (zigzag), zyavysko (phenomenon), squirting (shower), zhivoznavets (biologist), poviy (bandage) , obizhnyk (bypass sheet) and others.

Swearing in Ukrainian

Irresistible to the ear Ukrainian curses, and for those who do not quite understand the meaning, some of them sound like a "wonderful melody" and can even have the opposite effect, amusing the scolded.

"And so that Nastya with a shvydkoy here pissed you off ... (a familiar wish to you). And so that the navel of that bald one, like a kind of poppy mortar ... And so that millet threshed with your muzzle ... And sob toby a bulka jumped out of his nose ... And so that a fly kicked thee... And sob the kolka chipped off thee... And sob the evil-doers overpowered thee... And sob toby stepped on the trigger..." and many, many more kind and sincere wishes.


And finally, a few "popular", rarely used, including far-fetched literal pseudo-translations of some Ukrainian words, which not everyone causes sincere and cheerful laughter. Spalahuyka (lighter), zalupivka (butterfly), chahlik nevmyryuschiy, pisunkovy villain (sexual maniac), yaiko-spodivaiko (Kinder Surprise egg), sikovytyskach (juicer), darmovyz (tie), pisyunets (teapot), cap-vidbuvaylo (scapegoat), gum natsyutsyurnik (condom) and others.

“I myself don’t know what kind of soul I have, Khokhlatsky or Russian. I only know that I would in no way give an advantage to either a Little Russian over a Russian, or a Russian over a Little Russian. Both natures are too generously endowed by God, and, as if on purpose, each separately contains what is not in the other is a clear sign that they must complete one another "(N. V. Gogol).

Swear Ukrainian

Re-reading the line of friends in LiveJournal, scribbling an article on the cicada. I post it here.
Theoretically, the rozvіdka in good-natured pіdzabutu and zanedbanu practicians the tsar of the Ukrainian brudnoї huskies, as well as deakі nastily on її vzhivannya

National self-information of Ukrainian adults. It’s worth remembering - in Kiev, the Ukrainian language is a little more common. A lot of people, especially the help of the intelligentsia, switched to Ukrainian. I got stuck in various difficulties. Adzhe creative process is unacceptable without savory matyuk. Father same "fuck" that іnshі wіdіlіfоvіnі іnshі іdіlіfіvіnі schoden uglії perli so stimuluyut іtelektualnuyu іyalnistіst! And here it appears raptly that matyuki is a “truly Russian” phenomenon. How can you be a Svidomo patriot?
Our people, thank God, can be strong and in this queen. Although it is not as important as it is with brothers, it’s a little less.
The system of the Ukrainian husky is running on other ambushes, like the Moscow husky. Katsapsky matyuki - sex-centric or w_dgenital. At the heart of them is an article act, often a concern, an organization that takes a fate from someone else, that individual, which may have those other sexual characteristics.
Matyuki Ukrainian - coprorectal type, the stench associated with the act of defecation with the efector organ and the product of this act. Cim Ukrainian husky is close to European husky. Match the French merde, German Scheisse, Dreck, Zecken, Sie mir Arsch, Polish gowno. It is important to respect that the term coprorectal is not adequately adequate, because the image-creating function of the people is not rectum like that, and not anus, but asshole in the broadest sense of the word, we are insulted by Musculus gluteus maximus. To prove this assertion, one can point to the fact that the demonstration of bare syllables is traditionally the most effective endgame move in an international conflict “beyond the border” or “behind the trigger”.
Let's move on from dry definitions to the green tree of practical attitudes. So, as you need to give a strong and high-emotional assessment of a person, object, situation in the process, implant the words: hymn, hymn to a dog, asshole, hymnyuk (hymnyuchka), asshole (asshole), serun (seruha), dristun, bzdyukha, bzdyukh. Sometimes for the meaning of the young for you, the word stsikun (stsikukha) is used systemically.
For vydtinennya chiєїs wrong, like an argument from superechtsі pobazhannya thinly, idioms get used to: naseru yogo mother! Naseru your mother (Respect: yours will be gone in two tons), kiss me in the ass! Kiss the dog in the ass! Go to hell! Shchob you all right!
Material squabbles are summed up by viraz - dogs pid khvist.
If you sort through grubs, you can give joy to you: then it’s hymno z’їzh.
Moscow matyuki give the opportunity to punctuate verbal speech (damn the deputy of Komi toshcho). The Ukrainian husky, unfortunately, has been spared the power of miracles. It is possible only to designate paragraphs and signs of a call with a viraz to naser yogo mother and the reduced forms of the given phraseology naser mother and sulfur - mother (it looks like one word). Protect yourself against it - be careful living this viraz, because you will use a merciless counterargument for another when you look at the phrase “put it in your head, so that you can sleep better!”
If you stand at the forefront of your self-expression through a healthy Ukrainian husky as officials of the inner (infantilism) chivalry (give it by pizza) character, then get used to the indifferent virazi - the mother of the yogo sheep, the shaking of the yogo mother, a hundred kopanok of the devil in you. Possibly vikoristannya evfemіzmіv type: to hell, to bisu, pіd three damn, Galicism cholera.
Love friends! Enlighten with the lexical and stylistic richness of the Ukrainian husky, carry it in the masses, propagate it everywhere, live it widely, shave it around! Remember - nothing knows stress like a wide matyuk, nothing helps to open up the depths of your soul, like a healthy husky!

