Sayings of the richest people in the world about education. Wealth Quotes

Holy im-pe-ra-tor Kon-stan-tin (306-337), better-chiv-shi from the Church-vi name-no-va-nie "equal-noap-o-stol-ny" , and in the all-world-is-to-rii on-name-no-van-ny Ve-li-kim, was the son of ca-za-rya Kon-station Chlo-ra (305-306) , pra-viv-she-go-country-on-mi Gal-li-ey and Bri-ta-ni-ey. The huge Roman empire at that time was once de-le-na on the Western and Eastern, at the head of some went two self-hundred-i-tel-nyh im-pe-ra-to-ra, having co-pra-vi-te-lei, one of them in Za-pad-noy in-lo-vine was the father of them-pe-ra-to-ra Kon-stan-ti-na. Holy queen Elena, mother of them-pe-ra-to-ra Kon-stan-ti-na, was-la chri-sti-an-koy. The future ruler of the entire Roman Empire - Kon-stan-tin - was re-pi-tan in respect for Christ-an-sky re-li- gee. His father did not follow the shaft of Christ-sti-an in the countries that governed him, at that time, as in the rest of the Roman Empire of Christ sti-ane under-ver-ga-lis the same-hundred-kim go-no-ni-yam from the hundred-ro-we im-pe-ra-to-ditch Dio-cli-ti-a-na (284-305 ), his co-pra-vi-te-la Mak-si-mi-a-na Ga-le-ria (305-311) - on Vo-sto-ke and im-pe-ra-to-ra Mak- si-mi-a-na Ger-ku-la (284-305) - on Za-pa-de. After the death of Kon-stan-tion Chlo-ra, his son Kon-stan-tin in 306 was pro-proclaimed howl-ska-mi im-pe-ra-to-rum Gal- lee and Bri-ta-ni. The first de-scrap of a new-in-th-pe-ra-to-ra would be to pro-exalt in the countries under his control the freedom of the is-to-ve -yes-niya hri-sti-an-sky faith. Fa-na-tik of languages ​​​​Max-si-mi-an Ga-le-riy on Vo-sto-ke and the same hundred-ti-ran Mak-sen-tiy on Za-pa-de nena- vi-de-whether im-pe-ra-to-ra Kon-stan-ti-na and evil-intention-la-whether he is down-lo-live and kill, but Kon-stan-tin pre-du-pre- he fought them and in a series of wars, with the help of God, he defeated all his opponents. He prayed to God to give him a sign, something in-ode-she-vi-lo to his army bravely fight, and the Lord showed him on in the sky, the si-i-u-s-know-me-the Kre-hundred with the over-pee-sue "Sim in-beg-give." Having become the full-powerful great-vi-te-lem of the Western part of the Roman Empire, Kon-stan-tin from-dal in 313-du Mi -Lan edict on ve-ro-ter-pi-mo-sti, and in 323, when reigned as the only one im-pe-ra-tor over the whole The Roman im-pe-ri-it, spread the effect of the Mi-lan-th edict and the entire eastern part of the im-pe-rii. After three-hundred years of go-no-christ-sti-ane for the first time, in-lu-chi-whether the opportunity to open-something-to-ve-to-vat your faith in Christ.

Leaving from paganism, he-pe-ra-tor did not leave a hundred-faced empires of ancient Rome, the former center of the language-che- of the state of the state, and re-carried his hundred-face to the east, to the city of Vy-zan-tia, someone-paradise and would-la re-re -ime-no-wa-na in Kon-stan-ti-no-pol. Kon-stan-tin was deeply convinced that only the christ-en-sky re-ligia can unite a huge thread of a huge diverse Rome -sky im-pe-ry. He all-che-sky supported the Church, returned from the exile is-by-ved-ni-kov-hri-sti-an, built the church, for -bo-til-sya about the spirit-ho-ven-stve. Deep-bo-to-chi-taya cross of the Lord-by-day, im-pe-ra-tor wished to find-ti and the very Living-in-creative Cross, on someone Our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified with rum. For this purpose, he sent his mother to Jeru-sa-lim, the holy tsar-ri-tsu Elena, giving her more half-no-mo-chia and ma-te-ri -al-ny means. Together with Ieru-sa-lim-sky Pat-ri-ar-hom Ma-ka-ri-em, holy Yele-na-stup-pi-la to-is-kam, and Pro-mys- the scrap of God-im-im The living-in-creating Cross was a miraculous example of ob-re-ten in 326. Being in Pa-le-stin, the holy tsar-ri-tsa did a lot of things for the benefit of the Church. She comes to clear all the places connected with the earthly life of the Lord and His Pre-chi-stay Ma-te-ri, from all -those traces of the language, in-ve-le-la, erect in these memorial places the christ-an-sky churches. Above the cave of the Gro-ba of the Lord-under-nya, he himself-pe-ra-tor Kon-stan-tin instructed to build a great-whether-to-stucco-ny temple in a wu Resurrection-se-niya Christ-sto-va. Holy Elena-na from-da-la Living-in-creative Cross for the storage of Pat-ri-ar-hu, part of the Cre-hundred took with him for lying che-niya im-pe-ra-to-ru. Once-giving in Jera-sa-li-me another mi-lo-sta-nu and arranging a meal for the poor, during the time of someone-ry sa-ma -zhi-va-la, holy tsa-ri-tsa Yele-na went to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol, where she soon died in the year 327 .

For your great-for-servants before the Tser-ko-view and work on the ob-re-te-tion of Life tsa Yele-on the name-well-et-sya equal-noap-o-so-no.

