Compound sentence: examples. Compound and complex sentences

The main groups of compound sentences.

According to the unions that connect parts of a complex sentence, compound sentences are divided into three main groups:

1) compound sentences with connecting and unions (and, yes, no-no, also, also, 2) compound sentences with separating and unions (or,either, that - that, not that - not that); 3) compound sentences with opposing and conjunctions ( but, but, yes, but, but, however, otherwise, not that ).

Different unions express different relationships between simple sentences that are part of a compound, for example: 1) union and can express the simultaneity of phenomena: The transparent forest alone turns black, and spruce through frost turns green, and the river shines under the ice (P.); 2) union but expresses "opposition: I called you, but you didn't look back. (Block.)

Various semantic relations between sentences during their composition are expressed not only by conjunctions, but often by the ratio of verb forms, as well as by lexical means, in particular, by pronominal words included in the second sentence.

1) The sun has just village, and scarlet thin light lay on green vines, on tall stamens, on dry ground. (T.) Union and expresses a sequence of events. Predicate in the first sentence (village) expressed by a perfective verb, and in the second sentence - by an imperfective verb (lying). These verb forms allow you to indicate that after a short action, a long action arose.

2) and that's why I didn't wait for dinner and went to bed. (Ars.) In this example, the second sentence is semantically a consequence of the first; this meaning is supported by the pronominal adverb because.(Compare: That day I was a little unwell, and I did not wait for dinner and went to bed.)

3) Marianne not She was a child, but in her directness and simplicity of feeling she resembled a child. (T.) The opposition value is supported in this example by the negative particle not with the predicate of the first sentence.

Compound sentences with connecting conjunctions.

1. Union and ambiguous: it may indicate simultaneity of actions (sitting and silent) to their sequence (jumped up and ran) on the conditionality of one action by another (He cried out in his sleep and woke up, i.e. woke up from a scream), etc. Therefore, in a complex sentence, he can connect parts that talk about the simultaneity of events, or about their following one after another, or about the conditionality of one event by another. Consider examples: 1) Harvest bent spike, and wheat rises like a wall, and girlfriends silver voice sings our sonorous song. (OK.)(This compound sentence consists of three parts; in a complex sentence, the simultaneity of phenomena is established; simultaneity is expressed by enumerative intonation, union and and the same type of verb forms: in all three parts, the verbs of the imperfect form of the present tense are predicates.) 2) The coachman whistled and the horses galloped. (P.)(This complex sentence conveys a sequence of phenomena; the sequence is expressed by the union and, lexical meanings of verb forms; predicates are expressed by verbs of the perfect form of the past tense.) 3) Lightning flashed , and after that a sharp clap of thunder was heard.(This sentence conveys a sequence of phenomena; the sequence is expressed primarily by the combination after that, a also union i.) 4) The darkness, meanwhile, thickened more and more, and objects lost their contours. (Ch.)(The second part of the sentence has the meaning of the corollary.) 5) I don't know you, Daria Mikhailovna, and because you can not like me. (T.)(In this example, the presence of a pronominal adverb because in the second part emphasizes the meaning of the consequence.) In scientific prose, the temporal sequence is very often combined with the meaning of the consequence, for example: The Earth gradually cooled down, gave off its heat to the cold interplanetary space. Finally, her temperature approached 100°, and then the water vapor of the atmosphere began to condense into drops and rushed in the form of rain onto the hot desert surface of the earth.(Oparin.) In the second compound sentence, a simple sentence attached by the union and , which is combined with the word then, includes subsequent events that are a consequence. In scientific and business speech, there are also compound sentences with a conditional-investigative meaning, for example: Change the type of metabolism of a living body, and you will change heredity. (The first part with the predicate in the form of the imperative mood has the meaning of the condition, and the second - with the predicate in the form of the future tense - has the meaning of the consequence.)

2. The connecting union is used much less frequently in the literary language Yes. It is found mainly in artistic speech, for example: A hungry wolf in the wilderness groaned piercingly, Yes the wind beat and roared, playing on the river. (N.) It has an additional colloquial-everyday or folklore connotation.

3. Unions too and also close in value to the union and, but they do not stand between the parts of the sentence, but inside the second part, with them there may be an additional union and .

EXAMPLES. one) Tears dried up in my eyes, sister too stopped crying. (BUT.) 2) The strange old man spoke very slowly, the sound of his voice also amazed me. (T.)

4. Union neither -neither (only repeating in the modern literary language) combines two meanings: a connecting union and and amplifying particle nor, which is used in negative sentences, therefore the union no no used to link negative sentences.

Example. Neither I can't see the light of the sun neither there is no space for my roots. (Cr.)(Compare: And I can't see the light of the sun and there is no space for my roots.)

Compound sentences with disjunctive conjunctions.

1. Union or indicates the presence or possibility of one of two or a number of phenomena, as well as the alternation of phenomena referred to in sentences. examples . 1) Only occasionally a shy deer will run through the desert, or the playful herd of horses will anger the silence of the valley. (L.) 2) ile the plague will catch me or frost will ossify or A slow disabled person will slam a barrier in my forehead. (P.)

2. Union then-that (repeating only) indicates an alternation of phenomena.

EXAMPLE That the door creaks then the gate quietly opens, then a hunched figure weaves from house to house through the gardens.


3. Union not that - not that(repeating only) indicates the difficulty of distinguishing one from two or from a series of phenomena due to the uncertainty of the impression from each

Example. Not that to whom the horses were given, not that who is new.(Danilevsky.)

