Preschool education as a result of the merger. Combining kindergartens and schools: how and why

Alas, kindergarten No. 1 "Solnyshko" in Polyarnye Zori is no more. Since August 21, it has been closed, fortunately, only on paper. Officially, the institution is merged with kindergarten No. 3. For convenience, the managers decided to call the joyfully sunny building the “Sun” building, and the one behind the police, the “Herringbone” building.

The resolution of the head of the city on the reorganization of two preschool institutions in the form of joining a smaller one to a larger one was issued on April 6, 2015. And already on July 1, in the work books of employees of preschool educational institution No. 1, an entry appeared that they are now working in preschool educational institution No. 3.

In one harness...

New Year 2015 in our municipality was celebrated by six city kindergartens and one village kindergarten (Afrikanda-2). Two of the seven were autonomous. They decided to combine them this year.

Recall that kindergarten No. 3 this year is 41 years old. Prior to the merger, the company had 67 employees. The garden was visited by 240 pupils from 11 groups.

In kindergarten No. 1, the staff before the reorganization was 28 people, one of them worked at 0.75 rates, there were 4 groups, the total number of children was 75 people. The kindergarten will be four years old in 2015.

To date, the united preschool educational institution has 15 groups, 315 pupils and 94 employees. The head of the kindergarten is Elena Sergeevna Munko. The former head of preschool educational institution No. 1, Lyubov Albertovna Drugova, is now the senior educator of preschool educational institution No. 3, who oversees the work of the Sun building. With Lyubov Albertovna and Elena Sergeevna, we are talking about the pros and cons of the reorganization.

Bigger garden, better funding

“Together with the resolution,” says the manager, “we received a list of measures that had to be carried out as part of the reorganization. The procedure itself is quite lengthy, but today the process is almost completed.

We started with meetings of labor collectives and parents' meetings in both institutions. They talked about the upcoming changes, answered numerous questions. The bottom line is that no deterioration was expected. The reorganization did not directly affect children, let alone parents. Nobody transferred children or teachers anywhere. It’s just that now the “Solnyshko” building and the “Herringbone” building are one institution, one common house.

There were questions from employees about layoffs. We explained that the reorganization of such measures does not involve. As a result, each employee remained at his workload, somewhere there are even improvements. So, from October 1, the psychologist "Sun" will have a full rate (previously, the load was 0.5 rates). The workload of the speech therapist will increase: from October 1, she will work in both buildings for one and a half rates. The nurse had a 0.75 rate, now it's full. We managed to increase the workload due to internal movements, and we did not have to look for employees from outside.

According to Elena Munko, the second positive aspect is the opportunity to stimulate the work of working personnel, whose wages are financed from the local budget.

Another achievement, according to the head, was the fulfillment of the obligations taken to parents that in the summer, when the number of children and caregivers is temporarily reduced, all children will remain in their places. True, speaking of prudent spending of budgetary funds, Elena Sergeevna does not exclude the possibility that separate premises will be vacated next summer.

“We are state people,” the manager explains, “we understand why this is happening. And if there is an opportunity to use some means more rationally, we will try to do it.”

And one more plus from the association is, according to E.S. Munko, that per capita funding will now allow the kindergarten to make expensive acquisitions. Previously, for the "Sun", where there were 75 children, large purchases were, as they say, unaffordable.

The main thing - no sudden movements!

The most important thing, - Lyubov Albertovna Drugova enters into the conversation, - is that the reorganization did not directly affect teachers, they work with children, each in their own building, separately. Passions have already subsided, parents have calmed down. The safety of children is at the same high level.

- Lyubov Albertovna, probably, it is most difficult for you, because before you were the actual mistress of the "Sun"?

Here, of course, a tactful approach is important. It is difficult for Elena Sergeevna to immediately enter into the problems of our kindergarten and understand what is happening. Moreover, we worked on different programs. It is not that simple. Now I just oversee my institution as a senior educator ...

According to the staff list, we have two senior educators, - Elena Munko confirms, - but Lyubov Albertovna works as a curator. I can't be in two different buildings at the same time, and yet something happens all the time in the kindergarten. And Lyubov Albertovna makes decisions independently on many issues.

In general, the organization process is still only being established. We are thinking about how we can hold parent-teacher meetings, pedagogical meetings, where to gather territorially. I will need to schedule my work so that I can be in one kindergarten and another. And which option will be optimal, while it is difficult to say. I understand that everything will be resolved. Life will tell. The main thing is to be optimistic about what is happening.