The worldly existence of the Christ-an-Church-vi was-lo on-ru-she-but rise-nick-shi-mi inside the Church-vi unstro-e-ni -I-mi and times-to-ra-mi from the appeared-shih-sya here-this. Back in na-cha-le de-ya-tel-no-sti im-pe-ra-to-ra Kon-stan-ti-na on Za-pa-de woz-nick-la heresy do-na-ti- stov and no-va-tsi-an, tre-bo-vav-shih re-re-baptism over from-fall-shi-mi during the time of go-no-ny christ-sti- a-na-mi. This heresy, repudiating-well-taya two-places-us-mi-so-bo-ra-mi, would-la window-cha-tel-but condemn-de-on Mi-lansky So- Bo-rum 316 of the year. But especially-ben-but gu-bi-tel-noy for the Church-vi-eye-was-began to rise-nick-shay on Vo-sto-ke the heresy of Aria, daring-now-she-go to reject Bo- the feminine essence of the Son of God and to teach about the creation of Jesus Christ. According to ve-le-niyu, they-pe-ra-to-ra was convened in the year 325 by the First All-Lenin Council in the city of Ni-kei. 318 episcops gathered for this Sobor, its participants were episcops -not-ny and many other sve-til-ni-ki of the Church, among them - the saint Ni-ko-lay Mir-li-ki-sky. Im-pe-ra-tor pri-sut-stvo-shaft on for-se-da-ni-yah So-bo-ra. The heresy of Aria would have been condemned-de-na and composed the Symbol of the faith, in which the ter-min "One-but-existing Father-tsu" was outside, on -always for-kre-drinking in the knowledge of the right-in-glorious christ-an-is-ti-nu about the Divine-no-sti of Jesus Christ , having taken the-she-th-lo-ve-che-sky pri-ro-du for the is-kup-le-niya of the whole che-lo-ve-che-th-ro-da.

You can be surprised at the deep-bo-to-church-no-mu-know-and-feeling of the holy Kon-stan-ti-na, you-de-liv- she-mu defines "One-but-essential", heard by him in pre-ni-yah So-bo-ra, and pre-lo-living-she-mu outside- sti is a definition of de-le-nie in the Symbol of faith.

After Ni-key-sko-go So-bo-ra, equal-noap-o-so-so Kon-stan-tin continued active de-I-tel-ness in favor Churches. At the end of his life, he accepted the Holy Baptism, under-going to him with his whole life. Saint Kon-stan-tin died on the day of Pya-ti-de-syat-ni-tsy in the year 337 and was gre-ben in the church of the Holy Apostles in-ra-her with-go-tov-len-noy to them a coffin-no-tse.

See also: "" in from-lo-same-nii svt. Di-mit-ria Rostov-sko-go.


Troparion to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine the Great and his mother, Empress Helena, tone 8

Seeing Your Cross in Heaven / and, like Paul, I do not receive a title from a man, / Your apostle in the king, Lord, / Put the reigning city in Your hand, / always save it in the world with the prayers of the Mother of God.

Translation: Having seen the image of Your Cross in heaven, and, like Paul, having heard the call not from people, among kings - Your Apostle, Lord, entrusted the reigning city into Your hand; and keep it always in the world, at the intercession of the Mother of God, the One Lover of Man.

Kontakion to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine the Great and his mother, Empress Helena, tone 3

Constantine today with Mother Helena / They show the Cross, the all-honorable tree, / the shame of all the Jews is, / a weapon against the faithful faithful people // for our sake, a great sign has appeared / / and in terrible battles.

Translation: On this day, Constantine and his mother Helena show the Cross - the all-sacred tree; it is dishonor for all Jews, but a weapon against opponents to the faithful [kings]. For for our sake this great thing has come, and formidable in battles.

Magnification equal to the apostles to Tsar Constantine the Great and his mother, Empress Helena

We magnify you, / holy faithful and Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and Helen, / and we honor your holy memory, / for with the Holy Cross / / you have enlightened the whole universe.

Prayer to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine the Great and his mother, Empress Helena

O Tsar of great and all-praise, Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen! To you, a warm intercessor, we lift up our unworthy prayers, as if you have great boldness to the Lord. Ask Him for the peace of the Church and prosperity for the whole world. The beginning of the murdishness, the spasm of the bachelor of the soldier, the passion of humility, the desired mundance, the man of baptism, the wife of gleania, the childishness, the child’s obedience, the muddy, the sickness of the abundance, the abundance, the abundance, the abundance, the abundance of the abundance. To those who come to this temple and pray in it, a holy blessing and all that is useful to everyone at any request, let us praise and sing to the Benefactor of all God in the Trinity of the glorious Father and Son and the Holy Spirit now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Second Prayer Equal to the Apostles to Tsar Constantine the Great and his mother, Empress Elena

Oh, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen! Deliver this parish and our temple from every slander of the enemy and do not leave us, the weak, as your intercession (names), implore the goodness of Christ our God to grant us peace of mind, from pernicious passions and all filthiness, abstinence, but piety is not hypocritical. Испроси́те нам, уго́дницы Бо́жии, свы́ше дух кро́тости и смиренному́дрия, дух терпе́ния и покая́ния, да про́чее вре́мя жития́ на́шего в ве́ре и сокруше́нии серде́чнем поживе́м, и та́ко в час сконча́ния на́шего благода́рно восхва́лим просла́вльшаго вас Го́спода, Безнача́льнаго Отца́, Единоро́днаго Его́ Сы́на и Единосу́щнаго Всеблага́го Spirit, the Indivisible Trinity, forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Canto 1

Irmos: Having passed through the water, as if I were dry land, and having escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israelite cried out: Let us drink to the Redeemer and our God.

One Heavenly King, the reigning sin is now in me Your saints with the prayers of my humble soul, free me.

Being the guardian of the Kingdom, blessed Constantine, the King of all and the Mistress, having believed with a pure mind, served thou.

Having shone with the light of the God-originating, you truly left the darkness of unreason, God-wise Elena, you sincerely worked for the King of the ages.

Bogorodichen: Door of the Divine East, open for me the doors of repentance and deliver me from the doors of deadly sin by Your intercession, O Lady.

Canto 3

Irmos: The heavenly circle of the Verkhotvorchet, Lord, and the Church of the Builder, You confirm me in Your love, desires to the edge, true affirmation, the only Humane.

Thou didst follow the same caller, God-wise, thou didst follow the heavenly retribution, and thou didst leave the darkness, father, betrayed by flattery, and thou wast the lamp of the Divine Spirit.

