Report on the student's educational practice. Sample report on undergraduate practice audit

Now we invite you to analyze an example of a report on field trips. More precisely, our task will be to:

  • explain what a practice report is;
  • consider its types;
  • tell you how to get started;
  • give an example of a structure;
  • explain how the diary is filled out.

The practice report is an integral part of the student's work, which helps the teacher to understand whether the student understands this area, what are his professional skills.

Where to begin

The practice is passed three times during the entire period of study (educational, industrial and pre-diploma). We will take a closer look at each type. Examples of reports on industrial practice or pre-diploma, which are posted for free viewing, do not always meet the standards and norms of the university where students are studying. It is for this reason that it is necessary to do this work on your own, which will further facilitate the work with the graduation project.

Both production and undergraduate practice begins with the fact that you need to take methodological materials from the graduating department that are necessary for the correct and competent writing of the report. These materials contain the following information:

  • tasks;
  • goals;
  • design recommendations;
  • practice plan (that is, tasks that are assigned to the student during the internship, but not more than four).

Start your work by studying the received methodological materials. Study the theoretical part of the question, then proceed to the collection of information about the activities of the enterprise (practice base). Industrial and undergraduate practice involves collecting information about the activities of the enterprise, analyzing the data received and suggesting ways to improve activities.


An educational institution has the right to put forward its own special requirements for the structure of practice reports. If not, then stick to the standard form:

  • title page;
  • content;
  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion;
  • applications.

Please note that during the passage it is necessary to fill out a diary of industrial practice or pre-diploma. If the base of production and undergraduate practice is one enterprise, then the information in the diary should not differ much. Note also that reports on different types of practice are not significant, but differ from each other. Now let's talk about this in a little more detail.


In total, students undergo three types of practice during their studies. The similarities and differences between them can be judged by examining the table in this section.

Type of practice


This is the simplest type of practice, which does not involve introducing the student into the work environment. As a rule, these are group classes where you need to study theoretical material and perform some practical tasks. The structure of the report is the same as described above.


Next, we will consider an example of a field trip report, where each item will be described in detail. Note that the student is already immersed in the work environment. The obligatory task that is set before the student is his own recommendation for improving the enterprise.


This is the final step. Some of this material can be placed directly into your thesis. During the internship, you must decide on the topic of your graduation project and, when writing, focus on this particular direction.

Any internship report must contain documents that include: internship diary, student profile, explanatory note.

Explanatory note

As mentioned earlier, an explanatory note is one of the necessary documents. What is it? In this document, the student must very briefly, but clearly describe his actions during the internship. A brief summary of this company would also be useful.

The section includes a note from an example of a field trip report. Please note that when reading a note, the teacher should not doubt that you really wrote this report yourself.


During the internship, your supervisor may give some tasks that will help him find out what kind of specialist you are. Please note that the work should be taken responsibly, because, based on these results, the head of practice from the enterprise will write a description. Your manager, based on all the documents submitted to him, will give an assessment on the outcome of the work.

The better the characteristic, the higher the score you will receive on the defense of the practice report.

Filling out a diary

A diary of work practice or pre-diploma is an important part of the work. This document is filled out independently by the student and carries information about the daily stages of the internship. This also includes individual tasks that can be received by a student from a supervisor (from an enterprise or university).

The form of the document is mandatory provided to students. The diary is filled out quite easily: just write everything that you did at this enterprise. For example: "04/20/2017 / Study of regulatory documents. 04/21/2017 / Work in the "A" program, familiarity with the rules for reporting, and so on." Please note that the diary must be stamped and signed by your curator from the place of internship.

Sample plan and brief description of practice report points

Now we will briefly consider an example of a report on industrial practice at the enterprise LLC "A". To begin with, we draw up a title page according to the requirements of your educational institution. Next comes the title:

  • Introduction (goals, objectives, documents and regulations used in the work, description of work steps).
  • The main part (as a rule, these are two parts: theoretical and practical). Theoretical - description of the organization, practical - analysis of the collected analytical information, calculations, suggestions for improving the work.
  • Conclusion (in this section, it is necessary to summarize the work done, describe the knowledge and skills gained during it).

Please note that all work is written in a business style. An example of a field trip report plan can be seen in the picture in this section.

Department of Accounting and Audit

on pre-diploma practice of the student of the _ course

group ___________ full name _ ___________________________________

Base (enterprise) name of the enterprise

Head of practice from MIEMP _________________________

position, full name

Head of practice from the enterprise __________________________

position, full name

Moscow 2013

Calendar plan................................................ ................................................. .

