What does the name Galina mean from Spanish. Origin and character of the name Galina

If there is a girl named Galina in your environment, then you can be sure that this active and tenacious beauty will always be in the spotlight.

  • There are several versions of the origin of the name Galina, the first says that it comes from the Greek word "galene" and translates as silence, serenity and tranquility.
  • According to the Western version, the name Galina comes from the word "galli" - chicken or chicken.
  • Other sources say that the meaning of the name Galina is a cat, such a mention is found in ancient calendars.

Interestingly, the name Galina is more common in rural areas, every fifth girl bears this name. In urban areas, the name is not so common.

The owner of the name Galina is always in the spotlight, sometimes it seems that there are no barriers for her.

She endures all life's trials with steadfastness. Galinka inspires, surprises and excites the imagination.

The characteristic of the name Galina is very ambiguous: it is a powerful boost of energy and a quiet sea calm at the same time. By nature, she is active and purposeful. She can be classified as a hard worker. It's amazing how many things she can do at the same time, having worked the prescribed eight hours, she hurries home to take a break and please her family with a delicious dinner.

The name Galina endows her mistress with amazing willpower, composure and determination. Surprisingly, Galya completely unwilling to gossip, according to the same principle, she chooses her friends and girlfriends. And since it is not easy to find such women among women, she prefers to be friends with men.

If we talk about career and family, then both are important for Galochka. She cannot be happy if she only cooks borscht, but her fast-paced career does not make her very happy if the house is empty. Thank God, she manages to combine all this.

A woman named Galina is always firm in her intentions, if she decides something, then it will not be easy to lead her astray. It is these qualities that help her achieve her goal. Her every step, every acquaintance is an additional plus for further advancement.

Women named Galina selfish, they try to use every opportunity to get closer to their cherished dream. If you do not represent a benefit for them, then the owners of the name Galina will meet you coldly and indifferently. However, feelings will warm up noticeably if they need something from you.

Childhood and youth

From an early age, Galya is aware of herself as a girl, she loves to spin in front of the mirror, dress up, imagining herself as a princess. All mother's jewelry and outfits from grandmother's chest are used.

  • A girl named Galina grows up as a cheerful and cheerful child, moderately obedient and assiduous.
  • She prefers to play noisy games, Cossack robbers attract her much more than calm daughter-mothers.
  • Strive to be friends with boys.
  • He loves hiking and outdoor recreation.
  • Attends many circles and sections.
  • Despite such activity, a girl named Galina loves to read novels, imagining herself in the place of a beautiful lady.


Women with the name Galina have a predisposition to colds. Since childhood, not a single winter passes without illness. Easily picks up infections, has a tendency to pharyngitis. Galya's parents should monitor her lifestyle and nutrition, as the girl has a weak appetite.

It is advisable to give it to some kind of sports section, this will positively affect the state of health and the development of the body as a whole.

If a girl named Galina was born in the summer, then she the nervous system may be unstable. She constantly cries, is nervous, there is a possibility of developing an umbilical hernia.

"Winter" check mark often sick with SARS, in order to improve health, it is necessary to slowly temper the girl.

"Spring" Galya is often sick angina, it is advisable to take it to the sea or to a coniferous forest for a walk more often.

If the girl was born in autumn, then the liver and gallbladder are most often affected. It is necessary to periodically be examined by a specialist.

Galya should be attentive to the problem of women's health, especially during puberty, since most diseases are easier to prevent than to treat.

Hobbies and profession

The boss knows Galina as a diligent and reliable worker, a real professional in her field.

Galina Anatolievna Bezruk (Ukrainian actress and singer)

  • She strives to do everything better than the rest, disciplined and obligatory.
  • Often, the owner of the name Galina achieves high results in sports, music and painting.
  • But if Galya decides to go into business, she will also be successful.
  • She can become an excellent boss who will take care not only of her own interests, but also of her subordinates.
  • The only thing Gala needs to be careful with is gambling and risky ventures. The thirst for easy money slightly clouds the mind, so it is better to bypass such establishments.

Family and love

Women with the name Galina are very attractive and know this very well. They know how to lure a man into their networks. Galya is a very romantic person, since childhood she loves stories about princes and strives to meet him in real life.

They are attracted by a beautiful life, bright and pure love. She can idealize her chosen one and see only beauty in him.

Regardless of age, Galya will look for her love. Sex for her is not only procreation. She gives herself to her man completely and receives unearthly pleasure from this. If Galya is happily married to her man, she will not cut him down on trifles, on the contrary, she will try to smooth out all the sharp corners and solve problems at the very beginning.

Despite the craving for adventure, she most often chooses a quiet and calm guy as her husband. She loves to provoke a man to unexpected and bold actions.

Galina rarely has one child, she strives to have a large family, but no matter how many there are, she will treat everyone the same. An excellent hostess, loves order and strives to maintain cleanliness in the house.

She wants to be admired, especially her husband, so strive to do everything perfectly.


Galina is one of those women who invent an image for themselves in their youth and strive to find a man who would meet all the needs. If the picture and reality do not match, then Galya will suffer and suffer for a long time. She will not be able to open herself completely and live happily.

