Reference materials. Orthoepy

Orthoepic norms are the pronunciation norms of oral speech. They are studied by a special section of linguistics - orthoepy. Maintaining uniformity in pronunciation is essential. Orthoepic errors interfere with perceiving the content of speech, and pronunciation that corresponds to orthoepic norms facilitates and speeds up the process of communication.
Features of the pronunciation of vowel sounds in Russian.

The main feature of Russian literary pronunciation in the field of vowels is their different sound in stressed and unstressed syllables with the same spelling. In unstressed syllables, vowels undergo reduction.

Reduction(lat. reducere abbreviate) is a linguistic term denoting a change in the sound characteristics of speech elements felt by the human ear, caused by their unstressed position in relation to others - percussive elements.

There are two types of reduction - quantitative (when the length and intensity of the sound decreases) and qualitative (when the sound itself changes in an unstressed position). The vowels in the 1st pre-stressed syllable are subjected to a lesser reduction, the greater - in all other syllables. Vowels [a], [o], [e] are subjected to both quantitative and qualitative reduction in unstressed syllables; vowels [and], [s], [y] do not change their quality in unstressed syllables, but partially lose their duration.

1. Vowels in the 1st prestressed syllable:

a) after solid consonants in place of o and a, a weakened sound [a] is pronounced: in [a] yes, n [a] ha, M [a] squa, s [a] dy, s [a] bor; after solid hissing w and w in place of a and o, a weakened sound [a] is also pronounced: w[a] ra, w[a] ngler, w[a] gi, sh[a] fer.

b) after solid hissing w, w and c in place of e, a reduced sound of the type [s] with an overtone [e] is pronounced, conventionally denoted by [ye]: w [ye] na, w [ye] ptat, q [ye] luy;

c) after soft consonants in place of the letters i and e, as well as after soft hissing h and u in place a, a weakened sound [i] is pronounced with an overtone [e], conventionally denoted [ie]: m [ie] sleep, R [ie ] zan, m [ie] sti, h [ie] sy, sch [ie] dit, as well as in the plural forms of the word area: area [ie] dey, area [ie] dyam, etc .;

2. Vowels in other unstressed syllables:

a) at the absolute beginning of a word, in place of the letters a and o, a weakened sound [a] is always pronounced: [a] rbuz: [a] kno, [a] car, [a] deviation;

b) after solid consonants in unstressed syllables, except for the 1st pre-stressed, in place a and o, a reduced sound is pronounced, average in sound between [a] and [s], short in duration, conventionally denoted [b]: g [b] lova, k [b] rendash, apple [b] k [b];

c) after soft consonants in unstressed syllables, except for the 1st pre-stressed one, in place of a / i and e, a reduced one is pronounced, medium in sound between [i] and [e], short in duration, conventionally denoted [b]: [p ' b] wheelbarrow, [l'b] sorub, you [n'b] su, h[b] catcher.

3. A vowel and at the beginning of a root after a prefix or preposition ending in solid consonants is pronounced like [s]:

with whom you return from the institute - and [zy] the institute, with Igor - [sy] grief; keeping in this position [and] and softening the consonant before it is a regional feature of pronunciation and does not correspond to the norm.

4. Stressed vowels in place e and e. In the pronunciation of a number of words, difficulties arise due to the indistinguishability of the letters e and e in the printed text, because only the letter e is used to designate them. Therefore, it is recommended to remember two rows of words:

a) with the letter e, in place of which it sounds [e]: scam, spineless, bluff, being, icy, firebrand, grenadier, plump, life, foreign, religious procession (but the godfather), guardianship, settled (settlement), successor , successor, surveillance, modern, yoke, barley, etc .;

b) with the letter ё, in place of which, it sounds [o]: hopeless, buckets, engraver, bile (permissible bile), bilious (permissible bile), mockery, traveling salesman, priest (but priest), maneuvers, mercenary, convicted, introduced , translated, cited, sturgeon, fable, laid down, brought, brought, scabrous, scrupulous, belted, quick-witted, tyosha, wool (coarse-haired), etc.

In some pairs of words, a different meaning is accompanied by a different sound of the stressed vowel [o] or [e]: expired (term) - expired (in blood), announced (screams like an announced) - announced (decree), perfect (singing) - perfect (opening) .

In some cases, whole syllables, words, sentences can be reduced. For example, the Russian “hello” > quick [pret], now > [right now], man > [cell], girl > [girl].

One of the most notable words, subject to significant changes in fluent pronunciation, is the greeting "hello" ([ˈzdra.stvuj.tʲɪ]), which is universally shortened to "hello" [ˈzdra.sʲtʲɪ] or even "draste" [ˈdra.sʲtʲɪ] . Some common examples:

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The basic law of orthoepy in the section on the pronunciation of vowel sounds of the Russian language is reduction law(weakened articulation) of all unstressed vowels.

