Eight versions of why people drink. Scientists explain why people get drunk

Alcohol addiction is a problem not only for the family, but for the whole society. Now we can see how strong this problem is and how big it is. But what are the reasons for the uncontrolled intake of strong drinks and what consequences can this entail? Let's take a closer look.

What drives people who drink alcohol in large quantities and often? Why do they even drink it? Perhaps even inveterate drunkards who are unable to live a day without vodka can hardly answer this question. Most often, such vague explanations are given, which are hardly true. A hard life, difficult circumstances, a way to relax - all these are just excuses, as a rule, designed to hide the true reason. Let's try to figure out the reasons that may prompt this. And it’s worth starting with those people who, almost from childhood, can embark on a slippery slope.

Aspects of. How to recognize predisposition?

Often people judge prejudicedly about children from disadvantaged families who drink. And, unfortunately, such judgments often turn out to be true. According to statistics, a greater percentage of citizens who drink alcohol have close relatives with alcohol addiction. Why do people drink it, knowing that such drinks carry so much negativity? Here the psychological aspect and upbringing play an important role, since from an early age a person nevertheless absorbs such a way of “relaxing” and avoiding problems.

It has also been proven that addiction can be recognized already at school. If you say that most often drunkards become losers, you will be right, but not completely. Alcohol is also dangerous for excellent students, who are usually busy with cramming and participate little in everyday life with their peers. Such people are not ready for the future life, because they do not delve into the knowledge that is presented to them, but only memorize it. Why do people drink alcohol in this case? The main answer is disappointment in life. The world turns out not to be the way teachers present it, and expectations are not justified.

But many losers who, after school, have not found their place in life, usually also embark on such a slippery path, thus trying to relax, find friends and occupy themselves.

Main reasons

Why do people start drinking alcohol? There are many answers to this question. All of them, as a rule, are joyless. Most often, it is the following reasons that become a springboard for the development of this kind of addiction:

  • Deprivation of the opportunity to do what you love. In many cases, this is what causes it. As evidence, we can take the example of forgotten artists, since almost all of them begin to drink.
  • Idleness. It has been proven that people who are not passionate about anything start drinking alcohol much faster than any other people.
  • Lack of orientation in life, desires, aspirations.
  • Environment. In fact, it plays one of the most important roles, since a person who constantly communicates with drinking people will soon gradually become "one of them" in their company.
  • Disappointment in life. This point can also be called the main one. Unjustified hopes, excessive ambitions - this can lead a person into a pit called "alcohol addiction". Unfortunately, only the strongest can get out of it.
  • Warmth in the cold. Indeed, those who work in unheated rooms often drink alcohol to keep warm. However, such an addiction can be addictive, which is why a person will drink it even in warm weather.
  • Losses. This can include both the loss of loved ones, and material ones - a house, a business.
  • Congenital low tone. In some people, the production of endorphins is disrupted, which is why they are constantly in a depressed mood. Why such people drink alcohol is clear, because alcohol can completely replace the production of this hormone.

When alcohol has already taken its place in a person's life and replaced all hobbies, the problem gradually develops into a disease. Dealing with it is much more difficult, but many will say that there is nothing difficult in this, it is enough just to stop drinking at last. However, not everything can be as simple as it seems. In a drinking person, over time, the chemical processes of the body adjust so that he experiences a state of euphoria and happiness only at the moments of drinking alcohol. The self-production of hormones responsible for this gradually stops, which causes prolonged and severe depression that a person experiences. Therefore, one of the reasons why people drink alcohol is precisely raising their spirits, avoiding a bad mental and physical state. However, in the case of a complete rejection of alcohol, the production system in the body gradually returns to normal.

Causes of teenage alcoholism

Oddly enough, but it is traditions that play the most serious role in shaping people's ideas that a celebration that takes place without alcohol cannot be a full-fledged holiday. Why does such an idea arise and, most importantly, where does it come from? The source of the problem lies in the habit of putting a child at a common festive table, where juice is poured into his glass and he, clinking glasses with everyone, feels like an adult. Before adolescence, exposure to alcohol can be casual, but the older the child gets, the more it is allowed. Alcohol can also be attributed to this statement, because parents sometimes allow him to drink in small quantities on holidays. Based on this, children form the idea of ​​alcohol as something forbidden, but very important.