The hero of her fantasies is a strong, purposeful and sexy man who can make all her desires come true.

Despite her attachment to the ideal, Galya loves freedom and independence. If for certain reasons the relationship does not work out, then he still tries to maintain a good relationship with former men.

Gali's first love often ends unsuccessfully, the girl experiences a strong emotional shock and leaves for a long time. In the future, it will not be easy for her to open up to another man, the girl will avoid close relationships. However, this does not mean that Galya will shun men. Vice versa, she will never refuse a pleasant evening in the company of interesting gentlemen. She will easily turn the head of any of them, but does not seek to go to bed with the first comer.

Good relationship with Valery, Alexei, Viktor, Yaroslav and Yakov.

Problems can arise in alliance with Nicholas, and Vladlen.

Some more facts

  1. The patron saint of the name is the Holy Martyr Galina, who was executed for her faith in 258 along with other martyrs.
  2. Galina's name day - March 3.
  3. Totem animal - jackdaw.
  4. Totem plant - pine and sweet pea.
  5. Name horoscope - Libra and Aries.
  6. The patron planet is the Sun.
  7. The stone is jasper and pomegranate.

Here is a complete interpretation of the name of the woman Galina, which is best suited, and what people who wear it should be afraid of. You hear the sounds of your name daily, from infancy they influence you. Understanding what will attract well-being to you, knowing all aspects of your character, you will achieve a lot.

    The meaning of the name of the woman Galina

  • Writing in Latin - Galina
  • A woman with this name belongs to the element - Water.
  • The most suitable color is Light Brown, Yellow
  • It is better to bear the name Galina, metal - Silver
  • Bringing good luck to this name, the tree - Elderberry
  • Lucky planet - Mercury
  • Constellation attracting good luck - Grid (Reticulum)
  • According to numerology named after Galina, lucky numbers - Two
  • You better eat food - dairy
  • Animal totems for the name Galina– gazelle
  • Stones - talismans for people with the name Galina - Calcite

To attract financial luck and happiness, girls named Galina need a strong Money Amulet, the main thing is that it be coded personally for you, for your full name and your date of birth. I can only recommend this is a trusted site!, Talisman of Good Luck really works to create an aura of well-being, it is important to wear it all the time, and not tell anyone about its purpose. Activate it on yourself or the person to whom you buy it, in accordance with the instructions.

What is most preferable in life to women named with the letter G - Galina

  1. If you only want to name the born child by this name, then it is better to do this if he was born under the sign of the zodiac - Aries (03.21 - 04.20)
  2. It will be most successful if a girl named Galina was born according to the Chinese horoscope in the year - Pig (Boar) - the year 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043
  3. Things are better to start on - Wednesday
  4. The most favorable days of the year are December 13, March 1, July 4 and September 15
  5. Favorable time of day for you - late morning
  6. A dangerous age at which you need to be more careful - in childhood and adolescence - seven years; in youth, twenty-eight; in maturity - thirty-six years, in old age - sixty-six years
  7. The name with the letter G - Galina leaves an imprint on the health of these people, diseases of the cardiovascular system, mind and nervous nature are especially dangerous
  8. You are best suited for professions related to – Service sector

Full interpretation of the character named by the female name Galina

A man who is able to provide her with money, surround her with care, will remain the owner of her heart for a long time. A woman named Galina loves animals, especially big dogs, knows how to appreciate people, but will not change even for the sake of the closest and beloved person. The characteristic testifies to her unshakable confidence that she is able to perform any task best of all.

Characteristic features: cheerfulness, curiosity, thirst for new experiences, constant optimism. It is very difficult to win the love and attention of a woman. named Galina. Do not lie, they are not stupid, it is better to tell the truth when it comes to matters of the heart, reveals inner strength and determination. A man who wants to compete for the attention of a girl named Galina, who does not seem to know what emancipation is, must be prepared for the fact that there will be many admirers. If her fears go far, she moves away from everyone.

In a financial matter, she is very scrupulous, only in this case, she will feel like behind a stone wall, and will finally be able to create that house - a full bowl she dreams of. Loneliness harms her, so a woman named Galina loves her man the most. They lead a truly royal lifestyle - they prefer exquisite receptions, trips to the theater and expensive restaurants.

Table of the main character traits of a woman named Galina

The calculation of character traits was carried out on the basis of the name and month of birth, for a more accurate calculation you need to know the full date of birth and the name, patronymic and surname, if you need it then - VISIT THIS PAGE.

The vertical column of the table (top), select your (or a girl with the name - Galina) month of birth, the horizontal (on the side) line is the aspects of the character. Their intersection will show a coefficient from 1 to 100, the larger the value, the better.

