One day of reading in the library. A reading day was held in the libraries of Krasnoturinsk

Employees central library. Y. Gagarina within the framework of the republican campaign "Day of Reading Aloud", loud readings were held for students of grade 1 "B" of MBOU "Secondary School No. 8" (25 people). The children got acquainted with the story of Marina Dorochenkova "Who lost a feather".
The book is included in the series of children's educational literature "My cognitive world" and introduces schoolchildren to the world of forest birds. The work tells about the appearance, habits and lifestyle of birds in an accessible language for young readers. The book is colorfully illustrated; the librarians showed all the illustrations to the children in a slide presentation. The reading ended with a quiz on the book read.

The information was prepared by Elena Kraeva.
Phone for inquiries 77-38-02.

Library of family reading them. A. Nikolaeva invited pupils of the senior group "Pansies" of kindergarten No. 44 and students of 2 "B" class of school No. 12 to become participants in the action.
On this day, young lovers of books and reading listened to a fairy tale in verse by Julia Donaldson translated by Marina Boroditskaya and looked at the wonderful illustrations by the artist Axel Scheffler. D. Donaldson is a modern English writer, author of prose, poetry, plays and educational literature for children. She is a MBE for services to literature.
Once in a wonderful country - the Library - each participant of the Reading Day made a small discovery for himself and made new friends - the Snail and the Whale. The children listened with great attention to a touching story about the friendship of a giant whale and a small snail and about the fact that everyone can do a Big Deed and make their dream come true. The giant whale shows the snail a huge and diverse world by placing it on his tail, and when misfortune happens, the baby snail saves the whale.
After reading the fairy tale, the children took part in the games "Fisherman", "House for the snail" and the competitions "Beware of the whale!", "Who lives where". We watched the informative films "Facts about the snail and the whale" with interest. We made DIY crafts "Kit" and "Snail" using the origami technique. A total of 37 children took part.

The information was prepared by Elena Kostina.
Phone for help: 75-91-02.

AT children's and youth library On October 9, on the Day of Reading, the pupils of the NSRTsN were offered the story of Sergei Georgiev "Kitten".
Cats are our four-legged friends. The children learned interesting facts about these mischievous, charming animals that have been with us for thousands of years. They remembered books, poems and songs, the main characters of which are cats, cats and kittens. The main characters of the story "Kitten" are schoolchildren who are in the third grade. The third-graders were afraid that the teacher would react negatively to the kitten that was brought to school, and the teacher, meanwhile, herself was a participant in a similar situation in childhood. Those present noted that the book teaches to be friendly, responsive and help comrades in difficult times.
During the event, the children answered the questions of the "cat" quiz, drew their favorite cats, got acquainted with the funny books of the exhibition "Heroes of books - four-legged friends." The event was attended by 19 people.

The information was prepared by Elena Tavinova.
Phone for inquiries: 73-28-47.

AT Family Reading Library named after V. Davydov-Anatri spent an hour reading aloud. Pupils of the 7th "B" class of Lyceum No. 18 (28 people) got acquainted with the author of numerous novels, fantasy stories, fairy tales Tamara Kryukova. After the story of the librarian and watching the video "Tea drinking with Tamara Kryukova", another talent of the writer as a wonderful storyteller was revealed. Schoolchildren reacted vividly to the emotional, brightly colored story of the author about his light, mischievous and instructive works. Reading by roles of the story "Duty" from the book "Potapov, to the blackboard!" provoked a lively discussion among the children. This is a collection of hilariously funny stories and poems about school. Based on the plots of some stories, a comedy film of the same name was shot. For a cycle of stories about Zhenya Moskvichev and Lyokha Potapov, Tamara Kryukova was awarded the title of First Prize winner of the IV All-Russian competition of works for children and youth "Scarlet Sails".

The information was prepared by Gulnar Kalakova.

AT children's and youth library The participants of the action were young pupils of the group "Forest meadow" MBDOU No. 12 (22 people). An informative book by Marina Dorochenkova and Anna Kravchuk "Who Lost a Feather?" was chosen for reading.
The book caught everything at once - an intriguing title, a bright cover, colorful illustrations by the artist Alexandra Malkova, the main characters and many interesting facts about the life of birds. After reading, the guys got acquainted with the way of life of birds. Librarian Anzhelika Igoshina said that bird feathers are different: large and resilient, soft and fluffy, and those that serve as decoration. The children enjoyed studying real bird feathers. After conducting a series of experiments with feathers, the guys found out what happens if you put it on your palm and blow on it or drop water on a feather. It was interesting to find out what is inside the pen. Also, with pleasure, the children read poems about birds, solved riddles and danced the "bird" dance.
It was a real celebration of reading, which was dominated by the Book, the Reader, the Word and the Listener. The event was attended by 22 people.

