The best quotes with meaning about love. Quotes about love in English: how beautiful to say about your feelings? Quotes and phrases about love for a man, boyfriend, girl, woman at a distance for statuses: list

Agree, although there are many non-verbal ways to express your feelings, finding words that summarize everything that you feel is quite difficult.

Fortunately, some of the world's greatest artists, poets, musicians and hopeless romantics have managed to articulate the magic of love using words so simple and perfect. We suggest reading quotes that are ideal for writing them to the one you love.

Beautiful quotes about love with meaning

  • “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or heard, but through love they can be felt in the heart.” (Helen Keller)
  • "If I had a flower every time I think of you, then I could walk in a beautiful garden for the rest of my life." (Alfred Tennyson) (We recommend reading)
  • “Well, it seems to me that the best relationships are the ones that last and are often rooted in friendship. One day you will look at a person and you will see something more than you saw the day before. It was like a switch had been flipped somewhere. The person who was just a friend suddenly became the only person you could ever imagine being with." (Gillian Anderson)
  • “I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand, and the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love." (Brian Andreas) "People from History"
  • “If you live to be a hundred years old, then I would like to live the same, only minus one day. Then I will hardly ever be forced to live without you. (A. A. Milne)
  • “In your light, I learned how to love. In your beauty, how to make poetry. You dance in my chest where no one can see you. But sometimes I spy on it and what I see becomes art for me.” (Jalaluddin Rumi)
  • “Love is a crazy, crazy, beautiful thing. So when you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want that rest to begin as soon as possible.” (Unknown)
  • “How much trouble is in the old door? Depends on how loudly you closed it. How many slices are in bread? Depends on how thin you cut it. How much good per day? Depends on how well you live. And how much love is inside your soulmate? Depends on how much you give." (Shel Silverstein)
  • “You need to dance like no one is watching you.
    To love so that you never get hurt.
    Sing like no one is listening.
    And live like it's heaven on earth."
    (William W. Purkey)
  • “I don’t trust people who don’t love themselves and tell me, ‘I love you. There is an African saying: "Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt." (Maya Angelou)

Quotes About True Love

  • “When someone truly loves you, then through communication with him, a feeling of security and comfort is born.” (Unknown)
  • “This is the kind of love that awakens the soul, making us achieve more. It is she who kindles the fire in our hearts, bringing peace to our minds. This is what you gave me, and what I hoped to give you forever." (Nicholas Sparks)
  • “True love is not just an affectionate feeling. It's a constant desire to be as close to the person you love as possible." (Unknown)

  • “Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides, you must make a decision. You must decide if your roots are tied together and that it is unthinkable for you to ever part. Love is neither breathlessness nor excitement, nor the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. It's not the desire for intimacy every other minute of the day, waking up at night imagining that he's kissing every inch of your body. Any fool can do such a display of feelings. True love is what's left. It's both art and luck." (Louis de Bernier) "Captain Corelli's Mandolin"
  • “True love is fire. But whether it will warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell in advance. (Joan Crawford)
  • "True love is rare and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning." (Nicholas Sparks) "Message in a Bottle"

Quotes of great people about love

  • "Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most deadly to true happiness." (Bertrand Russell)
  • "I love you like a fat man loves pie." (Scott Adams)
  • “There is always madness in love. But in madness there is always some reason.” (Friedrich Nietzsche)
  • “I don’t know exactly what heaven will be like, but I do know that when we die, at God’s judgment, God will not ask: “How many good things have you done in your life?” Rather, he will ask: “How much love did you put into what you did”? (Mother Teresa)
  • "Never close your lips to someone to whom you have already opened your heart." (Charles Dickens)

