Russian birds of prey. Birds of central Russia White birds of prey

In ornithology, the term "bird of prey" describes any kind of bird that hunts in flight, has strong claws, sharp eyesight, and a strong beak capable of capturing or killing its prey. It is mainly because of these formidable characteristics that many people consider birds of prey to be among the most feared creatures on the planet. However, it is hard not to admit that at the same time these large predators are captivating and majestic creatures.

There are several different criteria that are used to determine the size of these birds, such as overall length, wingspan, or weight, which actually makes it difficult to identify the largest birds of prey.

To raise awareness about these amazing birds, we decided to compile a list of some of the largest, heaviest, most powerful and feared raptors.

From huge condors and fearsome vultures to bald eagles, here are 25 of the largest birds of prey that are amazing yet awe-inspiring!

25. Andean condor

Native to the Andes and the adjacent Pacific coast of South America, the Andean condor is the largest flying bird in the world by combined measurements of weight and wingspan. The wingspan of this bird reaches 3.3 meters, being the fifth largest among birds (only two species of albatrosses and two species of pelicans have a larger wingspan).

Considered close to vulnerable, the Andean condor is also one of the world's longest-lived birds, with a lifespan of over 70 years.

24. Crowned eagle

The crowned eagle is a large bird of prey that lives south of the Sahara, in South Africa. Armed with unusually large claws and very strong hind legs, the crowned eagle is said to be the most powerful eagle in Africa when measured in terms of the weight of its prey. It often preys on mammals such as the bushbuck (a type of antelope) that can weigh up to 30 kilograms.

23. Wedge-tailed eagle

The wedge-tailed eagle is the largest bird of prey in Australia and one of the largest predators in the world.

Able to soar in the sky for long hours without flapping its wings, the wedge-tailed eagle has a wingspan of up to 2.84 meters and reaches a length of 1.06 meters.

It has long, fairly wide wings, fully feathered legs, and an undeniably wedge-shaped tail (hence the name).

22. Himalayan vulture

The Himalayan Vulture, also known as the Kumai or Snow Vulture, is a huge bird from the Old World Vulture subfamily.

One of the largest vultures and real predators, this species lives mainly in the highlands of the Himalayas, Pamirs, Tibet and Kazakhstan up to the northwestern borders of Afghanistan and the southern limits of Bhutan.

21. Berkut

One of the best known and most widespread birds of prey in the northern hemisphere, the golden eagle is a large raptor with a wingspan of up to 2.34 meters.

For centuries, birds of this species were among the most revered: they were used in falconry. Eurasian subspecies were used to hunt and kill such large prey as gray wolves.

Due to its excellent hunting prowess, this bird is treated with great reverence in some tribal cultures.

20. Owl

With a wingspan of up to 190 centimeters, the eagle owl is sometimes called the world's largest owl. Living mainly in mountainous regions, coniferous forests and steppes, the eagle owl is a nocturnal predator that preys on a number of different predatory species, mainly small mammals, as well as other birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, large insects and various invertebrates.

19. South American harpy

The South American harpy is the largest and most powerful raptor native to the Americas and one of the largest surviving eagle species in the world.

The destruction of the natural habitat of these birds has led to their extinction in many parts of their former range (mainly in Central America), but, fortunately, this amazing bird is still quite common.

18. Bearded man, or lamb

Found in mountainous regions from Europe to much of Asia and Africa, it is a large bird of prey with a wingspan of up to 2.83 meters. The bird can be recognized by its unusually long and narrow wings and long wedge-shaped tail.

The bearded vulture is a scavenger with a very acidic stomach (estimated to be around 1 pH), which allows it to digest even large bones.

17. Philippine Eagle

Also known as the Philippine harpy eagle, the Philippine eagle is considered the world's largest eagle in terms of body length and wing surface.

Being one of the rarest and most powerful birds in the world, it has been declared the national bird of the Philippines. This species is endangered mainly due to the loss of vast areas of habitat due to deforestation.

Luckily, the Philippine government has made a number of efforts to preserve the species, and killing the Philippine eagle is now punishable by 12 years in prison.

16. Martial Eagle

Living in open and semi-open places in Africa south of the Sahara, the martial eagle is a very large bird, the average length of which reaches 96 centimeters, a wingspan of up to 260 centimeters, and a weight of up to 6.2 kilograms.
Feeding on everything from other birds to lizards and even large and dangerous snakes, including the black mamba, the martial eagle is one of the most powerful birds of prey in the world.

15. Fish owl

The Latin name of the species is given in honor of the English naturalist Thomas Blakiston, who discovered this species of owls in Japan in 1883.

