What the media wrote about the most - what was discussed most in society. See what "2014" is in other dictionaries What happened in

In addition to the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the Winter Olympics in Sochi, among the significant events in our country, respondents name the situation around the events in Ukraine, in particular, assistance to refugees from the south-east of the country. Among the main world events are the annexation of Crimea, the deterioration of relations with the West and, in particular, sanctions, as well as the Olympics.

FOMnibus is a representative survey of the population aged 18 and over. The survey involved 1,500 respondents - residents of 100 urban and rural settlements in 43 subjects of the Russian Federation. Face-to-face interviews were held at the place of residence of the respondents. The statistical error does not exceed 3.6%.

Which of the events that took place in Russia in 2014 would you call the event of the year?


Open question

And which of the events that took place in the world in 2014 would you call the event of the year?


Open question


16% of Russians believe that in six months or a year life in our country will improve, 26% predict a deterioration in the situation. The most common opinion is that there will be no changes in the life of the country over this period - it is shared by 43% of the survey participants.

24% of Russians believe that life in our country will improve in 3-5 years. 28% believe that life will get worse, 32% of respondents do not predict changes. Predictably, people with low incomes are more pessimistic in their moods; in other groups, there are no significant differences in moods.

The most common anxieties in everyday life are fear for the health of loved ones, for children and grandchildren, for their own health and fear of lack of money. For the first three reasons, people today experience anxiety significantly more often than a year ago.

MOSCOW, December 19 - RIA Novosti. RIA Novosti sums up the results of 2014 and offers its own view on the events that have become the most important in the life of the country and its citizens.

Return to native shores

The main domestic and foreign policy event of the outgoing year for Russia, of course, was the entry of Crimea and Sevastopol into the country as two new subjects of the Federation. This became possible after a referendum on March 16, in which the inhabitants of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea decided to secede from Ukraine, where President Viktor Yanukovych was removed from power as a result of a deep political crisis and unrest. The corresponding agreement with Russia was signed on March 18 in the Kremlin - a historic event took place 60 years after Crimea was transferred from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR in 1954, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union became part of independent Ukraine. “After a hard, long, exhausting voyage, Crimea and Sevastopol are returning to their native harbor, to their native shores, to their port of permanent registry, to Russia!” Russian President Vladimir Putin said, speaking at a solemn rally on Red Square.

Putin: Crimea and Sevastopol are returning to their native harbor - to RussiaSpeaking at the "Crimea for Russia!" rally, the president thanked the residents of Crimea and Sevastopol for their consistent and resolute position, "for their clear, expressed will to be together with Russia."

Later, he admitted that security at the referendum, which was not recognized by the Ukrainian authorities, was provided by Russian military personnel - "polite people", as journalists began to call them with a light hand. Putin explained that the servicemen stood behind the Crimean self-defense forces, because "it was simply impossible to hold a referendum openly, honestly, with dignity and to help people express their opinions in another way."

In Kyiv and in the West, they accused Russia of violating international law and called the events in Crimea an annexation, which marked the beginning of a deep crisis in relations with the Russian Federation. In Moscow, on the contrary, they referred to the right of nations to self-determination, enshrined in the UN Charter, and to the Kosovo precedent.


The situation around Crimea caused an incredible patriotic upsurge among Russians, most of whom perceived the entry of two new subjects into the country as a historically just reunification. The expression "Crimea is ours!" became a symbol of support for the course of the country's leadership and the president personally, whose rating in May reached a maximum of 85.9%. Public opinion polls showed that more people were ready to vote for Putin in the event of a presidential election than they did in March 2012 - according to data at the end of October, 71% of respondents would vote for the incumbent head of state.

Putin topped the ranking of the most influential people in the world according to ForbesFollowing Putin on the list is US President Barack Obama. In third place is China's leader Xi Jinping. On the fourth and fifth places in the ranking are Pope Francis and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Popularity has also reached store shelves, where clothes and souvenirs with the image of Putin began to appear, as well as "polite people" as a collective image of the Russian army, which ensured the return of Crimea. The president himself spoke out against the commercialization of his image, but there was no fight against the counterfeit use of his portraits.

The influence of the head of the Russian state was noted not only inside but also abroad: for the second year in a row, Putin topped the rating of the most influential personalities in the world according to the American Forbes magazine (the next in the list are the leaders of the United States and China, Barack Obama and Xi Jinping). Another authoritative edition of Time, following the results of 2014, put the President of the Russian Federation in first place among politicians in the nomination "Person of the Year" and in third place in the general list (the first two places were taken by the collective images of the Ebola fighter and the protester for the rights of blacks in Ferguson, USA).

Exchange of sanctions

The reaction of the US and the EU to the events in Crimea was quick - the very next day after the referendum on joining the Russian Federation, Washington and Brussels imposed sanctions on a number of high-ranking politicians, banning their entry and blocking assets and property. A little later, several entrepreneurs were included in the list, and, by coincidence, among them were people with Ukrainian surnames - Yuri Kovalchuk and Gennady Timchenko, whom the United States called "close to Putin." The president himself then ironically commented on the first sanctions: "I think it's just them" polite people "in camouflage, with machine guns ... I think you need to stay away from them." And he seriously added that the banks affected by the restrictions would be provided with assistance. Later, in November, Putin called the West's reaction to the events in Crimea "absolutely inadequate."

Results of 2014 in the Russian economy: under the sign of sanctions and devaluationMany economists predict that the situation in the Russian economy will soon resemble the crisis years of 2008-2009. And Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted during his annual press conference that Russia could take two years to get out of the crisis.

As the conflict in Donbas developed, all new Russian companies in the financial, defense, and industrial sectors fell under the sanctions. First of all, they were denied access to the European and American borrowing markets.