In Russian speech, only stressed vowels are pronounced in full accordance with the phonetic norm. All unstressed vowels are pronounced with weakened articulation, less clearly and for a long time, and sometimes even replaced by other vowels, also reduced. So, the vowels A and O at the beginning of a word without stress and in the first pre-stressed syllable are pronounced like [a]: ravine - [a] enemy, autonomy - [a] vt [a] nomia, milk - milk [a] ko.

In the remaining unstressed syllables (i.e., in all unstressed syllables, except for the first pre-stressed one), in place of the letters O and A after solid consonants, a very short (reduced) obscure sound is pronounced, which in different positions fluctuates from a pronunciation close to [s] to a pronunciation close to [a]. Conventionally, this sound is denoted as [ъ]. For example: head - g [b] fishing, watchman - stor [b] f.

Ex. 55. Say the following words in accordance with the norms of the literary language: without opening your mouth wide when pronouncing the sound [a] in the first pre-stressed syllable and without increasing its duration, as is often done by the inhabitants of Voronezh.

Mol about ko, gov about ryat, sk a zhi, x about chu, s a than, m about rkov, st a can, V about ronezh, p about gift, p about walked, p about years, liter a tour, b a run, tr a wa, r a yon, M about squa, sl about wa, b a lance, d about fidelity to about tract, m about ral, n about tarius, about kaziya, p about slannik, r a list..

Ex. 56. Say the following words, mark with a phonetic transcription mark what sound is pronounced in place of the selected letter.

P a rum, in about doi, to about fall, about be ashamed, x about wire, about chase, d about bull, with about sleep, n a carry, count about count, zap a X, about blah, r a nenie, baht a rhea, to about concert, affairs about, about operation, about pekun, juice about l, negligent about st, adequate about, many about, a renda, a render, a tm about sphere, bl a G about tv about zeal, to a ndid a tour, to a t a stanza, pr about in about cation.

Akanye(i.e., the indistinguishability in unstressed syllables of sounds transmitted by the letters O and A) is a striking distinctive feature of Russian literary pronunciation. Pronunciation, different from literary, is found in territorial dialects, dialects. So, in North Russian dialects, it is possible to use the sound [o] in unstressed syllables (in this case, the pronunciation coincides with the spelling of the letter O). This pronunciation is called by the river.

Pronunciation of vowels [e] and [o], denoted by the letters E and E after soft consonants, it sometimes causes difficulty, since the letter Ё is usually depicted without dots in print and in writing. The pronunciation of the stressed vowel after soft consonants in place of the letter E or Y has to be memorized

Remember the pronunciation of the following words:

E [, e] Yo [, o]

athlete faded


being maneuvers

wandering solvent


faded point

guardianship donated

settled worthless

successor newborn

multi-temporal mercenary

Ex. 57. What sound ([o] or [e]) is pronounced under stress in the following words? When performing the exercise, use the spelling dictionary. Say the words several times.

Hopeless, faded, grenadier, bile, worthless, simultaneous, eponymous, successor, heterogeneity, junkman, maneuver, whitish, slatted, athlete, being, guardianship, numb, point, clothed, enclosing, bringing, glider, pronominal, newborn, settled, solvent.

Ex. 58. Determine the meaning of words depending on the pronunciation. Make up phrases with them.

Iron - piece of iron; expired - expired; sky - sky; case - case; announced - announced.

Orthoepy- the science of the norms of pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations, as well as the patterns of stress setting, one of the most important sections of the "culture of speech". Some scientists define orthoepy only as the science of pronunciation, highlighting the norms of stressing into a separate science of accentology.

Orthoepic norms are the norms of pronunciation of words, morphemes, sentences, as well as stresses in them.

For the literary Russian language (i.e., as it is customary to speak in a given historical era), it is characteristic

  • akanye, i.e. pronunciation of a sound close to /a/ instead of /o/ in unstressed syllables (k/a/ rova)
  • hiccup, i.e. pronunciation of a sound close to /i/ instead of /e/ in unstressed syllables (pronunciation of the word forest as l /i/ sa)
  • reduction vowel sounds in an unstressed position (i.e. a change in the quality of vowel sounds in an unstressed position - for example, in the word “mother” unstressed /a/ is not the same as /a/ stressed)
  • stun / voicing consonant sounds (for example, a voiced consonant at the end of a word - oak - du / p /).

