"Gold" by pull? A schoolgirl from Adygea was accused of an undeserved medal. "Medal for blat"

The daughter of an official was forced to admit that she received an award for blat

Standard provincial story: an average student receives a gold medal at the end of school - not for knowledge ... but for the fact that her mother is an official. In Russia, this happens everywhere, just in the outback - most often, since it is easier to agree there. But the current case, which occurred in Adygea, went beyond the "ordinary", since, moreover, from the stage at the prom.

On her Instagram, the girl explained why she fought for justice: “Each person has different facets. But, to be honest, I don’t even know where the line of impudence is for my classmate and her mother, who is the head of the education department of the Tahtamukay district. Do you know what it’s like when you plow all your life, study, don’t sleep at night, because you don’t have the right not to answer at any lesson, and a person who has never answered a single lesson during the year is standing with you on the same stage and receives exactly the same medal for academic excellence with you?

The video of the girl’s speech instantly stirred up the Internet, so the matter could not be hushed up. The mother of the pseudo-medalist quickly “flew” from her position. And the girl herself asked the decision of the teachers' council to withdraw the medal issued to her for academic success, which was done, as reported by the regional Ministry of Education and Science.

“Until Adygea seceded from the Krasnodar Territory, we often caught their officials in similar frauds,” one of the deputies of the Minister of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Krasnodar Territory, who asked not to mention his name, tells MK. - They "pressed" their authority on school teachers or directors, asking to inflate exam grades or lobby for a medal. As a rule, such cases are not given publicity, solving them among themselves quietly and peacefully, because, as they say, no one is left in debt after that.

- What do you have in mind?

- Of course, we are not talking about any millions and chocolates. No one earns more than 30-50 thousand rubles there. Therefore, in the form of gratitude for the solution of the case, some can afford to unfasten no more than 5-10 thousand rubles. There were cases when "as a bribe" they brought boxes of homemade wine: many of them make it in these parts. Chacha is “driven”, they can also be sent in faceted bottles as a bribe ...

- Are you seriously? Instead of an envelope?

- What are you, besides money, of course. Although people in the south are kinder, because the sun is hot, they count money, like everyone else. Everyone then needs to teach children something in the capitals. By the way, the only thing we cannot influence is the results of the Unified State Examination - the system is too complicated. Therefore, the fake medalist in mathematics has 33 points, in the Russian language - 69 points and 56 points in social studies. The mother official could not overestimate in any way, although, according to our rumors, she tried.

- She tried to influence the results of the exam in order to attach her daughter to a better university. But why was the medal knocked out? It does not affect admission to the university.

- Nobody canceled narrow-minded psychology. The official would certainly be pleased to splurge on colleagues, saying that her daughter is seven spans in the forehead. Usually in the outback everything is done for this. Consciousness is not great, respectively, and aspirations. This is not Moscow! By the way, this fake medalist seemed to be going to storm with a gold medal at Moscow State University ...

The graduates of the Takhtamukaysky district of Adygea, which thundered all over Russia, received an unexpected continuation the day before: the Ministry of Education of the Republic put an end to it - according to the announced results of the ministerial check, the grades of the graduates of the Takhtamukaysky secondary school No. 1 were deserved. A day earlier, the guys had their certificates - later than everyone else in Adygea because of the resonant story.

How the scandal developed, which attracted the attention of the whole country, how it ended and what they say about it in social networks, the site tells.

State of emergency on a federal scale

Recall that the scandal erupted at the graduation party in a regular school: after the award of the medals "For Special Achievements in Teaching" one of the excellent students, Ruzanna Tuko (diploma winner of the All-Russian competition of research works "Fatherland", winner of the award of the President of Russia and the head of Adygea, was awarded by the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation - ed.), right from the stage she accused her classmate, Zaira Paranuk, of receiving a gold medal undeservedly, only because Zaira's mother is the head of the district education department. The girl posted a video of her speech on Instagram, and it immediately became public and the cause of heated discussions.