Moscow's patience ran out in August, when food imports were restricted from countries that imposed sanctions on Russia: the United States, the EU, Canada, Australia and Norway. The list includes beef, pork, poultry, seafood, vegetables, fruits, cheeses and dairy products. At the same time, Putin instructed the government to develop measures to support domestic producers and look for new foreign suppliers in order to prevent a shortage of products. In general, the situation on the food market remains stable, although in Russian social networks the topic of a ban on the import of deli products (“how to live without jamon and parmesan?”) has caused widespread discussion, often with an ironic twist.

War and Peace in Novorossiya

As the US and the EU launched a sanctions war against Russia, a civil war flared up in Ukraine, where pro-Western politicians came to power. Donetsk and Luhansk regions refused to submit to Kyiv, and in response, Kiev launched a military operation against the militias in April. During the confrontation, both sides used heavy weapons. According to the latest UN data, 4.3 thousand civilians became victims of the conflict, almost 10 thousand were injured. There is no exact data on the losses of the armed formations. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of refugees, fleeing the war, moved to Russia, where many of them decided to stay in a permanent place and take Russian citizenship.

In May, Donetsk and Luhansk held referendums on independence and announced the creation of the Union of People's Republics, Novorossiya. This 17th-century term was revived by Putin when he recalled that historically Donetsk, Luhansk and a number of other territories did not belong to Ukraine, but were transferred to it in Soviet times. Despite the fact that none of the people's republics was officially recognized by Moscow, the West did not stop accusing it of "supporting the separatists", "stirring up tension" and "military intervention" on the territory of Ukraine. And introduced new sanctions.

However, it was after Putin's proposed plan to resolve the conflict that the militias and representatives of Kyiv managed to meet in Minsk in September and conclude agreements that led to a truce, albeit a shaky one. The intensity of shelling from both sides has significantly decreased. On the morning of December 9, a new truce agreed upon by the militias and security forces, mediated by the OSCE, began in the Donbass. The ceasefire is expected to precede new contact group talks in Minsk, but no date has yet been set for the meeting.

In addition to diplomatic efforts, Russia has begun providing humanitarian assistance to Donetsk and Luhansk since August. In total, more than 11 thousand tons of products, building materials and equipment for the operation of socially significant facilities have been delivered to the affected regions today.

Conflict with the West, friendship with the East

The change in geopolitical realities, which led to a cooling of relations between Russia and the West, once again emphasized the importance of developing relations with the East. Moreover, Moscow was no longer invited to a number of forums: in June, for the first time since the 1990s, the G-8 summit was held without the participation of representatives of the Russian Federation. Putin then ironically commented on the fact that world leaders gathered at the table without him: "I want to wish them a good appetite."

By that time, Russia had already achieved far greater successes in the eastern direction: in May, Gazprom and China's CNPC, after nearly ten years of negotiations, were able to agree on gas supplies to China via the Power of Siberia pipeline. The total amount of the contract amounted to $400 billion, unprecedented for the gas industry. In early September, Gazprom began construction of this gas pipeline, which is about 3,000 kilometers long and has a capacity of 38 billion cubic meters of gas per year. The pipeline is planned to be used to supply gas to the domestic market, as well as for export to China. It was also expected that Gazprom could receive an advance from the PRC for the construction of the Power of Siberia in the amount of $25 billion. Gas supplies may begin in 2018-2020.

At the same time, Russia agreed to expand trade with India and Turkey, including in the field of energy supplies and cooperation in nuclear energy. Thus, during Putin's state visit to Turkey on December 1, Gazprom and the Turkish company Botas signed a memorandum of understanding on the construction of a gas pipeline across the Black Sea towards Turkey with a capacity of 63 billion cubic meters per year. Of this volume, 14 billion cubic meters are provided for Turkey, the rest of the gas - about 50 billion cubic meters - will be supplied to the border between Turkey and Greece.

During a visit to India last week, the parties agreed to start deliveries of Russian oil in the amount of 10 million tons annually for 10 years and to build at least 12 power units for nuclear power plants, in addition to the four that Moscow and New Delhi agreed on earlier. .

"South Stream"

Russia presented an unexpected surprise to European countries in the last month of the outgoing year. The response of the Russian Federation to the lengthy "sticks in the wheels" from the European Commission, which does not want to exclude the South Stream gas pipeline project from the jurisdiction of the Third Energy Package, was unequivocal: "If Europe does not want it (the South Stream project - ed.) to be implemented, well, it means that then it will not be implemented," the Russian president said during a visit to Turkey. One of the reasons for such a step, according to Putin, was Bulgaria's still pending permission to enter this project into the country's exclusive economic zone. Taking into account the Russian-Turkish agreements on gas supplies, in fact South Stream will be redirected to this country and Gazprom's expenses for the implementation of the previous project will not be in vain.

The fate of South StreamOn December 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his visit to Turkey, said that Russia, under the current circumstances, cannot continue the implementation of the South Stream transnational gas pipeline project, including because of the unconstructive position of the European Union.

The reaction of European countries was contradictory. Thus, Hungary stated that it was looking for alternative possibilities for gas supplies bypassing Ukrainian territory, in particular from Azerbaijan. At the same time, Serbia and Bulgaria, the first two European countries that the pipeline would pass through, expressed concern about plans to cancel the project. The energy ministers of the EU countries participating in the project noted the unofficial nature of the information about its suspension, but reaffirmed their position regarding the need for such significant projects as South Stream to comply with EU legislation.

Another controversial pipeline issue is Gazprom's 100% access to the Opal gas pipeline, which is a land extension of Nord Stream. However, the denouement of this story should be expected next year. The European Commission has repeatedly postponed a decision on Opal. The last date that was announced is the end of October. However, later a RIA Novosti source in the EC said that the EC had decided to extend the deadline for making a decision until the end of January 2015.