(for the materials of the magazine of Ukrainians in Poland “Vidryzhka”)


Ukrainian language, as if the language was born again, Crimea is the language of the national pet, which will form its basis, avenge the song of the language of the foreign adventure. The stench at a different hour went up to the її vocabulary warehouse. Behind the visnovki doslednikiv, the number of behind-the-scenes words in our language does not exceed 8 vіdsotkіv. Bagato tse chi is not enough? Everything is known in pairs. For example, in such a high-rise and widened, like English, this height is larger.

I am going to make a group of middle-of-the-road strangers in the Ukrainian language become lili words that are different from vulgarism. The stench came to us from the Russian language. Until the speech, recently, after intensive contacts between both peoples. The stench took root as a result of rich tragic podias, zokrema, wars, if millions of people passed through our land, like from a childish age they were accustomed to bark brutally and yak themselves did not perceive the meaning of what the stink seems to be. Another reason for the expansion of the Russian Laika was the transfer of millions of Ukrainian people from Russian prisons and into the Russian, and then the Radianian army. The third one is the massive resettlement of people around the time to “encourage communism”.

Nina brudnu huskies, we will talk matyuki, vikoristovuyut at rosemaries among themselves all groups of the population - the centuries of social life. You can feel it in the roses of the schoolchildren, the truth is, for the time being, it’s only in the roses between yourself, and not with the fathers of the teachers, as if it were a place in one sudidnіy krainі.

One famous politician, the former director of a great factory, not long ago, not swearing, publicly declaring that in roses with his own, he was constantly swearing with profanity, tobto matyuks. Brutal language helps you “clearer and clearer” to formulate your thoughts and convey them to others. The stinks serve to connect the words of the speeches. We especially remember, if we feel like we are talking about people for an hour trips to the country. It’s important to remember what to say, if you know wine, about what to talk about, in yoga mov you blame inconsistent pauses. Mabut, tse in order to stream yourself and not zamatyukatisya.

Ale, did the swearing and other brutal words appear in the Russian language? Іsnuє dekіlka explanation of this fact. Some successors seem to have created the Russian people themselves in the hour of their formation from the sumish of different tribes - the Slovyans, the Balts, the Finno-Ugric peoples and the Tatars. Tobto here in the XIII-XV centuries. Earlier, in the 10th-12th centuries, the litopis did not fix matyukiv, even though there was no censorship. The number of linguists-linguists strongly speak out against the exclusion of non-normative words from the Russian language. For in such a time, the stench stverzhuyut, Russian mova to infuse their own color, to their national self-confidence, the storehouse of the spiritual decay of the people is important. Moreover, for the thought of these scientists, matyuki and other huskies, it is necessary to widely win in the literary movement, artistic creations too. Sob not to come out of the truth of life and fix the life of my language.