Having clung to Christ and on Him, all-honorable, placing all hope, the sacred of His place has reached you, in them the most pure passions, incarnated, endured, Pre-good.

Saving weapon, indestructible overcoming, Christian hope, Honest Cross, innermost envy, you showed you, Divinely inflamed with desire, God-blessed.

Bogorodichen: Sacred citizenship is gone, Most Pure, venerated by cattle and condemned all by; Even the Judge gave birth, deliver all condemnation and save me.

Sedalen, tone 8

Feelings extended to Heaven and stellar kindness accustomed, from these secret teachings being all sorts of Lord, the cross weapon in the middle of the oblist, writing about this to win and be sovereign. Moreover, you opened your eyes to your soul, you read the letter and learned the image, Constantine all-honorably, pray to Christ the God of sins forsaking to grant your holy memory to those who celebrate love.

Canto 4

Irmos: Hear, O Lord, the mysteries of Thy sight, understand Thy deeds, and glorify Thy Divinity.

From Heaven, like Paul of old, Christ the Lord catches you, Constantine, teaching you to honor this One King.

With a bright sign of thee, blessed, Christ the Sun illuminates the stars and the lamp of the darkened display.

And the morals of the God-loving and Divine deeds are worthy, blessed, thou wast: for this sake we glorify you by faith.

You reveal the Divine victory of the Cross, which has been covered by many years, and we will be saved and demonic charms will be delivered.

Bogorodichen: Illuminate my soul, darkened by sins, Even the Sun of truth gave birth, Ever-Virgin.

Canto 5

Irmos: In the morning, we cry out to Thee: Lord, save us, Thou art our God, unless we know Thee otherwise.

Maturing to the unsetting Sun and the Lord, the King of God-wise, you were filled with light.

Love and perfect mercy, like purple, wearing, now you have settled in the Highest Kingdom.

Thou hast copulated with the incorporeal, Helen, standing alone, pleasing God with your virtuous deeds.

Bogorodichen: Virgin, cleanse my soul, defiled by bodily sweetness, by the snake's slander.

Canto 6

Irmos: I will pour out a prayer to the Lord and to Him I will proclaim my sorrows, for my soul is filled with evil and my stomach draws near to hell, and I pray, like Jonah: from aphids, O God, raise me up.

Thou hast gathered the God-bearing father, the blessed face, most gloriously, and by those, Constantine, all the overwhelmed hearts have affirmed thee alone in glorifying the Born, the Word and the throne.

Having believed in the Lord, she is alive, to be the giver of vile and vain idols, the deadly one rejected the ministry and accepted it joyfully, Elena, the Kingdom of Heaven.

By Thy hand, we feed, O Word, ignorance of the deepest darkness and fierce godlessness, the storm of You who reigned was rejected and brought to quiet pious havens, rejoicing.

Bogorodichen: Heal my incurably ailing heart, Otrokovitsa, which has been wounded by the evil one, and vouchsafe Your healing, and save me, who hopes in You, with Your prayers, Most Pure.

Kontakion, tone 3

Constantine today with the matter of Helena, the Cross is shown, the all-honorable tree, the shame of all the Jews is existing, the weapon against the opposite faithful people: for our sake, a great sign has appeared and in formidable battles.


We will honor Constantine, faithfully, with matter: having heard David and these words, on a cedar, and a pevga, and a cypress, you have known the treble Cross, followed it with a saving passion, and having presented all the Jews, get ready to show people the great justification, the secret envy for the sake and hatred of those , and, having acquired this, they showed. For this sake, for the sake of all victoriousness, I appear, bearing an irresistible weapon, a great sign and formidable in war.

Canto 7

Irmos: The youths of the Jews boldly asked the flame in the cave and laid fire on the dew, crying out: blessed be Thou, Lord God, forever.

Keeping your commandments, I will obey your law Constantine. Bring down the armies of the lawless, crying out to Thee: Lord God, blessed be Thou.

The tree, the hedgehog of all, venerable, from the ditch of perdition, buried with envy, you open to us, bury the all-destructive demons forever.

Thou hast created the church of God with divine deeds, Helena, and thou hast made sacred temples to Tom, even for the sake of the pure flesh, passions are raised for us.

Bogorodichen: By my will, sinning and enslaved by placeless customs, I now flow to Your usual mercy, desperately save me, Most Holy Theotokos.

Canto 8

Irmos: The sevenfold furnace of the Chaldean tormentor was fiercely kindled by the Godly, but by the best power they were saved, seeing this, crying out to the Creator and Redeemer: youths, bless, priests, sing, people, exalt for all ages.

Like purple, glorious, dressed in mercy, and like a chlamys, in good meekness with a crown, you were adorned with virtues with a perfect mind and, reposed from the earth to the Upper Kingdom, call: priests, bless, people, exalt Christ forever.

Having fun seeing with your God-wise son, glorious Elena, in the Kingdom of God, we magnify Christ, your honest holiday showed us, more than the rays of the sun illuminated us, faithfully singing: people, exalt Christ forever.

How wonderful is your desire and Divine disposition, glorious Elena, praise to the wives: having reached places, having raised honest passions, Thou hast fertilized the beautiful temples of the Lord of all, crying out: people, exalt Christ forever.

Bogorodichen: My soul eyes, blinded by many crimes, Mother of God, enlighten, my mind die and heart, I pray, embarrassed by the manifold sweetness, and save me, crying out: priests, bless, people, exalt the Pure forever.

Canto 9

Irmos: Heaven was horrified about this, and the ends of the earth were surprised, as if God had appeared as a man in the flesh and Your womb was the most spacious of heaven. Those are thee, the Mother of God, the Angels and the man of office are called.

The coffin, where lies the sacred, Constantine, and your honest body, always exudes the dawn of Divine healings to those who come cleanly, driving away the darkness of various passions and enlightening those who praise you with non-evening light.

Having holily finished your life, you have now moved in with the saints, you were full of sanctification and enlightenment. In the same way, you always exude rivers of healing, and burn passions, O blessed Elena, and solder our souls.