Indeed, - confirms L.A. Drugova, - in terms of organization, we still have more questions than answers. But now you just need to work. And there is still a lot of work ahead. In connection with the reorganization, we will have to go through the licensing procedures for educational activities, medical…

And this also needs money, - Elena Munko agrees. - In order to exchange experience, we went to Apatity, where we have already experienced the process of merging kindergartens and are waiting for the second wave, during which three kindergartens will be merged. But they have their own specifics - kindergartens in Apatity were originally small, four to six groups each. Colleagues admitted that it was difficult to adapt through trial and error. And so we decided to do without sudden movements, we will do everything together, make decisions deliberatively.

Speaking about the need to obtain licenses, Elena Munko and Lyubov Albertovna modestly kept silent about the fact that a titanic work has already been done on the reorganization. But things are still unfinished. All documents will have to be changed, and this is very serious. The workload is colossal, and this is one of the disadvantages of the reorganization. And then there are all kinds of checks - ministerial and local - for fire safety, compliance with sanitary safety rules, etc. However, the garden is ready for this.

Two pairs of shoes and... congratulations!

- Will the reorganization affect the traditional distribution of kindergarten graduates by school?- I ask a question to both interlocutors.

As long as everything remains in its place,” the manager smiles, “after all, no one has canceled the principle of territoriality. We hope the traditions will be preserved.

- Speaking of traditions, is there something that one team would like to borrow from another?

You know, - Elena Munko is the first to respond, - we found out that we have the same leadership style. We are similar. And we will adopt traditions.

Now we do not need drastic changes, - continues Lyubov Albertovna. We will gradually change. In Yolochka, for example, there was a strong military-patriotic orientation. We had a family-type kindergarten. Let's learn from each other...

We have already decided, - Elena Munko shares her plans, - that we will try to unite the teams, celebrate anniversaries and holidays together. I think there will be reciprocity...

- Elena Sergeevna, do you already know all your new subordinates?

Many I knew before. I can still confuse patronymics, but I think I recognize everyone by sight.

- And now you probably have two offices?

Well, of course, I have no time to sit in the office. But I already have interchangeable shoes in the “Sun” building. And my shoes are standing next to Lyubov Albertovna's shoes ...

Will the reorganization that has taken place be reflected in your wishes to the united team in connection with the upcoming professional holiday?

In our life, - Elena Munko is the first to take the floor, - now there are many innovations, not all of them, perhaps, are rosy. That is why we all need patience. Of course, our financial situation does not always meet expectations, and not everything depends on the leaders, but I still want to wish you well.

Patience to you, my dear colleagues, health and, of course, human happiness. And we will try to do everything possible so that everything is fine at work!

This holiday is recent, as young as our garden, - continues Lyubov Albertovna. - I would like to congratulate everyone and wish in our difficult and even aggressive time, of course, health, creative success, a pleasant environment and a sunny mood. Let at least this day everything will be fine!

In Moscow (and possibly all over the country, I don't know for sure), the strangest experiment possible is taking place. This association of schools and kindergartens into something single is called. It seems like they call it now educational centers. It must be said that not only is the school being merged with the kindergarten, but the schools are also being molded to each other, i.e. there were two schools, and now they are called one school.

I can still understand the logic of a kindergarten that is attached to a school - they give out kids who now have only one road - only to the nearest school. And next to it, put a factory, a military registration and enlistment office and a nursing home, so that the circle of life is immediately outlined.

But I don't understand the logic of joining one school to another at all. Here there are physically two different buildings. Physically, there are two different directors. There are children who prefer to go to one school or another. There are children who like the atmosphere of one school or the other.
And then someone from above decides - no, we don’t want you to even have such a choice. Now we will call these two buildings one school, they will have one director and one atmosphere. the choice you, the inhabitants, will now be half as much. Oh no, four times less, because we will transfer the atmosphere of the school to two more kindergartens attached to schools.

For some time, I was approached with a rather simple and, probably, by the standards of global events in the country, an ordinary story. There is a teacher in Moscow. Her name is Soldatova Elena Zinovievna. Primary school teacher of the highest category, 14th category of the ETS, certificates from the administration, certificate of the ministry, awarded a medal, labor veteran, total teaching experience of 38 years, school experience of 20 years. What is important - her children have excellent academic performance.

And probably still Elena Zinovievna would have taught Moscow children if her school had not got stuck in the association. School 711 (in which she worked) was attached to school 1726. And now for a second we digress from this situation and try to imagine such an association purely humanly.

You are the principal of a school to which you have attached another. You have your team, which you have known for a long time and with whom you have worked well together. And there is a team that you inherited from the second school. If it suddenly comes to layoffs, layoffs - who will you cut first?

I think you already know what this story is about. Elena Zinovievna suddenly finds out that she no longer has a class, he was "not recruited." Yes, and the second primary school teacher from the same school receives a class, apparently only because the teacher from the school to which they were attached goes on maternity leave.
Soldatova is offered an extended day group, and a little later - a paper about the reduction.

There were a number of other unpleasant moments in this story, but I do not want to write about them, because. I think it's clear how stressful and how such decisions can be framed. An important fact is that our heroine is not timid. She always knew how to stand up for herself and even withdrew in principle from the formal trade union organization of her school. Unfortunately, she has not yet joined the independent teachers' union - she is looking for contacts, she needs help now.

The whole story with not recruited classes is possible only in a situation where the director is not working to recruit them. If the school were autonomous, of course, classes would be recruited. But the giant that turned out - why strain so hard?

What is clear to me?

1. That a teacher in Moscow is not protected at all. He may have the best performance, he may have the best feedback from teachers and parents, but he can be fired just like that and there is no one to protect the teacher today. Independent trade unions should appear in schools.

2. That the artificial "unification" and enlargement of schools and kindergartens, schools and schools deprives them of their independence, their own identity, their individuality. In such associations, bright personalities are left out, and loyal and gray ones get the green light.

3. As a result, children lose the best school directors, the best teachers, and the probability of finding a good school is sharply reduced.

Soldatova Elena Zinovievna is trying to challenge the decision to reduce. She turned to the prosecutor's office, to the labor inspectorate, she is looking for contacts of independent teachers' trade unions. Maybe someone from public figures, from the media will be able to help her - it will be great. Contacts are ready to provide. We need to help a good teacher.

Pros and cons of optimization

The information contained in the letter of the educator of MDOU No. 11 "Solnyshko" Anastasia Klementieva ("SR" dated May 31) has been reviewed and verified. I believe that respect for the head of this preschool institution and admiration for her organizational skills prompted such an emotional appeal from the author of the letter.

I fully share these feelings. Indeed, Lyudmila Vasilievna Zinovieva is a talented leader. This is evidenced not only by her awards and titles, but also by the reviews of her subordinates, their unwillingness to part with their head. However, I do not agree with the calls of Anastasia Klementieva, moreover, probably in a fit of feelings, the author of the appeal presented her assumptions and conjectures as real facts. Therefore, I think that it is necessary to objectively, without emotions, consider the situation regarding the restructuring of preschool institutions, calculate its pros and cons. I am sure that this will allow both the readers of Severny Rabochy and kindergarten staff to make their own conclusions about whether restructuring is necessary and how it will affect children, kindergarten staff, and preschool leaders.

What kind of beast is restructuring?
In the staff of each kindergarten - a legal entity, regardless of the number of groups, there is a head, supply manager, methodologists or senior educators, as well as educators, assistant educators, cooks, auxiliary workers. And in the very near future, in the state of EVERY kindergarten - legal entity will have its own accounting department. This right is given to preschool institutions by the Law on Education.
Agree that for small kindergartens for four or five groups, maintaining the entire administrative superstructure is an expensive pleasure. Rather, even - an unaffordable luxury. However, for the budget of a large kindergarten, this is also quite sensitive. And it is impossible not to contain an add-on.
If there is a legal entity, there must be at least a manager and a chief accountant. Money for their upkeep does not fall from the sky, but is spent from the wage fund of this very kindergarten. Consequently, there is less and less money left to increase the salaries of assistant educators and cooks - the most scarce and low-paid workers. As, however, and on other needs.
To remedy the situation, since 2010, the Department of Education (ED) of the Administration of Severodvinsk has been optimizing (re-structuring) the network of subordinate educational institutions. The restructuring schedule was approved by order of the head of the MA dated November 30, 2009 No. 605. Simply put, out of two or three kindergartens - legal entities, one legal entity is made with one head, accounting and a methodologist for several kindergartens. Combining the income of several kindergartens within one legal entity makes it possible to use finances more efficiently: increase the volume of repair work, upgrade the institution's fixed assets, and, in the end, increase the fund of incentive allowances. So, for example, the number of staff units of the administrative and managerial apparatus in the current period in preschool educational institutions No. 11 and No. 69 is four units each. After the reorganization in the staff list, three units are released, including one unit of the head, one - the head of the household, one - the senior educator. However, no one reduces the wage fund in these kindergartens. Consider for yourself whether it is beneficial for the main staff?