Another group of scholars affirms that the matyukatisya Russians learned from the Tatar-Mongols in that period, if the stink of 300 years passed under the rule of the Golden Horde. And in the Tatars matyuki, butsimto, were not likes, but with commendable words, few compliments. And it is possible, with prayers to the gods of the bastards and with various oaths.

Why did the Russians sprinyali tsі huskies in the іd Tatar nevolyuvachiv? It seems that the stench started to look like the Golden Ordinances rich of something, starting from the ways and methods of building the supreme power, right up to the song-”chastushok”. The Moscow grand princes and courtiers freely liberated the Tatar language, promoted Tatar traditions and traditions in families, at the princely court and in the state. Whom they sent zmіshani slubi, go over the Tatar pens to the service of the Moscow prince. In a word, beyond the distant Vistula of the Russian culture's leading deacon, matyuki became the result of a nasty “pro-Tatar” of Russia.

Remember about foreign adventures of verbal nonsense and protect our language, our souls from strong evil filth.
(for materials

Є typical Ukrainian lili words and virazi.
Shards, tse - so be moving, folk creativity, then we will bring those who could “dig up”:

What did the classics say:

“- Mother of God, the queen of heaven,” the woman hummed in the sky itself, “my blue,
Holy Great Martyr, beat Yogo, Neviglas, with your holy omophorion! Yak
povismikuvav vin z oroy zemli otu carrot, povismikuva yoma, the queen
merciful, i turn youmu's arms and lowers, break youma, holy
vladichitse, fingers and knuckles. Queen of heaven, my intercessor
merciful, intercede for me, for my prayers, so that rice wine is not uphill, but
down, i sob not feeling wine or zozuli saints, nor God's thunder.
Saint Nicholas, a speedy helper, Saint Yuri, Saint Gregory on the bilomu
horses, sit on a bilomu, punish Yogo with your right hand, sob not їv vin tiєї
carrots, ta bodai yogo pranzi ta sores z'їli, ta bodai yogo shashil
Baba was christened in heaven with such a predilection, as much as she rumbled all over chrestiv.”

“The Desna is Enchanted” by O. Dovzhenko

“... first of all, they beat me to foolishness and suggested, what I am buzuvir, opryshok, urvigolova, hartsiz, kalamut i navit himorod. On such a contrary word, I can’t wait for the soul to wait a moment.
... I mav i repent, i muster up my mind, no matter how much I mustache, I didn’t get it. That I didn’t even scoff at it, more than once I felt that it wasn’t only me who rejected such goodness, but I grew up. I in them the rivets were viskakuly, the hoops were broken, the keys were ruined like a rose, without brewing a banyak, at the head they lit dzhmeli, cabbage grew in the castle, it didn’t give birth to a shard, it wasn’t a bulge for a chuprin, the rose seemed to be stubbing right at the five i makitra washes on vyazah…”
“Geese-swans to fly” M. Stelmakh


