Creative abilities: features and development. Creative abilities Creative abilities of the individual

Neuroscience paints a complex picture of creativity. Scientists now understand that the nature of creativity is much more complex than differences in right- or left-sided brain orientation (left = rational and analytical, right = creative and emotional). In fact, creativity is thought to be associated with a range of cognitive processes, nerve impulses, and emotions, and we still don't have a complete understanding of how the creative mind works.

From a psychological point of view, creative personality types are difficult to define. They are complex, paradoxical and tend to avoid routine. And this is not just a stereotype of a "tortured artist". Research has shown that creativity involves the interaction of many traits, behaviors and social influences in one person.

« In fact, creative people have a harder time getting to know themselves because they are harder than non-creative people. Scott Barry Kaufman, a New York University psychologist who has spent years researching creativity, told the Huffington Post. " What is the most paradoxical thing about a creative person ... these people have a more chaotic mind».

There is no "typical" portrait of a creative person, but there are characteristic features in the behavior of creative people. Here are 18 points that are characteristic of them.

They dream

Creative people are dreamers, despite the fact that their school teachers may have said that dreaming is a waste of time.
Kaufman and psychologist Rebecca L. Macmillan, who also co-authored a paper titled “ Ode to Positive Creative Dreaming”, believe that mind wandering can help in the process "creative incubation". And, of course, many people know from experience that the best ideas come to us when we are mentally in a completely different place.

Neuroscientists have found that imagination involves the same brain processes that are associated with fantasy and creativity.

They notice everything

A creative person sees opportunities everywhere and constantly absorbs information that becomes food for creative self-expression. As Henry James is often quoted, a writer is one from whom "nothing escapes".

Joan Didion always carried a notebook with her and said that she wrote down observations about people and events, which ultimately helped her to better understand the complexities and contradictions of her own mind.

They have their own opening hours.

Many great masters admit that they create their best work either very early in the morning or late in the evening. Vladimir Nabokov started writing as soon as he woke up at 6 or 7 in the morning, and Frank Lloyd Wright made it a habit to wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning and work for several hours before going back to bed. Highly creative people don't stick to a standard daily routine.

They find time for solitude

« To be open to creativity, one must have the ability to make constructive use of solitude. You have to overcome the fear of being alone.", - wrote the American existential psychologist Rollo May.

Artists and creatives are often stereotyped as loners when in fact they may not be. Privacy can be the key to creating the best work. Kaufman attributes this to imagination - we should give ourselves time to just daydream.

« You need to get in touch with your inner voice in order to be able to express yourself. It's hard to hear your inner creative voice if you're...not in touch with yourself and thinking about yourself." he says.

They "digest" life's barriers

Many of the most iconic stories and songs of all time were created under the influence of heartbreaking pain. Often problems became a catalyst for the creation of outstanding works. In psychology, this is called post-traumatic growth, which suggests that people are able to use their hardships and early life traumas for significant creative growth. Researchers have found that trauma can help a person excel in interpersonal relationships, life satisfaction, spiritual growth, personal strength, and new opportunities.

They are looking for new experiences.

Creative people love to experience new impressions, sensations and states of mind, and this is an important predetermining factor for creative results.

« Openness to new experiences is the strongest predictor of creative achievement.', says Kaufman. " There are many different interrelated aspects here: intellectual curiosity, thrill seeking, openness to emotions and imagination. And all together - this is the engine for knowing and exploring the world, both internal and external ".

They fail

Resilience is practically a necessary quality for creative success, says Kaufman. Failure often lies in wait for a creative person, at least a few times, but creatives - at least successful ones - learn not to lament about it.

"Creative people fail, but really good people fail often", - wrote in Forbes Stephen Kotler in an excerpt about the creative genius of Einstein.

They ask important questions

Creative people are insatiably curious. They tend to prefer to explore life and even when they grow up, they retain the interest of the discoverer. Through active conversations or individual mental reflections, creatives constantly ask themselves a lot of questions as they look at the world.

They watch people

Natural observation and interest in other people's lives sometimes helps to generate the best of ideas.

« Marcel Proust spent almost his entire life observing people, he wrote down his remarks, and this found an outlet in his books., says Kaufman. "For many writers, people-watching is very important...".

They take risks

Part of being creative requires taking risks, and many successful creatives have to take risks in various aspects of life.

« There is a deep and meaningful connection between risk taking and creativity and this is often overlooked. writes Steven Kotler in Forbes. " Creativity is the act of creating something out of nothing. It requires the disclosure of what at first existed only in the imagination. Such an occupation is not for the timid. Wasted time, tarnished reputation, wasted money - ... These are all side effects when creativity goes awry».

