Regulations on clinical residency and internship at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Education

Appendix 2

to the order of the Rector of RUDN University

dated 01.01.2001 No. 000





Moscow 2008

1. General Provisions

1.1. Clinical residency and internship are the main forms of professional development of doctors in the system of postgraduate professional education.

The main task of clinical residency and internship is to prepare qualified medical specialists for independent work in healthcare institutions.

1.2. The training of clinical residents and interns at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the University) is carried out in accordance with the Laws of the Russian Federation and other regulations, in particular: The Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" dated 01.01. additions; Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 01.01.2001 No. 000n “On the nomenclature of specialties in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation”, Qualification requirements for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the field of healthcare, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 01.01.2001 No. 000, “Regulations on Clinical Residency”, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 01.01.2001 No. 23, “Regulations on one-year specialization (internship) of graduates of medical, pediatric and dental faculties of medical institutes and medical faculties of universities”, approved by order Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR dated 01.01.2001 No. 44, the Charter of RUDN University, the Internal Regulations of RUDN University, decisions of the Academic Council, orders and instructions of the Rector of the University and the Vice-Rector for Research, as well as this Policy position.

1.3. For citizens of Russia, in accordance with the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" of 01.01.2001 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001 No. 000 "Rules for calculating and confirming the length of service for establishing labor pensions", training time at the University in clinical residency and internship as forms of postgraduate training is excluded from the work experience. In accordance with article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, training in clinical residency and internship is not a basis for terminating an employment contract. Article 423 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines that, in accordance with this Code, laws and other legal acts of the Russian Federation are applied insofar as they do not contradict this Code.

The time of study in clinical residency and internship is counted in the medical experience.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" dated 01.01.2001, as amended and supplemented, deferment from conscription for military service is granted to full-time students at the University for the duration of their studies (Article 24).

1.4. Training of clinical residents and interns at the University is carried out at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Workers in accordance with the Nomenclature of Specialties for Specialists with Higher and Postgraduate Medical and Pharmaceutical Education in the Healthcare Sector of the Russian Federation and if the University has a license for the right to conduct educational activities in the declared specialty .

1.6. Education is carried out either at the expense of the federal budget of Russia in accordance with the annual title documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, or at the expense of individuals and / or legal entities compensating the University for the costs of education.

Residents and interns studying at the expense of the federal budget are enrolled by decision of the commission for admission to clinical residency and internship of the medical faculty on a competitive basis until October 01 of the current year (foreign citizens - upon arrival) and receive monthly scholarships in the prescribed manner from the date of enrollment and on the day of deduction.

Those expelled of their own free will with the right to be restored before the end of the term of study can be restored on the terms of budget financing for an unused period.

Re-training in clinical residency and internship is allowed if it is necessary to obtain another specialty. However, repeated training in clinical residency and internship at the expense of the federal budget is not allowed.

Those who wish to study in clinical residency and internships in excess of the admission thresholds and who have not passed the competition for state-funded places can conclude agreements with the University that provide for the payment of tuition fees by individuals and / or legal entities. Enrollment under the contract takes place throughout the academic year, with the exception of July and August.

The term of study of clinical residents and interns can be extended by order of the vice-rector for scientific work for the period of maternity leave and childcare after reaching the age of one and a half years, as well as for a period of illness lasting more than a month, but not more than for the duration of the illness, if availability of appropriate conclusions of medical institutions.

1.7. Clinical residents and interns use scientific libraries, classrooms, laboratory equipment, as well as the services of University departments in accordance with the Charter, Internal Regulations and other rules established for students.

2. Clinical residency

2.1. Clinical residency, as part of a multi-level structure of higher medical education in the Russian Federation, is a full-time form of training, retraining and advanced training for medical specialists.

The term of study in clinical residency is two years. In exceptional cases, the period of study may be reduced at the request of the clinical intern, supported by the head of the department and the dean of the faculty, in case of successful implementation of the individual plan, but not more than six months.

2.2. Those wishing to study in clinical residency apply to the head of the department, chosen according to the profile of specialization in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education.

2.3. With the consent of the head of the department and the dean of the medical faculty, the applicant for a budgetary residency provides the following documents to an authorized employee of the faculty:

2.3.1. Application for admission to clinical residency addressed to the vice-rector for scientific work ( Appendix 1

2.3.2. Copies of the diploma(s) of higher education with attachments (the originals are presented by applicants for clinical residency when making an order for enrollment); if there are diplomas of foreign states, a copy of the certificate of equivalence issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is also provided.

2.3.3. A copy of the completed pages of a civil passport (the original is presented when making an order for enrollment).

2.3.4. Questionnaire ( Appendix 2).

2.3.5. Two 3x4 photos.

2.4. The commission of the Faculty of Medicine for admission to clinical residency at the expense of the federal budget makes a decision on enrollment on the basis of the submitted documents.

2.5. In the case of a positive decision on enrollment, the commission of the Faculty of Medicine submits to the Office of Postgraduate Professional Education / Sector of Postgraduate Studies for Foreign Students the minutes of the meeting of the admissions committee on admission to clinical residency and the personal files of the residents.

2.6. Entering the clinical residency of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Workers under the contract:

2.6.1. Submit the above documents to the Office of Postgraduate Vocational Education / Postgraduate Sector for Foreign Students.

