The main directions of speech therapy work at school. Logopedic work at school

Only man has the greatest gift of nature - speech. But it is not an innate ability. Speech is the most important mental function of a person. Mastering speech, the child acquires the ability to generalize the reflection of the surrounding reality, to realize, plan and regulate his behavior.

Speech is formed along with the development of the child under the influence of adult speech gradually and largely depends on several factors: sufficient speech practice, upbringing and education, as well as on a normal speech and social environment that stimulates speech development and gives a speech pattern. And all these factors are important for the child from the very first days of life. The acquisition of speech in each child occurs at different times and in different ways, since this is an individual process that depends on many points. The causes of this process can be both the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, and the action of genetic factors. Damage to the organs of hearing and a general lag in mental development, as well as insufficient communication and education, can also be the causes of a lag in mastering speech. For the formation of speech, the development of analyzers, such as speech-motor and speech-auditory, is extremely important. But all this is largely dependent on the environment. New vivid impressions, appropriate environment contribute to the development of movements and speech. If this is not the case, then the mental and physical development of the child is delayed. Psychophysical health is of great importance for the development of the child. From the state of his higher nervous activity, from his attention, memory, imagination and thinking, i.e. higher mental processes, and somatic or physical condition depends on the development of speech.

The active participation of adults in the healthy development of the child's speech, that is, the education of speech in normal conditions for it, is the main point of prevention. Unfortunately, this moment in the development of speech, as well as the importance of full-fledged speech, is still underestimated in the family and school.

According to statistics, the number of speech disorders in recent years tends to increase, so the work on the prevention of speech disorders needs to be given great attention - this proves the relevance of the topic I have chosen.

The aim of the work is to study the main directions of prevention of speech disorders.

Unlike oral, written speech is formed only in conditions of purposeful learning, that is, its mechanisms are formed during the period of literacy and improved in the course of all further education.

When analyzing speech disorders, speech activity should be considered as a complex multi-level functional system, the components of which (phonetic, lexical, grammatical side of speech, phonemic processes, semantics) depend on one another and determine each other. Entering into interaction, they make their specific contribution to the formation of language skills and the flow of the speech process.

Reading and writing disorders (dyslexia and dysgraphia) are the most common forms of speech pathology in younger schoolchildren, especially in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

As practice shows, many children entering the 1st grade have a limited vocabulary, poorly developed fine motor skills, persistent speech disorders. The speech therapy service at the school was created in order to provide special assistance to students with disabilities in the development of oral and written speech, in the development of educational programs.

In order for the work of a school speech therapist to become more effective, he needs a close relationship, first of all, with a primary school teacher. Both of them strive for a common goal - to provide a quality education to schoolchildren. To do this, the teacher needs each student to have a sufficiently high level of general (including speech) development.

Tasks of the school speech therapist:

1. Timely identification of children with impaired oral and written speech.

2. Correction of violations in the development of oral and written speech of students.

3. Timely prevention and overcoming of difficulties in mastering educational programs by students.

4. Explanation of special knowledge in speech therapy among school teachers and parents (legal representatives) of students.

In turn, the teacher continues the speech development of the child, relying on the skills he has acquired, i.e. there is an integration of speech therapy work and the educational process.

The main directions of speech therapy work at school

The formation of a full-fledged educational activity is possible only with a sufficiently high level of speech development, which implies a certain degree of formation of language means, as well as skills and abilities to freely and adequately use these means for communication purposes.

It is quite obvious that deviations in the development of speech impede communication, prevent the correct formation of cognitive processes, impede the assimilation of reading, writing, and, as a result, other school skills and knowledge. The problem of impaired writing and reading occupies one of the leading places in the practice of schooling, which prevents the formation of a full-fledged educational activity in children.

In recent years, among students entering the primary grades of our school, the number of children with various deviations in speech development has significantly increased. With the beginning of literacy training, such children show a persistent violation of the formation of written speech, which manifests itself in the form of dysgraphia. When examining speech disorders in children, mixed dysgraphia is noted, the structure of which includes such shortcomings of writing as a violation of language analysis and synthesis, acoustic and articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia, elements of agrammatic and optical dysgraphia. With mixed dysgraphia, the errors are multiple and varied. Diagnostic studies show that mixed dysgraphia is almost always due to a general underdevelopment of the child's speech. Such children, as a rule, experience difficulties in mastering the Russian language program, have difficulty remembering and applying grammatical rules in practice, their vocabulary is reduced, and the lexical side of speech suffers. This is a complex set of disorders, which manifests itself not only in violations of written speech, in most cases insufficient formation of such higher mental functions as attention, memory of various modalities, as well as disorders in the emotional-volitional sphere is revealed.

Timely organization of remedial education at preschool age would significantly reduce the number of children with speech disorders. Therefore, at primary school age, a school speech therapist needs a longer period of staging speech sounds. Which in turn allows minimizing the defect at the level of the oral form of speech.

A lot of children come to our school who do not attend kindergartens and have not been worked on the formation of phonetic and phonemic processes and the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. Insufficient formation of phonetic, phonemic and lexico-grammatical means of the language, due to the diagnosis of general underdevelopment of speech, hinders the successful learning of written speech; violations of the sound-syllabic structure of words create great difficulties in mastering phonemic analysis and synthesis. The limited vocabulary of children manifests itself in the form of difficulties in mastering the semantics of words, resulting in errors in understanding and using words.

The experience of teaching these children indicates the need and relevance of work on the prevention and correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia during the period of primary schooling.


Diagnostics of students

    examination of oral speech of 1st grade students;

    examination of the written speech of students in grades 2-4;

    in-depth examination of the speech of children of the speech therapy group;

Acquisition of speech therapy groups

    with general underdevelopment of speech (OHP);

    with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (FFNR);

    with impaired reading and writing due to OHP;

    with impaired reading and writing due to FFNR;

Advisory assistance

    primary school teachers;

    teachers of the Russian language and literature;

    teachers of compensatory education classes;

    parents (legal representatives) of students;

    speech therapists of preschool institutions of the city;

    students with defective pronunciation of sounds;

    future first-graders and their parents (legal representatives);

Areas of work:

    overcoming violations of sound pronunciation;

    development of phonemic perception;

    development of sound analysis and synthesis;

    development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech;

    development of coherent speech;

    development of spatial perception.

In conclusion, we can say that the timely identification of children with speech disorders, properly organized work in close cooperation between a teacher, a psychologist, parents and a speech therapist are of great importance in a general education school.

Pupils with certain disorders of oral and written speech enter the school logopoint. Meanwhile, in recent years, the school speech therapist has to deal with problems that go beyond his professional competence. As the experience of speech therapy work shows, the difficulties in mastering the material of a general education school are most often caused not only and not so much by speech underdevelopment, but by the lack of formation of psychological prerequisites, communicative readiness for learning, peculiarities of the psycho-physical development of children, etc.

At present, when there is an intensive development of science and technology,
the requirements for the intellectual development of a person are also increasing. Naturally, the content of school programs has become more complicated, and at the same time the number of underachieving students has increased. Many scientists talk about the deterioration of the physical and mental health of children. But after all, the requirements for the modern school have increased. After all, before everyone was taught according to a single program, and the children came to school, not knowing how to read or write, and calmly studied the primer for a whole year. Modern general education school programs are built on the basis of interaction with absolutely healthy children (who do not have serious speech disorders, minimal brain dysfunction, mental retardation, etc.). It is very difficult for children with speech disorders to learn several languages ​​at the same time in elementary school. Recently, children with dysorphography are increasingly getting to the speech therapy center. Dysorphography is “a persistent and specific lack of formation in the assimilation of spelling knowledge, skills, and abilities, due to a number of non-speech and speech mental functions” . In the written work of students, one can more and more observe not so much specific errors as errors on various rules of the Russian language. Moreover, dysorphography, being the most common violation of mastering writing skills among elementary school students, is persistent and persists until graduation. Dysorphography can manifest itself both in isolation and in the structure of general underdevelopment of speech. The recommendations of teachers to improve literacy sound something like this: “To write without spelling mistakes, you need to know the rules.” The child cannot just detect the learned spelling. To solve a spelling problem, he must master the morphological analysis of words, sufficient vocabulary and be able to choose the necessary test word. Corrective assistance at the speech center for children with dysorphography is primarily aimed not at correcting, but at preventing errors.
Therefore, speech therapists recommend conducting warning dictations. To do this, before writing the word, it is specified which letter the child chooses and why. And only "as the skill of correct spelling of words is strengthened, one can proceed to control dictations." Indeed, often parents, while working with children, practice daily dictations, which, as a rule, do not lead to the expected results. In children with bilingualism, you can also notice a large number of errors in the spelling of unstressed vowels, paired consonants. And this is not accidental, because of the poverty of the dictionary, the lack of sound and morphological generalizations, the application of the rules turns out to be difficult for this category of students. A child with a language barrier does not accurately understand the meanings of words and does not catch the semantic connection between words. Test words are selected by such children most often at random.