The news thundered throughout the country, and the very next day, employees of the Ministry of Education and Science of Adygea already left for Takhtamukay to check the accuracy of the information provided in social networks.

Recall that the audit found that the head of the district education department, Svetlana Paranuk, violated federal law by not reporting a conflict of interest during the exam. In addition, the official "did not have the right to be, as the organizer of the Unified State Examination, outside the audience at the same point for conducting the unified state exam, where her daughter took the test." By order of the head of the Tahtamukay district, Paranuk was fired.

“The daughter of the former head of the education department of the Takhtamukaysky district passed the final test in three disciplines, earning the following points: mathematics - 33, social science - 56, Russian language - 69. The girl decided to voluntarily surrender her medal, about which she wrote a statement addressed to the director of secondary school No. 1 of Tahtamukaysky district," said Minister of Education and Science of Adygea Anzaur Kerashev.

At the same time, the data of the video archive, verified by the commission, do not call into question the objectivity of the USE.

“Ministry specialists checked the normative and current documents at the school, concerning other graduates, and recognized the marks as well-deserved. After that, the boys and girls received documents on education. The delay in receiving them was only a few days and did not affect the admission of school graduates to universities, ”the official statement of the ministry says, which, in fact, puts an end to this story.

It turns out that the audit did not reveal any violations, except for the above-described “conflict of interest”. Does this mean that the schoolgirl, accused throughout the country of an undeserved medal, suffered in vain?

“If the medal is well-deserved, then it must be returned”

The results of the audit of the Ministry of Education and Science of Adygea caused a mixed reaction from the public. The Internet audience is divided into two fronts: some continue to actively support the “fighter for justice” Ruzanna Tuko: “Well done Ruzanna! All the students understood that they were pulling thieves, but so that they would immediately get a medal! This is the limit, well done girl. I was not afraid to tell the truth from the stage.

Another part of the public is sure that Zaira Paranuk should be returned the medal she deserved: “If the medal is well-deserved, then it must be returned. The girl refused under pressure. Before verification. And she did the right thing. Now we have to return. There is no legal leverage to not hand her over to her. And the denial is wrong."

“I don’t know how the girl of the official studied, because of which the whole scandal. But I know that there are a lot of teachers, and most of them are even very decent and honest, they just wouldn’t give grades like that. There was a commission that checked whether the medal was well-deserved. Do you even know that notebooks with tests and test results for grades 10-11 are saved?

By the way, on June 27, Ruzanna Tuko took part in the program "Live" on the channel "Russia 1" and told the details of the story, and also reiterated her position.

Someone is sure that the scandal was provoked by Ruzanna herself in search of fame: “The girl wanted PR for the whole country. Who needs these medals! If a person is smart on his own, he does not have to follow others, otherwise he already performs on all talk shows.

Some Internet users considered that the medal scandal in Tahtamukay was a carefully thought-out move: “An ordinary PR campaign. For some reason, on television, this Ruzanna refused to re-take the tests that were on the exam. Why would it? Yes, because she herself is no better than the one she accused.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education of the Republic emphasized that with these results of the audit, all previous decisions on the scandal with gold medals, when the school principal and the head of the district education department were punished, remain in force. Whether Zaira Paranuk will be returned the award she handed over is not reported.

23/06/2017 - 18:50

The scandal at the graduation party in Adygea is gaining momentum. Recall that at the medal ceremony there, one of the gold medalists, Ruzanna Tuko, accused the other of receiving a medal undeservedly. The girl was not afraid to report from the school scene that her classmate had never answered in class for a year, and she received a medal because her mother was the head of the department of education of the Moscow Region. Takhtamukaysky district.

Ruzanna, by the way, the winner of the award of the President of the Russian Federation and the head of the RA, was awarded the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, is a diploma winner of the All-Russian competition of research works.