2.6.2. They conclude a contract for training with the University, pay for training and enroll in clinical residency.

2.7. The Office of Postgraduate Professional Education/Sector of Postgraduate Studies for Foreign Students prepares the order of the Vice-Rector for Research on enrollment, issues a certificate of a clinical resident and a form of an individual curriculum for a clinical resident.

2.8. A clinical intern is assigned a head, as a rule, the head of a specialized department, by order of enrollment.

2.9. The training of a clinical resident is carried out according to an individual plan, approved at a meeting of the department according to the profile of specialization no later than two months from the date of enrollment.

2.10. Certification of a clinical intern is carried out once a year, taking into account the implementation by the intern of a standard curriculum, program and individual curriculum.

2.11. Grounds for expulsion from clinical residency:

2.11.1. Resident's personal statement.

2.11.2. Petition of the department (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department).

Loss of communication between the resident and the department and the head;

Non-compliance by the intern with the Oath of the student and the Oath of the doctor.

2.11.3. Completion of the term of study in clinical residency.

2.11.4. Refusal to pay tuition fees in case of concluding an agreement with the University on training on a compensatory basis.

2.12. The order of the vice-rector for scientific work on the expulsion of a resident is prepared by the Department of Postgraduate Professional Education / Sector of Postgraduate Studies for Foreign Students.

2.13. At the end of the training period in clinical residency, doctors have the right to take a qualifying examination for the title of medical specialist. Passing the exam is formalized by an application for admission to the exam and the protocol for passing the exam ( Appendix 3). In case of successful passing the exam and a positive decision of the attestation commission, the Office of Postgraduate Professional Education prepares and issues a certificate of a specialist of the established form to a residency graduate - a citizen of the Russian Federation, giving the right to independent medical practice.

Graduates of clinical residency who have successfully completed their studies and submitted an individual curriculum completed in accordance with the requirements to the Department of Postgraduate Professional Education / Postgraduate Sector of Foreign Citizens are issued a certificate for a diploma of basic higher medical education of the established form indicating the qualification of a specialist doctor ( Appendix 4).

2.14. Students in clinical residency are provided with an annual leave equal to the duration of the leave of a practical doctor of the relevant specialty, upon completion of the residency - a leave of the same duration.

3. Internship

3.1. The internship is a full-time postgraduate training of graduates of medical, pediatric, dental and pharmaceutical faculties of medical institutes and medical faculties of universities, after which interns are awarded the qualification of a medical specialist and pharmacists - the qualification of a pharmacist / pharmacist-analyst / pharmacist-technologist.

The duration of the internship is one year.

3.2. Those wishing to study in an internship apply to the head of the department, chosen according to the profile of specialization in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education.

3.3. With the consent of the head of the department and the dean of the medical faculty, the applicant for a budget internship provides the following documents to the authorized employee of the faculty:

3.3.1. Application for admission to an internship addressed to the vice-rector for scientific work ( Annex 5), signed by the head of the department and the dean of the faculty.

3.3.2. Copies of the diploma(s) of higher education with applications (the originals are presented by those entering the internship when making an order for enrollment); if there are diplomas of foreign states, a copy of the certificate of equivalence issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is also provided.

3.3.3. A copy of the completed pages of a civil passport (the original is presented when making an order for enrollment).

3.3.4. Questionnaire ( Appendix 2).

3.3.5. Two 3x4 photos.

3.4. The commission of the Faculty of Medicine for admission to an internship at the expense of the federal budget makes a decision on enrollment on the basis of the submitted documents.

When selecting applicants, the commission has the right to be guided by the following criteria: a higher average grade during the period of study at a university; participation of the applicant in the research work of the department; recommendations (if any), etc.

3.5. In case of a positive decision on enrollment, the commission of the Faculty of Medicine submits to the Office of Postgraduate Vocational Education / Postgraduate Sector for Foreign Students the minutes of the meeting of the admissions committee on admission to the internship and the personal files of the interns.

3.6. Entering the internship of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Workers under the contract:

3.6.1. Submit the above documents to the Office of Postgraduate Vocational Education / Postgraduate Sector for Foreign Students.

2.6.2. They conclude a contract with the University for training, pay for training and enroll in an internship.

3.7. Department of Postgraduate Vocational Education / Sector of Postgraduate Studies for Foreign Students prepares the order of the vice-rector for scientific work on enrollment, issues an internship certificate and a form of an individual internship curriculum.

3.8. The intern is appointed by the order of admission to the head, as a rule, the head of the specialized department.

3.9. The training of an intern is carried out according to an individual plan, approved at a meeting of the department according to the profile of specialization no later than two months from the date of enrollment.

3.10. Certification of the intern is carried out twice a year (as a rule, for half a year) taking into account the implementation by the intern of a standard curriculum, program and individual plan.

3.11. Grounds for expulsion from the internship:

3.11.1. Personal statement of the intern.

3.11.2. Petition of the department (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department).

The grounds for the application are:

Loss of communication between the intern and the department and the head;

Actions discrediting the name of the University;

Non-observance by the intern of the Oath of the student and the Oath of the doctor.

3.11.3. Completion of internship term.

3.11.4. Refusal to pay tuition fees in case of concluding an agreement with the University on training on a compensatory basis.

3.12. The order of the vice-rector for scientific work on the expulsion of an intern is prepared by the Department of Postgraduate Vocational Education / Sector of Postgraduate Studies for Foreign Students.