The fish owl is a large owl that hunts in the coastal areas of East Asia and Russia. With a wingspan of up to 190 centimeters, the fish owl is often considered the world's largest owl (at least in terms of wingspan).

14. Steller's sea eagle

The Steller's sea eagle is a large bird of prey that lives in the coastal regions of Northeast Asia.

Distinguished by its huge yellow beak, this bird mainly preys on fish and waterfowl. Her favorite treats are salmon and trout.
On average, this is the heaviest eagle in the world: some individuals reach 9 kilograms of weight.

13. African eared vulture

A bird from the vulture subfamily is one of the longest and largest vultures in the world.

The African eared vulture is a scavenger, feeding mainly on animal carcasses. These birds are so powerful and aggressive that other vultures usually give in if they decide to make themselves known.

12 California Condor

Reaching up to 12 kilograms in weight, the California condor is the largest North American land bird and one of the largest predators in the world.

The species was nearly extinct by 1987 (the last wild Californian condor was captured that year), but thanks to a restocking program, the species has reappeared in parts of Arizona, Utah, and California.

The California Condor is a symbolic bird for many Californian Native American groups and plays an important role in their traditional mythology.

11. White-tailed eagle

Also known as the sea eagle or gray sea eagle, the white-tailed eagle is a very large bird of prey, reaching a length of 94 centimeters with a wingspan of up to 2.45 meters.

A highly skilled hunter as well as an adaptable scavenger, the white-tailed eagle is considered a close relative of the bald eagle, occupying the same ecological niche, but only in Eurasia.

10. Black Vulture

The black vulture is a large bird of prey that lives in a large area of ​​Eurasia.

Reaching a weight of 14 kilograms, a length of 1.2 meters and a wingspan of 3 meters, the black vulture is sometimes considered the largest true bird of prey in the world.

9. African vulture

A close relative of the European Griffon Vulture, the African Vulture is a typical vulture, except that it has an unfeathered head and neck, very wide wings, and a short tail plumage.

The bird weighs up to 7.2 kilograms, reaches a length of up to 1 meter and has a wingspan of 2.25 meters. The African vulture is a scavenger, feeding mainly on the corpses of animals, but sometimes it does not disdain the remnants of food that it finds near human dwellings.

8. Kaffir Eagle

Found in the hilly and mountainous regions of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the southern Middle East, the kaffir eagle is a very large raptor.

Its length from the beak to the tip of the tail is up to 96 centimeters, and females (which are usually larger than males) can weigh up to 7 kilograms.

7. Great Gray Owl

Also known by many other names such as ashy owl, lapland owl, bearded owl, the gray owl is a very large bird, recorded as the world's largest owl species by length (it can reach up to 80 centimeters).

The Great Gray Owl seems to be very large and strong, but appearances are deceiving, because this bird, covered with very fluffy feathers, weighs only 1.29 kilograms.

6. Eagle-screamer

Found near bodies of water throughout sub-Saharan Africa, the screamer eagle is a large bird of prey that resembles the bald eagle in appearance.

Females of this species (weighing up to 3.6 kilograms and with a wingspan of up to 2.4 meters) are much larger than males.

As one of the most common African sea eagles, the screamer eagle is the national bird of countries such as Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Sudan.

5. Cape vulture

The Cape vulture is an Old World vulture endemic to southern Africa. Found mainly in Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia, the Cape vulture is a huge and robust bird of prey up to 115 centimeters long, weighing up to 11 kilograms and with a wingspan of up to 2.6 meters.

4. White-bellied sea eagle

Also known as the white-breasted sea eagle, the white-bellied sea eagle is a large diurnal bird of prey found in an area stretching from India to Sri Lanka across Southeast Asia to Australia.

The bird lives on the coast and along major waterways, breeding and hunting near water. Fish make up nearly half of its diet, however it is also an opportunistic scavenger.

The bird of prey can reach up to 90 centimeters in length, have a wingspan of up to 2.2 meters and weigh 4.5 kilograms.

3. Long-tailed eagle

The long-tailed eagle is a large brown sea eagle native to Central Asia. The size of the bird reaches up to 84 centimeters in length, the wingspan is up to 215 centimeters.

Its diet consists mainly of freshwater fish. The long-tailed eagle is perhaps the largest weightlifter among birds of prey. A case was recorded when a long-tailed eagle caught, lifted and carried away through the air a fish whose weight was twice its own.

2. Griffon Vulture

With a wingspan of up to 2.8 meters and a weight of up to 15 kilograms, the griffon vulture is a large Old World vulture that can be found in many parts of Europe and Asia. It nests in large groups in hard-to-reach rocks, untouched by people.