Thou hast vouchsafed the Kingdom of the Most High to the everlasting immortality, and piously of old justified Thou on the earth, to reign, Lord, who loved Thee pure, Saint Helen and the great Constantine, and with their prayers have mercy on all.

Bogorodichen: Thou hast given birth to all the King and Creator, Virgo, and behold now, as the Queen at His right hand, Pure, come. The same I pray to Thee: Deliver me the part of the Shuya in the hour of judgment and reckon with the sheep of the right hand.


Lamps, having enlightened the whole universe of piety by faith, you will appear truly, the Bogovenchanna Constantine and Helena glorious. We glorify you, who has glorified Christ with songs, Divnago in the saints.

Kondak 1

Elected by the eternal King, the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena, for the worldwide exaltation of the Life-giving and Saving Cross of the Lord, the salvation of the human race, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God nailed to it, was made, and all the righteous and sinners gratefully cry out to you:

Ikos 1

An angelic cathedral on earth was a great miracle in vain - how the Holy Tree was found, stored for many years in the bowels of the earth by a soulless stone, now lifted up by the hands of the bishops, people who saw this, fell prostrate on the ground, crying tearfully: “Lord, have mercy! Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!" But you, Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, humbly majestic:

Rejoice, blessed mother, who dearly loved Christ;

Rejoice, divinely crowned son, servant of the Heavenly King.

Rejoice, earthly angels and heavenly people;

Rejoice, builder of the mysteries of God.

Rejoice, for heaven and earth have spiritually rejoiced with you;

rejoice, as if you were glorified from all earthly people together.

Rejoice, worthy bearer of the name of Christ;

rejoice, two great luminaries in the universe.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, who have found the Cross of the Lord, a weapon of salvation.

Kondak 2

Seeing the glorious Constantine during the battle with Maxentius at noon, the Cross in the sky, shining with light, and the inscription “By this win,” commanded that all weapons and battle helmets be bound, and, having completely defeated the enemy with the help of the Cross, they will sing a victorious song to the crucified Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Your mind, not yet enlightened by holy baptism, Tsar Constantine, enlighten the Lord in a dream at night, teaching you to defeat the enemy with the sign of the cross, but we, marveling at such Providence of God about you, cry out:

Rejoice, illumined from above by the double vision of the Cross;

Rejoice, more exalted than all the kings of the earth.

Rejoice, chosen from above for the apostolic ministry;

Rejoice, conqueror of enemies visible and invisible.

Rejoice, the Cross of the Lord is very glorious;

Rejoice, giving all your strength to the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, shaming the enemy of human salvation;

Rejoice, crushing his head with an honest Cross.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, who have found the Cross of the Lord, a weapon of salvation.

Kondak 3

“By the power of the Cross in battle,” Thou knew, God-wise Constantine, “I saved this city from enemies, and my heart is wounded by the love of the crucified Christ, I honor Him, I worship Him and do not forbid those who love Him to sing the blessed song: Alleluia.”

Ikos 3

Having in his heart a feeling of the living Christian faith, the great Constantine commanded that idols be crushed and temples be built, where the hosts of Angels and the faces of the righteous pray to their Creator. But we are unworthy, asking for the peace of the world and a good answer at the Terrible Judgment of Christ, we call you:

Rejoice, first king in Christians;

rejoice, adorned with mercy and power.

Rejoice, love and truth attire;

Rejoice, deliverance from the enemy's charms.

Rejoice, guardians of the statutes of the church;

Rejoice, lover of virginity and chastity.

Rejoice, you have abolished pagan temples on earth;

rejoice, you who have established the day of resurrection.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, who have found the Cross of the Lord, a weapon of salvation.

Kondak 4

Stormy streams of Christian blood by your command, Saint Constantine, having come to an end; those who are in dungeons get weak, hiding in caves and mountains return back, and the children of the Church with a kiss of the saints in the arms of meeting each other, singing to God a song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the martyrs and sufferers of Christ your command, God-blessed Constantine, let them freely confess the faith of Christ, rejoice and with tears of joy sing to this woman:

Rejoice, adornment of great Rome;

Rejoice, liberation of the prisoners of Christ.

Rejoice, abolition of the pagan world;

Rejoice, crushing of idols and idols.

Rejoice, affirmation of rights and laws;

Rejoice, spell of magic and divination is a punitive prohibition.

Rejoice, you take care of the Church, like a child-loving mother;

Rejoice, rebuking those condemned on the cross crucifixion.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, who have found the Cross of the Lord, a weapon of salvation.

Kondak 5

Seeing the Resurrection of Christ, the people sang: behold the Cross, through which joy has come to the whole world. Unknown to the world was a weapon, like the new David conquered death, hidden from the worship of faithful people, Angels only guard the honest Cross, silently singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the octopus-year-old old woman, the God-wise mother Elena, your heart, wonderful to Tsar Constantine, is filled with desire for the glorification of the Holy Tree, she herself carefully accepts the labors, and opens the treasure for worship with all the tongue, with love calling you such:

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, king of wisdom;

Rejoice, holy couple, beloved of God.

Rejoice, love for Him, like the flaming Seraphim;

Rejoice, having served with zeal like the Apostles.

Rejoice, with your zeal, like women who have come from the world;

rejoice, for your deeds from all earthly people are famous.

Rejoice, for the angels rejoice with you in heaven;

rejoice, for the people will take you out to praise you on earth.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, who have found the Cross of the Lord, a weapon of salvation.

Kondak 6

The preacher of the mystery, even if the blessed Tree, was a certain Judas, even if you don’t want to indicate this place, for this reason, he was exhausted by the smoothness in the depths of the treasure chest at the command of the holy Empress Helena, even though the Holy Spirit is open, and use every effort to seek the Cross of the Lord for the joy of Orthodox Christians singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Ascend a ray of Divine light into the hearts of Judas, hitherto adamant to the petitions and exhortations of the God-wise Empress Helen, who opened his mouth, saying: “Near Golgotha, in the temple of Venus, you will find the Cross of your Christ.” From there, the search began, having endured many labors, but having not found treasures, she was extremely exhausted. When you feel a great fragrance from the bowels of the earth, having intensified your labors and having acquired three crosses, then faithful people will glorify you with tears:

Rejoice, diligent seekers of the blessed Tree;

Rejoice, the unlazy continuation of the apostolic deeds.