They see everything in life as an opportunity for self-expression.

Nietzsche believed that life and the world should be seen as a work of art. Creative individuals are constantly looking for opportunities to express themselves in everyday life.

« Creative expression is self-expression. Creativity is nothing more than a private expression of your needs, desires and uniqueness., says Kaufman.

They follow their true passion

Creative people tend to be intrinsically motivated. This means that they act out of some inner desire rather than outward desire for reward or recognition.

Psychologists say that creative people are excited by exciting activities, and this is a sign of intrinsic motivation. Research shows that simply thinking about your own reasons for acting can be stimulating enough to boost creativity.

They go beyond their own mind

Kaufman argues that the ability to dream is still necessary in order to help us move beyond conventional vision and explore other ways of thinking that can be an important asset for creativity.

« Dreaminess develops to allow us to let go of the present.', says Kaufman. " The brain network associated with daydreaming is the brain network associated with theory of mind. I like to call it the "imagination network" - it allows you to imagine yourself in the future, as well as imagine other people's thoughts..

They lose their sense of time

Creative individuals may find that when they write, dance, draw, or otherwise express themselves, they find themselves " in a state of flux which helps them to create at the highest level. It is a mental state where a person goes beyond conscious thought to achieve a state of heightened concentration and calmness. Then he is practically not subject to either internal or external stimuli that can interfere with his activities.

You find yourself " in a state of flux when you are doing something that you really like, that makes you feel good.

They surround themselves with beauty

Creators tend to have excellent taste and love to be in beautiful surroundings.

A study recently published in the journal Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts found that musicians, including music teachers and soloists, demonstrate a high sensitivity and receptivity to artistic beauty.

One of the most complex and interesting problems in psychology is the problem of individual differences. The central point in the individual characteristics of a person is his ability. Abilities are the individual psychological characteristics of a person that meet the requirements of this activity and are a condition for its successful implementation. .

Individual abilities of a person do not yet guarantee the successful completion of complex activities. For the successful mastery of any activity, a certain combination of separate, particular abilities is necessary, forming a unity, a qualitatively unique whole, a synthesis of abilities. In this synthesis, individual abilities are united around a certain, core personality formation, a kind of central ability.

Distinguish abilities of different levels - educational and creative. Learning abilities are associated with the assimilation of already known ways of performing activities, the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. Creative abilities in everyday consciousness are very often identified with the ability for various types of artistic activity, with the ability to draw beautifully, compose poetry, write music, etc. It is obvious that the concept under consideration is closely connected with the concept of "creativity", "creative activity".

Consider the concept of creativity in the interpretation of various authors.

Druzhinin V.N. defines the act of creativity as a real transformation of objective activity, culture and myself.

The Soviet neuropathologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, physiologist and morphologist V. I. Bekhterev interprets creativity from a reflexological point of view as “creating something new” in a situation where an irritant problem causes the formation of a dominant, around which the stock of past experience necessary for solving is concentrated.

In the psychological dictionary, creativity is interpreted as a process of human activity that creates qualitatively new material and spiritual values ​​or the result of creating a subjectively new one.

Thus, in general terms, the concept of creativity is as follows. Creativity is any practical or theoretical human activity in which new results arise.

If we carefully consider the behavior of a person, his activity in any area, then we can distinguish two main types of actions. Some human actions can be called reproducing or reproductive. This type of activity is closely connected with our memory and its essence lies in the fact that a person reproduces or repeats previously created and developed methods of behavior and actions.

In addition to reproductive activity, there is creative activity in human behavior, the result of which is not the reproduction of impressions or actions that were in his experience, but the creation of new images or actions. Creativity is at the core of this activity.

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Dubrovina I. V. defines creativity as the ability through which a person creates something new, original.

Doctor of Psychology V. A. Krutetsky connects creativity with the creation of something new, with finding new ways to perform activities.

In the psychological dictionary, the concept of creative abilities is interpreted as follows: "creative abilities are the individual characteristics of a person's qualities that determine the success of his performance of various creative activities."

Thus, in its most general form, the definition of creative abilities is as follows: creative abilities are the abilities of a person that give rise to something qualitatively new, which has never been before, has not existed.

