Wild tribes of Africa: way of life, traditions, customs. The most non-standard way of life (17 photos) Traditions and customs

Most people lead the same, standard lifestyle. We go to work, and in the evenings we try to relax at home. On weekends, we either clean up the accumulated cases, or meet with relatives and friends. Our way of life is the focus of our behavior, which is embodied in everyday life.

But there are people on the planet who simply do not want to be like everyone else. They choose for themselves a life in which there is a place for new unusual friends, other time intervals and various unusual circumstances. And when everyone around is surprised, they just continue to calmly follow the chosen lifestyle. The most unusual of them will be discussed.

A woman living in the Victorian era. Sarah Chrisman never dreamed of a corset, but after her husband made such a gift for her 29th birthday, the woman's life changed. She herself claims that these vintage clothes literally changed her. The couple had been collecting historical clothes for a long time, only the woman could not find anything that would match her forms. The fact is that all the clothes were designed for women, tightened with a corset. Wearing a corset inspired Sarah to wear other Victorian era clothing. Such outfits have become her everyday. Together with her husband, Sarah even tried to live in the style of those times, as far as it was possible. In fact, she had to wash herself with a jug, sew her own clothes from natural materials, and not drive a car. In their Victorian home in Port Townsend, Washington, the couple uses oil lamps for lighting. Sarah even cooks from a 19th century cookbook. For the time being, the food in the house is stored in the refrigerator, but fanatical fans of this lifestyle plan to start using an ice box for this purpose. So they can immerse themselves even more in their image. Sarah Chrisman even wrote a book about giving her a corset. In this piece, a 33-year-old woman explained her unusual lifestyle choices. He helps her understand history, look at the world and people differently.

Dog life. When talking about dog life, extremely poor conditions are meant. But some strive to live really like our four-legged friends. Harry Matthews had his own accounts of the world, since he decided to adopt a canine lifestyle. The man recalls that he was always aware of himself as part of nature and considered himself a dog. Now the 48-year-old former technologist wears a collar, eats dog food from a bowl, and loves white bones and pet biscuits. Like any other dog, Harry even barks, chases cars, and buries bones in backyard pits. A man sleeps in his own kennel, considering it more comfortable than a soft bed. Now he responds to the nickname "Boomer". And a resident of Pennsylvania got such a passion after watching the popular show “Here's a Boomer” on NBC as a child. This series was about a stray traveler dog who helped people in need. This idea pleased Matthews so much that he carried the image of the star of the show into his life, for many years, hatching the idea of ​​​​becoming Boomer. I must say that many people associate themselves with various animals. This phenomenon is called furry, such a subculture appeared in America back in the 1980s. These people consider themselves anthropomorphic animals with human characteristics - the ability to speak, walk on two legs, high intelligence, facial expressions, and so on. But if dressing up is just a hobby for most furries, then Boomer took it to the extreme, turning it into a lifestyle.

Life inside a ventilator. There is a woman in North Carolina who lived inside a ventilator for 61 years. Martha Mason is an unusual person who has spent almost her entire life inside a car. And all the fault of polio, which made her paralyzed at an early age. This situation may seem hopeless, but Martha was able to lead a fulfilling life. She graduated from high school and college, attended dinner parties, and even wrote a book, Breathing: The Rhythm of Life with Iron Lungs. There, Marta told what problems she had to face, and how she was able to find joy in life. This is the only person on our list who did not choose his unusual lifestyle. Martha was born in 1937 near Charlotte. At the age of 11, she suffered a serious illness, which shortly before that took the life of her brother Gaston. After his funeral, the girl said that she had the same symptoms. She just kept silent about it, not wanting to disturb her already saddened parents once again. But Martha soon found herself dependent on a device to help her breathe. "Iron lungs" is a colloquial term that refers to a large tank, inside which pressure is created so that the lungs of paralyzed people work better. Ms. Mason lived almost her entire life in such a device that helped her live. But at one time, doctors told her parents that the girl would live in this state for no more than a year. She was sent home to die happy. But love for life, curiosity and a desire to learn and discover the world around her helped Martha outlive her parents. She died in 2009.

Traveling with a crucifix on the shoulder. Preachers who consecrate their lives to spread their teachings no longer surprise anyone. But this man spent 26 years of his life propagating Christ while carrying a huge crucifix on his shoulder. 60-year-old preacher Lindsay Hamon talks about Christianity to everyone who is ready to listen to him. He literally carries the faith on his shoulders, having already visited 19 countries. Among them are New Zealand, India, Romania and Sri Lanka. In his unusual journey, which has become a way of life, a lot of both touching and rough happened. Jamon survived attacks and shootings in Bangladesh and was kicked out of St. Peter's Square in Rome. But he has no plans to stop his preaching work. The man began his mission in 1987, putting a cross on his shoulders. Since then, he has hardly taken it off. The cross itself is made of cedar and is 3.6 meters high and 1.8 meters wide. The base has a wheel so that the cross can be placed more easily. In fact, the preacher wears a huge creed for 12 hours a day, having no idea where he will spend the night. The former social worker collects donations to help him fulfill his role as a Christian evangelist. Also, from time to time, Hamon returns to his native Cornwall to work by profession and pay his family's bills.