  • "I chose to stick with love, hate is too heavy to be held accountable." (M. L. King, Jr.)
  • “You don't love someone for their looks, their clothes, or their fancy car. And love because they sing a song that you can hear.” (Oscar Wilde)
  • "It's better to lose and love than never love." (Ernest Hemingway)
  • “I fell in love with her courage, as well as sincerity and ardent self-esteem. And that's what I would continue to believe. Even if the whole world would convince me that it is not what it should be. I love her and that's the beginning of everything." (F. Scott Fitzgerald) (Learn)
  • "With the touch of love, everyone will become a poet." (Plato)
  • “To be deeply loved by a person is to have strength, and a strong love for someone gives you courage.” (Lao Tzu)
  • "We are shaped by those we love." (Goethe)

Short quotes about love with meaning

  • “Being with you was never a mistake. You are the only thing I did right." (Becca Fitzpatrick) "Crescendo"
  • "The only thing worse than a boy who hates you is a boy who loves you." (Unknown)
  • "Love is the irresistible desire to be constantly desired." (Robert Frost)
  • "The more love, the more tragedy when it's all over." (Nicholas Sparks)
  • “It is better to hate for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.” (Andre Guide)
  • “Love is that state in which the happiness of another person directly depends on your own well-being.” (Unknown)
  • “Love is like the wind! You can't see it, but you can feel it." (Nicholas Sparks) "The Walk"

  • “Love is a wild and crazy thing. And if there is sometimes no madness in it, it is not love. (Unknown)
  • "Love is so short, but forgotten so long." (Pablo Neruda)
  • “I wish I could turn back time so I could find you sooner. Then I would love you longer.” (Unknown)
  • "The greatest thing you will ever know is to love and be loved in return." (Natalie Cole)
  • “Love is selfless, and if you want to be happy, you need to make the other person the same.” (Theodor Reik)

Sad quotes about love

  • “We fell in love despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created. This kind of love happened to me only once. Therefore, every minute that we spent together was imprinted in my memory. I will never forget a minute."
    (Nicholas Sparks) "Notebook" (Recommended to know)
  • “Everyone, at some point in their lives, wakes up in the middle of the night with the feeling that they are alone in this world. That no one loves him now and never will. Therefore, he will waste his life wandering through a deserted landscape and desperately hoping that his circumstances will improve. But deep down he suspects that he will forever remain unloved. The best thing to do under these circumstances is to wake someone else up to feel the same way.” (Lemony Snicket)
  • “Anyone who falls in love is looking for the missing parts of themselves. Therefore, everyone who loves becomes sad when he thinks about his beloved. It's like going back to a room with fond memories, but unfortunately forgotten by you." (Haruki Murakami)

  • “Love lost is still love, it just takes on a different form, that’s all. You cannot see a loved one smile, cook food for him, or ruffle his hair. But when these feelings weaken, memory strengthens. She becomes your partner. You cherish her, hold on to her and dance with her." (Mitch Album)
  • “I loved you because I thought you were perfect. But when I saw that you were far from perfect, I began to love you even more. (Angelica Lim)


Love can control the gamut of emotions: from agony to ecstasy. She can inspire us to do the craziest and most amazing feats. Or make us happier than we've ever been or sadder or angrier than usual.

Although we all recognize the emotions associated with love, it is actually quite difficult to find the right words to explain these feelings. People have been looking for the right way to say "I love you" for centuries. Wanting to explain “the shaking in your knees or that palpitations. This is how quotes about love were born, perhaps a little sad or funny, wise or sincere, but penetrating us to tears and the depths of our feelings.

Sincerely, the editors of the site "Family and Children".

We invite you to listen to what Omar Khayyam says about love.

Distance is not a barrier to love, it's just a way to test your feelings. You can be thousands of kilometers apart, be immersed in thoughts about your loved one, and at the same time be confident in his honesty. Love, like friendship, must be built on trust. Lack of trust is the first destructive force of love. The ability to compromise also plays a significant role in the development of love relationships.

They say love fades with age. In fact, she just transforms. If you want, then love can be saved for many years, the main thing is that it be the desire of two. True love, which brings happiness and illuminates life, is never the play of one actor, it is always the unison of two beating hearts. One can love, but unrequited love has not yet made anyone happy, so love turning into happiness is a meeting of two madmen who are ready to sacrifice their lives for each other.