Creativity is an amalgamation of many qualities. And the question of the components of human creativity is still open, although at the moment there are several hypotheses concerning this problem. Many psychologists associate the ability to creative activity, first of all, with the peculiarities of thinking. In particular, the well-known American psychologist Guilford, who dealt with the problems of human intelligence, found that creative individuals are characterized by the so-called divergent thinking. People with this type of thinking, when solving a problem, do not concentrate all their efforts on finding the only correct solution, but begin to look for solutions in all possible directions in order to consider as many options as possible. Such people tend to form new combinations of elements that most people know and use only in a certain way, or form links between two elements that at first glance have nothing in common.

The divergent way of thinking underlies creative thinking, which is characterized by the following main features:

1. Speed ​​- the ability to express the maximum number of ideas (in this case, it is not their quality that matters, but their quantity).

2 . Flexibility is the ability to express a wide variety of ideas.

3. Originality - the ability to generate new non-standard ideas (this can be manifested in answers, solutions that do not coincide with generally accepted ones). 4. Completeness - the ability to improve your "product" or give it a finished look.

A well-known domestic researcher of the problem of creativity A.N. Luk, based on the biographies of prominent scientists, inventors, artists and musicians, identifies the following creative abilities:

1. The ability to see the problem where others do not see it.

2. The ability to collapse mental operations, replacing several concepts with one and using symbols that are more and more capacious in terms of information.

3. The ability to apply the skills acquired in solving one problem to solving another.

4. The ability to perceive reality as a whole, without splitting it into parts.

5. The ability to easily associate distant concepts.

6. The ability of memory to give out the right information at the right moment.

7. Flexibility of thinking.

8. The ability to choose one of the alternatives for solving a problem before checking it.

9. The ability to incorporate newly perceived information into existing knowledge systems.

10. The ability to see things as they are, to distinguish what is observed from what is brought in by interpretation.

11. Ease of generating ideas.

12. Creative imagination.

13. The ability to refine the details, to improve the original idea.

Candidates of Psychological Sciences V.T. Kudryavtsev and V. Sinelnikov, based on a wide historical and cultural material (the history of philosophy, social sciences, art, individual areas of practice), identified the following universal creative abilities that have developed in the process of human history:

1. Imagination realism - a figurative grasp of some essential, general trend or pattern of development of an integral object before a person has a clear idea about it and can enter it into a system of strict logical categories.

2. The ability to see the whole before the parts.

3. The supra-situational-transformative nature of creative solutions is the ability, when solving a problem, not just to choose from alternatives imposed from the outside, but to independently create an alternative.

4. Experimentation - the ability to consciously and purposefully create conditions in which objects most clearly reveal their essence hidden in ordinary situations, as well as the ability to trace and analyze the features of the "behavior" of objects in these conditions.

Scientists and teachers involved in the development of programs and methods of creative education based on TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving) and ARIZ (algorithm for solving inventive problems) believe that one of the components of a person’s creative potential is the following abilities: the ability to take risks, divergent thinking, flexibility in thinking and actions, speed of thinking, the ability to express original ideas and invent new ones, rich imagination, perception of the ambiguity of things and phenomena, high aesthetic values, developed intuition.

Thus, analyzing the points of view presented above on the issue of the components of creative abilities, we can conclude that, despite the difference in approaches to their definition, researchers unanimously single out creative imagination and the qualities of creative thinking as essential components of creative abilities. Therefore, the conditions for the maximum manifestation of creative abilities involve the activation of not only the emotional, volitional and intellectual spheres, but also the spheres of imagination, intuition, and thinking.

The problem of studying creativity for a long time was of only literary interest. It had neither fundamental postulates, nor the subject of research, nor methodology. Today, this topic is moving from the category of little-studied to the category accessible for natural science analysis, receiving both scientific objectivity and research equipment. (Popular psychology reader compiled by V.V. Mironenko M: Dedication 1990)

Creativity research is carried out in three main directions.

The first direction is the report of research scientists who have enriched the scientific life with paramount discoveries and, in their declining years, are striving to tell about the nature of their work.

The second direction is the method of model experiments. The creative process includes not only solving a problem, but also a special vigilance in search of problems, making it possible to see the problem where everything is clear for others, the ability to formulate a task. This is a special susceptibility to inconsistencies and gaps in the surrounding world, and, above all, to discrepancies between accepted theoretical explanations and reality.

The third way to study creativity is to study the characteristics of a creative personality, which uses psychological testing, a questionnaire method, and statistics.

Thus, several facets are defined in the problem of creativity: the process of creativity, a creative personality, creative abilities, and a creative climate.