Unions or, that-that stylistically neutral, sentences

they can be used in any style of speech. Unions il, not that - not that have a touch of colloquialism, designs with them are more characteristic of everyday style

Compound sentences with adversarial conjunctions.

1. Union a indicates that the second phenomenon is opposed to the first or is somewhat different from it.

EXAMPLES. one) They woke up a we are going to sleep. (T.) 2) I met a man and a woman in a swamp. He walked with a scythe a she is with a rake. (Etc.)

2. Unions but, yes, but, however, indicate that the second phenomenon is opposed to the first. Union Yes, like a connecting union Yes, has an additional colloquial-everyday or folklore connotation.

EXAMPLES. one) The sun has set but it's still light in the forest. (T.)

2) I lay as if in oblivion, but sleep did not close my eyes. (Ext.) 3) A hot face sought the wind Yes there was no wind. (T.) 4) More than one stripe is visible on the sides of your hollow whip, but in the courtyards of the inns you ate plenty of oats. (N.)

3. Union same combines two meanings: an opposing union and an intensifying particle; therefore, it does not stand between parts of sentences, but after the first word in the second part of sentences (highlighting this word); it is used, as a rule, to connect sentences, and not individual words.

EXAMPLE The student himself laughed most cheerfully and loudest of all, he but most likely he stopped all of them. (M. G.)

4. Unions and that, not that match the words otherwise, otherwise; sentences with them are usually used in colloquial everyday speech.

EXAMPLES. one) You, Tisha, come quickly, otherwise mother will scold again. (Sharp). 2) Tell the truth not that you will get.

The conjunctive meaning of coordinating conjunctions.

Some coordinating conjunctions (and, yes, or, a, but, but) are used in an adjunctive sense. In this case, they add additional thoughts, which are: a) a consequence, a conclusion; b) a passing remark; c) something unexpected, suddenly came to mind. Some alliances such as yes and, have only an associated value. Before conjunctions with a connecting meaning, the voice is lowered and a pause is made.

EXAMPLES. one) We climbed another mountain, the last one, and right in front of them a large, cheerful city lit up with a bunch of lights.(Union and joins the corollary.) 2) This continues until everyone laughs together, and finally he himself. (Hound.)(Union and combined with the word finally appends the conclusion in time sequence.) 3) The snub-nosed schoolboy Vyacheslav Semashko came to the owner, Yes sometimes young lady Ptitsyna came in. (M. G.)(Union Yes joins a thought in a sequential statement, but which arose, as it were, after the first one.) 4) Poor Nadia has nowhere else to hear those words Yes and no one to speak them. (Ch.)(Special affiliation union Yes and attaches an additional remark of the narrator, pitying Nadenka and sympathizing with her.) 5) A hungry hut stood before my eyes, and in a hungry hut an ailing mother lies.(Neverov.) (Union a , by logical value approaching the union and , adds an additional thought, caused in the creation of the picture of the hut that arose before my eyes.) 6) AT house on Polevaya Street grandfather lived no more than a year , but also During this time, the house gained a resounding reputation. (M. G,)(Union but combined with union and joins the opposite of what follows from the content of the first sentence.)

Very often, conjunctions with an attached meaning do not attach part of a complex sentence, but a new sentence, for example: 1) At every corner there are lanterns and they burn with full heat. And the windows are lit. (K.S.)(Union and attaches a new proposal; the connecting connection allows you to highlight something that is very surprising and very important at the moment for the narrator, who has not seen illuminated windows for a long time. Wed: There are lanterns on all corners, they burn with full heat, the windows are lit.) 2) It's time, my child, get up! .. Are you ready, beautiful? (P.)(Union Yes starts a new interrogative sentence, prompted by something unexpected; here Yes approaches in value to interrogative particles isn't it.)

explanatory sentences.

A special group close to sentences joined by coordinating unions is explanatory sentences with unions that is, viz. In these sentences, the speaker explains, concretizes the idea expressed in the first part, for example:

1) Our garden is dying, strangers are already hosting it, i.e the very thing that the poor father was so afraid of happens. (Ch.) 2) The storm has a beneficial effect on nature, namely: it purifies and cools the air.

Punctuation marks in a compound sentence with coordinating conjunctions.

Between the parts of the sentence connected by coordinating unions, a comma is placed.

EXAMPLES. one) The sea murmured dully, and the waves beat furiously and angrily against the shore. (M. G.) 2) Nezhdanov was sleeping, and Marianna was sitting under the window and looking into the garden. (T.) 3) You work hard, but there is no benefit in this. (Cr.) 4) The sun had set behind the mountains, but it was still light. (L.) 5) There was a strong explosion, but the guys were not taken aback. If the word but is in the middle of a sentence, then it is separated by commas as an introductory word, for example: There was a strong explosion, the guys, however, were not taken aback.

If the connected parts are significantly common, already have commas inside them, then a dot with a semicolon is placed between them; a semicolon is also placed before such a sentence, which, although not very common, but has an additional character, is less related to the previous one in meaning. In these cases, between sentences, the voice drops and there is a pause.

EXAMPLES. one) Almost every evening they went somewhere out of town, to Oreanda or to a waterfall; and the walk was a success, the impressions were invariably beautiful and majestic every time. (Ch.) 2) I only had blue paint; but, despite this, I started to draw a hunt. (L. T.) 3) Irina again looked him straight in the face; but this time she smiled. (T.)

EXAMPLES. one) The arrow comes out of the quiver, soared, and the Cossack falls. (P.) 2) I moved to the second hut - and in the second hut not a soul. (T.) 3) I I'm in a hurry to go there - and there already the whole

city. (P.)