3.13. At the end of the training period, interns-citizens of Russia take a qualification exam in their specialty. Passing the exam is formalized by an application for admission to the exam and the protocol for passing the exam ( Appendix 3). In case of successful passing of the exam, the Department of Postgraduate Vocational Education prepares and issues a specialist certificate to the internship graduate - a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Graduates of the internship who have successfully completed their studies and submitted an individual curriculum completed in accordance with the requirements to the Department of Postgraduate Vocational Education / Postgraduate Sector of Foreign Citizens are issued a certificate of completion of the internship of the established form indicating the qualifications assigned ( Appendix 6).

3.14. Upon completion of the internship training, leave is provided equal to the duration of the leave of a practical doctor / pharmacist of the relevant specialty.


Vice-rector for scientific work

graduate ... faculty

RUDN University/other university … years,

interna (if any)

departments ... faculty

Ivanova Ivana




I ask you to allow me to participate in the competition for a budgetary / contractual clinical residency in the department ( name of the department (name of specialty).

Date Signature




Surname _______________________________________ Name _________________________________ Photo 3*4

Surname(if any) _____________________________

Gender: ƒ Male ƒ Female

Family status: Single/Single Married/Married

Date of Birth:___________/_______________/______________

Country and place of birth ____________________________________________________

Citizenship ____ The address permanent registration: ________________________________________________

Address of actual residence during the period of study: ____________________________

Phone/Fax _________________________________e-mail _________________________________________________

Mobile phone ______________________________

Person to contact in an emergency:

FULL NAME: _______________________________________________________________________

Phones: __________________________________________________________________

List the institutions of higher education where you studied:

Labor activity (where, when, whom you worked / work):



Any other information you would like to provide about yourself: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date Signature


P O T O C O L ______

meetings of the examination committee for the qualification examination

from "_____" ______________ 20

Composition of the commission: chairman - surname, initials, academic degree, academic title, position; deputy chairman - surname, initials, academic degree, academic title, position; resp. secretary - surname, initials, academic degree, academic title, position; commission members: surname, initials, academic degree, academic title, position of commission members

(Approved by Order No. ______ dated __ __ ____)

LISTENED: taking a qualifying exam

from FULL NAME. ______

by specialty(according to the nomenclature of medical and pharmacist specialties): _____


1. Test control:

2. Assessment of skills and practical skills:

excellent good satisfactory unsatisfactory

3. Evaluation of the results of the interview:

excellent good satisfactory unsatisfactory

RESOLVED (underline it):

Assign the title of a specialist and issue a certificate No. _______________ dated ___________.

refuse in conferring the title of specialist.




Chairman of the examination committee: _______________________________________________

Deputy Chairman of the Commission: __________________________________________

Responsible secretary of the commission: __________________________________________

Members of the examination committee: __________________________________________



(signatures and names of those who took the exam)


State educational institution

higher professional education



to the diploma of basic higher medical education

series UCO No. __________

Issued to a doctor ________________________________________________


(Full Name)

that he (she) was trained in clinical residency

and completed a full course in the specialty ___________________


(name of specialty)


Moscow city

Registration number _______

Date of issue ______________


Vice-rector for scientific work

graduate ... faculty

RUDN University/other university … years

Ivanova Ivana




Please allow me to participate in the competition for a budget / contractual internship in the department ( name of the department) Faculty of Medicine / Faculty of advanced training of medical workers of the RUDN University in the specialty (name of specialty).

Date Signature

VISAS: Head of Department (signature, date)

Faculty Dean (signature, date)


State educational institution

higher professional education


CERTIFICATE No. __________

Issued to a doctor (pharmacist) ______________________________________


(Full Name)

graduated in _________ year __________________________________


(name of educational institution)


that he (she) was studying in an internship

at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

from ___________________ to _____________________

by specialty ______________________________________________

(name of specialty)


The decision of the qualification commission on the award of qualifications



dated "_____" ______ 20_____ protocol No. _______

Vice-rector ___________________________

Secretary ___________________________

Moscow city

Registration number _______

Date of issue ______________

RUDN University (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia) is a higher educational institution founded in 1960 under the rule of N. Khrushchev. At that time it was the only university in Russia where Russian was taught as a subject for foreign citizens and students. According to Interfax, every year, starting from 2011, RUDN University takes 4th-6th place in the ranking of universities in our country. This is partly due to its popularity among Russian and foreign students. And due to the acute limitation of budget places, applicants are interested in the issue of the cost of education in RUDN University 2017-2018.

Who will receive discounts for studying at RUDN in the 2017-2018 academic year

It's no secret that every year the cost of education in the country's leading universities is growing exponentially, as well as the passing, entrance score. Next year will not be an exception, however, there are some categories of applicants for whom the Peoples' Friendship University provides discounts:

  • students from low-income families;
  • students from large families;
  • students with red diplomas for secondary education;
  • students-winners of various regional, regional and all-Russian Olympiads;
  • disabled students.

The size of the discount is not specified, just as it is not known whether it will be the same for all specified categories of students, or, for example, students from large families will have more significant benefits. For an answer to this question, we recommend that you contact the admissions office.

What does RUDN University spend money paid for by students for tuition?

Perhaps, the issue of spending funds worries students and their parents as much as the cost of education in the 2017-2018 academic year. There is probably no need to list all the points, so we will note only the most important ones:

  • the needs and requirements of the teaching staff;
  • purchase of various printed publications (books for the library, manuals, etc.);
  • conducting practices in schools and other organizations;
  • advanced training of the teaching staff;
  • utility bills and other related expenses.