As a rule, people start drinking strong drinks from adolescence. What could be the reason? After all, neither disappointments, nor, as a rule, losses, they still experience in full. Indeed, the motives are somewhat different from adults. Most often it is:

  1. Unwillingness to lag behind peers, look like a "black sheep" and be the object of ridicule;
  2. A remedy for shyness. Quite often, strong drinks are taken by teenagers for courage, thus getting rid of internal fears;
  3. The need for new sensations, following traditions;
  4. The desire to get rid of boredom, diversify life. This reason has the greatest impact on children who live in rural areas, since their leisure usually turns out to be not only not formed, but can even be absent altogether;
  5. Self-assertion. In an attempt to prove something (including their adulthood) to their peers or parents, teenagers also often start drinking;
  6. Liberation from experiences, a way to survive alienation during a difficult age, when the child considers himself abandoned.

Types of addiction

It is customary to divide alcohol addiction into several stages:

  • Alpha alcoholism. This is the initial stage of the disease and it is expressed in psychological dependence on alcohol. Often it becomes a way of avoiding problems, a means of improving mood.
  • This is alcoholism. It is also a psychological type of addiction, but drinking occurs already in companies. At the same time, prepositions of tradition, holidays and any other occasions are often used. A characteristic difference is that any celebration and celebration will definitely be associated with strong drinks.
  • Iota-alcoholism. In this case, a person is driven by the same motives - the desire to relax, to move away from reality. But in this case, neurotic manifestations are already noticeable, when alcohol is necessary to relieve stress and fears.
  • Kappa alcoholism. In this case, alcohol acts as a means of getting rid of mental problems, or when experiences are psychotic in nature.
  • Epsilon alcoholism. Strong drinks in this case are taken quite rarely, but they are intense in nature, they can be long (binge drinking). In the normal state, people, as a rule, do not experience strong cravings for alcohol.
  • Gamma alcoholism. Alcohol acts as a catalyst for "uncontrolled drunkenness" when, after the first dose, memory abruptly breaks off and the person no longer remembers the entire chain of events.
  • Zeta alcoholism. A form in which frequent, but small amounts of strong drinks are used. Loss of self-control, as a rule, does not occur.
  • Delta alcoholism. At this stage, a person feels the need to constantly be in a state of intoxication, physically dependent on alcohol intake. In this case, there may be no pronounced signs of intoxication. A characteristic feature is the possibility of a secretive course of the disease, when during the day a person gradually takes beer, wine and other low-alcohol drinks.

beer alcoholism

Usually, people do not consider beer a harmful drink at all, believing that if the degree of alcohol in it is low, then it can be consumed uncontrollably, since this will not entail serious consequences. However, many experts argue that beer is much more dangerous than even vodka. This is explained not only by the presence of alcohol in it, but also by cobalt, which can destroy the esophagus, heart, and stomach. Some of its components also provoke the death of brain cells. Along with this, the rapid development of psychological dependence is characteristic, which is why not only the need for alcohol intake increases every day, but also to increase its dose.

The peculiarity of this type of alcoholism lies in the fact that a person usually does not recognize the due seriousness of an alcoholic drink, considering it to be very weak and incapable of greatly affecting health. At the same time, it gradually begins to affect not only the personality, causing changes in her behavior, psychological deviations, but also affects the reproductive system in women, and potency in men.

The consequences of excessive intake of beer can be colon cancer, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver. The heart eventually becomes loose, unable to pump blood.