A woman paralyzed from the waist down. Usually paralysis of this type, in fact, ends a full life, people remain forever chained to a wheelchair. But 57-year-old Chloe Jennings, a chemist from Salt Lake City, Utah, volunteered to make her life hell. The woman imitates paralysis of the lower extremities, which supposedly makes her body immobile below the waist. Chloe consciously chose the disabled lifestyle. She moves in a wheelchair, and on her knees there are grasping clamps. These devices allow Chloe to move only with the help of crutches. And when she goes down or up the stairs, she just keeps on the handrails, like an ordinary person. Like many other paralyzed people, Chloe loves outdoor activities. Only she does not need special equipment for such events. The woman simply goes on a 12-hour hike in the forest, climbing mountain peaks on dangerous slopes. Chloe lives in such a state of full life, as if she has no serious problems. In 2008, doctors diagnosed her with a serious psychological disorder, problems with holistic body perception, BIID. It appears in ordinary people, giving them the illusion of a happier life from limb amputation or paralysis. To resist the urge to hurt herself, Chloe was provided with a wheelchair and special braces. This greatly facilitated her psychological state. But she admits that she dreams that as a result of a car accident she will really hurt her limbs. Those suffering from this syndrome have to put up with the angry remarks of those who think they are cheaters. But it is necessary to make an allowance for the real psychological problems of a person. Using a wheelchair, despite being able to move like a normal person, makes Chloe's life easier.

Life with cockroaches. For most of us, cockroaches are nasty insects that should not be in the house. But Kyle Kandilian, a student from Michigan, not only is not afraid of cockroaches, but lives with them with pleasure. According to the young man, about 200 thousand representatives of this detachment currently live in his house. A 20-year-old guy collects and breeds cockroaches not only for his own pleasure, but also for making money. With the help of such an unusual lifestyle, he manages to pay for his studies at the university. Kyle's cockroaches are different - from the most common, which are a dime a dozen in different places, to quite rare species. For example, a member of the rhinoceros cockroach (Macrpanestia rhinoceros) can live up to 15 years, and each such insect is valued at $200. Kyle has a fairly wide range of clients, including cockroach-eating pet owners. Collaborate with young men and research laboratories that need insects for experiments. However, such an unusual love for cockroaches also has its negative sides, Kyle's parents do not like it. One day his mother woke him up at 4 o'clock in the morning, pointing to an insect in the toilet. The cockroach sat peacefully on a roll of toilet paper. "Kyle, we need to stop this!" - his parents tell him directly. The student's room is filled to the brim with boxes of insect colonies. In total, a fan of cockroaches grows about 130 of their species. The young man has been following this lifestyle for eight years now, constantly increasing the number of friends and their diversity.

With a man and a lover under the same roof. When a married woman takes a lover or leaves her husband for him, society condemns this. When Maria Butsky left her husband Paul for another man, she did not think about the consequences. But soon the woman realized that she was missing her husband. But even without her lover, Peter Gruman, she could no longer do without. In addition, the men suddenly became friends. Then Maria came up with the perfect solution for everyone - she invited Peter to live in their house in East London. Now 33-year-old Maria, 37-year-old Paul, their two children - 16-year-old Laura and 12-year-old Amy and 36-year-old Peter live there. Together they make a big and happy family. They all began to live together in 2012 after Maria's three years of throwing between her husband and lover. Peter sleeps downstairs on the couch, while Paul has his room upstairs. Maria herself shares a bedroom with her eldest daughter. The woman claims that she has never had sex at the same time with her two chosen ones. Maria has an intimate relationship with each of them separately, but she keeps secrets about her personal life. Living together with two men at once, according to a woman, has huge advantages. Children are comfortable dealing with three adults who can help with homework and help develop. Yes, and from a financial point of view, it is convenient, since the accounts are divided into three parts.

Family living in 1986. Thanks to the Internet, it takes us seconds to get information about the past. But Blair Macmillan will need at least 10 minutes to find out who and when was the prime minister. That's how long it would take to leaf through all of his encyclopedias. It is puzzling why a 26-year-old man, father of two children, cannot connect to the Internet. In fact, Blair, like his 27-year-old girlfriend Morgan, lives as if in 1986. This lifestyle was chosen by them specifically for the sake of children - 5-year-old Trey and two-year-old Denton. As a result, they will not sit up with iPhones and iPads, but will simply chase the ball in the yard. Parents abandoned any technology that appeared after their birth in their home in 1986. There are no computers, no tablets, no smartphones, no coffee machine in the family. Americans have abandoned the Internet and cable. Modern people will obviously not understand them, believing that they have abandoned real life. But Blair and Morgan simply decided to raise their children the way their parents did with them. They prefer face-to-face contact rather than online communication. The family captures all the kids' antics on $20 film, avoiding Instagram. And recently, the family traveled around the United States using old paper maps. The kids had fun with talking toys and coloring books, not with TVs in their headrests. The family immediately refused such cars. The only exception to the lifestyle is a 2010 KIA. Naturally, GPS is not installed in it.

A woman who lives with seven hundred cats. The love of cats for some is unimaginable. Linea Taiianzio always dreamed of a four-legged friend, but her mother did not approve of the behavior of the murka at home. Now the woman was able to fully realize her dream. She lives alone, surrounded by hundreds of cats, on her 12-acre California estate. There she arranged a real paradise for her pets. And it all started with saving homeless animals after her divorce in 1981. In total, Linea saved more than 19,000 felines. Despite such an environment, the woman assures that she is not crazy at all. Her "cat house" is the largest pet in California. And Linea does not keep animals for his own pleasure or for his creation of heaven on Earth. The woman's mission is to place the cats she rescues in permanent homes and prevent overpopulation through castration and neutering. About 700 cats and 15 more dogs live permanently in the house. A good friend of animals survives thanks to donations and grants.