The cost of studying at RUDN in the period 2017-2018

You can complain for a long time that education is our everything, and the cost of education increases year by year. But only knowledgeable people understand that raising prices is a completely legal and, moreover, necessary measure. This is the policy of the state, and no matter how paradoxical it may sound, such measures are aimed at improving the quality of education in our country.

In the spring of 2016, the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation set the bar for various specialties, below which the price cannot be. But how much higher it can be is the decision of the governing body of the university, in this case, RUDN University.

RUDN University is an international university, which means that prices for Russian and foreign citizens will vary slightly. The latter, of course, will pay more for education in Russia.

Full-time education

The most affordable for full-time students will be such areas as psycho-pedagogical, applied mathematics and computer science, the cost of a year of study in which will not exceed 160 thousand rubles a year.

A fairly wide range of specializations is presented in the price range from 160 to 200 thousand per year: agronomy, veterinary medicine, land management, philosophy, oil and gas, and so on.

With a budget of 200-250 thousand rubles at PFUR, you can master political science and sociology, architecture and design, nanoengineering, psychology, business informatics and many others.

For 250-300 thousand you will have access to such specialties as state and municipal administration, foreign regional studies, journalism, television, law, management and economics.

The maximum price tag falls on the following areas:

  • medical business - from 310,000 rubles;
  • international relations - 312,000 rubles;
  • advertising and public relations - 315,000 rubles;
  • dentistry - from 330,000 rubles (this is the maximum cost of education per year at RUDN University).

training in the humanities - 220,000-260,000 rubles a year.

Foreign applicants must add an average of 30,000-50,000 rubles to this price.

Part-time and extramural forms of education

Naturally, on a full-time basis, the cost of the education itself is more expensive for students. Let's consider the price tags of annual education from part-time students.

In total for 60 thousand you will study applied mathematics and computer science, management in technical systems, design and technological support of machine-building industries.

Add a little and you can count on training in the following areas: veterinary and sanitary examination, landscape architecture, agronomy, philology, tourism and hotel business.

Above 100 thousand a year is linguistics, law, advertising and public relations, customs, journalism, political science, state and municipal administration.

The maximum price tag of 187 thousand per year falls on the direction of international relations.

Additional professional education

If the existing professional skills and knowledge with a higher education are not enough for you, you can always supplement them at RUDN University. You can study in seven programs:

  • General management;
  • Modular program;
  • Marketing and effective sales;
  • Advertising and PR business;
  • International Business;
  • Financial management;
  • Human resource management.

All destinations cost the same. For the entire period of study, which is only 2 years, you will have to pay 380 thousand rubles.

Information about the university

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has a rich history that spans more than fifty years. In 1960, by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a decree was signed on the establishment of the Peoples' Friendship University in Moscow. To date, 25 thousand people from 150 countries of the world are studying at this higher educational institution. According to the results of the 2012-2013 academic year, RUDN University took an honorable fourth place in the ranking of Russian universities and received only positive feedback.

Education system at RUDN University

The best Russian and foreign teachers, candidates of sciences, doctors of sciences, professors and academicians help to get higher education. The management of the scientific and educational base is carried out by the rector of PFUR Filippov Vladimir Mikhailovich. RUDN University has the following forms of education:

  • Full-time education;
  • evening form of education;
  • part-time education;
  • extramural studies;
  • distance learning;
  • accelerated form of study or external study.

At the same time, full-time students who have passed the competition study on a budgetary basis and apply for scholarships. For those who want to devote themselves to scientific activity or have not yet decided on the choice of a specialty, they can study at the bachelor's degree and after four years receive a bachelor's degree. After graduation, a bachelor can complete a specialty and receive a narrow specialty, or engage in science and continue his studies in a master's program, which lasts two years, and receive a master's degree.

RUDN University has ten faculties:

  • Faculty of Medicine;
  • agricultural faculty;
  • Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences;
  • Faculty of Engineering;
  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences;
  • Faculty of Philology;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • Faculty of Law;
  • Faculty of Ecology;
  • faculty of the Russian language and general education disciplines.

In addition, RUDN has six institutes, several branches of the university in cities such as Perm, Sochi, Yakutsk, Belgorod, Stavropol, Essentuki, general university departments, 150 laboratories and training centers.

Main types of training

On the first of September, applicants are initiated into students. On this festive day, the leaders of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and invited guests accompany with good wishes. Students are given a symbolic key of knowledge. The knowledge gained during the years of study at the university is a gold reserve, which, with the right investment, gives good results. RUDN University is a real state where all conditions for studying and living on campus are created. In order for foreign students to feel comfortable during the adaptation period, the university has prepared an extensive set of programs. For a whole year, foreigners intensively study the Russian language at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of General Education Disciplines, it is also called the Preparatory Faculty. RUDN is the leading university in teaching Russian as a foreign language.

The largest of the faculties is medical, with over two thousand students. Its graduates are world famous specialists. Not far from the Faculty of Medicine is the Faculty of Agriculture. Practical classes for future veterinarians are held at the faculty itself due to the fact that there is a fully equipped clinic. The Faculty of Agriculture has been cooperating with several major agricultural companies for several years. Such a partnership gives students the opportunity to have an internship in different regions of Russia and countries around the world.