Sometimes children with the so-called "hypodynamic syndrome" get to the logopoint. These children from adults cause less complaints than hyperactive schoolchildren. They don't cause any disturbance, they are passive in class, they don't raise their hands even if they know the material. Writing test papers becomes a real test for them. Their written works are distinguished by the omission of letters, syllables, words, and underwriting of endings. As a rule, such children do not need corrective work to overcome errors caused by a violation of language analysis and synthesis of words and sentences. It's just that the pace of work in the classroom is not suitable for these students. They need much more time to complete this or that work. So poor schoolchildren come out of such children, and they receive insulting nicknames from classmates because of their slowness. It is necessary to take into account individual characteristics and allow such children to complete tests during the break. But after all, there are certain temporary norms for completing tasks and, accordingly, everyone observes them. The implementation of a differentiated approach to students, unfortunately, does not find application in practice.

In every school there are students who, by the time they enter the school, do not have the formation of school-significant functions. They have poor speech, poorly developed motor skills. The behavior of such children is dominated by childishness, playful interest. They are characterized by a persistent decrease in working capacity with a disorder of attention, memory, and the ability to switch from one type of activity to another. Due to rapid fatigue, they respond worse at the end of the lesson, even worse at the last lesson. Many teachers classify underachieving students as mentally handicapped and stop paying attention to them. In their notebooks, the predominant color is red from the teacher's numerous corrections. Such children are easy to recognize if you look into the classroom. Usually they sit somewhere on the last desk. Of course, these children do not reach the so-called "norm", but they also have personal achievements, but, as a rule, they are not appreciated by teachers who need results. Unfortunately, the efforts of the child, his efforts go unnoticed. And the child so wants to be praised. Who is usually praised at school, generously endowing with the words "clever", "well done". That's right, excellent students. But they didn't put in any effort. After all, someone has been given abilities from birth. Well, it is necessary to give any child the opportunity to feel his success, to evaluate his efforts while he has them. After all, the situation of constant failure leads to negativism, to the refusal to go to school. The result itself can be assessed at later stages, when there is no fear of failure. Remedial work with such students provides an individual approach that will provide them with the opportunity to work at their own pace. When creating comfortable conditions for such children, the level of assimilation of the material will be much higher. Learning without taking into account the psycho-physiological characteristics of students can lead to school maladjustment and a decrease in learning motivation. But before starting a corrective action, it is necessary to determine what nevertheless underlies the failure: temperament, lack of formation of the emotional-volitional sphere, underdevelopment of cognitive processes, lack of educational motivation, health status, general underdevelopment of speech or something else.

A child with seemingly minor problems experiences difficulties in mastering state educational standards. Is the school ready to integrate children with more severe pathologies? After all, every "abnormal" child, studying in a mass school, should receive specialized assistance and support from both specialists and his teacher.

What prevents us from properly organizing correctional work with children with disabilities in a general education school? First of all, this is the low awareness of teachers and even parents about the peculiarities of the state of children's health, the lack of pedagogical technologies for raising and educating children with various health problems in a public school, and, finally, the prevailing negative attitude of the population towards seeking help from child psychiatrists and neurologists. The recommendations of a speech therapist about the need to obtain qualified advice from doctors are perceived by parents with caution and even aggressively. By hiding from the doctor the true reasons for which the examination was recommended, parents miss the time allotted for the necessary medical treatment. Not all parents and teachers understand the relationship between the child's health and his problems in educational activities. Such a passive position of parents in relation to the organization of treatment leads to the ineffectiveness of corrective work at school. Therefore, timely counseling of parents on the problem of certain violations in the development of children and the need for simultaneous correction, medical and pedagogical, is important here.

For the correct organization of correctional work, it is necessary that the school has the necessary specialists, in particular defectologists who can provide real assistance to students with special educational needs, and teachers with in-depth knowledge in the field of special pedagogy. At this stage, in public schools, only speech therapists provide qualified assistance to children with learning difficulties. But even now speech therapists in general education schools are sorely lacking. In addition, speech therapists should work primarily on preventing and overcoming all kinds of speech disorders that impede the full assimilation of the general educational program in the Russian language and literary reading.

Thus, education in a general education school for children with mental and physical disabilities is possible and necessary for their successful socialization in the outside world. But this integration must be prepared and thought out, having a material base.


for beginning speech therapists.


I.Organization of the work of a teacher-speech therapist at a speech center in a public school.

II. Tasks for the study of writing and reading.

3.1 Articulation gymnastics

3.2. Development of motor skills of the hands




The development and prospects of a child with speech disorders largely depend on the qualifications of the specialists to whom he will get in a preschool educational institution and school. A speech therapist not only opens up unlimited possibilities for communication to him, he is a kind of guide for a small person into the diverse world of human relationships. Overcoming a speech disorder instills in the child self-confidence, contributes to the development of his cognitive abilities. Pushing the boundaries of communication - both among peers and with adults - the child becomes more emotional, inquisitive and responsive. His views on the world, his relations with others are changing. He becomes more open to establishing contacts with other people, more receptive to new knowledge, feels like a full-fledged person.

These methodological recommendations are addressed to novice speech therapists of school speech therapy centers. Since correctional work at school is carried out mainly in a group, a speech therapist must take into account the individual characteristics of each child, while following a single lesson plan and understanding the characteristics of children with a certain speech therapy diagnosis. The main areas of work and annual work plans are presented

To develop a unified approach to correcting the development of students, a speech therapist interacts with the teaching staff of his educational institution, parents of students, speech therapists of preschool educational institutions, maintains the necessary documentation, i.e. carries out a whole range of measures for the effective correction of speech disorders in schoolchildren.

We hope that the presented materials will help to effectively organize the work of a speech therapist teacher, increase his competence in the field of regulatory legal materials related to his activities, and the presented detailed lesson notes will help in everyday hard work.

We wish you success!


Since speech therapy centers work, as a rule, at general education schools, the beginning and end of the school year, the time and duration of vacations correspond to the standards established in schools. The duration of the regular vacation for speech therapists also corresponds to the duration of the regular vacation for teachers of general education schools.

The workload of teachers-speech therapists is 18 hours per week, excluding time for advisory work (Order of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.09.2004 N 712 "ON APPROVAL OF NORMATIVE LEGAL ACTS REGULATING THE ACTIVITIES OF TYPES OF SPECIAL EDUCATION ORGANIZATIONS")

After leaving the next vacation until September 1, the speech therapist checks the condition of the equipment of the speech therapy room: technical teaching aids, lighting, etc., examines visual and teaching aids and puts them into working condition, prepares the necessary documentation and visual-speech material for examination students. If necessary, a speech therapist replenishes his arsenal of visual and teaching aids; gets acquainted with the personal files of students newly enrolled in schools attached to a speech therapy center.

1. Distribution of time allotted for the examination of oral and written speech of students

The first two weeks of the academic year (from September 1 to September 15) are allotted for the full recruitment of groups and subgroups that will be engaged at the speech therapy center in the current academic year. The speech therapist conducts a survey of the oral speech of first-graders attached to the speech center, and the written speech of students in grades 2-4, clarifies the lists of groups that he preliminarily staffed in May of the previous academic year from among students of grades 2-4.

The examination of the oral speech of first-graders is carried out in two stages. During the first week of September, a speech therapist conducts a preliminary examination of the oral speech of all students admitted to the first grades, and identifies children with certain deviations in speech development. At the same time, he selects those students who need systematic remedial classes. This is done in the morning during class time.

During the second week of September, the teacher-speech therapist conducts a secondary in-depth examination of the oral speech of those children whom he selected for classes at the speech center during the preliminary examination. A secondary in-depth examination of the oral speech of children is carried out in a speech therapy room during the second half of the day, that is, after school. Regular classes at the speech therapy center are held from September 16 to May 15.

The last two weeks of May (from May 16 to May 31) are set aside for examining the oral and written speech of students in grades 1-3 in order to pre-complete groups with impaired writing and reading for the new academic year. Pupils of the 4th grade are not examined due to the fact that they are moving to secondary school.

All organizational work of a speech therapist, carried out from 1 to 15 September and from 16 to 31 May, is recorded on the corresponding page of the Attendance Log.

2. Distribution of time allotted for correctional and educational work

By September 15, the speech therapist completes the examination of the oral and written speech of the students, finally completes the groups, subgroups, determines the number of students for individual lessons and, based on this, draws up a class schedule and long-term plans for working with each group of students. The schedule of classes is compiled based on the following time parameters: the time of a lesson with a group of students is 40-45 minutes; with a subgroup - 25-30 minutes; the time of individual lessons is 20-25 minutes with each student.