A woman living with poisonous spiders. The false black widow is a huge and dangerous spider. And although their bite is not as dangerous as that of ordinary black widows, people still feel unpleasant symptoms. In England, a real wave of terror from these eight-legged creatures swept. People even began to avoid sheds and basements, fearing to meet with large spiders. However, one woman, Jay Reich, on the contrary, seeks to surround herself with false black widows. According to her, she does not even mind being bitten to prove the harmlessness of these spiders. Jay lives in Bracknell and her collection is constantly growing. She is currently raising three adult false black widows and about ten cubs. Jay's mother spider was named Silla. According to her, she is amazed at how such a cute spider caused a real panic in England. For example, in Gloucestershire they even closed a school due to the invasion of false black widows. The 26-year-old woman believes that there was no reason for this. People are afraid of spiders as if they were wasps. As a result, harmless, in her opinion, creatures, thanks to the press, develop a negative reputation. Jay is going to publicly demonstrate that the bite of the false black widow is completely harmless.

From a woman living in the Victorian era to a man who lives like a dog, meet some truly unique people with very unusual lifestyles!

1The Woman Who Lives Like It's Victorian Era

Sarah Chrisman never wanted to wear a corset, but after her husband gave her one for her 29th birthday, she says the old-fashioned underwear changed her life. The corset inspired her to delve deeper into Victorian fashion, and she began to wear more and more of it until she completely embraced Victorian style.

Currently, she and her husband Gabriel are determined to lead a Victorian lifestyle, of course, as far as the limitations of modern life allow.

This means she bathes with a pitcher and basin every day, hand-sews all her clothes (from natural materials), does not drive, uses oil lamps to light her Victorian home in Port Townsend, Washington. For cooking, Chrisman uses a 19th century cookbook. For now, they use a refrigerator to store their food, but they hope to switch to using an ice box for even more similarity with their favorite lifestyle.

In his book Victorian Secrets: What a Corset Taught Me About the Past, the Present, and Myself, Chrisman reveals the secrets of his lifestyle and explains his choices.

2. The man who lives like a dog

Boomer is angry at the whole world. He wants people to accept him and his canine lifestyle.

Born Gary Matthews, a former technology worker and self-confessed "nerd", thinks he's a dog. The 48-year-old man wears a collar, eats dog food from a bowl, his favorite food is Pedigree, and loves milk bones and dog biscuits. He even barks, chases cars, and digs holes in his backyard for bones just like any other dog.

The man sleeps in his dog kennel at home, which he says is much more comfortable than a human bed. Boomer, who lives in Pennsylvania, found his canine image after watching NBC's hit show That's Boomer when he was a kid. The popular series was about a mixed-breed stray dog ​​named Boomer who traveled the world and helped people in need. This idea appealed to Matthews, and soon his fascination with dogs, especially the star of the show, took on a life of its own and became his primary obsession.

There are other people, such as Boomer, who identify with various animals, they are called Furries and their subculture was first recognized in the United States in the 1980s. Furries are considered to be anthropomorphic animals with human characteristics such as high intelligence, the ability to speak, walk on two legs, make various facial expressions, and so on. Dressing up in animal costumes is a hobby for most of them, but Boomer has taken this hobby to the extreme, making his passion for furry the center of his life.

Source 3The North Carolina woman who spent 61 years inside a ventilator

Martha Mason was an extraordinary person. She spent over 60 years of her life immobilized in a ventilator after being paralyzed as a child due to polio. Despite her seemingly hopeless situation, Martha has lived a fulfilling life, graduating high school and college with honors, giving many dinner parties, and even writing a book called Breath: Life in the Rhythm of CPR. Rhythm of an Iron Lung) in which she described the challenges and joys of her life. She is the only person on this list who has not lived this life of her own accord. Nevertheless, the greatness of her achievement earned her a place in our article.

Martha was born on May 31, 1937 in Lattimore, a small town located 80 kilometers from Charlotte. She became paralyzed when she was only 11 years old after suffering from polio, almost immediately after the disease killed her brother Gaston. After her brother's funeral, she realized that she also had symptoms, but she kept her fears to herself so as not to upset her parents.

However, she was soon immobilized in the Iron Lung, on which she depended to breathe. "Iron Lung" is just an informal name popularly used to describe a blower, a medical device that helps paralyzed people breathe by decreasing and increasing the pressure inside a large iron tank.

Martha Mason lived in such a tank for almost her entire life, and the pressure contracted and expanded her lungs when her weak muscles could not. The doctors told Martha's parents to take her home and give her a happy life for a year, since that was how long she had to live. She outlived both of them thanks to her insatiable curiosity and desire to learn more about the world.

She died in 2009.

4The Man Who Spent The Last 26 Years Of His Life Traveling The World With A Huge Crucifix On His Shoulder And Telling People About Jesus

Lindsay Hamon, 60, has spent the last 26 years of his life carrying a giant cross around the world and talking about Jesus to anyone who will listen to him. He literally carried his faith on his shoulders as he traveled through 19 countries including New Zealand, Romania, India and Sri Lanka. During his amazing journey, he experienced truly spectacular moments, and also got into trouble. Despite being attacked and shot in Bangladesh and thrown from St. Peter's Square in Rome, Jamon has no plans to quit his job anytime soon.

Jamon took on the mission to carry the huge cross around the world in 1987 and has rarely taken it off his shoulder since. The cross itself is made of cedar wood. It is 3.65 meters long and 1.82 meters wide. There is a wheel at the base of the cross to make it easier to drag, and he actually carries it around on his shoulder for 12 hours a day, having no idea where he will spend the night. A father of two and a part-time social worker, Hamon receives support from his supporters to help him stay committed to his role as a Christian evangelist. However, he still has to occasionally stop in his hometown of Cornwall (Cornwall) to earn money and pay his family's bills.

Source 5The Healthy Woman Who Lives Like a Person Paralyzed from the Waist Down and Dreams of Being Paralyzed

Being confined to a wheelchair for the rest of your life is a horror for many people, but not for Chloe Jennings-White. A 57-year-old chemist from Salt Lake City, Utah has an unnatural desire to become paralyzed from the waist down.