The Russian language has three styles of pronunciation (depending on the communicative situation):

  • high (nocturne, poet, for example, when reading poetry)
  • neutral (nActurne, paet)
  • low / colloquial (thousand, right now)

Pronunciation norms just like other norms, they change

  1. senior norm: Kone/w/no
  2. junior norm: certainly

Vowel pronunciation norms

(we describe the most common norms)

  • hiccup
  • pronunciation of unstressed vowels after w, w, q: sounds /e/, /i/ are pronounced as /s/ - w/s/lka (silk), w/s/l tok (yolk), sound /a/ is pronounced as / e / - w / e / gat
  • preservation of unstressed O in foreign words (boa, bolero, radio). I must say that this norm is going away (we are already talking vkzal, rman). The b here denotes a very short sound that cannot be reduced to either /a/ or /o/.
  • pronunciation of the sound e in different positions as e, and, s, b (tEndEr, Itage, but / s / rbrod, mod / b / rnization)

Norms of pronunciation of consonants

  • pronunciation of the sound /v/ in adjective endings (blue/v/o)
  • the pronunciation of a hard consonant before / e / - stand, mash, requiem (the older norm demanded to pronounce consonants softly).(Double pronunciation is allowed in words - terrorist, creed, dean. BUT only a soft consonant sound is pronounced in the words beige, brunette, museum, pioneer, rail, term, plywood, overcoat, cream, hair dryer)
  • the older norm demanded to pronounce w, w softly in words yeast, reins, buzz, squeal, later, before / burn / and. Now it is permissible to pronounce solid w, sh in the same way as in other words of the Russian language
  • pronunciation combination CHN as /shn/ and as /chn/. The tendency to pronounce /ch/. (Check yourself. Do you keep the pronunciation /shn/ as recommended by dictionaries of recent years in the words: mustard, loser, of course, eyeglass, laundry, trifling, birdhouse, boring, scrambled eggs, shopkeeper, candlestick, decent, dog lover, switchman, alarm clock In the words hearty, capped, milky, a double pronunciation is possible depending on the meaning).
  • the sound Г can be pronounced as /k/ - ko/k/ti or as /x/ - le/x/cue. In the word God it is pronounced / x / - Bo / x /

Stress norms

Quite often a derivative word, i.e. a word formed from another word retains the stress of the word from which it is formed: provide - provision, shine - glow.

  1. Equal, i.e. can be pronounced in different ways: barge - barge, Otherwise, otherwise, sharpness - sharpness, born - born
  2. Fluctuating, i.e. the older norm is leaving, but the new one has not yet settled down: stirs - stirs, deep - deep, snow-covered - snow-covered
  3. Common - professional, i.e. as it is customary to say and as they say in professional jargon: mining - mining (among miners), chassis - chassis (among pilots), convict - convict (among lawyers)
  4. Literary - vernacular, i.e. as it is customary to say among educated people, and as uneducated city dwellers say: catalog - catalog, quarter - quarter, more beautiful - more beautiful.

Attention! Stress in verbs. Just borrow, accept, start!!!

What about the rules of pronunciation and stress?

We must understand that we speak as our environment speaks or spoke, as we are used to. Everything else is perceived as strange.

To change or not to change pronunciation if we suddenly find out that we are speaking incorrectly. Everyone decides this for himself, although sometimes the correct pronunciation is required by the profession (announcer, teacher, journalist, actor, etc.)

In other words, there is a story about a Soviet academician. The story illustrates a differentiated approach to norms. It happened a very long time ago.

This academician was asked how he says portfolio or portfolio. He replied: “It depends where I will be. In my native village I’ll say Porfel, otherwise they will think that I’m arrogant. At the meeting of the Academy of Sciences I will tell the portfolio, otherwise Academician Vinogradov will wince.

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Basic norms of pronunciation of the Russian language

The issues of correct literary pronunciation are studied by a special linguistic discipline - orthoepy (from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech). Orthoepic rules and recommendations have always been in the focus of attention of Russian philologists, as well as representatives of those professions whose activities are directly related to public speaking in front of an audience: statesmen and public figures, lecturers, announcers, commentators, journalists, artists, translators, teachers of Russian and foreign languages tongues, preachers, lawyers. But in recent years, interest in the problems of the culture of oral speech has noticeably increased among the most diverse strata of society. This is facilitated by socio-economic changes in our country, the democratization of all aspects of life. The practice of broadcasting parliamentary debates and hearings, live speeches has become widespread: statesmen, leaders of parties and movements, political observers, specialists in various fields of science and culture.

Possession of the norms of literary pronunciation, the ability to expressively and correctly formulate a sounding speech is gradually recognized by many as an urgent social necessity.
Historically, the development and formation of the rules of Russian orthoepy has developed in such a way that the literary pronunciation is based on the Moscow pronunciation, on which some variants of the St. Petersburg pronunciation were subsequently "layered".
Departure from the norms and recommendations of Russian literary pronunciation is regarded as a sign of insufficient speech and general culture, which reduces the authority of the speaker and scatters the attention of listeners. Regional features of pronunciation, incorrectly placed stress, "reduced" colloquial and everyday intonation, and ill-conceived pausing distract from the correct, adequate perception of public speaking.
Erroneous pronunciation through radio and television is "replicated" to a huge audience, voluntarily or involuntarily assimilated and consolidated, thereby blurring the idea of ​​​​correctness and purity of speech that is necessary for every cultured person. In addition, there are certain negative socio-psychological consequences of non-normative pronunciation, which tends to spread (especially in conditions of round-the-clock broadcasting). Since in the bulk the listener first of all pays attention to the content side of the information, the sound side of speech is not controlled by him, but is fixed at the subconscious level. In these cases, everything that contradicts the established tradition of shaping Russian sounding speech: violation of the intonation pattern of the phrase and the text as a whole, unjustified logical stress, pauses that do not correspond to the natural “flow” of speech, cause the listener to have an intuitive feeling of protest, create a feeling of anxiety, psychological discomfort.

Work on one's own pronunciation, on improving the pronunciation culture requires a person to have certain knowledge in the field of orthoepy. Since pronunciation is largely an automated side of speech, a person “hears” himself worse than others, controls his pronunciation insufficiently or does not control it at all, is uncritical in assessing his own pronunciation, and painfully perceives comments in this area. The rules and recommendations on orthoepy, reflected in manuals, dictionaries and reference books, seem to him unnecessarily categorical, different from the usual speech practice, and common spelling errors, on the contrary, are very harmless.

Therefore, in order to successfully master the orthoepic norm or deepen knowledge in Russian literary pronunciation, it is necessary from the point of view of methodological recommendations:
- learn the basic rules of Russian literary pronunciation;
- learn to listen to your own speech and the speech of others;
- listen and study exemplary literary pronunciation, which is owned by radio and television announcers, masters of the artistic word;
- consciously compare your pronunciation with exemplary, analyze your mistakes and shortcomings;
- correct them by constant speech training in preparation for public speaking.

The study of the rules and recommendations of literary pronunciation should begin with the distinction and awareness of the two main styles of pronunciation: full, recommended for public speaking, and incomplete (colloquial colloquial), which is common in everyday communication. The full style is characterized primarily by the observance of the basic requirements of the orthoepic norm, clarity and distinctness of pronunciation, the correct placement of verbal and logical stress, moderate tempo, correct pausing, neutral intonation pattern of the phrase and speech as a whole. With an incomplete pronunciation style, there is an excessive reduction in vowels, falling out of consonants, indistinct pronunciation of individual sounds and combinations, excessive emphasis on words (including official ones), inconsistent speech tempo, and unwanted pauses. If in everyday speech these features of pronunciation are acceptable, then in public speaking they must be avoided.

Pronunciation of vowels The main feature of Russian literary pronunciation in the field of vowels is their different sound in stressed and unstressed syllables with the same spelling. In unstressed syllables, vowels undergo reduction. There are two types of reduction - quantitative (when the length and strength of the sound decrease) and qualitative (when the sound itself changes in an unstressed position). The vowels in the 1st pre-stressed syllable are subjected to lesser reduction, the greater - in all other syllables. Vowels [a], [o], [e] are subjected to both quantitative and qualitative reduction in unstressed syllables; vowels [i], [s], [y] do not change their quality in unstressed syllables, but partially lose their duration.1. Vowels in the 1st pre-stressed syllable: a) after solid consonants in place of o and a, a weakened sound [a] is pronounced: in [a] yes, n [a] ha, M [a] squa, s [a] dy, s [a] bor; after solid hissing w and w in place of a and o, a weakened sound [a] is also pronounced: w[a] ra, w[a] ngler, w[a] gi, sh[a] fer.

Note 1 . After hard hissing w, sh and after q before soft consonants, a sound like [s] with an overtone [e] is pronounced conditionally [ye]: plural forms of the word horse: losh [ye] dey, losh [ye] dyam, etc.. in rare cases, the sound [ye] is pronounced in place and in a position before solid consonants: rzh [ye] noy. w[ye] smin.

Note 2 . The unstressed [o] is pronounced in conjunctions but and what, and is also allowed in some foreign words, for example: b [o] a, b [o] mond. rococo. J[o]rec.

Note 3 . Preservation of o in unstressed syllables is a feature of the regional pronunciation, therefore the pronunciation is M[o] skva, p[o] kupka, p[o] we go, v[o] zit. v [o] kzal does not correspond to the norm;

b) after solid hissing w, w and c in place of e, a reduced sound of the type [s] with an overtone [e] is pronounced, conventionally denoted as [ye]: w[ye] na, w[ye] ptat, q[ye] luy;

c) after soft consonants in place of the letters i and e, as well as after soft hissing h and u in place a, a weakened sound [i] is pronounced with an overtone [e], conventionally denoted [ie]: m [ie] sleep, R [ie ] zan, m [ie] sti, h [ie] sy, sh [ie] dit, as well as in the plural forms of the word area: area [ie] dey, area [ie] dyam, etc .;

d) at the place i and e at the beginning of the word, a sound [and] with an overtone [e] is pronounced, denoted by [ie] in combination with the previous [th]: [yie] zda, [yie] ntar, [yie] ytso.

Note.Preservation of [a] in an unstressed syllable after soft consonants is a feature of regional pronunciation, therefore the pronunciation of [v’a] zat, bina, h[a] sy, [ya] ytso, [ya] curl does not correspond to the norm.

2. Vowels in other unstressed syllables :

a) at the absolute beginning of a word, in place of the letters a and o, a weakened sound [a] is always pronounced: [a] rbuz: [a] kno, [a] car, [a] deviation;

b) after solid consonants in unstressed syllables, except for the 1st pre-stressed, in place a and o a reduced sound is pronounced, middle in sound between [a] and [s], short in duration, conventionally denoted [b]: g [b] lova, k [b] rendash, apple [b] k [b];

c) after soft consonants in unstressed syllables, except for the 1st pre-stressed, in place of a / i and e, a reduced one is pronounced, medium in sound between [i] and [e], short in duration, conventionally denoted [b]: [p ' b] wheelbarrow, [l'b] sorub, you [n'b] su, h[b] catcher.

3. The vowel and at the beginning of the root after a prefix or preposition ending in solid consonants is pronounced as [s]: from the institute - and [zy] institute, with Igor - [sy] grief; keeping in this position [and] and softening the consonant before it is a regional feature of pronunciation and does not correspond to the norm.

4. Stressed vowels in place e and e. In the pronunciation of a number of words, difficulties arise due to the indistinguishability of the letters e and e in the printed text, because only the letter e is used to designate them (except for educational literature for younger students and foreign students). This situation leads to a distortion of not only the graphic, but also the phonetic appearance of the word, and is the cause of frequent pronunciation errors. Therefore, it is recommended to remember two rows of words:

a) with the letter e, in place of which it sounds [e]: scam, spineless, bluff, existence, icy, firebrand, grenadier, plump, life, foreign, religious procession (but the godfather), fishing line, non-existence, bewildered, inestimated, guardianship, sedentary (settlement), successor, successor, surveillance, modern, yoke, barley, etc .;

b) with the letter ё, in place of which, it sounds [o]: hopeless, buckets, engraver, bile (permissible bile), bilious (permissible bile), mockery, traveling salesman, priest (but priest), maneuvers, mercenary, convicted, introduced , translated, cited, sturgeon, fable, laid down, brought, brought, scabrous, scrupulous, belt, sweep, tyosha, wool (coarse-haired), lye, etc.

In some pairs of words, a different meaning is accompanied by a different sound of the stressed vowel [o] or [e]: expired (term) - expired (in blood), announced (screaming like an announced) - announced (decree), perfect (singing) - perfect (opening) .

Pronunciation of some consonants

1. The consonant [r] in the literary pronunciation of an explosive, instantaneous sound, when stunned, is pronounced as [k]: sleep [k], take [k]. The pronunciation of the "Ukrainian" r in its place, conventionally denoted by [h], does not correspond to the norm: [h] swear, sapo [h] and ́. The exception is the word God, at the end of which sounds [x].

2. Instead of h in the words of course, boring, scrambled eggs, trifling, birdhouse, bachelorette party, laundry, rag, rag-picker, in female patronymics ending in -ichna (Nikitichna, Kuzminichna, Ilyinichna, etc.), as well as in the words that to, nothing is pronounced [w].

3. In the words of a man, a defector at the place of the combination of zhch, in the form of a comparative degree of adverbs tougher, harsher (and harsher) at the place of stch, and also at the place of combinations of sch and sch it is pronounced [u]: loader, customer, carver, subscriber, sandstone , happy, happiness, account, electronic account, counter, cost accounting, count, etc.

4. When several consonants accumulate in some combinations, one of them is not pronounced:

a) in combination st is not pronounced [t]: learner [s 'n'] ik, ve [s'] nick, che [sn] th, me [sn] y, known [sn] y, not [sn] y , fiercely [sn] y;

b) in combination zdn [d] is not pronounced: po [zn] o, pra [zn] ik, nae [zn] ik, but in the word abyss it is recommended to leave a weak sound [d];

c) in combination, the stl is not pronounced [t]: happy [s’l ’] ive, dependent [s’l ’] ive, owl [s’l ’] ive; in the words bony and postlat [t] is preserved;

d) in combination stl is not pronounced [t]; in this case, a double consonant [ss] is formed: maximum [ss] cue, turi [ss] cue, rasi [ss] cue.

5. In some words, when consonants accumulate stk, zdk, ntk, ndk, dropout [t] is not allowed: daughter-in-law, trip, summons, typist, cumbersome, laboratory assistant, student, patient, Irish, Scottish, but: scotla fabric [nk] a.

6. Hard consonants before soft consonants can soften:

a) necessarily softens before soft s and s: pe [n’s ’]ia, prete [n’z ’]ia, review [n’z ’]ia, face [n’z ’]ia;

b) in combinations of tv, dv, t and d can be softened: Thursday, Tver, hard [t’v’] and [tv’]; door, two, move [d’v] and [dv’];

c) in combinations of stars and sv, z and s can be softened: beast, ring [z’v ’] and [zv’]; light, candle, witness, saint [s’v] and [sv’], as well as in the word snake [z’m’] and [zm’];

d) n softens before soft t and d: ba[n't ']ik, vi[n't']ik, zo[n't']ik, ve[n't']il, a[n' t '] personal, co[n't '] text, remo[n't ']at, ba[n'd']it, I[n'd']ia, style[n'd']ia, zo[n'd']irovat, and [n'd'] ivid, ka[n'd']idat, blo[n'd']in.

Pronunciation of individual grammatical forms

Some grammatical forms of verbs, nouns, adjectives are characterized by special rules for pronouncing sounds in suffixes and endings.

1. In verbs with a particle -sya in an indefinite form and in the third person singular and plural at the junction of the ending and the particle, it is pronounced [c]: meet, meet - meet [tsk], mark, mark - mark [tch], mark - mark [tsy], say goodbye - goodbye [tsy].

In the form of the imperative mood, at the place of the combination, two soft sounds [t's'] sound: mark - mark [t's'], meet - the wind [t's'].

2. In the endings of the genitive case of the masculine and neuter forms of adjectives, numerals, pronouns -th / -it, in place r it is pronounced [v]: big house (lake) - big [v], blue flag (sea) - blue [v] . The same rule applies to the words today - today - today, total - ito [at] about.

Note . In surnames ending in -ago (Shembinago, Zhivago), the sound [g] is pronounced.

3. Graphic abbreviations found in the text, for example, initials with a surname, as well as abbreviations like l (liter), m (meter), kg (kilogram), ha (hectare), mail box ("mail box"), t .d. (and so on), s (page), etc. in reading are "deciphered", i.e. "expand" into full words. Graphic abbreviations exist only in written speech only for visual perception, and their literal reading is perceived either as a speech error or as irony, appropriate only in special situations.

Features of the pronunciation of names and patronymics

Features of the pronunciation of Russian names and patronymics
The combination of name and patronymic is used in various situations, both in written and oral speech: in official decrees on awards, appointments, in orders, lists, for example, on personnel records, composition of production and training groups, in business and private correspondence, in circulation to the interlocutor, in the representation and naming of third parties.
In an atmosphere of official, business communication between people, especially in the work of a teacher, translator, editor, lawyer, businessman, employee of government or commercial structures, it becomes necessary to address by name and patronymic. Many Russian names and patronymics have pronunciation options that it is desirable to take into account in a particular communication situation. So, when meeting, at the first introduction of a person, a distinct, clear, close to spelling pronunciation is recommended.

In all other cases, incomplete, contracted forms of pronunciation of names and patronymics are acceptable, which have historically developed in the practice of literary oral speech.
1. Patronymic names formed from male names in -y (Vasily, Anatoly, Arkady, Grigory, Yuri, Evgeny, Valery, Gennady) end in combinations -evich, -evna with the preceding separating b: Vasilyevich, Vasilievna; Grigoryevich, Grigorievna. When pronouncing female patronymics, these combinations are clearly preserved: Vasilyevna, Anatolyevna, Grigorievna, etc. In male patronymics, full and contracted variants are allowed: Vasi [l'jb ']ich and Vasi [l'ich], Anato [l'jb ']ich and Anato [l'ich], Grigo [r'jb ']ich and Grigo [r'ich], etc.
2. Patronymics formed from male names on -her to -ay (Alexey, Andrey, Korney, Matvey, Sergey, Nikolai) end in combinations -eevich, -eevna, -aevich, -aevna: Alekseevich, Alekseevna, Nikolaevich, Nikolaevna. In their pronunciation, the literary norm allows both full and contracted options: Alekseevich and Alekse [i] h, Alekseevna and Alek [s'e] vna; Sergeevich and Serge [i] h, Sergeevna and Ser [g'e] vna; Korneevich and Korne [i] h, Korneevna and Kor [n'e] vna; Nikolaevich and Nikola[i]ch, Nikolaevna and Nikola[vn]a, etc.
3. Male patronymics ending in an unstressed combination -ovich can be pronounced both in full and in contracted form: Antonovich and Anton [s] h, Aleksandrovich and Alexander [s] h, Ivanovich and Ivan [s] h, etc. d. In female patronymics ending in an unstressed combination -ovna, the full pronunciation is recommended: Alexandrovna, Borisovna, Kirillovna, Viktorovna, Olegovna, etc.
4. If the patronymic begins with and (Ivanovich, Ignatievich, Isaevich), then in pronunciation with a name ending in a solid consonant, and goes into [s]: Pavel Ivanovich - Pavel [s] vanovich, Alexander Isaevich - Alexander [s] saevich .
5. Usually, ov is not pronounced in female patronymics from names ending in n and m: Ivan [n:] na, Anto [n:] a, Efi [mn] a, Maxi [mn] a.
6. Unstressed -ov is not pronounced in female patronymics from names ending in v: Vyachesla [vn] a, Stanisla [vn] a.

Pronunciation of loanwords
Part of the borrowed vocabulary in the Russian language has some orthoepic features, which are fixed by the literary norm.
1. In some words of foreign origin, in place of an unstressed o, the sound [o] is pronounced: adagio, boa, beau monde, bonton, cocoa, radio, trio. In addition, there may be stylistic hesitation in high-style text; the preservation of unstressed [o] in words of foreign origin is one of the means of attracting attention to them, the means of highlighting them. The pronunciation of the words nocturne, sonnet, poetic, poet, poetry, dossier, veto, creed, foyer, etc. with an unstressed [o] is optional. Foreign names Maurice Thorez, Chopin, Voltaire, Rodin, Daudet, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Zola, Honore de Balzac, Sacramento and others also retain unstressed [o] as a variant of literary pronunciation.
In some borrowed words in literary pronunciation, after vowels and at the beginning of a word, the unstressed [e] duelist, muezzin, poetic, aegis, evolution, exaltation, exotic, equivalent, eclecticism, economics, screen, expansion, expert, experiment, exhibit, ecstasy, kurtosis, element, elite, embargo, emigrant, emission, emir, energy, enthusiasm, encyclopedia, epigraph, episode, epilogue, epoch, effect, effective, etc.
In borrowed words beginning with the prefix de-, before vowels dez-, as well as in the first part of compound words beginning with neo-, with a general tendency to soften, there are fluctuations in the pronunciation of soft and hard d to n, for example: devaluation, deideologization, demilitarization, depoliticization, destabilization, deformation, disinformation, deodorant, disorganization, neo-globalism, neo-colonialism, neo-realism, neo-fascism.

The firm pronunciation of consonants before e is recommended in foreign proper names: Bella, Bizet, Voltaire: Descartes, Daudet, Jaures, Carmen, Mary, Pasteur, Rodin, Flaubert, Chopin, Apollinaire, Fernandel [de], Carter, Ionesco, Minelli, Vanessa Redgrave , Stallone and others.

In borrowed words with two (or more) e, one of the consonants is often pronounced softly, while the other remains firm before e. ne; ne], reputation [re; me], secretary [se; cre; te], ethnogenesis [gene], etc.

In relatively few words of foreign origin, there are fluctuations in the pronunciation of the consonant before e, for example: with the normative pronunciation of the solid consonant before e in the words businessman [ne; me], annexation [ne], pronunciation with a soft consonant is acceptable; in the words dean, the norm is a soft pronunciation, but hard [de] and [te] are also allowed; in the word session, the variants of hard and soft pronunciation are equal. It is not normative to soften the consonants before e in the professional speech of representatives of the technical intelligentsia in the words laser, computer, as well as in the colloquial pronunciation of the words business, sandwich, intensive, interval.

Stylistic fluctuations in the pronunciation of the hard and soft consonant before e are also observed in some foreign proper names: Bertha, "Decameron", Reagan. Major, Kramer, Gregory Peck, etc.

3. Solid [w] is pronounced in the words parachute, brochure. In the word of the jury, a soft hissing [zh '] is pronounced. The names Julien, Jules are also pronounced.

The child first learns those sounds that are easy to pronounce, and more complex articulatory sounds appear later. In the first months, the baby makes sounds involuntarily. The sounds uttered by the child during this period are indistinct, sometimes they are not even in his native language, and some of them cannot be reproduced. Children of different nationalities during this period pronounce the same sounds, regardless of what language they will learn in the future. However, then the baby begins to pronounce only those sounds of his native language, which are spoken by the people around him.

1-2 months - the child says: "a, e, o, y."
2 months - he associates these vowels with the consonant "x" (ha, ho, heh).
3 months - begins to make sounds like the sound "f", "s", "v" or the English phoneme "th".
3-6 months - the sounds made by the baby still remain guttural, without the participation of lips and tongue.
7-12 months - from vowels the sound "a" is produced more often than others, from consonants mainly the sounds "p, b, m, k, t" and some others. However, these sounds are not yet stable enough and are pronounced only in small sound combinations.
12 months - the child pronounces the vowels a, y, and, some consonants: m, p, b, n, t, d, k, g, and some children pronounce more sounds and more clearly, others less and less clearly.
1-2 years - children quite clearly begin to pronounce such vowel sounds as "a, y, and, o", but the sounds "s, e" are replaced by the sound "i"; most consonants are still either not pronounced at all, or they are pronounced incorrectly, replacing them with sounds that are simpler in terms of articulation. A number of hard consonants are replaced by soft ones. This mainly refers to the front-lingual sounds "g, d, s, z" ("day" instead of give, "syanki" instead of sled). There are also no hissing sounds, the sounds "l, p, p".
2-3 years - the sounds "n, p, b, b, m, m, f, f, c, v, t, t, d, d, n, n, s, le, k, ky, g, g, x, x. Physiological defects - whistling, hissing, "p, p, l". Substitutions for simpler ones or the omission of these sounds are possible.
3-4 years - the sounds "s, z, c" are replaced by "t, s, s, t". Hissing sounds can be skipped or replaced by whistling sounds. The sounds "l, p" are either skipped or replaced with "l, y".
4-5 l. - almost all speech sounds are pronounced correctly. Exceptions: the sounds "h, c", which can be skipped or replaced by "t, s, u". The sounds "p, l" may be absent or replaced with "y, p, l".
5-6 l. - children fully master the correct pronunciation.


1. Sound C
A solid sound C appears in children aged 2 - 2.5 years. There may be substitutions C - C, interdental or near-tooth pronunciation. By the age of four, children learn the pronunciation of the solid sound C (however, substitutions and omissions are possible). By the age of five, as a rule, the pronunciation of the sound S is fixed. Sometimes there is a mixture of sounds S-Z, S-Ts, S-Sh, etc. At older preschool age, you need to continue working on a clear and clear pronunciation of the sound.

2. Sound Z.
Sound Z appears in the second year of life. Basically, the child replaces it with a softer version: Zoya, (Zoya). By the end of the third year, the child has a solid sound З, however, there may be a mixture of articulatory close sounds: "beetle" - "zyuk", "Teeth" - "suby". By the end of the fourth year of life, most children learn and correctly pronounce the sound.

3. Sound C.
The assimilation of the sound C goes through such intermediate sounds: t-s-s-ts-tts (tips - siplyonok - syplyonok - chick - chick). This system of substitutes is not mandatory for all children. In the third year of life, the child may still lack a solid sound C and be replaced by the sound T or C (C). By the end of the third year, this sound appears in some children, and by the age of four it is differentiated and pronounced correctly by most babies.

4. Sound Sh.
The hissing sound Sh usually appears in the third year of life. But he is still very unstable. Many children mix it with whistling C (“suba” instead of “fur coat”. Some children at 4-5 years old may experience abnormal sound formation: lateral, lower, etc. It is not always clearly differentiated in speech. It can be replaced not only by whistling, but and sounds X and F. By the age of 5-6, the pronunciation side reaches a fairly high level.

5. Sound Zh
Appears at 2 years 3 months. Some children pronounce it correctly right away, but most replace it with a whistling: “zuk” instead of “beetle”. At 3-4 years old, most children learn the correct pronunciation of the sound j.
By the age of 4-6 years, the sound is usually clear, but sometimes children have difficulty pronouncing words full of whistling and hissing sounds.

6. Sound [h]
Appears at 2 years 3 months. But some babies replace it with the corresponding hard whistling: tsasy instead of a clock. At 4 years old, most children learn and correctly pronounce the sound h. Difficulties arise when pronouncing words that are saturated at the same time hissing and whistling sounds. At 5-6 years old, h is pronounced clearly. But a mixture of h-c, sh-h can be observed. It is necessary to work on the development of phonemic hearing.

7. Sound [w]
Some children appear at 2 years 3 months. But the majority still does not pronounce the hissing, replacing it with a hard whistling: “hay” instead of a puppy, savel instead of sorrel.
At 4-5 years old, a reverse replacement can be observed, when the newly appeared sound u is pronounced in those words where its use is inappropriate. By the age of 5-7, the assimilation of the hissing sch. But there may be a mixture: u - h, u - s.

8. Sound [l]
The soft sound l "appears in the second year of life. At the age of 3, children replace the missing sounds l, p, p with soft l" Sometimes they replace l "with the sound th:" battley "(it hurts). By the age of four, the sound l appears, but sometimes children replace it and or l." At the age of 5-6, pronunciation improves, but there may be difficulties in using words saturated with the sounds l and r (laboratory) at the same time.

9. Sound [p]
The solid sound r appears in children at 2-2.5 years. The process of assimilation of the sound r occurs through the following system of substitutes y-l-l-r-r (fish - fish - liba - lyba). This system of substitutes is not mandatory for all children. In most children, at 4 years old, a replacement of the sonorous sound r by d or le can be observed. By the end of the fifth year, most children learn and correctly pronounce the sound r.
Some children are unable to vibrate the tip of the tongue and pronounce r as a guttural or grazing ("French") sound.