Breaks of 10-15 minutes are allowed between group lessons, 5-10 minutes between subgroup lessons. The speech therapist teacher can use this period of time to check the written work done by the students in the class, record and analyze the mistakes made, so that when planning the next lesson, provide for work to correct these errors, as well as for other work at their discretion: a speech therapist can conduct a group of children and separate them into classes or, conversely, gather a group of children (this may be necessary in the first months of working with first graders, especially 6 years old), prepare a board or lay out visual and handouts for the next lesson, etc.

The speech therapist determines the number of working hours per day depending on the working hours of the schools attached to the speech center (one-shift or two-shift), on the number of groups and subgroups, on the presence of a branch, etc.

A prerequisite is the conduct of speech therapy classes after school. Students who do not attend after-school groups come to classes from home. Pupils who attend after-school groups are sent by educators of extended-day groups to speech therapy classes from any regime moment in accordance with the schedule of speech therapy classes. The schedule should be known to educators and be in each extended day group.

Educators of after-school groups do not have the right to detain a child or not let him go to speech therapy classes due to the immediate completion of his homework or for any other reason, just as an elementary school teacher cannot independently decide whether his student should attend speech therapy classes or not. If a speech therapist has conflicts of this kind, he informs the principal of the school about the unauthorized actions of the educator or teacher, and in case of failure to take action, the inspector of the education department.

The schedule of speech therapy classes is drawn up in such a way that each group of students is engaged 3 times a week, preferably at the same time. This is especially true for 1st grade students. Classes with groups of students in grades 3 with a writing disorder due to unformed phonemic processes, as well as classes with mixed groups of students in grades 2-3 and 3-4 with a writing disorder due to unformed phonemic processes, can be carried out 2 once a week. Work on the correction of sound pronunciation in subgroups and individually is carried out at the discretion of the speech therapist 1-3 times a week in each subgroup or with each student, depending on the severity of the speech defect.

Note. Taking into account the special mode of the school day for students of the 1st grade and their age-related psychological characteristics, it is advisable to conduct classes with them after daytime sleep, that is, after 4 pm.

3. The distribution of the working time of a speech therapist during the school holidays

The school holidays are always filled with various activities organized and conducted by teachers. Some students go on vacation to camps, rest homes, on excursions, so speech therapy classes are not held during this period. During the autumn holidays, a speech therapist conducts a study of the state of written speech of students in grades 2-4 on written work.

This allows you to identify dysgraphic children and control students who previously studied at a speech therapy center. If there are free places in the group with a violation of the letter, it is replenished with new students. During the winter holidays, a speech therapist examines the state of written speech of 1st grade students in copybooks and notebooks.

In addition, he replenishes the equipment of the speech therapy room with visual aids, study tables, posters, etc. necessary for work, visits the methodological room and colleagues to exchange work experience, conducts conversations and consultations for the parents of students studying at the speech therapy center.

In the event that there are no specialized speech therapy preschool institutions in the district (or speech therapy groups at mass kindergartens), there is no speech therapist in the children's clinic, then the school teacher-speech therapist during spring breaks examines children in the kindergartens closest to the speech therapy center. He checks the state of oral speech of children who will come to school in the fall. A speech therapist identifies children with speech disorders and makes an appropriate entry in the medical records.

If there are other speech therapists in the school area (in preschool institutions or a children's clinic), then during the spring holidays it is advisable to carry out a method of association between speech therapists of school speech therapy centers and speech therapists of preschool institutions to develop measures to implement continuity in the work of speech therapists of school and preschool medical institutions.

Outside of school holidays, a speech therapist, as necessary, consults students studying at a speech therapy center with specialist doctors (psycho-neurologist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist), invites more experienced speech therapist colleagues for advice on individual difficult children, or seeks help from the Children's Regional Hospital ( DOB), to the chief speech therapist of the region. At the same time, it should be taken into account that consultation of a child with any medical specialist is possible only with the consent and in the presence of one of the parents or a person replacing them. If the parents give their consent to the consultation, but cannot be present during it, the speech therapist must have a written statement that the parents allow the speech therapist to show the child to a specialist doctor (with a mandatory indication of which specialist).

A speech therapist teacher can use vacation time to conduct speech therapy propaganda among parents and the population of the district.

4. The work of a speech therapist in June

June is the most convenient time to improve the professional level of speech therapists. Therefore, it is advisable for district (city) methodological offices and Teachers' Improvement Institutes to organize monthly seminar courses in June to exchange best practices. Similar workshops can be organized by senior speech therapists in their areas. Speech teachers can attend seminars organized in other areas.

5. Equipment for a speech therapy room

On the door of the office, you must hang a sign with the schedule of the speech therapist, his last name, first name and patronymic. The speech therapy room should have the following equipment:

1. Desks by the number of students involved. Stands for pencils and pens.

2. A chalkboard placed at a height corresponding to the height of elementary school students. It is desirable to line a part of the board like a writing notebook for 1st grade students in order to demonstrate the correct spelling of letters, connections and exercise children in calligraphy.

3. Sufficient cabinets for visual aids, educational material and methodological literature.

4. Wall mirror 50X100 cm for individual work on sound pronunciation, which is desirable to hang near the window. If this is not possible, then it can be hung on any other wall, but with special lighting.

5. Mirrors 9 X12 cm according to the number of students involved in the correction of sound pronunciation.

6. A table near a wall mirror with local lighting for individual work with students, several chairs for children and a speech therapist.

7. A set of speech therapy probes, ethyl alcohol for processing probes, cotton wool, bandage.

8.Flannelgraph, typesetting canvas, a set of paintings.

9. Projector.

10.Screen for showing films.

11. Wall box office letters.

12. Wall syllabary table.

13. Individual cash desks of letters and syllables for each student, representation schemes, sound and syllabic word schemes.

14. Standard table of uppercase and lowercase letters attached above the board.

15. Visual material used in the examination of the oral and written speech of students, placed in a separate box or envelopes, arranged according to lexical topics and phonetic groups.

16. Visual and illustrative material on the development of speech, systematized by topic.

17. Teaching aids in the form of symbol cards (for example, with a graphic representation of sounds, words, sentences), cards with individual tasks, albums for working on sound pronunciation.

18. Various speech games, lotto.

19. Sets of colored ballpoint pens (blue, green and red) for each child.

20. Methodical and educational literature.

21. Towel, soap and paper napkins.

The speech therapy room should be aesthetically decorated, decorated with indoor plants. It is not recommended to hang pictures, prints, drawings and tables on the walls that are not related to the correctional process, as they distract the attention of students during classes and create an unnecessary variegation of the environment.

6. Documentation and its maintenance

To fix the correctional process that the speech therapist organizes and conducts at the speech therapy center, the following types of documentation are offered:

1. Journal of attendance at speech therapy classes by students enrolled in a speech therapy center.

2. Journal of registration of children with speech impediments.

3.Speech card

4.Individual cards of students.

5. Annual plan of methodological work for the academic year.

6. Perspective work plans for each group of students for the academic year.

7. Daily work plans for each group of students.

8. Schedule of group classes, certified by the director of the school.

9. Copies of reports on the work done during the academic year.

10. Passport of a speech therapy room.

Register of attendance at speech therapy classes by students is an ordinary class journal of the established form, signed as follows:

JOURNAL of registration of attendance of speech therapy classes

at the speech therapy center at the school _

district of the city (region)

in 200 / account. year

In the "Information about students" section of the journal, the speech therapist places a list of students enrolled at the speech therapy station in the current academic year, indicating the class and school, the date of enrollment at the speech center and (at the end of the school year) the result of corrective work ("released", "left for continuation of corrective work”, “dropped out”).

4 pages are allotted per group, 3 pages per subgroup and each student studying individually. On the left half of the page, the group number and speech therapy conclusion are indicated at the top, for example: “Group No. 1: dysgraphia against the background of general underdevelopment of speech - level III”.

On the right half of the page at the top, the days and hours of classes with this group are indicated, for example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 16-00-16-35. The rest of the pages are filled in similarly to a class journal, i.e. on the left half there is a list of children of this group, a subgroup or the last name and name of a child studying individually, the dates of the classes and marks about the presence or absence of the student in the classes, and on the right - the topics of the classes, which are indicated in accordance with the work plan. On the pages reserved for subgroup and individual lessons, on the left half at the top, instead of the group number, the disturbed groups of sounds that are being worked on are indicated, otherwise they are filled in the same way.

Attendance log completed at the beginning of each session. A dot (.) marks the presence of a student in class, the letter “n” marks absent students.

Note : if a student missed a speech therapy lesson twice for an unknown reason (he was present at the lessons in the class, but did not appear at the lesson), the speech therapist informs the teacher and the student's parents about this. On one of the last pages, a place is allocated for recording the working time of a speech therapist during the period of examination of the oral and written speech of students and during the holidays.