Alcohol is not able to have a beneficial effect on any organ. Even on appetite, contrary to the recommendations, it affects badly, gradually starting to block normal digestion. With prolonged use of alcohol, even in small quantities, over time, negative processes begin to appear in the organs, and the degradation of the personality becomes more noticeable. Most often, alcohol can lead to the following negative aspects:

  1. Loss of control, serious manifestations of aggressiveness;
  2. Development of cirrhosis of the liver;
  3. Family breakdown, conflicts in it;
  4. Poisoning provoked by alcohol;
  5. Loss of ability to work;
  6. Increased risk of developing malignant tumors and vascular diseases;
  7. Increasing risk of an accident;
  8. reproduction of unhealthy offspring.

The list, alas, is incomplete and can be continued indefinitely. It is only important to note that none of the consequences will be positive.

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Our civilization got acquainted with alcohol over 6 thousand years ago, since then it has become an integral attribute of the lives of millions of people and even entire cultures. Many of us have never thought about why our friends, relatives and ourselves drink alcohol. It's time to sort out this issue.
There are several basic reasons for drinking alcohol, they are as follows:

1. The desire to relax. Stress and nervous tension began to follow modern man everywhere. After work or study, we have little time to recover and relax. Sometimes you just want to forget about all the troubles and tune in to the “positive wave”.

But it is very difficult to quickly change your emotional state. In this case, alcoholic drinks come to the rescue, which for a while allow a person not to remember life's difficulties. Whatever sobriety fighters say, alcohol can be used as an antidepressant. The main thing is not to abuse (relax with alcohol once or twice a month), the removal of everyday stress with alcohol leads to a hangover and alcoholism.

2. Trying to get bolder. Among us there are individuals suffering from various complexes and phobias. Having taken "on the chest", such people feel like real heroes, capable of doing great things (meet a girl, dance on the table, fight with the first person they meet, etc.).

There are also more neglected cases when a person makes even serious decisions (getting a job, a deal in business) only after a few glasses of alcohol. In this situation, alcohol removes psychological constraints, but does not solve the problem of insecurity itself. Therefore, insecure people need to learn how to act decisively without the help of alcohol, here alcoholic drinks harm rather than help.

3. Influence of society. Try to stay sober at weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations. If in such cases you do not drink alcoholic beverages, you will be misunderstood and made an outcast. Any person is subject to the influence of the environment in which he is. We try to imitate others, seeking their location. It's human nature, you can't argue with it.

We have two options. The first is to adapt (start drinking alcohol). The second is to change your environment. It is very difficult not to drink alcohol in a drinking company. You may not be given comments just out of politeness, but mentally all those present will put their negative assessment of your behavior.

4. Love for alcoholic beverages. There are people who like alcohol, its smell, taste or something else. These are connoisseurs and gourmets who drink alcohol only for the pleasure of the process itself.

Real connoisseurs know almost everything about their favorite alcoholic drink, and in many cases they can even prepare it themselves. It is in this group that the least alcoholics are found, since the drinking process itself is important here, and not the consequences that occur after drinking alcohol (good mood, lack of fear, etc.).

A situation is considered normal when a person is in the last group, in all other cases it is worth thinking about your behavior.

Why do people drink alcohol?

Why do people drink? - Strangely enough, neither the drinking people themselves, nor those who are trying to treat them, can really answer this question. Drinkers invent various excuses, but an honest answer, if given, is very rare. Why? Because the drinkers themselves have no answer. But we will try to understand.

The reasons for drunkenness are different, and the most common is the lack of hobbies and interests. It is human nature to strive for pleasure, for better well-being. But people who are passionate about something get satisfaction from their favorite activities, and alcohol only interferes with their activity. Drinkers are not born, but become, and rather slowly. This takes time, which a busy person simply does not have.

For many, going to a relative for a birthday, wedding, or just celebrating some holiday is just a punishment. They want it all to end as soon as possible, and they again returned to their favorite pastime. For some, this is a sport, others are fanatically and incessantly engaged in the alteration and improvement of their homes, others are obsessed with animals, but business, after all.

People climb mountains, go hiking, are captured by a computer, etc. But all this, due to a decent difference between people in the structure of the psyche, and the level of intelligence, is not available to everyone. Far from everyone. Probably everyone remembers their class, and the fact that there were excellent students, poor students, good students, well, as in any group of students.