Everything is autonomous
During the year, such a reorganization was carried out in 25 kindergartens. On their basis, 11 enlarged pre-school educational institutions were created. Each of them has its own accounting service (another step towards the transition to an autonomous institution). I want to emphasize that practically nothing has changed for the children attending these enlarged kindergartens, although the personnel department noted that there are fewer unfilled vacancies in the reorganized kindergartens. Therefore, it can be assumed that attention to children in such institutions has become more.
By the way, the reorganization will take place not only in small-group kindergartens. It will affect all, without exception, preschool institutions, including those located in new quarters, in the Zaozerny district. In general, out of 56 legal entities, it is planned to create no more than 30 legal entities in the field of preschool education.
Now about autonomy. In addition to 11 consolidated kindergartens - legal entities, another 14 kindergartens have switched to independent accounting, that is, they have become closer to autonomous. Among the first are preschool educational institutions No. 86, 89, 3, 91, 44 and 8. These institutions have the status of a child development center and adequately represent our system of preschool education at all levels, including all-Russian. However, the reorganization will also affect them.
And so far there is only one autonomous institution in our city (and in the Arkhangelsk region) - preschool educational institution No. 86 "Zhemchuzhinka". It works in pilot mode, revealing all the difficult moments of the transition and work in autonomous status. This is done to make it easier for those who follow.

What does reorganization give?
In summer, when the number of children attending kindergartens decreases, the work of institutions becomes economically unprofitable. Agree, keeping the staff of cooks and the administrative and economic complex into two or three groups is wasteful. But if this is one legal entity - an enlarged kindergarten, then it is much easier to solve the problem. The expected savings in utility costs due to the conservation of one building for the summer period is an average of 70 thousand rubles. The saved funds can be used for energy saving and energy efficiency measures, other needs, including an increase in the fund of incentive payments to key personnel. For the same purposes, the savings received throughout the year are also spent.
Now about the unification of "Sun" and "Thumbelina". In accordance with the resolution of the administration of Severodvinsk, the municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 11 "Solnyshko" of a combined type" was reorganized in the form of a merger with the municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 69 "Thumbelina" of a combined type."
The decision to appoint the head of MDOU No. 69 "Thumbelina" will be made after the completion of the reorganization procedure. But even now I can say that our experienced managers are worth their weight in gold.
Last academic year, five heads of kindergartens retired upon reaching retirement age, and Lyudmila Vasilievna Zinovieva, her leadership talent is very much needed by the education system. Offering her to head the united kindergartens, we are sure that she will be able to set the right tone there, create a friendly team and, most importantly, safe and comfortable conditions for children.

Separate the flies from the cutlets
The author of the letter, published in Severny Rabochiy, claims that by cutting heads, the education department is opening up new positions. This is her opinion. And these are the facts. In the Department of Education of the Administration of Severodvinsk during 2009, three rates of specialists were reduced, in 2010 - 19.5. The number of specialists of educational institutions in connection with the reorganization of educational institutions and their transition to financial independence will continue to decrease.
In 2010, the Department of Education created the municipal institution "Construction, Repair and Maintenance Service of Severodvinsk". Savings in 2010 as a result of the implementation of the municipal task by this institution amounted to more than 3.5 million rubles. The money is directed to the development of the institution and the implementation of an additional amount of repair work. Since January 2011, the functions of preventive maintenance and emergency dispatch services of subordinate institutions have been transferred to UIA "SRESS", the staffing of the institution is no more than 63 units. It should be emphasized that at the same time, 182.15 positions of workers (plumbers, carpenters, etc.) were removed from the staff lists of educational institutions.
I also talked more than once about how we solve the problem of staff shortages in kindergartens. Let me remind you: there are now 35 educators, 42 assistant educators (the figures correspond to the level of last year), the number of vacancies for cooks has doubled. It should be noted that the shortage of personnel in kindergartens is typical for many cities of the Arkhangelsk region and throughout Russia.
At present, a working group has been set up in Severodvinsk under the deputy head of the administration for social issues to develop mechanisms for increasing wage funds for employees of preschool institutions. Issues related to the provision of pre-school education services, improvement of working conditions for employees of kindergartens are under constant control of the administration of Severodvinsk.
Sergey POPA, head of the education department of the administration of Severodvinsk