After the record “accepted to the group”, there must be a record about when the student was released. A journal of examination of oral and written speech has been maintained for several years.

The speech map of the examination of the oral and written speech of students is filled out during the frontal examination during the second week of September and the fourth week of May. If during the school year there are changes in the composition of the groups of students studying at the speech therapy center (one of the students drops out or new students are enrolled in the groups), then it is necessary to make an entry in the Speech Card in a timely manner. The conclusion about the release of the student or the continuation of corrective work with him at the end of the academic year from the Speech Card is entered in the Attendance Record and the Record of Children with Speech Disabilities.

Individual student cards filled out at the first parent meeting in September. The speech therapist gives them to the parents, and the parents clearly fill out the front side of the card and put their signature at the bottom.

Another option is possible. After the teacher-speech therapist conducts a secondary in-depth examination of students and completes groups and subgroups, he transfers individual cards of students to teachers or educators of the extended day group. The teacher or after-school educator (GPA) will give individual cards to the parents of the students. After filling out, parents can return the cards to the teacher or educator of the GPA, or transfer them directly to the speech therapist.

This will allow the teacher, on the one hand, to become more familiar with the peculiarities of the early speech development of the child and treat him with greater understanding, and on the other hand, he will be more serious about monitoring children's attendance at speech therapy classes.

Individual student card

Last name, first name, date of birth

School, class


Home address

Did you attend kindergarten (speech or mass gr.)

Speech environment (does the family have stutterers, speech defects, bilingualism)

Early physical development (when he began to sit, stand, walk)

Early speech development: when babbling, cooing, first words appeared

Timetable of classes:

“Parents, along with the teacher, are responsible for attending speech therapy classes with their children.”

Parent's signature

Date of completion

When preparing and filling out an Individual Student Card, points 2-4 may be changed depending on the place of residence of the child.

The reverse side of the individual card of the student is filled in by a speech therapist during the school year.

Date of enrollment at the speech therapy center

Speech therapy conclusion upon admission to the speech center

The result of corrective work after the first year of study

Logopedic conclusion before the second year of correctional work

The result of corrective work after the second year of study

Consultations with medical specialists

Date of issue

Speech therapist's signature

For each student, one individual card is filled out, regardless of the number of years during which the student studied at the speech center.

Individual student cards are stored in separate envelopes for each group or are marked with various identification marks, for example: group No. 1 - yellow circles, group No. 2 - blue circles, etc.

The general plan of methodological work for the academic year - is compiled before September 1 of the academic year for which it is scheduled. It includes the following work sections:

a) a survey of oral and written speech of students in grades 1-4 of schools attached to a speech therapy center (terms, number of schools and primary classes);

b) recruitment of groups and subgroups, scheduling speech therapy classes (terms);

c) forms of interaction in the work of a speech therapist and primary school teachers (how many lessons are scheduled to attend, in which classes, on what topics and how many reports and speeches are expected to be made at methodological associations of teachers, etc.); speech therapists of school and preschool institutions, if there are any in the area of ​​the school speech center (it is advisable to coordinate this point of the plan with the general plan of methodological work of the senior speech therapist of the district), speech therapists and medical specialists;

d) activities to promote speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents (topics of conversations, lectures, speeches at parent meetings);

e) measures to improve the equipment of the speech therapy center with educational and methodological aids, didactic and visual materials (what aids are supposed to be purchased or made, in what time frame);

f) measures to improve the skills of a speech therapist teacher (attendance at courses, lectures, methodological associations, exchange of experience, etc.).

Perspective plans correctional work for each group of students for the academic year are compiled after the groups are completed. If two or more groups of students of the same age and with the same speech disorders are engaged at the same time at the speech therapy center, the speech therapist teacher can draw up one long-term plan for them. It is advisable to place all long-term plans in one common notebook. Before each plan, the group number, class and speech therapy conclusion are indicated.

Daily work plans a speech therapist develops on the basis of a long-term plan. Work plans are drawn up for each group separately. It is allowed to use the same working notes for groups working on the same long-term plan. The daily work plans must indicate the topic of the lesson, its goals, equipment (pictures, cards, tables, etc.), followed by a summary of the work.

Workbooks are conducted according to a single spelling regime. The words "Classwork" are not written after the number. Between the types of work in the lesson, you can skip one line, especially before and after syllabic, syllabic schemes and sentence schemes.

After each lesson, the teacher-speech therapist checks the work of the students, corrects the mistakes made and analyzes them. It should be noted that a speech therapist, unlike a primary school teacher, evaluates not so much the correctness of the tasks, how much the educational activity of the child as a whole, i.e. his attentiveness in class, diligence, activity.

An important role in evaluating the student's work is played by the ability to find the mistake made and correct it independently. If the child independently found his mistake and corrected it, then in this case the mistake can not be counted. Such an approach to evaluating the work of students is of great psychological and educational importance, because speech pathologist children, as a rule, receive many unsatisfactory marks in the class. On the one hand, such a comprehensive and gentle assessment of their work morally supports children, restores faith in their own strength, on the other hand, children learn to carefully check their work, strive to find and correct their mistakes, and stimulate their learning activity. Therefore, the teacher-speech therapist necessarily explains to the student why he gives the child this or that mark. "Two" in a speech therapy lesson is not recommended. Homework is usually not assigned.

Workbooks are stored at the speech therapy center in special folders by groups. Notebooks for verification work are stored separately from them. These notebooks are an addition to the "Speech Map", as they reflect the state of the students' written speech and give an idea of ​​the degree of assimilation of the correctional material by them.

Schedule of classes (two copies) the speech therapist teacher makes up after completing the groups in September. Both copies are certified by the signature of the director of the school at which the speech therapy center is located. The first copy of the certified timetable is kept by the person who put his signature, and the second - at the speech therapy center.

Passport of a speech therapy room is a small notebook in which all the equipment in the office is recorded, visual, educational and methodological aids, textbooks and methodological literature. Instead of a speech therapy room passport, a speech therapist can compile a file cabinet.

The passport of the speech therapy room or file cabinet is compiled regardless of whether the speech therapy center is located in a separate room or occupies part of the classroom or part of any other room.

A report on the preventive and correctional educational work done for the academic year is compiled by the speech therapist at the end of the academic year in the following form:


on the work of a speech therapist (full name), done in 200_____ /__ account. year

at the speech therapy center at school No.

district of the city (region)

In total, students with speech disorders were identified

7. Document retention periods

The following are subject to storage at the speech therapy station: Register of attendance at speech therapy classes, Journal registration of children with speech impediments, Speech map of the examination of oral and written speech, notebooks for verification work, a report on the work done during the academic year and a passport or file cabinet of a speech therapy room.

The register of attendance at speech therapy classes with the attached Speech Card for the examination of the oral and written speech of students and the report on the work done during the academic year is stored at the speech therapy station until all students listed in this journal are released from the speech center, i.e. at least 2 years. The same number of notebooks for verification work are kept.

The register of children with speech impairments is kept at the speech therapy center until the end of school by all the students listed in it, that is, at least 8 years. Such a long period of storage is due to the fact that the Journal is a document in which all students of schools attached to this speech therapy center who have speech disorders are recorded, and notes are made on the measures taken for these children. In the practice of speech therapy work, there are often cases when it becomes necessary to establish whether a particular child with speech disorders was identified in time, what assistance was provided to this child. Therefore, information about students with speech disorders should be kept by a speech therapist teacher during the entire time these children study at schools attached to this speech therapy center.

The passport of the speech therapy room or card index is constantly at the speech therapy center.



Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 04.10.2004 N 3128






In order to implement the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On social and medical - pedagogical correctional support for children with disabilities" I order:

1. Approve the attached normative legal acts regulating the activities of the types of special educational organizations:

1) rules on the procedure for organizing the activities of the rehabilitation center in accordance with Appendix 1;

2) rules on the procedure for organizing the activities of the offices of psychological and pedagogical correction in accordance with Appendix 2;

3) rules on the procedure for organizing the activities of a speech therapy center in accordance with Appendix 3.

2. The Department of Secondary Education (S. B. Ispusinova) submit this order in the prescribed manner for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. This order comes into force from the date of registration.

4. Regional, cities of Astana and Almaty administrations (departments) of education to bring this order to all district, city departments and educational organizations.

5. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Vice-Minister Shamshidinova K.N.

Appendix 3

to the order of the Minister

education and science

Republic of Kazakhstan




1. General Provisions

1. These Rules determine the procedure for organizing the activities of a speech therapy center created at schools, regardless of ownership and departmental subordination.

2. Speech therapy center - an educational organization in which, under the guidance of a speech therapist, classes are held with children to eliminate shortcomings in oral and written speech.