Rejoice, triumph of the Orthodox faith that has appeared;

Rejoice, people who honor the Cross of the Lord, rejoiced greatly.

Rejoice, having sanctified the air with a life-giving sign;

Rejoice, having found the Cross, leaving eternal memory to people.

Rejoice, having brought endless joy to the whole world.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, who have found the Cross of the Lord, a weapon of salvation.

Kondak 7

Although carefully take the Cross away, having brought the Holy Sacrifice on it, so that they will not honor the Cross to another, the blessed Patriarch Macarius ordered that crosses be placed on the sick and dead, these same revive and heal the byahu, then the people, having seen a miracle, falling on their faces to the ground, the Life-Giving Cross, to the conqueror of death and hell, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new Christian church is being built by the wise Empress Elena on Golgotha ​​for the worldwide exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, while countless people prayed to the blessed Patriarch Macarius to be able to see the Lord's Cross. He, full of humility, lifts the Cross high with the consecrated cathedral, so that everyone can see; seeing this, tribes and pagans with reverence and joy exclaim:

Rejoice, Treasured Tree, whereby the original two were saved;

Rejoice, Honest Tree, who let hell out of the prisoners.

Rejoice, Honest Tree, guarded by the Archangels and Angels;

Rejoice, Honest Tree, foreseeable by the divinely speaking prophets.

Rejoice, Honest Tree, rejoicing of the venerable and righteous;

Rejoice, Honest Tree, hope and salvation for repentant sinners.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, who have found the Cross of the Lord, a weapon of salvation.

Kondak 8

Wandering on our lands for the sake of salvation, Even without having where to bow his head, erecting temples, God-wisdom Constantine and Helen, who was born in Bethlehem, on Golgotha, where they will be crucified, on Mount Eleon, from there he ascended to the Beginningless Father, and at the oak of Mamre, where Abraham Invite Him strangely, and all the faithful incessantly sing the Seraphim song: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All your service be to the glory of the Sweetest Lord and His Most Pure Mother, the Intercessor of the world. What language will speak the works you have raised? Which mind will comprehend joy when you obtain the desired Cross of the Lord? For this sake, all earthly people gratefully cry out to you:

Rejoice, having lived in angelic purity;

Rejoice, having loved the Lord with all your heart.

Rejoice, having labored with apostolic zeal;

Rejoice, adorned with Christian humility.

Rejoice, having combined all the virtues in yourself;

Rejoice, you who have inherited heavenly bliss.

Rejoice, for you always see the Creator and the Lord;

rejoice, for your reward is much in heaven.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, who have found the Cross of the Lord, a weapon of salvation.

Kondak 9

Rejected all heretical teaching, God-wisdom fathers and teachers, having gathered by your command, Tsar Constantine, at the first Ecumenical Council, Aria drove away and his accomplices, and like a thunder we thundered to all ends the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vityas of sweet pronunciation, God-bearing fathers, saints and teachers at the Niceistem Cathedral, Nicholas of Myra, Spiridon of Trimifuntsky, Paphnutius of Thebaid, Paul of Neocaesarea, Athanasius of Alexandria and other confessors of Christ, who, having contrived from above, expounded there the Symbol of Faith and the whole Church legitimized to sing the Consubstantial Trinity, brought a song of thanksgiving to the Supreme Owner of all God and to his co-servant, calling out:

Rejoice, worthy son of your God-wise mother Helen;

rejoice, imitating her in humility indescribably.

Rejoice, king, surpass the wisdom of Solomon;

Rejoice, having acquired the faith of the forefather Abraham.

Rejoice, lofty architecton of laws and power;

Rejoice, new Apostle of the great city of Constantinople.

Rejoice, merciful and meek ruler;

Rejoice, wise chairman of the First Council of Nicaea.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, who have found the Cross of the Lord, a weapon of salvation.

Kondak 10

You did not forbid those who want to be saved in the pursuit of virginity, great Constantine, but with a pure heart they offer prayers to the One God for the peace of the whole world and, for the rejection of the rumors of life, like the Angels sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall, cover and protection be to you in everything the Most Pure Virgin herself, the Lady of heaven and earth. Thou didst hand over thy new city on the shores of the Bosphorus, and all the people, strengthen Her with merciful intercession, remembering your faith and deeds, praised Constantine, sympathetically cry out:

Rejoice, consecrating the new capital of Byzantium;

Rejoice, handing over the intercession and patronage of the Mother of God.

Rejoice, thou who didst create the temple of God in Her name;

Rejoice, fervent prayers in him.

Rejoice, as a wise servant multiplying his talents;

Rejoice, betraying your will into the will of God.

Rejoice, decoration of the temples of the saints;

Rejoice, admonition to the shepherds of the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, who have found the Cross of the Lord, a weapon of salvation.

Kondak 11

Singing and fervent prayers now in your temple, the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Kings Constantine and Helena, we ask with tears: hold up your blessed hands, take the Holy Cross in your image, and pray to the Lord crucified on it, but in repentance we unceasingly call Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Bright and joyful is your death, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, for you hold the victorious sign in your arms, show it to them, let each one take up his cross and, in humility walking the path of earthly wandering, be vouchsafed to receive a painless death and the Divine Mysteries of Communion, crying out with tears to you:

Rejoice, as you sing to Him from the Angels the Trisagion singing;

rejoice, as with the council of the Apostles He is to come.

Rejoice, as you see the paradise village together with all the saints;

Rejoice, merciful care of the poor and wretched.

Rejoice, fast liberators from bonds and captivity;

Rejoice, holiday of those who do not honor severe punishment.

Rejoice, intercession of all who honor your memory before the Lord.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, who have found the Cross of the Lord, a weapon of salvation.

