reflective function. The concept of reflection and its essence

In the frantic pace of life, a modern person sometimes does not have enough time for the most important thing - his own inner world. The ability to introspect and understand one's mistakes is extremely important for every individual. We propose to find out what are the methods of reflection and what is emotional reflection.

Reflection - what is it?

Experts say that reflection is a kind of drawing the attention of a certain subject to himself, as well as to his own consciousness, the products of his activity and their rethinking. In the traditional sense - on the content and functions of one's consciousness, which include personal structures, thinking, mechanisms of perception, decision-making, emotional response, behavioral patterns and much more.

Reflection in philosophy

Reflection is commonly understood as a philosophical term that characterizes the form of an individual's mental activity aimed at comprehending their actions. Reflection in philosophy is a method by which it is possible to reveal the specifics of the spiritual and spiritual world of a person. It is important to understand that this concept, together with the use of categorical language, can characterize philosophical thinking. To summarize, it can be argued that all philosophy is a reflection of the mind, which is a reflection on such categories as thoughts and ideas.

Within the framework of individual philosophical theories and concepts, reflection is considered as the most essential property of consciousness. Thanks to this, it becomes clear that beings that are exceptionally capable of being aware of the state of their own psyche can be called conscious. However, such approaches are not accepted by supporters of the intentional concept of consciousness.

Reflection in psychology

It is generally accepted that reflection is one of the forms of introspection in psychology and is the appeal of the consciousness of the individual to the analysis of his thoughts and actions. One of the first to work with this term in psychology was A. Busemann. He owns the idea to single out reflection in a separate section. In his opinion, this concept means the transfer of experiences from the external to the person. S. Rubenstein argued that a mature, full-fledged personality can be formed if a person can realize the boundaries of his "I". Such a process involves the capacity for introspection.

A reflexive act is understood as a stoppage of the entire flow of thought processes and states. There is a certain transition from automatism to awareness, the process of understanding the personality of its own inner world. The result of such activity is the formation of a characteristic way for the individual not only to think, reflect, but also to live in general.

Types of reflection

Sometimes the question becomes relevant, what kind of reflection is. It is customary to divide the following types:

  1. Situational reflection is an indicator of "motivation" and "self-esteem" that ensure the involvement of the subject in the situation, the awareness of its components. This type of reflection includes the ability of the subject to compare his actions with a specific situation, to coordinate and control the components of activity in accordance with conditions that can change.
  2. Retrospective reflection - contributes to the analysis of performed activities and past events.
  3. Prospective reflection - it includes thinking about future activities, presenting the course of activities, planning, choosing the most effective ways to implement them and predicting possible outcomes

Reflection and self-development

It is very important to develop reflection to change a person for the better. For this you need:

  1. Be able to analyze your actions after really important events.
  2. Think about your actions and how your actions might look in the eyes of others.
  3. End your day by reviewing everything that happened.
  4. Sometimes check your opinion about others.
  5. As much as possible to communicate with different people.

Reflection in sports

You can often hear about the concept of reflection in sports and physical culture. This term is understood here as a special skill that is aimed at self-awareness, the ability to trace one's own emotions, actions, the ability to analyze and evaluate them. To put it simply, it is a kind of conversation with oneself. Teaching the basics of reflection in physical education lessons at school is not easy and multifaceted. It is clear that it is impossible to teach him in just one lesson. However, this process is multi-level and one that is constantly becoming more complex.

What influences a person's ability to reflect?

There is such a thing as personal reflection. If we talk about the ability to reflect, then they can develop, like all other abilities in the context of a particular activity. These capabilities can be represented within a particular structure. An example would be the structure of thinking and communication. A person capable of reflection can be called a person who, when looking for a way out of a difficult situation, can successfully solve problems, rethink his own consciousness.