The information was prepared by Anzhelika Igoshina.
Phone for inquiries 73-27-48.

October 9 at library to them. N. Nosova pupils of preschool educational institutions No. 43, 2, 50 (104 people) were invited to the Reading Day.
On this day, young readers of the library got acquainted with the work of modern children's writers. Library staff read aloud the books: "Jingliks. A trifling matter" by Oleg Roy, "The Incredible Adventures of Brownie Mokhnatik and Banevenka Venichkin in Russia" by Svetlana Krivoshlykova and "Notes for My Descendants" by Ariadna Borisova.
The children listened to the reading with pleasure, played the game "Praise the brownie", assembled the mosaic, demonstrated their talents and made pets using the origami technique.

The information was prepared by Natalia Arkhipova.
Phone for inquiries: 77-26-47.

AT library to them. P. Khuzangaya 3rd and 4th grade students of the "Novocheboksarsk comprehensive school for students with disabilities" (17 people) got acquainted with the work of S.G. Kozlov. They learned about the touching friendship of a hedgehog, a teddy bear and a hare by listening to fairy tales: "Shake! Hello!", "How a hedgehog and a teddy bear rubbed the stars." The children sang the song "Clouds" with the heroes of S. Kozlov's works with great pleasure. The meeting ended with watching the cartoon "Autumn Ships".

The information was prepared by Olga Mironova.
Phone for inquiries: 73-29-66.

B library them. N. Polorussova-Shelebi with students of 2 "C", 5 "A", 4 "B" and 6 "A" classes held a Reading Day based on Tamara Kryukova's book "Unlearned Lessons" (99 people). The children at the presentation "Funny Stories of Tamara Kryukova" were told an exciting biography of the writer's boring life.
"He will go to the blackboard ...", - this phrase is familiar to every student, from which there is absolute silence in the class. The theme of her collection is the life of modern schoolchildren with funny stories. Lekha Potapov is a loser, and Zhenya Moskvichev is an excellent student. Lyokha is slow-witted, Zhenya is the most "ideological" person in the school. But friends are inseparable Lech never became a "man of a new type", or an ultra-rapid, no matter how hard his friend Zhenya from the story "A man of a new type" tried for him. History "Potapov, to the board!" caused a lively discussion among the children, and schoolchildren enthusiastically shared their impressions.
Acquaintance with the book "Lessons Unlearned" for young readers became a holiday and aroused real interest in it.

The information was prepared by Ludmila Shumilova.
Phone for inquiries 73-77-35.

Employees family reading libraries S. Marshak as part of the action, we went to visit 4 "A" class of secondary school No. 5 (29 people) to acquaint schoolchildren with the wonderful stories of Marina Druzhinina.
First, the guys learned a short biography of the author. M. Druzhinina worked as an engineer at a metallurgical plant and wrote stories for adults. When her son was born, she began to write for children. Until now, Marina Druzhinina is a regular contributor to the children's magazines "Murzilka", "Funny Pictures" and others.
The children listened with interest and then discussed the stories "Call, they will sing to you", "It's good to be an optimist", "We are of the same blood!", "My friend is a superman". Reading, with the help of a projector, was simultaneously accompanied by a display of wonderful illustrations by the artist Andrey Lukyanov. The children really liked the book "It's good to be an optimist" and they wanted to read other works by this author.

The information was prepared by Natalya Zebrova.

For the second year in October, a single Reading Day is held in the Iskitimsky district. If last year only libraries of the centralized library system participated in its organization, this year school libraries of the district have also joined the action. This happened thanks to the socially significant project "Territory of Reading - Iskitimsky District", which is being implemented by the local public organization "Commonwealth of District Libraries" with financial support from the Ministry of Regional Development of the Novosibirsk Region.

October 14-15 all libraries and schools held promotions, celebrations of reading and reading pleasures, quizzes and competitions, in which at least a thousand residents of the region of different ages took part.