Diary................................................. ................................................. .................

Review................................................. ................................................. ...................

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ................

1. General characteristics of the organization's activities ..........................................

1.1. Brief description of the organization ............................................................... .........

1.2. The current management system .................................................................. .........

1.3. Analysis of economic indicators of production and economic

activities of the organization .................................................. ................................

2. Organization of accounting in the organization .......................................

2.1. The level of organization of the work of accounting and its content ..............................

2.2. Features of accounting for settlements with personnel for payment

labor ................................................. ................................................. .................

3. Audit check of settlements with personnel for wages ..................................

3.1. Audit planning .................................................................. .................................

3.2. Auditing compliance with labor laws ..........

3.3. Auditing the correctness of payroll.

3.4. Auditing the correctness of deductions from wages ..............................................

3.5. Audit of the accrual of insurance premiums ............................................... ........

3.6. Audit results .................................................................. ...............................................

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. .........

Literature................................................. ................................................. ..........

Applications ................................................. ................................................. ........

Calendar plan

Name of topics

Date (period)








(department, working

Familiarization with the structure



Learning practical


work experience of employees

accounting department for


Organization study


accounting and analytical

a) organization


b) the order of compilation

primary documents

c) the order of compilation

financial statements

d) organization of inspections and

inventory work

Accounting and audit of settlements with


pay staff

Generalization and



practical material for

graduation preparation



Making a report on



Practice report defense


Practice leader:

undergraduate practice

at the enterprise Limited Liability Company "_____"(Name of the organization)

in the period from "__" __________ 2013 to "__" __________ 2013

group student ______________ Full name _____________________________

Practice leader _ ____________________________________________

(full name, position, academic title, academic degree)

Responsible person's signature

person from the organization

Getting to know the company.

Induction training

The study of constituent


Studying the industry



organizational structure


Familiarization with



Introduction to regulation

accounting activities

Accounting research

organization policy

Learning order



Staging study


Form study


Learning registers


Object exploration


Inventory study

Analysis of indicators

main activity

Analysis of indicators of other


Analysis of profit indicators

Analysis of indicators


Analysis of settlements with

pay staff

Evaluation of indicators

pay efficiency

Planning organization


settlements with personnel



verification of settlements with

pay staff

Collection of necessary

material and its


Making a report on


About the pre-diploma practice of a MIEMP student

Passed undergraduate practice

in _____ LLC in the period from _________________ to _______________ 2013

name of practice base

During the period of practice __________________________ worked in the position accountant of the second category.

(performed the duties of ________________)

Conducted practical research in the organization

LLC "_____" in order to analyze settlements with personnel for remuneration and the formation of these indicators in the financial statements of the organization.

The resulting analytical material was used to develop methodological recommendations and proposals for improving and improving the organization's activities.


The purpose of undergraduate practice is to consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge gained in the process of studying at the university,

formation of skills and personal qualities necessary for future professional activity.

The main task of the practice is to collect and study the features of the organization of accounting at a public catering enterprise, as well as the formation of these indicators in the financial statements of the organization.

To solve this problem during the internship, the following tasks were performed:

Acquaintance with the literature, which highlights domestic and foreign experience in the activities of public catering enterprises,

which the selected object of study is occupied;

- study of regulatory documents on accounting and methodological provisions for the formation of these indicators in the financial statements that regulate the work of public catering enterprises;

- analysis of the collected factual material, study of the company's official documentation, familiarization with accounting information,

preparation of the necessary graphic material; - summarizing the collected material.

The object of pre-graduation practice is the restaurant "_____" LLC.

The subject of undergraduate practice is the methodology of accounting at public catering enterprises.

1. General characteristics of the organization's activities

1.1. Brief description of the organization

The _____ enterprise was registered with the Moscow City Administration in May 2002. Registration number - No. 258.

Restaurant "_____" is a public catering enterprise.

At the heart of its economic activity is the restaurant "_____"

is guided by the "Rules for the provision of catering services", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated

This document was developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and regulates relations between consumers and contractors in the provision of catering services.

The mode of operation of the enterprise "_____" is established by decision of the relevant executive authorities.

For the restaurant "_____" the highest class is established in accordance with the state standard. Restaurant "_____" complies with the sanitary, fire safety rules, technological standards established in state standards.