Love is when you are not compared to anyone, because they know that there is no one better than you.

LLovers are not compared, they are simply loved.

Love is the desire to make your loved one happy.

If you are in love, then you will do everything to give happiness, and not to cause pain.

It takes only a few seconds to say "I love you", but to show how much you love - a whole life!

You can talk about love without experiencing this feeling, so the main thing is not words, but actions.

Love is when, despite the distance, you trust your loved one.

You can be close to your loved one and not trust him, or you can be at a distance and be confident in him.

Love is when he sees her sleepy in the morning, without makeup, in pajamas and still thinks that she is the most beautiful of him ...

Well-groomed, beautiful, with makeup and hair - such a girl is for everyone, but not made up and with natural beauty - such a girl is only for her beloved.

The extinguished fire of love, you need to kindle from the coal ...

Over the years, feelings fade away, but if you want, they can be rekindled.

Appreciate not the one who gave you 101 roses as a "symbol of the feelings of the 21st century." And the one who gave you 1 heart, but as a symbol of true love.

Sometimes one field chamomile is able to express more feelings than a large bouquet of roses.

Cherish the love. Take care with all your heart. And do not waste seconds on a trifle of grievances. Call now, just call to say about your endless love.

Love must be appreciated and be able to enjoy it, and not experience this bright feeling.

Love is not when people climb onto your balcony with a rose in their teeth... Love is when they don't walk around your soul in dirty shoes...

Love is a light feeling. therefore it does not tolerate dirty intentions.

Love heals those who give it and those who receive it.

The most effective cure for all ills is love.

Age cannot protect us from love, but love, to some extent, protects us from age.

If people are in love, they look younger, and their soul is still young.

Beautiful quotes and aphorisms

Love is the heart of everything.

Everything starts with love, it is the center of the universe.

Saying “I love you”, hearing “I love you too” in response - nothing can be more expensive than these words.

Is there anything in this world that can be more beautiful than mutual love.

Love is not when a person makes this world for you, but when you create it together.

Lovers always go through life together.

Love is the strongest of all passions, because it simultaneously takes possession of the head, heart and body.

If they love, then not only with their soul or heart, they love with their whole body.

The best healer for the soul is the kind and gentle words of a loved one.

No medicine can compare with the support, care and attention of a loved one.

Love is when you get up early to make him a cup of coffee, and the coffee is already ready and He smiles at you in the kitchen.

Wanting to give someone a pleasant surprise is love, and demanding breakfast is just cohabitation.

Love gives us the strength to wake up, always breathe and always smile.

When a person loves and it is mutual, then he just wants to live and enjoy life.

Love always finds an opportunity and develops resourcefulness.

People in love are distinguished by their special purposefulness and ingenuity.

When hearts in love beat in unison, the stars fall.

At the same time, hearts can beat in unison not only when lovers are nearby, they feel each other even at a distance.

The one who blushes at the meeting loves, the one who is silent at the meeting loves, and not the one who kisses and loves endlessly at the meeting - says ...

Loving and talking about love are not the same thing.

True love is not one that endures years of separation, but one that endures years of intimacy.

To recognize all the shortcomings and be able to accept them, to lead a common life and go through life together - this is love.

Funny and funny

Well, what to do with you?! - Love, feed and not give to anyone!

Don’t forget to pamper yourself, well, buy all sorts of sweets there, take them to shopping ...)))

Love is a bed rest disease.

It is especially necessary to observe bed rest at night ...)))

Of course, you are very lucky with me, and I am with you too. But you are with me more)

If he doesn’t mind, then it’s true, he’s more fortunate, he understands ...)

Love is not when someone brings you a bouquet of roses and you smell it. Love is when they tell you all day about 95 gasoline, and you listen to it.

It is not always necessary to understand what a loved one is talking about, the main thing is to look smart and agree in time ...)))