Chloe lives the life of a disabled person. She uses a wheelchair and wears long knee braces to enable her to move around with crutches. But when she has to go up or down stairs, she just gets up, removes her restraints, and walks like a normal person. Like most paralyzed people, she loves outdoor activities, only instead of using special equipment to afford such activities, she simply goes for a 12-hour walk in the forest, slides down dangerous slopes, and climbs mountain peaks like a normal person. .

Chloe Jennings-White is not disabled, she just likes to feel incapacitated. In 2008, doctors diagnosed her with a syndrome of non-perception of the integrity of her own body. This is a serious mental disorder in which people feel as if they would be happier in a life with amputations or paralysis. To resist the urge to hurt her back and thus fulfill her desire to become paralyzed, the doctors suggested that she use a wheelchair and special braces. Being able to spend most of her time as a paraplegic was a great relief for Chloe, but she admits that she sometimes fantasizes about actually hurting her legs in an accident or car accident.

A woman suffering from bodily integrity syndrome says she hears all sorts of angry comments from people who think she's shameless, but they don't understand her condition. Being able to use a wheelchair despite being able to move like a normal person literally saved her life.

6The man who loves to live with cockroaches

Unlike many people, Kyle Kandilian, a university student from Dearborn, Michigan, is not only not afraid of cockroaches, but also lives with tens of thousands of these insects. He believes that he currently has about 200,000 of these insects living in his house.

A 20-year-old man collects and breeds cockroaches, both for pleasure and for profit. Apparently, this unusual hobby helps him pay for his studies at the University of Michigan-Dearborn (Michigan-Dearborn University).

Cockroaches are priced from "10 cents for 12" for common breeds, up to $200 for rhinoceros cockroaches, which can live up to 15 years. It has a wide range of clients, including people with cockroach-eating pets and universities that buy insects for research purposes.

Although he loves his cockroaches, life with 200,000 of them has its challenges, especially for his parents. One morning at about 4 or 5 am, Kandilian was awakened by his mother, who took him to the bathroom. "Kyle, this has to stop," she said, pointing to a hissing cockroach resting on a toilet paper roll.

His room is filled with stacks of boxes of cockroach colonies - he has about 130 species in total. After almost eight years of growing these insects, he is still delighted with all the variety of their species.

Source 7The woman who lives with her husband and lover under the same roof

When mother-of-two Maria Butzki left her husband Paul for another man, she didn't realize how much she would miss him. At the same time, she couldn't imagine life without her new lover, Peter Gruman.

So when the two men struck up an amazing friendship, she came up with the perfect solution... and moved Peter to the family home in Barking, East London. Now, 33-year-old Maria, 37-year-old Paul, their two daughters - 16-year-old Laura and 12-year-old Amy, and 36-year-old Peter, live like one big family.

In 2012, they all moved in together after a three-year period when Maria was torn between her husband and lover. Peter sleeps on the couch while Paul has his own room upstairs. Maria shares a bedroom with her eldest daughter.

Maria claims that the three of them never end up in the same bed. Despite the fact that she is in a sexual relationship with both men, this part of her life remains confidential.

She also points out that life as a threesome has its perks. Children receive attention and help with homework from up to three adults who can drop them off at school and pick them up. This is also beneficial from a financial point of view, since the bills are now divided by three.

8. The family that lives like it's 1986

If you ever need to know who was prime minister in 1960 and you're willing to wait 10 minutes for an answer, Blair McMillan is the man to turn to. He leisurely leafs through volumes of his vintage encyclopedia set, given to him by a puzzled man who must have wondered why the 26-year-old father of two couldn't just connect to the Internet. The fact is that Blair and his 27-year-old girlfriend Morgan from Canada pretend that it is 1986 in the yard.

They do this because of their children Trey, 5, and Denton, 2. They don't want their kids to sit with their parents' iPhones instead of going out and kicking a ball in the backyard. Therefore, any technique that appeared after 1986, the year when the couple was born, is prohibited in their house.

They don't have computers, smart phones, tablet computers, fancy coffee makers, the Internet, cable TV, and, from the point of view of people dependent on technology, there is no life. They raise their children the way they raised them, just to see what happens.

They pay their bills at the bank, not over the Internet. They print photos instead of uploading pictures of their sons on Instagram.

They recently took a trip across the US using paper maps and entertaining their weeping children with coloring books and stickers, passing numerous cars with built-in TVs and happy kids in the back seats. The one exception to their lifestyle is a 2010 Kia car, but of course it doesn't have GPS.

9The Woman Who Lives With 700 Cats

Meet the world's largest cat lady who lives with 700 cats.

All Lynea Lattanzio wanted as a little girl was a cat, but her mother wouldn't let her get one. So now she lives alone with hundreds of cats on her nearly 5 acres of land in the suburbs of Parlier, California, where she runs a huge cat shelter.

She began saving animals after her divorce in 1981 and has rescued over 19,000 cats to date. However, she insists that she is not a crazy cat lady. The Cat House on the Kings is California's largest non-cage or euthanized cat sanctuary. The goal of the shelter is to find permanent homes for rescued cats and kittens, and to prevent cat population growth through spaying.

She has at least 700 cats under her care, as well as 15 dogs. The shelter is supported by cash grants and donations from generous sponsors.

10 A Woman Lives With Twelve False Black Widows Or Steatodes

Throughout the country, people are terribly afraid to meet steatodes, avoiding their barns and basements so as not to encounter these eight-legged creatures. However, one woman named Jay Reich is desperate to collect these venomous spiders and even says she wants to be bitten by one to prove how harmless they are.

Zhey lives in the town of Bracknell with a growing collection of these creatures. At the moment she has three adult steatodes and ten small spiders.

Jay named her mother spider Cilla and says she was surprised at how "cute" she was.