Note. A comma is not placed before connecting and separating unions if the sentences they connect have a common secondary member or a common subordinate clause, which determines the close semantic unity of these sentences, for example:

1) Through the streets heavy trucks were moving and cars were racing. 2) The stars have already begun to fade and the sky is gray, when the carriage drove up to the porch of the house in Vasilyevsky.(T.)

Exercise 115. Write by inserting the missing letters. Indicate the unions connecting the parts of the complex sentence, and the relationship between these parts; Explain punctuation.

1. Breathe air ... with spring aroma, and all nature comes to life .... (L.) 2) A year passes ... t, and Theodore returned to his side. (P.) 3) And the batteries fell silent, and the drums pounded. (L.) 4) Here the drums were busy - and the infidels retreated. (L.) 5) Only in some places ... they flickered, stretched out ... and immediately ... trembling reflections of stars scratched on the running jets, and sometimes a playful wave jumped ashore and ran towards us. (Kor.) 6) The nightingale finished his last songs, and the other songbirds all stopped singing. (A.) 7) He was silent for a second, and his mother looked at him in silence too. (M. G.) 8) It was dark, but I still saw trees, and water, and people. (Ch.) 9) The cart was driving straight, and for some reason the mill began to go to the left .... (Ch.) 10) He was joking, and I was spiteful. (P.) 11) Pugachev gave a sign, and they immediately let me go and left me. (P.) 12) My father wished me a good journey, and my daughter saw me off to the cart. (P.) 13) His friends advised him to complain ... sya; but the caretaker thought, waved his hand and decided to step back. (P.) 14) Zala ... a brownie dog, or a breeze blows ... flatters in the leaves of a darkening oak tree, or a bird timidly flies. (Yaz.) 15) Now breathe the truth ... everything in it, then everything in it is feigned and false. To understand n...maybe, but n...possible. (L.) 16) She was brought up ... but in the old way, that is, surrounded by mothers, nannies, girlfriends and hay girls, sewed with gold and n ... knew letters. (P.) 17) Fog rises faster and faster from the meadows and silver in the sunbeam, and behind it bushes rise from the ground. (M. G.) 18) Everyone knew her (Lizaveta Ivanovna), and no one ... noticed. (P.)

116 . Read and title the text, indicate compound sentences with conjunctions and the meaning of these sentences; write off, placing the missing punctuation marks.

The weather was fine at first. The thrushes were crying, and in the neighborhood in the swamp something alive was plaintively buzzing, as if blowing into an empty bottle. He held out one woodcock and a shot at it sounded booming and cheerful in the spring air. But when it got dark in the forest, a cold piercing wind blew inopportunely from the east, everything was silent. Ice needles stretched through the puddles and it became uncomfortable, deaf and unsociable in the forest. It smelled like winter.

(A.P. Chekhov)

117. Indicate compound sentences and their meaning; write off, placing the missing punctuation marks. Then explain the spelling of the particles not and neither.

I. 1) I was frisky and quick-tempered, but sensitive and ambitious, and everything could be achieved from me with kindness. Unfortunately, everyone interfered in my upbringing and no one knew how to take on me. (P.) 2) A dormant pond is covered with a green net of grasses, and behind the pond the village smokes and fogs rise in the distance over the fields. I enter the dark alley through the bushes, the evening beam looks and the yellow leaves rustle under timid steps. (L.) 3) Ostap had already gone about his business and had long gone to the kurens, while Andri himself, not knowing why, felt some kind of stuffiness in his heart. (G.) 4) The table and the bed were in their original places, but there were no flowers on the windows anymore and everything around showed dilapidation and neglect. (P.) 5) The days of late autumn are usually scolded, but she is dear to me, dear reader. (P.) 6) The air of the birds is not audible anymore, but far before the first winter storms, and pure and bright azure is pouring onto the resting field. (Tyutch.) 7) Sometimes again I will get drunk with harmony over fiction, shed tears and maybe my sad sunset will flash love with a farewell smile. (P.) 8) A rumor about me will spread throughout all of Great Russia and every language that exists in it will call me. (P.)

II. 1) It was spring. The sun got hotter. The snow melted on the southern slopes of the mounds, and the earth, red from last year's grass, at noon was already covered with a transparent lilac haze of fumes. On the mounds of mounds, from under the native stones grown into the loam, the first bright green sharp sprouts of verdigris grass appeared. The chill was exposed. From the abandoned winter roads, the rooks migrated to the threshing floor to the winter flooded with melt water. In the logs and beams, snow lay blue to the top, saturated with moisture; from there it still blew severely cold, but already thinly and melodiously rang in the ravines under the snow, spring streams invisible to the eye, and quite like spring, slightly noticeable and gently, the trunks of poplars turned green in the copses. (Shol.) 2) Soon a huge convoy stretched from the farm to the mountain. The women who went out to the drive waved their handkerchiefs for a long time, and then a snowstorm rose in the steppe and behind the snowy, boiling haze it was not visible either the carts slowly climbing the mountain or the Cossacks walking next to them. (Shol.)

118. Read, indicate complex sentences and their meaning; then indicate the isolated members of the sentence. Write with missing punctuation marks. Then explain the spelling of adjective suffixes and participles.