Love is cooler than a plastic surgeon - it rejuvenates, refreshes and changes without a scalpel - with one touch to the heart.

Only when love is not mutual, does she turn into a surgical trainee: she disfigures so that bags under her eyes will be around the clock, and there will be no trace of freshness.

I will surrender myself with love to good hands, so that there is no pain and no boredom, so that the soul would be filled with happiness forever, and all this always lasted, endlessly!

Where can I find them, these good hands?!) Listen to everyone, urgent announcement: Looking for good hands.

If someone laid eyes on your beloved guy, then someone has an extra eye ...

And if it’s superfluous, then you need to embed it well so that it’s no longer habitual ...)

Love is six letters: 2 vowels, 3 consonants, a soft sign and two crazy ones!

Why are the words "in love" and "crazy" not synonymous in the dictionary?)))

If a loved one leaves you of his own free will, then by law he must work for another two weeks until you find a new one.

If you decide to leave, let him go to hell, otherwise he will require severance pay ...

Jealous means he loves, not jealous means he doesn't know anything.

Let him not know better and not be jealous, otherwise he will start to beat ...)))

Love comes... Love goes... Love comes... Love goes... Look, stop messing around!

Didn't you try to settle down at first?)))

He loves me... 842 daisies won't lie!

Maybe ask him anyway? Daisies can say this out of female solidarity ...)))

To love means to constantly think about a loved one, live one life with him and move together towards a common goal. Love and be loved!

A man who speaks intelligently about love is not very in love.

No science can explain the phenomena that love easily explains.

"Oscar Wilde"

People who take all the trifles to heart are the most capable of sincere love.

"Lev Tolstoy"

Such is the usual fate of people - not to have a single true friend if you yourself do not love anyone.

"William Thackeray"

It happens sometimes that life separates two people just to show both how important they are to each other.

"Paulo Coelho"

Love is such an unimaginably incomprehensible force that has no limits and no limits to the ability to love.

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.

You can buy up the entire pharmacy, but you can't break the sticky web of loneliness, kill depression, or run away from despair. A very special medicine will help - love. Far more people die from its absence than from starvation.

"Mother Teresa"

It is difficult to say how much vanity lies hidden in our most ardent feelings for our neighbors, and how selfish our love is!

"William Thackeray"

When love comes, the soul is filled with unearthly bliss. Why this feeling of great happiness? Only because we imagine that the end of loneliness has come.

"Guy de Maupassant"

How to understand you?
- It is not necessary to understand me. Be sure to love and feed on time.

Here's a simple test for falling in love: if, after spending four or five hours without your mistress, you start to miss her, then you are not in love - otherwise ten minutes of separation would be enough to make your life absolutely unbearable.

"Frederick Begbeder"

If love doesn't make you cry, love.

Love gives you the opportunity to be happy simply because it is happy.

"Gottfried Leibniz"

God made women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so they could love men.

"Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya"

Quotes about love with meaning

Someone lacks one woman, and he switches to the fifth, tenth. And another does not have enough life to love the one and only.

"Konstantin Khabensky"

To find love, you have to stop looking for it. And then she herself will come, if only out of curiosity.

Concepts of who can be loved change over time. What is constant is our attraction to those we desire.

Almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love.

There is the same gulf between mutual and unrequited love as between a fairy tale and reality.

"George Sand"

The worst thing about love is peace. Cloudless happiness can get boring, in life you can’t do without ebb and flow: with obstacles, love flares up more strongly, and pleasure is valued more.


Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I need it the most.

You can love either with the mind or with the body, but both together - in no way.

"Boris Akunin"

True love can be between self-sufficient people who know how to be happy alone. Having met, having fallen in love with each other, they decide to go through life together to increase happiness.

Love is when good people feel bad. Spleen

“He realized that she was not only close to him, but that he now does not know where she ends and he begins.” L. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina”

I do not know how to half love or be friends, or I will give my whole soul, or nothing.

Great people develop love in themselves, and only a petty soul cherishes the spirit of hatred.