Kondak 12

Grace of the world, ask for silence to those who flow to your intercession, saints of God, save our fatherland from enemies who are upon us, and internecine warfare, may we improve the mercy of God with your prayers, crying out with all the saints to the Lord Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing and praising you, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Kings Constantine and Heleno, we celebrate your holy memory and ask: do not forget us, sinners, who honor your labors and deeds, but with faith and love we call to you:

Rejoice, protector of this city and temple;

Rejoice, pastor of the Church of God's Wisdom teacher.

Rejoice, bright lamps for those who have gone astray in the darkness;

Rejoice, prayer books are warm before God for our fatherland.

Rejoice, for you heal the sick, the blind and the deaf;

rejoice, as you deliver from unexpected death.

Rejoice, you frighten heretics and blasphemers of the faith with the fear of God's justice;

Rejoice, you ask for forgiveness from the Throne of God for penitent sinners.

Rejoice, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, who have found the Cross of the Lord, a weapon of salvation.

Kondak 13

O wise two, great tsar Constantine and Helen, accept this small prayer of ours and the praise brought to you! Deliver those who honor your holy memory from sinful passions and eternal condemnation, so that by your intercession we will be able until the end of our days to bow to the Life-Giving Tree of the Cross of the Lord and there, where the non-evening light shines, sing to the glory of the Cross: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the ikos 1st “Angelic Cathedral…” and the kontakion 1st “Elected by the eternal King…”.

Prayer 1st

O king of foreboding and all-praise, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen! To you, a warm intercessor, we offer up our unworthy prayers, as if you have great boldness to the Lord. Ask Him for the peace of the Church and the whole world for prosperity, wisdom for the chief, care for the flock for the shepherd, humility for the flock, longed-for repose for the elder, strength for the husband, splendor for the wife, purity for the virgin, obedience to the children, Christian upbringing for the infant, healing for the sick, reconciliation for the rebellious, offended patience, offending the fear of God. To those who come to this temple and pray in it, a holy blessing and all that is useful for everyone, let us praise and sing to the Benefactor of all God, in the Trinity of glory, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2

About Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen! Deliver this parish and our temple from every slander of the enemy and do not leave us, the weak, with your intercession (names), implore the goodness of Christ our God to grant us thoughts of peace, from pernicious passions and all kinds of filthy abstinence, piety is not hypocritical. Ask us, servants of God, from above the spirit of meekness and humility, the spirit of patience and repentance, and let us live the rest of our life in faith and contrition of heart, and so at the hour of our death we thankfully praise the Lord who glorified you, the Beginningless Father, His Only Begotten Son and the Consubstantial All-Good Spirit, the Indivisible Trinity, forever and ever. Amen.

The history of the Christian faith knows many examples of real exploits that people went to, sincerely believing in the help and intercession of the Lord. It was these qualities that later granted them the recognition of their loved ones, those around them and an honorable place among the saints and the righteous. Not every person in the name of his faith can sacrifice something important and significant, so such people should not only be respected, but also appreciated.

History of the holiday.

On June 3, a bright holiday is celebrated annually - the Day of Remembrance of Saints Helena and Constantine. Today, in the history of the church, everyone knows Constantine as the Equal-to-the-Apostles, that is how he was christened for all good deeds in the name of his faith and of all Christianity in general. The story of mother and son begins at the time of the Roman Empire. Elena was the wife of the ruler of the Western half of the empire, since at that time the whole country was divided into two parts. Elena was a true Christian, and her husband did not infringe on her in his faith, therefore, from childhood, the child was brought up not only in the attention of this religion, but also in respect for the entire Christian world. It should be noted that the loyal attitude of the ruler towards the Christians did not end only with his wife. In those countries where he was the ruler, no one was persecuted for the fact that a person chose Christianity as his faith. In other parts of the empire, such people were not only handed over, but also brutally tortured in front of the rest as an example.

Constantine became the ruler of Gaul and Britain after the death of his father, this happened in 306. First of all, immediately after he ascended the throne, Constantine declared complete freedom to practice the Christian faith. This tactic was not liked by the two dictators who ruled in the adjacent parts of the empire, they all the time tried to kill Constantine, but his faith in the Lord and his intercession helped get rid of all enemies, they were defeated, none of their cunning plans came true. According to legend and sources, during one of the battles, the ruler sincerely prayed to the Lord to send a sign to his troops that could inspire them and inspire faith in victory. After that, people saw a shining Cross in the sky and the inscription "Conquer this".

Gradually, the power of Constantine was fully established in the western part of the Roman Empire, and in this part of the country he issued a decree "on religious tolerance" after he became the sole ruler of the entire empire, by his order the edict extended to other areas. Constantine stopped any persecution and punishment of those people who professed Christianity. For the first time in several hundred years, people no longer hide their true beliefs, they have the freedom and the right to choose what to believe, the choice of a god to worship and according to what commandments to build their lives.

These were not all the changes that the emperor made during his reign. The capital of the state was Byzantium, which after some time was called Constantinople. The ruler really believed that a single faith among the people would help everyone unite and eventually get a large and strong state with common views on important things and common goals. Konstantin tried in every possible way to provide all possible assistance to people who chose their occupation - preaching among the common people. The clergy could always count on the help and support of their ruler in all good undertakings.

Life-giving cross.

Constantine was deeply convinced that he was simply obliged to find the Life-Giving Cross, which became the mortal refuge of Jesus Christ. In order to implement this plan, Constantine asked his mother Elena for help, since she fully shared his views on religion and was a real support and support. Elena went on an expedition to Palestine, endowed with very large powers from her son and significant material resources that could be needed in this matter.

Patriarch Macarius of Jerusalem helped Elena in her search, together they slowly searched for the Life-Giving Cross, overcame obstacles that arose, and eventually found this significant shrine. While on the expedition, Elena was busy not only searching for the Life-Giving Cross, at that time many recognized her as a determined woman who was able to do a lot for her brothers in faith. It was by her order that all the holy places that concerned the life of Jesus and the Mother of God were delivered from traces of pagan faith. All the monuments and altars were destroyed, and in their place she ordered the erection of Christian churches.