Creative abilities are inherent in any person, including a schoolchild - you just need to be able to discover and develop them. But the essence of the creative process is the same for everyone. The difference is only in the specific material of creativity, the scale of achievements and their social significance, in the study of the creative process it is not at all necessary to study geniuses. Elements of creativity are manifested in solving everyday life problems, they can be observed in the usual school educational process.

Consider the features of the development of creative abilities. Creativity can be characterized as a socio-historical phenomenon that arises and develops in the process of interaction between subject and object on the basis of social practice. From the point of view of philosophy, creativity is the activity of people that transforms the natural and social world in accordance with the goals and needs of a person based on the objective laws of activity. Creativity is understood as an activity aimed at creating something essentially new; as a process included in the formulation and solution of problems, non-standard tasks; as a form of cognition of reality, etc.

Creativity can be divided into several types: it is artistic, scientific, technical, pedagogical creativity. Following L. S. Vygodsky, who defined the “creativity of social relations”, i.e. “creative abilities for quick and skillful social orientation”, one can single out communicative and adaptive creativity.

Creativity is thinking in its highest form, which goes beyond the known, as well as an activity that generates something qualitatively new. Creativity can take place in any field of human activity: scientific, industrial and technical, artistic, political, etc. Creativity is a phenomenon that relates primarily to specific subjects and is associated with the characteristics of the human psyche, the laws of higher nervous activity, mental labor.

In psychological terms, creativity is a combination of those components of the subject's activity, which for this subject are carriers of qualitatively new ideas. In relation to the learning process, creativity should be defined as a form of human activity aimed at creating qualitatively new values ​​for him that are of social importance, i.e. important for the formation of personality as a social subject.

Creative activity is understood as such human activity, as a result of which something new is created, whether it is an object of the external world or a structure of thinking that leads to new knowledge about the world, or a feeling that reflects a new attitude to reality.

Creativity is a form of activity of a person or a team, the creation of a qualitatively new one that has never existed before.

The incentive for creative activity is a problematic situation that cannot be resolved in traditional ways. The original product of activity is obtained as a result of formulating a non-standard hypothesis, seeing non-traditional relationships between the elements of a problem situation, and so on.

The criteria for creative activity are the flexibility of thinking, criticality, the ability to converge concepts, the integrity of perception, and others.

Creative activity is a tool for the development of creative abilities, because performing creative tasks in particular and carrying out creative activity in general, the subject uses his abilities to solve a problem and, therefore, develops them in the course of solving.

Exploring the nature of creativity, scientists proposed to call the ability corresponding to creative activity creativity.

Creativity is a general ability for creativity, characterizes the personality as a whole, manifests itself in various areas of activity, is considered as a relatively independent factor of giftedness. (Rozov N.S.)

Creativity is an integrative ability that incorporates systems of interrelated abilities and elements. For example, creative abilities are imagination, associativity, fantasy, daydreaming. (Aleksandrov A.A.)

Creativity is a combination of many qualities. And the question of the components of human creativity is still open, although at the moment there are several hypotheses concerning this problem.

A well-known domestic researcher of the problem of creativity A.N. Luk, based on the biographies of prominent scientists, inventors, artists and musicians, highlights the following creative abilities, which are the ability to:

see the problem where others do not see it;

curtail mental operations, replacing several concepts with one and using more and more informationally capacious symbols;

apply the skills acquired in solving one problem to solving another;

perceive reality as a whole, without splitting it into parts;

easy to associate distant concepts;

memory to give the right information at the right moment;

flexibility to think;

choose one of the alternatives for solving the problem before checking it;

include newly perceived information in existing knowledge systems;

to see things as they are, to distinguish what is observed from what is brought in by interpretation;

easy to generate ideas;

to creative imagination;

refine the details, improve the original idea.

Candidates of Psychological Sciences V.T. Kudryavtsev and V.S. Sinelnikov, based on a wide historical and cultural material (the history of philosophy, social sciences, art, individual areas of practice), identified the following universal creative abilities that have developed in the process of human history:

  • 1. Imagination realism - a figurative grasp of some essential, general trend or pattern of development of an integral object, before a person has a clear idea about it and can enter it into a system of strict logical categories.
  • 2. The ability to see the whole before the parts.
  • 3. The supra-situational-transformative nature of creative solutions, the ability to solve a problem not just choose from alternatives imposed from the outside, but independently create an alternative.
  • 4. Experimentation - the ability to consciously and purposefully create conditions in which objects most clearly reveal their essence hidden in ordinary situations, as well as the ability to trace and analyze the features of the "behavior" of objects in these conditions.