However, in the West they tried to insert "sticks" not only into the gas pipeline, but also to sink very profitable deals in the field of military-technical cooperation. The story of the Russian-French contract for the supply of two Mistral-class helicopter carriers, which was signed back in 2011, was very revealing in this sense. The value of the contract was estimated at 1.2 billion euros.

The US State Department initially opposed the delivery of the ships, stating that in the context of the situation in Ukraine, it considers the transfer of even one Mistral to Russia unacceptable. At the same time, the manufacturer of the ships, DCNS, said that US sanctions could not prevent the delivery of helicopter carriers. Official Paris has been giving conflicting signals for months. The first ship, according to the invitation sent to the Russian side, was supposed to be transferred by France to the Russian Navy on November 14, but the transfer has not yet taken place, and there is still no clarity when this could happen. The official reason for the refusal was Russia's policy on the situation in Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said he did not discuss the situation with the Mistral helicopter carrier with French President Francois Hollande during Hollande's short visit to Moscow in early December. At the same time, Putin stressed that the Russian Federation is counting on the fulfillment of the contract.

Rosoboronexport is preparing for various options for the development of the situation with the supply of Mistrals, up to and including going to court. According to Russian presidential aide Vladimir Kozhin, Russia expects a final answer from France on the Mistrals by the end of the year.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that after the story with the French "Mistrals" Russia will no longer buy ready-made military equipment abroad.

Death of an investor

A much more tragic loss was suffered by Russian-French relations in connection with the death of the president of Total, Christophe de Margerie. A well-known entrepreneur who headed one of the world's largest energy companies died during a plane crash at Moscow's Vnukovo airport on the night of October 21: his plane crashed into a snowplow, which somehow ended up on the runway. Together with de Margerie, three more crew members died, all of them French citizens.

At present, the driver of the snowplow Vladimir Martynenko, the chief engineer of the Vnukovo airfield service Vladimir Ledenev (he led the snow removal), as well as the airport flight manager Roman Dunaev, the trainee controller Svetlana Krivsun and the controller Alexander Kruglov, who led the air traffic, have been arrested in this case. at the time of the plane crash. All defendants have been charged.

The charming Frenchman with a luxurious mustache has been advocating for the development of cooperation with Russia for many years, participated in the implementation of a number of important projects in which Total has invested billions of dollars. During the period of sanctions, de Margerie was one of the few European entrepreneurs who publicly advocated their abolition. To some extent, he personified the positive Russian-French cooperation, which, with his death, lost a very important support.

Oil ruble fall

The main negative event, or rather the trend of the year for millions of Russians, was the devaluation of the ruble against the backdrop of falling world oil prices - the main product of the export-oriented economy of the Russian Federation. Since the summer, the price of Brent oil has fallen from more than $100 to a record low since the crisis five years ago - on Tuesday, the price fell to $58.84 per barrel, updating the lowest level since May 2009. At the same time, the 2014 budget initially included an oil price of $96. Now budgeted for 2015 is $80.

The ruble followed the oil and, thanks to the support of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, fell smoothly. However, on November 5, the regulator canceled unlimited foreign exchange interventions, and on November 10, in fact, completed the transition to a free float of the ruble, canceling regular interventions and the dual-currency basket corridor. "The Bank of Russia made the only right decision - this is an absolutely objective thing, confirmed not only by what we think about this, but also confirmed by the best world experts - a floating rate," Putin said at the time.

As a result, against the main world reserve currencies - the dollar and the euro - in 2014 experienced the most dramatic drop since the default year of 1998 (then it depreciated several times), surpassing the indicators of the crisis year of 2008, when the dollar soared against the ruble by a little less than 50% .

On Black Monday, December 15, the ruble exchange rate against the dual-currency basket experienced the strongest fall since the default year of 1998. Foreign currencies rose overnight by six rubles, a record for many years, exceeding 64 rubles per dollar and almost reaching 79 rubles per euro. Against this background, on Tuesday night, the Central Bank suddenly and sharply raised the key rate - from 10.5% to 17% per annum, explaining this by significantly increased devaluation and inflation risks. However, this did not stop the fall of the national currency - at the peak, the dollar and the euro jumped above the psychological levels of 80 and 100 rubles, respectively.

The official inflation forecast for 2014 has already been raised to 9% from 7.5%, and for 2015 to 7.5% from 5.5%. Experts attribute this to both low oil prices and pressure on the ruble, as well as import restrictions imposed by the Russian Federation.

In the meantime, against the backdrop of a weakening ruble, Russians are actively buying up large household appliances and TVs, and retailers are preparing to raise prices.

Olympics: the triumph you've been waiting for

The XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in February became not only the main sports, but also the main positive event of the year for the Russians.

However, the competition was only the culmination of many years of work that began in 2007, when Russia received the right to host the Olympics. All these years, in addition to directly sports facilities that were built "from scratch", an unprecedented construction and modernization of the infrastructure of Sochi and the entire region was carried out by Russian standards. It was the scale of the work, as well as periodic delays in the construction schedule, that caused fear among Russian fans and skepticism among critics of the project - will the authorities have time to prepare everything on time and in the way they promised the whole world? The intrigue was fueled by foreign athletes and journalists who posted photos of imperfections from hotels and Olympic venues on social networks. Later, after the triumphant conclusion of the Olympics, Putin expressed the opinion that, in addition to constructive remarks, "another cohort of critics far from sports used this Olympic project to achieve their own goals in the field of anti-Russian propaganda." None of the participants in the competitions or sports authorities made any official claims. Moreover, the IOC leadership and ordinary athletes were able to appreciate the advantages of the Russian application: the compact location of the Olympic venues built according to the most modern standards, the proximity of the Olympic Village, transport links, the work of thousands of volunteers and much more, thanks to which Russia won the right to host the Winter Games. “Now you live in the Olympic region. I am sure that you will enjoy its benefits for many more years,” said IOC head Thomas Bach at the opening of the competition, addressing Sochi residents.

Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked all Russian Olympians and Paralympic athletes, calling them the real heroes of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi in 2014.

The opening ceremony of the Games became a symbolic reflection of the overall picture of Russia's readiness for the main event of the four-year period: during the grandiose show, one of the five Olympic rings did not open, remaining a luminous snowflake. However, the organizers of the performance very quickly managed to turn this blunder into a Sochi "chip", playing on the theme at the closing ceremony, and some enterprising clothing manufacturers immediately offered T-shirts and baseball caps with four rings and a snowflake. The technical problem was actually the only puncture of the organizers of the Games.

Sports competitions turned out to be no less exciting than the opening ceremony. For millions of Russians, the Winter Games in Sochi will be remembered not even by the fact that they were held for the first time in our country, and not even by the long-awaited victory in the overall medal standings (33 medals, including 13 gold). They will be remembered, first of all, by the triumph of the Russian Olympians, often unexpected, but no less convincing. As well as the victories of the Korean Viktor Ahn (short track) and the American Vic Wild (snowboard), won under the flag of Russia, did not become less valuable and less "their own". The success of the four bobsledders, biathletes and marathon skiers on the last day of the competition became the golden cherry on the Russian team's Olympic cake.

However, it was not without disappointment - the country's men's hockey team failed at home Games, reaching only the quarterfinals and being left without medals at the third Olympics in a row, and without gold for 22 years.

In general, the organization of the Olympics was highly appreciated by the IOC. Thus, Jean-Claude Killy, Chairman of the Coordinating Commission of the International Olympic Committee, called the Winter Olympics in Sochi the best in the history of the Games.

"All people open to new ideas saw the face of a new Russia, efficient and friendly, patriotic and open to the world," summed up IOC President Thomas Bach at the closing ceremony of the Olympics.

2014 has been a year of many incredible accomplishments that could have a significant impact on the science of the future. They took place on the earth, under the earth, in the sky and in the Cosmos. And in this review, we will tell you about the 10 most significant scientific events of 2014 in various industries.

First spacecraft landing on a comet

On November 12, 2014, an epoch-making event in the history of space exploration took place. The first man-made spacecraft was landed on the surface of a comet by remote control.

The Rosetta spacecraft was sent towards the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko back in 2004. During this time, he managed to fly millions of kilometers through the Solar System, making several revolutions around the Sun.

Philae spacecraft on comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko

The Philae module that separated from the Rosetta apparatus worked on the surface of the comet for about sixty hours, sending to Earth a huge amount of information about the structure of this celestial object.

Artificially created chromosome

In 2014, science approached an incredibly important milestone - the creation of complex artificial life according to predetermined parameters. American scientists from the New York Medical Center were able to create a chromosome that can fully function in yeast.

Work on this project lasted seven years. Scientists attracted hundreds of students from around the world to create an artificial chromosome, who actually manually collected 273,871 base pairs of DNA. Moreover, in a real chromosome, this number is 316667 pairs, however, among them there are many so-called. "junk" and "jumping" genes that do not produce any specific proteins or cause uncontrolled mutations.

As a result, yeast with an artificially created chromosome has become more hardy and resistant to external influences.

New tribe discovered in the Amazon jungle

There are still a huge number of places on planet Earth where the foot of the "white man" has not yet set foot. And a significant part of these unexplored spaces is in the Amazon jungle. A certain number of so-called "non-contact" tribes even live there - communities of Indians who have never met civilized people or deliberately refused such meetings.

Finding such a tribe is a huge success for modern scientists. And in 2014 they succeeded. Usually, when such peoples are discovered, it is necessary to carry out a long work in order to win them over and force them to let strangers into their world. But this time the Indians themselves appealed to the authorities.

A tribe living on the border of Brazil and Peru asked to be protected from illegal loggers who began to cut down the jungle in the habitat of this people. But in this situation, not only the destruction of their living space is dangerous for the Indians, but also the consequences of direct contact with the outside world - potential epidemics of simple diseases, flu or colds, from which a significant part of the indigenous people of the Amazon who are not immune to them may die.

Telepathy has been scientifically proven

2014 opened a new page in the scientific dispute whether it is possible to transmit thoughts remotely from one person to another, that is, telepathy. And if earlier it was considered charlatanism, now everything has become not so unambiguous.

After all, an international group of scientists was able to create a technology that allows people who are at a distance from each other to communicate without words using thought processes. During the experiment, one participant was in France and the other in India. They had special devices attached to their heads that could read the brain's electroencephalogram. Subsequently, this information can be transmitted via the Internet to the brain of another person using robotic transcranial magnetic stimulation.

The people who participated in the experiment were able to communicate in simple words and concepts: “Hi”, “Bye”, “Good”, “Bad”, etc. Statistics show that the number of matches in this case reaches about 90 percent.

When the author of these lines was in school, one hundred and eleven positions were noted in Mendeleev's periodic table. But since then, chemists and physicists have been able to create a few more chemical elements. In particular, in 2014, the existence of 117 of them was confirmed.

Element 117 Ununseptium Discovered

Back in 2010, scientists from Russia and the United States announced that they had managed to jointly fix a new chemical element. However, according to scientific rules, such a discovery must be confirmed by two independent groups. This took four years. And only in May 2014 the existence of ununseptium (the temporary name of the element) was officially recognized by the scientific community.

Interestingly, the existence of elements 113, 115 and 118, discovered at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna (the same place where ununseptium was discovered), has not yet been proven by independent researchers.

New exoplanet discovered

For more than a decade, astronomers around the world have been studying distant solar systems in search of planets that would be similar in all respects to Earth. However, of the nearly two thousand currently known exoplanets, only one meets these requirements.

Exoplanet Kepler-186f (named after the Kepler orbiting telescope) is 492 light-years from Earth. Its opening became known in the spring of 2014. Kepler-186f was discovered along with four other planets orbiting the star Kepler-186. But only this object is similar in size to the Earth, though not completely, it has a radius 10 percent larger than the radius of our planet.