The main events were organized in the inter-settlement and regional children's libraries.

On the morning of October 15 in the reading room inter-settlement library Admirers of T.E. Pyankova. A member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, the author of wonderful tales and poems, Taisya Efimovna has lived in our area for more than 17 years, in the picturesque village of Ust-Chem (currently lives in Novosibirsk). She spoke about her difficult fate, about her work, addressed to children and adults who have retained their childishness. With bated breath, the meeting participants listened to the poems performed by the author, written in different years, starting from the age of 9. Taisya Efimovna answered questions with pleasure, signed autographs with good wishes, and in response heard words of gratitude, wishes of health and new creative successes.

AT district children's library It was noisy and crowded that day. The best readers of rural and school libraries of the Iskitim region gathered for the holiday "Assembly of Talented Readers". We came to see others and show ourselves. The holiday began with the sound of drums, which was how guests were summoned to the assemblies during the time of Peter the Great. To the sounds of the minuet, with bows and curtsy, the participants of the holiday got to know each other.

For an hour and a half, the children answered the questions of funny literary quizzes, talked about their achievements, read poetry, played, became participants in a grandiose impromptu mini-performance. The best ones received diplomas and everyone was deservedly presented with gifts and souvenirs.

Linevskaya Children's Library organized the action "Linev's teachers about favorite classics". 19 teachers from Linyov's schools supported her. As a result, a whole collection of videos with poems and excerpts from the prose works of Russian classics appeared. The most favorite were: A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev, A.P. Chekhov and N.V. Gogol. The teachers did not limit themselves only to reading aloud, but also talked about what they loved to read in childhood, about what it means to them. Russian language and Russian word. They all pass this love on to their students. The videos are posted on the library's own website:

In the Linevskaya village library Loud readings took place again as part of the poetic marathon. In addition to the fact that the event was held on the eve of the All-Russian Reading Day, librarians timed it to coincide with World Bread Day, which is celebrated on October 16th. As a dedication to this holiday, Linev's readers performed the poem "Fresh Bread" by Alexander Yashin, a Russian Soviet prose writer and poet, laureate of the Stalin Prize.

In the Lebedev rural library for the women's club "Vesta" a conversation "I hear with my heart", dedicated to the work of E. Stewart, was held. Women read poetry, watched a video about the work of the Novosibirsk poet.

Chernorechensk rural library for the children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten, a literary festival "In the country of cheerful childhood" was held , dedicated to the work of A.L. Barto. The holiday included clowning and a fun game based on Agnia Lvovna's poems. The guys read their favorite poems by A.L. Barto. A fabulous quiz was held for students in grades 1-4. For the women's club "Lada" and the club "Vozrozhdenie" there was a literary and musical composition "The star of my fields is burning, burning ...", dedicated to the work of N. Rubtsov. Poems and songs of the poet sounded against the background of the presentation. On this day, 54 people attended events in the library.

In the Listvyansk rural library within the framework of the cycle of events “The book word in pearls walks”, a meeting was held with the poetess of the village N.V. Gordopolova "Waiting for my beautiful Firebird". The audience was presented with a library exhibition, which featured not only poems, but also songs. Natalya Vasilievna introduced the meeting participants to her work and answered questions. At the event, audio recordings of the songs "Roses", "Drugu", "Finally, you found me" were used.

AT Novovoloktevskaya rural library the festive program “Reading is the best teaching” was held, in which second-graders took part. The librarian spoke about the importance of books and reading in the life of every person, cited statements by famous people: “Reading is a window through which children see and learn the world” (A. V. Sukhomlinsky), “A person who does not read books is surprisingly boring” (E . Vilmont), etc. The children read the verses they had learned by heart in both the book and reading, after which competitive tests awaited them. It was necessary to guess the hero of the fairy tale from the description, collect proverbs, solve puzzles and crossword puzzles, say tongue twisters correctly and, most importantly, say thanks to the Book. Hearing the words of gratitude, the Book gave an order: "Appreciate books, take care of books, read books, and you will become the owner of untold riches."

In Bystrovskaya rural library a literary hour dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the writer N. Leskov passed. It was attended by 8th grade students. They read the story of the writer "Lefty" in advance, and a discussion took place in the library. Librarian S.V. Kolmagorova spoke about the life and creative path of the writer.