I myself studied in five schools, so I have enough observations. And here are the conclusions I came to. Most good guys don't get drunk. In isolated cases, perhaps. And the risk group includes round honors students and hopeless losers. The first, probably because they did not get what they expected from life, the second, because from the very beginning they did not hope for anything. That's about it. I'm only talking about the trend.

Strangely enough, people who stand firmly on their feet are obtained, oddly enough, as a rule, precisely from bad and average students. Of the bad ones, but not entirely hopeless. Although this does not mean at all that a great future awaits an unsuccessful student.

Conversely, excellent students rarely reach great heights. Again, there are no rules without exceptions. I'm talking about percentages here. Good students and three students give a greater percentage of independent, punchy, self-righteous people than excellent students. Although it seems that everything should be exactly the opposite.

The reason for this paradox lies in the fact that successful and diligent students, for the most part, are very afraid of condemnation and censure, often achieving knowledge by meaningless cramming, without understanding the meaning of the subject being studied. The main thing is to get a good mark. This is their main goal. In the worst cases, the only one.

Of course, ingenuity and ingenuity, among students with "excellent academic performance", may sometimes be completely absent. Their whole life passes according to generally accepted rules, and they can act only within the limits of the knowledge they have received, or, frankly, hammered into their heads. They always know everything "for sure" what is possible and what is not.

Losers are often divided in half, what they think about them. They study only what they are interested in and do what they like. More often and more freely they can go against social norms and generally against the current of life. Someone judge? So they don't get used to it. All life condemned. That is, the brake of condemnation does not work here. Boring? I drank, it became more fun. Well, what obstacles.

Basically, of course, they drink too much in their youth, when the wind is walking in the head. Vodka can cover the excellent students later, when they begin to understand that they will never get from life what they rolled their lip on. It is also important that like attracts like. Losers are drawn to Losers, excellent students to excellent students.

Well, together, that those that these are already strength. And if the former excellent student is going to drink vodka once again, he will meet with condemnation from his friends. But when a person, a loser in the past, decided to smear, then with a high degree of probability he will find support for the idea in his environment. The environment plays a big role.

It must also be borne in mind that excellent students usually start their life path from universities, and losers from vocational schools, or from a factory. Where drunkenness is more developed, I think, it is not necessary to say. What about in the factory? Came home from work - do not fuck, let's go drink beer. On the weekend again - take a bottle, let's go to me. That's all the work.

Sometimes even enthusiastic people start drinking. This happens when, for some reason, they are deprived of the opportunity to do what they love. One of my close friends took motocross very seriously in his time. He took second place in Ukraine in the late 70s.

Once my friend fell off a motorcycle so "successfully" that he was barely rescued, his face was smashed to smithereens on a stone. Big sport was closed for him. He started drinking. Motorsport, that was his life. This is how forgotten actors and athletes get drunk. They just don't need to be sober.

When a person's friendship with vodka goes too far, another thing comes into play. The fact is that in our body substances are constantly produced - endorphins. They are also called “hormones of joy”, or “hormones of happiness”. We need them to maintain a normal vitality, to see life a little rosier than it is. Their chemical composition and mode of action is very similar to morphine.

There are people with a congenital deficiency of these hormones. They seem to be nailed down all the time, they are silent, you can’t get out the words, and when they drink, they glow with happiness. The self-regulation system of our body strives to maintain the mental state of a person at the right level, producing endorphins in a certain amount.

But when a drinker almost constantly keeps his mood higher than usual with the help of alcohol, the production of joy hormones stops. How else? Since it's so good, why do something else to develop. It is precisely because of the similarity of endorphins with morphine that it is so difficult for morphine addicts to “get off the needle”. The necessary hormones they cease to produce at all.

Over time, many drinkers, and especially those who jumped into alcoholism, begin to experience depression when sober. Inside, “happiness is not produced”, it is waiting for receipt from the outside. And until the poor fellow drinks, he simply cannot bounce back. A drunken state becomes a normal state. If you do not drink at all for some time, for example a year, everything returns to normal. Again, good and without vodka.