Restaurant "_____" independently determines the list of services provided in the field of catering. The enterprise has an assortment list of catering products produced by it that meets the mandatory requirements of regulatory documents.

The public catering enterprise "_____" has a book of reviews and suggestions, which is presented to the consumer at his request.

Trade and commercial enterprise restaurant "_____" - a public catering enterprise.

The composition of the production capacities of the enterprise under study is shown in Table 1.

Table 1

The structure of the production premises of the restaurant "_____" on

The confectionery shop and the kitchen produce their own products.

Culinary products are produced from both own and purchased goods.

The markup in the enterprise restaurant "_____" is 65%.

The number of seats in the dining room of the restaurant is

table 2

List of equipment used in the restaurant "_____"

Name of equipment


Cabinet oven

electric frying pan

dough mixer

refrigerators compartment

Refrigerator household

Electric cookers

cream beater

Prices for own products

production are reflected in

calculation cards, which are reflected in Appendix 5 of this

1.2. Existing management system

The management staff of _____ LLC consists of employees,

providing management of the enterprise. This includes the leaders of the company.

Figure 1 shows the organizational structure of management

OOO "_____". To a greater extent than any of the known ones, it corresponds to the analyzed enterprise both in terms of industry, and in terms of average size, and in terms of the scale of activity.










Rice. 1. Organizational structure of management of _____ LLC

General management of the restaurant is carried out by the General Manager,

he is the chief manager of the enterprise, who analyzes and controls the overall work of his subordinates, he also entrusts tasks to senior employees for their implementation in order to achieve the overall goals of the company. He also deals with labor and wages, accounting and finance.

The competence of the General Director of _____ LLC includes the following issues:

Definition of strategic goals and priorities for the development of the restaurant;

Industrial practice is an important stage of the educational process, however, in most cases, instead of working in their specialty, students are forced to do small assignments that have nothing to do with what they need to study. However, at the end of the practice, each student is required to submit a practice report to his department, which should describe in detail the activities, the application of the theoretical knowledge gained, and so on. Preparing a high-quality practice report requires a lot of effort and time, which is extremely difficult for a modern student, who is often forced to combine study with work, to find.

Work code The type of work Subject
700 Practice report Industrial practice at the enterprise as an accountant at S-Diesel LLC (provision of production, marketing, leasing, trust services)
704 Practice report Accounting report on the industrial practice of an economist with the seals of the organization of the company LLC
08-713 Practice report Training practice for an assistant accountant at Premiera LLC (wholesale and retail sales of tableware). Synthetic and analytical accounting of non-cash settlements at the enterprise
716 Practice report Industrial practice of an economist in the store "Kangaroo" Composition and structure of turnover
718 Practice report Sample report on practice at the enterprise. Training practice of a legal assistant. Administrative liability for traffic violations
720 Practice report Report on practice at the enterprise. Educational practice in the specialty accounting. Accounting for labor and its payment at the enterprise Teorema LLC
728 Practice report Report on the undergraduate practice of an economist with the seal of the organization CJSC "..." Pricing policy and its impact on financial performance
734 Practice report Undergraduate practice as a financial manager in an LLC
88-745 Practice report Diary of undergraduate practice of an economist at ZAO IK
750 Practice report Educational practice of the financial manager. Financial analysis and forecasting of the enterprise activity at the LLC enterprise
753 Practice report Work experience as an HR manager in a recruitment agency. Improving the personnel management of the enterprise Aich Ar Services LLC
761 Practice report An example of a practice report. Work practice as an economist in a construction company Sayany Center LLC
88-762 Practice report Report on the summer practice of a financial manager
53-773 Practice report Report on practice in the specialty financial management. Passage of industrial practice accounting of wages Melodin Vostok LLC (catering services)
775 Practice report

How to write and draw up a practice report, what types of practice there are, what are the similarities and differences - the article will help you figure this out and compile a high-quality report on the work done.

Any kind of practice- this is the consolidation of the studied material and the application of knowledge in real conditions. Based on the results of the internship, the student provides a report in which he describes the internship, analyzes what has been done, draws conclusions, and makes recommendations.

The report is accompanied by a diary, characteristics of the student and an explanatory note.

The training programs provide for the following types of practice:

Introductory, during this time the student gets acquainted with the profession in which to work. The report includes the study of general characteristics, organizational structures and charters of enterprises, the content of job responsibilities. The size of such a report is 12-20 printed pages.