And it would not be good for you ...
And sob in you a feast in your mouth has grown ...
Your mother is shaking ... (shaking is a whole fever, a sickly camp, if a person periodically throws it into the heat, then into the cold)
You are an unclean force ...
And what if Nastya’s shvidkoy here you were carried away ...
And shobi below the belt zcipilo for the navel ...
And shtobi the navel of that one was vilisiv, like a maku stupa ...
And what if you were black ...
And if you were inspired, how would you ask for anything ...
And they threshed millet with your muzzle ...
And so that your squad was led by a godfather ...
And if your asshole rozіshla at the seam ...
And for good luck not knowing ...
And lyusnuv you ...
And what did you get hooked on ...
And what if it got worse for you ... (you get used to it if you don’t want to pump it, or if you don’t pump it)
And what did you slay ...
And so you don’t wait ...
And so you are all right, like a little bov ...
And schob you empty bulo ...
And what if it hit you and whirled (vertilo) ...
And for you to beat the grim ...
And what if the evil ones pissed you off ...
And so that youmu's head was licked ...
And if Morana beat you ...
And boday you devils vhopili ...
And what would be good for you ... (get used to it like a husky)
And so you are healthy buv ... (you get used to it like a husky)
And so that bastard dristalo that and dristalo ...
And Schaub you bulka jumped out of your nose ...
And what if a fly slapped you ...
And Schaub chipped your kolka ...
And if you stepped on the trigger ...
And so that dashing bida bypassed you ... (get used to it like a husky)
And for you to climb crustaceans ...
And so you perished ...
And shchab ti sour!
And what if you said! ...
Bad yak chip…
Old hag...
Dear dog of your mother ...
Find your pitching head!…
Rise up tay crooked! ...
Blood bi you impudently poured a bitch ti sinu! ...
I'll give you a fox fox ...
A hundred devils in the liver ...
Go to the Bisovo Mother...
Bisovy blue…
Enemy blue…
Enemy children…
Bisova kovinka ...
Bad for you pіp khrestiv (About the “unreasonable people”) ...
Your mother's bitch...
Your mother's hirya...
Ladies on machitra ...
You see the makogon...
Bisova soul ...
Areshtan's soul...
Down soul...
Vile mother blue ...
Vile bitch robot...
The vile sin (daughter) of the robot ...
Find you pranci z'їli ...
Hai you Greek ...
You, hymno undisturbed!

(here we will point the cic, in our opinion, virazi)

A, blood dog!
fox baby…
Didko b yoga taking (sniffing)!
What the devil have you suffered? (get used to it, how to get somewhere pishov, otherwise I got stuck here)
Do you want to mother the miracle din of colors in the guise?
Get in your teeth...
For patli that in spades (potilitsu) ...
Waiting for fucking dumb…
Muzzle - hot patsyukiv biy ...
Muzzle - you can’t get around with a cart ...
Pelku chairs ... (also the same, scho th “shut your mouth”)
Thu (thu), on you!
What balukhs vylupiv? (the same. sho th “why are you amazed?”)
Why are you squealing? (the same. what and “what are you laughing at?”)
One asshole for two bazaars ... (the same. Why “sit on two pillars?”)
Shit-smeared ... (the same.
Tits my joy ...

Bzdun (bzdyuha)

Bevzen (layl. Vilo, yolop, bovdur)

Beshketnik (The one who robs, makes a beshket; participant, worker of a beshket. // A student who systematically destroys discipline is empty)

Bis (Supernatural truth is obvious, which instills evil and is obviously depicted by a looking person with goat legs, a tail and horns; an evil spirit, the devil, the devil, Satan. 2. Lives like a husky. ** De in the bisa! u meaning nі!, de there! To bіsa: a) (at successful zі sl. posilati, proganyati і t. іn.) get out; on all chotiri windows; b) (what) is rich, impersonal. For [what] encore - for us, for what. One bis - however, all the same. U (c) bisa - get along with the meaning. pidsil. frequent when borrowing who, sho, what, abo adj. e, if, kudi, yak. What for bis? - get along for the expression of zdivuvannya. What kind of bisa? - get along for the expression of dissatisfaction with the meaning. navіscho why)

Blazen (1. old - A person at the court of a monarch or a noble pan, who honored the ruler and guests with different windings, jars, etc. 2. A comedy character at old-fashioned vistas. 4. lyle. Fool, telepen. 5. dial. Baby, baby.)




Vilupok (indifferently 1. About the child. 2. About the person with negative rice)

Virodok (1. An outrageously indulgent person. 2. A person who has spent the best; a subhuman. // layl.)

Vyshkrebok (size 1. A small loaf of leftover dough on the bottoms and walls of the makіtry, dizhі. 2. trans., jart. About the rest of the child in the family. // lyl. About the incompetent, unimportant person)

Vіdluptsyuvati (Strongly beat someone)

Volotsyuga (nezvezhl. 1. A homeless person, yak does not work, but lives on stealth, marriage and so on. 2. About the one who loves to drag around at home.)