Well, of course, the most difficult case is the drinking of an alcoholic. This option is neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen. An alcoholic in a binge, as soon as he begins to sober up, often feels, without exaggeration, on the verge of death. Life appears in such a black light that it seems that it cannot be worse. I am well acquainted with how an alcoholic feels at this time, so I never condemn those who find themselves on a drinking binge. Well, a person can not cope. It's really very hard.

By the way, once I caught a condition that made me believe that it could always be even worse. I achieved this with the help of reckless use of psychotropic drugs. I was twenty then. A draft in the head. I will describe this moment somehow. When I remember what I experienced then, I get goosebumps even now, thirty years later.

I put off writing this article for two months, the topic seemed so difficult to me. But I did read it and it looks good. The main ideas are expressed. If you have any opinions please post them in the comments. Any opinion, up to complete disagreement.

So let's draw the line. Why do people drink?. I think we can draw the following conclusions:

From idleness, lack of vital interests.

Many are interested in the question of why people start drinking. What factors push them to this and is it possible to save yourself from cravings for alcohol?

Most people believe that alcoholism is just a person's desire to drink, which can be controlled and easily abandoned if something happens. But in fact, everything is not so simple. No alcoholic can easily stop drinking. The reason is that this is a psychological addiction, which is treated either with the help of a specialist, or if a person has good willpower and, most importantly, desire.

Due to the fact that the problem of alcoholism now affects almost everyone, the question arises as to why people drink alcohol.

The question about the causes of cravings for alcoholic beverages is most often asked by women. This does not mean that they cannot be addicted to alcohol, it is just that this disease is much less common among women. Unfortunately, many men like to spend evenings with friends and bottles of vodka. Although, in many developed European countries, it is considered acceptable when a man after work goes to a bar with friends and drinks a glass of beer there. In our country, such an amount is considered very small, it is only a “warm-up”.

In the course of research, doctors have identified 5 main reasons that push people to drink alcohol:

After analyzing these factors, one can notice the fact that they go in time with the increase in the stage of alcohol dependence. Indeed, for a person who drinks every day, the reason for drinking cannot be an interest or a desire not to stand out from the company. Similarly, in young people who have never tasted alcohol, the cause cannot be the removal of hangover symptoms. Therefore, you need to understand that everyone has their own motives.

In addition to the above five main motives for which a person starts drinking, there are a number of less obvious, but more serious ones. They are rooted in psychology. After all, if things are going well, there is a friendly family and friends, then hardly anyone will drink in order to once again feel the feeling of intoxication. Therefore, you need to understand this and be very attentive to your loved ones.

The first psychological reason is the feeling of loneliness. When there is no one to talk to about your problems and joys, then there is a desire to drink, because then the world seems not so hostile, and this feeling disappears. But only for as long as there is a state of intoxication.

Also, many people come to alcoholism by hiding their shortcomings or self-doubt. If a person has some kind of physical defect (speech, walking), then he is embarrassed by this and they feel like an inferior member of society, they feel constrained there. Another common reason is for courage (for example, before intimacy). When any fears or anxieties are present, a person can also drink to calm them.

Often there is such an excuse as the desire to achieve relaxation, to defuse the situation. Alcohol really lifts the mood at first, causing a kind of euphoria.

And when asked why people drink beer, men usually have the same answer: they like the taste of this drink.

In addition to psychological, there are also social causes:

  • Dissatisfaction with their work or lack of it;
  • Low social status;
  • It is a tradition to drink at all holidays and celebrations without exception;
  • Inability to resist not always benevolent society.

The list of these reasons is endless. And everyone will have their own individual story, which ends with the fact that a person has turned into an alcoholic.

Among the above factors of alcoholism, there are a number of those that can be easily refuted.

For example, drinking to cheer up. The catch here is that a person actually enjoys, but it ends very quickly. This is followed by severe depression and irritability. It is enough to drink another glass, and the world again acquires a positive color.