Ruzanna called the fact that the teachers of the school reached the gold medal for Paranuk Zaira as “super-impudence”, because the girl is an outright loser. The girl said that she would continue to do so, denouncing injustice.

Today it became known that Zaire wrote an application for the voluntary return of the medal. And the mother of the "gold medalist", an official from the Takhtamukay district, was fired. It also became known that Paranuk S.M. She was present as the organizer of the exam at the school where her daughter took the exam. Among other things, the director of secondary school No. 1 was reprimanded.

Each person has different boundaries. But, to be honest, I don’t even know where my classmate, Paranuk Zaira, and her mother, who is the head of the department of education of the MO, are on the edge of impudence. Takhtamukaysky district. Do you know what it’s like when you plow all your life, study, don’t sleep at night, because you don’t have the right not to answer at any lesson, and a person who has NEVER answered a single lesson during the year is standing on the same stage with you and receives exactly the same medal for academic excellence with you? You know, everyone understands that every parent will try to pull up their child, but pulling a loser on a medalist is super-arrogance. When things like this happen, I can't react calmly. And if every person did exactly the same, then we would live in a completely different country. I have always told the truth, I have always fought for justice. I absolutely do not care who and what will say about me now, but my conscience told me to do so. I avenged everyone: for all the medalists who earned this medal with their work, for her former classmates who support me, for my classmates, each of whom studied better than she did. I hope that now people will think before they humiliate people in this way and not be afraid of anything. As Lenin said: "The people are a flock of sheep." So, as long as I have every opportunity to make this world a little better, I will use this opportunity. Thanks to everyone who supported me. I made 70% of the population of our region happy, I will fight for you. And I want to wish this Zaira Paranuk that she stops stealing tangerines, being rude to teachers and answering the question "what are you doing here?" answer "and fuck you?" Who knows, maybe this person will put you in your place? Less crown, gentlemen. I hope this act will be an example for everyone. Allah is my judge and I know that I am right. Let's see what will happen now? ... I am adding information because the same question is often asked. She was transferred to us this year. The fact that she was a medalist, the whole class learned a couple of days before the presentation. I did it because because otherwise it would have been hushed up. The meaning here is that it is arrogance. Where should applications be written? Posted by Ruzanna Tuko (@miss_ruzanna_) Jun 21, 2017 at 5:32 PDT

The awarding of medals in one of the Adyghe schools turned into a scandal. From the stage, one gold medalist Ruzanna Tuko accused another of receiving an undeserved award.

A graduate-medalist from Adygea was not afraid to announce from the stage at the presentation of medals that her classmate had not given an answer in class for a year, but she received a medal, since her mother is the head of the education department of the Moscow Region. Takhtamukaysky district.

By the way, Ruzanna is the owner of the award of the President of the Russian Federation and the head of the RA, a diploma winner of the All-Russian competition of research works "Fatherland", awarded by the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation.

On her Instagram page, the girl posted a video from the ceremony.

“Each person has a different face. But, to be honest, I don't even know where my classmate, Paranook Zaira, and her mother, who is the head of the department of education of the M.O., are impudent. Takhtamukaysky district. Do you know what it is like when you plow all your life, study, do not sleep at night, because you have no right not to answer at any lesson, and a person who has NEVER answered a single lesson during the year is standing with you on the same stage and receives exactly the same medal for academic excellence with you?

The girl called "super-impudence" the fact that the teachers of her school reached the medal "losers".

“When things like this happen, I can’t calmly react. And if every person did exactly the same, then we would live in a completely different country. I have always told the truth, I have always fought for justice. I absolutely do not care who and what will say about me now, but my conscience told me to do so. I avenged everyone: for all the medalists who earned this medal with their work, for her former classmates who support me, for my classmates, each of whom studied better than she did.