Gamselity (Beat someone hard, hit with force, hit on something, something, something)

Gaspid (The same, what the devil; devil, dіdko, bis. // Lives like a lily word. ** Before the gasp - it’s too rich.)

Gidota (Those who called out to the ogidu. // Filthy, vile vchinok; vileness, abomination. 2. translation. About the pidla, vile people; trash.)


Didko (The same, bis 2. Lives like a lily word. ** Didko know - it’s important to say, you don’t know, don’t know. Fox fox - no way, none. ?, why?)

Stupid (disrespectfully. Rozumova is shackled, stupid woman. Gets along like a lail word)


Dupa (Galicism. Sydney)

Zandbaniy (What may be signs of a snowfall, an oversight, a bayouzhy setting on the side of a cog.

Seller (Valuable person, the one who saves someone, something from a snarky method)


Zliden (zlidar) (1. A person, as if he lives in evil, shortcomings; bіdnyak // 2. Lives like a lively word)

Evil (1. The one who commits villainy. // About animals, birds, that steal the truth. 2. Zradnik, evil-doer.)



Yolop (Those same, you fool 1; bez, idiot. ** Yolop of the king of heaven - bovdur, telepen.)

Karkolomniy (1. Through whom you can zlamat kark, shyu; more unsafe. 2. translation. Important, folding for vikonanny, for rozvyazannya. // Rezikovan.

Képsko (1. Those same things that are nasty. ** Kepsky fry with kim - chim - nasty, unsafe fry. 2. Poganenky.)

Comedy (Funny, funny. // Those who are amazing)

Abominable (A person who is built for all goodness; a bad person. // Lives like a lail word.)

Laydak (1. A homeless person is in God. 2. The word lives on like a lail.)

Laino (Cal, last, rotten. 2. Lives like a lail word, for example, “Laino to a dog”)

Likhodiy (The one who is famously repairing, the building is famously repairing)

Likhvar (The one who sets pennies for a great percentage.)


Nabrіd (unimportant. Worthless, shkidlivy for suspіlstva people, like vipadkovo got together.)

Navіzheny (1. Mentally ill; divine, divine. // Coexists like a lail word. 2. Neuro-innovation, incompetence. )

Pillow case

Naziurnik (analogue of a bra)

Nahaba (Ludina, like a die zuhvalo, unceremoniously, destroying moral standards, and do not call on the order to anyone else.)

Nezdara (Ludina, yak, I don’t have talent, zdіbnosti to something. // Non-turnaround, nezgrabna people. // Get along like a lail word.)

Nezgraba (Riz. 1. Nezgraba people. // Get along like a lail word. 2. Those who are rudely rude, without relish.)

Short-lived (1. Weakness, weakness, physical qualia (about a person and a creature). 2. One who does not show his mission, recognition, etc. 3. Weak in the strength of his injection. // Weak in artistic and literary aspects. 4. Insignificant way obyagu, rozmіru, meaning, etc. іn.)

Nedotépa (1. People, as if they couldn’t grow up, viconati, zdijsniti and so on. sho-nebud with proper minds, like a trace; unhappy people. // Lives like a lily word.

Unnecessary (1. Unnecessary speech 2. Worthless person)

Pokidyok (1. Unsuitable for vikoristannya, uncommon leftovers of something, moth, old speeches and t. in. 2. transfer., znevzhl. meaning of a lily word.)

Sayings (1. Illness in a tale; like a tale. What a mental discord; divine. Ailment in a tale of a divine person (gets along translated like a husky). resting at the camp of unselfishness, swindle. // A kind of expression of unselfishness, swindle. // A kind of deed for the power of the bajans, for the power of the will, not calling on anyone; svavіlny. // Bask, hot (about the horse). 3. translation. strong, significant by the power of its viyavu. // Intense, supra-lingually deep (pro stan, almost, etc.). // Tightly swishy. // Rvuchky (about the wind). // Unbearable (about the cold, spekuta that іn.) . // With great frosts; lyuty (about winter). // Burkhlivy (about the sea). // Mitsny (about tyutyun). // Tightening, cloying, filling with right, robotic, etc. // Neumovirny, marvelous ** Mow of sayings: a) do not control the building, dії; b) get along for boosting energy, intensity like a diva, strength її viava.)