In the Urgun rural library students of grades 5-9 got acquainted with the work of M. Sukhachev, and then took part in a loud reading of the book "Children of the Siege", passing the book from hand to hand.

For students in grades 1-4, after a story about the life and work of Alexei Tolstoy, a quiz was organized based on his fairy tale "The Golden Key". The children not only answered the quiz questions, but also read out their favorite passages from this work.

AT Agrolesovskaya rural library the game program “Visiting the Murzilka magazine” for students in grades 1-4 was held. The event consisted of several stages. Having made a trip with Murzilka to "tiger" places, the guys learned where and how tigers live, what they eat, how they form families, what they do, what habits and customs they have. Then there was an acquaintance with the center "Amur tiger". The children learned where, for what purpose and with what funds this center was created, they read aloud the fairy tale "Tiger Cub on a Sunflower". The recitation of poems about animals continued the event. In the Art Gallery, the children got acquainted with the work of the Belgian animal artist Frans Fneiders, who draws birds and animals. Then, together with Murzilka, the guys played smart games, solved puzzles, and made up words.

Elbashinsky rural library held a literary quiz « In the world of fairy tales" for students in grades 1-4. There were 14 people present. The event began with an introduction to the library. The librarian told the children what a library is, how the book fund is arranged, how to look for the right book or the right author. Children took an active part in solving riddles, answered questions about fairy tales with pleasure, listened with interest to the poems “What are fairy tales for”, “Children read” by the wonderful writer N. Pikulev.

In the Talmenskaya rural library acquaintance with the work of the storyteller T.E. Pyankova and loud reading of her stories.

In Legostaevsk rural library the holiday "Glory to the book!" for primary school students. The motto of the holiday was:

“We praise the Book at all times.
The book is our friend, the queen of the mind.
Confidently with a book we walk through life,
We reach great heights with her.

Book exhibitions were arranged in the library: “Attention! New! Have you read it yet?”, “Girls and boys grow from book to book”, “Read me, mom, a book”. A humorous literary quiz, various competitions were held for the children, in which they showed a good knowledge of fairy tales and works of children's literature. The event ended with tea. Three new readers signed up for the library.

In the Preobrazhensky rural library a literary game “On the pages of books” was held for students in grades 2-4, a literary quiz on the work of children's writers and a contest “Guess whose portrait it is” for students in grades 7-9.

In the Evsinsky rural library The World's Best Astrid Lindgren Information Day was held for 4th grade students. The slide program and the book exhibition introduced the children to the biography of the Swedish writer. They visited the houses where she lived, looked at the monuments erected in her honor and in honor of the heroes of her books. Answering the questions of the quiz "Trifles, the business of life!", the guys tried themselves in the role of detectives. And, of course, they themselves read and leafed through Lindgren's books. Reading day was a success! And it was held by the librarian L.R. Oskin.

In the Burmistrovskaya rural library the book exhibition “Rereading Again” was prepared and presented, the conversation “Classics are always relevant”, literary games and competitions were held. In the Year of Russian Cinema, high school students remembered film adaptations of literary works.

During the day, the librarian handed out bookmarks “Time to read!” (quotes about books, on the back - the library's opening hours), memos for parents "Family and Books". An exhibition of new arrivals was also presented.

Shibkovsky rural library The reading day was dedicated to V.I. Dal. For students in grades 7-9, an oral magazine "Keeper of the Great Russian Language" was held about the life and work of the Russian writer, ethnographer. It included pages of his biography and creativity: “The family of V.I. Dahl", "Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness", "On the way to literary activity", "Tales, proverbs, sayings", "V. I. Dal and A. S. Pushkin, Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. The children were interested to learn about what a versatile person Dahl was, how many languages ​​he knew, how he collected words for his dictionary and many other interesting facts. The students were presented with a slide presentation "Vladimir Ivanovich Dal". Interest in the event was increased by competitions on the writer’s work: “Collect and disassemble proverbs by topic”, “What does the word mean”, “Guess the riddle”, “Patters” and the quiz “The word is red” on the biography and work of V.I. Dahl.

For students in grades 4-5, a literary hour was held "The man of the word was collecting." The children got acquainted with the biography of V.I. Dahl, with fairy tales, proverbs, sayings recorded by Dahl. They also learned that the explanatory dictionary was the creation of his whole life. At the end of the event, they read aloud the fairy tale "The Old Man" and took part in competition"Guess a riddle".

