What is a "gala dinner" and its mandatory elements.

Gala Concert

GALA CONCERT a, m. concert de gala. Big holiday concert. Organizers and participants of the gala concert. Gala concert in honor of the Victory Day. // Sklyarevskaya 1998. Gala concerts, gala performances are theatrical performances with a large number of performers, usually pop stars. theater. This is a performance with the use of light, sound and other effects, which must take place on large stages, arenas, stadiums. РР 1990 1 52. Some thought that the gala concert should include songs that became leaders in each edition. Owls. . 28. 1. 1989. // RR 1990 1 156. - Lex. Sklyarevskaya 1998: gala_-end_rt.

Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language. - M.: Dictionary publishing house ETS http://www.ets.ru/pg/r/dict/gall_dict.htm. Nikolay Ivanovich Epishkin [email protected] . 2010 .


See what a "gala concert" is in other dictionaries:

    Gala Concert- gala concert, gala concert ... Spelling Dictionary

    Gala Concert- n., number of synonyms: 1 concert (25) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Gala Concert- I ga/la end/rt = gala/ end/rt Big celebratory concert. Participate in a gala concert. II gala / end / rt a; m.; see gala concert II… Dictionary of many expressions

    Gala Concert- m. A grandiose festive concert. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Gala Concert- gala / end / rt, gala / end / mouth ... merged. Separately. Through a hyphen.

    Gala Concert- the name of a human family ... Spelling Dictionary of Ukrainian Movies

    Gala Concert- ((gala end (e () rt)), GALA CONCERT, a; m. Big festive concert. Participate in a gala concert ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Gala Concert- gala concert and gala concert A noun see Appendix II (big, solemn concert) Information about the origin of the word: In the variant of the gala / component, the stress on the last syllable is preserved, as in the French language from which it is borrowed, cf ... Dictionary of Russian accents

    Gala Concert- (2 m), R. gala / end / mouth ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Gala Concert- at, h. Svyatkovy, urocleansing concert ... Ukrainian glossy dictionary


  • Glorious harvest. Gala Concert. Book-baby with decals No. KPK 1403 ("My little pony"), Pimenova T., ed. about the wonderful harvest that Pony has harvested. Take it out… Buy for 150 rubles
  • Baby book with decals. Glorious harvest. Gala Concert. No. KPK 1403 ("My little pony"), Pimenova T. (ed.). We bring to your attention a book-baby with decals. …

What is "gala"? What is the correct spelling of this word. Concept and interpretation.

gala I. GALA unchanged. gala m., germ. Gala Spanish gala. 1. Festive, formal dress. Sl. 18. The most distinguished persons, and other ranks determined for the Coronation ceremony .., all cleaned up in the hall with great wealth, gathered in the big Sale. Cor. Ek. 1 6. And at 2 o'clock in the afternoon she went out as a queen to the assembly of the whole court, which were in great numbers in a great hall. SPb. 1728 100.? en gala. Today Lisa en gala At the Austrian ambassador, Not still sweet, But still naked. 1830s Puns 65. | We went further to the Kremlin and watched as carriage after carriage drove up to the main entrance, ladies in ceremonial court dresses and military men in uniforms and all gala came out, it was a reception, which is called baise-main, it was very cold. A. V. Levitskaya Vosp. // ROA 9 261. 2. German. it. gala.Triumph, a court holiday with a certain ceremony. Sl. 18. There was a big gala and dinner at the Court. AB 2 277. This first day of the celebration with the general halo and illuminations throughout the city .. is over. ZhKF 1744 81. They celebrated here the high birthday of Her imp. V-va .. There was a big gala and dinner at the court. 1752. M. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin. // AB 2 277. At one of the gala holidays .. I said: “They played with Naples, took revenge on Piamont, now they are playing with Russia out of boredom ... This joke was justified. 20. 1. 1880. Suvorov - F. V. Rostopchin. / / S. Campaigns 1990 434. 3. A term that, in conjunction with a noun (concert-gala, etc.), denotes a particularly solemn spectacle. SIS 1954. Do not joke with Ozerovs: his tragedy Dmitry Donskoy was awarded a performance at the gala theater. O. Smirnova Zap. // RA 1895 9 79. But even earlier, from the poster posted at the cash desk, I learn to my satisfaction that there is not a simple performance, but a "halo performance" Million torments. RO 1896 5 135. People used to go there to the Russian Opera for gala performances or on the occasion of some extraordinary performances. , who created a period of glory for Russia, and the Russian is ridiculed with soldier, can attract such a brilliant society in St. Petersburg as an audience. Meshchersky 2001 303. Gala-monster performance. Owls. Circus 1938. The festival also opens with a gala screening of the host country's film Black Cassock. Koms. 15. 10. 1991. Wed. these words. Sensation! Luxurious gala performance! Man without bones! Musical eccentrics! Flying in the air! Scientists Elephants! Tons of tricks! Red Bim-Bimi! Homeric laughter! Luxurious gala monster performance! grande et brillante représentation! 1919. Circus poster. Annenkov Dn. 2001 301. || Solemn event. - For the sake of what is the father-commander forking out for such a "gala", asked the more secular comrades young cornets and ensigns, reluctant to dance, and they, willy-nilly, had to dance at the boss's reception. D. Poznyak Repayment. // РВ 1893 12 87. || In the meaning adj. Festive. Gala hairstyle. Festive hairstyle. The competition program includes promising hairstyles for 1985-1986, and evening classic, and a small gala hairstyle, and a sports haircut. Week 1984 43 24. Gala performance. Solemn performance of a play, opera, etc. NM 1978 5 272. - Lex. Ush. 1935: gala/. II. GALA II gaulle? For bending the quarters into runners, the so-called small gall and large gall are used; the first is a curved pole, along which, as if according to a pattern, the strips are bent, and the second deck in the ordinary is a semicircular recess. Review man. prom. 1862 1 271.