It happens that the person who can save you drowns. Frederic Begbeder

What I am to you, you will be to me. Heinrich Mann

Women love only those they don't know. Mikhail Lermontov

How often in life, making mistakes, we lose those we cherish ...
Trying to please strangers, sometimes we run away from our neighbor ...
We exalt those who are not worth us, but betray the most faithful ...
Who loves us so much, we offend, and we ourselves are waiting for an apology ...

Love is the only thing that makes a person stronger, a woman more beautiful, a man kinder, a soul easier, and life more beautiful! Friedrich Nietzsche

No person in the world is worthy of your tears, and the one who is worthy will never make you cry. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The station saw more sincere kisses than the registry office. And the walls of the hospital heard more sincere prayers than the church.

Whoever wants - writes, whoever needs it - calls, whoever is bored - will find it.

I love her because there is nothing in the world like her, there is nothing better, there is no animal, no plant, no star, no more beautiful person. Alexander Kuprin

Do not be shy about your feelings and desires... There will be no other life for them...

Only then will the guy understand how dear the girl is to him when she is with another ..

Perfect people do not exist, but there is always one that is perfect for you.

The woman is a flower. The man is a gardener. The gardener cares for and grows the Flower. The flower, in turn, thanks him, giving him its tenderness and beauty. The most caring Gardener has the most beautiful Flower.

If I were offered love or money, I would choose love. After all, thanks to love, there is inspiration to create something new and make money.

If you have caught a bird, then do not keep it in a cage, do not make it want to fly away from you, but could not. And make it so that she could fly away, but did not want to.

Sometimes they leave not to leave, but to return differently.

A loved one cannot be replaced by anyone and never.

They could not reach each other, but they were able to touch the soul. Ariel Buteau

It is a mistake to think that love grows out of long-term friendship and persistent courtship. Love is the fruit of spiritual closeness, and if closeness does not arise in a second, it will not arise either in years or in generations. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

A woman must be loved in such a way that it would never occur to her that someone else could love her even more ...

Dreaming because you think. You think because you're bored. You miss because you love. And you love, because this is your person. A.P. Chekhov

Tenderness, absolute mutual trust, and contact, and truth - this becomes more and more necessary over the years ... Let's not throw love, we don't meet it so often. Iris Murdoch. "Sea Sea".

True love begins where nothing is expected in return. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When you kiss and close your eyes, you go to heaven

When the power of love surpasses the love of power, there will be peace on Earth.

Loved... Roaring... Waiting for something... Sent... Forgotten... And I'm happy.

You need to build a relationship with a person for whom you will always be in the first place.

When Maggie and I got married 60 years ago, we had no money. We had $8 in our bank account. For the first two years, we didn't even have a phone. We rented a tiny apartment in Venice, next to a gas station. There on the wall hung my first phone. I ran out to him, picked up the phone, and people thought they were calling me at home. There was not even a telephone, let alone a car. But do you know what we had? Love. Ray Bradbury

No need to waste yourself on just anyone. It is better to accumulate love, care and tenderness in yourself in order to give it to the right person at the right time. Mother Teresa

Why do I need all these people? If none of them is still not you. Vera Polozkova

It's so easy to be loved, it's so hard to love.

Never love someone who treats you like an ordinary person. Oscar Wilde

I shaved every night so I wouldn't prick her with my stubble while kissing her in bed. And then one night - she was already asleep (I was somewhere without her, returned in the morning, a typical small piggy of those that we allow ourselves, justified by marital status) - she took it and did not shave. I thought it was okay, she wouldn't even notice. And that simply meant that I no longer love her ... Frederic Begbeder

A woman who is considered cold has simply not yet met a man who can awaken love in her. Veniamin Kaverin The Science of Parting

Only a man is to blame for how a woman behaves, he either allows her to do this, or sets an example with his behavior ...