Mayakskaya rural library the competition "Journey to the world of fairy tales" was held for students in grades 3-4. The participants were divided into two teams - boys and girls. The children were happy to guess the fairy-tale characters according to the descriptions, the heroes of the works - the authors of the telegrams for the holiday, chose the works of A.S. Pushkin on chamomile petals, made up the names of the heroes from scattered letters, guessed which of the heroes of the read fairy tales belongs to the object from the black box. The boys team won this fun and exciting competition.

In the rural library of the village of Sovetsky d for the youngest readers, a conversation “With a book in life” and a quiz-presentation “Oh, what fairy tales!” were held. Middle school students talked about the importance of the book in our time.

In the Guselnikovskaya rural library for the children's club "Malyshok" (3-4 years old) a loud reading of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" was organized. Then the children played the game "Find a Pair", danced in a round dance, and collected puzzles.

AT Belovo rural library for students in grades 3-5, an oral magazine "What is interesting about working in reserves and national parks" was held. The children got acquainted with books about reserves, learned about the problems of Russian reserves, about the needs of animals.

The Iskitim rural library hosted a literary game "Journey with Gelsomino" based on the work of D. Rodari. The participants were students in grades 1-4. The children listened to the story about the writer, about his work, remembered his fairy tales. Then the guys were divided into two teams and participated in competitions. In the end, friendship won out.

AT rural library of the village of Keramkombinat a literary bibliotravelog “Under the sail of a book to new discoveries” was held for schoolchildren. This is a literary journey. The children got acquainted with the books of Elena Gabova presented at the book exhibition "Along the Book Meridian". The journey continued with the presentation of a new book by Irina Andriyanova “My Crazy Dad”, the action “I Will Always and Everywhere Read!”, competitions for the best autumn drawing “Autumn Book for Kind Hearts” and for the best autumn poem “Every reader is a poet at heart”. Trunova Ksenia was the most active participant in the trip.

Morozov rural library there was a competition of readers “We call our native land our homeland”, in which students of the local school participated. There were poems about the Motherland, about the native land of I. Bunin, M. Tsvetaeva, S. Yesenin, N. Rubtsov, which were not included in the school curriculum. The best, according to the jury, the contestants were awarded diplomas.


Librarian Zavyalovsky rural library ON THE. Zyrina and 6th grade students conducted a mini-survey among the villagers on the eve of Reading Day. The organizers of the survey found out what place reading occupies in the life of fellow villagers. On October 14th, the library held Readers' Pleasure Day. Schoolchildren participated in the competitions "Collect a proverb", "Guess the literary hero", and a fairy quiz was prepared for the smallest ones. There were 38 people present.

In the Ust-Chemsk rural library loud readings were held for schoolchildren of different ages. Students in grades 1-3 were read fairy tales by V. Suteev, children in grades 5-7 read the lines of V. Oseeva’s story “Grandma” in turn, students in grades 8-9 read A. Chekhov’s printed story “Paris” in a circle, and high school students read the story M. Twain "The Taming of the Bicycle". The children distributed leaflets about the benefits of reading throughout the village, and bookmarks were presented to the kids.

In the Kiterninsky rural library an hour of reading "The Book of My Childhood" was spent. Librarian N.V. Sviridova spoke about the favorite book of her childhood - the fairy tale by Yevgeny Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time" and read an excerpt from it. Children read excerpts from their favorite books, and then took part in the competition program "Forward, bookworms!" knowledge of the subjects of works of art. Reading day was held under the motto:

The book is true

The book is the first

The book is a child's best friend.

We can't live without a book

We can't live without a book! —

All the guys are talking.

October 9 - All-Russian Reading Day! The purpose of the All-Russian Reading Day is to try to return to Russia the title of the most reading country in the world. This date is quite young. For the first time, the holiday began to be celebrated in 2007 - then on November 24 the National Reading Program was adopted. Since then, in all regions of the country, various events and holidays have been held at this time of the year to promote reading. As part of the Reading Day, the Chuvash Republican Children's and Youth Library on October 7 announced the republican action "Reading Aloud Day".

Libraries of the Krasnoarmeisky district took an active part in the republican action "Day of reading aloud".