1) Under the clouds, flooding the air with silver sounds, the larks trembled, and above the greening arable land, the rooks swooped solidly and decorously flapping their wings. (Ch.) 2) The leaves did not move on the trees, cicadas screamed and the monotonous dull sound of the sea coming from below spoke of peace. (Ch.) 3) The distance was visible as in the daytime, but already its delicate purple color, shaded by the evening mist, disappeared and the whole steppe was hiding in the mist. (Ch.) 4) From behind a ridge of sandy mounds to the left of them, the moon appeared pouring a silver sheen on the sea. The big meek one slowly floated up through the deep vault of the sky, the bright brilliance of the stars paled and melted in its even dreamy light. (M. G.) 5) The oars fell together into the waves and the longboat rushed forward into a wide plain of illuminated water. (M. G.) 6) At night, the soft noise of his sleepy breathing floats smoothly over the sea, this immense sound pours calmness into the human soul and gently taming its evil impulses will give birth to powerful dreams in it. (M. G.)

119. Read and title the text; indicate where coordinating conjunctions connect homogeneous members, where are simple sentences and where are conjugated sentences; then indicate the meaning of compound sentences; write off, placing the missing commas. Fill in the missing letters and explain their spelling.

The black cloud moved in completely and it became visible not the skylights, but the lightning that illuminated the entire courtyard and the collapsing house with broken porches, and thunder was already heard overhead. All the birds were quiet, but on the other hand, the leaves rustled and the wind ran up to the porch on which Nekhludoff moved his hair. One drop flew by another, drumming on the burdocks of the iron of the roof, and all the air flared up brightly; everything was quiet and before Nekhlyudov had time to count three, something terribly cracked just above his head and rolled across the sky.

(L. N. T o l s t o y.)

120. Write by opening brackets. Underline the coordinating conjunctions.

1) He [Saburov] had the most people, for (then) he had to go straight across the whole square. (K.S.) 2) By dusk we (before) walked (before) watershed. The people were very hungry, the horses (same) needed a rest. (Ars.) 3) Ahead, on a dusty field, then (same) carts were moving, and those (same) yellow sheaves were seen, and so (same) the sounds of carts, voices and songs came from afar. (L. T.) 4) Not (then) they were flashes of distant explosions, not (then) lightning flashed. 5) That popped where (then), then suddenly there was a howl, then as if someone (then) walked down the corridor. (S.-SH.) 6) A few minutes later everything fell asleep in the village, only one month (same) brilliantly and miraculously floated in the vast deserts of the luxurious Ukrainian sky. So (same) solemnly breathed in the sky ... (G.)


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Compound sentence - this is a complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected by coordinating unions and, as a rule, are equal grammatically and in meaning.

Coordinating conjunctions connecting simple sentences are between simple sentences and are not included in any of them.

By alliances and by meaning compound sentences are divided into six groups.

1. Compound sentences with connecting unions: and yes(= i), neither- neither. They talk about a) the simultaneity of events and phenomena, or b) their succession one after another, or c) the conditionality of one event by another. For example: a) Neither [ viburnum does not grow between them], nor [ grass not turns green] (I. Turgenev)- No no ; AND [ the wind rushed about quick on weeds], and [sheaves sparks raced through the fogs]... (A. Blok)- And , and ; [Only willow gi shout], Yes[cuckoo vying with each other count down unlived years for someone] (M. Sholokhov)- , Yes ;

b) [Two or three fell large drops rain], and [suddenly lightning flashed]. (I. Goncharov) - [], and ; [Door across the street in a brightly lit shop slammed], and [from it showed Xia citizen]. (M. Bulgakov)- , and .

in) [life is given once], and [ want to live her cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully] (A. Chekhov)(the second sentence expresses the result, consequence, conclusion from the content of the first) -, and; [Tell you two words to her], and [ she is saved] (A. Chekhov)(in the first sentence, the condition of the action (state) in the second is indicated) - , and ; [It was getting hot], and I hastened home] (M. Lermontov)(in the first sentence, the reason for the action is indicated in the second) -, and; [Vacant places did not have], and [im had to stand] (V. Rasputin)- , and .

2. Compound sentences with separating unions: or (il), either, whether- or, then- that, not that- not that, or- either. They indicate alternation phenomena, on the possibility (choice) one phenomena of two or several. For example: [barking dog Brownie], or [ the breeze will rustle in darkening sheets fly by] (N. Yazykov [], il , il ; That [ sun dim glitters], then [ cloud black hanging(N. Nekrasov)

That, that; Not that [ it was getting light], not that [ it was getting dark] (Yu. German)- Not that, not that (in sentences with conjunctions either- whether or not- not that mutual exclusion is complicated by the value of conjecture or by an indication of the difficulty in choosing the exact designation of the situation).

3. Compound sentences with adversarial unions: ah but yes(= but), however, but, but, only. In them, one phenomenon is opposed to another or something different from it. For example: [ranks people are given], a [people can be deceived] (A. Griboyedov)- , a ; [Beliefs are inculcated theory], [ behavior same formed example] (A. Herzen)(union same combines two meanings: an opposing union and an intensifying particle; therefore, it does not stand between simple sentences, but after the first word of the second sentence, emphasizing this word) -, [same]; [They are, certainly, don't know me], yes \ I something them I know] (F. Dostoevsky)- , Yes ; [Fedya never didn't cry], but [ found on him at times wild stubbornness] (I. Turgenev)- , but ; [She didn't move], just a little bit eyebrows moved] (V. Rasputin)- , only ; [Was already spring month March], however [at night the trees cracked from the cold, as in December] (A. Chekhov)- , but . (The opposite union “however” always stands at the beginning of a simple sentence, it can be replaced by the union “but”, a comma is not placed after it. The introductory word “however” homonymous to the union is not at the beginning (i.e. in the middle or at the end) sentences and is separated by commas in writing. We were all waiting for him, but (but) he did not come.- We were all waiting for him, but he did not come.)