1 Bald Eagle

As the national bird and national animal of the United States, the white-headed

Birds of prey (falconiformes, Falconiformes), an order of birds, unites five families ( condors, falcons, hawks, secretaries, hoard), 290 species. Body length and weight from 15 cm and 35 g (baby falcon) to 110 cm and 15 kg (condors). Distributed throughout the world, excluding Antarctica. They occupy all natural zones and landscapes. The beak is strong, hooked. Its base is dressed with bare, brightly colored wax, into which the external openings of the nostrils open. The legs are strong with long and sharp claws. The toes are relatively long with pads on the plantar side for holding prey. The physique is dense, the plumage is rigid, tightly fitting to the body. The coloration is dull with a predominance of gray and brown tones. In some carrion-feeding species, the head and part of the neck are unfeathered. The coloration of males and females is the same, but females are noticeably larger than males. In American vultures, males are larger than females.

Detachment families

The diet consists mainly of birds and small mammals. Large eagles catch monkeys, sloths, small antelopes and even dogs. There are species that feed mainly on fish or reptiles (more often snakes). Arthropods serve as an additional (rarely main) food.

Vultures and vultures feed on carrion. The beak is used to butcher prey, so the most powerful beaks are endowed with fish-eating eagles dealing with large, slippery and strong-scaled prey, or scavengers. They hunt from ambush, often looking for prey in flight, some pursue in the air. They are diurnal, some species are crepuscular. In northern and temperate latitudes, some species are migratory.

Mostly monogamous. Some harriers are known to have polygyny, and some buzzards have polyandry. During the nesting period, they are kept in pairs in isolated areas. Some settle in colonies (vultures, small falcons). Both parents build platform nests on trees or rock ledges from branches.

Falcons use the buildings of other birds of prey or corvids. Females incubate a clutch of 1–6 eggs for 25–60 days, receiving food from males during this time. Both parents feed the chicks. In many species, chicks in the same nest develop unevenly, and the older ones (and sometimes the parents) often kill the younger ones. In large predators, chicks depend on their parents for a long time. The only South American chick harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) sits in the nest for almost six months. And for another six months, already knowing how to fly, it spends not far from the nest and receives food from its parents.

46 species nest on the territory of Russia. Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetus) is the largest eagle in the forest zone and mountains. Roe deer and deer calves, hares, foxes, marmots, ground squirrels, partridges, snowcocks, black grouse, geese, ducks, coots serve as food for him. goshawk (accipiter gentilis) inhabits dense forest areas with an old forest stand. It feeds on mammals and birds. Gyrfalcons (falco gyrfalco), Saker Falcons (Falco cherrug), peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) catch birds in the air, flying at speeds up to 200 km / h. The predator strikes with the whole body and legs.

Found in central Russia common buzzard (buteo buteo), common in northern tundra zimnyak (B. lagopus), in the steppes - long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus). Since ancient times, hunting with birds of prey has been widespread in many countries. At present, as a mass hobby, it has been preserved in the countries of the Arab world. Horse hunting with a golden eagle can be seen in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

For a full-fledged cycle of life on our planet, the presence of birds of prey in nature is an obvious necessity.

Different types of birds have a natural gift to hunt large prey. Among them: hawks, representatives of eagle and falcon groups, gulls, owls and others. The unifying criteria for these species are:

  • the role occupied in the natural chain;
  • way of eating;
  • lifestyle (time of day at which the bird starts hunting).

birds of prey

According to the systematization from the point of view of zoology, only falconiformes belong to the orders of diurnal birds of prey, these are the falcons themselves, hawks, eagles, buzzards, eagles, harriers.

It is noteworthy that truly birds of prey have the same threatening and dangerous appearance: the beak is bent like a hook, and their claws are crooked and very sharp. The coloration of females and males is almost identical, but females are larger.

Rough-footed buzzard

Another name is zimnyak. This bird is considered the most famous predator among the forests of the tundra. She builds her nests on the territory of the entire Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The food of this predatory species is made up of mice - voles and lemming hamsters. It is characteristic that the numerical component of Rough-legged Buzzards directly depends on the sufficient population of the area with these rodents. Scientists - ornithologists argue that in the conditions of one area, buzzards may be present in excess, or not at all.

External signs of the upland buzzard:

  • Rough-legged Buzzard is a large bird;
  • has wide wings (this visually makes it even larger);
  • general color - light, slightly "red";
  • on the belly and under the wings of a predator, black spots are localized, different in shape (they can form an individual plumage pattern).

Buzzards nest in woody areas, they line the nests with grass. If we are talking about the tundra, then in these areas the birds are usually located on the cliffs and hills. In the case of a fruitful year for mice, the nest of Rough-legged Rough-legged Buzzards can also be found on flat terrain, in swamps, in river lowlands.