January February March
Strength of will 27 67 3
Energy 42 54 89
Learnability 89 17
industriousness 82 39 79
Kindness 18 6 27
Patience 43 89
Creation 79 9 30
Intuition 19 20 65
Sociability 63 76 94
Self-esteem 72 31 73
Money 45 38 50
Talent 21 45 71
Spirituality 23 9 33
purposefulness 48 7
Stability 68 92 22
Love 43 72 43
Duty 34 91 13
mentality 92 62 45
prudence 15 18 58
Emotionality 5 99
April May June
Strength of will 70 31
Energy 41 30 18
Learnability 15 19 77
industriousness 77 82 83
Kindness 90 100 29
Patience 15 59 7
Creation 98 46 13
Intuition 3 3 20
Sociability 18 61
Self-esteem 45 11 63
Money 90 19 12
Talent 1 94 74
Spirituality 84 75 78
purposefulness 67 2 28
Stability 43 44 20
Love 26 79
Duty 82 41 13
mentality 86 60 61
prudence 18 42 64
Emotionality 31 69 84
July August September
Strength of will 24 33 83
Energy 60 44 69
Learnability 76 87
industriousness 20 93 6
Kindness 39 16 37
Patience 46 24 97
Creation 49 59 42
Intuition 72 50 58
Sociability 97 13 96
Self-esteem 6 95 61
Money 65 5 5
Talent 16 92 11
Spirituality 45 4 72
purposefulness 70 17 85
Stability 13 30 70
Love 75 35 17
Duty 47 86 43
mentality 49 96
prudence 38 80 72
Emotionality 18 48 60
October November December
Strength of will 86 69 66
Energy 34 64 87
Learnability 96 47 3
industriousness 27 7
Kindness 77 79 74
Patience 20 75 32
Creation 39 42 1
Intuition 68 83 22
Sociability 80 62 40
Self-esteem 50 23 4
Money 83 95 44
Talent 12 98 21
Spirituality 10 100
purposefulness 10 52 66
Stability 56 87
Love 75 88 43
Duty 36 15 57
mentality 39 80 84
prudence 93 13 100
Emotionality 20 15 85

The main character traits that are present in people with the name Galina are ruffy, multifaceted, straightforward.

Compatibility of a girl named Galina in love and friendship

This table shows the compatibility in love of women with the name Galina, depending on their day of birth. The vertical column (top) is your zodiac sign, the horizontal (side) line is the horoscope sign of your beloved man. Their intersection will show the extent and aspects of the relationship in perspective.

If there is no love and joyful relationship. Strong will help you Amulet of Love, he will attract the real feelings of the person you need to fate and give you the joy of life with your loved one. The main thing is that it be coded personally for you. I can only recommend this one official site! where they make a real Amulet of Love. But, do not forget to set it up personally for yourself, in full accordance with the instructions.

Fish Aries Taurus
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) love and happiness short love long life together
Aries (03/21 - 04/20) nervousness for you peace in the house short love
Taurus (April 21 - May 20) difficulties Not recommended troubles and troubles
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) good together empty experiences vain dreams
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) good family part as enemies shared dreams
Leo (23.07 - 22.08) explosion of feelings acute relationship good together
Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) parting sadness and routine good together
Libra (24.09 - 23.10) happiness but not for long hatred and strife don't start a relationship
Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) peace in the house family happiness happiness but not for long
Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) nervousness for you hatred and strife contempt
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) nervousness for you long life shared dreams
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) adoration and love long life together bad feelings
Twins Cancer a lion
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) sadness and routine be together for a long time part as enemies
Aries (03/21 - 04/20) good together long life together partnerships
Taurus (April 21 - May 20) family happiness money will tear you apart rich house and joy
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) sadness and routine explosion of feelings don't start a relationship
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) bad feelings a hassle for both disappointment
Leo (23.07 - 22.08) sadness and routine excellent peace in the house
Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) all according to plan part as enemies explosion of feelings
Libra (24.09 - 23.10) parting complicated relationship good family
Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) difficulties acute relationship rich house and joy
Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) family happiness partnerships it will be better
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) vain dreams complicated relationship calm house
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) vain dreams don't start a relationship bad feelings
Virgo Scales Scorpion
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) explosion of feelings acute relationship part as enemies
Aries (03/21 - 04/20) money will tear you apart part as enemies good
Taurus (April 21 - May 20) long life bad feelings it will be better
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) all according to plan rich house and joy complicated relationship
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) sadness and routine shared dreams rich house and joy
Leo (23.07 - 22.08) joyful experiences Not recommended good
Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) disappointment a hassle for both hatred and strife
Libra (24.09 - 23.10) complicated relationship difficulties rich house and joy
Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) shared dreams often misunderstandings contempt
Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) money will tear you apart explosion of feelings often misunderstandings
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) emotionality excellent rich house and joy
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) vain experiences good emotionality
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) nervousness for you Everything will be fine part as enemies
Aries (03/21 - 04/20) often misunderstandings love and happiness troubles and troubles
Taurus (April 21 - May 20) it will be better difficulties it will be better
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) bad feelings complicated relationship partnerships
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) don't start a relationship long relationship nervousness for you
Leo (23.07 - 22.08) Not recommended complicated relationship passion and jealousy
Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) vain dreams excellent good family
Libra (24.09 - 23.10) joyful experiences sadness and routine long life
Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) long life all according to plan good
Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) peace in the house troubles and troubles bad
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) calm house vain experiences disappointment
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) long relationship explosion of feelings calm house

It's amazing how many familiar modern names have ancient Greek roots. Today we will talk about those girls and women whose name is Galina: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits its owner.