In any kind of activity, creative imagination is determined not so much by what a person can invent, regardless of the real requirements of reality, but by how he knows how to transform reality, burdened with random, insignificant details.

Thus, after analyzing the approaches discussed above to the disclosure of the concepts of "creativity", "creative abilities", "creative thinking" and the definition of the components of creative abilities, we can conclude that, despite the difference in their definition, researchers unanimously distinguish creative thinking and creative imagination as mandatory components of creative abilities, which indicates their inseparable connection. When working on the development of creative abilities, it is necessary to direct the activities of students and engage creative imagination and thinking.

Psychologists (A.A. Baev, V.T. Kudryavtsev) determine the levels of development of creative abilities.

The structure of abilities depends on the development of personality. There are two levels of ability development: reproductive and creative.

A person who is at the first level of development of abilities reveals a high ability to assimilate knowledge, master activities and carry them out according to the proposed model. At the second level of development of abilities, a person creates a new, original.

It should be borne in mind that any reproductive activity includes elements of creativity, and creative activity also includes reproductive activity, without which it is generally unthinkable. The levels of development of abilities are not something given and unchanging. In the process of mastering knowledge and skills, in the process of activity, a person moves from one level to another, and the structure of his ability changes accordingly. As you know, even very gifted people began with imitation, and then only as they gained experience, they showed creativity.

The highest level of development and manifestation of abilities is denoted by the terms talent and genius. Talented and brilliant people achieve new results in practice, art, and science that are of great social importance. A man of genius creates something original, opening up new paths in the field of scientific research, production, art, literature. A talented person also contributes his own, but within the already defined ideas, directions, methods of research. The most favorable conditions for the formation of talent and genius arise with the comprehensive development of the individual. For example, da Vinci, Goethe, Lomonosov are examples of versatility of development and genius in creative activity.

In addition to levels, there are also types of abilities. In this regard, psychology usually distinguishes between general and special abilities.

General abilities are understood as such a system of individual-volitional properties of a person, which provides relative ease and productivity in mastering knowledge and performing various types of activities. General abilities are the result of both rich natural talent and the comprehensive development of the individual.

Special abilities are understood as such a system of personality traits that helps to achieve high results in any special field of activity, for example, literary, visual, musical, stage, etc. Special abilities should also include abilities for practical activities, namely: constructive-technical, organizational, pedagogical and other abilities. Special abilities are organically related to general or mental abilities. The higher the general abilities are developed, the more internal conditions are created for the development of special abilities. In turn, the development of special abilities under certain conditions has a positive effect on the development of intelligence.

Practical abilities cannot be developed and updated in creative activity without a high level of intellectual development. Thus, the constructive and technical abilities of a person are often associated with great scientific talent: a gifted inventor often introduces innovation not only in production, but also in science. A gifted scientist may also show outstanding design abilities (Zhukovsky, Tsiolkovsky, Edison, Faraday, and many others).

Thus, each activity imposes certain requirements on general and special abilities. Only the comprehensive development of the personality will help to identify and form general and special abilities in their unity. This does not mean that a person should not specialize in the area for which he shows inclination and greatest ability. Therefore, although this classification has a real basis, when analyzing a particular type of ability, it is necessary to take into account the general and special components in each individual case. All children have creative abilities, therefore, they need to be developed for the success of the child. For the development of creative abilities in an educational institution, there are extracurricular activities.

Educational and creative abilities differ from each other in that the former determine the success of training and education, the assimilation of knowledge, skills, and the formation of personality traits by a person, while the latter determines the creation of objects of material and spiritual culture, the production of new ideas, discoveries and works. , in a word - individual creativity in various fields of human activity.

Capabilities- these are individual personality traits, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain type of activity. Abilities are not limited to the individual's knowledge, skills and abilities. They are found in the speed, depth and strength of mastering the methods and techniques of some activity and are internal mental regulators that determine the possibility of acquiring them. In Russian psychology, B. M. Teplov made the greatest contribution to experimental studies of abilities.

Separate general and special abilities:

1) general abilities provide relative ease and productivity in the acquisition of knowledge and the implementation of various activities;

2) special abilities are a system of personality traits that help to achieve high results in any field of activity.

Each ability has its own structure, which distinguishes between leading and auxiliary properties. For example, the properties of literary abilities are: features of creative imagination and thinking, vivid, visual images of memory, a sense of language, the development of aesthetic feelings. And the leading properties of mathematical abilities are: the ability to generalize, the flexibility of thought processes, an easy transition from direct to reverse thought. For pedagogical abilities, the leading ones are: pedagogical tact, observation, love for children, the need to transfer knowledge.