At the moment when a burial with a cross was discovered under a pagan temple, Elena saw three crosses there, and in order to understand which one was life-giving, they applied each in turn to a dead person. And only one of them was able to bring him back to life. This shrine was left for storage to the Jerusalem patriarch, and Elena took with her only a part of the life-giving cross. Before leaving Jerusalem, Helen ordered a generous feast to be prepared, at which she herself served the poor and sick people. The guests of this banquet were not only able to eat deliciously and communicate with Elena, but also receive generous alms from her hands, with the warmest sincere wishes.

Holiday today.

Today Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and his mother Helena are venerated in all churches. People remember their accomplishments for the sake of their faith, their devotion to the people and the desire to give Christians as much as possible. On this holiday, you should definitely go to church and thank the saints for the opportunity to speak freely about your faith and not be afraid of anything.

The history of Christianity knows many beautiful names and it is the duty of every person today not to leave this memory in books, but to share it with their children, passing the story on and on.

15 sayings of the richest people in the world who know exactly how to achieve financial heights.

The way you think about money can affect your chances of getting rich.

So why not turn to those who have already reached financial heights in search of inspiration?

We've rounded up 15 quotes from the world's richest people, from investor Warren Buffett to tech mogul. Jeff Bezos. These billionaire quotes can change the way you think about business, investing, and success.

“I never aspired to just create a company. Many mistakenly think that I am not interested in income, profits and all that kind. But in reality, for me, being “not just a company” means also creating something really important that will change the world forever,” Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook.

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“When a small business grows into something big, like eBay did, it sets off a chain reaction. This creates other small companies that create intellectual capital, products and services,” Meg Whitman, CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

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“I'll tell you how to get rich. Close the doors. Be afraid when others are overcome by greed. And be greedy when others are afraid.” – Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

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“There are very few people in the world who have managed to create a business like ours. I'm just not interested in losing it for the sake of short-term profits, ”Evan Spiegel, head of Snap Inc., on refusing to sell his business to Facebook.

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“I owe my financial success to the fact that never in my life was money in the first place.” – Oprah Winfrey, media mogul.

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“Here’s what I think: the more money you give people, the more they will spend. And if they do not spend, then invest them in something. Investing is another way to create jobs. The money ends up in mutual funds or banks that can use it to make loans, which benefits everyone,” Mark Bloomberg, CEO of Bloomberg LP.

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“If money were our main goal in life, we would have sold the company long ago and now we would be sunbathing on the beach,” Larry Page, co-founder and head of Alphabet Inc.

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“I think that frugality promotes innovation, as do other deterrents. There are only a few ways to get out of a difficult situation, and one of them is to invent your own way to do it,” Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.

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“We constantly hear the phrase that money cannot buy happiness. But deep down, I still thought that money could make you a little, but happier. In fact, it's not." - Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google and president of Alphabet Inc.

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“Everyone can make good money these days. It is much more difficult to have a stable income, feel responsible to society and change the world for the better,” Jack Ma, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alibaba Group.

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"Money doesn't make you different, it makes you more of who you already are." - Sarah Blakely, founder of Spanx.

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"I'm a little stingy, so what? When I'm going to spend my money on something, I wonder if IKEA buyers can afford it... I can always fly first class, but if you have a lot of money, that's not a reason to spend it. A good leader must set the right example for others. It is my duty to be that person for all IKEA employees.” - Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA.

Some people are so poor that all they have is money.

The less a person needs, the closer he is to the gods.
- Socrates

The desire to acquire something arises from the feeling of incompleteness. When you know that you don't need anything, that all there is is you and yours, desires disappear.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj

Most do not understand how rich. The ability to run, see the world with your own eyes, listen to music is an invaluable luxury for many. And we whine over trifles ....

The amount of joy depends little on the amount of material wealth, the amount of envy depends on them.

There is no need for prayers for gold and glory. Ask God for patience, humility, To save your soul in the trials of fate.

I am convinced that it is more difficult to spend a dollar usefully than to earn it.
- Steve Jobs

I'm the only person who knows what it's like to lose a quarter of a billion dollars in a year. It is very good at shaping personality.
- Steve Jobs

Being the richest man in the cemetery is not important to me... Going to bed, telling myself that I did something wonderful - that's what really matters.
- Steve Jobs

Be content with what you have, be happy with what happens to you. When you realize that you do not lack anything, the entire universe will belong to you.
- Lao Tzu

Too many now spend money they didn't earn on things they don't need to impress people they don't like.
- Will Smith

The great evil is covetousness. A self-interested person can be neither truthful, nor principled, nor courageous, nor faithful to his duty. From an early age, learn to live selflessly.
- V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Your most important treasure is peace in your soul.
- Brian Tracy

The richest person is the one whose joys require the least amount of money.
— Henry David Thoreau

Of course, there are people for whom money is above all. Usually these are people who will never become rich. Only he achieves wealth who is talented, lucky, and does not constantly think about money.
- Steve Jobs

A person does not live to be a hundred years old, but fusses for a thousand.
- John Chrysostom

People want wealth and fame for themselves; if both cannot be obtained honestly, they should be avoided. People are afraid of poverty and obscurity; if both cannot be avoided without loss of honor, they should be accepted.
- Confucius

We spend a lot of time and effort to ride through life in a luxury carriage, but we completely forget to ask if our train is going to our destination or not.

Poverty is not the opposite of luxury.
- Coco Chanel

There are people who have money and there are rich people.
- Coco Chanel

Some people are so poor that all they have is money.

Who takes - fills the palms, who gives - fills the heart ...
- Lao Tzu

If you want to raise good children, spend half as much money and twice as much time on them.

A woman's reliability is tested when a man has nothing. A man's reliability is tested when he has everything.

A man is amazingly arranged - he is upset when he loses wealth, and is indifferent to the fact that the days of his life are irretrievably gone.
- Abu-l-Faraj

Old people always advise young people to save money. This is bad advice. Don't hoard nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty.
- Henry Ford

Rich is the one who is happy with what he has.

No money - don't be lazy, have money - don't be proud.

Need makes a person good, wealth - evil.

The more one has, the more anxiety.