Galina is an exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a girl, a girl, a woman with that name?

The name Galina is translated from ancient Greek as “quiet”, “serene”. The owner of such a name is a calm, confident and optimistic person who will not be broken by any obstacles on the way.

Related legends

  • One version says that the origin of the name is associated with a mythical creature that looks like a mermaid - Gelene. She sent for calm and calm weather at sea.
  • The second version: the martyr Galina Corinthskaya was born in a family of pagans. The meeting with Elder Kondrat, who told her about the Christian faith, dramatically changed her life - she also converted to Christianity. The emperor ordered the capture of the elder and his followers. Galina was also arrested. The pagan emperor subjected all of them to painful tortures and tortures. Galina was martyred in 258, although she had the opportunity to save her life.
  • The third version: from the word "Galli" - "chicken", "chicken" in translation.

What will the girl be like?

How the origin of the name Galina influenced its meaning

Galya is a well-balanced, cheerful, obedient and assiduous child. But if he sees fit, he is able to defend his point of view firmly and clearly. She has a special love for animals, so her house is always open for homeless dogs and cats. She is endowed with natural talent, her creative talent is manifested in acting, dancing, drawing. How a fish in water feels in the company of boys. She bribes them with a heightened sense of justice and self-confidence. She loves active games with boys, they consider her their boyfriend.

But the feminine will sprout in her very early - she loves to dress up and look in the mirror, loves jewelry and bijouterie.

Her exactingness is harmoniously combined with a calm character and rare cases of capriciousness. He does not claim leadership, but he always acts as an initiator among his peers in many games and general events.

This is an impressionable child, susceptible to someone else's grief, so stories with terrible or too sad episodes are contraindicated for her.


For general development, she needs sports - tennis, rhythmic gymnastics, this is very useful for her constantly reduced immunity and frequent colds.

She is inquisitive, especially fascinated by travel literature and historical novels. Memory is excellent, hiking and various circles are her hobbies.

Life of an adult woman

She is an energetic, spiritualized and active person, for her there are no barriers that would make her turn off the road leading to the goal. She is naturally endowed with such character traits as diplomacy, ingenuity, diligence, which always help her easily find a way out of a difficult life situation.

This gentle nature is not always able to cope with the emotions under which a vulnerable soul is hidden, overwhelmed by the fear of meeting betrayal.

This is an impregnable fortress: she is still of a calm nature, but prudence, coldness and vanity have appeared, which she always tries to cover up with her diplomacy.

Few can understand the true character of Galina, which can hardly be called easy - demanding, uncompromising, self-critical. But this woman is with the highest level of diligence and perseverance, which help her achieve success in the professional field.

The main characteristic is self-confidence and self-righteousness, cheerfulness, diligence, high efficiency. She completely dissolves in the family and children.

She is a good organizer, quickly and adequately responding to problematic moments - she almost instantly finds ways out of problematic life situations. Never participates in gossip and intrigue. A large workload does not affect her appearance, charm, attractiveness and grooming. Of all the fateful female values, she puts her favorite business in the foreground, although she is an excellent housewife in the house and a caring mother.


Over the years, she becomes a prudent person, she knows her interest in everything and everywhere and knows the ways to achieve it. People are brought closer only to those who can bring the benefits she needs. With profitable people, she is always benevolent, helpful and friendly, and with those who have lost their need in her eyes, she is a cold, sometimes rude and cynical woman. Pride, vanity - its negative traits. He is trying to prove his importance and significance to everyone, and confirming his status requires huge loads - psychological and physical.

Relationships, family and marriage

Many admirers always surround her, and with refined skill she knows how to use them and use their services. Only an economic, flexible and handsome man will bother to be her husband. He must always recognize the superiority of Galina, both over himself and over other women. He will be forced to put up with the role of a subordinate, since he will still lose the war for power in the house. The undisputed and unconditional leader in the family is a woman.

Most often, a family union is not based on love, but on a sober calculation, but Galina has respect and warm feelings for her soulmate.

Characteristics of the name Galina, features of character and fate

Respect without much passion and love suffering. Dissatisfaction with the husband eventually becomes permanent, and there are always plenty of reasons for this. But Galina has a special need for her husband when there are failures on her way, at such moments he is a living soul for her, who quietly and without much importunity hides loneliness with her mere presence. Most often, the husband gets bored with this status and goes in search of another woman.

She never talks about the secret, about problems in her personal life, she experiences all the troubles alone and more often imitates joy even when her soul is torn from pain.

What will a teenage girl be like?

At a young age, she changes dramatically - from a tomboy who was the center of boys' companies, an organizer and active participant in joint games with boys, she began to turn into a girl of special beauty and femininity.

She, as in childhood, is self-confident, it is difficult to break her, she is used to the role of a winner and is not going to leave the pedestal, no matter what obstacles stand in the way.