Reflection exercises

The following reflection exercises in training are called very effective:

  1. self-portrait- contributes to the formation of skills to recognize an unfamiliar person, the development of skills in describing people on various grounds. Here you need to imagine that you need to meet a stranger and you need to describe yourself so that he can recognize you. This work should be done in pairs.
  2. Without a mask- helps to remove emotional and behavioral enslavement, to form the skills of sincere statements in order to analyze one's "I". Each participant receives a card with a phrase without an ending. Without preparation, it is necessary to complete the phrase. The answer must be sincere.
  3. Yes- helps to improve skills and reflection. The group needs to split into pairs. One of the participants needs to say a phrase expressing his state, mood or feeling. After that, the second participant should ask questions.
  4. Carousel– will help to develop skills for quick response during contact. This exercise involves a series of meetings, each time with a new person. Here it is important to easily start contact, keep up the conversation and say goodbye.
  5. Qualities- will contribute to the development of an objective opinion among the participants. Everyone has to write at least ten positive and at least ten negative personal qualities, and then rank them. It is important to pay attention to the first and last qualities.

How to get rid of reflection?

If the state of reflection depresses and there is a desire to get rid of it, here are some valuable tips from psychologists:

  1. It is important to make it a rule for yourself to greet people first.
  2. You need to be able to carry yourself confidently, or at least pretend to be a confident person. First you need to straighten your shoulders and lift your chin up.
  3. Don't be afraid to look people in the eye. So a person will understand that there is an interest in him and he will certainly reciprocate.
  4. It is important to learn how to have small talk. You can start with those people with whom it is really very easy and pleasant.
  5. Autotraining. From time to time, you need to remind yourself of your own significance and uniqueness.
  6. It is necessary to try to do something from which there is fear. If you succeed in accomplishing what you previously lacked the courage to do, then there is no doubt that victory lies ahead.

Reflection (from lat. reflexio - turning back) is the process of self-knowledge by the subject of internal mental acts and states. The concept of reflection arose in philosophy and meant the process of thinking of an individual about what is happening in his own mind.

Reflection is a subject of study in various areas of human knowledge: philosophy, methodology, science of science, psychology, acmeology, management, pedagogy, ergonomics, conflictology, etc.

A.V. Khutorskoy believes that reflection is a thought-activity and sensual process of awareness by the subject of education of his activity, aimed at the study of an already carried out activity (remember, identify and realize).

M.V. Zakharenko believes that reflection is an incentive for independent creativity, ingenuity, predicting one's own path of education)

“An essential factor influencing the effectiveness of reflexive activity is the variety of its forms, corresponding to the age characteristics of students and having different semantic purposes…”

A.V. Karpov, S.Yu. Stepanov, I.N. Semenov is distinguished:

    reflection of mood and emotional state (aimed at establishing emotional contact with the group, identifying the degree of satisfaction with its work), at the beginning and at the end of the lesson;

    reflection of the content of the educational material (reveals the level of awareness of the content of the past and is aimed at obtaining new information);

    reflection of activity (carried out at different stages of the lesson and consists in understanding the ways and methods of working with educational material, searching for more rational methods)

Reflection in pedagogy is the process and result of the participants in the educational process fixing the state of their development, self-development and the reasons for this.

One of the definitions of reflection, available for clarification, is as follows: "Reflection is a thought directed at a thought" (or "directed at itself"). Perhaps the essence of reflection is not that it is a thought, but that it is turned on itself and that reflection is a genetically secondary phenomenon. Reflection appears when there are insurmountable difficulties in the functioning of practice, as a result of which the practical norm (need) is not fulfilled. Reflection is the way practice goes beyond itself. Reflection is the otherness of practice. Reflection is a procedure that removes a practical difficulty. Reflection - development and updating of practice. So, reflection is the practice's focus on itself, reflection is derived from the cessation of practice. The highest form of practice, reflecting the essence of human ability, is activity. The latter cannot develop without reflection. The attributes immanently inherent in activity in their procedural existence - material, product, norms, methods and means of activity, as well as being a doer, are not reflexive in themselves, but can be turned upon themselves if there are difficulties in their functioning.

In the psychology of creativity and creative thinking, reflection is interpreted as a process of understanding and rethinking by the subject of the stereotypes of experience, which is a necessary prerequisite for the emergence of innovations. In this context, it is customary to talk about the reflexive-innovative process, reflexive-creative abilities (I.N. Semyonov, S.Yu. Stepanov), as well as distinguish different forms of reflection (individual and collective) and types (intellectual, personal, communicative, cooperative ). The introduction of reflection into the context of psychological research and its consideration from the point of view of personal-semantic dynamics made it possible to develop a conceptual model of the reflexive-innovative process, as well as a methodology for studying it through a content-semantic analysis of the discursive (speech) thinking of an individual and a group in the process of solving creative problems. The use of this technique for the empirical study of the development of reflection in the process of individual solution of small creative problems (the so-called "tasks for consideration") led to the identification of different types of reflection: in the intellectual plane - extensive, intensive and constructive; in personal terms - situational, retrospective and prospective (S.Yu. Stepanov, I.N. Semyonov). Consideration of the relationship between reflection, creativity and individuality of a person made it possible to study the problem of the creative uniqueness of the individual and the role of reflection in its development (E.P. Varlamova, S.Yu. Stepanov) .

Reflection on goal-setting in the innovative activity of a teacher has the following characteristics:

Direct analysis - goal setting from the current state of the pedagogical system to the final planned goal;

Reverse analysis - goal setting from the final state to the actual one;

Goal-setting from intermediate goals using both direct and reverse.

Reflective activities include:

    understanding the value of education as a means of developing the culture of the individual;

    objective assessment of their educational achievements, behavior, traits of their personality;

    taking into account the opinions of other people when determining one's own position and self-esteem;

    the ability to correlate the efforts made with the results of their activities

Reflection includes:

Construction of conclusions, generalizations, analogies, comparisons and assessments;

Experience, remembrance;

Solution of problems.

The development in domestic psychology of specific experimental works devoted to the study of reflection was prepared by the study of this concept by I.M. Sechenov, B.G. Ananiev, P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein and others, first at the theoretical level of psychological knowledge as one of the explanatory principles of the organization and development of the human psyche, and above all its highest form - self-consciousness. And now the concept of "reflection" is used as an explanatory principle for revealing the psychological content of various phenomena and facts obtained in experimental studies of specific subjects of psychological study: thinking, memory, consciousness, personality, communication, etc.

In pedagogical innovations, there is always a new idea discovered by the teacher himself or borrowed, so innovative experience must be comprehended, generalized in the form of an idea or concept. In this regard, the teacher needs to master the scientific and methodological reflection, which allows you to correlate this or that innovative system with a variety of tasks of a particular study. Methodological reflection is associated with the subject's awareness of the totality of methods and means, in terms of their adequacy to the goals of innovative activity, its object and result.

Reflection in the innovative activity of the teacher has the following characteristics:

Direct analysis - from the current state of the pedagogical system to the final planned goal;

Goal setting - from intermediate goals with the help of both direct analysis and reverse;

Analysis of the significance of motives and their attainability;

Analysis and evaluation of the predicted results and consequences of achieving goals, selection of an actual goal.

- a way of knowing oneself, used in such scientific fields as psychology, philosophy and pedagogy. This method allows a person to pay attention to their thoughts, feelings, knowledge and skills, relationships with other people.

In meditation, you can perfectly know yourself

Definition of reflection

The term "reflection" comes from the late Latin word "reflexio", which translates as "turning back." This is a state during which a person pays attention to his own consciousness, deeply analyzes and rethinks himself.

It is a way of understanding the results of human activity. In the process of reflection, a person carefully examines his thoughts and ideas, considers the accumulated knowledge and acquired skills, and considers the completed and planned actions. This allows you to better know and understand yourself.

The ability to draw conclusions based on self-reflection is a unique trait that distinguishes man from animals. This method helps to avoid many errors that occur when repeating the same actions with the expectation of a different result.

The concept of reflection was formed in philosophy, but now it is widely used in pedagogical practice, science of science, various fields of psychology, physics and military affairs.

Forms of reflection

Depending on the time taken as a basis during reflection, it can manifest itself in 3 main forms:

  1. retrospective form. It is characterized by an analysis of past events.
  2. situational form. It is expressed as a reaction to events happening to a person right now.
  3. prospective form. Reflections are subject to the events of the future, not yet occurred. These are the dreams, plans and goals of a person.

Retrospective analysis of the past in human life

The most common is retrospective reflection. It is used in pedagogy, when students consolidate the material, and in psychology, when analyzing past events to solve psychological problems.

Types of reflection

The reflexive position is divided into several main groups, depending on the object of reflection:

  • personal, which includes introspection and the study of one's own "I", the achievement of self-consciousness;
  • communicative, analyzing relationships with other people;
  • cooperative, comprehending joint activity to achieve the goal;
  • intellectual, paying attention to the knowledge, skills and abilities of a person, as well as to the areas and methods of their application;
  • social reflection, which cognizes the internal state of a person through how he is perceived and what other people think about him;
  • professional, helping to analyze the movement up the career ladder;
  • educational, allowing you to better learn the material received in the lesson;
  • scientific, addressed to the understanding of human knowledge and skills related to science;
  • existential, pondering the meaning of life and other deep questions;
  • sanogenic, aimed at controlling the emotional state of the individual.

Professional reflection will allow you to understand what you have come to and where to go next in your career

Development of reflection

Anyone can learn to reflect. To start the process, it is worth practicing more by performing simple psychological exercises. They will teach a person to analyze everything that is happening around him, and to live his life meaningfully.

Interaction with the world

Reflection It is always a reaction to an external influence. Everything that fills the consciousness of a person came to him from outside. Therefore, the best reflection training will be interaction with the world around him: with other people's opinions, criticism, conflicts, doubts and other difficulties.

Contacts with stimuli coming from outside expand the range of human reflexivity. Communicating with other people, a person learns to understand them, and this makes it easier and easier for him to understand himself.

By interacting with other people, we learn to understand the world around us.

After the end of a day spent surrounded by other people, it is important to reflect on all the events that have occurred. Analyze your behavior and actions taken during the day. What do you think about this? What do you feel? Where were you wrong?

Performing this exercise daily, you can achieve excellent results.

New information

Being in your comfort zone, it is difficult to learn something new about yourself. Constantly communicating with the same people, watching films of the same genre, reading the same books, a person stops developing as a person. To improve the ability to introspection, you need to learn something new, the opposite of the usual interests.

We need to constantly step out of our comfort zone, otherwise we will not develop.

Chat with a person who has a different point of view on important issues than yours, or who lives the opposite way of life. Start a book that is unusual for you in a genre that you have not tried to read before, listen to music that you were not familiar with before, and you will be surprised how much new and unusual there is around you.

Analysis of one thing

Neuroscientists believe that a large amount of information received in the modern pace of life has a bad effect on the mental functions and memory of a person. With an abundance of unnecessary knowledge, new information is poorly absorbed and interferes with the thinking process. Therefore, it is important to analyze the things and relationships that occupy a person’s thoughts.

During this training, you need to choose one subject and analyze it in detail. An interesting new book, favorite series, favorite song or, say, communication with a new acquaintance may be subject to consideration.

When analyzing things, you need to ask yourself a number of specific questions.

When thinking about the subject of analysis, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Is this item useful for me?
  2. Did I learn something new thanks to him?
  3. Can I use this knowledge?
  4. How does this item make me feel?
  5. Do I want to study it further, am I interested?

These questions will help you get rid of unnecessary things in life. They will free up useful space for more important and interesting things, as well as teach you how to focus and filter out everything superfluous on your own, in automatic mode.

Exciting questions

To get to know yourself better, write down questions that worry you on a piece of paper. These may be questions that have arisen only yesterday, or have been of interest to you for many years. Make a detailed list, and then divide it into categories.

These could be questions:

  • about past events;
  • about the future;
  • about relationships with people;
  • about feelings and emotions;
  • about material objects;
  • about scientific knowledge;
  • about spiritual matters;
  • about the meaning of life, of being.

When asking questions to yourself, make them exciting and important.

Which group collected the most responses? Think about why it happened the way it did. This is a great workout that helps to reveal information to a person that he might not have been aware of.

How to stop reflecting?

Many people believe that the tendency to reflect on a constant basis is harmful, that it negatively affects a person, but it is a natural component of the life of any person.

A person's appeal to himself, to his inner motives and desires only strengthens the will, improves the result and efficiency of any activity. However, it is important that the reflective person perform this activity: reflection without action will not bear fruit.

Reflection should not be confused with ordinary self-digging: unlike the latter, reflection is a creative, not a destructive activity.

If self-development reaches the point of absurdity and you feel that you are far from reality, you need to get rid of it:

  • reading books about self-development should not be just a hobby;
  • attend trainings less and communicate more with people, walk, communicate;
  • if the learned techniques and methods do not bring results, do not dwell on them;
  • most of the techniques are businesses that are developed for the sake of making money;
  • when you achieve your goals, leave the idea of ​​improving them.

Reflection Examples

In pedagogy

An example of educational reflexivity in pedagogical practice can be any school lesson. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, at the end of the lesson, the teacher must necessarily conduct a small survey in a symbolic, oral or written form. It contains reflective questions aimed at consolidating the material, at assessing emotions, or at analyzing why the student needs this information.

In psychology

Retrospective reflection is actively used in psychological practice. An example would be the consultation of a psychotherapist, when he asks the patient leading questions and helps him to analyze the events of the past. This technique allows you to cope with the problems and diseases caused by traumatic memories.

Analysis of relationships with relatives, friends or soulmate. A reflective person recalls events and situations related to a loved one, analyzes his feelings in relation to this. It helps to understand if the relationship is going in the right direction and what needs to be changed.

Communicative reflection is necessary to analyze relationships with loved ones.

- a way of analyzing a person's consciousness, allowing you to better know yourself. This skill distinguishes humans from animals. Interesting methods can be used to develop reflection: interaction with the world, searching for new information that is different from the interests of a person, a detailed analysis of one thing and compiling a list of issues that concern a person the most.

Reflection is a special skill, which consists in the ability to be aware not only of the focus of attention, but also to track one's psychological state, feelings and thoughts. It is the ability to observe yourself from the side, as if you are looking at yourself through the eyes of an outsider. Reflection means the ability to see what focused attention and where it is directed.

In modern psychology, this concept means any reflection of a person that is aimed at introspection. This may be an assessment of one's condition or actions, as well as reflection on some events. Moreover, the depth of reflection is directly related to the level of education of a person, his ability to control himself and morality.

The main role of reflection in the life of the individual

It is reflection that is the main source of the emergence of new ideas. If we consider this phenomenon as a method of constructing a picture of the activities carried out, then it can be noted that reflection provides certain material, which can later become the basis for observation and criticism. As a result of such introspection, a person changes. It is important to understand that reflection is a mechanism for making implicit thoughts explicit. It is something that, under certain conditions, can become a source of obtaining deeper knowledge than what we already have.

It should be noted that the professional development of a person is inextricably linked with the process of reflection. Moreover, development itself is implied not so much in technical terms, but in intellectual and personal terms. A person to whom reflection is alien does not control his life, which carries him like a river in the direction of the current. It is reflection that allows the individual to realize what he is doing in this moment where it is located and where it is necessary to move in order to develop.

Reflection, which is aimed at understanding the causes and foundations of personal judgments, is often referred to as philosophy. Although the control of the validity of conclusions is a mandatory component of any intellectually developed personality, being, among other things, also a method of developing thinking.

Reflection of activity is very important for a person, especially when it comes to rather difficult intellectual work. It is also needed in situations where there is interpersonal group interaction. Management, no doubt, refers to such cases.

Reflection should not be confused with self-awareness, since not every reflection becomes it. The latter implies reflection, the subject of which is understanding and knowledge of oneself. Deliberation is the result of the orientation of consciousness to the upcoming event, and awareness is the concentration on what is happening. Reflection is the appeal of consciousness to what has already taken place.

How to develop reflection

The development of reflection is incredibly important for changing a sober-minded person for the better. There are the following ways to develop reflection:

  • Analyze your actions after important events and making difficult decisions. Try to adequately assess yourself from the outside. Think about how you acted, how your actions looked in the eyes of others. Think about whether you had the opportunity to do more correctly or more effectively. Evaluate what experience you got after a particular event.
  • Try to end each working day with an analysis of past events. Having mentally run through all the episodes of the outgoing day, concentrate on those with which you are not completely satisfied. Evaluate bad moments with the eyes of an outside observer.
  • Periodically check your opinion of other people. Analyze how your ideas are right or wrong. This task cannot be called easy, but if you are an open and sociable person, this will not be a problem for you. Otherwise, you should increase your communication skills, which also provide development of personal reflection.
  • Communicate more with people who are different from you, who have a different point of view than yours. Each attempt to understand such a person is an activation of reflection. If successful, you can say that you have mastered another reflective position. There is no need to be afraid to understand the other, because this is not a complete acceptance of his position. Broad vision of the situation make your mind more flexible and also allow for a more efficient and consistent solution.
  • To analyze your actions, use the problems that you are facing at a particular moment.
  • Even in very difficult situations, you can find a share of paradox or comedy. If you look at the problem from a different angle, you will see something funny in it. This skill indicates a high level of reflection. It's not always easy to find something funny about a problem, but it helps pave the way for a solution.

By developing your ability to reflect, after six months you will notice that you have learned to better understand people and yourself. You will be surprised that you can predict other people's actions and anticipate thoughts. Moreover, you will learn to understand yourself and feel a powerful influx of strength. Reflection is an effective and at the same time subtle weapon. In this direction, you can develop endlessly, and you can apply the ability to reflect in various areas of life.

The full development of the personality requires the constant acquisition of new information, as well as the ability to realize, "process" the knowledge gained.

Reflection in psychology is the ability of a person to understand the degree of his uniqueness, to know his purpose, to correctly formulate thoughts and interact with the outside world.

In simple words, reflection is the ability to look into your inner world, the actions taken, the knowledge gained and future undertakings.

To reflect means to focus on one's own consciousness. A person begins to think about his inner world, tries to compare himself with others and tries to look at himself from the outside.

Reflection, after all, is not literally thinking, it is a mistake to identify these concepts. Reflection is to thinking about the same as bodybuilding is to weight training, that is, as free leisure is to sports.
Maxim Kantor. drawing tutorial


The word "Reflection" is of Latin origin. Literally, it means "look back." In psychology, reflection is called introspection or introspection. They can be called synonyms.

The definition of reflection is a set of reflections of a person about his life and actions, as well as the subsequent assessment of himself. A person is able to evaluate himself with the help of communication mechanisms. For this reason, the existence of such a concept as reflection is impossible without communication.

Self-observation can be different:

  • Ordinary reflection- a person thinks about his actions, notices his mistakes, but does not get hung up on this.
  • deep reflection- a person is engaged in self-digging, analyzes his actions and the response of society. This includes reflections on the universe and moral standards.
Any human action can become reflexive. For example, feelings, actions, words, impulses, emotions. They become reflexive if a person turns to his consciousness and tries to carry out introspection.

Thanks to reflection, a person thinks and fantasizes, goes into the world of dreams and begins to feel part of reality. Creating a picture of an ideal world in his head, he begins to feel like a certain person and acts in society, according to his settings.

Types of reflection

Reflection is a complex and multifaceted concept. It has many definitions, depending on the situation.

There are several main types of reflection:

  • personal character- a person cognizes his inner world, thinks about the inner "I".
  • Communicative- a person analyzes his relationship with the outside world, other people, relatives and friends.
  • cooperative nature- a person thinks and analyzes the possibility of achieving a certain goal, acting together with someone.
  • Intellectual character- reflections on certain knowledge and the possibility of applying it in real life.
  • Existential character- a person plunges into deep and very personal reflections.
  • Sanogenic character- attempts to control a stressful situation, get rid of negative emotions, experiences and suffering.
There are also several other types of reflection, depending on the situation in which the person finds himself.

Forms of reflection

There are several forms of introspection, depending on the situation in which a person’s thoughts begin:
  • situational form- a person reacts to the situation that he is facing at the moment.
  • retrospective form- analysis of events that occurred in the past.
  • perspective form- a person makes plans for the future, dreams and sets certain goals.

What our time lacks is not reflection, but passion.
Because our time is too tenacious to die, because dying is one of the most amazing leaps.
Soren Kierkegaard. Fear and trembling

social reflection

In social life, reflection is a kind of awareness of a person who he is for other individuals. In other words, social reflection in psychology is not only a person's awareness of himself, but also an understanding of how other people relate to him.

This includes the characteristics of a person's personality, reactions to various events, emotional impulses, mood and character. When joint activity arises between members of society, social reflection turns into subject-reflexive relations.

Reflection in the psychology of communication

Reflection occupies a special place in psychology, as it is a form of self-knowledge. It plays a major role in communication with society, allows you to be aware of your actions, to understand other people. Self-analysis allows a person to build relationships with other people.

Reflection in the psychology of communication helps to see everything that happens from the outside. An example is the unacceptable behavior of a particular person or their own mistakes. Through self-analysis, a person will realize that he should not interact with a certain person, or he realizes that he behaved incorrectly. Thus, reflection will help to delete unnecessary people from your life and resolve conflicts.

Reflection is a search for answers to all existing questions related to a person's personality. With its help, all personal problems of a person are solved. The individual does not even realize what role reflection plays in his life. Periodically pondering his attitude to life and people, he conducts introspection, sees his own shortcomings and tries to correct them, depending on moral values.

What is the use of reflection?

Reflective activity opens up new possibilities for a person.

Thinking over his actions and deeds, he learns to live correctly:

  • It gives you the ability to control your thinking. A person tries to think in the right direction.
  • Reflection contributes to the emergence of self-criticism, which allows you to see your own disadvantages, analyze them and work on mistakes.
  • Self-analysis allows you to get rid of negative and oppressive thoughts that poison human existence.
  • The analysis of experienced life situations begins, with subsequent conclusions.
  • Aware of past mistakes, the individual develops a stable personality and acquires his own position.
In the process of reflection, personal growth is observed. A person changes and learns from his mistakes, not repeating them in the future. But if a person lacks reflection, then he repeats similar mistakes and does not understand the cause of the distress.

What is reflection?

A certain category of people is prone to constant introspection. But most of the population does not think about their actions.

There are several ways to develop reflection in yourself and look at the world differently.

  • Try to analyze your day. Analysis must be done down to the smallest detail, up to chance meetings, individual dialogues, unpleasant situations and joyful events.
  • Read relevant literature.
  • Take some time to think.
  • Write some important questions that need to be addressed. Try to think of a possible way out.

The main way to develop reflection is communication. Contacting with the outside world, experiencing positive and negative moments, a person learns introspection. After a long and eventful day, you should think a little about the experience and try to get some benefit out of it.

Other types of reflection

As mentioned above, there are many types of reflection.

There are three main types, depending on the direction of human thinking:

  • elemental type. Such a reflection is characteristic of almost every person. The appearance of difficult situations in life forces one to turn to introspection and try to understand what led to a sad outcome. Reflecting on the perfect actions, a person can find answers to all questions for himself.
  • scientific kind. Reflection is also used in various studies and experiments. With its help, it is possible to confirm or refute certain theories, from a scientific point of view.
  • philosophical kind. Philosophical reflection is devoted to lofty questions. We are talking about questions of being and the universe, the true meaning of life and the purpose of man. If a person is able to think so deeply and periodically think about serious issues, this shows a high level of his intelligence.

Examples of reflection from life

The modern rhythm of life does not allow you to think about important and serious issues. In fact, in the world around you there are many opportunities to develop reflection in yourself and look at life in a different way.

try to think

Social networks of the Internet provide a person with so much information that there is not even time left to think about it. People no longer have to put in effort or introspection, it's enough to enter a query on the Internet to get an answer. For this reason, reflection is not developed in most of the population.

Experts say that a large amount of various information harms a person. A large stream is not absorbed by the brain, as a result, only fragmentary pictures and phrases remain, from which there will be no benefit. The brain is designed to think about a certain topic.

Without getting out of the rhythm of life, you can develop reflection in yourself. An example from life can be a common action. It is enough to choose one case, for example, a book you read, a movie you saw, or a trip to a museum, and then answer yourself the following questions:

  • Was there any benefit from this?
  • Have I received new information?
  • How can I use the experience gained?
  • Did I like the character (place)?
  • What did I get out of this?
This will allow you to relax and focus at the same time. While a person will answer questions of interest to him, the brain will actively act and develop reflection.

Get a special notebook

The tendency to introspection is developed by a special attitude towards life. It is important to pay attention to all the details and try to think even about what can cause negative emotions. Only in this way can a person realize his mistakes.

Reflection develops from an early age, but starting to think about all the actions taken, you can do it even in adulthood. A person should think about the most important and pressing issues in his life, even if they can hurt him. There should be many questions, because they cover the whole life.

After that it's all should be written in a special notebook by dividing the questions into the following categories:

  • Questions about life and death. Philosophical reasoning, the meaning of life and purpose.
  • main goal in life. Did you manage to achieve it? If not, then for what reasons.
  • Relationships with others. Not only well-wishers should be included, but also those with whom relations are damaged. Answer the question “why did this happen and how could it have been avoided”.
  • About the spiritual world, religion and God.
  • About past mistakes and actions. Answer the question “what did I do wrong and how could I fix it”.
  • About plans and cherished dreams. Answer the question “how can I achieve this”.
  • About material values. Answer the question “what is most important to me in my life”.

Most of these questions can cause serious difficulties for a person, because it is necessary to answer honestly. Reflection involves introspection. A person should be able to recognize not only his positive aspects, but also his shortcomings. By answering all the questions honestly and analyzing them, a person can learn a lot about himself.

Reflection as a way of life

Reflection in psychology is a craving for new knowledge, the ability to learn about the world, work on mistakes, easily make contact with people and protect yourself from sources of negativity. By reflecting, a person stops blaming himself for all the problems or vice versa, shifting all the responsibility onto others. There is a clear and correct position in life.

The main positive quality of reflection is that with its help a person stops living on autopilot. If in the past all problems were associated with certain circumstances, then by developing reflection in oneself, a person analyzes his actions in advance and does not take wrong steps. There is a habit to think over all your actions and analyze their possible consequences. A person begins to take life more seriously, because a wrong step can cause disastrous consequences.

It is easy to develop reflection in yourself - just be honest and frank with yourself. Thoughtful actions and balanced decisions will bring fruitful results. By periodically engaging in introspection, but without delving into endless reflections, a person can make his life easier and happier.

What do you think about the ability to analyze your actions and work on mistakes? Is it difficult for you to admit your guilt even to yourself, or are you always aware of your actions?