There are the following levels of abilities:

1) reproductive (provides a high ability to acquire knowledge, master activities).

2) creative (provides the creation of a new, original).

Talent implies the presence of various creative abilities.

Creativity is divided into three main groups:

1. Abilities associated with motivation (interests and inclinations);

2. Abilities associated with temperament (emotionality);

Creative abilities, in contrast to special abilities that determine success in specific types of activity, are manifested in any activity in that specific style of its implementation, which can be called creative.

The creative style at all levels of activity is primarily characterized by independent posing of problems, the so-called intellectual initiative, an independent, original way of solving ready-made topics and problems, etc. In other words, creative initiative is characterized by the absence of a template, functional fixity and rigidity in mental and executive activity.

Some thinkers believe that the creative style of mental activity is the primary and natural form of the brain. In this regard, creative abilities are inherent, without exception, to all people, but they manifest themselves in different ways depending on the severity of special abilities for various types of activities. Templates and cliches appear under the influence of social influences and, mainly, as a subject of the existing system of education and training.

However, it is well known that with the same system of upbringing and education, some people develop stereotyped thinking, while others retain or develop an independent and creative style of mental activity.

This makes us think that some individuals have a certain resistance to the pattern, which manifests itself not only in the style of thinking and performing activities, but also in some personal characteristics, such as independence, self-sufficiency (lack of conformity of conciliation), etc.

It is not unreasonable to suggest that the resistance to the "pattern" may be the most fundamental internal quality in the structure of creative abilities, the nature of which is most likely determined by some biological inclinations. However, an alternative assumption is also possible that this quality is secondary, due to other qualities of intellectual activity (flexibility, breadth, etc.) or personal formations.

The creative possibilities of a person are unlimited and inexhaustible, and creative activity is one of the main definitions of human essence. It is the ability for creative activity that characterizes a person, emphasizes the superiority and originality of his psyche. Man created machines so complex and perfect that they began to talk about the possibility of building a machine that could surpass man himself, which would be able to think and create. But the machine is not able to create, to create something new. Creativity is unique to humans. The problem of identifying early abilities is of interest to many. In principle, we are talking about selecting, identifying capable people, about their appropriate training, that is, about the best solution for selecting personnel.

A creator, just like an intellectual, is not born. It all depends on what opportunities the environment provides for realizing the potential that is inherent in each of us to varying degrees and in one form or another.

As Ferguson (1974) notes, "creativity is not created, but released." Therefore, in order to understand how creative activity has developed, it is necessary to assess not only and even not so much the basic level of intelligence necessary for this activity, but the personality of a person and the ways of its formation.

Thus, in the system of stages of creativity, the following most important qualities can be listed:

1. Stage - a sense of novelty, unusual, sensitivity to contradictions, informational hunger ("thirst for knowledge").

2. Stage - intuition, creative imagination, inspiration.

3. Stage - self-criticism, perseverance in bringing things to the end.

Of course, all these qualities operate at all stages of the creative process, but not predominately in one of the three. Depending on the type of creativity (scientific, artistic), some of them may appear brighter than others. Combining with the unique features of a particular person, as well as with the peculiarities of creative searches, the listed qualities often form an amazing fusion of creative individuality.

The development of science and technology, the pace of the scientific and technological process is such that it is absolutely necessary to “supply” science and technology with new ideas, build new projects, therefore, in connection with the tasks facing society, the question of the nature of creative abilities has acquired great practical significance.

Today, creativity is becoming a necessary tool for professional and everyday existence.

Thus, the development of children's creative abilities becomes one of the main tasks of educating a harmoniously developed personality in modern society. Having creative abilities, a person becomes successful in any activity. One of the main means of developing creative abilities is elementary music playing.

Creativity is a constant improvement of one's personality, thinking, consciousness, intellect and a constant aspiration to do something new, to do more and better than before. In creative activity, a person develops, acquires social experience, reveals his natural talents and abilities, satisfies interests and needs.

A creative person is a national treasure and the true wealth of the country. A creative person differs from others by the desire to go beyond the norms.

The design, development and formation of a creative individuality offers the creation of special opportunities for this. All the best human qualities develop by themselves only where there is a creative attitude to life and adequate social conditions for self-promotion. Working with children, we must unleash their natural potentials and prepare them for productive work.

The nature of mankind is studied by philosophers, logicians, psychologists, historians, physiologists who study certain aspects of creative thinking and personality, based on the specifics of their sciences.