Now she loves to dress up even more, look in the mirror and admire herself for hours. Now the boys saw in her a romantic nature, who dreams of real feelings with tenderness and awe in her soul and is waiting for love, like the fabulous Assol. The girl herself chooses guys from many who sympathize with her. But she has to wait a long time for a real relationship, because Galina claims to be the leader in them, and young men do not always like it. Young guys are frightened by her assertiveness and they prefer girls who see men as the head of the future family.


With each year of growing up, he develops a desire to control everyone and everything who is close to her, and if this does not happen, panic attacks and irritability. These character traits make it difficult to build partnerships with others.

Peers and friends are outraged by her straightforwardness, which sometimes goes beyond all the boundaries of what is permitted, because of this she loses her best comrades. It combines so many different and contradictory things that it is very difficult to understand Galina.

With age, she becomes cunning and prudent, but at the same time, if she already makes friends with someone, then without a gram of hypocrisy and betrayal. She supports and helps those who are kind and open-hearted, but with liars and hypocrites she is cold, strict and straightforward, she does not select words to express feelings for such people. And at the same time, she herself suffers from many qualities of character that do not belong to the category of positive ones.

Sometimes she knows how to feel the pain of someone else's soul and is ready to help, but she herself will never ask her in whatever situation she finds herself in. She considers herself a strong person, and those, in her opinion, must overcome all the vicissitudes of fate personally and with their heads held high.

The meaning of the name Galina: this name for a girl means "serenity", "calm", "silence". Corresponds to the ancient Greek goddess of the calm sea, Galena

Origin of the name Galina: ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Galinka, Galya, Galyusha, Galyunya, Galyukha, Ganya, Gulya, Alya, Lina.

What does the name Galina mean? A girl with this name is balanced, with honor comes out of any situation. She is a responsible worker, a good housewife and mother. She will give her heart to a man who will idolize her

Angel Day and patron saints named after Galina: the name celebrates a name day once a year: March 23 (10) - the Holy Martyr, along with other martyrs, died for the faith of Christ in 258. At the place of their torment, a source of pure water appeared.

Signs of the name Galina: If the day is foggy on Galina, the flax will be fibrous.


  • Zodiac - Aries
  • Planet - Sun
  • Color - crimson
  • Auspicious tree - pine
  • Treasured plant - sweet pea
  • Patron - jackdaw
  • Talisman stone - pomegranate

Name characteristic

Positive features: The main features are firmness, self-righteousness. A woman bearing this name attaches great importance to obedience, diligence. This is a creative gift. A girl with this name, despite her external timidity, is capable of amazing performance, feat, self-sacrifice, but only for the sake of loved ones. The most socially active periods of her life fall on 15-25 years, 45-65 years. Galya devotes the middle period of her life completely to her family and children.

Negative Traits: Galina's character is full of contradictory qualities. She is quiet, shy and psychologically depressed in an unfamiliar and alien environment, but active, domineering and overly arrogant among loved ones. A girl named Galya is also demanding of herself. It is as if she is trying to prove her worth to herself, testing her physical and psychological capabilities with unbearable loads.

Galina's character: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Galina? She is distinguished by the perseverance with which she follows the chosen path and from which it is impossible to bring her down. She knows how to get out of the most difficult situation thanks to her hard work, friendliness and ability to be a nice friend. She is quick and accurate in action, but very impulsive and sensual - she easily gets carried away, and then it's too late ... Whether love for children, or for men, is her great weakness. A woman named Galina is a good organizer, generally a "groovy" person and very kind, devoid of even a hint of vindictiveness.

As a rule, they are either very chatty - you can’t stop! - or silent such that you can’t get a word out. The third value is not given.

In early childhood, the girl is prone to infectious diseases, her immune system is weakened, and she may suffer from pharyngitis. Calm, although the "December" Galya is a little capricious and demanding. In communication with peers, he does not strive for leadership, but he loves outdoor games, he can be an initiator. The young one who owns the name is ready to give in to a persistent friend so as not to spoil the game. Adults should not raise their voices at her, she will understand everything anyway, and the harshness of her tone frightens and annoys her. Galochka has a poor appetite and needs a strict regimen. This girl loves to draw very much, and even more - to go to visit or wait for them at home. Sociable, kind girl. If the guests are not interested in her, she will go about her business and will not interfere with you. Checkmark grows impressionable, fearful, receptive to someone else's grief as a child, it is undesirable to tell scary stories with her, after that she does not sleep well. It is advisable to take her in sports: rhythmic gymnastics or tennis, which is also good for her health. She will ask with tears to buy her a colorful book and is more indifferent to dolls. Do not refuse her request to visit the zoo, although you were already there with her last week. She is her father's daughter, she is better friends with boys than with girls, but she clearly understands that she herself is a girl. She likes to dress up, look good, spin in front of the mirror, but it is easier for her to communicate with boys. And adult Galya is alien to eternal women's problems, intrigues, gossip.

A girl in her youth loves to read travel books, historical novels. Has a good memory, easily solves crosswords, charades and puzzles. Active by nature, she likes to go hiking, attend various circles. She has authority over the guys.