3. A speech therapy center is opened by local educational authorities that monitor the proper organization of services for children with speech impairments in them. Each speech therapy point is assigned a certain number of groups (classes).

4. The opening of a speech therapy center at the school is carried out in the presence of 14-16 classes in urban areas, in the presence of 9-12 classes - in rural areas. At the city speech therapy center, 20-25 people are engaged simultaneously, at the rural one - 15-20 people.

5. Heads of educational institutions (elementary school - kindergarten, school - complex, gymnasium, lyceum, children's educational center), located both in urban and rural areas, have the right to open speech therapy centers regardless of the number of classes (groups).

2. Organization of speech therapy work

6. Children with various disorders of oral and written speech (general underdevelopment of speech, phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment, impaired writing and reading, stuttering, impaired pronunciation of speech (dyslalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia) are enrolled at the speech therapy station.

7. Identification of children with speech disorders for enrollment in a speech therapy center is carried out during the year. In May, a survey of children entering the first grades is carried out.

8. Children with speech impairments are registered in the list for subsequent distribution into groups depending on the speech defect. For each child enrolled in a speech therapy center, a speech card is filled out.

The speech therapy center enrolls children whose speech defects prevent the successful assimilation of knowledge: children with general underdevelopment of speech, phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment, reading and writing disorders.

9. The main form of organizing speech therapy work is group (subgroup) classes. The groups are selected children with homogeneous speech disorders and the same age. Acquisition in groups of children of different ages is allowed with:

1) general underdevelopment of speech (OHP) - 3 - 5 people;

2) reading and writing disorders caused by OHP - 4 - 6 people;

3) phonetic - phonemic underdevelopment (FFN) - 3 - 5 people;

4) violations of reading and writing due to FFN - 4 - 6 people;

5) stuttering - 3 - 4 people;

6) shortcomings in sound pronunciation - 5 - 6 people.

10. Individual classes at a speech therapy center with children of preschool age are held with all children with speech disorders, school age - with children with severe speech disorders (rhinolalia, dysarthria, OHP 1 - 2 levels).

Classes with each group of children are held 2-3 times a week.

The duration of group classes depends on the age of the children and is for preschoolers:

in the second junior group - 15 - 20 minutes, in the middle group - 20 - 25 minutes, in the senior and preparatory group - 30 - 35 minutes.

The duration of subgroup classes for preschoolers is 20 - 30 minutes, individual - 15 - 20 minutes.

The duration of group lessons for school children is 40 - 45 minutes.

The duration of subgroup lessons of school age is 25 - 30 minutes, individual - 20 - 25 minutes.

11. The duration of remedial education depends on the severity of the speech disorder and its structure. Children with phonetic and phonetic disorders (FFN) and reading and writing disorders caused by these disorders receive speech therapy assistance from six months to 1 year. Children with OHP and reading and writing disorders study at the speech therapy center from 2 to 3 years, depending on the degree of impairment.

Classes at the speech therapy center are held during hours free from lessons.

Classes at the speech therapy center for preschoolers are held during hours free from classes, or during classes on "Development of speech and preparation for learning to read and write", "Fine Arts", "Labor" and "Design".

12. The release of children with speech disorders is carried out throughout the school year as their speech development deficiencies are eliminated.

13. If necessary, to clarify the psychophysical state, children with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) can be referred by a speech therapist for consultations with specialist doctors (neuropathologist, psychiatrist, otolaryngologist) or at the PMPK.

14. The results of speech therapy classes are noted in the speech chart and brought to the attention of the teacher - educator, class teacher and parents (legal representatives). Responsibility for the obligatory attendance by children of classes at a speech therapy center and the fulfillment of the necessary requirements rests with the teacher - speech therapist, teachers of educational organizations and parents (legal representatives).

3. Teacher - speech therapist

15. A teacher-speech therapist is appointed a person who has a defectological education (specialty "speech therapy", "oligophrenopedagogue", "deaf teacher" subject to retraining courses), higher pedagogical education in the specialties: "teacher of the Russian (Kazakh) language and literature", "teacher primary school" with the obligatory passage of retraining courses in the specialty "speech therapy".

A teacher - a speech therapist is appointed and dismissed in the manner established for teachers of educational institutions.

The teacher - speech therapist is responsible for the timely identification of children with speech disorders, the acquisition of the item, the quality of remedial education.

16. A teacher - a speech therapist should:

1) conduct classes with children to correct shortcomings in oral and written speech, to help prevent and overcome poor progress due to a primary defect;

2) advise teachers and parents (legal representatives) on issues of academic failure due to speech disorders and give recommendations on its prevention and overcoming;

3) to carry out systematic communication with teachers working with children visiting a speech therapy center;

4) to communicate with preschool institutions, secondary schools and schools for children with severe speech disorders, speech therapists, doctors - specialists of children's clinics, PMPK, rehabilitation centers, offices of psychological and pedagogical correction;

5) promote speech therapy knowledge among educators, parents (legal representatives), speak at pedagogical councils, parent meetings with reports on the tasks, content, results of speech therapy work, the specifics of speech therapy correction to prevent and overcome the failure of schoolchildren with speech disorders;

6) participate in the work of methodological associations of teachers - speech therapists of the district, city;

7) draw up an annual report on the provision of speech therapy assistance and submit it to the administration of the educational organization;

8) improve their professional qualifications (once every 5 years) and be certified in the manner prescribed for teaching staff.

17. The weekly workload of a teacher-speech therapist is 18 hours, excluding time for advisory work.

4. Management of the speech therapy center

18. Management and control over the work of teachers - speech therapists is carried out by the educational authorities in charge of the speech therapy center, as well as the administration of the educational organization where the speech therapy center is open.

19. If there are several speech therapy centers in a district, city, region, methodological associations of teachers - speech therapists can be created in district (city), regional methodological rooms or in institutes for advanced training of educators.

The leadership of the methodological association of teachers - speech therapists is entrusted to one of the most experienced teachers - speech therapists, who, following the results of certification, has the title of senior teacher - methodologist, appointed by the education authorities.

20. In educational institutions remote from the district center (small-grade schools), the provision of speech therapy assistance to children can be carried out by teachers - educators of preschool organizations and teachers of the native language (primary grades) who have undergone course retraining in speech therapy. At the same time, speech therapy work is organized in accordance with these Rules, with additional payment in accordance with labor legislation.

21. Types of documentation of a speech therapist at a speech therapy center at a school:

1) register of children with speech impediments;

2) speech map;

3) logbook of attendance at speech therapy classes;

4) a long-term work plan for each group of students for the academic year;

5) daily work plan for each group;

6) annual work plan for the academic year;

7) timetable for classes of groups and subgroups, certified by the director of the school;

8) copies of reports on the work done for the academic year;

9) passport of the speech therapy room.

Tasks for the study of writing and reading.

Writing isolated letters to dictation

a) vowels:

A, Yu, U, Z, E, O, Yo

b) consonants:

H, W, F, S, T, K, M, N, P, 3, C

Letter under dictation of a series of letters

(with and without speaking)

a) vowels:



b) consonants:



A letter dictated by a series of syllables

(with and without speaking)

a) with oppositional phonemes:







b) with similar articles:


c) with a consonant in various positions:



Letter research

A letter under the dictation of syllables of words, phrases, phrases:

a) individual syllables and words:


b) words with oppositional phonemes:


c) words with homoorganic articulemms:


d) with repeating morphemes:



e) rare, complicated in sound structure:


Letter research

Letter under the dictation of phrases, phrases and text:

a) phrases:

Leaves rustle. There are flames all around. Dragonflies chirp loudly. Grasshoppers were chirping all around. The house is on fire, the broom is sweeping, the moon is shining. At the porch of a puddle. Children are looking for cones, went into the thicket. They were looking for cones, but they found a hedgehog. Pikes lived in the pond. The horn is buzzing. Marina dried raspberries. Lara broke the plate. Rimma washed the frame: Beautiful flowers bloomed on the acacia bushes.

b) texts:

From the left chicken foot

In a gourmet Parisian restaurant, a dish made from the left leg of a chicken is significantly more expensive than the same dish made from the right leg of the same chicken. The note to the menu gives the following explanation: during sleep, chickens stand for a long time on their right leg, so the meat of their left leg is more tender.

Yegel had the funniest balls in Moscow. This was said by the mothers, looking at their teenagers doing their newly learned steps. This was said by the teenagers themselves and the teenagers who danced until they dropped. This was said by grown girls and young people who came to these balls with the idea of ​​condescending to them and finding the best fun in them.

1) Writing off:

Winter in the forest

I'm walking along the path. A snowball fell from a tree. There is a gap under the pine trunk. There are traces. I thumped the trunk with my foot. The fluffy hare jumped into the clearing.