What are the pros and cons of merging kindergartens

The Public Chamber of Kolomna (OP) opposed the initiative of the city administration to unite 4-5 kindergartens into one institution. The idea appeared at the beginning of last year (Decree of the head of administration Valery Shuvalov No. 103 of February 18, 2016 “On the procedure for assessing the consequences of a decision to reorganize, liquidate or change the appointment of a municipal educational organization”), but neither the members of the OP, nor the council of deputies Neither her parents knew anything about her.

According to Mikhail Arkhangelsky, Chairman of the OP Commission on Health, Social Policy and Labor Relations, The working group of the OP conducted a monitoring, the result of which was a round table, where the members of the chamber and the deputies present were unanimous. “We are concerned that the substantiation of the merger project was not presented for public discussion. What are the relevance, economic and methodological feasibility of reorganization, predicted results, possible risks of consequences, analysis of the results of implementing a similar scheme in other regions? We have not received answers to these questions, therefore we believe that the draft is premature and requires, at a minimum, improvement. In the form it is now, the reorganization will lead to a decrease in the safety of our children and a deterioration in the quality of their education,” he said.

Consolidation of kindergartens - good or bad? Together with Espresso experts, I was looking for the answer to the question Olga Antropova.

The essence of innovation

As a result of the merger: one legal entity is formed; a single control center is being formed; attached kindergartens become structural subdivisions of the parent institution; duplicating administrative positions are excluded from the staff list; the children stay in their gardens.

Who will be cut. Clerk (his duties will be performed by the deputy head). Castellan (duties - to the caretaker). Deputy for security (duties - to the deputy head in the head office). Methodist (duties - to the deputies of the head).

Merging examples. Kindergarten No. 14 "Dolphins" is planned to be joined by kindergartens No. 11 of the combined type "Malinka" (in 2014 it already merged with kindergarten No. 9 "Romashka"), No. 24 "Squirrel" and No. 47 "Golden Fish". In Kolychev, the association is waiting for kindergartens No. 17, 40, 5, 1. In Golutvin - No. 12, 8, 37, 38, 46.

Only numbers

6,900 children aged 1.5 to 7 attend pre-school educational institutions in Kolomna.

35 kindergartens in the city at the moment. 15 of them end up in the first batch of merged ones.

Pros and cons of the reorganization of kindergartens

Expert opinions

Elena Kumaneva, representative of the Kolomna city trade union organization of education and science:

The security deputy will sit in front of the monitors at the head office. And kindergartens, as representatives of the education department promised me, will be well equipped with CCTV cameras, so he will track everything online.

Now the heads of kindergartens do not have a pedagogical experience, although all of them with a pedagogical education have left the methodologists. They are being transferred to the position of a methodologist, so that their salary will rise (a methodologist has more) and they will go to the pedstay. I would not say that education will get worse - we will have five methodologists. Shortened Methodists will go on promotion. Yes, the workload increases, but the salary will also increase.

Natalya Pavlova, member of the EP commission on education, youth upbringing, sports and tourism:

Methodists are constantly learning, and the managers have already lost their qualifications. They need to be retrained - this is a completely different job. In addition, when united, the individuality of the kindergarten, the cohesion of the team, is lost.

Sergei Shuvalikov, Member of the EP Commission on Health, Social Policy and Labor Relations:

It is good that the managers will receive a large salary. But the methodologists are already processing it - 10.5 hours. What about their job responsibilities? All this will place an additional burden on the shoulders of the manager.

Oksana Shirokikh, doctor of pedagogical sciences:

The reorganization infringes on the rights of the child - in the possibility of physical contact with employees of kindergartens, which are becoming less. Everything is being done to create a better management system, but it turns out that at the expense of worsening the situation of children. In Soviet times, children were the only privileged class. This must be preserved.