Also in such a situation, there is a pattern: the greater the amount of alcohol drunk, the stronger the craving for it becomes. In chronic cases, a person is ready to literally cut his throat in order to get another portion of alcohol. Indeed, if you remember a lot of drunk people, you can hardly call him happy and in a good mood. Usually it's quite the opposite.

In addition, it should be said that alcoholic euphoria is available only to people in the early stages of addiction. In the latter, these drinks do not cause any good mood, but only create the appearance of improving health, which has been “planted” here for a long time.

If we talk about the fact that alcohol helps to establish relationships with someone, to become more sociable, then we should say about its ability to destroy brain cells, slow down the movement of nerve cells. In such a situation, a person’s speech is incoherent and illogical. And only the same drunken man (or woman) will understand him.

The myth that alcohol makes people bolder is easy to dispel if we remember that most suicides, accidents, and crimes are committed while intoxicated. It would be more correct to say here about the loss of a sense of self-preservation, inadequate perception of the environment.

Alcohol is also not very effective for raising the mood. This is a short-term process that will very quickly give way to anger, irritability and resentment at everyone.

To remove the symptoms of a hangover, it would be better to drink a special drug than a glass of vodka. After all, the body is already trying with all its might to remove the poison, and more is poured into it. The only exception is the situation when it happened. Then a person simply needs a dose of ethyl alcohol, which will neutralize the source of intoxication.

The question of whether it is possible to protect oneself from alcoholism worries many women. After all, they suffer the most. Usually drunk by a man or children in their teens. In order for them not to become dependent, it is necessary to ensure that none of them is present in the life of the family. Frequent feasts (which is generally desirable to avoid) are constantly accompanied by drinking. Instead, you can go to the forest, park, another city. Fresh air will benefit health, and spending time together will bring the family closer, eliminating the psychological factors of addiction.

So, the question of why men or women drink alcoholic beverages cannot be answered unambiguously. For each reason is individual. In addition, the stage of the disease also affects it. If we talk about the initial stages, then the pretexts for which a person drinks are only psychological or social. This is usually a feeling of misunderstanding, loneliness on the part of society. Therefore, close people should be very attentive to each other, because the consequences can be irreversible.

There is one curious episode in the film "Piter FM". In a conversation, one man tells another that his girlfriend does not smoke or drink, this statement is followed by a very strange question: "Is she sick?" Unfortunately, a completely non-drinking person is becoming a rarity in this world. A bottle of wine or vodka on the table can be seen in almost all people, sometimes for no reason at all.

No one says that it is necessary to completely abandon alcohol, but the fact is that not everyone knows how to drink alcohol correctly, without harm to their health. The culture of drinking is something that every person who takes alcohol should know. In what doses does alcohol not harm the body, but benefits? What you need to know so that the consequences of drinking alcohol do not become a disaster? Why do people drink alcohol? Many foreigners say that drunkenness is a native Russian trait. Is it really? When and where did they first appear

A bit of history

When alcohol appeared, it is difficult to determine. We only know that this happened a long time ago. In some tribes of ancient people there were rites of communication with the gods and spirits of the dead. They used alcohol. It was made from honey, grapes and berries.

The first alcoholic drink to appear was beer. They began to cook it in Babylon, about the 7th millennium BC. e. The countries in which this drink was very popular are Ancient Greece and Egypt. Every day the inhabitants ate: bread, onions and beer.

Alcohol - what does this word mean?

Translated from Arabic, it means - intoxicating. It was this people who received alcohol at the beginning of the 7th century. There are a huge number of legends associated with its appearance. One of them says that a monk named Valentius once made an alcoholic drink. After drinking it, he became very drunk. And after he came to his senses, he said that he had found a remedy that could give vigor and strength.

"Domostroy" and attitude to alcohol

The very first Russian book about the rules of life said that "drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God." The attitude of society towards people who like to drink was sharply negative. The drunkard was condemned in every possible way, and it was considered a great disgrace to make friends with him. Vodka was invented in Russia in the middle of the 15th century. Its original name is bread, as it was made on grain alcohol. Vodka producers in Russia kept the recipe a secret. With its invention for another hundred years, there were almost no cases of abuse of it.

