The essence of the learning process. Bilateral and personal nature of learning

Education is one of the elements of the pedagogical process. Education- this is a purposeful process of interaction between teachers and students, as a result of which knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities are formed. Education bilateral a process that includes the activities of a teacher - teaching and activities learner .

The essence of learning is manifested in its functions:

    formation of knowledge, skills and abilities;

    formation of outlook and consciousness;

    physical, physiological and mental development;

    professional orientation;

    preparation for continuous education in the course of practical activities;

The teacher plays the leading role in teaching. It uses a system of basic principles, methods and forms of teaching; controls and analyzes the learning process and its results. The teacher also stimulates the activity of students, assists them in learning.

Education depends on specific conditions: political, economic, legal, financial, on the level of professionalism of teachers, on the abilities and capabilities of students, on the state of the educational base.

6. Patterns and principles of learning.

Under patterns of learning one should understand objective, stable, essential connections between the constituent components of the learning process, which are predominantly of a probabilistic-statistical nature, manifest themselves as a trend, i.e., not in each individual case, but in a certain set of cases.

stand out external patterns process training and internal. The former characterize the dependence of learning on social processes and conditions: the socio-economic, political situation, the level of culture, the needs of society in a certain type of personality and level of education. to internal patterns process learning include links between its main components: goals, content, methods, means, forms. The main internal laws of the learning process are:

    the relationship between the interaction of the teacher and the student and the learning outcomes (the more intense, the more conscious the educational and cognitive activity of the student, the higher the quality of education);

    the dependence of the educative nature of teaching on the teaching activity of the teacher (but depending on the conditions, this educational influence of the teacher may have greater or lesser force, may be positive or negative);

    the dependence of the strength of assimilation of educational material on the systematic repetition of what has been studied, on its inclusion in the previously studied and in the new material;

    learning outcomes (within certain limits), directly proportional to the duration of training and inversely proportional to the complexity and volume of the studied educational material, formed actions;

    dependence of learning outcomes on the teacher's pedagogical skills.

Principles of learning - these are guiding ideas, regulatory requirements for the content, organization and conduct of the learning process. The Principles provide practical guidance for the implementation of training.

    Principle scientific involves the selection of scientific material for the content of academic disciplines in accordance with the current state of development of science and the level of development of students.

    Principle visibility– because the effectiveness of training depends on the expedient involvement of the senses in the perception and processing of educational material, this requires the wide use of the most diverse visualization (posters, drawings, dummies, special equipment, etc.)

    Principle consistency and consistency involves the teaching and assimilation of knowledge not randomly, but in a certain system.

    Principle consciousness and activity- reflects the need to form cognitive motivation among students through their active work - solving problem situations, participating in discussions, etc.

    Principle accessibility requires taking into account the peculiarities of the development of students in terms of their capabilities and involves such an organization of training in which they do not experience intellectual, moral and physical overload.

    Principle strength assumes that the knowledge of the trainees should be firmly fixed in their memory, I will become a part of their consciousness.

    Principle links between learning and practice involves the selection of educational subjects that provide a link between learning and life and preparation for life.

Each of the teaching principles implements its requirements in the learning process through a number of didactic requirements, which are practical norms for the activities of teachers and students.

All principles must be considered as a single system that allows the teacher to select the content of educational material, methods and forms of teaching, to create favorable conditions for the development of students.

7. Methods and means of teaching .

Under teaching methods understand the ways of joint activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving didactic problems (the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities).

Each teaching method consists of interrelated elements, which are commonly called teaching methods . In modern didactics, there are various approaches and classifications of teaching methods. Depending on the source of obtaining knowledge, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished.

verbal methods(story, explanation, conversation, seminar, lecture, work with a book). Their main purpose is the communication of educational information using words (oral and printed) using logical, organizational and technical methods.

Visual Methods(demonstration of experiments, demonstration of natural objects, demonstration of visual aids(objects, diagrams, tables, drawings, etc.), watching movies, movies, TV shows, etc.). The main purpose is the communication of educational information using various visual aids.

In modern conditions, special attention is paid to the use of such a means of visibility, which is Personal Computer, which significantly expands the possibilities of visual methods in teaching.

Practical Methods(exercises, practical and laboratory work). The main purpose is to obtain educational information on the basis of practical actions performed by trainees or trainees in the process of conducting various practical work.

Depending on the nature of the cognitive activity of students in mastering the educational material, the following teaching methods are distinguished: explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, problematic, partially exploratory (heuristic) and research.

Explanatory-illustrative method is designed to organize the assimilation of information by trainees by telling them educational material and ensuring its successful perception. This method is one of the most economical ways of transferring generalized and systematized experience to trainees. The activity of the teacher is aimed at the transfer of educational information using various didactic tools (visual aids, texts, etc.). The activity of the trainees consists in the perception, comprehension and memorization of the reported information.

reproductive method contributes to the formation of skills and abilities to use and apply the acquired knowledge. To solve this problem, the teacher develops various exercises and tasks, uses instructions (algorithms) and elements of programmed learning. The activity of trainees consists in mastering the methods of performing individual exercises in solving various types of problems and mastering the general algorithm of practical actions.

Problem Method It is used to reveal various problems in the studied educational material and demonstrate ways to solve them. The teacher's activity consists in identifying and classifying problems that can be posed to students, formulating hypotheses and demonstrating ways to test them. The activity of students consists not only in the perception, comprehension and memorization of ready-made scientific conclusions, but also in tracing the logic of their proof, as well as fixing the movement of the teacher’s thought (problem, hypothesis, proof of the reliability or falsity of the assumptions put forward, etc.).

Partial search (heuristic) method It is used for the gradual preparation of students for independent formulation and problem solving. The teacher in this case shows the students how to find evidence, draw conclusions from the given facts, build a test plan, etc. ways to resolve them.

research method allows you to solve the following main tasks - to ensure the mastery of the trained methods of scientific knowledge, to form and develop the motives and methods of search creative activity to solve new problems for them. Within the framework of this method, the teacher presents new problems to students, develops and defines research tasks. The activity of the trainees consists in mastering the methods of self-statement of problems and finding ways to solve them.

There are other classifications of teaching methods, which is explained by the complexity of the object of study and the importance of the methodological equipment of the pedagogical process. The choice of teaching methods depends on a number of conditions: the general goals of education, the characteristics of the subject being studied, the age characteristics of the students and their level of preparedness, the level of the teacher's professional skills, material equipment, the goals and objectives of a particular lesson, etc.

Pedagogical tools - these are material objects intended for the organization and implementation of the pedagogical process. These include: educational and laboratory equipment, didactic equipment, educational and visual aids, technical teaching aids (TUT), computer classes, organizational and pedagogical means (curriculums and programs, textbooks, teaching aids, examination tickets, etc.).

The effectiveness of the use of teaching aids is achieved with a certain combination of them with the content and teaching methods.

According to the subject of activity, teaching aids can be divided into teaching aids and teaching aids. The means of teaching are mainly used by teachers to explain and consolidate the educational material, and the means of teaching are used by students to assimilate new knowledge. At the same time, some means are used both in teaching and in learning.

In the use of any type of means, it is necessary to observe the measure and proportions determined by the laws of learning. Thus, the absence or insufficient number of visual aids reduces the quality of knowledge, reduces cognitive interest, and complicates figurative perception. However, a large number of demonstrations creates an entertaining mood for students. 4-5 demonstrations per session are considered optimal.

One of the two main processes that make up a holistic pedagogical process is the learning process (learning process).

This is a very complex process of objective reality, yielding perhaps only to the processes of upbringing and development, of which it is an integral part. Therefore, it is very difficult to give a complete and comprehensive definition of this process. It includes a large number of diverse connections and relationships of many factors of various orders and nature. Hence the many definitions of process.

In the writings of ancient and medieval thinkers, the concepts of "learning", "learning process" are understood mainly as teaching, the purpose of which is the student. At the beginning of our century, the concept of learning began to include two components that make up this process - teaching and learning. Teaching is understood as the activity of teachers in organizing the assimilation of educational material, and teaching is understood as the activity of students in assimilation of the knowledge offered to them. Somewhat later, the concept of teaching reflected both the managerial activity of the teacher in shaping the ways of cognitive activity in students, and the joint activity of the teacher and students.

But why is it necessary to constantly clarify a certain one? Are they really important for practice? These questions constantly arise not only among students, but also among teachers. You need to answer them like this - the constant improvement of concepts is not an end in itself, but a vital necessity. We will define learning only as the transfer and assimilation of knowledge, which means that these moments will be in the focus of the teacher's attention; let us express learning through the joint activity of teachers and students, which means that the teacher should pay the main attention to activity, look for ways and means of improving it, etc.

Modern requirements are such that the school must teach to think, to develop students in all respects. In the modern sense, learning is characterized by the following features: 1) bilateral character; 2) joint activities of teachers and students, 3) guidance from the teacher; 4) special organization and management; 5) integrity and unity; 6) compliance with the laws of age development of students; 7) management of the development and education of students.

The main categories of didactics are: teaching, teaching, learning, education, knowledge, skills, as well as the purpose, content, organization, types, forms, methods, means, results, learning products. Recently, the status of the main didactic categories has been proposed to be assigned to the concepts of the didactic system and teaching technology. From here we get a short and capacious definition: didactics - the science of training and education, their goals, content, methods, means, organization, results achieved.

teaching orderly activities of the teacher to achieve the goal of learning (educational tasks), providing information, education, awareness and practical application of knowledge.

Teaching is a process (more precisely, a co-process) during which, on the basis of knowledge, exercise and acquired experience, new forms of behavior and activity arise, and previously acquired ones change.

Education orderly interaction of the teacher with students, aimed at achieving the goal.

Let us briefly recall the essence of some other categories that have already been considered in the first part.

Education a system of knowledge, abilities, skills, ways of thinking acquired in the process of learning,

Knowledge- a set of ideas of a person, in which the theoretical mastery of this subject is expressed (P.V. Kopnin).

Doctrine- mastering the methods (techniques, actions) of applying the acquired knowledge in practice.

Skills skills brought to automatism, a high degree of perfection.

Target(educational, educational) - what education is striving for, the future towards which its efforts are directed.

Let's look at the diagram depicting the structure of the learning process, and we will immediately see all its indispensable elements.

Let us briefly outline the essence of the above scheme. Education exists because society cannot do without it, such is its social order, i.e. organic or perceived need. This order, gradually expanded and deepened over the centuries, contains the goals of the learning process, which are expressed in a generalized, sociological language. In general, such an order is formulated as a task to pass on to the younger generation the social experience accumulated by mankind. However, with this level of awareness of the goals, it cannot take place. Generalized goals should be pedagogically expressed in the language of the specific content of education (general minimum, academic subjects, educational, material, extracurricular and extracurricular content). Only on the on this basis, the activity of the teacher, i.e., teaching by means inherent in him, can begin. In order for teaching to determine the activity of the student, it is necessary that both the teacher and the student have appropriate motives. The teacher - training and education of the student at the highest possible level, and the student - on the content and process of learning activities. Only then is the learning process possible. The students or any of them will not have a need for learning - and the learning process will not take place. When it begins, then the joint activity of the teacher and students, by means appropriate to them, forms teaching methods. Learning always invariably proceeds in some (according to the conditions as a whole) organizational forms.

The learning process set in motion is realized by a certain assimilation mechanism, which will be discussed further. Such a mechanism always exists, it has not yet been studied well, but always, including the dawn of mankind, it was, albeit at a primitive level, realized, for example, a primitive hunter knew that if he showed his son , how the hunt goes, and then include him gradually in this activity, then over time he will learn it), the desired result will be achieved. If necessary, the teacher organizes a re-study of one or another segment of the content, and if the segment is mastered, the teacher moves on to a new portion of the content. At a generalized level, this scheme exhausts all elements of the learning process. And it allows you to highlight its invariant features. These include:

  • a) the irreplaceability of the learning process in the performance of the function of organizing the assimilation of social experience by the younger generation. Without initial learning, social experience is incommunicable;
  • b) in the learning process, the unity of the activities of teaching, learning and the content of education is certainly realized. Learning is possible because the teacher, pedagogically dissecting the content of the educational material, organizes the student's educational work with this material. There is no other way;
  • c) without the initial motives of the teacher and students, adequate to the goals of training and education, the latter cannot arise;
  • d) learning can only be realized as a unity of the content, procedural and motivational aspects of learning. In other words, the content is adapted to the learning abilities of students and must be aligned with the motives of the teacher and students. Hence the concern for the availability of educational material, for the activity of students, for their interest in learning. The very activity of the teacher is a form and condition of his self-expression and self-realization;
  • e) an indispensable combination of the presentation of information by the teacher (instructing, explanation and demonstration) with the activity of students reproducing in various forms;
  • f) the inevitability of one of the organizational forms, characterized by space, time, regime, division of functions between the teacher and students in the process of their communication.

The listed invariant features of the learning process are inevitable, others are unconditionally necessary, and ignoring any of them weakens its course. So, weak motivation on one's part limits the strength of the process, ignoring the reproductive activity of students at least reduces the degree of success of learning, if not makes it completely impossible. And so it is with any training, regardless of time, place, type of school.

But there is also a group of variable signs of education, which makes it modern, but has not yet penetrated into the pedagogical consciousness of the masses; without such signs, learning is possible and will even proceed satisfactorily, although it is still incomplete. These variant features include preparing students for self-education, teaching accessible creativity to all students, providing professional orientation, combining educational work with extracurricular social activities, using modern technical means, individualizing the training regime, etc.


    Explain the differences between pedocentric and traditional didactic systems.

    To characterize the scientific and pedagogical theories underlying the modern didactic system.

    Explain the structure of the educational process.


  • 1. I.P. Sneaky. Pedagogy; 1996
  • 2. P.I. Piggy. Pedagogy. 1996
  • 3. Yu.K. Babanskiy. Selected pedagogical works. 1989
  • 4. E.V. Skovin. Intensification of cognitive activity .... 1993
  • 5. Lothar Klinberg. Problems of learning theory. 1984.
  • 6, I.A. Petrishchenko. Problems of the modern learning process and ways to improve its effectiveness. 1990


1. The essence of the learning process as a general didactic category, its significance for the rational organization of the educational process.

2. Leading functions of learning, its structure.

3. Driving forces of the learning process.

4. The main stages of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. Types of training.

1. The essence of the learning process as a general didactic category, its significance for the rational organization of the educational process.

Didactics (from the Greek "didaktikos" - teaching and "didasko" - studying) is a part of pedagogy that develops the problems of teaching and education. For the first time, as far as is known, this word appeared in the writings of the German teacher Wolfgang Rathke (Ratichius) (1571-1635) to refer to the art of teaching. Similarly, didactics was interpreted by J. A. Comenius as “the universal art of teaching everything to everyone”. At the beginning of the 19th century, the German educator I.F. Herbart gave didactics the status of a holistic and consistent theory of educative education. The main tasks of didactics have remained unchanged since the time of Ratikhia - the development of problems: what to teach and how to teach; modern science is also intensively investigating the problems: when, where, whom and why to teach.

There is a great deal of truth in what is sometimes said: the head of even the most capable person is worth little without a good education. But in order to provide a person with such an education, it is necessary to train him well, to correctly carry out this most complex pedagogical process. The most important and enduring task of the school is to achieve from students a deep and lasting assimilation of scientific knowledge, to develop skills and abilities to apply them in practice, to form a materialistic worldview and moral and aesthetic culture. In other words, it is necessary to organize the educational process in such a way that students have a good grasp of the material being studied, i.e. content of education. All this requires a deep understanding by teachers of the theoretical foundations of teaching and the development of appropriate methodological skills.

But what is learning as a pedagogical process? What is its essence? When these questions are revealed, they first of all note that this process is characterized by bilaterality. On the one hand, it is a teacher (teacher) who sets out the program material and manages this process, and on the other hand, students for whom this process takes on the character teachings mastery of the studied material. It is quite clear that the course of this process is unthinkable. without active interaction between teachers and learners. Some scientists consider this feature of learning to be decisive for revealing its essence.

Can this definition, however, be considered exhaustive and clear enough? It seems that it is impossible. The fact is that although in the learning process there really is a close interaction between the teacher and students, the basis and essence of this interaction is the organization of the educational and cognitive activity of the latter, its activation and stimulation, which is not mentioned in the above definition. But this is very significant. Who, for example, does not know that sometimes a teacher, when explaining new material, often makes comments to individual students, but, without arousing interest in the lesson, does not arouse their desire to acquire knowledge. As you can see, there is interaction, but students do not have the desire to acquire knowledge. In this case, learning, of course, does not occur. It is impossible not to take into account such a detail. Interaction, as a rule, involves direct contacts between the teacher and students. In the process of learning, such contacts do not always take place. Thus, an important component of learning is the students' homework, but it is hardly possible to talk about their interaction with the teacher. All this shows that the essential characteristic of learning is not so much the interaction between the teacher and students, as such, but the skillful organization and stimulation of the educational and cognitive activity of the latter, no matter what form it takes. In this case, it would be more correct to assume that learning is a purposeful pedagogical process of organizing and stimulating active educational and cognitive activity of students in mastering scientific knowledge, skills and abilities, developing creative abilities, worldview and moral and aesthetic views and beliefs. From this definition it follows that if the teacher fails to arouse the activity of students in mastering knowledge, if he does not stimulate their learning in one way or another, no learning occurs. In this case, the student can only formally sit out in class ...

Another definition is given in Pidkasisty's textbook. Learning is communication in which controlled knowledge, the assimilation of socio-historical experience, reproduction, mastery of one or another specific activity that underlies the formation of personality. The influence of the teacher stimulates the activity of the student, while achieving a predetermined goal, and manage this activity. Therefore, learning can also be represented as a process of stimulating the external and internal activity of the student and managing it. The teacher creates the necessary and sufficient conditions for the activity of the student, directs it, controls it, provides the necessary means and information for its successful implementation. But the very process of forming a student's knowledge, skills and abilities, the process of his personal development occurs only as a result of his own activity, which can be schematically represented as follows:

The structure of human activity

Education, as a category of pedagogical science, and the learning process, or, as it is also called, the didactic process, are not identical concepts, not synonyms. The process is a change in the state of the learning system as an integral pedagogical phenomenon, as a fragment, as an act of pedagogical activity. It can be represented by the following formula proposed by V.P. Bespalko:

DP \u003d M + Af + Au,

Where DP is a didactic process, M is the motivation of students to learn; Af - functioning algorithm (educational and cognitive activity of the student); Ау – control algorithm (activity of the teacher in managing learning).

Carried out at different levels, the learning process is cyclical, and the most important, main indicator of the development of the cycles of the educational process are the immediate didactic goals of pedagogical work, which are grouped around two main goals:

- educational- so that all students master the basics of science, acquire a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, develop their spiritual, physical and labor abilities, acquire the rudiments of labor and professional skills;

- educational- to educate each student as a highly moral, harmoniously developed personality with a scientific and materialistic worldview, a humanistic orientation, creatively active and socially mature. The ratio of these goals in the conditions of the modern school is such that the first is subordinate to the second. Therefore, the main goal of education is to raise an honest, decent person who knows how to work independently, to realize his human potential. The other two indicators of the development of the cycles of the educational process are the means of training and its effectiveness as an integral dynamic (activity) system.

2. Leading functions of training, its structure.

Philosophy defines functions as external manifestations of the properties of an object in a given system. From this point of view, the functions of the learning process are its properties, the knowledge of which enriches our understanding of it and allows us to make it more effective. The concept of “function” is close to the concept of “learning task”. Learning functions characterize the essence of the learning process, while tasks are one of the learning components.

Didactics distinguishes three functions of the learning process: educational, developmental and educational.

educational function is that the learning process is aimed primarily at the formation of knowledge, skills, experience of creative activity. Knowledge in pedagogy is defined as understanding, storing in memory and reproducing the facts of science, concepts, rules, laws, theories. Assimilated, internalized knowledge, according to the findings of scientists, is characterized by completeness, consistency, awareness and effectiveness. This means that in the process of learning, students receive the necessary fundamental information on the basics of science and activities, presented in a certain system, ordered, provided that students are aware of the volume and structure of their knowledge and their ability to operate in educational and practical situations.

Modern didactics believes that knowledge is found in the skills of the student and that, consequently, education consists not so much in the formation of "abstract" knowledge, but in the development of skills to use it to obtain new knowledge and solve life problems. Therefore, the educational function of training assumes that training is aimed, along with knowledge, at the formation of skills and abilities, both general and special. Under the ability to understand the possession of a method of activity, the ability to apply knowledge. It's like knowledge in action. Special skills refer to the methods of activity in certain branches of science, academic subject (for example, working with a map, laboratory scientific work). General skills and abilities include the possession of oral and written speech, information materials, reading, working with a book, summarizing, etc.


Chapter 1. The essence of the learning process

Chapter 2

Chapter 3. Principles of the learning process

Chapter 4. Functions of the learning process




An important place in the structure of the pedagogical process is occupied by the learning process, during which knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired, personal qualities are formed that allow a person to adapt to external conditions and show his individuality.

Theoretical foundations of the learning process, its patterns, principles, methods, etc. studies the most important branch of pedagogy - didactics. Didactics (from the Greek "didaktikos" - teaching and "didasko" - studying) is a part of pedagogy that develops the problems of teaching and education. It reveals the patterns of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities and the formation of beliefs, determines the volume and structure of the content of education, improves methods and organizational forms of education, educating the impact of the educational process on students.

The qualitative originality of training is revealed when comparing it with upbringing, education and development.

In different types of education, its upbringing, educational and developmental component is not presented in the same way, but the teacher, the leader of knowledge, is obliged to constantly construct it. Thus, the study of the characteristics of the educational process is a topical issue in modern pedagogy.

The purpose of this course work is to study the main parameters of the education process.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

Consideration of the essence of the learning process

Studying the main patterns of the learning process

Characteristics of the principles of the learning process

Studying the main functions of the learning process

Chapter 1

The essence of the learning process

The processes of learning and learning (teaching) are two special, albeit interconnected, forms of student and teacher activity and reflect the dual nature of the learning process.

The scientific theory of the learning process includes the development of such techniques and methods for organizing the cognitive activity of students that ensure the effective assimilation of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities and the formation of abilities.

Modern pedagogy's definition of learning emphasizes the interaction between teacher and student. Recognizing the importance and significance of modern trends and in understanding the essence of the learning process, one must nevertheless emphasize the leading and guiding activity of the teacher, who, even with the highest activity and independence of students, always acts as the organizer of their cognitive activity. Its functions also include planning, stimulation, control, analysis of results and educational work (, pp. 203 - 204).

Didactics is a branch of pedagogy aimed at studying and revealing the theoretical foundations of the organization of the learning process (patterns, principles, teaching methods), as well as searching for and developing new principles, strategies, methods, technologies and learning systems.

Allocate general and private (subject teaching methods) didactics. Thus, teaching methods were formed for individual academic disciplines (methods of teaching mathematics, teaching physics, teaching a foreign language).

Learning, teaching, learning are the main categories of didactics.

Education is a way of organizing the educational process. It is the most reliable way to obtain systematic education. At the heart of any kind or type of education is a system: teaching and learning.

Teaching is the activity of the teacher in:

■transfer of information;

■organization of educational and cognitive activity of students;

■ rendering assistance in case of difficulty in the process of learning;

■ stimulation of interest, independence and creativity of students;

■assessment of students' educational achievements.

The purpose of teaching is to organize the effective teaching of each student in the process of transmitting information, monitoring and evaluating its assimilation. The effectiveness of teaching also involves interaction with students and the organization of both joint and independent activities.

Teaching is the activity of the student in:

■ development, consolidation and application of knowledge, skills and abilities;

■ self-stimulation to search, solve educational tasks, self-assessment of achievements;

■ awareness of the personal meaning and social significance of cultural values ​​and human experience, processes and phenomena of the surrounding reality. The purpose of the teaching is the knowledge, collection and processing of information about the world around. Learning outcomes are expressed in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and general development of the student.

Learning activities include:

■ mastering knowledge systems and operating them;

■ mastery of systems of generalized and more specific actions, methods (methods) of educational work, ways of transferring and finding them - skills and abilities;

■development of the motives of learning, the formation of the motivation and meaning of the latter;

■ mastery of ways to manage their educational activities and their mental processes (will, emotions, etc.).

The effectiveness of training is determined by internal and external criteria. As internal criteria, the success of training and academic performance, as well as the quality of knowledge and the degree of development of skills and abilities, the level of development of the student, the level of training and learning are used.

The academic performance of a student is defined as the degree of coincidence of the actual and planned results of educational activities. Academic performance is reflected in the score. The success of training is also the effectiveness of the management of the educational process, providing high results at minimal cost (, pp. 86 - 88).

Learnability- this is the internal readiness acquired by the student (under the influence of training and education) for various psychological restructurings and transformations in accordance with new programs and goals of further education. That is, the general ability to assimilate knowledge. The most important indicator of learning is the amount of dosed assistance that a student needs to achieve a given result. Learning is a thesaurus, or a stock of learned concepts and methods of activity. That is, a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that corresponds to the norm (the expected result specified in the educational standard).

The process of mastering knowledge is carried out in stages in accordance with the following levels:

■distinguishing or recognizing an object (phenomenon, event, fact);

■remembering and reproducing the subject, understanding, applying knowledge in practice and transferring knowledge to new situations.

The quality of knowledge is assessed by such indicators as their completeness, consistency, depth, effectiveness, strength.

One of the main indicators of the student's development prospects is the student's ability to independently solve educational problems (similar in terms of the principle of solving in cooperation and with the help of a teacher).

The following are accepted as external criteria for the effectiveness of the learning process:

■ degree of adaptation of the graduate to social life and professional activity;

■ the growth rate of the self-education process as a prolonged effect of learning;

■ level of education or professional skills;

■ Willingness to improve education.

In the practice of teaching, a unity of the logics of the educational process has developed: inductive-analytical and deductive-synthetic. The first focuses on observation, live contemplation and perception of reality, and only then on abstract thinking, generalization, systematization of educational material. The second option focuses on the introduction by the teacher of scientific concepts, principles, laws and patterns, and then on their practical concretization (, pp. 86 - 88).

Learning is the process of managing the cognitive activity of students by the teacher in order to master the social experience developed by previous generations (i.e., the content of education).

Learning is a joint activity of a teacher and students to achieve certain results in education, development and formation of personality.

Learning is a two-way process. On the one hand, the student participates in it - the one who carries out educational activities (student), and the one who manages it (teacher). In other words, the learning process includes two closely related processes: teaching and learning.

Teaching (teaching activity) is the pedagogical management of students' learning activities. It is wrong to understand by teaching only communication, the transfer of a certain amount of knowledge.

Teaching (learning activity) is the purposeful assimilation by an individual of socially developed experience, any practical and scientific knowledge, methods of activity and value relations in conditions of organized learning.

The third important component of the educational process is the subject of training. In a modern general education school, the subject of instruction is the foundations of technology, labor, arts, physical culture, morality, political knowledge, and the foundations of general education knowledge. Thus, the learning process is presented as a cognitive activity in the system "teacher - subject of study - student".

In the learning process, there is a constant change in the relationship between teaching and learning in the direction of increasing the role of independent activity of students.

The methodological basis of the learning process is the theory of knowledge (epistemology) - a philosophical doctrine about the patterns of knowledge in general, about the ability of a person to know the reality around him, about the sources, forms and methods of comprehending the truth by a person. The organization of the cognitive activity of students in a general education school should not contradict the general principles of scientific knowledge. At the same time, the research of scientists and the cognitive activity of students and scientists differ significantly:

1. The difference in goals: the scientist reveals the unknown, the teacher directs the student's activity to the "discovery" of the already known, discovered by science, tested by practice.

2. The limits of knowledge in science are determined by the state of research at this stage of historical development. In the learning process, these limits are outlined by the range of curricula, textbooks, and other school documents.

In accordance with the materialistic theory of knowledge, the logic of the learning process is the same as in scientific research: from the perception of empirical facts to abstract thinking, and from it to practical activity.

Driving forces of the learning process:

1. The objective needs of social development, i.e., the progress of production, technology, science, culture, and social relations.

2. The leading role of the teacher in the joint activities of the teacher and students. The teacher gradually leads students to solve more and more complex educational problems, students acquire more and more new knowledge.

3. The presence of a contradiction between new cognitive tasks and the knowledge available to the student. The student will willingly overcome contradictions if he feels and realizes the increase in his knowledge and the growth of intellectual abilities, and if it is within his power to overcome contradictions.

4. Growth and strengthening of the student's moral and volitional forces aimed at acquiring new knowledge and applying it in practice. The path to the student's awareness of the need for mental work in this case lies through encouraging him to clearly see the cognitive task, performing which he rises in his advancement a step higher and acquires new means for solving subsequent cognitive tasks leading to the main goal - getting an education.

5. Positive emotional experiences, which, as a rule, are accompanied by the achievement of positive and practically useful results in learning.

The structure of the learning process. The learning process consists of a number of links, each of which is characterized by a special type of cognitive activity of students.

Structural components of the learning process (its stages, stages):

1. Target (the teacher sets learning goals, the student is aware of them).

2. Need-motivational (the teacher forms in students the need for knowledge and motives for learning activities).

4. Organizational and activity stage (the teacher organizes the learning activities of students, and students perceive educational material, comprehend it, remember it, put it into practice, repeat it).

5. Emotional-volitional stage (the teacher forms a positive emotional attitude to learning activities, students show a positive emotional attitude and volitional efforts in learning activities) (minutes of emotional relaxation).

6. Control and adjustment stage (the teacher regulates and controls the learning activities of students, and students exercise self-control).

7. Evaluative and effective stage (the teacher evaluates the results of the students' learning activities, and the students carry out self-assessment).

These links constitute a complete learning cycle (didactic cycle).

Functions of the learning process. There are three functions of learning: educational, upbringing and developing. The educational function is associated with the expansion of the scope of the individual's social experience, the developing function with its structural complication, and the educational function with the formation of relationships (V.V. Kraevsky). (These three functions are expressed in the three obligatory objectives of the lesson.).

The educational function involves equipping students with a system of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities in order to use them in practice. The implementation of this function should ensure the completeness, systematicity and awareness of knowledge, their strength and effectiveness.

The end result of the implementation of the educational function is the effectiveness of knowledge, expressed in the conscious operation of them, in the ability to mobilize previous knowledge to obtain new ones, as well as the formation of the most important both special (in the subject) and general educational skills and abilities.

developmental function. Properly delivered education always develops, however, the developmental function is carried out more effectively with a special focus on the interaction of teachers and students for the comprehensive development of the individual. In the traditional approach to organizing learning, the implementation of the developmental function, as a rule, comes down to the development of the student's speech and thinking. However, the developmental nature of education implies an orientation towards the development of the personality as an integral mental system (cognitive, sensory, emotional-volitional, motor and motivational-requirement spheres of the personality).

The most intensive development of all these spheres of the student's personality occurs in problem situations, when a creative approach and intellectual tension are required.

educational function. The educative nature of education is a clearly manifested pattern that operates immutably in any era and in any conditions. Education always educates, but not always in the right direction, so the implementation of the educative function requires the organization of the educational process, the selection of content, the choice of forms and methods, to proceed from the correctly understood tasks of education at a particular stage of development of society. In modern conditions, it assumes:

a) the formation of a scientific worldview among students, an understanding of the objective laws of nature, society and thinking;

b) the formation of the correct attitudes of pupils towards educational work, nature, art, work, society, the team, oneself and other people (in the end, these relations are expressed in views, beliefs, ideals, in socially acceptable forms of behavior);

c) the formation of motives for learning activities that initially determine its success.

The implementation of the educational function of education implies, firstly, the humanistic orientation of the content of education (which should be selected through the prism of its social and personal significance), as well as a respectful attitude towards the personality of the student and, at the same time, reasonable exactingness towards him.

Secondly, in the process of school education, the civic and national self-consciousness of students is formed, the system of their ideas about the social and political structure of Belarus, about the priorities of national politics and culture, about the peculiarities of the national mentality of Belarusians.

Thirdly, in teaching it is necessary to build on the strengths of the students. This is due to the fact that students are not the same level of upbringing. Repeatedly highlighting their shortcomings can lower their self-esteem and level of ambition. The appearance of outsider children and children with deviant and delinquent behavior has as one of the reasons the teacher's distrust of the student, excessive criticism and rejection of the child.

Fourthly, an important role in the process of shaping the student's personality is played by the teacher's example, the manifestation of his personal subjective attitude to life phenomena, to the surrounding reality, to his pedagogical activity and to the activities of students. Any expression of thoughts, feelings and actions of the teacher in the learning process must be pedagogically appropriate, justified, reasoned and convincing. The means of pedagogical influence of the teacher on students are the word, orthoepy, diction, intonation, gesture, facial expressions, in which his pedagogical requirements and will are expressed. In addition, the teacher can have a significant organizing influence on schoolchildren insofar as he himself is organized, collected, morally and physically fit.

Fifth, the educational potential of learning increases when there is consistency in the strategies and tactics of subject teachers, educators, the administration of the educational institution and parents. It is necessary that educational influences in the learning process be balanced, harmonized, unidirectional.

All learning functions are interconnected and condition each other. In the practice of teaching, their implementation is carried out through:

- setting educational, developmental and educational goals of training;

- selection of the appropriate content of educational material and types of educational and cognitive activities of students;

– complex use of teaching methods.