When everything is good, it's easy to be together: it's like a dream, just breathe, and that's all. We need to be together when it's bad - that's what people come together for. Valentin Rasputin ("Live and Remember")

Love is not a mirror pond into which you can gaze forever. It has ebb and flow. And the wreckage of wrecked ships, and sunken cities, and octopuses, and storms, and boxes of gold, and pearls ... But pearls - they lie very deep. Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe"

Loving is not difficult. It's hard to find someone who really needs it.

True love is possible only with the Real! Hrishikesh Maharaj

The only thing that matters at the end of our time on earth is how much we loved, what the quality of our love was. Richard Bach

I want the person I love to not be afraid to openly love me. Otherwise, it's humiliating. Pushkin

Reason judges what is good and what is bad. Love brings only good things. D.Chopra

If you are looking for true and great love, then first you need to get tired of petty feelings and random romances. (Paulo Coelho)

Some people leave, others come, and only a few remain forever in the heart.

The happiness of a woman is not in the ability to choose among hundreds of men. The happiness of a woman is in the ability to allow herself to be with the one you love. Of the thousands and millions of admirers, there are hundreds of beautiful ones, hundreds of rich ones, hundreds of jealous ones, hundreds of desired ones, and there may not be a single loved one. And the one you love can be banned. The prohibition of time… The prohibition of distance… The prohibition of pride, or weakness… The prohibition of circumstances…

We love but pretend we don't care. We are indifferent, but we pretend that we love.

True love does not tolerate strangers. Erich Maria Remarque "Three Comrades".

Love the woman the way you made her. Or make it the way you like it.

Love is not chosen, loved ones are not blamed, fate is not repeated, the forgotten are not called!

There is no love without pain. If someone loved, then he understands ...

A girl's heart is never empty...either she's in love or she can't forget.

Love does not live for three years, love does not live for three days. Love lives exactly as long as two people want it to live.

When love ends, one necessarily suffers... if no one suffers, then love never began... if both suffer, love is still alive...

You love and are loved. Too bad they are two different men.

The wind changes the shape of the sand dunes, but the desert remains the same. And our love will remain the same. (Coelho)

They say there is only one step from love to hate. No, one step from charm to disappointment. And between love and hate there are hundreds of attempts to change everything.

Love is like a river: a man rushes into it at once, and a woman enters gradually.

Love is a lamp that illumines the universe; without the light of love, the earth would turn into a barren desert, and man into a handful of dust.

If I love, then for a long time, if mutually, then forever

If you love, then the age difference is not a difference.

Love is never perfect. I don't want to erase her from my life. I love my pain. She is my friend. Jim carrey

What a luxury it is to be able to hug a loved one at any time. S. Ahern

Do you even understand what is happening to you? - I'm in love. Kill me. Chuck Palahniuk

We can get rid of the disease with the help of medicines, but the only cure for loneliness, despair and hopelessness is love. There are many people in the world who are dying of hunger, but even more of those who are dying because they lack love. Mother Teresa

Scream - anyone will hear.
Whisper - the nearest will hear.
And only a lover will hear what you are silent about.

Some girls are cold in appearance, cruel in nature ... Because they once seriously loved, but lost ... They believed, but they were betrayed ...

Just when your hair is removed from your face, you would know how much tenderness, awe and love is in it. More than your "I love you"

Try asking a person in love what the meaning of life is. Any lover. It is not necessary that he be an academic or a philosopher. In a state of love, any person knows what the meaning of life is - in love. The Polish writer Stanisław Lem, although a science fiction writer, but absolutely correctly and realistically noticed: we do not need to conquer space, we are in the stupid position of a person rushing towards a goal that he is afraid of. Human needs human.

As proof of this, the site offers to read wise sayings and other great people about love. So, a selection of quotes about love with the meaning of short and not very - to your attention.

Beautiful quotes about love

Real intimacy usually starts from afar.
Vladimir Zhemchuzhnikov

Love is the universal energy of life, which has the ability to turn evil passions into creative passions.
Nikolai Berdyaev

Poor is love if it can be measured.
William Shakespeare

Love can change a person beyond recognition.