Today, new formats of events are gaining more and more popularity, which a few years ago did not exist at all or were in little demand. One of these formats is the gala dinner, which is increasingly replacing older event formats. What is it, how to properly organize a gala dinner and what is it for?

A gala dinner can be organized as an afterparty after events of various themes and significance - a conference, an awards ceremony, a social evening, and can also exist as a separate, independent event, like a dinner party. As a rule, a clear dress code is defined for a gala dinner, which can often overlap with the dress code of the main event. It is important to note that the gala dinner is not the typical afterparty format that we are used to seeing. This is something more solemn and refined, and not just a champagne party in a nightclub, as is the case in most cases.

When organizing a gala dinner, special attention should be paid to the choice of a host or a pair of hosts, the appropriate venue, the correct arrangement of tables and their serving, the choice of menu, guest artists. It is extremely important that everything is held at the highest level, since the gala dinner is not a typical, banal event. By the way, it is the prefix “gala” that speaks in advance of the high standard of such an event. If we define a gala dinner in terms of importance, then this event can be attributed to the luxury level.

The scenario of the gala dinner can be built in different ways, but, as a rule, the format of the gala dinner includes, for example, the presentation of awards, rewarding campaign staff, pre-prepared speeches of important people.

Also, the format of the gala dinner involves the performance of artists - both local pop and foreign stars. The number of guests invited to the gala dinner can vary - from a few dozen guests to more than a thousand.

Be sure to invite a photographer to the gala dinner, prepare a photo zone that will emphasize the luxurious format of the evening and allow you to take suitable pictures.

If you properly organize such an event as a gala dinner, then absolutely every guest will feel significant and part of a great action. Therefore, take the organization of this event very seriously so that the declared gala dinner does not turn into an ordinary gathering with which you want to go home faster.

Ah, m. concert de gala. Great holiday concert. Organizers and participants of the gala concert. Gala concert in honor of Victory Day. // Sklyarevskaya 1998. Gala concerts, gala performances are theatrical performances with a large number of performers, ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Gala concert, gala concert... Spelling Dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 1 concert (25) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Gala Concert- I ga/la end/rt = gala/ end/rt Big celebratory concert. Participate in a gala concert. II gala / end / rt a; m.; see gala concert II… Dictionary of many expressions

Gala Concert- gala / end / rt, gala / end / mouth ... merged. Separately. Through a hyphen.

Gala Concert- the name of a human family ... Spelling Dictionary of Ukrainian Movies

- ((gala end (e () rt)), GALA CONCERT, a; m. Big festive concert. Participate in a gala concert ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Gala Concert- gala concert and gala concert A noun see Appendix II (big, solemn concert) Information about the origin of the word: In the variant of the gala / component, the stress on the last syllable is preserved, as in the French language from which it is borrowed, cf ... Dictionary of Russian accents

Gala Concert- (2 m), R. gala / end / mouth ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

Gala Concert- at, h. Svyatkovy, urocleansing concert ... Ukrainian glossy dictionary


  • Glorious harvest. Gala Concert. Book-baby with decals No. KPK 1403 ("My little pony"), Pimenova T., ed. about the wonderful harvest that Pony has harvested. Take out from…
  • Baby book with decals. Glorious harvest. Gala Concert. No. KPK 1403 ("My little pony"), Pimenova T. (ed.). We bring to your attention a book-baby with decals. …