4. Compound sentences with gradation-comparative unions: not only ... but also, not that ... but (but), if not ... then, not that ... but (a), not so much ... how much. In such sentences, phenomena are compared or contrasted according to the degree
significance: what is reported in the second sentence is presented as in one way or another more significant, effective or convincing than what is said in the first (what is said in the second sentence has a greater degree of significance for the speaker). For example: [ cmnot that cruel, but [he is too de yat spruce character] (L. Tolstoy)- not that, but; Not only [ Sonya without paint couldn't stand this look], but also [the old the countess and Natasha blushed noticing this look] (L. Tolstoy)- Not only but .

5. Compound sentences with connecting unions: yes, and, too, also, moreover, moreover. The second sentence in them has the character of an additional or incidental remark, often unexpected, as if it had just come to mind. [He felt in front of her child], and [ she thought him for the child] (F. Dostoevsky)- , yes and ; [Poor Nadya has nowhere else to go hear those words], and [no one pronounce them] (A, Chekhov)- , yes and ; [Face her it was pale], [slightly open lips too turned pale] (I. Turgenev)- ., [too] (conjunctions too and same way close in value to the union and, but they do not stand between simple sentences, but within the second).

6. Compound sentences with explanatory unions: that is, namely, They indicate the identity, equivalence of situations, while the second sentence explains, concretizes the idea expressed in the first. For example: [Also here lived in native Lozishchi and to some Osip Lozinsky], i.e. [ lived, to tell the truth, it doesn’t matter] (V. Korolenko)- , i.e ; [Men's room servants were brought we have to a minimum], namely: [for the whole house no more than two lackeys were supposed to suffice] (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin)- , namely .

Syntactic analysis of a compound sentence

Scheme for parsing a compound sentence

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2 Characterize the sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

3. Determine the number of simple sentences in the complex and find their boundaries, highlight the grammatical foundations of each simple sentence that is part of the complex.

4. Indicate which coordinating union connects simple sentences into a complex one, and determine the semantic relationships between them.

5 Make a graphic diagram of a compound sentence.

6. Explain the placement of punctuation marks.

Example of parsing a compound sentence

[You are many years late], but [still I glad) (A. Akhmatova).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, compound, consists of two simple sentences connected by a composing opposing union “but”, a relationship of opposition (with a touch of concession); simple sentences in the composition of a compound in writing are separated by a comma.

That \ fell as if fog], then [suddenly allowed oblique, large rain] (L. Tolstoy).

That , that .

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, compound, consists of two simple sentences connected by a repeating coordinating divisive union “this - that”, an alternation relationship; simple sentences in the composition of a compound in writing are separated by a comma.

[Women flicker in tents], and [ yapping mutts sha-lye], and [samovars roses scarlet are burning in taverns and houses] (O. Mandelstam).

And , and .

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, compound, consists of three simple sentences connected by a repeating coordinating conjunction “and”, simultaneous phenomena are listed; simple sentences in a compound sentence are separated by commas in writing.

A sentence is a syntactic unit characterized by semantic and grammatical completeness. One of its main features is the presence of predicative parts. According to the number of grammatical bases, all sentences are simple or complex. Both of them perform their main function in speech - communicative.

Types of complex sentences in Russian

As part of a complex, two or more simple sentences are distinguished, interconnected by conjunctions or only intonation. At the same time, its predicative parts retain their structure, but lose their semantic and intonational completeness. Methods and means of communication determine the types of complex sentences. A table with examples allows you to identify the main differences between them.

Compound sentences

Their predicative parts are independent in relation to each other and equal in meaning. They can be easily divided into simple ones and rearranged. As a means of communication, coordinating unions are used, which are divided into three groups. On their basis, the following types of complex sentences with a coordinating connection are distinguished.

  1. With connecting unions: AND, ALSO, YES (= AND), ALSO, NOR ... NOR, NOT ONLY ... BUT AND, HOW ... SO AND, YES AND. In this case, parts of compound unions will be located in different simple sentences.

The whole city was already asleep, I too went home. Soon Anton Not only read all the books in the home library, but also turned to his comrades.

A feature of compound sentences is that the events described in different predicative parts can occur simultaneously ( And thunder rumbled, and the sun broke through the clouds), sequentially ( The train rumbled and a dump truck followed him) or one follows from the other ( It's already quite dark and had to disperse).

  1. With opposing unions: BUT, A, HOWEVER, YES (= BUT), ZATO, SAME. These types of complex sentences are characterized by the establishment of opposition relations ( Grandpa seemed to understand everything. but Grigory had to convince him of the need for a trip for a long time.) or matching ( Some fussed in the kitchen a others began to clean the garden) between its parts.
  2. With dividing unions: EITHER, OR, NOT THAT ... NOT THAT, THAT ... THAT, OR ... OR. The first two unions can be single or repetitive. It was time to get to work, or he was going to be fired. Possible relationships between parts: mutual exclusion ( Whether Pal Palych really had a headache, either he just got bored), alternation ( Her whole day then covered melancholy, then suddenly approached an inexplicable fit of fun).

Considering the types of complex sentences with a coordinating connection, it should be noted that the connecting unions ALSO, ALSO and the adversative SAME are always located after the first word of the second part.