Love for the word is instilled at the Faculty of Philology. For creative natures, there is a large scale and scope for activity. RUDN University has its own newspaper, radio, television, and from the very first year, journalists have an internship in various media. University student television goes on the air every day and broadcasts 24 hours a day on campus, while the television product is created by the students themselves. In the third year, you can try your hand at the editorial offices of special news and thematic projects. It is not the first year that students have won prizes by exhibiting their creative works at All-Russian competitions.

If your desk book is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, urgently embody your knowledge at the Faculty of Law. Students of the faculty do practical work in the State Duma, the Federation Council, the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, the Supreme Arbitration Court and courts of general jurisdiction. The faculty also has a student advisory bureau, where future lawyers work out their knowledge in practice.

RUDN provides a wide range of opportunities for learning. The university successfully operates a system of additional professional education. Many FVE programs at RUDN have certificates from Microsoft confirming the quality mark. For those who want to continue their studies, they can get a second higher education or go to graduate school, and then to doctoral studies. RUDN University takes care of its graduates and assists in facilitating their employment.

RUDN infrastructure

The RUDN library was reorganized several years ago into an educational and scientific information center. In 2010, the own website of the information and library center was launched, which contains an electronic catalog of the entire printed collection of the library.

There are dozens of cafes, bars and pizzerias on the campus, it is impossible to pass by such a temptation. Tasty and satisfying food will be offered in the student canteen. Dishes for every taste: vegetables, fish, meat, chicken and all kinds of salads. If there was no time to think about food during the day, then you can cook something in a hurry in the hostel. The residential buildings of the apartment type have their own kitchen, as well as a bathroom and toilet. The conditions created in the hostel are no different from real home comfort. All students studying on a budgetary basis, such a hostel is provided free of charge. In addition, all foreign students are provided with housing.

The university polyclinic No. 25 is responsible for the health of students. Doctors of all specialties work in it, all types of dental services are provided, and laboratory rooms are equipped with the most modern equipment. All students must undergo a preventive medical examination once a year.

The university closely monitors the safety of students. Entrance to the buildings is strictly by electronic cards, on each floor of the hostel, in each unit, video surveillance cameras are installed. RUDN University pays special attention to fire safety, so conducting complex exercises on the territory of the university with the participation of city services is not uncommon.

Every day at RUDN University is a bright and unforgettable event. The impressions gained during the years of study at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia will remain for a lifetime. It is impossible to forget the week of cultures of different countries and the annual festival "Planet South-West", which have become a tradition. At the exhibitions organized by the fraternities, one can get acquainted with the traditions and customs of countries, taste national dishes and attend a concert that will fully convey the spirit and atmosphere of Africa, Latin America and Asia.

Residency Admission Rules



1. Citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of the CIS countries and far abroad with a higher medical education are admitted to the clinical residency of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia on a competitive basis for the training or retraining of specialists, as well as improving their qualifications. Training in clinical residency is carried out with a break from the main place of work in 40 medical specialties (see Appendix 1), for which the License of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, Series A, N 161692, Registration No. 3608 of October 28, 2004, was obtained. (Appendix No. 1)

2. Admission of clinical residents for medical specialties requiring in-depth training (reflexotherapy, gastroenterology, hematology, cardiology, clinical pharmacology, ultrasound diagnostics, neurosurgery, cardiovascular surgery, maxillofacial surgery, endoscopy, pediatric dentistry, therapeutic dentistry surgical, orthopedic dentistry ) is carried out in the presence of a "Certificate" of an intern in the relevant main medical specialty.

3. The duration of training is 2 years. The issue of increasing the term of study over 2 years is decided by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine of the University in each specific case. The term of study can be extended up to 5 years, depending on the specialty of training.

4. Admission to the clinical internship of citizens of the Russian Federation and, having equal rights with them, citizens of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter citizens of the Russian Federation) to the University for training on the state budget is carried out in accordance with the control figures for the admission of clinical residents, approved by the Federal Agency for Education. Citizens of the CIS countries and far abroad countries (hereinafter referred to as foreign citizens) can be admitted to clinical residency under the state budget if they have a “Referral” from the Federal Agency for Education. Admission of stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation to the RUDN clinical residency is carried out in the manner prescribed for citizens of the Russian Federation. Citizens of the Russian Federation entering clinical residency in excess of the admission thresholds, as well as foreign citizens, can be admitted to clinical residency on the basis of concluding contracts with legal entities or individuals with full compensation for the cost of training and additional services at prices approved annually by the Rector of the University.

5. Citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens to the application for admission to clinical residency, filed in the name of the Rector of RUDN University, attach the following documents: a copy of the diploma of higher medical education and its annex (for persons who have received education abroad, including CIS countries, copies corresponding diploma, as well as a copy of the certificate of equivalence of documents of a foreign state on education to a diploma of higher medical education of the Russian Federation, issued by the Federal Agency for Supervision in Education and Science (hereinafter referred to as the certificate of equivalence.); questionnaire and CV; reference-recommendation from the place work (study); an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine of the University for persons recommended for clinical residency immediately after graduating from the Faculty of Medicine of the University; consent of the Embassy of the country or the National Education Authority to study at RUDN University on postgraduate forms for foreign citizens RUDN University graduates accepted at the expense of the federal budget. a medical certificate certified in the city polyclinic No. 25 DZ in Moscow (for newly arriving foreign citizens - with the results of basic tests, including an HIV certificate); photographs 3x4 in size - 3 pcs.; a certificate from the military registration department (for citizens of the Russian Federation); a copy of the work book (if any - for citizens of the Russian Federation) with a record of dismissal from the last place of work. a copy of the national passport A passport, a diploma of higher medical education (for persons who have received education abroad - a diploma and a certificate of its equivalence) and a work book (for citizens of the Russian Federation) are presented personally to applicants for clinical residency.