The recent media panic, including reports that a school in Gloucestershire was closed due to the discovery of these spiders, is terribly annoying for a 26-year-old woman. “That school was closed for absolutely no reason - if they closed the school because a hornet's nest was found there, no one would support it. These spiders have an undeserved bad reputation."

In an incredible act of devotion, Jay plans to let one of the steatodes bite him to prove that these spiders are harmless."

Incredible Facts

1The woman who lives in the Victorian era

Sarah Chrisman has never been a fan of wearing a corset, but after her husband gifted her the corset for her 29th birthday, she claims her life has completely changed.

The corset inspired her to delve into Victorian era women's fashion, and Sarah began to dress exclusively like this.

Today, she and her husband Gabriel are as committed to the Victorian life as it is today.

She bathes herself every day with water from a pitcher, hand-sews all her clothes (from natural fibres), does not drive, and uses oil lamps to light much of their Victorian-style home in Port Townsend, Washington.

As far as food preparation is concerned, Sarah uses a 19th century recipe book. They currently use a refrigerator, but plan to switch to an ice box to become even more authentic Victorians.

In his book Victorian Secrets: What a Corset Taught Me About the Past, the Present, and Myself, Chrisman explains his choice.

2. The man who lives like a dog

"Dog" Boomer has his own scores with the world. He wants to be accepted with his canine lifestyle. Born Gary Matthews, a retired IT worker, believes he is a dog.

The 48-year-old man wears a collar, eats dog food from a bowl, loves milk bones and dog biscuits. He even barks, runs after cars and buries bones in the backyard like a real dog.

A man sleeps in a booth, which is located in the courtyard of his house. He claims that it is much more comfortable in it than in a human bed.

Boomer, a resident of Pennsylvania, "realized" he was a dog as a child after watching Here's the Boomer. The popular series tells the story of a stray dog ​​named Boomer, who traveled the world and helped people.

There are other people like Boomer who identify with different animals. They are called Furies, and are subculture, which was first recognized in the US in the 1980s.

Furries believe that they are anthropomorphic animals who have acquired human characteristics, such as intelligence, the ability to speak, walk on two legs, etc. Dressing up in animal costumes is a hobby for most of them, but Boomer has made this subculture the focus of his life.

Source 3The woman who lived inside a ventilator for 61 years

Martha Mason was an extraordinary person who spent more than 60 years of her life immobilized in a respirator after being paralyzed as a child as a result of polio.

Despite her seemingly hopeless situation, Martha lived a full life, graduating from high school and college with honors. She even wrote a book called "Breath: Life in the Rhythm of an Iron Lung" ("Breath: Life in the Rhythm of an Iron Lung"), in which she talked about all her problems and joys.

She is the only person on this list who has not chosen this lifestyle on her own, but she is on the list because of the magnitude of her accomplishments in this life.

Martha was born on May 31, 1937 in the small American town of Latimore. At 11 years old after suffering from polio, her paralyzed. This happened almost immediately after this disease claimed the life of her brother Gaston.

After her brother's funeral, she realized that she had similar symptoms of the disease, but continued keep inside their fears so as not to upset their parents.

However, soon the disease made itself felt, and the woman became dependent on the "iron lung", which helped her breathe. "Iron lung" is a colloquial term used to describe a type of medical device that helps paralyzed people breathe by decreasing and increasing air pressure inside a large iron vessel.

Martha has lived her whole life in such an aquarium. because her weak muscles couldn't support her breathing on her own. The doctors told Martha's parents to take her home and give her the happiest last year of her life (that was how long the girl had to live after she was diagnosed with the disease).

However, the baby survived both of her parents thanks to her curiosity and desire to explore the world. She died in 2009.

A man who lives by his own rules

Source 4The man who spent the last 26 years of his life traveling the world with a giant crucifix on his shoulder talking about Jesus

60-year-old Lindsay Hamon has been wearing a huge cross for 26 years, traveling the world and talking about Jesus to everyone who wants to hear him. He literally carries his faith on his shoulders, and traveled to countries such as New Zealand, Romania, India and Sri Lanka.

During his journey, he encountered both an incredibly warm welcome and some rather rude actions. But, despite the fact that in Bangladesh he was attacked and even shot, and in Rome he was simply thrown out of St. Peter's Square, Jamon has no plans to quit anytime soon.

Jamon decided to wear his cross around the world back in 1987, and since then he has rarely let go of his hands. The cross itself is made of cedar wood, it is 3.6 meters high and 1.8 meters wide. It has a wheel at its base, making it easy to carry. The man wears it on his shoulder 12 hours a day, while not having the slightest idea where he will spend the night.

A father of two and part-time social worker, he receives donations from his supporters that help him stay committed to his role as a Christian evangelist.

He regularly returns to his hometown of Cornwall to work and pay his family's bills.

5. A healthy woman who lives her life as a person with a paralyzed lower body, and dreams of becoming one.

Being stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of your life is hell for most people, but not for Chloe Jennings-White. A 57-year-old female chemist from Salt Lake City has unnatural desire to be paraplegic.

Chloe lives the life of a disabled person. She uses a wheelchair and also wears long braces that block the movement of her knees so that the woman can only get around with the help of crutches.

However, when she needs to go up or down stairs, she just gets up, removes her restraints, and walks like a normal person. Like most paralyzed people, she loves outdoor activities, only instead of using special equipment, she simply goes on 12-hour hikes into the forest, going down dangerous slopes, climbing mountain peaks like a normal person.

Chloe is physically healthy, she just likes to feel like she exists. In 2008, doctors diagnosed a woman with disorder of identity and integrity of the body. This is a serious mental disorder that makes sufferers feel like they would be happier if their limbs were amputated or paralyzed.

To counter her desire to hurt her back and become paralyzed, the doctors suggested she use a wheelchair and special knee braces.