The main types of complex sentences with a subordinate relationship

The presence of the main and dependent (subordinate) parts is their main quality. The means of communication are subordinating conjunctions or allied words: adverbs and relative pronouns. The main difficulty in distinguishing between them is that some of them are homonymous. In such cases, a hint will help: the allied word, unlike the union, is always a member of the sentence. Here are examples of such homoforms. I knew exactly what(union word, you can ask a question) I should look for. Tanya completely forgot what(union) the meeting was scheduled for the morning.

Another feature of NGN is the location of its predicative parts. The place of the adnexa is not clearly defined. It can stand before, after or in the middle of the main part.

Types of clauses in NGN

Traditionally, it is customary to correlate dependent parts with members of a sentence. Based on this, three main groups are distinguished into which such complex sentences are divided. Examples are presented in the table.

Type of adnexa


Means of communication



Which, which, whose, when, what, where, etc.

There was a house by the mountain, a roof whom already lost some weight.



What (s. and s.s.l.), how (s. and s.s.l.), so that, as if, as it were, either ... or who, like others.

Michael did not understand as solve the problem of.


When? How long?

When, while, how, barely, while, since, etc.

The boy waited until then Bye the sun hasn't set at all.

Where? Where? Where?

Where, where, from where

Izmestiev put the papers there, where no one could find them.

Why? From what?

Because, since, because, due to the fact that etc.

The cab driver stopped for the horses suddenly snorted.


What follows from this?

It cleared up in the morning so the squad moved on.

Under what condition?

If, when (= if), if, once, in case

If a the daughter did not call for a week, the mother involuntarily began to worry.

What for? For what purpose?

In order to, in order to, so that, in order to

Frolov was ready for anything to get this place.

Despite what? Against what?

Although, despite the fact that, let, for nothing, whoever, etc.

The evening was generally a success. although and there were minor flaws in its organization.


How? Like what?

As, as, exactly, as if, as, as, as, as, as, as,

Snowflakes flew down in large, frequent flakes, as if someone poured them out of a bag.

Measures and degrees

To what extent?

What, to, how, as if, as if, how much, how much

There was such silence what it became somehow uncomfortable.


what (in indirect case), why, why, why = pronoun this

There was no car from what anxiety only increased.

NGN with multiple clauses

Sometimes a complex sentence may contain two or more dependent parts that relate to each other in different ways.

Depending on this, the following ways of linking simple to complex sentences are distinguished (examples help to build a diagram of the structures described).

  1. With consistent submission. The next subordinate part depends directly on the previous one. It seemed to me, what this day will never end as more and more problems.
  2. With parallel homogeneous subordination. Both (all) subordinate clauses depend on one word (the whole part) and belong to the same species. This construction resembles a sentence with homogeneous members. There can be coordinating conjunctions between subordinate clauses. It soon became clear what it was all just a bluff and what no major decisions were made.
  3. With parallel heterogeneous subordination. Dependents are of different types and refer to different words (of the whole part). Garden, which sown in May, already gave the first harvest, because life became easier.

Associative compound sentence

The main difference is that the parts are connected only in meaning and intonation. Therefore, the relationship between them comes to the fore. It is they who influence the punctuation marks: commas, dashes, colons, semicolons.

Types of non-union complex sentences

  1. The parts are equal, the order of their arrangement is free. Tall trees grew to the left of the road , to the right stretched a shallow ravine.
  2. The parts are unequal, the second:
  • reveals the contents of the 1st ( These sounds caused anxiety: (= namely) in the corner someone rustled insistently);
  • complements the 1st ( I peered into the distance: there appeared someone's figure);
  • indicates the reason Sveta laughed: (= since) the neighbor's face was smeared with mud).

3. Contrasting relationships between parts. This is manifested in the fact that:

  • the first indicates a time or condition ( I'm five minutes late - no one else);
  • into the second unexpected result ( Fedor just got overclocked - the opponent immediately remained in the tail); opposition ( The pain becomes unbearable - you endure); comparison ( Will look frowningly - Elena will immediately burn with fire).

JV with different types of communication

Often there are constructions that have three or more predicative parts in their composition. Accordingly, between them there can be coordinating and subordinating unions, allied words, or only punctuation marks (intonation and semantic relations). These are complex sentences (examples are widely presented in fiction) with various types of communication. Michael has long wanted to change his life, but something constantly stopped him; as a result, the routine dragged him more and more every day.

The scheme will help to summarize information on the topic “Types of complex sentences”:

compound called complex sentences , in which simple sentences are equal in meaning and connected by coordinating conjunctions. The parts of a compound sentence do not depend on each other and form one semantic whole.

Depending on the type of coordinating union that connects the parts of the sentence, all compound sentences (CSP) are divided into three main categories:

1) BSC with connecting unions(and; yes in the meaning of and; neither ... nor; also; also; not only ..., but also; both ..., and);

2) BSC with dividing unions (then ... then; not that ..., not that; or; or; whether... or);

3) SSP with opposing alliances (but, but, yes in the meaning of but, however, but, but, only, the same).

The semantic connection of simple sentences combined into a complex one is different. They can send:

Phenomena happening at the same time.

For example: And far to the south there was a battle, and in the north the earth trembled from bombing attacks, clearly approaching at night (in such sentences, changing the sequence of parts of the sentence does not change the meaning);

Phenomena that occur sequentially.

For example: Dunya got into the wagon next to the hussar, the servant jumped on the pole, the driver whistled, and the horses galloped(in this case, the permutation of sentences is not possible).

1. BSC with connecting unions (and, yes /=and/, neither - nor, how - so and, not only - but also, also, also, yes and).

In compound sentences with connecting unions, the following can be expressed:

- temporary relationship.