The whole birch flutters in the wind with green leaves. The birch grove rings with bird songs in spring. You walk through the forest, touch the white trunks and sticky leaves, look at the earrings, listen to the starling - it will become easy and joyful for you.

In winter, the birch sparkles with silver. In the early morning black grouse fly to the birch and peck brown catkins. Both winter and summer Russian birch is good!

(According to G. Snegirev)

2) Statement


There was frost. A bird sang merrily on the ice of the river. Here the bird jumped into the hole. There she looked for food. A minute later the bird jumped out onto the ice. She sang merrily again. This is a dipper. She is not cold. The feathers of the bird are covered with a layer of fat.

(According to V. Bianki)

Himalayan bear

The Himalayan bear lives in the mountain forests of Asia. He is all black, and on his chest is a white triangle, like a napkin. The Himalayan bear has very long legs. He quickly climbs trees. The bear loves wild apples, berries, nuts. The bear will climb onto the bird cherry, break the branches and suck the berries from them. In winter, he sleeps in the hollow of a large tree. It happens that a huge cedar is cut down in the taiga, brought to the village, and a bear crawls out of an empty trunk inside.

(According to G. Snegirev)

Ant and dove

The ant went down to the stream to drink. The wave swept over him, and he began to sink. The dove flew by. I saw a drowning ant and threw a twig to it. He climbed this twig to the shore. And the next day the hunter wanted to catch the dove in the net. An ant crept up and bit the hunter's finger. The hunter screamed, dropped the net, the dove flew up and flew away.



Texts for reading and retelling


A willow blossomed at the edge of the forest. There are no leaves on the tree yet, and the branches are entirely in flowers - in yellow fluffy balls. The whole willow looks like one yellow ball! The yellow ball is buzzing - so many bees take their first honey in it. By evening it got cold. The ball is silent. Some of the bees managed to fly into the hives. Others have cooled down - there is no strength to flap their wings. We stayed overnight on the flowers.

The real warmth has not yet arrived.

A. Mityaev


Have you ever had to peel garlic for dinner? Oh and annoying work! You brush your teeth, peel off the films from them, and the farther to the middle of the bulb, the fewer teeth, and their number is greater. Why are there so many? It's clear why. The more cloves, the more adult garlic plants will grow. Garlic cloves are very useful for humans.

In the old days, a clove of garlic was hung around the neck and they hoped that it would save them from diseases.

A. Smirnov

How a house is built

Previously, new houses were built for a very long time. At first, bricks were made at the factory. Then the bricklayer laid brick by brick in a row. One row will be laid, on it - the second, on the second - the third ... No matter how hard you try, you can’t build a house quickly!

What kind of fish does not exist in the world!

“Floats like an ax” - they say about those who cannot swim. After all, the ax is heavy and sinks in water. And yet there is an ax in the world that does not sink. This is a hatchet fish. There are other fish that have the same name as some objects.

There is a hammerhead fish. That is the name of a huge and terrible shark.

There is a sawfish. Her long, long nose is all set with teeth, exactly like a real saw.

Spatula fish swim in large flocks across the sea. They called them so because they are round, flat and able to burrow into the sand that covers the sea.

V. Lunin

gold autumn

Among small-sized pines on moss tussocks, the last berry of September ripens - cranberries. You take a berry, and a thin thread with leaves, like a myrtle, stretches.

The belated black grouse will poke and disappear into the bronze wild rosemary bush. On sunny days, the autumn landscape near Moscow is thoughtful. Emeralds of winter greens. Yellow-gray carpets of faded slopes. Crimson copses. Silver windings of the river in brightened valleys.

Majestic Russian golden autumn, it is never sad or boring.

Summer is retreating! The bright days are gone. The breath of the Arctic tames the sun, its path is lower and shorter.

The smokeless bonfires of falling leaves are burning brighter and brighter. The tops of the trees burn with red gilding. The forest turned yellow.

L. Neverov

Evening in the forest

Late afternoon. Somewhere out there, far away, the fading sun set behind the tops of the trees. And the rays are still burning on the onion trunks of pines. Even more beautiful is the dark forest, the gilded pine colonnade. Dark-skinned women are dressed in needle velvet - green Christmas trees. Like a proudly slender tree stands at the parade.

In the reflections of the evening dawn, a strip of a distant forest is visible. The jagged palisade of the spruce ridge pierced into the heavenly heights. Twilight fell. The clear dawn turns pale. Everything quickly fades into the darkness of the night.

But the moon has peeped out and with a soft light drives the darkness into the gorge of the forest thicket. A shroud of wavy snow on a clear meadow. Not a knot, not a mote, not a blade of grass - everything has been removed.

A. Zhukov

amazing mushrooms

Not a mushroom, but a head of cabbage! Do not look askance at such a "wonder of nature." This is an edible curly woodpecker weighing up to three kilograms. Smells like nuts. In botany, this is called "mushroom happiness."

You can also meet another rare mushroom - an attraction. Yellow-pink-red corals and cockscombs of hornbills. Do not neglect these original mushrooms without hats. They are edible, fragrant and delicate in taste.

Caught in the same places where mushrooms grow, mushrooms with light gray caps. Hundreds on one root. In a popular way - mushroom "ram"! He is edible.

* * *

Spring has come, water has flowed. The children took the boards, made a boat, launched the boat on the water. The boat floated, and the children ran after it, and shouted, and did not see anything in front of them, and fell into a puddle.

L. Tolstoy

* * *

Varya had a siskin. Chizh lived in a cage and never sang. Varya came to the chizh:

- It's time for you, siskin to sing.

- Let me go free, I will sing all day long.

L. Tolstoy

kind hostess

There lived a girl. And she had a rooster. The cockerel will get up in the morning and sing:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! Good morning, mistress!

He will run up to the girl, peck crumbs from her hands, sit next to her on the mound. Multi-colored feathers, as if oiled, the scallop in the sun casts gold. The rooster was good.

I once saw a girl with a neighbor chicken. She liked the chicken. She asks her neighbor:

- Give me the chicken, and I'll give you my cockerel.

The cockerel heard, hung the comb to the side, lowered his head, but there was nothing to do - the hostess herself gives.

The neighbor agreed - gave the chicken, took the cockerel. The girl became friends with the chicken. A fluffy chicken, warm, every day - a fresh testicle will be demolished.

- Where-where, my mistress! Eat an egg for health!

The girl will eat an egg, take a chicken on her knees, stroke her feathers, give her some water, treat her with millet. Only once a neighbor comes to visit with a duck. The girl liked the duck. She asks her neighbor:

- Give me your duck - I'll give you a chicken!

The hen heard, lowered her feathers, was sad, but there was nothing to do - the hostess herself gives.

The girl became friends with the duck.

They go to the river to swim together. The girl swims - and the duck next to her.

- Tas, tas, tas, my mistress! Do not swim far, the bottom of the river is deep!

A girl will come out onto the bank - and a duck will follow her.

A neighbor comes along. Leads the puppy by the collar. The girl saw:

- Oh what a cute puppy. Give me a puppy - take my duck!

The duck heard, flapped its wings, screamed, but there was nothing to do. A neighbor took it, put it under his arm and carried it away.

The girl stroked the puppy and said:

- I had a cockerel - I took a chicken for it, there was a chicken - I gave it for a duck, now I exchanged a duck for a puppy.

The puppy heard this, tucked its tail, hid under the bench, and at night opened the door with its paw and ran away.

I do not want to be friends with such a hostess! She does not know how to value friendship!

The girl woke up - she had no one.

Valentina Oseeva

* * *

Cacti grew in small pots. Their prickly stigmas protruded from the dry, cracked earth.

Once every ten days, Sasha helped her mother water the cacti! She was ready to water them every day, but her mother would not allow it. Mom said that these cacti were brought from hot countries, that at home they grow on stony dry highlands, where it very rarely rains. Therefore, they are accustomed to drinking not often, but in large quantities.

WITH. Georgievskaya

* * *

Autumn has come. The days are truly crystal clear! The air is strong, infused with fragrant apples, lush garden flowers and withering foliage. Gray cobwebs are floating in the wind, flocks of birds are circling in the sky. Autumn gilds the crowns and blushes the bushes. Trees popped up. Jasper maples literally glow among lindens and birches. Yes, and the lindens and birches themselves, as if in brocade capes: the colored leaves are so bright. The autumn forest, painted with the magic brush of September, looks like a fabulous palace.

A. Strizhev


Going down into the meadows, we see whitish thickets of sedge ahead. Mountain ash and bird cherry grow wildly on hillocks, its delicate aroma, like the smell of expensive perfumes, surrounds us. Dragonflies scurry over the bushes of wild rose and honeysuckle, hunting for mosquitoes! In the thick grass, where the mower has not yet reached, grasshoppers chirp insanely silently.