Preliminary data suggests that life is possible on Kepler-186f. However, the data that scientists know about this planet is not enough to state this unequivocally.

World's largest dinosaur found

In the spring of 2014, paleontologists during excavations in Argentina discovered the fossils of a giant dinosaur, the largest prehistoric pangolin and possibly the largest animal that has ever lived on Earth.

The giant reptile measured up to 40 meters in length and 20 in height, which is comparable to a seven-story building. The weight of the dinosaur was 77 tons, which is approximately equal to the mass of fourteen elephants.

Dreadnoughtus schrani - the world's largest dinosaur

The new dinosaur species was named Dreadnoughtus schrani. It is believed that these lizards lived on Earth 66-88 million years ago.

In the permafrost of Siberia, scientists from time to time find frozen mammoths. In the future, this makes it possible one day to clone this animal in order to bring back to life a long-extinct species. However, in 2014, scientists managed to literally resurrect a form of life that lived in Siberia 30,000 years ago.

As a result of research, scientists even managed to revive this ancient virus, which had been in a frozen state for about thirty thousand years. It is also interesting that this is the largest virus described by scientists in history.

2014 brought hope to millions of people who are forever confined to wheelchairs. After all, scientists have said that even the most damaged spinal cord is not the final guarantee that you will never be able to walk again.

The reason for optimism may be the results of studies in which Swiss scientists first completely cut the spinal cord in the middle of a rat, and then taught it to walk again. They implanted flexible electrodes into the rodent's spine just below the incision line, and then adapted the parameters of the electrical impulse thus transmitted to the animal's nervous system.

As a result, the rat was able not only to run, but even to overcome various obstacles, including climbing stairs. Scientists promise to start similar experiments on humans in the summer of 2015.

New evidence for the Big Bang theory

Thanks to the blockbuster Interstellar, in 2014, the word "gravity" became one of the most popular. Moreover, physicists themselves have made a serious scientific breakthrough in this direction. They discovered gravitational waves, which are direct evidence of the Big Bang theory.

According to the currently accepted inflationary model of the expansion of the Universe, about 13.7 billion years ago, the so-called Big Bang occurred - an almost instantaneous growth of the embryo of the Universe from zero to huge values. However, such an expansion should have left a certain signal in the CMB, which is essentially an "echo" of the Big Bang.

In 2014, the BICEP2 project found gravitational waves, which are indirect traces of the signal mentioned above and, therefore, evidence of cosmic inflation.

2014 Pavel Globa.

Interview with astrologer Pavel Globa (newspaper Novy Region, March 16, 2009, Denis Frunze): Pavel Globa predicted the imminent disintegration of Ukraine into three parts, stating that two of them would become part of the new Russian Empire.

“Ukraine will not survive the crisis, which is waiting for the collapse into three parts,” said Globa. - The collapse will not happen now, butby 2014 in Ukraine there will be de facto two administrations independent of each other, while maintaining the formal integrity of the territory, approximately in the same format as today in Moldova. The Eastern Ukrainian Federation will not be subordinate to Kyiv and will de facto become part of the Russian Empire, while Crimea will become Ukrainian Chechnya.”

According to the forecast of the astrologer, 2014 will be the year when humanity will come close to the beginning of the Third World War.

Forecast-prediction of Pavel Globa dated November 13, 2011.

“Hello, dear friends. Those who do not know me - I am a fairly well-known astrologer from Russia, I am a member of the World Federation of Astrologers of the Round Table of Emergency Convocations, I am engaged in astrology and calculating areas, exact dates, the power of natural elements and disasters. I don’t want to upset you too much, but all the events that await us in the near future are horrifying. According to rough estimates, 80% of the world's population will die in the next 2 years. The team of astrologers, although they have learned to make accurate miscalculations over the years of work, and have repeatedly warned of disasters in advance, it is not in our power to save millions of lives. The terrible events of this autumn will destroy more than half of humanity. World War 3 has already begun. Not only the CIS countries will be horrified by this nightmarish and swift catastrophe. The only thing we can do is to warn. At first, our forecasts were skeptical, but when such events were confirmed: the tragedy in the USA on September 11, the earthquake in Washington on July 18 with a magnitude of 3.6, the terrible accident in Japan on March 11, and many other less well-known in scale, they began to listen to us . For a long time, my team of astrologers and I have been working on an individual horoscope-prediction, since people live in different cities and countries, respectively, and the fate of everyone is different, regardless of the zodiac sign.

2014 Alexey Pokhabov

Alexey Pokhabov, winner of the 7th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" In an interview with "KP" he answered the correspondent's questions about the near future:

“Alexey, what will happen in December 2012? Many psychics predict Armageddon in connection with the approach of the "planet" Nibiru to the Earth.

- Specifically, in December 2012 nothing like this will happen.

About future cataclysms and war on the territory of Russia: “People's fear of catastrophes speaks of only one thing - everyone's fear of death. I can say for sure that there will be no global catastrophes in the next few years,but in 2014 there is a possibility of war on the territory of the Russian Federation. How long this war will last, I still find it difficult to say, but the fact that it will begin is obvious to me.

year 2014. Mother Alipia.

The Kiev mother Alipia (old woman Goloseevskaya), foolish for the sake of Christ, prophesied: “The war will begin against the apostles Peter and Paul (the day of Saints Peter and Paul is June 29 or July 12 according to a new style). This will happen when the corpse is taken out .... You will lie: there is an arm, there is a leg .... This will not be a war, but the execution of peoples for their rotten state. Dead bodies will lie in mountains, no one will undertake to bury them. Mountains and hills will fall apart, razed to the ground. People will run from place to place. There will be many bloodless martyrs who will suffer for the Orthodox faith.” The predicted date of the beginning of the war may not correspond to the generally accepted chronology, since a year before her death in 1988, mother Alipia began to live according to one of her well-known calendars, which she called Jerusalem. The day of Peter and Paul is marked in her calendar in the fall. It is curious that, since 2000, the church has been celebrating November 2 as the day of remembrance of the New Martyrs Peter and Deacon Paul, who were killed during the Stalinist repressions in 1937. Some commentators on the predictions of the old woman believe that this event will occur in 2014.