The check mark is a real hard worker. The name helps her to succeed everywhere: at work, in the garden, in entertainment - and at the same time remains attractive and charming. She is prudent, knows in advance what interests she pursues in any business and how to achieve success. Communicates with people who may be of some interest to her, benefit. With the right person, Galya is all benevolence and courtesy, with an unnecessary person who has exhausted his possibilities, amazingly quickly begins to behave coldly, politely and even somewhat rudely. Her mood quickly changes, and with it her attitude towards others.

The meaning of the name Galina is balance. In childhood, he grows up as a balanced child, in which cheerfulness coexists perfectly with perseverance and obedience. She early realizes herself as a girl, loves to dress up, spin in front of a mirror, loves various jewelry, bijouterie. And yet he prefers the company of boys, likes to play various outdoor games with them.

In youth, a child with this name reads travel books, historical novels. Active by nature, the name Galina loves to go hiking, attend various circles, sections. She enjoys authority among the guys who consider her "their boyfriend."

An adult girl is distinguished by the persistence with which she follows the chosen path and from which no one can force her to turn. Well-known female intrigues are not alien to her: who looked at what, who said what, moreover, she loves them, relishes them, and then she will get out of the most difficult situation, thanks to the ability to be friendly and sweet.

Galya always wants to impress, it is important for her to be talked about. She is very active, fast and quick, she manages everywhere, but the main thing is that she very skillfully uses people, bringing down a waterfall of emotions and charm on the one she needs now. As soon as interest disappears, Galochka becomes coldly polite. The tick easily adapts to life, is both objective and subjective. In parallel, she devotes herself to several things at once: caring for the welfare of her relatives, social activities, and religion.

The name is characterized by categorical judgments. She keeps her word, tries to be obligatory. She likes to command, demands unquestioning obedience, but she does not know how to obey herself. She has a strong will, but up to a certain limit, beyond which she can break. It is useless to enter into lengthy discussions with her: you will be buried under an avalanche of arguments.

Galina and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The marriage of the name with Alexei, Anatoly, Belyay, Bogolyub, Voislav, Vsevolod, George, Gleb, Makar is favorable. The name is also combined with Sergei, Stanislav. Difficult name relationships can arise with Anton, Bronislav, Nikolai, Svyatoslav.

“Zimney” and “autumn” - middle names are suitable: Vladimirovna, Antonovna, Alekseevna, Petrovna, Pavlovna, Mikhailovna, Borisovna.

"Summer" and "spring" - Stepanovna, Timurovna, Olegovna, Igorevna, Ivanovna, Leonidovna, Eduardovna.

Love and marriage of Galina: Does the meaning of the name Galina promise happiness in love? Fans are usually not a problem. Galya herself chooses. And often her husband becomes the most beautiful, most skillful and economic guy, recognizing the superiority of his wife not only over other women, but also over himself. In marriage, he is content with the position of a subordinate, such a position ultimately turns out to be more profitable than a protracted war for power. But it often happens that a woman of a less powerful nature is interested in Galochka's husband more than she herself.

There are usually no problems with fans. Galya chooses the name herself and often the most handsome, most skillful and economic guy becomes her husband, recognizing the superiority of Galina not only over other women, but also over herself. In marriage, he is content with the position of a subordinate, such a position in the end turns out to be more profitable than a protracted war for power. A meeting with a woman who is opposite in character often provokes her husband to take decisive steps. But you don't stay alone for long. She needs a husband so that no one doubts her strength and charms. Check mark is attentive to her health, cleanliness of the house.

The most weakness is love for children, they respond to it with the same love and devotion. In her husband, she will always find a reason to be dissatisfied. But he is needed so that he does not allow himself to withdraw into himself, especially when failures occur, so that he is constantly nearby, but ... not intrusive.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: This is a reliable, disciplined and executive worker in any field of activity. The name Galina gives performance and the desire to be the first in big-time sports. The creative talent of the name Galina is conducive to fame as a singer, actress, artist, poet.

A "winter" girl named Galya can become the director of a savings bank, a general practitioner, the head of an analytical center, a theater artist, a singer, an artist, an architect.

"Autumn" Checkmark - a commodity specialist, head of the planning department, head of the department in trade, teacher, musician, actress.

"Spring" - the head of a pharmacy, an art historian, a dressmaker, an engineer, a photojournalist, a journalist.

"Summer" Galya - a notary, a secretary-referent, a cook, a head teacher at a school, an educator at a boarding school, a teacher, a teacher at a choreographic school, a bank teller.

Business and career: At the same time, she Galina cares not so much about herself, but about her wards. This is a gambler, disposed to risk, stock and card games. She often wins.

A tick is often a teacher, educator, teacher. She is usually a highly educated person, especially in the humanities. She has an interest in history, literature, painting, cinema, theater, music.

She manages everywhere: at work, at home, in the country, to visit, help, support her friends, of whom she has a large number, in entertainment. The meaning of the name Galina - she loves company, be sure to be in the spotlight. Galya has an excellent memory and a great interest in life and the world. If she believes and loves, is captured by some idea, considers something necessary for herself, she can move mountains. A girl named Galochka is that rare type of woman for whom all doors are always open, but if she loses faith in her strength and her destiny, she can fail.