From afar you can see how white gulls soar up above the water thickets, as if someone is waving white handkerchiefs, and wild ducks rise after them.

I. Kodanev

Sonya of the reserved forest

What is it? A gap darkens in the snow. A streak of light, like a silver belt, embraced something large, furry. Under a snowdrift, in a lair, a bear lies and dozes in the silence of the night. He is not disturbed by the cold ray of the moon, which has made its way deep into the lair.

Yes, yes, yes, a bear in the suburbs. It winters in the protected Lukhovitsky forests. This clubfoot "vegetarian" is good-natured.

The bear is dozing, but sensitively listening to the restless life of the winter forest. Snowflakes barely audibly rustle against the bark of old aspens, glide along the dry oak leaves that have survived in some places, cling to the needles. The chicks sing softly. The woodpecker knocks. All this animal sensitive sleep is not a hindrance.

Articulation gymnastics.

An important role in the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds is played by a clear, precise, coordinated work of the articulatory apparatus (lips, tongue, lower jaw, soft palate).

To develop full-fledged movements of the lips, tongue, jaw, articulatory gymnastics is useful. Exercises should be understandable to the child, accessible, preferably learned in advance in front of a mirror.

It is necessary to carry out articulation gymnastics with a child every day for several minutes.

Articulation exercises are performed both sitting and standing.

The pace of execution and the number of exercises gradually increase.

It is most effective to perform articulation exercises under the count, with claps, to music, and also in combination with respiratory-head exercises.(exercises are performed from 5 to 10 -15 once).

An approximate set of exercises for articulation gymnastics

I. Exercises for the lower jaw:

1. Open your mouth wide and hold it open for a few seconds.

2. Chewing movements with closed lips.

3. Light tapping with teeth - lips are open.

4. "FENCE"- the upper jaw is on the lower, lips in a smile

II. Lip exercises:

1. "SMILE"- stretching open lips (teeth clenched) (Fig. 1),

2. "Tube" ("proboscis")- pulling lips forward(Fig. 2).

3. Alternation"SMILE"and"TUBE"

(The three previous exercises are also performed with closed lips).

4. Retraction of the lips into the mouth with tight pressing them to the teeth.

5. Pulling the lower lip under the upper.

III. Language exercises:(mouth wide open, lower jaw motionless):

1. "CHATTER"- moving the tongue back and forth.

2. "WATCH"- right left,(Fig. 4).

"SWING"- up down,(Fig. 3a, b).

4. Circular movements of the tongue.

5. "HORSES"- clicking (clicking) tongue.

6. "SHOVEL"- a wide, soft, relaxed tongue lies on the lower lip,(Fig. 5).

7. "NEEDLE" - a narrow, tense tongue sticks out forward,(Fig. 6).

8. "GROOT" - stick out a wide tongue, bend the side edges up, draw in the cheeks and air.

9. "FUNGUS" - a wide flat tongue sticks to the hard palate, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the molars,(Fig. 7).

10. "CUP" - a wide cup-shaped tongue is raised up, the edges are pressed to the upper lip,(Fig. 8).

11 "PUSS IS ANGRY" - arching up and moving forward the back of the tongue, while the tip of the tongue is pressed against the lower teeth

12. “Punish the naughty tongue” - a) biting the tip of a wide tongue (“SHOVEL”), while smiling at the lips; b) slapping a wide, relaxed tongue (“SHOVEL”) with relaxed lips.

2. Breathing exercises

(An approximate complex, supplemented in the process of articulation and finger gymnastics (warm-up) 3-10 times each exercise).

1. Deep inhalation through the nose - long exhalation through the mouth.

2. "FREEZE THE CHIN"- pull the lower lip under the upper one and blow cold air down the chin for a long time, perform silently and on one exhalation.

3 "FREEZE THE PALM"- stretch closed lips, substitute the back of the hand under the chin, blow for a long time on one exhalation along the chin to the back of the hand.

4. Repeat exercise. 2.3 with the addition: pronounce the syllable fa in a whisper on one exhalation.

5. "WARM PALM"- arms bent at the elbows, palms in front at a distance of 15-20 cm from the mouth, blow warm air on the palms.

6. Repeat exercise. 5 with the addition: in a whisper on one forced exhalation, pronounce the syllable XA.

7. Prolonged pronunciation of vowel sounds on one exhalation, first in a quiet, then in a loud voice: A (E), U (O), S, I.

The sequence of pronunciation may vary. For several days, the sounds are pronounced together with the adult, but control of the position of the articulatory posture is mandatory.(lips) in the mirror.

Further(in a week, two, a month...) the participation of an adult is reduced only to silently showing the child an articulatory posture of a vowel sound. The child guesses and pronounces independently.

8. Pronunciation on one exhalation of combinations of 2, then 3 vowel sounds:

a)AU, UA, AO, OA, AI, IA, UI, IU


9. Pronouncing the same syllables on one exhalation:




HA-HA "---" HA-HA-HA

10. Pronunciation on one exhalation of syllables with different vowels:



Note: sounds X , Ф are taken because they are the easiest to pronounce and almost always almost always flawless

Hand motor development.

Researchers from different countries have established, and confirmed by practice, that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine finger movements.

As a rule, if finger movements are developed in accordance with age, then the speech development of the child is within the age norm.

Therefore, training the movements of the fingers and hands is the most important factor stimulating the speech development of the child, contributing to the improvement of articulation movements, preparing the hand for writing, and, no less important, a powerful tool that increases the efficiency of the cerebral cortex, stimulating the development of the child's thinking. It is no coincidence that finger exercises in Japan begin to be performed from 2-3 months.

Work on the development of finger and hand movements should be carried out systematically for 2-5 minutes daily

At first, children have difficulty in performing many exercises. Therefore, exercises are practiced gradually and are initially performed passively, with the help of adults at a slow pace. The pace and the number of repetitions gradually increase.

A beneficial effect on the development of movements of the hands and fingers is provided by self-massage, as well as visual activities (sculpting, drawing, appliqué) and manual labor (making crafts from paper, cardboard, wood, fabric, thread, chestnuts, acorns, straw, etc. .).

A special place in the development of fine motor skills is occupied by systematic work with scissors (cutting along the contour, cutting objects along the contour “by eye”).

Approximate complex and samples of exercises for finger gymnastics

(exercises are performed from 5 to 10-15 times)

1. Squeezing the fingers into a fist and unclenching the fingers of both hands at the same time, then in turn (hands in front, above or to the sides),(Fig. 9 a, b).

2. Bending and bending of the hands at the same time, then in turn,(Fig. 10 a, b).

3. Exercises with a “lock” (fingers intertwined, palms clenched): squeezing the palms, turning, tilting to the right and left, unclenching the fingers without disengaging the “lock” - “SUN RAYS”(Fig. 11a, b).

4. Exercises with closed palms to overcome resistance:

tilts to the right-left, back and forth (arms in front of the chest), spreading the hands to the sides without opening the wrists (arms extended forward),(Fig. 12a, b, c, d).

5. "SCISSORS" - spreading the fingers to the sides and bringing together first one, then the other hand, then both hands together,(Fig. 13).

6. "CLAWS" - strong semi-flexion and extension of the fingers,(Fig. 14).

7. Pressing with the palm of one hand on the closed fingers of the other, overcoming resistance.(Fig. 15).

8. Bending the palm of one hand with a half-clenched fist of the other with overcoming resistance,(Fig. 16).

9. Rotation of the thumbs (fingers, except for the thumbs, are locked into the lock), then strongly squeeze the pads of the thumbs,(Figure 17).

10. Flexion and extension of the fingers in turn, starting with the little finger, then with the thumb, into a fist (one hand, the other, two at the same time)(Fig. 18a,b).

11. "FINGERS WELCOME"- contact of the fingertips with the thumb (right hand, left hand, two at the same time).

12. "FINGERS WELCOME"- contact in turn of the pads of the fingers of the right and left hands (large with large, index with index, etc.),(fig. 19), and then"STRONG HANDSHAKE"- pressing the pads of the fingers.

13. "FIST - RING"- the fingers of one hand are clenched into a fist, and the fingers of the other in turn form a ring with a large one, then the positions of the hands change

14. "FIST - PALM"- arms extended forward at chest level.

One hand is clenched into a fist, the other with a straightened palm down, then the position of the hands changes.

Exercises for finger gymnastics at the table

1. Free patting with brushes on the table alternately and simultaneously.

2. Free tapping of the fingers on the table with both hands and alternately.

3. Alternately raising and lowering the fingers (the hands lie on the table).

a) right hand

b) left hand

c) both hands at the same time.

4. Imitation of playing the piano.

5. Spreading the fingers apart and bringing them together (palms on the table).

6. "THE PEOPLE RUNNING"(index and middle fingers of the right, then left, then both hands).