From the memoirs of nun Marina about mother Alipia: “We cross the street, there are cars in three rows. Mother threatened them with her fist - and the column stumbled, but she could have crushed us like insects. We go across the road without crossing, the cars are standing in their tracks. “These turtles will die out soon,” said the mother; “Don’t leave Kyiv,” mother punished, “there will be famine everywhere, but there is bread in Kyiv.”

The question is when will this terrible time come? Mother Alipia showed half a finger and said:“That’s how much time is left, and if we don’t repent, it won’t happen either ...”.

year 2014. V. Kumar.

Prediction by astrologer Vijay Kumar: “The third world war will not be limited to countries with a majority Christian or Muslim population. Every person on Mother Earth will suffer because of the world war. A full-scale nuclear war... The fight to the bitter end between Christianity and Islam will lead to the death of 1200 million people worldwide!

Human disasters of incredible proportions... The third world war will bring death in every sense... nowhere in the world will there be a family that is not affected by the world war, everyone will see the appearance of death! The death of 1200 million people will destroy humanity forever.

The ego of meaningless desires and the lust for material wealth now dominates... human beings have forgotten the basic values ​​of human life. 2014 will come, the Year of Bhagwan Kalki... World War III will show its fangs!

year 2014. Pope Leo X.

In 1514, Pope Leo X wrote: “I will not see the end of the world, nor will it be my brothers, for our time. It will happen in the future, 500 years from now.” The Pope's entry was dated 1514. If we add 500 years to this date, then events resembling the End of the World will occur in 2014.

year 2014. Semanov.

Quite unique is the observation of the historian Sergei Semanov. In 1974, German Vladimirovich Smirnov interviewed him (for the Technique of Youth magazine): “Sergey said that Lermontov is a demonic figure in Russian history. In the summer of 1914, Russia was preparing to celebrate the centenary of his birth - and that summer the First World War began. In the summer of 1941, when they were preparing for the centenary of his death, the Great Patriotic War broke out. One hundred and fifty years since the birth of Lermontov was celebrated in 1964 - and the year ended with the removal of Khrushchev. Now Sergey is waiting with horror for the 150th anniversary of his death, which will come in 1991. We already know how August 1991 ended, which Sergey Semanov waited with horror in 1974. What awaits us in 2014 and 2041? Source "World of Forecasts", 2004

Mikhail Rechkin.

Is it necessary to know your future and the future of the country in which you live?
Not just necessary, but extremely necessary! The ancient sages said: "He who does not look far, close troubles await him."
I'll start with a road story that happened to me almost 41 years ago.
On December 23, 1970, I bought at the Omsk railway station a ticket for the Novosibirsk-Adler train to the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. I was then in my twenty-first year, and for the first time in my life I had to travel by train. Landing took place at night, it was windy, in the darkness I found it with difficulty to find my compartment car. Unfortunately, there were no reserved seats.
When I entered the compartment, there was no one there. He packed his suitcase, took off his coat, sat down at the table.

I did not notice at what moment and from where my neighbor appeared. Honestly, I really saw it only in the morning. It was a man no shorter than 175 cm, looking sixty years old, dressed in a strict black suit, with a white shirt, black tie and with a completely gray head. Such a grey-haired gentleman. The neighbor held on confidently, his baritone still sounds in my ears. Taking into account his appearance, I decided that in front of me was a professor or academician, perhaps the director of some research institute.

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), recognized in the West as the greatest prophet of the twentieth century, predicted global upheavals that should occur in the first decade of this century. While in an altered state of consciousness (trance), Casey "had a bird's eye view of American and Japanese coastal cities, including San Francisco and Los Angeles, as well as Northern Europe, lying in ruins." The reason for this was a gigantic natural cataclysm - the movement of the bottom oceanic tectonic plates. It should be noted that American scientists issued a similar forecast of future events. When can this happen? Any time! It is highly likely that all this will happen in 2011.

Casey noted that the approaching planetary catastrophe would be like a partial end of the world. But it will not affect the massive continental plate on which Russia is located. "It is she, Russia, who is destined to become at the origins of a new civilization on our planet."

But it turns out that long before Casey, the doctor and great prophet Nostradamus (1503-1566) foresaw that "the troubles that threaten humanity will bypass Tartaria (Russia)." He was supplemented by another great physician and seer Paracelsus(1493-1541), who predicted that “the people that Herodotus calls the Hyperboreans ... its current name is Muscovy ... will experience a terrible decline and incredible prosperity. One should not be tempted by his plight... The Hyperboreans will survive three falls and be raised three times... In their land... in this very country of the Hyperboreans... the Great Cross will shine. This must take place in the year 2041! This Cross will be seen by all the inhabitants of the Earth. Then the Golden Age will return."

Finally, Max Handel(1865-1919) almost a hundred years ago, prophetically predetermined the great mission of Russia in the third millennium. Here is his astrological forecast: “With the entry of Uranus into the sign of Aquarius, the Russian people and the Slavic race as a whole will reach a degree of spiritual development that will advance them much higher than their current state. Spirituality must develop along with the intellect and through the intellect. The existence of the Slavic civilization will be short-lived, but throughout its existence it will be great and joyful, for it will be born out of great grief and untold suffering. And the law of compensation will lead in due time to the opposite. From the Slavs will come a people who form the last of the races of the Aryan era. Slavic civilization will be the foundation for the development of the sixth race of mankind.