Being able to spend most of her life as a paralyzed person is a huge relief to Chloe, but she admits that she sometimes fantasizes about getting hit by a car or other accident actually hurting her legs.

The woman says that she regularly encounters people who condemn her, consider her a liar, however, they cannot fully understand her condition. The use of a wheelchair, despite its ability to move, saves a woman's life.

Source 6The man who is euphoric about living with cockroaches

Unlike many people, Kyle Kandilian, a student at Dearborn University, Michigan, not only has no fear of cockroaches, but lives with tens of thousands of these insects. Today he says that about 200,000 cockroaches.

A 20-year-old young man breeds cockroaches, both for pleasure and for profit. Apparently, this unusual hobby helps him pay for his studies at the University of Michigan.

There are different types of cockroaches, the prices of which range from a few cents to 200 dollars for an individual "Macropanesthia rhinoceros", living up to 15 years. He has a wide range of clients, including people with pets who love to eat cockroaches, as well as universities that acquire insects for research purposes.

While the guy really loves his cockroaches, they are actually a problem for his parents. His room is filled with boxes full of cockroach colonies. He grows about 130 species of these insects.

Kyle has been doing this for eight years now and is proud of his people.

Source 7The woman who lives with her husband and lover under the same roof

When mother-of-two Maria Butzki left her husband Paul for another man, she had no idea how much she would miss him. At the same time, she could not imagine her life without a new lover Peter Gruman (Peter Gruman).

Therefore, when an unusual friendship, she came up with the perfect solution to the problem and "moved" Peter to the family home in Barking, East London. Now Maria, 33, Paul, 37, their two children Laura, 16 and Amy, 12, and Peter, 36, live like one big happy family.

They teamed up in 2012, three years after Maria's torment between husband and lover. Peter sleeps on the couch in the common room on the first floor, while Paul has his own room on the second floor. Maria shares a room with her eldest daughter.

Maria says that the three of them never sleep. Despite the fact that she has sexual contacts with each of the men, the woman talks about the importance of maintaining personal space.

She also tells about the huge benefits of this lifestyle. It is extremely useful for children, in her opinion, to be surrounded by three adults who can help them in everything and set an example. It is also convenient from a financial point of view, because the bills are divided by three.

Man living in the past

8. A family that seems to live in the yard 1986

If you ever need to know who was prime minister in 1960 and you're willing to wait 10 minutes for an answer, then Blair McMillan is the one for you.

He will pick up his old encyclopedia and carefully turn the pages in search of an answer. But why doesn't the 26-year-old father of two just get online? The thing is, Blair and his girlfriend Morgan, 27, are from Canada. live like it's 1986.

They do it all for their children (Trey, 5 and Danton, 2). They want their kids to know what it's like to kick a ball in the yard, and not endlessly hang out on the Internet, in computer games or on iPhones. That is why their home is prohibited from using any technology that appeared after 1986 (the year when the young parents were born).

They don't have computers, "tablets", smartphones, tablets, coffee machines, etc. No internet, no wired devices. In general, from the point of view of technology-dependent people, they have no life.

They raise their children the same way they were raised.. They use "kilometers" of film to take pictures of their sons with a regular old camera. They recently traveled across the US using paper maps, while screaming children were entertained with coloring books and stickers.

The only exception is a 2010 Kia, however, it does not have a GPS system.

9The Woman Who Lives With 700 Cats

Since childhood, Lynea Lattanzio dreamed of cats with all her guts, but her mother did not approve of such an undertaking by her daughter. So now she lives alone, surrounded by 700 cats on almost 5 acres of land in Parleer, California, where she rules her "kingdom".

She became involved in animal rescue after her divorce in 1981, and has rescued nearly 1,900 felines. However, she insists that she is not a crazy cat lady at all. The Cat House is California's largest cat sanctuary.

Her mission is to identify a rescued cat for permanent residence, as well as prevent reproduction of animals by spaying or castration.

Under her care there are at least 700 cats, as well as 15 dogs. She lives on donations and grants.

Source 10The woman who lives in the company of a dozen false black widow spiders

The entire US is in panic over the over-proliferation of false black widows. But one woman named Jay Reich collects poisonous spiders, and even talks about what she plans to do soon. videotape being bitten by her spider to prove to the whole world that "babies" are harmless.

Jay's collection is gradually replenished. Today, three adults and ten children live with her.

The recent panic in the US about these spiders only angers the 26-year-old woman, who especially does not understand the motives for closing a school in Gloucestershire (allegedly due to the excessive spread of spiders in it).

And many many others from the category . This time I present to your eyes 9 people with unique lifestyles - it's interesting.

A man who lives like a dog.

Gary Matthews, a former technologist and self-confessed "nerd", thinks he's a dog named Boomer. The 48-year-old wears a collar, eats dog food out of a dog bowl - he prefers Pedigree, by the way - and loves milk bones and dog biscuits. He even barks, chases cars and buries bones in the backyard like any dog.

A man sleeps in a booth, where, according to him, it is much more comfortable than in a human bed. Boomer, who lives in Pennsylvania, made the decision to become a dog as a child after watching the popular television series Here's Boomer. The series told the story of a stray dog ​​named Boomer, who traveled the world and helped people in need. Soon Matthews became interested in dogs, and the hobby eventually turned into an obsession.

The woman with 700 cats

The line began saving cats immediately after the divorce, in 1981, and adopted almost 19,000 felines. However, she insists that she is not crazy, and her mission is to put rescued cats and kittens into permanent homes and prevent the increase in the animal population through spaying and neutering.

Now she has almost 700 cats in her care, as well as 15 dogs. The line survives thanks to donations and grants.