He who is truly happy is happy everywhere: in the palace and in the hut, in wealth and in poverty, for he opened the fountain of happiness that resides in his own heart. Until a person has found this source, nothing will give him true happiness.
- Hazrat Inayat Khan

Happy are people if they call nothing but their own soul...
- Buddha

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The richest person is the one whose pleasures require the least amount of money.
— Henry David Thoreau

These days too many people know the price of everything, but do not understand the true values.
— Ann Landers

And people strive in life not to do what they consider good, but to call as many things as possible their own.
- Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

I feel like I'm among people who are going to live forever. At least that's how they behave. They are so preoccupied with money that they have forgotten about life.
- Erich Maria Remarque

"Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. You cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You are the greatest wealth in the world" .
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When the Dalai Lama was asked, "What surprises you the most about people?"
The Dalai Lama replied:
"- The man himself. First, he sacrifices his health in order to earn money. Then he spends money on restoring health. At the same time, he is so worried about his future that he never enjoys the present. As a result, he does not live either in the present or in the future. He lives as if he will never die, and when he dies, he regrets that he did not live."

"Our houses are getting bigger, and our families are getting smaller. We have more amenities, but less time. More degrees, but less common sense. More knowledge, but less judgment. More specialists, but more problems. More drugs, but less health.We have come a long way to the moon and back, but it is difficult for us to cross the street to meet a new neighbor.We have created many computers to store and copy huge amounts of information, but we have become less communicating with each other. but lost in quality. This is a time of fast food, but slow assimilation. Tall people, but low morals. High incomes, but petty relationships. This is a time when there is so much outside the window, but nothing in the room!"
- Dalai Lama

It is not the level of well-being that makes people happy, but the relationship of hearts and our point of view on our life. Both are always in our power, which means that a person is always happy if he wants it, and no one can stop him.
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn "Cancer Ward"

My Friend, do not listen to people who say that something is missing in life. All restrictions are only in their heads. I am limitless and abundant. Love you!
- Universe

When the last tree is cut down, when the last river is poisoned, when the last bird is caught, only then will you understand that money cannot be eaten.
- Indian wisdom

What makes a man rich is his heart. Wealth is not determined by what a person has, but by what he is.
— Henry Beecher

Working only for the sake of material goods, we are building a prison for ourselves. And we lock ourselves in loneliness, and all our wealth is dust and ashes, they are powerless to deliver to us what is worth living for.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Prosperity is not only about having a huge bank account. Prosperity is to realize the magnificence of life, to honor life.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

I have never been repelled by the poverty of a person, it is another matter if his soul and thoughts are poor.
- Omar Khayyam

At the end of your life, my friend, it won't matter how many cars you have in your garage or what clubs you've been to. It is important how many lives you have changed, how many people you have influenced and whom you have helped... - Do good! It's nice!
- Universe

If you want to live calmly and freely, wean yourself from what you can do without.

When you appreciate what you have, and not live in search of ideals, then you will truly become happy.
- Nietzsche

Don't buy things! Instead, invest in your life experience. Travel! Remember: life experiences and impressions, not things - this is real life. Buy a ticket anywhere. After all, new experiences are better than a new iPhone.

- Henry Ford

"We spend too much time in rooms. We think too much within four walls. We live and despair too much locked up. And in the bosom of nature, is it possible to fall into despair?"
- Erich Maria Remarque

Nothing useless needs to be taken care of. Put the honor and glory of this life into nothing. Take care of yourself. We should trust and look to God, who can feed us and clothe us, and take care of all our affairs: and from him we should expect everything that is good and useful to our souls and bodies.
- St. Sergius of Radonezh (1314-1392)

Everything earthly is overgrown with lies -
As copper turns black on the domes ...
What matters is only the Kingdom... the Kingdom of God...
The rest - you can not have ...
- Archpriest Andrei Logvinov

“Do not get too attached to the world and property, so that when the time comes, it will be easy for you to part with it ... You hold fast to the One who will always be with you - the Creator. And He is the beginning and He is the end...
- D. Rumi

Don't let the world fool you. I repeat this over and over. The world seems very powerful. He makes you strive for things. He tells you to chase it, to chase it, to become successful. All this is an illusion.
- Robert Adams

Money doesn't change a person, it just takes the mask off him. If the person himself has been selfish or impatient or greedy, the money will just show it - that's all.
- Henry Ford

If you accumulate a lot, then a lot will disappear.
- Lao Tzu

A heart in which the desire to possess something has disappeared is a bottomless sky that has cleared up after a bad weather.
- Hong Zicheng

If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things.
- Albert Einstein


These people were able to achieve incredible heights. Their fortune is in the billions, and their names are on the first lines in the Forbes lists. How were they able to achieve this? Perhaps part of this can be understood by reading their own statements.

Henry Ford

  • Every failure is an opportunity to start again, but this time more wisely.
  • An idealist is a person who helps others to get rich.
  • When I do not control events, then they control me.

Thomas Edison

  • The biggest mistake is that we give up quickly when we just have to try again.
  • I have not been defeated. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work.
  • Never invent something for which there is no demand.

Warren Buffett

  • Don't trust an applause-inducing investment. The best investments cause yawns.
  • Be in the company of people better than yourself, and then rush in the same direction.
  • Rule #1: Never lose money. Rule #2: Always remember rule number one.

Steve Jobs

  • If this day is the last of my life, will I do what I have planned?
  • Most often, people do not understand what they really need until you show it to them yourself.
  • The main thing that separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is perseverance.

Bill Gates

  • Enjoy what you do, and then you will never work in your life.
  • Your most unhappy customers are your biggest source of research.
  • Life is unfair - deal with it!

Elon Musk

  • If something doesn't break down, then it's not innovative enough.
  • Running a business depends more on the dedication of people than on the product they sell.
  • You have to be Thomas Edison, not Nikola Tesla. The first one knew how to sell.

Donald Trump

  • Confidence is a magnet that is sure to draw people to you.
  • You should dress for the job you want to have, not for the job you have.
  • There is nothing worse for a business than coming up with a great idea and not trying to implement it.