The girl said that she would continue to act in this way, denouncing injustice:

“As Lenin said: “The people are a flock of sheep.” So, as long as I have every opportunity to make this world a little better, I will use this opportunity. Thanks to everyone who supported me. I made 70% of the population of our region happy, I will fight for you. And I want to wish this Zaira Paranuk that she stops stealing tangerines, being rude to teachers and answering the question "what are you doing here?" answer "and you ...?" Who knows, maybe this person will put you in your place? Less crown, gentlemen. I hope this act will be an example for everyone. Allah is my judge and I know that I am right. Let's see what happens now? ”Said the brave graduate.

News on Notepad-Krasnodar

Paranuk, that she receives a gold medal undeservedly, only because her mother is the head of the education department of the Tahtamukay region.

Not according to the script

The graduation party in the village of Tahtamukay began, as it should have been according to the script - with the awarding of medalists. The evening was also attended by the head of the district, Azmet Shalyakho.

But in the very process of awarding, right during the presentation of gold medals to the best eleventh-graders of the district, a scandal erupted.

Contrary to the script, the already awarded gold medal winner Ruzanna Tuko asked the presenter for a microphone. First, Ruzanna Tuko apologized to those present and thanked her parents and teachers for their help.

“I would like our parents to be proud of us - we worked hard to get this medal. For me personally, this was the goal of my entire conscious life. Teachers of secondary school No. 1 in the village of Tahtamukay, you are the best! Thank you very much for investing a part of yourself in each of us,” Ruzanna Tuko began her speech.

And then she spoke about the one who was supposed to receive congratulations at that moment - about her classmate Zaira Paranuk.

“Of course, it’s a shame when a person stands on the stage who has not told a single lesson for the whole year. By a happy coincidence, this is the daughter of the head of the district of our district. I am sure that Skhalyaho Azmet Mezbechevich did not know about this, so I am telling you about it. And also because all medalists appreciate their work. Therefore, we deserve these medals,” Ruzanna Tuko concluded her short speech.

Honor or revenge?

The girl posted the video from the award on Instagram the same evening.

“Honestly, I don’t even know where my classmate, Paranuk Zaira, and her mother, who is the head of the education department of the Tahtamukay district, are impudent. Do you know what it’s like when you plow all your life, study, don’t sleep at night, because you don’t have the right not to answer at any lesson, and a person who has never answered a single lesson during the year is standing with you on the same stage and receives exactly the same medal for academic excellence with you?” - Ruzanna Tuko writes in the comments to the video.

In the comments, Ruzanna writes that these are not personal insults, that she has always defended truth and justice.

“You know, everyone understands that every parent will try to pull up their child, but pulling a loser on a medalist is super-arrogance. When things like this happen, I can't react calmly. And if every person did exactly the same, then we would live in a completely different country. I have always told the truth, I have always fought for justice. I absolutely do not care who and what will say about me now, but my conscience told me to do so. I avenged everyone: for all the medalists who earned this medal with their work, for her former classmates who support me, for my classmates, each of whom studied better than she, ”wrote Ruzanna Tuko on Instagram.

For checking

The appeal, published on the main page of the republican website, says: “A special commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia was sent to the Takhtamukay region to verify information about the unfair approach towards one of the graduates when setting the final grades.”

“A very unfortunate situation. But for now, we ask you to refrain from jumping to conclusions. An inspection is underway in Tahtamukay region, a commission of the RA Ministry of Education and Science is working. The review will end tomorrow. Its results will be announced publicly,” said Anzaur Kerashev, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia.

Recall that in 2011, operatives of the Republican Economic Crime Department detained Maryat Aliyeva, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Adygea, on the day of passing the Unified State Exam. This happened in the building of the former professional lyceum No. 3 Maykop. According to a representative of the republican prosecutor's office, in the building of the lyceum, a whole "team" of teachers was engaged in solving options for Testing and Measuring Materials (KIM) of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language - before the exam.

According to the investigation, this illegal large-scale activity was organized by the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia Maryat Aliyeva. The official was found guilty of committing a crime, accusing her of abuse of power.