Health and Energy

Health and talents named after Galina: In early childhood, Galochka is weak, her lungs are weakened, she often suffers from bronchitis. The "summer" may have an umbilical hernia. The child is restless, capricious. She is Galina, if she was born in March - "March" - she is disposed to the disease of follicular tonsillitis. Unstable nervous system. In early childhood, retarded physical development may be noted: it starts walking and talking late. It requires increased attention, a long stay in the fresh air, the air of a pine forest, sea air is very useful.

The "December" teething is bad, this is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Gali has a predisposition to bronchitis and whooping cough. At the age of five, she becomes a very emotional girl.

If she was born in November - the "November" one - has a predisposition to the disease with giardiasis, a violation of the liver occurs. Sometimes she has gallbladder disease. At school, she may be diagnosed with a disease such as ADHD. She can get tired quickly. He often suffers from tonsillitis. The "November" Gali has an unbalanced nervous system, she is very stubborn and capricious. The meaning of the name is temperament. This girl is temperamental excessively, which persists until old age. Many of these girls are long-livers, they serve themselves until they are very old, are engaged in gardening, physical labor.

During the maturation period named after Galina, attention should be paid to gynecology, there may be inflammation of the ovaries. Some Checkmarks suffer from poor wound healing, which is related to the blood group, many of them have the third or fourth group. Gali does not have complete understanding with her mother, psychopathy develops. By old age, she has polyarthritis of the hands and feet.

The fate of Galina in history

What does the name Galina mean for women's fate?

  1. Galina Sergeevna Ulanova - the great Russian ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, four times winner of the State and Lenin Prizes. In 1928–1944 she danced at the Opera and Ballet Theatre. Kirov in Leningrad, and her enchanting talent manifested itself from the very first steps on pointe. In 1944–1960 Galina Ulanova led the main roles in the ballets of the Bolshoi Theatre, as Odette-Odile (Swan Lake), Giselle (Giselle), Juliet (Romeo and Juliet), Raymonda (Raymonda), Masha (The Nutcracker) ), Aurora ("Sleeping Beauty") and many other indescribably beautiful, unsurpassed roles, the beauty and expressiveness of which cannot be captured by any filming. After 1960, Galina Ulanova worked as a choreographer-tutor, passing on to new generations of actors what her art has always distinguished: a rare harmony of all expressive means of choreography, which form the basis of the traditions of the Russian ballet school.
  2. Galina Volchek - Russian actress, director, People's Artist of the USSR, Artistic Director of the Sovremennik Theater.
  3. Galina Brezhneva is the daughter of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU L.I. Brezhnev.
  4. Galina Bannikova - Soviet graphic artist, type designer.
  5. Galina Vishnevskaya - singer of the classical repertoire, People's Artist of the USSR.
  6. Galina Benislavskaya is a friend and literary secretary of Sergei Yesenin.
  7. Galina Starovoitova is a Russian political and statesman, human rights activist.
  8. Galina Polskikh - Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  9. Galina Kulakova - athlete, Olympic champion in cross-country skiing (born 1942).
  10. Galina Mozhaeva (born 1929) - cytologist, biophysicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  11. Galina Shatalova - neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences; teacher of a healthy lifestyle, laureate of the Burdenko Prize.
  12. Galina Ustvolskaya is a composer whose work is better known in the West than in Russia.
  13. Galina Shcherbakova - writer, author of the story "You never dreamed of ...".

Galina in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name Galina in different languages ​​​​has a slightly different sound. Meaning of the name Galina in Bulgarian: Galina, Polish: Halina, Danish: Galina, Slovenian: Galina, Italian: Galina.

– Γαλίνη" (Galini)

Galina's name in Chinese is 加林娜 (Jialing)

Galina's name in Japanese is 透明 (Tomei - clarity)

The name Galina in Latin is Gallina (Gallina)

Galina's name in Arabic is غالينا (Uasyl)

The name Galina in French is Galina (Galina)

Origin of the name Galina

The name Galina is a monument of Greek-Byzantine culture. It comes from the Greek word "galene". In Rus', the name Galina, like many other female names of Greek origin, appeared with the adoption of Christianity.

Galina's character

Galina is a real hard worker. She manages everywhere: at work, in the garden, in entertainment - and at the same time remains attractive and charming. Galina is prudent, knows in advance what interests she pursues in any business and how to achieve success. Communicates with people who may be of some interest to her, benefit. With the right person, she is all benevolence and courtesy, with an unnecessary person who has exhausted her abilities, amazingly quickly begins to behave coldly, politely and even somewhat rudely. Her mood quickly changes, and with it her attitude towards others.

Fans are usually not a problem. Galina herself chooses. And often her husband becomes the most beautiful, most skillful and economic guy, recognizing the superiority of his wife not only over other women, but also over himself. In marriage, he is content with the position of a subordinate, such a position ultimately turns out to be more profitable than a protracted war for power. But it often happens that a woman of a less powerful nature is interested in Galina's husband more than herself.

Characteristics of the name Galina according to the seasons

"Winter" Galina can become the director of a savings bank, a general practitioner, the head of an analytical center, a theater actress, a singer, an artist, an architect.