6. Applicants for clinical residency are interviewed by the head of the relevant department, who is the head of the residents. To conduct admission to clinical internship, the chairman of the admission committee - vice-rector for scientific work - appoints members of the committee from among highly qualified scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel, including representatives of leading clinical specialties.

7. Reception of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation in clinical residency is carried out from January 01 to August 31. The decision on admission to the clinical internship of citizens of the Russian Federation for each candidate is made by the Admissions Committee, taking into account the results of the interview with the head of the applicant and the positive decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine and brings to the attention of the Postgraduate Department no later than a week from the date of the decision. Reception of documents of foreign citizens is carried out from January 01 to July 01. Documents after consideration by the Admissions Committee of the Faculty of Medicine are submitted for consideration by the RUDN University Admissions Committee for Foreign Students. With a positive decision of the Admissions Committee, the documents for further consideration are sent to the Federal Agency for Education. With a positive decision of the Admissions Committee of the Federal Agency for Education, foreign citizens entering clinical residency at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation receive a “Referral” to the University. The decision to accept or refuse to admit foreign citizens is communicated to the applicant within 20 days from the date of submission of documents to the sector of foreign postgraduate students of the PPI.

8. Foreign citizens with a positive decision of the Admissions Committee of the Federal Agency for Education to arrive at RUDN University are provided with visa support through the Embassies (Consulates) of the Russian Federation in the respective countries. To obtain visa support, a foreign citizen (except for RUDN University graduates) must send a copy of the national passport by e-mail to the University indicating the exact home address or work address and phone number, position, place of birth, region of residence, place of obtaining a visa. The validity of the national passport must be at least 2 years from the date of entry into the Russian Federation. Reception of documents and enrollment in clinical residency of citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens recommended for training on a contract (paid) basis is carried out throughout the calendar year. Tuition for one year is paid according to the rates established by the University.

9. Enrollment in clinical residency of citizens of the Russian Federation recommended for training in clinical residency on the state budget is made from September 1. Foreign citizens who have a "Referral" of the Federal Agency for Education are enrolled in clinical residency from the day they arrive at the University. Payment for additional services (medical insurance, accommodation in a hostel and paperwork) for clinical residents studying under a contract is made at the rates established by the University. All expenses related to travel to Moscow and back are covered by applicants, sending organizations or sponsors.

II. Regulations on residency

on the training of clinical residents in
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
for 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 academic years

1.1. Clinical residency is part of a multi-level structure of higher medical education, a form of continuous professional education of doctors, conducted with the aim of training or retraining specialists, as well as improving their qualifications.

1.2. The main task of training doctors in the clinical residency of RUDN University is to prepare highly qualified specialists for independent work in hospitals, health authorities and institutions or in private practice.

1.3. Training of clinical residents - citizens of Russia, CIS countries and "far abroad" is carried out in 40 specialties (see Appendix 1), for which the License of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, Series A, N 161692, Registration No. 3608 of 10.28. 2004 (Appendix No. 1) and in accordance with the curriculum and program for each specialty. Training programs in clinical residency, adapted to the features of the function of the departments, and curricula are approved by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine and are reviewed at least once every 5 years, taking into account changes in the state standard of the educational minimum of a professional educational program for each specialty.

1.4 Training of clinical residents in medical specialties requiring advanced training (reflexology, gastroenterology, hematology, cardiology, clinical pharmacology, ultrasound diagnostics, neurosurgery, cardiovascular surgery, maxillofacial surgery, endoscopy, pediatric dentistry, therapeutic dentistry, surgical dentistry, orthopedic dentistry ) is carried out in the presence of a "Certificate" of an intern in the relevant main medical specialty.

1.5. Training in clinical internship is carried out with a separation from the main place of work.

The duration of training is 2 years. The issue of increasing the term of study over 2 years is decided by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine of the University in each specific case. The term of study can be extended up to 5 years, depending on the specialty of training.


2.1. Citizens of Russia and citizens of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter citizens of the Russian Federation) having equal rights with them - doctors with higher medical education and practical experience work, as well as university graduates on the recommendation of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine of the University.
Citizens of the Russian Federation entering the clinical residency in excess of the admission quotas, as well as employees of non-budgetary organizations, are admitted to clinical residency on a contract basis.
Foreign citizens of the CIS countries and "far abroad" countries (hereinafter referred to as foreign citizens) can be admitted to clinical residency at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation if they have a "Referral" from the Federal Agency for Education.
Foreign citizens are admitted to residency in accordance with the concluded interstate agreements or through direct relations with foreign organizations on a contract basis at the expense of the sending party, as well as under individual contracts.
For foreign citizens who do not speak Russian, the period of study in clinical residency may be additionally extended in connection with the passage of the Russian language course.
Admission of stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation to the RUDN clinical residency is carried out in the manner prescribed for citizens of the Russian Federation.