Stérvo (1. the corpse of a creature; carrion. 2. rozm. Podla, a worthless person; abomination. // The word lives like a lail.)

Asshole (vulg. rear, side)

Plugaviy (Yaky yelling out of anger, ogid, inconspicuous, mirshaviy (about a person). // trans.

Appearing (Non-moving, stupid.)

Prantsyuvatiy (ailments on the pranci (syphilis). // Get along like a lail word)

Trash (1. Pokidki. 2. roz. Creatures, comakhs and t. іn., who shout at a person in a vіdrazu, ogida і t. іn. 3. roz. Unclean power, devil, witch, etc. іn. 4. trans. , rem. What-nebud, who calls out to the eye, ogid, etc.; everything that calls out condemnation. // A worthless, worthless person, who calls out of ignorance, contempt)

Potvora (1. Frighteningly fantastic; fear. // About the veletensky creature, which opposes the dimensions of its body. // About the brigade, the negarious call of the person or the creature that has a disproportionate body of life, physical wadi is thin. 2. translation. About fierceness, a zhorstok and so on a person who has spent the best moral qualities;

Odoroblo, odorobala (size 1. Great, bulky object. 2. unimportant. A poor person.)


shmarkaty, shmarkach (1. Such, for whom mucus is flowing from the nose; with smears under the nose. 2. transfer.



Šibenik (The one who hung up or who was hung on the shibenitsa. // layl.


Created Oct 11, 2007


And it would not be good for you ...
And schob in you fir "I've grown in my mouth ...
Your mother is shaking ... (shaking is a whole fever, a sickly camp, if a person periodically throws it into the heat, then into the cold)
You are an unclean force ...
And what if the swedish Nastya here you were carried away ...
And shobi below the belt zcipilo for the navel ...
And shtobi navel of that stupa, like a maku stupa ...
And what if you were black ...
And if you were encouraged, how much you ask ...
And so that they threshed millet with your muzzle ...
And so that your squad was led by a godfather ...
And if your asshole rozіshla at the seam ...
And shchab you don’t know happiness ...
And so you lyusnuv ...
And so you got hooked ...
And what if you got sick...
And what did you slay ...
And so you don’t wait ...
And so you are all right, like a little boo...
And for you to be empty...
And what if it hit you and whirled (spun) ...
And for you to beat the grim ...
And what if the evil ones hurt you ...
And so that youmu's head licked...
What if Morana beat you...
And boday you devils vhopili ...
And what would be good for you ... (get used to it like a husky)
And so you are healthy ... (you get used to it like a husky)
And so that bastard dristalo that and dristalo ...
And Schaub tobi bulka jumped out of his nose ...
And what if a fly smacked you ...
And Schaub chipped your kolka ...
And if you stepped on the trigger ...
And so that dashing bida bypassed you ... (get used to it like a husky)
And what about you climbing crustaceans ...
And so you perished ...
And shchab ti sour!
And what if you said! ...
Bad yak chip...
Old hag...
Love the dog of your mother...
Find your rocking kopne!...
Rise up tay crooked!...
Blood bi you impudently poured a bitch ti sinu! ...
Dіdka fox tobi ladies...
A hundred devils in the liver...
Go to the Bisovo Mother...
Bisovy syn...
Enemy son...
Enemy children...
Bisova kovinka...
Bad for you pіp khrestiv (About "unreasonable people") ...
Your mother's bitch...
Your mother is sick...
Ladies on makitra...
You see makogon...
Bisova soul...
Areshtan's soul...
Vile soul...
Vile mother blue...
Sneaky bitch robot...
The vile sin (daughter) of the robot...
Find you prantsi z "їli ...
Hai you greek...
You, hymno undisturbed!