"Autumn" - a commodity specialist, head of the planning department, head of the department in trade, teacher, musician, actress.

"Spring" - the head of a pharmacy, an art historian, a dressmaker, an engineer, a photojournalist, a journalist.

"Summer" - as a notary, secretary-referent, cook, head teacher at a school, teacher at a boarding school, teacher, teacher at a choreographic school, cashier at a bank.

Astrological features of the name

Zodiac sign - .
Planet- Sun.
Color- raspberry.
auspicious tree- pine.
treasured plant- sweet peas.
Patron named after Alexander- jackdaw.
Talisman stone and mineral- pomegranate, jade, jasper.
Lucky day- Wednesday.
Policy- Democrat.

Characteristics of the name Galina spelled:

G - half-cross, troublesomeness, fussiness;

A - industriousness;

L - the need for affection, harmony, love;

And - love for art, creativity;

H - selectivity of sympathies;

A is a repeat.

What does the name Galina mean in numerology:

GALINA = 414161 = 8 (Uranus). The purpose of life is set by Uranus, the planet of choice, innovation, freedom, unpredictability, reformism.

What does the name Galina mean in astrology:

4-1 (Mercury - Sun) - developed intellect, self-improvement, self-realization, the desire for creativity;

1-4, 4-1 (Sun - Mercury, Mercury - Sun) - strengthening of the aspect, additionally - clarity of mind, sociability, diplomacy;

1-6,6-1 (Sun - Venus, Venus - Sun) - optimism, strong feelings, passions, but also whims, manias, phobias, extravagance;

8-1 (Uranus - Sun) - restless life, changeable fate, originality, the ability to use a happy occasion. Women have early marriages.

Karmic lessons named after Daria:

4(Mercury); 2(Moon); 3(Mars); 5 (Jupiter).

Characteristics of the name Galina, taking into account the analysis

Lack of methodology, which is very dangerous with such energy, the inability to implement data because of superficial judgments. The ability to use a happy chance somewhat corrects inadequate situations. Rich intuition allows you to work in the field of the occult, magic. Galina is successful in business, creativity, art, she achieves power, wealth, happiness.

Scattering sometimes does not allow her to reach the heights of perfection. Her interests are diverse, but she can devote herself entirely to religion, philosophy, sacrificing many visible values. She is restrained, accurate in trifles; its activities are multifaceted. Marriage is often entered into by calculation, but true.

There are no problems with the fans. But out of many of them, she chooses the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the very best ... Her men often obey, obey her. The names of her men: George, Gabriel, Leonid, Nikolai, Ilya.

Sexuality of the name Galina

She lives a dream of great love and sizzling passion. Galina is an idealist who dreams of loyalty and devotion. She invents a lover for herself, who is often very far from the real man who is next to her, and this does not allow her to live a full-blooded erotic life.

Galina is freedom-loving, too independent, her behavior in love is sometimes unpredictable - she can suddenly, for no reason, break ties with a man, her sexual behavior differs in the same extremes. In any case, she sees in sex a meaningful goal - procreation. Stormy, passionate attraction, love fever, erotic feelings for a man are not inherent in her.

Galina often remains on good terms with those to whom she has recently been attracted and with whom she has been intimate. During the period of meetings with a man, she shows incredible energy and determination, having set a goal for herself, Galina will not deviate from her. She evokes strong sexual emotions in her partners, but she herself rarely responds in the same way, although she loves excitable, active men.

Often in her youth she experiences unsuccessful love and then fears serious affection. The latter largely refers to the "winter" Galina. She is afraid of the manifestations of her feelings, fearing to make a mistake in a partner. Galina is a creative person, talented in everything related to beauty, but often suppresses her craving for creativity. She lives in the happy confidence that there is an ideal man who is waiting only for her. He will never refuse an invitation to a company where there will be men, in the hope of a pleasant evening. Her expectations usually come true, because she is able to turn a man's head. She can give him intimate intimacy as an expensive gift as a reward for tenderness and warm relations.

Galina and pets

Usually Galina loves animals very much, she is an avid dog lover. If she lives in her own house, she always has several dogs in her yard. Can engage in breeding, getting great pleasure from it. She likes to take care of the puppies, feed them, Galina finds it difficult to part with the kids when it comes time to give them to new owners, she is always ready to take the puppy back if unfavorable conditions develop where he settled. She reads a lot of specialized literature on dog breeding, consults with professionals, and eventually becomes a professional herself. With pleasure he will work in the service dog breeding club. He loves both purebred and outbred dogs. Sometimes her pets are not well-groomed, but they receive warmth and love in full. Can raise a dog of any breed, it will not become overly aggressive or vicious.

Winter and autumn Galina often prefers to have purebred dogs of rare breeds; summer and spring more often gets mixed-breed dogs just for their own pleasure.

Nicknames are consonant with the name Galina:

Popularity and statistics of the name Galina

The name Galina, which parents gave their daughter at birth, was previously quite popular. For 1000 newborn girls, this name was received (on average by periods, Moscow):
1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
1924-1932: 66 (3rd)
1950-1959: 63 (6th)
1978-1981: (not in the top ten)
2008: (not top ten)