For example: Morning came, and our ship approached Astrakhan(compare: When morning came, our ship approached Astrakhan);

Unions and yes can be either single or repetitive:

For example: The transparent forest alone turns black, and the spruce turns green through the hoarfrost, and the river glistens under the ice.(A.S. Pushkin) - the described phenomena occur simultaneously, which is emphasized by the use of repeating unions in each part.

I shouted and echo answered me- the second phenomenon follows the first.

- action and its result.

For example: Pugachev gave a sign, and they immediately released me and left me.

- causal relationships.

For example: Several dugouts, which were especially heavily covered, remained completely intact, and the people, who had become chilled and exhausted by the battle, falling down from fatigue and the desire to sleep, rushed there with all their might to warm themselves;
I was unwell, so I didn't wait for dinner
- the second phenomenon is a consequence of the first, caused by it, as indicated by the concretizer - adverb because.

Neither the sun I can see the light, nor for my roots there is no space(I. A. Krylov).

The narrator froze in mid-sentence, I also heard a strange sound- unions too and also have the peculiarity that they are not at the beginning of the part.

Unions too and also introduce the meaning of assimilation into the sentence. For example: And now I lived with my grandmother, she also told me stories before going to bed. Unions too and also always stand inside the second part of a compound sentence. Union too, usually used in colloquial speech, conjunction also- in the bookstore.

The union also has a colloquial character. Yes in meaning and .

For example: It was useless to hide the truth, and Serpilin did not consider himself entitled to do so.

2. SSP with opposing alliances (but, yes /=but/, however, but, but, but).

AT compound sentences with opposing conjunctions, one phenomenon is opposed to another.

For example: The storm was there, behind them, above the forest, and here the sun was shining.

With the help of the union, however, a reservation is transmitted to what was said earlier. For example: She could hardly force herself to smile and hide her triumph, but she soon managed to assume a completely indifferent and even stern air.

The sentences of this group always consist of two parts and, having a common adversative meaning, can express the following meanings:

She was about thirty, but she seemed like a very young girl.- the second phenomenon is opposed to the first.

Some helped in the kitchen, while others set the tables.- the second phenomenon is not opposed to the first, a matched with it (replacement union a on the but impossible).

Unions but , but indicate the reimbursement of what was said in the first sentence.

For example: The moose was gone, but nearby there was a sound made by some living and, probably, weak creature; He has a lot of work to do, but in the winter he will rest.

Particles are used in the meaning of adversative conjunctions same , only .

For example: The head still hurt, but the consciousness was clear, distinct; The war did not cancel anything, only all feelings became sharper in the war.

Union same like the unions too and also, always stands not at the beginning of the second part of the sentence, but directly after the word that is opposed to the word of the first part.

For example: All the trees have put out sticky leaves, but the oak is still without leaves.

3. BSC with dividing unions (or / il /, either, not that - not that, either - either, that - that).

In compound sentences with disjunctive conjunctions, phenomena are indicated that cannot occur simultaneously: they either alternate, or one excludes the other.

For example: In the sweltering air now there was a sound of pickaxes hitting stone, now the wheels of wheelbarrows sang mournfully; Now it was drizzling, then large flakes of snow fell- union then- then indicates an alternation of phenomena.

On Peresyp, something was burning, or the moon was rising- union not that -not that indicates mutual exclusion of phenomena.

Only sometimes a birch will flash or a spruce will stand in front of you like a gloomy shadow.- union or indicates mutual exclusion of phenomena.

Either the gate creaks, or the floorboards crackle- union either - either indicates mutual exclusion of phenomena.

Divisive unions or and or can be single or repetitive.

For a more detailed description of the types of SSP There are three more types of SSP: SSP with connecting, explanatory and gradational unions.

Unions are affiliated yes and, also, also, placed in our classification in the group of connecting unions.

Unions are explanatory. that is, namely :

For example: He was expelled from the gymnasium, that is, the most unpleasant thing happened to him.

gradation unions - not only ... but also, not that ... but .

For example: It wasn't that he didn't trust his partner, but he did have some doubts about him.

Compound sentence should be distinguished from a simple sentence with homogeneous members connected by coordinating conjunctions.

Compound sentences Simple sentences with homogeneous sentence members

With a whistling whisper, centennial pines exchanged among themselves, and dry frost with a soft rustle poured from the disturbed branches.

And suddenly another beetle fell away from the swarm dancing in the air and, leaving behind a large, magnificent tail, swept straight to the clearing.

The stars were still shining sharply and coldly, but the sky in the east was already beginning to lighten.

Obeying this powerful feeling, he jumped to his feet, but immediately, groaning, sat down on the bear carcass.

The forest is noisy, the face is hot, and a prickly cold creeps from the back.

In good weather, the forest swirled with caps of pine peaks, and in bad weather, shrouded in gray fog, it resembled a darkened water surface.

For a change, a white cobblestone flashes in the weeds, or a gray stone woman grows for a moment, or a gopher crosses the road, and again weeds, hills, rooks run past the eyes.

I had to stand with my eyes closed, leaning back against a tree trunk, or sit down on a snowdrift and rest, feeling the pulse in my veins.

January 10, 2015

Traditionally (and in school grammar) a complex sentence was understood as a combination of simple sentences, achieved with the help of certain syntactic means and characterized by semantic, constructive and intonational integrity. But its parts are not simple sentences, because: 1) they often cannot be independent communicative units, but exist only as part of a complex one; 2) do not have intonation completeness; 3) the entire sentence fully answers one information question, i.e. is one communication unit. It is more correct to consider them not as simple sentences, but as predicative units.