A, blood dog!
fox baby...
Didko b yoga taking (sniffing)!
What the devil have you suffered? (get used to it, how to get somewhere pishov, otherwise I got stuck here)
Do you want to mother the miracle din of colors in the guise?
Get in your teeth...
For patli that in spades (potilitsu) ...
Waiting for fucking dumb...
Muzzle - hot patsyukiv biy ...
Muzzle - why don’t you talk about "ydish ...
Pelku chairs ... (tezh same, scho th "close the company")
Thu (thu), on you!
What balukhs vylupiv? (those same. sho th "why are you amazed?")
Why are you squealing? (the same. what and "what are you laughing at?")
One asshole for two bazaars ... (the same. Why "sit on two pillars?")
Shit-smeared ... (the same.
Tits my joy ...

Bzdun (bzdyuha)
bevzen (layl. Vilo, yolop, bovdur)
beshketnik (The one who robs, creates a beshket; participant, prizvіdnik beshket. // Teaching, which systematically destroys discipline, is empty)
bіs (Supernatural truth is obvious, which instills evil and is obviously depicted by a looking person with goat legs, a tail and horns; an evil spirit, the devil, the devil, Satan. 2. Lives like a husky. u meaning nі!, de there! To bіsa: a) (at successful zі sl. posilati, proganyati і t. іn.) get out; on all chotiri windows; b) (what) is rich, impersonal. For [what] encore - for us, for what. One bis - however, all the same. U (c) bisa - get along with the meaning. pidsil. frequent when borrowing who, sho, what, abo adj. e, if, kudi, yak. What for bis? - get along for the expression of zdivuvannya. What kind of bisa? - get along for the expression of dissatisfaction with the meaning. navіscho why)
blaze (1. old - A person at the court of a monarch or a noble pan, who honored the ruler and guests with different windings, jars, etc. 2. A comedy character at old-time vistas. 4. lyle. Fool, telepen. 5. dial. Baby, baby.)
bovdur (1. Dimar (at the hut, on the hut). 2. dial. Stovp dima, a club to the fog, hmar and so on. 3. lyl. About a rude, unreasonable person)
fork (indifferently 1. About a child. 2. About a person with negative rice)
virodok (1. A wonderfully indulgent person. 2. A person who has spent the best; a subhuman. // lyl.)
vishkrebok (size 1. A small bread made of leftover dough on the days and walls of the makіtry, dizhі. 2. trans., jart. About the rest of the child in this "ї. // lyl. About the incompetent, unimportant person)
vіdluptsyuvati (Beat someone hard)
volotsyuga (nezvezhl. 1. A homeless person, yak does not work, but lives on stealth, marriage and so on. 2. About the one who loves to drag around at home.)
gamselity (Beat someone hard, hit with force, hit on something, something, something)
gaspid (The same, scho the devil; devil, dіdko, bis. // Lives like a lily word. ** Before the gasp - it’s too rich.)
gidota (Those who called out to the ogid. // Filthy, vile vchinok; vileness, abomination. 2. translation. About the bastard, filthy people; trash.)
to sneer
didko (The same, bis 2. Lives like a lily word. ** Didko know - it’s important to say, you don’t know, don’t know. Fox fox - no way, no. For what kind of kid? ?, why?)
stupid woman (disrespectfully. Rozumova is fringed, stupid woman. Gets along like a lail word)
dupa (Galicism. Sydney)
zanedbaniy (What may be signs of a snowfall, an oversight, a bayouzhy setting from the side of someone.
zaprodanets (Valuable person, the one who protects someone, something from a snarky method)
evil (zlidar) (1. Lyudina, as if living in evil, shortcomings; bіdnyak // 2. Lives like a lively word)
villainous (1. The one who commits villainy. // About animals, birds, that steal the truth. 2. Zradnik, evil-doer.)
know bidida
yolop (Those same, you fool 1; bez, idiot. ** Yolop of the king of heaven - bovdur, telepen.)
karkolomniy (1. Through whom you can zlamat kark, shiu; more unsafe. 2. trans. Important, foldable for vikonannya, for rozvyazannya.
képsko (1. Those same things that are nasty. ** Kepski fry with kim - chim - nasty, unsafe fry. 2. Poganenky.)