Buzzards are migratory birds arriving from warm places in early spring. After the flight, they begin to twist their nests. Rough-legged buzzard egg size larger than chicken eggs, rounder in shape, they are spotted and have a white base. The richer the year for prey, the more eggs in the clutch of this bird of prey. The principle of natural selection plays a significant role in the survival of chicks, especially when there is not enough food, due to the poor harvest for rodents. Many chicks do not even have the opportunity to live up to the "flight" age, they are simply eaten by older and stronger chicks.

Buzzards zealously defend their nests. Attacks on people are unlikely, more often the birds simply scream loudly or rush at a person. But they fearlessly fight off arctic foxes or dogs, using strong claws. It happens that the Buzzard eats dead carcasses of deer and their entrails, or rotten fish.

With the arrival of the autumn period, and during it, these predators fly away to the regions of the middle lane.

bald eagle

It is one of the largest and largest birds of prey in Russia. His wingspan exceeds two meters, and the weight of the bird sometimes reaches seven kilograms. The owners of a pure white tail are predominantly adults, whose age is more than three years old, in the rest it is dark. Often a young sea eagle can be mistaken for a golden eagle. However, the tail of the golden eagle is slightly rounded, while that of the white-tailed tail has the shape of a sharp wedge.

White-tailed eagles nest almost all over the country, they avoid only extreme northern areas and dehydrated areas. They arrange their nests only in the crowns of trees, more often deciduous. Very rarely, the "eagle house" is located on steep cliffs.

Whitetails feed on fish and birds swimming in the water. This explains their desire to live near areas rich in water bodies. Their dwelling every year is located in the same place, has a very massive, puff structure up to a meter in height. In the open tundra expanses, the nest of the eagle is extremely rare to be found, more often it localized on hills or cliffs.

During early spring, the eagles already arrive from the south. The flight is carried out in pairs that are distinguished by constancy. Females lay from one to three eggs in the newly inhabited nest. The eggs are white with spots, similar in size to goose, but somewhat smaller. After the first egg is laid, female eagles begin incubation. The chicks emerge from the egg around the first half of June. Their growth is very rapid, plumage is fast.

In early August, the chicks fly out of the nest, however, they are under the supervision of their parents for a long time. Whitetails keep their way to the southern regions in early autumn.

White-tailed eagles feed on wild birds: geese, ducks, loons; also their diet consists of hares, large species of fish, rodents. Moreover, these birds of prey are lovers of carrion, or are hunting animals that are injured or sick and cannot resist.

White-tailed eagles are rare, valuable birds, they are listed in the Red Book of both our country and the international one. Often the eagle becomes a victim of hunters - poachers, which is very sad for nature and scientists.


These birds of prey have a small number, are considered rare, and are listed on the pages of our Red Book.

Species signs:

  • large size;
  • contrasting color: white-yellow underbody; a dark stripe running across the bird's crop; from above, the body, tail and wings are dark in color; wide black stripes on the head;
  • yellow eye color;
  • in conditions of increased anxiety, these birds make peculiar sounds.

The habitat of these predators is the territory of the whole world, with the exception of the extreme northern regions. They winter in the African and South Asian tropics.

Ospreys choose, to provide the necessary living conditions, areas with clear waters rich in fish. They nest in tall trees with dry tops, away from crowded places. Birds do not change their nests, returning to them every year. The clutch of the osprey contains up to four eggs at most, usually two or three. The eggs are dark in color, with purple spots of various localization.

Chicks live in the nest for about two months without leaving it. They become sexually mature when they reach the age of two.

The features of the hunting of these birds of prey are that, flying high above the water surface, they track down their main food - fish. Having noticed the victim, the osprey dives forward with its paws, and then takes off sharply, catching the victim. This bird is squeamish about carrion, so if hunger begins to exhaust, then a predator can hunt ducks or mice.

The osprey spends the winter between September and October.

The number of this species is inexorably declining, this is due to the direct extermination of predators, unfavorable ecology, and deforestation. All this makes it impossible for birds to nest safely.

Goshawk (hawk)

The bird is larger than a crow, weighing up to one and a half kilograms.

Character traits:

  • distinct stripes running across the underside of the bird's body;
  • dark gray upper body;
  • very bright, yellow eyes;
  • young goshawks are painted with red or brown tones.

Birds of this species have been persecuted for a very long time due to the fact that they were considered predators that bring special harm. As a result, their numbers have fallen, and now they are protected by law.

Hawks - goshawks feed on medium-sized fish and small animals such as rabbits, squirrels, and so on. They hunt dying animals that are doomed and weakened due to illness or injury. Due to this, predators are classified as forest orderlies.

Goshawk distribution zone - northern forest-tundra. They winter either where they nest or fly away to where it is warmer.