On the one hand, we have the governor's program: all children should be covered by preschool education, since personality formation begins from preschool childhood. On the other hand, there are complaints from workers: it is impossible to work for 10-12 hours. This is a difficult job, nervous, tense (those who have children will understand how difficult it is to be with them continuously). You can kill yourself for a salary of 100 thousand, but there will be no sense for the children, and for the teacher too. I don't see the benefit of such a reorganization. And it should be clearly visible.

Anatoly Talitsky, Deputy of the Council of Deputies of Kolomna:

How can the compensatory kindergarten No. 40 - for vision - be combined with the usual ones? The reorganization should bring the best to the children. We do not see children, only money, money... Yes, we must learn to live in a crisis. But this is not the money, we are looking for it in the wrong place.

Maxim Bakanov, chairman of the OP commission on education, science, youth education, sports, tourism:

We studied the job descriptions of deputies for security - they have a huge job, from labor protection to work in emergency situations. Therefore, we believe that the reduction of this position will lead to a decrease in the level of safety for children and kindergarten staff.

The working group of the OP did not receive answers to a number of questions, in particular, whether there is a positive experience of uniting kindergartens in Russia. The information we found shows that this reorganization leads to a negative effect.

Alexander Filatov, head of the 5th inter-district department of the FSB:

Schools and kindergartens are the most vulnerable objects. Monitors and fences are great, but the human factor is the main one. And don't forget that security doesn't come cheap.

Natalya Krylova, senior inspector for juvenile affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Kolomenskoye":

We interact with the deputies for security and counter-terrorism issues, and for more mundane ones: stray dogs on the territory, the penetration of asocial elements. How will monitors help if you need to instantly respond to an emergency situation? The Zambeza are at the forefront, at the forefront of protecting children. Removing them is impractical.

The voice of the people

Natalia, Kindergarten worker:

After the educators received an additional load, the picture is as follows: by the end of the working day it is difficult to communicate with them. And by the end of the working week, they are simply insane. Now the same thing awaits administration workers, who will be heaped with additional responsibilities. And not only duties - a bunch of papers! Our clerk is now unable to cope with the volume of work, he takes home. What happens when this position is abolished? And keep in mind that all these people will communicate with children. What kind of communication will it be? Any money worth it?

Irina, kindergarten worker, mother:

As a result of these reforms, we will lose the system of free preschool education and get paid educational services. I have been working in a kindergarten for 16 years, I have seen everything, but this has never happened before. Don't skimp on kids! At this price, I don't need money.

Elena, mother of four children:

I am outraged! What will the pedagogical process become? The head - she is primarily an administrator, manager, and they want to hang the educational process on her. We have 15 groups of 23 people in the garden on average. And how many papers! Our clerk is sewn up. And what did the castellanshi not please? Then they sewed costumes for matinees, and now they will collect from their parents? And deputies for security... Everything goes to the fact that soon, as in schools, guards will be hired at the expense of parents. One person cannot mentally or physically endure this.

On the other hand

The head of the education department of Kolomna, Tatyana Starateleva, and the deputy head of the city administration, Natalya Markelova, did not respond to an invitation to attend a round table of the OP and explain why the reorganization is needed and what good can be expected from it. Unfortunately, they did not respond to Espresso's request either. The only thing that the editors can cite at the time of the release of the issue as an argument on the part of the administration is an excerpt from the report of Tatyana Starateleva for 2015 (

Consolidation of schools and kindergartens in Moscow became commonplace. Such a process was supported by the Department of Education back in 2012. From that moment on, new types of educational institutions began to appear - educational centers.

The initiative was gloomily received by the public, but still many applications were submitted from various institutions. Only in the first year of the introduction of the "experiment" 1,411 applications were accepted for the creation of 445 educational complexes. But not all applications were satisfied. Only 300 such centers have been established, comprising 849 educational institutions.

It should immediately be noted that the strict principles associations of kindergartens, schools in Moscow was not noted. Most often, educational centers were created on the basis of institutions that had territorial overcrowding and were not separated by major roads. In addition, a certain trend was noted, weak establishments merged with strong ones. It should be noted that this was a fairly rational action.

Despite the fact that the goal of such a process is to increase the level of security, there are opponents of such a merger. With the help of the article, we will deal in detail with all the pitfalls of such a process, point out the pros.

Merging Benefits

A new experiment in our country with the creation of educational complexes based on educational institutions is not new. Moreover, in Europe and America, such establishments have been successfully functioning for a long time. What are the advantages of a merger? Let's list the key benefits.