But from the middle of the 16th century, establishments where you could eat began to close all over the country, and taverns began to open, in which only alcohol was sold. Therefore, the question of why people drink alcohol no longer stood. There was simply nothing left for them to do, and how could it be otherwise, if alcohol flowed like a river around, and the poor man had nowhere else to go. Alcohol prices were quite low, so even the poorest person could come to the tavern.

The most common myths about alcohol

In order to somehow justify the craving for alcohol, various arguments were invented in his defense. Their existence removed many prohibitions, and the answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol was no longer so important. Consider these arguments:

  1. Alcohol helps to cure colds. Alcohol dilates the blood vessels, so for a short time there is relief, which passes after a few hours, and the person only gets worse. In addition, in people who regularly take alcohol, immunity decreases, and, as a result, the risk of contracting various diseases increases.
  2. A timid and shy person can forget about their complexes if they take alcohol. But the problem is not solved that way. Sooner or later, sobering up comes, and awareness of one's behavior can plunge into depression.
  3. You can easily cope with a bad mood. In fact, alcohol can lead a person into an even more depressive state. Many suicides have committed suicide while in a strong
  4. Helps to fall asleep quickly. Of course, you can fall asleep, but such a dream will not bring health benefits. If you constantly take alcohol to get rid of insomnia, then in the end it will lead to serious problems with health and sleep.
  5. Beer is not an alcoholic drink, and it is very beneficial to drink it for health. Recently, such varieties have been produced in which the proportion of alcohol is from 10 degrees and above. If you drink a bottle of this beer, it will have the same effect as a glass of vodka.

There are reasons for drinking

"Wake, holiday, meeting, seeing off,
Christening, marriage and divorce,
Frost, hunting, New Year,
recovery, housewarming,
Sorrow, remorse, joy,
Success, reward, new rank
And just drunkenness - for no reason!"

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak in his poem very well listed all the reasons why people drink. They can be divided into several categories. So why do people drink alcohol?

  1. emotional factor. When a person is tired or very upset by something, there is a desire to relax. For many people, alcohol is the very first and most effective remedy for relieving fatigue and stress.
  2. psychological factor. Indecisive and insecure people very often take alcohol in order to make important decisions.
  3. social factor. At weddings, birthdays and other holidays, it is not customary to do without alcohol. A non-drinker is looked upon with condemnation, at best with pity. In order not to look like a "black sheep", you have to drink along with everyone. But there is another way out of the situation, to change your environment to one in which everyone has the right to do what they want.
  4. The so-called tasting factor. There are people who like this or that alcoholic drink. Its taste, smell, color. They drink one glass of wine or a glass of cognac, enjoying the process itself. Alcohol prices do not bother them at all.

How to drink alcohol properly

Should you give up alcohol altogether? A smaller part of humanity, familiar with such a concept as a culture of drinking, does this not only without harm to health, but also for the benefit of the body. High-quality alcohol will not harm if you adhere to the following rules:

  1. The most important rule when drinking alcohol, and any, is moderation. Only in small doses alcohol will not harm your health. Scientists have experimentally proved that drinking 100 g or 300 g of wine per day will not harm the male body, women should reduce the amount of alcohol by almost half.
  2. Do not drink on an empty stomach as it increases. Fatty meals reduce the danger of intoxication.
  3. Everyone knows perfectly well that they start drinking alcohol with weak drinks, moving on to stronger ones. But for some reason, many people forget this simple rule. Remember that if you drank or cognac, you should not drink wine or champagne after that. The result of neglecting this rule will be the strongest morning headache.
  4. If you want to avoid nausea and vomiting, after the feasts, do not eat alcohol with fruits. Let it be: meat, fish, sandwiches with sausage, cheese, smoked meats.
  5. It is very harmful to drink carbonated water. It increases the rate at which alcohol enters the bloodstream.