A Woman Living in the "Victorian Era"

Every day, Sarah washes herself with a basin and a jug, sews all her own clothes from natural fabrics, does not drive a car and uses oil lamps instead of electric ones. Their home in Port Townsend, Washington, is also furnished in a Victorian style. When it comes to cooking, Sarah uses a 19th century recipe book. So far, they have to use the refrigerator to store food, but soon the couple hope to change it to an ice box.

Currently, she and her husband Gabriel try to follow the Victorian lifestyle as much as possible in the modern world.

A man who carries a giant cross on his back for 26 years

Lindsay Hamon, 60, has spent the last 26 years of his life carrying a giant cross on his back. He travels the world and talks about Jesus to everyone who is willing to listen to him. He literally carried the faith on his shoulders across 19 countries including New Zealand, Romania, India and Sri Lanka. During his journey, he saw many amazing things, but more than once he encountered cruelty. Despite the fact that in Bangladesh they shot at him, and in Rome they kicked him out of St. Peter's Square, Jamon does not plan to stop.

Jamon shouldered the cross in 1987 and has rarely taken it off since. The cross is made of cedar wood and is over 3.5 meters high and 1.8 meters wide. A wheel is attached to the base of the cross to make it easier to carry, and the man wears the cross for 12 hours a day, often without the slightest idea where he will spend the night.

Being wheelchair bound

Being wheelchair-bound for the rest of your life is hell for most people, but not for Chloe Jennings-White, a 57-year-old chemist in Salt Lake City, Utah, who has an unnatural desire to become paraplegic.

Chloe lives the life of a disabled person: she moves around in a wheelchair and wears long braces that prevent her from bending her knees so that she can get around with the help of crutches. But when she has to go up or down stairs, she just gets up, removes the restraints and walks like a normal person.

A person who loves to live with cockroaches

A 20-year-old man collects and breeds cockroaches for fun and profit. Apparently, this unusual hobby helps him pay for his university education. According to his calculations, there are currently 200,000 cockroaches living in his house.

The young man's room is filled with boxes of cockroach colonies - in total, he has raised about 130 species. He has been breeding these insects for eight years and is still crazy about his hobby.

A woman living with her husband and lover under the same roof

When mother-of-two Maria Bitsky left her husband Paul for another man, she didn't realize how much she would miss him. And at the same time, she could not imagine her life without a new lover - Peter Gruman.

Maria claims that the three of them never sleep together. Although she maintains sexual relationships with both men, they nonetheless remain very personal. She also says that there are huge advantages in such a life together: children are supported by three adults at once, who are able to help them with their lessons or give them pocket money. From the financial side, this is also beneficial - all accounts are divided into three equal parts.

Family living in 1986

If you ever need to know who was the prime minister of the United States in 1960, and you are ready to wait ten minutes for an answer, then you should turn to Blair Macmillan - he will take an old encyclopedia and find the answer. Are you wondering why a 26-year-old father of two just can't watch this online? He and his 27-year-old girlfriend Morgan live like it's 1986.

They do this because their kids Trey, 5, and Denton, 2, won't be looking at their iPhone or iPad then, but kicking a ball in the yard. Therefore, in their house there is no technology that appeared in the world after 1986.

Woman lives with dozens of Black Widows

She currently has three adult Black Widows and ten cubs in her care. The female, the mother of the spiderlings, Jay named Cilla. She claims that Silla is an extremely affectionate animal.

Everyone has their own cockroaches in their heads, but there are individuals in whom these cockroaches reach enormous sizes. We present you the 10 strangest lifestyles of people who have come up with their own world and live happily in it. 10 stories about crazy people and their crazy oddities.

A woman who lives like she's in the Victorian era

Sarah Chrisman never had the desire to wear corsets, but after her husband gave her one for her 29th birthday, she claims it changed her life. She was inspired by the corset and delved into women's fashion in the Victorian era, and began to dress exclusively in this style. Today, she and her husband, Gabriel, strive to live the life of the Victorian era as much as possible within the modern world. This means that she bathes with a jug of water, sews her own clothes from natural fabrics with her own hands, does not drive a car, and uses oil lamps to light the house. When it comes to cooking, Sarah uses a 19th century recipe book. They currently still use the fridge to store their food, but they hope to switch to an ice box soon for even more authenticity. Sarah wrote a book - "Victorian Secrets: What secrets the corset revealed to me about the past, present and about me"

The man who lives like a dog

"Boomer" is a man in a dog costume who dreams of a doggy lifestyle.

Gary Matthews considers himself a dog. The 48-year-old man wears a collar, eats dog food from a bowl, and enjoys chewing on milk bones and dog biscuits. He even barks, chases cars, and digs holes for burying bones in the backyard. The guy sleeps in a kennel, which, according to him, is much more comfortable than a human bed. Boomer, who lives in Pennsylvania, wanted to live the life of a dog after watching a hit NBC show called Here's Boomer when he was a kid. in trouble.This dream did not leave him, but became his obsession.There are other people, like Boomer, who identify themselves as different animals, they even have their own subculture, which was first recognized in the United States in the 1980s. Animal costumes are a hobby for most of them, but Boomer has gone to extremes, making the hobby the center of his life.

The woman who lived inside a ventilator for 61 years

Martha Mason spent over 60 years of her life in an Iron Lung ventilator after being paralyzed as a child by polio. Despite her seemingly hopeless situation, Martha has lived a fulfilling life, graduating from high school and college with honors, attending many dinner parties, and even wrote her own book, Breathing: Life at the Rhythm of CPR, in which she talks about She is the only person on this list who did not choose this life for herself.Martha was born on May 31, 1937, in a small town.She became paralyzed when she was only 11 years old after suffering from polio, in a short time after the disease killed her brother Gaston.After her brother was buried, he said that she realized that she had the same symptoms as her brother, but hid all her fears in herself so as not to scare her parents.Later she was placed in an "Iron Lung" ventilator, a type of medical device that helps paralyzed people breathe by decreasing and increasing air pressure inside a large iron tank. Martha Mason lived almost her entire life in such an aquarium. The doctors told Martha's parents to take her home and make her happy during her last year of life, as the doctors wouldn't give her more. Martha survived her parents due to her curiosity and desire to explore the world. She died in 2009.