Tasks and formal content educational practice similar to introductory, but it is held in an educational institution. Students repeat and reinforce the material covered by solving problems and considering situations from life. The concepts of educational and introductory practice are often confused.


On production practice the student participates in the normal operation of the organization under the supervision of an experienced employee. A report on this practice is expected demonstration of independent work and analysis of the results. The average size is 25-30 pages.


Undergraduate practice designed to collect the material of the thesis. In the process of passing, the student should acquire the skills and professional qualities that will be needed in future work in the specialty.

The information from the report on this practice is subsequently used in the final qualifying work and can seriously affect the score.


Practice Report Structure

Before the internship, the student is given a methodological manual with requirements for the structure, content and design of the report.


The internship process is supervised by a teacher who explains how the internship goes, helps with advice on paperwork, issues internship diary forms and manuals.

The student goes to the enterprise with a drafted and plan agreed with the curator work, which lists the goals and objectives.

For all types of practice, the goals are the same:

  • assessment of the knowledge gained during the internship;
  • learn how to apply the information received in practice;
  • analysis of the organization's activities.


If there are no additional wishes of the university, then the standard practice report structure includes the following items:

Name Content
1 Title page Name of the university and faculty, specialty, topic and type of report, group number or name, full name of the student, full name of the teacher responsible for the test, legal name of the organization in which the practice was, city, year of the report.
2 Content The names of the sections of the report, where the numbers of the corresponding pages are indicated.
3 Introduction Enumeration and argumentation of goals and objectives for work, object and subject of research, expected result.
4 Main part The theoretical part, which describes the objective characteristics of the enterprise and ongoing processes;

The practical component, where the trainee's functionality, role, calculations and data analysis are indicated.

5 Conclusion Evaluation of the student's own work, recommendations for optimization, conclusions about the results achieved.
6 Bibliography List of sources used as an addition to the practical work process.
7 Applications Graphics, tables, diagrams, documentation, data from which the compiler refers.

Practice Diary

Diary is a report on the daily work performed and the results obtained. For each day of practice, the date, type of activity, conclusions are indicated.

The university may require certification of each page of the diary with the seal of the organization where the practice took place. A fully completed diary is signed by the curator, confirming the authenticity.


Intern characteristics

The feature is manager's feedback which tells about the quality of the student's work, the degree of involvement in the process, attendance. A recommended grade is indicated at the end of the document.


Attention! The characteristic is not obligatory for the report on fact-finding (educational) practice!

Explanatory note

Additionally, an explanatory note may be required in which the student summarizes the information contained in the report. The size of such a note is no more than 1 printed sheet of A4 format.

Protection of the practice report

For defense, many universities require to prepare practice report presentation. The slides should reflect the main theses of the report. You can add photos from practice to them.


Design Requirements

  • The volume, depending on the type of practice, is up to 45 A4 printed pages;
  • Margins on the page: left 30 mm, right, top and bottom - 20 mm each;
  • Pages should be numbered from the title page. At the same time, we do not put numbers on the title page itself and on the appendices;
  • Font Times New Roman with one and a half spacing. Font size 14, for highlighting headings - 16;
  • Indent for new paragraphs 1.25 pt;
  • The text should be divided into logical and readable sections, with correct headings. Each section should start on a new line.
  1. Collect as many documents and materials as possible during your practice. A large amount of information will allow you to compile a complete detailed report on the enterprise.
  2. In your field trip, don't forget to keep a practice diary regularly. Then it will be very difficult to remember every day what you did. A properly designed diary can add a couple of points.
  3. In the report on undergraduate practice in the main part or in conclusion, we recommend mentioning the topic of the thesis.


So, depending on the type of practice, a report on the passage is compiled. The closer the student is to graduation, the deeper they will have to immerse themselves in the work process.

A practical task is an important stage of the educational process, which implies the assimilation of theory in practice. Most students, after several courses of study, have an internship at work or at their educational institution. At the end of this period, a report on the practice must be drawn up and submitted to the teacher. How to write a report, how to draw up and what documents to include in the structure, this will be discussed further, and a sample template will be attached to each subsection as a bonus.

Typical Report Structure by Practice

In most universities, students undergo 3 types of practice during their studies - educational within the framework of an educational institution, then industrial (technological) at a selected enterprise, and graduation from a university is not complete without pre-diploma practice. Understand what to write in a practice report based on its variety.