Types of alcoholic drinks

All alcoholic drinks are usually divided by the number of degrees in them. Based on this, they are: weak, medium and strong. In turn, each species has a huge number of varieties.

Low-alcohol drinks include: beer, kvass, cider. The alcohol content in such drinks does not exceed 8 degrees.

Medium alcohol - wine, punch, grog, etc. Fortress not more than 20 degrees.

Among the strongest alcoholic drinks: vodka, cognac, rum, tequila and others. The alcohol content can reach up to 80 degrees.

Consequences of alcohol

  • With the systematic abuse of alcoholic beverages, the likelihood of getting sick with serious illnesses increases. These include: cirrhosis of the liver, heart attack, stroke, diseases of the kidneys and other organs of the body.
  • Increased irritability, fatigue, aggressiveness.
  • The number of accidents on the roads is on the rise.
  • Women who drink alcohol often develop strong dependence on alcohol. Children born to such mothers get sick more often than their peers from non-drinking mothers.
  • The death of brain cells, as a result, mental degradation.
  • There are problems in family relationships. A person loses the ability to soberly assess the situation, make the right decisions.
  • There is an addiction to alcohol.

Curious facts about alcohol

  1. In ancient Greece, the most revered of the gods was Dionysus. Every year, holidays were held in his honor, at which alcohol was drunk in huge quantities.
  2. In Russia, they drank only mash and mead, sometimes beer. They drank on major holidays, it was considered unacceptable to consume different types of alcoholic beverages on ordinary days.
  3. One of the reasons people drink alcohol is to commemorate the dead.
  4. If you drive while intoxicated in Uruguay, you will have a mitigating circumstance for traffic violations.
  5. Most people who drink beer are not in Germany, as many believe, but in the Czech Republic.
  6. There are hundreds of types of alcoholic drinks, but vodka is considered the most popular.
  7. Adolf Hitler is considered the most abstainer of famous people.
  8. Alcohol duplicates are made of the highest quality, using the same technologies as the originals, the difference is only in price.
  9. The first canned beer was sold in 1935.
  10. Alcohol is present not only in grapes, but also in ripe bananas, many varieties of apples and some types of vegetables.

Oh it's red wine

Doctors have long proven that any alcohol harms the human body. But there is one alcoholic drink that can bring great benefits if consumed in reasonable quantities. This is a dry red wine.

Firstly, it can have a detrimental effect on the bacteria living in our body.

Secondly, dry red wine contains a large amount of minerals: iron, zinc, chromium and others.

Thirdly, it has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. It also strengthens the immune system and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Top 5 drinking countries in the world

Germany is in fifth place. In this country, alcoholic beverages can be drunk in public places. The most popular drink is beer. Various festivals and holidays are dedicated to him. The most famous is Oktoberfest. It is held in October, for two weeks, marking the harvest in this way.

Denmark is in 4th place. The country has a very loyal attitude towards alcohol, and about 90 percent of Danes over the age of 14 openly drink.

The third place is occupied by the Czech Republic. It has the largest amount of beer consumption per capita.

France is in 2nd place. A rare meal of the French without a glass of wine. The most famous champagne is sold here, duplicates of alcohol can be found in Russia.

Ireland is in 1st place. Studies have shown that half of the country's population consumes alcohol at least once a week.

What to do with a hangover

Most of humanity at least once in their lives abused alcohol in the evening, and in the morning suffered from hangover syndromes. There are simple ways that can alleviate your condition.

  • Cleanse the stomach, for this drink as much salted or mineral water as possible.
  • Activated charcoal will help with nausea.
  • Alternating between cold and warm showers will improve overall well-being.
  • Take a walk outside.

Each person answers the question for himself: "Is it possible to drink alcohol?" The most important thing is not this. After all, you can take one glass of good wine at dinner, or you can drink a whole bottle.

The culture of drinking is something that every self-respecting person and those around him should be familiar with. Health is the most priceless gift that is given to a person, and doing anything that harms him is unforgivable.