When you love, you want to do something in the name of love. I want to sacrifice myself. Want to serve.
Ernest Hemingway"A Farewell to Arms!"

But if you lose faith in love, the world will lose its beauty. Songs will lose their charm, flowers - aroma, life - joy. If you have experienced love, then you know that this is the only true happiness. The most beautiful songs are those that the beloved sings in your presence; the most fragrant flowers are those that he presents; and the only praise worth listening to is that from him. Simply put, life takes on color only when the gentle fingers of Love touch it.
Raja Alsani

What is thirty million worth if you can't buy a trip to the mountains with your girlfriend?
Jack London "Time Waits"

Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under a lilac strewn with flowers, and in the summer to pick berries with someone and swim in the river. In autumn, cook jam together and seal windows from the cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings, and when it gets cold - to heat the stove together.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski"Martina"

Quotes with meaning about love

What is love? In the whole world, neither man, nor the devil, nor any other thing inspires me with so much suspicion as love, for it penetrates deeper into the soul than other feelings. Nothing in the world so occupies, so binds the heart, like love. Therefore, if there is no weapon in the soul that tames love, this soul is defenseless and there is no salvation for it.
Umberto Eco "The Name of the Rose"

How can you love someone without loving them for who they really are? How can you love me and at the same time ask me to completely change, to become someone else?
Romain Gary "Lady L."

If you want someone to stay in your life, never be indifferent to him!

Being unattainable means that you touch the world around you with care. You don't eat five partridges, you eat one... You don't use people and pressure them until they shrivel into nothing, especially the people you love.
Carlos Castaneda"Journey to Ixtlan"

And we also have an excellent selection of quotes with meaning about relationships. These wise sayings will help you understand your relationship with your partner.

Quotes about life and love

We are a bridge across eternity, towering over the sea of ​​time, where we enjoy adventures, play with living secrets, choose our disasters, triumphs, accomplishments, unimaginable occurrences, testing ourselves again and again, learning to love, love and love.
Richard Bach "Bridge over Eternity"

It is useless to spend your whole life on one single path, especially if this path has no heart.
Carlos Castaneda"The Teachings of Don Juan"

Quotes about love for every day

Love is when the center of the universe suddenly shifts and moves into someone else.
Iris Murdoch

Love knows neither measure nor price.
Erich Maria Remarque

In fact, love always starts again.
Madame de Sevigne

The sum of our lives is made up of the hours we have loved.
Wilhelm Bush

You truly love only once in your life, even if you yourself did not understand it.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Love knows no "why".
Meister Eckhart

To die of love is to live by it.
Victor Hugo

Of course, not all love ends happily. But even such a feeling is beautiful, despite the fact that it is, for example, unrequited or breaks your heart.

Quotes about unrequited love

The broken heart grows wider.
Emily Dickinson

The best way to heal a broken heart is to break it again.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

The longing for the lost is not as painful as the longing for the unfulfilled.
Minion McLaughlin

To try to forget someone means to remember him all the time.
Jean de La Bruyère

Love is so short, oblivion is so long...
Pablo Neruda

All love is terrible. All love is a tragedy.
Oscar Wilde

If two people love each other, it cannot end happily.
Ernest Hemingway

But we believe that everyone will find their love - mutual, bright and for life. Love, which will fit the following statements and phrases.

Quotes about love are wise and beautiful

Love is stronger than death and fear of death. Only it, only love keeps and moves life.
Ivan Turgenev

In the world of evil, stupidity, uncertainty and doubt called existence, there is one thing that is still worth living for and that is undoubtedly as strong as death: that is love.
Heinrich Sienkiewicz

Love is the heart of everything...
Vladimir Mayakovsky

You can live with love and without happiness.
Fedor Dostoevsky

The best thing about me is you.
Shannon Crown

If loyalty to someone gives you pleasure, it is love.
Julia Andrews

Marriage means more than love. The most important thing here is respect.
Agatha Christie