So, on October 7, the Shivbosinskaya rural library joined the republican action "Day of reading aloud". The book of the children's writer Vera Pirogova "With us and among us" was chosen for the readers. This book is about pets that are constantly with us. They are very smart, kind, and smart. In the story "Smart Gander", the main character himself found a way out of a difficult situation. Children liked the interesting and instructive stories about our pets very much. At the end of the event, a quiz was held on the book read.

Almanchinskaya rural library also joined the action. For readers, a book by the Chuvash writer V.G. Enesh "Chi pӗchӗk patshalakh". The author turns 75 on October 19. The students got acquainted with the stories "Ҫӑkӑr - ҫӗr tӗreҗ", "Kayok chӗlkhi", "Chi maturri-Urine", "Kӑmpasem", "Nime". The children loved the instructive stories. After a short discussion of what they read, the young readers decided to continue reading aloud other stories of the author.

An event with children of the preschool group was held in the Yamanaki rural library. The guests of the book extravaganza “Long live the reading person!” It is no coincidence that children of preschool age were chosen, because children at this age are not averse to listening when they are read aloud. The librarian chose a book about animals to read, as October 4th was World Animal Day. Children listened carefully, and then actively participated in the discussion, answered questions, which is important at their age - to learn to analyze and understand what they heard or read on their own. Active preschool children gladly agreed to paint pictures about animals and coped with the task. Also for this holiday, a wall newspaper was created that promotes reading and books.

Within the framework of the republican campaign "Day of reading aloud" in the Isakovskaya rural library, students of the 4th grade of the Isakovskaya secondary school gathered under the motto "We read together, we read aloud." The children read aloud the fairy tale by Valentin Kataev "Seven-color flower", passing it from hand to hand and getting great pleasure from reading it. Little readers tried to unravel the magic power of not only a fabulous flower, but also the act of the heroine - the girl Zhenya. The children were not left indifferent by the funny stories of Viktor Dragunsky “He is alive and glowing”, “The secret becomes clear” from the new collection “Deniska's stories”.

The exhibition "Talking Books" aroused great interest among the children. The children decided to take and read the books they liked in the library.

Throughout the day, young readers who visited the library were invited to read aloud their chosen book.

Reading books aloud brings up kindness and attention to people, respect for animals, nature, develops curiosity and interest in the artistic word, in books.

Under this motto, on March 2, all 29 municipal libraries of Chelyabinsk celebrated World Reading Aloud Day.

For the third year in a row, Chelyabinsk librarians devote the first Wednesday of March to reading aloud. It's no secret that in the conditions of the modern rhythm of life, there is practically no time left for reading aloud, but this is very useful! Reading aloud allows you to learn how to easily and accurately express thoughts, helps to increase vocabulary, horizons, improve diction, intonation, emotional coloring, brightness, correctness of speech and its other elements. Scientists have proven that children to whom parents read books aloud from an early age have better speech skills, write more competently and absorb information faster. This is why reading aloud is beneficial for both adults and children.

marathon start

The marathon of reading aloud was opened by the family of Alexey Nikolaevich Lokotskov, a deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Soviet District. In the library number 14 named. N.V. Gogol, together with his wife Ekaterina, read children's poems by South Ural poets Mikhail Pridvorov, Nina Pikuleva, Marina Yurina, Elena Ranneva and others for pupils of kindergarten No. 339. authors.

And we asked the Lokotskov family a few questions:

What reading traditions do you have in your family?

- We love to read. This love was passed down to us from our grandparents. Books and reading have always been valued in our families. Grandparents gave us a large home library, mostly classics, for which we are very grateful to them. When the children were small, every day, at night, we read fairy tales, and sometimes we ourselves came up with different stories, - says Alexey Nikolaevich.

- What books do you read most often?

– Classic. Favorite book - 12 chairs. I recently re-read Anna Karenina.

- Many times I read Makarenko's "Pedagogical Poem", I love detective stories, I read professional literature, - adds the wife.

– For the second year in a row, you support the United Day of Reading Aloud campaign. What are your impressions?

- You get great pleasure from communication, from how people and especially children listen and perceive what you read. I am very pleased with this lively response to what you read about. After participating in the action last year, I told my wife about my feelings experienced during the meeting - this year she came with me, - Alexey Nikolaevich smiles.

What do you think is the benefit of reading aloud?

– Reading aloud is a live dialogue, live communication between people, eye-to-eye communication, access to the “one wave”, which we lack in our “crazy” life. Today, we will definitely read aloud to our children at home,” Alexey and Ekaterina Lokotskov promised.