comedy (Funny, funny. // Those who are amazing)
abomination (A person who is built for the whole world; a bad person. // Lives like a lail word.)
laydak (1. A homeless person is in God. 2. The word lives on like a lail.)
laino (Cal, last, rot. 2. Lives like a lail word, for example, "Laino dog")
dashing (The one who is famously repairing, the building is famously repairing)
lihvar (The one who sets pennies for a great percentage.)
navіzheny (1. Mentally ill; divine, divine. // Coexists like a lail word. 2. Nervіnovnazheny, nestrіmaniya. )
nationalist (analogue of a bra)
nakhaba (Ludina, like a fool, unceremoniously, destroying moral standards, and not calling to the order to anyone else.)
not for nothing (Lyudina, as I don’t have talent, zdіbnosti to something. // Non-turnaround, negrabna person. // Coexists like a lail word.)
nezgraba (roz. 1. Nezgrabna people. // Get along like a lail word. 2. Those who are rudely rude, without relish.)
short-lived (1. Lack of power, weak, physical qualia (about a person and a creature). 2. One who does not show his mission, recognition, and so on. Insignificant way obyagu, rozmіru, meaning, etc. іn.)
nedepa (1. People, as if they weren’t able to grow, vikonati, zdijsniti and so on. sho-nebud with proper minds, like a trace; unloved people. // Get along like a lily word.
inappropriate (1. Inappropriate speech 2. Worthless person)
leave (1. Unsuitable for victoria, uncommon leftovers of something, moth, old speeches and t. in. 2. transfer., znevazhl. meaning of a lily word.)
tales (1. Illness in a tale; like a tale. What a mental discord; divine. Ailment in the tale of a divine person (gets along trans. like a laika). resting at the camp of unselfishness, swindle. // A kind of expression of unselfishness, swindle. // A kind of deed for the power of the bajans, for the power of the will, not calling on anyone; svavіlny. // Bask, hot (about the horse). 3. translation. strong, significant by the power of its viyavu. // Intense, supra-lingually deep (pro stan, almost, etc.). // Tightly swishy. // Rvuchky (about the wind). // Unbearable (about the cold, spekuta that іn.) . // With great frosts; lyuty (about winter). // Burkhlivy (about the sea). // Mitsny (about tyutyun). // Tightening, cloying, filling with right, robotic, etc. // Neumovirny, marvelous ** Mow of sayings: a) do not control the building, dії; b) get along for boosting energy, intensity like a diva, strength її viava.)
bitch (1. the corpse of a creature; carrion. 2. rozm. Podla, a worthless person; abomination. // The word lives like a lail.)
asshole (vulg. backside, sideways)
shabby (Yaky yelling out of anger, ogid, inconspicuous, mirshaviy (about a person). // trans.
cameepkuvaty (Unmistakable, stupid.)
prance (ailments on pranci (syphilis). // Coexist like a lail word)
trash (1. Pokidki. 2. roz. Creatures, comakhs and t. іn., who call out from a person in a vіdrazu, ogida і t. іn. 3. roz. Unclean power, devil, witch, etc. іn. 4. trans. , rem. What-nebud, who calls out to the eye, ogid, etc.; everything that calls out condemnation. // A worthless, worthless person, who calls out of ignorance, contempt)
indulgence (1. Frighteningly fantastic; fear. // About the veletensky creature, which opposes the dimensions of its body. // About the bred, negarious call of a person, or a creature that has a disproportionate life body, physical wadi thinly. 2. translation. About fierceness, a zhorstok and so on a person who has spent the best moral qualities;
got rich, got expensive (size 1. A great, bulky object. 2. unimportant. A poor person.)
shmarkaty, shmarkach (1. Such, for whom mucus is flowing from the nose; with smears under the nose. 2. transfer.
shibenik (The one who hung up or who was hung on the shibenitsa. // layl.
hvoyda (nezvezhl. Neokhayna, not a chepurous person; not a chepura.// Get along like a lily word)