Creativity is a form of human activity aimed at creating qualitatively new values, new ideas, it is the discovery of a fundamentally new or improved solution to a particular problem.

Creative thinking is the subject of the perception of connections in the subject under study, as a result of which either objective reality, or subjectively new knowledge, or an ideal image. In order for children to develop the ability for creative thinking, it is necessary to constantly create a situation of creative, educational activities that contribute to the disclosure and development of natural creative talents.

Creativity starts with a new idea. New ideas can appear both on the basis of new information and without it. To create something new, it is necessary to rely on the known, to have the material stored in memory.

When we try to understand and explain why different people, placed in roughly the same situations, achieve different successes, we turn to the concept of "ability".

Abilities are individual psychological characteristics of a person, which are the conditions for the successful implementation of this activity and the dynamics of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities.

Thanks to the abilities in a particular area, a child can quickly and relatively easily acquire the necessary knowledge.

Abilities, like other personality traits, are not only manifested in activity, but also formed in it. The main disadvantage of the traditional education system is the inability to educate a creatively thinking person who is ready to solve complex and non-standard life problems. There is only one way out of this situation - the active inclusion of children in activities of a creative nature and the development of creative abilities. extracurricular orphan educational

The development of children's creative abilities involves the formation of the most important mental and practical actions in them, outwardly manifested in the form of certain skills, which include: the ability to observe, think, compare, compare, the ability to independently put forward and solve new problems.

The more the content of the lessons meets the interests of children, the wider the child has the opportunity to show his individuality, the more fully the efforts of the teacher in teaching and education merge with the reciprocal efforts of students in mastering the material, self-development, self-education. In order for children to begin to creatively apply the acquired knowledge, it is necessary that they feel the need for such activities. But what is the creativity of children?

The fact is that at the very first stage, having become acquainted with samples of work of different levels of complexity, children compose their own composition of the product. In the first works, the elements that are mandatory for elementary education are certainly included. Those who experience difficulties in the initial compositional solution are provided with ready-made samples, in which children can make changes at will. All the same, in each sample, the individuality of performance will manifest itself.

To create in children an aesthetic attitude towards the object of labor and to awaken the desire to create a beautiful product - this is the aesthetic goal of education.

Awakening interest in needlework should begin with a demonstration of manuals, creative works. It is designed to awaken the feelings of students caused by the contemplation of a beautiful product, masterfully made by the teacher.

The most important task of labor education is not only to teach children the skills of high-quality manufacturing of a product, but also to develop a sense of form, the ability to create and evaluate a combination of color, composition, harmony, symmetry.

The law of the unity of labor and beauty is manifested in their close interdependence, striving to make a thing more solid, more compact, more economical, more convenient, more beautiful.

The process of inspired activity requires from a person a huge intellectual, emotional and volitional tension.

Creative potentials are inherent and exist in every person. Under favorable conditions, every child can express himself. The development of a child's creativity is facilitated by the presence of a genetic basis and conditions of a socio-pedagogical and psychological nature.

The analysis of the problem of the development of creative abilities will be largely determined by the content that we will invest in this concept. Very often, in everyday consciousness, creative abilities are identified with abilities for various types of artistic activity, with the ability to draw beautifully, compose poetry, and write music.

What is creativity really? Obviously, the concept we are considering is closely related to the concept of "creativity", "creative activity". By creative activity, we mean such human activity, as a result of which something new is created - whether it is an object of the external world or a structure of thinking that leads to new knowledge about the world, or a feeling that reflects a new attitude to reality.

If we carefully consider the behavior of a person, his activity in any area, then we can distinguish two main types of actions. Some human actions can be called reproducing or reproductive. This type of activity is closely connected with our memory and its essence lies in the fact that a person reproduces or repeats already created and developed methods of behavior and action.

In addition to reproductive activity, there is creative activity in human behavior, the result of which is not the reproduction of impressions or actions that were in his experience, but the creation of new images or actions.

Thus, in its most general form, the definition of creative abilities is as follows.

Creative abilities are the individual characteristics of a person's quality, which determine the success of his performance of various creative activities.

The success of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities depends on the student's ability to be creative, and as a result, the child grows into an interesting, extraordinary personality. And this is the way to enterprising, enterprising and competent specialists. Thus, our labor lessons with an orientation towards creation prepare students for independent labor activity, and contribute to a painless adaptation in life after graduation. Today it has already been proven that people who are prepared for creativity find their place in science and production much faster, master their work better, and bring more benefits.