In turn, the outstanding German philosopher and visionary Oswald Spengler(1880-1936) predicted the emergence of "Russian-Siberian culture".
And our compatriot Daniil Andreev predicted that by the time of the global catastrophe "all true believers will gather in Siberia ...".

And this prophecy of his in a certain way is consistent with another prediction by Edgar Cayce, who pointed out that earthly civilization will be saved thanks to the Siberian ark, which, according to the prediction Egenio Sirokuza, "does not know the water." And in the most ancient Tibetan prophecy, it is directly indicated that "Northern Shambhala (Siberia) will play an important role in the salvation of mankind in the predestined time." Moreover, "millions of people from different countries and continents will move here in search of salvation."

If you turn to the prophecies Wangi, then back in 1979 she outlined a picture of the future of our country as follows: “Now Russia is called the Union. But the old Russia will return, and will be called the same as under St. Sergius. Everyone recognizes her spiritual superiority, and so does America." And at the same time, Vanga predicted the seemingly impossible: “Socialism will return, but with a new face. There will be the Soviet Union again, but updated. There will again be agricultural cooperatives (collective farms!?)…”.

Add to this that Edgar Cayce also predicted the rebirth of the Soviet Union after 2010.
I think it will all come true! The Russian people, sooner or later, will present their account to those who torn apart the former Soviet Union and appropriated what was created by the labor of millions!

And further! Taking into account the above and a deep analysis of both scientific data and information obtained with the help of people with supersensitive abilities, a situation is predicted, the most important factor of which will be that within five years all the problems facing humanity will go into the background . The problem of survival will come first!

Events are likely to unfold as follows:
- in 2012-14 in California (USA) during the reign of the 44th black president, a catastrophic earthquake may occur that will completely or partially destroy the cities of the US West Coast. Tens of millions of people will die!

The consequences of this natural disaster will turn into a deep crisis in the financial and economic system of the world, which, most likely, will destabilize the military-political situation in the world; - slowing down its movement, changing its shape and breaking up into separate (weak) currents, the Gulf Stream will finally stop. The consequence of this will be the glaciation of Northern Europe, England and the East Coast of the United States. Devastating hurricanes of enormous force will precede the glaciation. Hail, snowfalls and floods will become "usual" for all countries of Europe;

- high probability of catastrophic earthquakes and increased volcanic activity in South America, Central Europe, Japan and other areas of the world, which may occur at the end of 2012 -14;
- accelerating global warming will lead to flooding of vast coastal areas around the world. The most affected will be: the West and East coasts of the United States, the Baltic states, the southern provinces of China; subpolar (sparsely populated) regions of Russia, Kamchatka and Sakhalin, the second capital of Russia - St. Petersburg will go under water; Japan, Korea, Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines will disappear under water; Italy, Egypt, the countries of the Middle East and the Baltics may disappear from the face of the Earth; Uruguay and Venezuela will be seriously affected - in South America, and a number of countries in Africa;
- The most favorable area for living, despite the flooding of the Arctic, will be Western Siberia, where an almost subtropical climate will be established. Western Siberia will turn into a world granary. Bread and clean water will become the main and most valuable life support products for the survivors of the catastrophe, while all the currencies of the world will completely depreciate. Western Siberia will become the center of the revival of earthly civilization, the capital of Russia will be transferred here, which later may well turn into the capital of the Union of Sovereign Socialist Republics - the new USSR! Yes! Yes! Precisely socialist! Since Vanga and Casey predicted that socialism would return, but with a "new face". Moreover, the new Union will include a much larger number of sovereign states. And at the heart of this Union the Principle of Social Justice will prevail.
The existing religions will collapse, the Great Universal Vedic Knowledge will be returned to the world, which will allow the Golden Age to be revived on Earth.
Will it be like this?
Wait and see!

Mikhail Rechkin.

1. Other prophecies about Russia: earthquakes, predictions about Moscow and St. Petersburg, war with China, Turkey, prophecies about the future fate of Russia. http://isi-rus.blogspot.ru/

2. Predictions and prophecies about future tectonic cataclysms:

4. Star of the Apocalypse - Typhon (the second sun in the solar system) is approaching the Earth. Prophecies, predictions, rock paintings and petroglyphs with star images:

The global agenda of 2014 was full of events taking place in Russia and along its borders.

Of course, against the backdrop of the annexation of Crimea, the war in Donbass and the fall of the ruble, many other things that happened in Russia did not make it to the front pages of world newspapers. But the first disaster in the Moscow metro or the collapse of the domestic tourism industry did not become less significant events for people living in Russia. RBC presents its view on the main Russian events of this year.

Falling oil prices

After the events of the "Crimean spring" and the severe sanctions of the West, an even greater misfortune fell upon Russia - the fall in oil prices. OPEC's decision not to reduce production completed the job - the decline in oil prices turned into a collapse. The price settled at the end of the year at $60 per barrel. in 2015 threatens the Russian economy with a decline of almost 5%.


The year 2014 passed under the sign of sanctions aimed at the international isolation of the Russian economy. A new type of cold war, according to the Ministry of Finance alone, costs Russia $40 billion a year. Together with falling oil prices, Western sanctions remain the main risk factor for Russia next year.


Russia's main response to international sanctions has been to close its giant consumer market to foreign products. But which of the parties lost more, the question is: the reduction in imports dispersed the already high inflation, and the retired goods replaced the parmesan and shrimp of “Belarusian production”.

Economic recession

An ideal storm is moving towards Russia, it will cover the country in 2015. At one point, all possible crises coincided - from financial to demographic. A good time for reforms, economists say, but they expect the authorities to move more and more away from market methods of governance.

"Case« Bashneft

In 2014, the state, which already controls more than 50% of oil production and refining, continued to consolidate in the oil market. Following Yukos, Sibneft and TNK-BP, Bashneft also came under state control. Under the conditions of the economic crisis and low oil prices, the expansion of the state will stop, market participants and experts believe. But the sale of state assets in the near future should not be expected.

Olympics in Sochi

In early 2014, the Winter Olympics in Sochi had every chance of becoming the main event of the year in Russia, but then they were pushed aside by other, more bleak events. True, the Olympics is an event too large-scale to be able to give it an unambiguous assessment.

Attack on the media

In 2014, Russian media experienced major upheavals: in addition to high-profile resignations of top media managers, business media faced losses to newsmakers in courts, the emergence of new laws, including those restricting the inflow of foreign capital and earnings from advertising. However, already at the beginning of the outgoing year, 56% of the media industry belonged to the state or businessmen close to it.

Withdrawal of pension savings

In 2015, the Russian pension system will face serious challenges. The main risk is the abolition of the funded part of the pension. The selection of non-state pension funds for the guarantee system will continue: they will have to create a special fund for payments to clients of bankrupt NPFs.

Turn to the East

If in the western direction things did not go well for Russia this year - sanctions, the closure of capital markets, mutual accusations and threats, then in the East everything was exactly the opposite. Gazprom managed to conclude a record contract for gas supplies to China for $400 billion, Rosneft actively invited Asian investors into its Russian projects, and also agreed on oil supplies to India. Experts timidly expressed that many announced contracts with Asian partners could be politically motivated, but the authorities and state-owned companies claim that they are guided only by economic expediency. However, this does not prevent them from dreaming about gas pipelines to India and a high-speed highway from Moscow to Beijing.

Yukos wins in court against Russia

On July 18, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague decided that Russia should pay former Yukos shareholders led by Leonid Nevzlin $50 billion. This is a record compensation for the bankruptcy and sale of the oil company's assets. The arbitration decided that Russia violated the Energy Charter and in 2004 actually expropriated Yukos from its rightful owners. The plaintiffs argued that the state benefited directly from the bankruptcy of Yukos, as the company's key asset, Yuganskneftegaz, came under the control of the state-owned Rosneft. The lawsuit was only partially satisfied - the amount of claims was $ 114 billion. In November, Russia challenged this decision in the district court of The Hague, but it is not yet clear whether the court will meet the Russian authorities, said Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov. The appeal will begin on January 28, 2015. In the event of a final victory, former Yukos shareholders are going to seize Russian state assets around the world. Nevzlin also did not rule out that the amount of claims could be reduced in exchange for "some other things that we could achieve within the law"; by this he meant, among other things, the termination of criminal cases against himself and other shareholders and top managers of Yukos.

Accident in the Moscow metro

This summer, the largest accident in its history occurred in the Moscow metro - three train cars derailed on the stretch between Park Pobedy and Slavyansky Bulvar stations on the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line. The accident claimed the lives of 23 people, 159 were hospitalized with various injuries. The head of the metro Ivan Besedin lost his post, and the master of the road tracks Valery Bashkatov and his assistant Yuri Gordov are still under investigation, who, according to the preliminary version, violated safety rules when working in the metro tunnel.

Russia without smoke

On June 1, for the first time in history, there was not a single person with a lit cigarette in Russian restaurants and cafes. The provisions of the “anti-tobacco law” adopted a year earlier, prohibiting smoking in public places, came into force. Despite the fact that before the introduction of the ban, almost half of adult Russians considered themselves active smokers (42%, according to a VTsIOM poll in 2013), the vast majority of citizens supported the ban.

Bank sweep

The Bank of Russia has done most of the work to clean up the banking sector, the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank, Alexei Simanovsky, announced on December 24. In 2014, the Central Bank revoked 84 licenses: 71 from banks and 13 from non-bank credit institutions. During the cleanup, various schemes for drawing balances surfaced and people who, by coincidence, regularly found themselves in problem banks. RBC has compiled a small encyclopedia of such concepts and heroes.

Increasing the tax burden

The threat of a serious increase in the tax burden became one of the main leitmotifs of 2014, although in early April, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov promised that it would not increase until 2018. Shuvalov then stated that proposals to increase taxes, including the tax on dividends from 9 to 13%, were not supported, as well as the proposals of the expert community to increase VAT. This principle was fixed in the "Main Directions of Tax Policy for 2015-2017". However, already presenting the document at parliamentary hearings in the State Duma in May, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov called for an audit of tax incentives for federal taxes, due to which the regions receive less money. Almost immediately after the adoption of the document, the Ministry of Finance proposed introducing a sales tax in Russia, which was canceled in the early 2000s. Business and the Ministry of Economic Development opposed it, the discussion in the government continued until autumn. And although in mid-September the Ministry of Finance abandoned this idea, the actual increase in the tax burden could not be avoided.

Closing the global financial market for Russia

In 2014, the access of Russian public and private companies to the global financial market was blocked. The reason for this was the sanctions imposed on Russia by the world's leading creditors - the United States, the EU, Canada and Japan. The sanctions had a negative impact on the entire economy of the country. Even those companies that were not on the sanctions list suffered from the most serious cooling in relations between Russia and the West in several decades.

Deoffshorization and declared amnesty

For big business, 2014 began under the slogan of the fight against offshore companies, and ended with the promise of a full-scale capital amnesty.

Russia's first school shooting

On February 3, 2014, the first case of shooting at a school with civilian weapons “according to the American scenario” took place in Moscow. A student of class 10 "A" of school No. 263 in the Otradnoye district came to a geography lesson with a hunting carbine and a rifle, shot the teacher Andrei Kirillov, took his classmates hostage and managed to shoot the first policemen who arrived at the signal of the alarm button. The response to the tragedy was the tightening of legislation on the storage and carrying of weapons

The collapse of the tourism industry

2014 was a black year for the tourism industry. In July-September, several large tour operators went bankrupt at once, the number of affected tourists was tens of thousands. The industry legislation reformed two years ago failed to protect consumers.