7. "FOOTBALL"- hammering balls, sticks with one, two fingers.

8. Alternately changing the position of the hands"FIST - PALM - RIB".It is performed first with the right, then with the left, then with both hands together. The order of movements changes.

9. Pressing alternately with fingertips on the surface of the table. It is performed first with one, then with the other, and after that with both hands at the same time.

10. Tapping alternately with fingertips on the table of one, the other hand, and then both hands at the same time.

4. Self-massage of hands and fingers.

1. Pressing with strongly clenched four fingers of one

hands on the base of the thumb, the middle of the palm, the base of the fingers of the other hand,(Fig. 20). Then the position of the hands changes.

2. Rubbing the palms with a hexagonal pencil with a gradual increase in effort,(Fig. 21)

3. Rubbing the palms with up and down movements,(Fig. 22).

4. Rubbing the side surfaces of interlocked fingers,(Fig. 23).

5. Kneading, then rubbing each finger along, then across,(Fig. 24).

6. Put a walnut between the palms, make circular movements, gradually increasing the pressure and pace. You can do the exercise with two walnuts, rolling one over the other, with one hand, then with the other,(Fig. 25).

7. Pressing the unsharpened pencil on the pain points of the palm, then rotating the pencil to the right, to the left.

8. Kneading the right hand with the fingers of the left and vice versa, then alternately rubbing.


1. Annex 3 to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "3" September 2004 No. 712 "On approval of regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of types of special educational organizations"

2. Povalyaeva M.A. Handbook of a speech therapist - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2002. - 448 p.

3. Eletskaya O.V., Gorbachevskaya N.Yu. Organization of speech therapy work at school. M.: TC Sphere, 2007.


Speech is a means of regulating human mental activity. It organizes the processes of memory and perception, facilitates the recognition and discrimination of objects. Speech plays an important role in the formation and course of volitional processes, as well as emotional experiences.

The manual deals with the organization and content of the activities of a speech therapist teacher in a general education school, his certification in accordance with currently existing regulatory and instructive and methodological documents.
Speech therapists and representatives of the administration of institutions for school-age children will find materials in the manual that are the result of a generalization of practical experience in working with children with speech disorders and help optimize educational and correctional work in a school speech center, increasing the level of professional competence.

School logopoint: organization and content of the work.
We consider it important to recall that each region, any other administrative-territorial unit has its own local regulations governing educational activities, including speech therapists, but these local documents should not contradict federal ones and worsen the working conditions of specialists.

Also in the manual there is a section containing materials from the experience of teachers-speech therapists of a school speech center and contributing to a more rational and effective implementation in practice of the requirements and recommendations of documents of federal significance. For example, first, the types of speech therapy documentation necessary in the organization of the activities of a speech therapist of a school are listed, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and then each of them is presented and the features of its design and maintenance are explained, taking into account their own work experience.

Organization of the work of a speech therapist and speech therapy center
General provisions on the organization of speech therapy work in a school speech center
Responsibilities of a speech pathologist
Requirements for qualification in the ranks of the payment
Regulatory support for certification of teachers-speech therapists of educational institutions
Regulations on the procedure for attestation of pedagogical and executive employees of state and municipal educational institutions
Regulatory and legal framework for the educational activities of a speech therapist teacher
Distribution of working hours of a speech therapist
Organization of speech therapy work
Basic requirements for the content and design of a speech therapy room
Equipment for a speech therapy room
Requirements for the content and design of a speech therapy room
Basic requirements for maintaining and storing speech therapy documentation
Documentation of a speech therapist
Basic requirements for the storage of documentation
Algorithm for organizing, conducting and evaluating correctional and developmental classes
Correctional and developmental classes and requirements for their conduct
Principles of correctional developmental education and means for their implementation
Sounds [s], [s "]
Retelling a story using a series of plot pictures
Psychological and didactic analysis and evaluation of a correctional and developmental lesson
Appendix 1. Variants of speech therapy conclusions, taking into account the nature and structure of speech disorders
Appendix 2
Appendix 3. Option to fill out and maintain a speech card
Appendix 4
Annex 5. Approximate thematic planning of speech therapy classes
Annex 6. Consultations and methodological work
Annex 7. An approximate scheme for self-analysis of the activities of a speech therapist
List of used and recommended literature.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book School logopoint, Organization and content of work, Bachina O.V., Vilocheva MP, 2009 -, fast and free download.

  • The content and organization of speech therapy work of a teacher-speech therapist of a general educational institution, Bessonova T.P., 2010
  • Sounds "C", "Z", "C", I distinguish you, Table speech therapy games for children aged 5-7 years, Ilyakova N.E., 2009
  • Speech therapy work with younger students with mental retardation, Korzhaeva E.E., 2011
  • Speech therapy classes for the development of coherent speech of younger students, Written coherent speech, Part 3, Andreeva N.G., 2010

Speech at the parent meeting in the ShBP

The work of a speech therapist at school.


To acquaint parents with the main areas of work of a speech therapist at school.

What does a speech therapist do at school?

Communicating with parents, one often hears: “Why should we go to a speech therapist at school? We all speak sounds normally”, or “What does a speech therapist do at school?”.

The main areas of work of a speech therapist at school are the correction of reading and writing disorders, as well as the prevention (prevention) of these disorders, which are the most common forms of speech pathology in younger students.

It is widely believed that speech therapists only "put" sounds, i.e. correct the wrong pronunciation. This is not entirely true.

The global goal of speech therapy impact is the development of the entire speech system as a whole, namely:

1. development of coherent speech,

2. pronunciation correction,

3. accumulation and improvement of the dictionary,

4. development of physical and speech hearing,

5. development of the grammatical side of speech,

6. development of articulation motility,

7. learning the skills of word formation and inflection.

In the course of work, a number of additional tasks are solved:

Development of mental processes (attention, memory, perception, thinking);

Formation of elementary learning skills (to be able to listen carefully to the teacher, purposefully and diligently perform the task, adequately evaluate the result of one's work and correct mistakes);

Formation of the prerequisites for teaching literacy (learning the sound analysis of words, familiarity with the concepts of "sound, word, sentence", the development of fine motor skills and spatial orientation);

Prevention and correction of writing and reading disorders.

Speech problems cause difficulties in mastering certain school subjects, which is the most common cause of school maladaptation, a decrease in learning motivation, and behavioral deviations that arise in connection with this.

The causes of speech disorders are many-valued. It is impossible to solve them quickly, but it is also impossible to pretend that they do not exist. These children need a special approach, increased attention. They need the help of teachers and parents, moreover, timely, qualified, systematic help. This approach is carried out by the speech therapist of the school.

Speech therapy support for students includes:

Student survey

1. Preparation of survey materials.

2. Carrying out express - diagnostics of early detection of violations of writing and reading, examination of oral speech among students of the 1st grade.

3. Carrying out a frontal survey among students.

4. Carrying out an in-depth individual examination of children accepted and attending a speech therapy center.

5. Filling out speech cards, paperwork.

6. Repeated speech therapy examination based on the results of training for the year.

According to the work schedule, individual and frontal speech therapy classes are systematically conducted.

Main areas of work with children:

  1. Prevention and early detection of reading and writing disorders.
  2. Work on the development of basic mental processes (attention, memory, thinking), the development of grapho-motor skills, visual-motor tracking, spatial, temporal representations.
  3. Development of the articulatory-phonetic side of speech.
  4. Development of phonemic hearing and perception, language analysis and synthesis.
  5. Staging sounds, the introduction of sequential sounds into speech.
  6. Differentiation of sounds and letters in written speech.
  7. Fixing the graphic images of letters, fixing the connection between sound and letter.
  8. Expansion and refinement of vocabulary, work on morphemic analysis, word formation and inflection.
  9. Work on the grammatical structure of speech, grammatical design of oral and written statements.
  10. Work on coherent oral and written speech.
  11. Automation of reading skills, work on intonation, expressiveness and pace of reading, reading comprehension.

Corrective speech therapy work with students of the 1st grade:

  1. An exercise in differentiating opposition groups of sounds by ear and in pronunciation.
  2. Acquaintance with all vowels and the rules for their spelling.
  3. Differentiation of vowels of the 1st and 2nd series.
  4. The designation of the softness of a consonant by means of a vowel of the 2nd row.
  5. Formation of actions of changing words.
  6. Free operation of sound and graphic models of words.
  7. Formation of grammatically correct coherent speech. Vocabulary development.
  8. Enrichment, consolidation and activation of the dictionary with nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
  9. Work on understanding the meaning of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and polysemantic words in different parts of speech.
  10. Development of generalizing concepts, classification of objects.
  11. Work on the formation of coherent speech.
  12. Word building work. Systematization of children's knowledge about the ways of word formation.