Labor training is an obligatory condition and an integral part of the education, upbringing and development of the child at the primary stage of the general education school and is implemented by means of a variety of classroom and extracurricular activities of students.

Such prominent scientists as N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, A.V. Lunacharsky, S.L. Rubinstein.

The purpose of labor training is the education of the personality of students on the basis of the formation of labor activity.

M. Levina points out that in labor lessons at school or at home with their parents, and later on their own, children can learn a lot of exciting and useful things: working with paper and embroidery,

sewing and making handicrafts from natural materials, woodworking and modeling from plasticine, they can learn how to burn and sew soft toys, try themselves as a cook or cook, or maybe a child will like to be an actor in a puppet theater and at the same time - the owner of this theater .

By doing something with their own hands, children develop attention and memory, learn to be accurate, perseverance and patience.

Creative activities help develop artistic taste and logic, contribute to the formation of spatial imagination.

Creative activities not only develop imagination, but also give the child a lot of practical skills. Sew on a button for yourself, cook breakfast, make gifts for family and friends with your own hands - all this will come in handy for a child.

And one more very important addition: the ability to do something yourself allows the child to feel more confident, relieves the feeling of helplessness. But faith in oneself, self-confidence is a necessary condition for a child to be truly happy.

T.A. Gomyrina showed in her work the effectiveness of the development of creative abilities in labor lessons.

Labor is the creative work of a child with various materials, during which he creates useful and aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate everyday life (games, labor, recreation). Such work is a decorative, artistic and applied activity of the child, since when creating beautiful objects, he takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials on the basis of existing ideas, knowledge, practical experience acquired in the course of work and in art classes.

Creative abilities develop most effectively, according to T.A. Gomyrina in artistic work.

  • work with paper, cardboard (application from paper of different textures, in combination with fabrics, natural materials, the production of decorative panels, volumetric and planar objects and structures for decorating holidays and entertainment, decorations, souvenirs);
  • work with natural material (making small and large sculptures, making decorative bouquets from dry and live plants);
  • Work with clay (creating decorative ornaments, making small sculptures, souvenir toys, doll dishes);
  • work with fabric, threads (decorative appliqué from fabric, weaving from synthetic yarn, making decorative ornaments and household items, clothes, theater and decorative toys and souvenirs from synthetic fabrics).

Working with paper is working with a material that has its own face, with constructive and plastic properties. Making paper products contributes to the development of the muscles of the hands, improves the eye of the child, prepares him for the development of writing skills, promotes the aesthetic development of children, their acquisition of the ability to correctly select combinations of paper colors, shapes and sizes of component parts.

Particularly distinguished are the lessons of working with clay - modeling. Modeling lessons contribute to the formation of such personality traits that are not specific for a person (necessary only for this and similar work), but generally significant.

These classes develop the mental abilities of students, expand their artistic and polytechnical horizons, form moral ideas and contribute to the formation of a creative attitude to the world around them. Particular attention is paid to decorative and applied arts.

Children are happy to sculpt decorative toys based on folk patterns, dishes, wall reliefs, decorative masks. In addition, all these products very clearly gravitate towards real arts and crafts and are connected with life. Compared with the processing of other materials, working with textiles has its own characteristics. Working with fabric allows you to put into practice interdisciplinary connections. So, students significantly expand their horizons, vocabulary, getting acquainted with the names of tools, materials, labor processes. Making patterns contributes to exercises in calculations, in comparing and working out the concepts of "more-less", "narrower", "shorter", "longer". In the manufacture of products for the pattern and processing of parts that are various geometric shapes (squares, rectangles, circles), the geometric material studied in mathematics lessons is fixed. When taking measurements, students deal with numbers. They compare the data obtained with the dimensions of the fabric, perform various calculations. Needlework lessons are also interconnected with drawing lessons. Children learn to select the colors of threads for embroidery, learn that depending on the features of the product, its design and purpose, fabrics of the appropriate quality and color are selected. In addition, the selection of a pattern for embroidery, the ability to beautifully finish the product is of great importance. Practical exercises in the processing of textile materials develop the eye.

The quality of work in this case largely depends on the accuracy and accuracy observed when drawing up a pattern, when marking, cutting, stitching and other operations. The processing of textile materials, in comparison with other materials, requires more painstaking and hard work.

Thus, properly organized labor gives children in-depth knowledge of the quality and capabilities of various materials, helps to consolidate positive emotions, stimulates the desire to work and master the peculiarities of craftsmanship, and introduces them to folk decorative art. Therefore, there is every reason to consider labor training as an important element in the harmonious development of children.