Educational practice (introductory). Example

Educational practice is also called introductory, as it involves a superficial acquaintance with the enterprise and the production process without a practical component. The structure and plan of the study practice report are the simplest options for the practice report. If we compare it with the archival version, which is the standard sample, the only difference is the lack of a practical part.

The practice takes place in the educational institution itself by groups of students to obtain maximum information about the organizational structure of the enterprise. The study practice report includes several structural elements:

  • title page;
  • brief annotation;
  • content;
  • introduction to the report;
  • main part;
  • conclusion;
  • indication of the bibliographic list of used literature;
  • application documents;
  • a complex with documents on the passage of practice - a diary, a review, a characteristic.

You can see the design of the study practice report on the example:

Internship. Example

Drawing up a report on work experience is a more responsible and difficult job, since the student is really at work, which means that the structure will include both a theoretical and a practical part. In addition to all the structural elements indicated in the previous version of the practice, the work experience in the report may be accompanied by its own requirements for registration of the university.

The structure also contains:

  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion;
  • applications;
  • bibliography.

As a rule, an internship report contains 30-40 pages, proving with its internal content the actual internship at the enterprise. The titulnik is necessarily indicated by the signature and seal from the head of the enterprise. The accompanying documents are the student's practice diary and a description, like a review from the supervisor.

You can see how to write a report on field practice using an example:

Undergraduate practice. Example

The most crucial moment in a student's education is the undergraduate practice. The completed report is submitted just before the defense of the diploma, after which the student is issued documents on obtaining education. The structure of the pre-diploma practice report contains all of the above subsections, but in the main body of the text and in the final subsection, information regarding the thesis is mentioned.

The structural elements are the same - the title, plan, introduction, main body, conclusion and literature. Before a student takes an internship, he needs to choose a topic for writing a diploma for the future, since the topic of a diploma and pre-diploma practice must necessarily overlap. Writing a diploma and its defense is a kind of conclusion of a student of pre-diploma practice and study in general.

How the report on undergraduate practice should look like can be viewed in the example below:

Universal samples

The practice report on the student's internship must fully comply with the requirements regarding the design and composition of the text part. There are generally accepted norms of how the title page, introduction and conclusions should look in an internship report, regardless of the type of practical work and the university.

The rules for the design of the title page do not depend on the type of practice and other factors, a sample can be seen in the example below:

An example of what the introduction should look like:

An example of how a conclusion should look like in a student practice report can be seen in the picture below:

Before starting to write a practice report and design a title page, introduction, main part, conclusion and other attachments, the student needs to consult with the teacher, what year samples should be used, and where to get them - in the training manual from the educational institution or universal templates according to GOST .

Ready-made reports on the practice on the Internet. How can they be used?

Practice is an integral element of the educational process of a lawyer, economist, teacher and other future professionals. Accordingly, everyone will face the question of what a practice report is and how it should be drawn up. Most teachers give instructions and summaries for internships, but the main source is the Internet.

The easiest way to correctly issue and write a report is to download a ready-made version of the report on the Internet that meets all the requirements and GOST. If there is a report on the Internet that matches the subject of the student's practice, this does not mean that the document needs to be copied and passed off as your work. You can use it as a template, but make your own corrections, views and techniques, making the work absolutely unique.

How to work on a practice report on your own, what materials will help?

Having a referral to practice from the supervisor, it is important for the student to immediately get down to work on writing a report on the practice, so that as he visits the production site, keep working records in a timely manner. To do this, you need to take a training manual at the department, where all the requirements for the structure and design of the report will be described. After that, several steps are supposed to be performed:

  1. Compilation of the title page- it displays the standard header of the university, type of work, name and base of passage, personal data of the student, city of location of the university and year of delivery.
  2. Drawing up a work plan- an example of a plan can be in the training manual or compiled by the student on their own, including 3-4 tasks of research work, the maximum allowable number of paragraphs is 10.
  3. Drafting an introduction- a short announcement of future work, which is based solely on the outline of the article. The introduction should follow several principles:
  • relevance- you need to write about the importance of the industry of the enterprise, as well as the need to study this area, describe the base for the internship, its role in this area, and it is also important for the student to have an internship as a future specialist;
  • goal- it is indicated that the student's knowledge will be applicable in the course of studying the practical functioning of production;
  • tasks- there will be as many tasks as there are points in the content, these points are simply rephrased in the context of the phrases “explore”, “study”, “analyze” and “characterize”;
  • an object- the organization in which the student is doing an internship;
  • thing- the work of the enterprise, which was studied by students in the course of practice;
  • research methodology - the methods by which the information was collected and analyzed are indicated;
  • information base - describes the materials that the student collected for the report.
  1. Main part - this part of the work is difficult to predict, since a lot depends on the university, the student's specialty, and the enterprise. But most often the following paragraphs are involved in the report:
  • indication of the characteristics of the enterprise;
  • determination of characteristics of financial activity;
  • description of the characteristics of the direction of activity;
  • identification of problems, as well as a description of methods and ways to solve them.
  1. Conclusion- a summary of the work performed, which indicates how the goal that was indicated in the introduction was achieved. You can also reflect the results of the tasks that contribute to the achievement of the goal. In simple terms, for each paragraph you need to make a conclusion in several sentences. The conclusion can be 2-3 pages long, demonstrating how the student got acquainted with the enterprise, followed the internship schedule, the student's assessment of the compliance with the conditions.
  2. Bibliography- here are indicated all the primary sources that were used by the author. You can indicate borrowed phrases, quotations, formulas, ideas, etc., using links or footnotes.
  3. Applications– the documents from the base that were used for the analysis must be attached to the report. These can be sample contracts, financial reports, job descriptions, questionnaires, etc.

Additional materials that a student needs to write and submit a practice report are a ready-made diary (a sample of filling out a diary is given at the department), a characteristic of a undergraduate student, a review, a presentation for further defense of the report. During the preparation of the report, the author may need materials from the place of practice - financial statements, charter, job descriptions, report cards, contracts, etc.

What documents, besides the report, must be submitted to the educational institution on the internship?

When compiling a report on practice, the student needs to remember that at the time of delivery of the work, he should have not only the work itself, but also additional materials:

1. Feature- forms of characteristics are also issued at the department only for industrial and undergraduate practice. This is a brief review of the head of practice from production on the performance of the work by the student.

2. Diary - an individual student's book on practice, diary forms are also issued at the department. The diary contains a schedule for visiting the workplace, daily records of the work done, after which the signature of the curator of the practice or the head of the organization is required.

3. Information about the internship - a sample certificate at the enterprise is issued either by the dean's office (in the library) or by the personnel department of production. Help looks like this:

What does it take to successfully defend a practice report?

When the report is ready, the student needs to prepare for his defense. To do this, you will need to correctly draw up a report in accordance with the rules of the training manual or GOST, prepare a presentation and demonstrate it. The presentation consists of several slides:

  • title page display;
  • the name of the enterprise and the name of the supervisor from the company;
  • introduction of work indicating the goals, objectives of the internship;
  • conclusion with coverage of the results and conclusions made by the author;
  • a brief schedule of information from the main part, tips and tricks from the author;
  • presentation results.

Requirements for the design of the report and visual aids

After writing the work, special attention should be paid to the design of the text and other elements so that the report is approved by the head of the enterprise and accepted by the teacher at the university. To work in WORD without modifications, you need to download a frame for a report in accordance with GOST.

According to GOST, the student adheres to the following points:

  • the amount of work is 30-40 sheets;
  • the text is typed in Times New Roman 14-1 size;
  • line spacing - 1.5;
  • margins 15 mm on the right, 30 mm on the left, 20 mm on the bottom and top;
  • headings and subheadings start on a new sheet with continuous numbering in the upper right corner;
  • each section begins with a heading at the top and center of the page in capital letters without punctuation at the end and hyphenation;
  • after each heading, 3 indents are made and then the text is written;
  • figures and tables are signed with a number and title;
  • footnotes in the text are indicated by square brackets or from the bottom of the page under the line;
  • the list of references is written in alphabetical order, first by Russian sources, then by foreign ones.

Feedback from the head of the practice

The review of the head of practice from the enterprise where the student is trained is a kind of characteristic written by a representative of the company. The review usually contains several points:

  • the name of the organization and the period of the internship;
  • truthful information about the trainee;
  • trainee job description;
  • evaluation of the student's work.

Most often, the document is compiled by the student himself, using a ready-made sample or template, and the head of the practice or the head of the company simply signs the review, confirming the veracity of each word. The sample review template looks like this:

Explanatory note. Example

Explanatory note - a certificate in which the student presents a report on the practice in a short form, describing his actions and information about the practice. You can take a sample certificate at the enterprise department (in the library) of the university, it looks something like this: