Tambov State Technical University (TSTU). Tambov State Technical University

Tambov State Technical University hosted a meeting of students with the director of TOGUP "Unified Settlement Center", Chairman of the Committee on Urban Affairs in the Tambov City Duma Alexei Vlaskin and the finalist of the competition "Leaders of the Tambov Region", the initiator of the regional project "Improving the legal literacy of residents in the housing sector", a graduate Law Institute Nikita Lakomkin.

Especially for graduate students of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Transport of the Tambov State Technical University the factory of prefabricated buildings "Strong Buildings" held an open day, to present to future engineers and architects the technology of design, production and installation of buildings based on a steel metal frame.

For students of the department "Agroengineering" of the Tambov State Technical University, visiting classes were organized in the Russian subsidiary of the well-known German manufacturer of agricultural machinery "HORSCH" in the Chaplyginsky district of the Lipetsk region.

Tambov State Technical University hosted a meeting between the Governor of the Tambov Region Alexander Nikitin and the youth of the region as part of the discussion platform "Dialogue on equal terms". The event was attended by students of TSTU, during the discussion they were able to ask their questions to the head of the region.

The Department of International Relations and the Department of Science of TSTU inform about the formation of a new Internet resource for the registration of supervisors interested in attracting foreign young scientists, interns, undergraduates and graduate students.

JSC "Corporation "Roskhimzashchita"" held a solemn presentation of certificates to employees of the corporation on advanced training in an additional professional educational program at the Tambov State Technical University.

From March 29 to March 31, Moscow hosted III All-Russian gathering of "green" universities in Russia. Tambov State Technical University was represented at the event by Stanislav Chufistov, head of the ecological direction of volunteering at TSTU, Vadim Kvasov, deputy head of the Volunteer Center of the university, and Gleb Tolstenev, responsible for separate waste collection at the university.

A student of Tambov State Technical University Nikita Zyablov became a silver medalist at the second All-Russian Student Olympiad "I am a Professional" in the 2018/2019 academic year in the category "Specialist / Master" in the direction of "Radio Engineering".

March 27 in Tambov took place Regional scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren of the Tambov region "Man and Nature". This year, traditionally, the organizers of the conference were the Department of Education and Science of the Tambov Region, Lyceum No. 14 named after the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation A.M. Kuzmina and Tambov State Technical University.

Tue, 2 April 2019

Tambov State Technical University received a certificate of state accreditation educational activities for a period of 6 years for programs of secondary vocational and higher education (bachelor's, specialist's, master's, postgraduate studies) and for a period of 12 years for programs of general education.

Wed 3 April 2019

FGBOU VO "TSTU" on April 3, 2019 announces elections:
- head of the department "Technique and technology of road transport" - 1 rate;
- head of the department "Foreign languages ​​and professional communication" - 1 rate;
-head of the department "Computer-integrated systems in mechanical engineering" - 1 position;
- head of the department "Mechanics and engineering graphics" - 1 rate.

Qualifications: higher professional education, the presence of a scientific degree and academic title, experience of scientific and pedagogical work or work in organizations in the direction of professional activity corresponding to the activities of the department, at least 5 years.
Elections will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council of the University July 01, 2019.
Nomination ends May 3, 2019.
Place (address) for accepting applications for participation in elections:
392000, Tambov, st. Sovetskaya, 106, room 74, to the Academic Secretary of the University - a personal presentation or through postal operators (with a description of the attachment and with a mail notification).

Fri, 5 April 2019

Year of foundation: 1958
Number of students studying at the university: 10301
University tuition fees: 38 - 70 thousand rubles.

The address: 392000, Tambov region, Tambov, Sovetskaya d. 106


Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.tstu.ru

About the university

In 1958, the Tambov branch of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering (MIHMA) was formed. It was headed by F.S. Polyansky. In those years, the industry of the Tambov region produced in the Russian Federation up to 19.6% of the total volume of chemical equipment. There was an acute need for qualified specialists with higher education at the enterprises. Their training at the MIHMA branch was carried out according to the system of evening and correspondence education on the job.
In 1959, the first enrollment of students for the evening and correspondence departments was made, and in the summer of 1965, the first graduation of engineers took place and the branch of the MIHM was transformed into the Tambov Institute of Chemical Engineering (TICM).

V.V.Vlasov G.A.Minaev The first rector of TIHM was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor<== В.В.Власов.

From 1976 to 1985, the leadership of the Institute was entrusted to Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.A. Minaev. ==>

S.V. Mishchenko
Since 1985, the rector of the institute, and then the university, is Sergey Vladimirovich Mishchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education.
Tambov State Technical University was established on the basis of TIHMA in 1993. For more than 45 years of its existence, the university has successfully coped with the tasks of training highly qualified personnel. Hundreds of its graduates head the largest industrial enterprises and organizations in Russia, work in administrative authorities at various levels, including the Government of the Russian Federation. The development of the university in market conditions was accompanied by a sharp increase in the number of new humanitarian and technical specialties. In 2001, more than 6,000 students in 22 specialties studied at 8 basic faculties of the university. The university is located in five educational and laboratory buildings, has a library with funds of about 1,000,000 volumes, 5 comfortable hostels, 4 cafeterias, a clinic for students and teachers, summer recreation camps "Bodrost" and "Pine Corner" on the banks of the Tsna River.
Since 1980, admission to graduate school has been open at the university, and since 1993, to doctoral studies. In 1990, TSTU received the right to publish books from the Moscow publishing house "Mashinostroenie", and since 1995 it has been publishing its own scientific journal "Vestnik TSTU" with annotations in 4 languages. Since 1991, foreign citizens have been trained from more than 20 countries in Asia and Africa.
In 1995, the Faculty of Professional Training and Retraining of Personnel was opened at the university, and annually 350 students receive the additional education they need. In recent years, new traditions have been born at TSTU: lectures on problematic issues by professors from the US and Canadian universities, Russian students studying in England and Germany, holding international scientific conferences in Tambov, visits of scientists and university graduates to Germany, Denmark, China, Switzerland and other countries for lecturing and performing joint scientific work, etc. All this testifies to the progressive development of the university and its international integration ties.
At present, Tambov State Technical University is one of the dynamically developing universities in the Chernozem region. One can speak of the university as an educational, scientific and educational complex and a cultural and educational center. The activities of the university made it possible to solve the problem of providing the Tambov region with engineering and scientific personnel. We are ready for cooperation and will be glad to new partners in joint projects.
December 1, 2008 Tambov State Technical University celebrated its 50th anniversary.

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 15:00

Sat. from 09:00 to 12:00

Latest reviews of TSTU

Irina Popova 13:00 05/28/2014

I graduated from the Tambov State Technical University in 2009, studied at the graduate school. A very good university, where it's just nice to be. There are plenty of opportunities for self-realization here - from scientific communities to sports and creativity. It was at TSTU that I found my best friends, met many interesting people, found my soul mate. There is a great team of teachers here. I enrolled for free, graduated without any problems. Nobody ever from me...

Sergey Zhidkiy 12:25 06/05/2013

I studied for five years in the specialty of agricultural engineering, a lot of good memories were associated with this university. I entered easily, the competition was not big, only four people per seat. Since I am from the area, they gave me a large bright room in the hostel. He lived with a classmate Vasily. I passed the first session with excellent marks, only I got three in higher mathematics. The harmful mathematician decided to teach me a lesson for my talkativeness, and so I had one triple in my diploma. Immediately after admission, they went to the lab ...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tambov State Technical University"


No. 02162 is valid Indefinitely from 05/26/2016


No. 02089 is valid from 06/24/2016 to 04/01/2019

Previous names of TSTU

  • Tambov Institute of Chemical Engineering
  • Tambov branch of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for TSTU

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 5 5 6 5
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education57.46 58.12 58.74 58.38 61.39
Average USE score credited to the budget59 60.16 60.03 60.92 63.03
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis57.16 56.21 57.76 55.61 61.11
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department42.47 42.75 43.36 42.36 43.79
Number of students7573 7030 7543 8497 9169
full-time department3822 3895 4017 4469 4678
Part-time department256 245 170 103 96
Extramural3495 2890 3356 3925 4395
All data

TSTU in Tambov is the leading technical institution of higher education in the Chernozem region. The university is dynamically developing in terms of introducing modern technologies and innovations. During its existence, the university has become the largest cultural, international, scientific and educational center. The teaching staff is over 500 people, most of whom are candidates and doctors of sciences. More than 10 thousand students from several dozen countries of the world study here.

general information

TSTU in Tambov supplies highly qualified specialists to enterprises operating in various sectors of the economy. This includes areas of specialization in mechanical engineering, nanotechnology, the chemical field, radio electronics, and instrument making. The educational institution closely cooperates with large companies in the region, in practice implementing its own scientific developments. The heads of many well-known enterprises are also graduates of TSTU Tambov.

Now the university has developed about 300 educational programs. Among them:

  • Specialty.
  • Master's degree.
  • Undergraduate.
  • Postgraduate.
  • Polytechnic lyceums-boarding schools.
  • multidisciplinary colleges.
  • Various international centers.
  • Institute of Distance Education.
  • Retraining and advanced training courses.
  • Academy of Parallel Education.
  • Training of international level specialists.

The quality of education at Tambov State Technical University is recognized not only in Russia, but also abroad. Graduates of the institution receive a European supplement for their diploma, which meets the standards of UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the Commission. Additionally, the category is confirmed by the International Certification Network. It belongs to the largest international representative offices for the issuance of certificates in the management system around the world.

Founding history

TSTU in Tambov was founded in 1958. Initially, the institution had the status of a branch of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering due to the lack of qualified personnel with a higher engineering education. In 1965, the university was re-qualified as the Institute of Chemical Engineering, and since 1993 - into the Tambov State Technical University.

From 1958 to 1965, the director of the institution was F. Polyansky. In 1962, the university was replenished with a significant number of its own qualified personnel due to targeted recruitment for postgraduate studies. A dean's office appeared, headed by Golovin V.V., in 1964 he was replaced by Vlasov V.V., who later became the first rector, heading the university until 1976.

From 1976 to 1985, at that time, the rector of the TIHM was Doctor of Technical Sciences G. A. Minaev. From 1985 to 2012, this position was occupied by the laureate of the RF Government Prize S. V. Mishchenko, a student of Professor Vlasov.

In 2012, an unsuccessful attempt was made to reorganize TSTU in Tambov, Professor S. I. Dvoretsky was appointed acting rector. Since June 2014, the rector of the university is M. N. Krasnyansky, who was officially approved in the position on 07/13/2015.

About the Rector

Krasnyansky Mikhail Nikolaevich - professor, doctor of technical sciences, member of the Academy of Natural Sciences in the Russian Federation. He was born in a family of employees on December 22, 1969. Until 1983, Mikhail Nikolaevich studied at secondary school No. 28 in Tambov. He graduated with a gold medal. Married, has a son.

In 1986, Krasnyansky entered the Faculty of Cosmonautics and Automatic Aircraft at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Ordzhonikidze, who graduated with honors in 1992. Further, the future rector of TSTU Tambov studied for three years in graduate school, after which he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis in the direction "Processes and apparatuses of chemical technologies."

Mikhail Nikolayevich has a degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, he was awarded the academic title of Professor in the Department of Computer-Aided Design of Technological Equipment.


More than 150 scientific articles written by M. N. Krasnyansky in peer-reviewed scientific publications have been published, and 7 certificates of registration of computer programs at the state level have been received. The rector is a participant in three international projects in the direction of "Tempus".

The scope of scientific interests includes:

  • Methods and theory of computer-aided design of technical systems in chemical production, taking into account the reliability of technological devices.
  • Development of virtual simulators for training technical operators in the basics of work in normal and emergency situations.
  • Implementation of projects of information and educational programs for remote use with access to industrial and laboratory equipment.

For many years of fruitful work and a significant contribution to the development of science, Mikhail Nikolayevich was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the medal "Laureate of the All-Russian Exhibition Center".

TSTU in Tambov: faculties and specialties

The following are the main teaching programs of the university (higher professional education):

  • Architecture - bachelor and master.
  • Cars and transport economy - engineer.
  • Jurisprudence is a specialist.
  • Accounting, audit and analysis - economist.
  • Branch Applied Informatics - Informatics Economist.
  • Organization and traffic safety - transport management engineer.
  • Management at the enterprise - economist-manager.
  • Computer software - technician.
  • Highways, airfields, construction - engineer.
  • Economics - bachelor.
  • Environmental protection - environmental engineer.
  • Control and Automation - Bachelor of Technology and Engineering.
  • Machines and devices of various industries - engineer.
  • Marketing - marketer.
  • Commerce is a specialist.

Master's degree at TSTU in Tambov

In this direction, training at the university is conducted in the following specialties:

  • Chemical Technology.
  • Metallurgy.
  • Economy.
  • Management and automation.
  • Informatics business direction.
  • Design and technology of electronic equipment.
  • Finance and credit.
  • Agricultural engineering.
  • Information Systems.

For applicants

Applicants can visit the departments of TSTU Tambov during open days. As part of these events, future students will receive general information about the university, the conditions for admission, and will also be able to decide on the choice of their future profession, taking into account their own preferences and level of knowledge. At the open day, consultations are held with representatives of the selection committee, USE experts. In addition, applicants will visit an exhibition of equipment, master classes, and a tour of the university.

The admission committee of TSTU Tambov accepts documents from 10.00 to 14.00 (Mon-Fri):

  • At the department of magistracy, specialty and bachelor's degree.
  • To graduate school.
  • For specialized secondary education programs.
  • To receive a second higher education.

The university has 4 dormitories, which are located along Nikiforovskaya street 38/36/32/30.

Further development

The development of TSTU Tambov is associated with a special strategic program, calculated until 2020. According to this project, the mission of the university is to conduct fundamental and applied research in the field of science, technology, education, targeted training of specialists in various fields. Particular attention will be paid to the territorial and sectoral clusters of the region: nanoindustry, biochemical engineering, chemical and food industries, navigation systems, instrumentation, construction industry.

Further improvement of education quality indicators will be achieved through the introduction of a continuous education system. The college at TSTU Tambov allows the applicant to optimally prepare for higher education, while at the same time becoming a mid-level specialist in a particular field. Also, the development of the quality of education is associated with the use of distance education methods, the introduction of loans for education, the implementation of professional retraining programs, and the expansion of the export of educational services.

Currently, in developed countries, the transition to the sixth level technical structure is beginning, the basis of which are nano-, bio- and information and communication technologies. The domestic sphere of education in this regard is still at the fifth stage.


In the modern world, it is necessary to have innovative thinking, along with understanding and awareness of legal, environmental culture, spiritual and moral values. This is important for the implementation of civic responsibility to future generations, as well as for the development and practical implementation of modern technologies in the economy and other areas of the national economy. In this regard, the TSTU staff develops confidently and purposefully, the success of the ideas conceived is ensured by professionalism, creativity and harmonious interaction between students and teaching staff.

The address of the Tambov State Technical University, which is a regional training of highly qualified personnel for science and industry, is 392000, Tambov, Sovetskaya street, 106. The phone number of the admission committee can be found on the official website.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the new social and economic conditions, as well as external factors, require an adequate response of educational institutions together with the education system as a whole. TSTU in this regard tries to keep abreast.