Classification of complex sentences

Let us analyze compound and complex sentences, examples and their classification. Let's start with the fact that both are complex. Compound sentences differ in the nature of the connection, the nature of the predicative units, the order of the parts. They are allied and non-union. Allied, which we will focus on in this article, in turn, are divided into compound and complex sentences (see examples below).

Compound sentence (CSP)

SSPs are such complex sentences, parts of which are connected by coordinating conjunctions and are grammatically independent of each other, i.e. are in relation to equality, equivalence.

The specificity of coordinating unions lies primarily in the fact that they are in a fixed position - always between the connected predicative units (except for repeating unions). They are not included in any of the parts of compound sentences. When the order of predicative units is changed, the place of the conjunction does not change. Analysis of a compound sentence, examples of its various types are given in this article.

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Classification of compound unions

The classification of the SSP in "Russian Grammar-80" is based on the division of conjunctions on the basis of unambiguity / ambiguity. Unions of a non-differentiating type include: and, but, yes, same, or, or their synonyms. They tend to express a certain type of relationship, but their meaning is always to some extent determined by the context or specified by the concretizer. Conjunctions of a differentiating type (mostly allied counterparts) unambiguously qualify certain relations: that is, namely, therefore, also, on the contrary, or rather, etc., which a compound sentence has.

Examples of BSC with non-differentiating type unions

  • Her heart was beating strongly, and her thoughts could not stop on anything (actually connecting).
  • I called, and the door was immediately opened for me (an improper connection with a positive connection qualification).
  • He never kept his word, and this is very bad (not really connecting, connecting-commenting).
  • He joked, and I was spiteful (comparative).
  • Life passes quickly, and you haven’t managed to do anything yet (inconsistency, compound sentence).

Examples with conjunction "but":

  • There is no rain, but the air is quite humid (oppositely concessive).
  • He is not very diligent, but he enjoys music (adversative-compensatory).
  • Pretty dark, but the lights haven't been turned on yet (oppositely restrictive).
  • It smells of hay, but the smell is thick and gentle (attachment-distributive compound sentence).

Examples with unions "or", "or":

  • Let him move here, to the wing, or I will move from here (modally complicated).
  • Either I'm wrong, or she's telling a lie (modally uncomplicated compound sentence).

Examples of BSC with differentiating type unions

  • I do not know how to recite poetry, that is, I do not like to read them with some special expression (explanatory).
  • The snow was already lying, but it was quite warm (there were no severe frosts yet) (opposite).
  • I never teased her, on the contrary, I treated her very carefully (optional-commenting).
  • He spoke for a long time and in a monotone, so everyone was very tired (causal).
  • Not only did my friends treat his weaknesses condescendingly, but envious people did not dare to object to him (gradational).

Complex sentence (CSP)

NGN is such a complex sentence in which there is a dependence of parts connected by subordinating means of communication: unions and allied words.

The structural-semantic classification of NGN is based on an important formal feature - the nature of the syntactic, formal dependence of the subordinate clause on the main one. This feature unites the scientific classifications of V.A. Beloshapkova and "Russian Grammar-80". All NGNs are divided into sentences of undivided and dismembered types. These are their distinguishing features.

Undivided type

1. The subordinate part is in a conditional position (refers to one word in the main), conditional or correlative connection (refers to a demonstrative pronoun).

2. One of the parts is synsemantic, i.e. cannot be a semantically sufficient communicative unit outside of a complex sentence.

3. Means of communication - syntactic (multi-valued) unions and allied words.

Dismembered type

1. The subordinate clause refers to the entire main sentence: a determinative connection.

2. Both parts are autosemantic, i.e. potentially able to exist independently.

3. Means of communication - semantic (unambiguous) unions.

The most important feature is the first, structural feature.

Further classification of the dissected type of NGN is carried out taking into account the content, semantic aspects (such as time, condition, concession, cause, purpose, effect, comparative, comparative aspect that a complex sentence may have).

Examples from fiction and other suggestions:

  • It's been a few hours since I left the city (temporary).
  • If you can, come by two o'clock (condition).
  • Although it was already late, the lights were on in the house (concession).
  • I almost never have free time, because music requires full commitment (reason).
  • To study well, one must work hard (goal).
  • His eyes shone like stars shine in a dark sky (comparative).
  • If he owns the thought, then he owns the form all the more (comparative).

The classification of non-partitioned NGN is primarily based on a structural feature - the nature of the means of communication, and only at the second stage - on semantic differences.

Types of non-partitioned NGN

1. With union connection: explanatory, definitive (quantitative, qualitative, qualification) and comparative.

2. With a pronominal connection: a pronominal-interrogative and a pronominal-relative complex sentence.

Examples from fiction and other allied sentences:

  • It's stupid that you won't come (explanatory).
  • The air is so pure, as if it does not exist (definitive, quantitative).
  • He spoke quickly, as if he was being urged on (definitive, qualitative).
  • All this happened as if there was no one in the room (definitive complex sentence).

Examples from the literature and other pronominal sentences:

  • It was necessary to hear how he spoke (pronoun-interrogative).
  • The house we live in is new (pronoun-relative, oriented).
  • Whoever applied, there was no refusal (pronoun-relative, non-oriented complex sentence).

Examples of sentences (grade 5, a Russian textbook will help you continue this list), as you can see, there are a variety of examples.

A more detailed theoretical part can be found in many manuals (for example, V.A. Beloshapkov "Modern Russian Language", "Russian Grammar-80", etc.).