The man who spent the last 26 years of his life traveling the world with a giant crucifix on his shoulder to talk about Jesus

Lindsay Hamon, 60, has spent the last 26 years of his life carrying a giant crucifix around the world on his shoulder and talking about Jesus to all who listen. He literally carried his faith on his shoulders, visiting 19 countries including New Zealand, Romania, India and Sri Lanka. During his amazing journey, he saw both amazing and terrible things. After surviving an attack and shooting in Bangladesh and being thrown from St. Peter's Square in Rome, Jamon has no plans to stop. Jamon took on the mission to carry a huge cross around the world in 1987, and he hasn't backed down from his goal. The cross itself is made of cedar wood 3.66 meters high and 1.83 meters wide. It has a wheel at the base to make it easier to move, and he actually wears it over his shoulder for up to 12 hours a day with no idea where he'll be sleeping. Lindsay receives donations from his supporters to help him stay committed to his mission. He only stays in his home town in Cornwall each time to work and pay the family's bills.

An absolutely healthy woman who lives like a person whose lower limbs are paralyzed

Being stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of your life is hell for ordinary people, but not for Chloe Jennings-White. A 57-year-old chemist from Salt Lake City, Utah, she has an unnatural desire to become paralyzed from the waist down. Chloe lives the life of a disabled person. She uses a wheelchair and wears long knee braces to enable her to move around with crutches. But when she has to go up or down stairs, she just gets up, removes her braces, and walks like a normal person. Like most paralyzed people, she loves outdoor activities, but on her 12-hour hikes in the forest, she does not take her equipment, she climbs dangerous slopes like a normal person. In 2008, doctors diagnosed her with Body Integrity Disorder, a serious mental disorder that makes sufferers feel like they would be happier with amputees or paralysis. To calm Chloe, the doctors suggested that she simply use a wheelchair for movement. She dreams of an accident that would render her paralyzed. Chloe says that she gets very angry reviews from people who find out about her cheating, they just can't understand her condition. Using a wheelchair saves her life.

The man who can't live without cockroaches

Unlike many people, Kyle Kandilian, a university student from Dearborn, Michigan, is not only not afraid of cockroaches, but he lives with tens of thousands of these insects. He currently keeps about 200,000 cockroaches in his house. The 20 year old collects and breeds cockroaches for both pleasure and profit. Apparently, this unusual hobby helps him pay for his education at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Some rare breeds of cockroaches are valued at $200, such as the "Macropanesthia rhinoceros" species, which can live up to 15 years. It has a wide range of clients, including people who feed cockroaches to their pets and universities who buy insects for research purposes. His 200,000 cockroaches are a problem for his parents. His room is full of stacked boxes of cockroaches, in total he has raised about 130 species of cockroaches. After 8 years of occupation, breeding cockroaches remains his favorite thing.

A woman who lives with her husband and her lover under the same roof

When Maria Butzki left her husband Paul for another man, she didn't realize how much she would miss him. At the same time, she couldn't imagine life without her new lover, Peter Gruman. Thus, when the two men became friends, she came up with the perfect solution... She invited Peter to move into her house with her husband. Now Maria, 33, Paul, 37, and their two children, Laura, 16, Amy, 12, and Peter, 36, live like one big happy family. Peter sleeps on the couch, Paul sleeps in the upstairs bedroom and Maria sleeps in the same bedroom as her oldest daughter. Maria claims that they never sleep as a threesome, although they have sexual relationships with each of them. She argues that there are huge benefits to this lifestyle. The children benefit from three adults who are able to help with work and school. Also, all their accounts are divided into 3 parts.

A family that lives like it's 1986

If you ask this man any question that interests you, he will go to look for the answer in the encyclopedia, because he does not have the Internet. The fact is that Blair and his girlfriend Morgan from Canada pretend that it is 1986. They do it because they don't want their kids 5 year old Trey and 2 year old Denton to sit in front of ipads and ipods all day and just kick a ball around the yard. That's why they don't have any appliances that were released after 1986 in their house. They have no computers, no tablets, no smartphones, no coffee machines, no internet, nothing that most people currently depend on. They want to raise their children the way they were raised. They are photographed on a film camera and pay a lot of money for it. They recently traveled across the United States and used paper maps and entertained their children with coloring books as they drove past cars with TVs built into their headrests. The only exception to their "past lifestyle" is their 2010 Kia without GPS.

The woman who lives with 700 cats

Meet the woman who lives with over 700 cats. Throughout her childhood, Lynea Lattanzio dreamed of a cat, but her mother did not approve of this desire. So now she lives alone with hundreds of cats on her 12-acre land in California, where she has turned her home into a cat shelter. She began helping animals after her divorce in 1981, and has rescued nearly 19,000 felines. However, she claims that she is not crazy. Her mission is to place rescued cats and kittens in permanent homes, and she opposes spaying and neutering. There are at least 700 cats in her home, as well as 15 dogs. She lives on donations and grants.

The woman who lives with a dozen false widows

Most people are scared to death of spiders, but Jay Reich is desperately in love with his false widows, and even wants to be bitten by one to show how harmless they are. The false widow is the most frightening spider species in the world. Jay lives in Bracknell with a growing collection of spiders. Currently has three adult false widows and ten of their children. Jay plans to be bitten by false widows to prove they are harmless.