2.2. An application for admission to clinical residency is submitted to the Rector of the University with the following documents attached:
copies of the diploma of higher medical education and its supplement (for persons who have received education abroad, including the CIS countries, copies of the relevant diploma, as well as copies of the certificate of equivalence of documents of a foreign state on education to the diploma of higher medical education of the Russian Federation, issued by the Federal Agency for supervision in the field of education and science (hereinafter referred to as the certificate of equivalence);
questionnaires and autobiographies; characteristics-recommendations from the place of work (study); extracts from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine of the University for persons recommended for clinical residency immediately after graduating from the Faculty of Medicine of the University;
consent of the Embassy of the country or the National Education Authority to study at RUDN University on postgraduate forms for foreign citizens-graduates of RUDN University, accepted at the expense of the federal budget.
a medical certificate certified in the city polyclinic No. 25 DZ of Moscow (for newly arriving foreign citizens - with the results of basic tests, including an HIV certificate);
photos 3x4 in size - 3 pcs.; certificates from the military registration department (for citizens of the Russian Federation); copies of the work book (if any - for citizens of the Russian Federation) with a record of dismissal from the last place of work.
copies of the national passport Passport, diploma of higher medical education (for persons who have received education abroad - a diploma and a certificate of its equivalence) and a work book (for citizens of the Russian Federation) are presented personally to applicants for clinical residency.

2.3. Applicants for clinical residency are interviewed by the head of the relevant department, who is the head of the residents. To conduct admission to clinical internship, the chairman of the admission committee - vice-rector for scientific work - appoints members of the committee from among highly qualified scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel, including representatives of leading clinical specialties.
Reception of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation in clinical residency is carried out from January 01 to August 31. The decision on admission to the clinical internship of citizens of the Russian Federation for each candidate is made by the Admissions Committee, taking into account the results of the interview with the head of the applicant and the positive decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine and brings to the attention of the Postgraduate Department no later than one week from the date of the decision.
Reception of documents of foreign citizens is carried out annually, as a rule, from January 01 to July 01. Documents after consideration by the Admissions Committee of the Faculty of Medicine are submitted for consideration by the RUDN University Admissions Committee for Foreign Students. With a positive decision of the Admissions Committee, the documents for further consideration are sent to the Federal Agency for Education.
With a positive decision of the Admissions Committee of the Federal Agency for Education, foreign citizens entering clinical residency at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation receive a "Referral" to the University.
Acceptance of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens for training on a contract basis is carried out during the calendar year.

2.4. The decision on admission to clinical internship or refusal of admission is sent to incoming citizens of the Russian Federation within five days after the conclusion of the selection committee, but no later than two weeks before the start of classes. The decision to accept or refuse to admit foreign citizens is communicated to the applicant within 20 days from the date of submission of documents to the sector of foreign postgraduate students of the PPI.
With a positive decision of the Admissions Committee of the Federal Agency for Education on the admission of a foreign citizen to study at RUDN University, he is provided with visa support through the appropriate Embassy (Consulate) of the Russian Federation. Enrollment of clinical residents-citizens of the Russian Federation at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is carried out by order of the Rector (Vice-Rector) of the University, as a rule, from September 1 annually, foreign citizens who have "Referrals" of the Federal Agency for Education are enrolled in clinical residency from the day they arrive at the University.
The enrollment of clinical residents on a contract basis is carried out throughout the calendar year.

2.5. Travel expenses for persons sent for training in clinical residency and after its completion are paid by the sending organizations (institutions). Citizens of the Russian Federation admitted to clinical residency at the expense of the federal budget, who have not completed their individual training plan and are prematurely expelled from clinical residency, pay their own return journey.
Persons admitted to clinical residency on a contract basis pay their own travel costs.

2.6. Doctors - citizens of the Russian Federation who have passed through the competition in clinical residency in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on labor are exempted from work. The basis is a certificate of admission to clinical residency.

2.7. Doctors-citizens of the Russian Federation studying in clinical residency at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation are paid a scholarship in accordance with the current legislation. The Rector of the University may establish allowances for fellowships of clinical residents studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation, from non-budgetary funds, without limiting their maximum size.
Persons admitted to clinical residency on a contract basis do not receive a scholarship.

2.8. The head of clinical residents from among highly qualified specialists - professors or doctors of sciences or candidates of sciences, associate professors, is approved by the Rector (Vice-Rector) on the proposal of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine of the University to each resident simultaneously with his enrollment in clinical residency.
The number of clinical residents attached to one leader is determined with his consent by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine. If there are a large number of clinical residents, the head of the department may appoint one of the doctors of sciences, professors or candidates of sciences, associate professors of the department as the head of the residents.

2.9. The head introduces the clinical intern to the training program and together with him determines the purpose of the clinical residency and draws up an individual training curriculum in accordance with the capabilities of the departments, which is discussed at a meeting of the department (department, laboratory, etc.) and approved by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine University no later than 2 months from the date of enrollment in residency.
The head supervises the implementation by the intern of the approved individual curriculum during the entire period of clinical residency.

2.10. Remuneration for the work of the heads of residents is made in accordance with the regulations of the Russian Federation. At the same time, 75% of the training time of a resident is devoted to the study of the main specialty and 25% - to the study of related disciplines.
The list of related specialties and disciplines required for study by clinical residents is provided for by the training programs.
The value of the coefficient teacher - clinical resident is established by the Federal Agency for Education.
The Rector of the University has the right to establish additional payments from extrabudgetary funds to the heads of residents without limiting its maximum size.

2.11. During the residency training in accordance with the curriculum approved by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine of the University, the clinical intern studies modern methods of clinical research, leads patients, can make a diagnosis and makes general conclusions about their state of health, prescribes and conducts complex treatment. Residents are widely involved in research work in order to expand their clinical erudition, thinking, and develop the skills necessary for further medical practice. Clinical residents are required to attend lectures in their specialty, participate in conferences and meetings of departments.