Harrier field

It is a bird that lives, more often, in open spaces - forest-tundra zones, forest-steppe and taiga strips. The main habitat condition is an abundance of small rodents.

The harrier is about the size of a crow, but with a longer tail and a graceful body. The colors of the male and female are different.

Features of the color of the male:

  1. white body with an ashy coating on top;
  2. black streaks at the ends of the wings.

Color of the female:

  1. body reddish with grey;
  2. lumbar region white.

Field harriers build their nests on the surface of the earth. The clutch consists of three to five white, slightly spotted eggs. They are smaller than chicken eggs, the most round.

The harrier is a migratory bird. It hunts by flying not very high, above the ground.

peregrine falcon

The most famous falcon. This is a rare and valuable bird breed. Unfortunately, poachers are especially fond of catching these particular predators, as a result of which their fate is extremely sad. Peregrine falcons are practically exterminated, they are very rare even in deserted areas.

In the United States, in order to restore the number of these birds, they kept in specialized enclosures. Peregrine falcon chicks are raised and then released to free latitudes. However, even taking into account the usefulness and importance of these activities, it should be said that they are very costly in material terms. Falcons released into the wild are of great monetary value.

A feature and pride of the peregrine falcon are clear, piercing black eyes, above which black superciliary arches loom. No wonder in Rus' the heroes were often called "clear falcons."

Within the Yamal territory, the number of falcons is no more than two hundred pairs of these birds of prey. The most populated part of Russia with falcons is the West Siberian tundra area, where the situation with predators is quite stable.

External characteristics of the peregrine falcon:

The falcon, by right, is ranked among the fastest living creatures on the planet, and even among birds it has no equal for a long time. He hunts, attacking the victim from above, in a steep "peak". Small birds, peregrine falcon grabs with strong paws, and larger ones, at speed knocks down with sharp claws on the hind fingers. Then the predatory falcon, on the fly, grabs the falling prey.

Peregrine falcons often bring their prey from places far from the nest. Previously, there was an opinion that they do not hunt near their nests, however, observations have shown the opposite. It is not uncommon for a falcon to hunt near a nesting female.

Predators of this species are very zealous and aggressive in protecting their nest. Noticing the danger, the peregrine falcon raises a frantic cry, and, diving, attacks the intruder. After a while, the female joins the male. Falcons also attack people, but with the aim of simply scaring them, without touching them.

The peregrine falcon is a sophisticated hunter. Among its victims, one can identify entire collections of the rarest birds, the existence of which even ornithologists do not always know.

Falcons nest, choosing a variety of places for this. It can be rocks, strangers, abandoned nests, even hollow trees or just plain land. An important condition for nesting is the possibility of a good overview of the area. The clutch size is three to five eggs. They are similar in size to chickens.

Tellingly, the grown chicks do not eat small falcons, unlike Rough-legged Rough-legged Rough-legged Buzzards. This is considered a noble trait of this bird species. However, it is worth noting rightly that their number is absolutely independent of the harvest for rodents, which means that peregrine falcons with chicks will not die for sure from starvation.

Falcons are migratory non flocking birds leading a solitary lifestyle. One pair of peregrine falcons builds a nest away from the other. Pairs are permanent, stable. However, their nests are always in the same place. Predators arrive at the beginning of spring, and fly away at about the same time as other birds.


It is considered the smallest falcon in size. The nesting territory of this predator is extensive, but merlins avoid areas that are too northern. This type of predator is quite rare.

The food type of merlins is small birds caught and captured on the fly. They build their nests mainly in trees, in abandoned crows' nests. The number of incubated eggs is up to five pieces. Both females and males act as hens, but the former participate to a greater extent.

It is noteworthy that the size of a derbnik is only the size of a dove. But at the same time it is a worthy predator in the tundra and its forests. This bird is protected by law.

Owls are nocturnal predators. These are known to all birds, which were repeatedly mentioned in children's fairy tales.

Features of the appearance of an owl:

Owls exterminate various rodents, while bringing great benefits to people. Therefore, they are protected by law from poachers and simply those who like to mock living beings.

Snowy owl (or white)

A very colorful nocturnal predator that lives in the steppes and tundra forests. Hunts for voles, partridges, hamsters - lemmings. Sometimes they catch hares and even arctic foxes and ermines.

The small peoples of the north often used owl meat for food, for this purpose they hunted it.

short-eared owl

In size inferior to the polar. It also feeds on rodents and lives in tundra areas. There were times when a short-eared owl was seen over the sea.

There are also other types of owls, for example: Lapland, hawk, eagle owl.

It is noteworthy that the tawny owl is a diurnal predator, even somewhat similar to a falcon.

Eagle owls are the largest birds from the order of owls. They have ears on their heads, the color is variegated with red. The eagle owl can attack a buzzard or a hawk, but basically its food consists of rodents and small animals.

In the conditions of the north, the eagle owl can conduct daytime hunting.

On the pages of our site, we have already written hundreds of times about dog breeds, caring for them, and made selections according to certain characteristics. But today we will take a break from earthly affairs and, for the sake of variety, we will tell about the lords of the sky - birds of prey. Of course, it will not work to list all of them, because there are thousands of species, so we will talk about the most famous birds in Russia, Ukraine, and also on the American continent.

Birds of Prey of Russia - photo with names

Among the representatives of birds of prey in Russia there are both day and night hunters. The former include, for example, families of hawks and falcons, and the latter include barn owls and owls. They all have similar characteristics (sharp claws, good eyesight), but they are very different in size, feather color, hunting method, etc.

Black kite (shulika)

Birds of Prey of Russia - Black Kite (photo by Tim Ebbs).

This bird was probably seen by everyone who got out of the city, though from afar - the kite flies quite high. Shulika (as the kite is often called) has a relatively small size, only 50-60 cm in length and 800-1100 g of weight. But the one and a half meter wingspan gives this predator more showiness.

The genus of kites includes several subspecies and their habitats are extensive - this bird of prey is very common in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and is also distributed throughout Africa (except the Sahara), in southern Asia, in Northern Australia. It is worth noting that the kite is sometimes found even in large cities (Novosibirsk, Barnaul, etc.).

The diet includes fish, rodents, birds, frogs, insects, crustaceans, molluscs and even worms. Accordingly, the black kite most often nests in forests near lakes and rivers.

white-tailed eagle

Birds of Prey of Russia - White-tailed Eagle (photo by Donald Ogg).

The white-tailed eagle is another bird of prey of the hawk family, which lives almost throughout Russia. These heavenly hunters are very large - body length is from 70 to 90 cm, weighs from 4 to 7 kg, and the wingspan reaches 230 centimeters. Interestingly, males are much smaller than females.

Looking at the photo above, it is not difficult to guess that this species of eagles got its name because of the white color of the tail. By the way, in the list of the largest birds in Europe, the white-tailed eagle is placed in fourth place.

black vulture

The black vulture is the largest bird of prey in Russia (photo by Josh More).

Although this bird of prey is considered the largest in Russia, it lives only in the southeast of Altai, and then in small numbers. Body length - from 75 cm to 1 meter, weight from 7 to 12 kg, and the wingspan can reach three meters!

It is interesting that black vultures can fly a huge distance every day (up to 400 km) in search of food (they feed on carrion). They succeed in this thanks to the skillful ability to use the ascending currents of warm air for soaring flight.

Golden eagle

Diurnal birds of prey - Berkut (photo by Pionites melanocephalus).

Among the most famous birds of prey in Russia, of course, there is a golden eagle. Moreover, he lives throughout the Northern Hemisphere (including America), mainly in the mountains. Large dimensions (body length from 76 to 93 cm, weight from 2.8 to 6.7 kg and a wingspan of up to 2.4 meters) allow this bird to hunt not only rodents and birds, but also hares.

Very often, golden eagles are tamed and used for commercial hunting for the same hares, as well as foxes and even wolves. In the hawk family, the golden eagle is the largest of the genus of eagles.

White Owl

Birds of Prey of Russia - Snowy Owl (photo by Colby Stopa).

This bird of prey is the largest of the order of owls living in the tundra. Body length - from 55 to 70 cm, weight from 2 to 3 kg, wingspan - up to 166 cm. From the name it follows that the main color of the feathers is white, on which there are transverse dark streaks. This color allows the bird to camouflage against the background of snow.

Unlike many owls, the snowy owl hunts not only at night, but also during the day. The main diet is mice, especially lemmings (one owl can eat up to 1600 of them per year). Although this hunter also does not refuse small hares, partridges and fish.

Birds of Prey of America - photos and names

Of course, many different birds of prey live in North and South America, and one page is definitely not enough to tell about them all. Therefore, we will only touch on this topic, showing only a few of their interesting representatives.

andean condor

Andean condor (photo by Paul Balfe).

It is the largest flying bird of prey in the Western Hemisphere with a wingspan of up to 3.1 meters and a weight of 15 kg. In addition, the Andean condor is a real long-liver - a life expectancy of up to 50 years. Like the rest of the griffon, this predator is not a hunter, but a scavenger.

barn owl

Birds of Prey of America - Barn owl (photo by Dave Curtis).

We mentioned this bird of prey not only because of its prevalence (it lives on both American continents, except Canada and the northern regions of the USA), but also because of its unusual appearance. In Russia, barn owl is found only in the Kaliningrad region.

These are nocturnal hunters, although their daytime vision deteriorates little relative to the dark time of the day. The basis of the diet of these birds are small rodents - rats, voles, hamsters, gerbils, etc.

Birds of prey of Ukraine - photos and names

Among the most common birds of prey in Ukraine is the shulika (aka the black kite, which we talked about above). Also, many of the birds described above partially live in this country.


Birds of Prey of Ukraine - Photo by Kobchik (by Michele Lamberti).

This bird of prey from the genus of falcons has a rather small size - a wingspan of up to 77 cm, and a maximum weight of 200 grams. It is not difficult to guess that the falcon will not catch a hare - the basis of its diet are beetles, dragonflies, grasshoppers. Sometimes it also catches lizards, small mice, sparrows.

Tawny Owl

Birds of Prey Photo - Tawny Owl (photo by Sue Cro).

Another bird from the owl family, is widespread throughout almost all of Europe. Its dimensions are medium - body length up to 38 cm and weight from 400 to 640 g. In nature, these are night hunters.

Video: hunting hawk

This is where our small selection of birds of prey ends. Recall that there are still very, very many of them in the world, but our moment of diversity is ending and in the next article we will return to our pets - dogs.

Birds of the Moscow region are distinguished by an impressive diversity. This area is home to a large number of birds of different species and sizes. Despite the fact that the proximity of the metropolis has an impact on their habitat, forests, fields and swamps are rightfully considered their home. The birds of Moscow and the Moscow region always arouse special interest and admiration among citizens. Birds inhabiting forests and parks make the territories of the Moscow Region more attractive.

Birds of the Moscow region are distinguished by an impressive variety

A beautiful and majestic stork is an individual of snow-white plumage with a long beak. In a seated stork, black edging along the edges of the wings creates the illusion of a black back. In cold seasons, the bird flies to warm African countries. He likes to live and equip his overall nests near residential buildings.

Birds of prey of the Moscow region, found most often - buzzards. These are fairly large individuals about 50 cm in size, with a wing span of up to 1 m. Dark birds often have large spots on the sides of the chest or have a dark transverse stripe. Birds of prey called buzzard also have a second name - common buzzard. Predators are common not only in Russia, but throughout Europe and Asia, they live in wooded areas. There are both black and gray feathers. The color varies from pale yellow to dark brown. There are light spots on the inside of the pen. The bottom of the wings smoothly turns into a lighter shade.

The raven has a shiny black plumage with a metallic sheen.

The raven has a shiny black plumage with a metallic sheen. It would be a gross mistake to call a majestic and large black crow an ordinary crow. This species differs from the ubiquitous human companion due to its larger body size with a long beak. The maximum age an animal can live to is 75 years.

The bullfinch is a well-known and very common bird living in the Moscow region.

Bullfinch - a well-known and very common bird living in the Moscow region - has a red plumage. It is quite small in size and is rightfully considered a native inhabitant of the wild, rarely catches the eye in the warm season. A bird with a red breast is endowed with a body of about 18 cm, weighing 35 grams and black feathers near the eyes. Flying from place to place in search of food, elegant pichugs visit not only city parks and forest belts, but also villages. The bullfinch likes to eat fruits and berries left on the trees from the autumn period. In size, it is no larger than an ordinary starling. The bullfinch pleases with its appearance in the winter, the bright breasts of birds are clearly visible in the snow. This explains the name.

Thrush has a slightly nondescript external characteristics and attracts very little attention from others.

Thrush has a slightly nondescript external characteristics and attracts very little attention from others. The head of a bird of a soft grayish hue with a long orange beak. The individual has a dull brown-brown color of the back, red sides and a white belly. However, this view is surprisingly melodious and euphonious. It is because of the peculiar sounds made that the bird is called that way.

Also, a very small but beautiful bird with the name bluethroat belongs to the thrush group.

Also, a very small but beautiful bird with the name bluethroat belongs to the order of thrushes. The blue color on the chest of an individual is usually surrounded by white, but sometimes it can be completely absent. In birds with a blue breast, the color of the eggs is blue or olive. The bluethroat is slightly smaller than the house sparrow in size, has a brown back and a gray uppertail.

Birds of Russia in the forests of the Moscow region (video)

Gallery: birds of the Moscow region (25 photos)

Pheasant family

The capercaillie is the largest forest bird of the grouse family living in the area. Likes to settle near swamps. Prefers a sedentary lifestyle, but can sometimes fly from one place to another. Endowed with beautiful plumage and bright color. At the same time, males wear more colorful feathers than females. Their back is black-gray with a light speck, the chest is green with a fuzzy metallic tint. In the spring, the birds' eyebrows swell, which turn red for a while. In winter, capercaillie live in flocks and preferably in coniferous or mixed forests dominated by coniferous trees.

Capercaillie is the largest forest bird of the grouse family.

The gray partridge is often found throughout Russia. Many, especially hunters, know what a bird from the pheasant family looks like. The length of her body is about 30 cm, and the weight is from 300 to 450 grams, the wingspan is up to 48 cm. An individual with a buffy face, a small head and a well-developed back and chest.

Tit family

Lazorevkas are another bird of central Russia. The head of the individuals is white in color, there is a black stripe on the chest and around the “cheeks”. The head is decorated with a “blue” cap, plumage on the tail of a similar color, the back is green, and the belly and chest are yellow. Birds are not afraid to winter in the middle lane, they like to settle in deciduous gardens. These are sedentary and at the same time nomadic birds. They prefer to build their nests in hollow trees. Birds with greenish-blue plumage lay eggs that have small red-brown spots, the laying period falls on April-May.

Lazorevki - another bird of central Russia

The titmouse is a yellow bird that lives next to humans. She likes to carefully examine trees and shrubs in search of food. With the first warm rays of the sun, awakening all living things from the cold winter, the beautiful singing of tits begins to be heard. This small yellow-breasted bird starts its spring trills associated with the mating season. Songs of the titmouse can only be heard at this time. A bird with a yellow breast from the tit family is a permanent inhabitant of the Moscow area.

Tit is a yellow bird that lives next to a man

Great tits are the largest individuals from the tit family. The plumage of the head and throat is black, and the wings have a bluish tint. The chest of the tit is filled with yellow, except for the longitudinal black stripe. "Cheeks" and a small spot on the back of the head are snow-white in color. These are wintering birds that feed mostly on worms and insects. Large individuals are able to eat as much food per day as they weigh themselves. The yellow bird begins to delight others with its singing at the end of February. In winter, in search of food, visits household plots. He likes to eat spiders, nutcrackers, leaf beetles, sometimes eats plant seeds.

Starling family

A gray starling with a long beak is distinguished by plumage of a color consonant with its name. The head and abdomen are white, and the base of the beak is yellow. Young representatives of the species are often found with an orange breast. The starling is a migratory individual that prefers to settle in a mixed type forest, keeps in flocks. On the menu, the gray bird prefers various larvae and insects.

The pink starling is another representative of the birds of the Moscow region. In young individuals of this species, the plumage is lighter than in mature ones. The adult has a crest on the head. A pink-breasted migratory bird organizes its nests in rock voids, cliffs and woodpiles. They lay their eggs in late spring or early summer, the clutch consists of 4-6 white eggs. Feathered actively exterminates locusts and other pests. During the day, a bird with a crest eats up to 200 large insects.

The most common species of birds that catches the eye is the house sparrow. The male has a gray head, black chest and neck, white stripes on the shoulders, and a brown stripe running from the beak to the eyes. Females and younger individuals have brownish plumage, gradually brightening towards the lower part of the body. Feather with dark and light patches on the back.

The most common species of birds that catches the eye is the house sparrow

Birds of Moscow and Moscow region (video)

Small size birds

Among the birds of central Russia, living in the expanses of the Moscow region, there is often a bird with a red head called the red-headed kinglet. These are very active birds that like to move with sharp and fast movements, while twitching their wings and tail. They have a piercing and thin voice, the songs consist of merging whistles, and by the end of the trills the voice becomes louder and more distinct.

The hoopoe also has an original crest located on its head.

The hoopoe also has an original crest located on its head. It is a bird with black wings, which are diluted with a white stripe, beige plumage and a light belly. The individual loves open spaces, but is also found in the vicinity of Moscow. Arranges its nests in hollows, stones and rock crevices. The hoopoe is a bird with a long thin beak, so it is easy for her to get food in hard-to-reach places.

For lovers of ornithology, a bird guide has been developed, which contains all the species of the avifauna of the Moscow region.

The spotted woodpecker, common in the Moscow region, can rightfully be considered the orderly of all forests. This is a small individual with a long beak, preferring to lead an arboreal lifestyle. It feeds on insects, which it extracts from under the bark thanks to its beak. The individual has a strong and large skull. Settles in the hollows of trees, but not healthy, but having some kind of disease or completely dead.

For lovers of ornithology, a bird guide has been developed, which contains all the species of the avifauna of the Moscow region. This manual exists in different variations: as a regular book and as an electronic atlas-distributor. The samples will be interesting and exciting for biology teachers, biology students, nature conservation services and others interested in birds and Moscow nature. These sources contain various avifauna of the Moscow region with its full description and photographs.

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