2.12. Clinical residents for training in their chosen specialty use equipment, laboratories, offices, libraries, the right to travel, including to foreign educational medical institutions and research centers, etc. travel expenses are determined in each individual case by the Rector's Office of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

2.13. The volume of the study load and treatment and preventive work is determined by the individual curriculum of the clinical intern. Payment for duty and other medical and preventive work not provided for by an individual plan is made at the expense of the corresponding medical and preventive institution.

2.14. The clinical intern is granted the right to a part-time job in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on labor, subject to the implementation of an individual plan with the consent of the supervisor.

2.15. The clinical intern, in accordance with the individual curriculum, during the training in clinical residency is obliged to:
fully implement an individual curriculum; pass tests in sections of the main specialty and related disciplines; submit quarterly written reports on the work done to the supervisor; report twice a year at meetings of the department (department, laboratory, etc.); pass certification at the Academic Council of the RUDN Faculty of Medicine at the end of each year of study in all aspects of training.
At the end of the clinical residency training course, the clinical resident takes a three-stage exam, which includes:
test control; general theoretical training; analysis of situational tasks at the patient's bedside. Persons-citizens of Russia who have completed training in clinical residency are issued a certificate for a diploma of basic higher medical education of the established form, foreign citizens - a certificate of specialized training. Graduates of clinical residency, citizens of the Russian Federation, have the right to pass a qualifying exam for the title of medical specialist.
Citizens of the Russian Federation who have successfully passed the qualification exam are issued a certificate of a specialist of the established form, which gives the right to independent medical practice in the territory of the Russian Federation. Persons who have not passed the qualifying exam are issued a certificate of the established form.

2.16. The term of study in clinical residency is extended by order of the Rector (Vice-Rector) of the University for the period of maternity leave in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as for the period of illness of the intern, lasting more than a month, but not more than 1 year, upon submission of relevant medical reports. institutions confirmed by the city clinic No. 25 DZ of Moscow.

2.17. Expenses related to the extension of the term of stay in clinical residency for persons studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation are made within the limits of the scholarship fund and funds for training provided by the RUDN University or the institution (organization) that sent the doctor to study in clinical residency on a contract basis.

2.18. Residents who did not start classes for 1 month or missed classes for more than 1 month without a good reason, or who did not complete individual curricula on time, as well as violated the internal regulations of the University, are expelled from the residency by order of the Rector (Vice-Rector) of RUDN University on the proposal of the head department (department, laboratory, etc.) and the dean of the medical faculty. Restoration of clinical residents at the University in this case, by decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine, is possible, as a rule, on a contract basis.

2.19. Residents who were trained at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation and expelled from clinical residency before the end of the term of study can be reinstated at PFUR for the remaining period of study by order of the Rector (Vice-Rector) on the proposal of the head of the department (department, laboratory, etc.) and the dean Faculty of Medicine, and residents enrolled under the contract - after payment for the next term of study.

2.20. Clinical residents who studied at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation and changed their specialty a few months after enrollment, training in clinical residency is extended in the last specialty for a period of up to 2 years by decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine only on a contract basis.

2.21. Personal responsibility for the quality of training of specialists in clinical residency, their readiness for independent work, rests with the heads of departments (departments, laboratories, etc.)

2.22. The transfer of clinical residents from another higher medical educational or scientific institution to RUDN and vice versa is carried out by order of the Rector (Vice-Rector) of the University in agreement with the sending organization (institution).

2.23. Re-training in the RUDN University clinical internship, if necessary, for a candidate to receive another specialty, is allowed only on a contract basis.

2.24. The term of study in the clinical residency of RUDN University is counted in the length of service of the doctor.

2.25. Clinical residents enjoy annual vacations of a duration equal to the duration of the vacation of practical doctors of the relevant specialty.

2.26. Those who have completed their clinical residency training at RUDN University and who have fully met the requirements set out in clause 2.15. of this section of these Regulations, a monthly vacation is granted.
For medical residents who study at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation, a scholarship is paid by the University during the vacation.

2.27. In exceptional cases (due to special circumstances), by decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine, early graduation from clinical residency is possible, with the appropriate level of professional training and with the full implementation of the individual curriculum. At the same time, the preparation time in the residency should be at least 75% of the planned one.

2.28. The training of clinical residents at PFUR at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is carried out within the target figures for the admission of clinical residents established by the Federal Agency for Education.


3.1. Citizens of the Russian Federation are admitted to the target clinical residency of RUDN University according to the target figures for the admission of clinical residents, established by the Federal Agency for Education or on a contractual basis between RUDN University and the organization (institution) that sends a doctor for training.

3.2. Responsibility for the timely and high-quality selection of candidates for targeted clinical residency rests with the heads of organizations (institutions) that send doctors to PFUR for training in clinical residency.

3.3. Target clinical residents are subject to all rights and obligations provided for by this Regulation.

3.4. Target clinical residents may be paid an allowance to the established scholarship at the expense of the sending organization (institution).

3.5. Doctors who have completed the target residency of RUDN University are obliged to return to the disposal of the organizations (institutions) that sent them for training.

3.6. Organizations (institutions) that send doctors for training in the target clinical residency of RUDN University are obliged to employ them at the end of the training period in accordance with the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.