Reading aloud anniversary books

In 2016, high-profile readings were devoted to books-anniversaries, writers-anniversaries and reading the works of South Ural authors for the 280th anniversary of Chelyabinsk.

The story of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", which is 180 years old, was chosen as the book of the year in the libraries. It is no coincidence that loud readings in the Central Library named after. A.S. Pushkin was dedicated to this book.

– We believe that the spoken WORD is a force that can change the world. The action dedicated to the World Reading Day and held annually in the library inspires children and adults to read more, to read emotionally with pleasure, to read with joy, - explains Olga Solodovnikova, head of the department of the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin.

- Internet lovers also did not refuse today to remember reading books aloud. The first excerpt from The Captain's Daughter was read by a librarian, and then the baton was continued by users of the electronic information hall. Some were so carried away by reading that they forgot about the computer for which they came, and that they need to pass the baton to the next reader, - adds the head of the department of the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin Irina Tingaeva.

Throughout the day, the "Captain's Daughter" was also read in libraries No. 5, 13, 23 and 27. Everyone who came could test himself in the art of reading aloud and just listen to the readers.

Students of the 6th grade of school No. 71 were invited to library No. 5.

- They study The Captain's Daughter according to the school curriculum, but as it turned out, not everyone has read it. I was afraid that the children would not be very interested if they started reading the work from the beginning, - Olga Kuvshinova, head of the library, admits. - Therefore, we decided to start reading from the third chapter, in which the main character meets the family of Captain Mironov and his daughter Marya Ivanovna. Three chapters were read: "Fortress", "Duel", "Love". The children were excited and listened with interest. This is not the first time I have noticed that children, even of middle school age, really like it when they are read aloud.

After reading, the children were introduced to the transforming exhibition "Book of the Year". The book by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" and sections arising from the text of the work: Pugachev's uprising, about Pugachev, about Catherine the Great, the history of Russian life, the history of Russian costume, books about Russian officers of that period, as well as books about Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

"Woe from Wit" by Alexander Griboyedov is another book-anniversary of 2016, considered a model of public comedy. And although the comedy was written 185 years ago, the problems posed in it still cause controversy. A small patch of comedy depicts the specific features of Russian society and the general humanistic features of a progressive thinking person.

In the library number 22 named after. D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak's action was supported by eighth grade students of school No. 130.

- Since the school curriculum involves acquaintance with the comedy "Woe from Wit" in high school, and our audience is not familiar with it, everyone responded with great desire to the offer to read it aloud. The reading showed that love, jealousy, honor, betrayal, loneliness and misunderstanding, social injustice are eternal topics, and excite not only literary heroes, but also young people of our time, - commented Nadezhda Parts, head of library No. 22.

Students of the 1st and 2nd courses of SUSU, ChelGU and ChSPU, who came after classes to the library No. OK. Tatyanicheva, a surprise awaited. One of the halls of the library turned into the living room of Sofia Pavlovna Famusova with candelabra, flowers and, of course, editions of Woe from Wit from different years. The main character invited everyone to read lines from the comedy with her.

– Reading loudly from a sheet turned out to be interesting and not an easy task. Chatsky’s monologues were not theatrical for everyone, but, according to young people, it was “cool,” notes Evgenia Nabieva, head of library No. 26.

Literary landing from libraries No. 25 and No. 32 named after. M. Gorky landed in the dormitories of college students. Together with the librarians, the students enthusiastically read the roles of the first and second acts from Griboedov's comedy. After the action, the participants were convinced that reading aloud helps to develop public speaking skills.

But in the library No. 2 "Age of the same age", after the commented reading "Woe from Wit", they also arranged a competition of experts in aphorisms among high school students from school No. 38 and library readers. Even A. S. Pushkin himself predicted that half of the verses of Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” would become proverbs. And so it happened: a lot of Griboedov's winged words and expressions have firmly entered everyday speech and live to this day: “everyone lies calendars”, “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve”, “went into a room - got into another”, “moderation and accuracy »

In 2016, Nikolai Leskov's book "The Tale of the Tula Oblique Left-hander and His Steel Flea" celebrates its 135th anniversary, and its author turns 185 years old. The commentary reading of the book among fifth-grade students of school No. 145 took place in the library of the Novosineglazovo settlement.

- Nikolai Semenovich Leskov traveled all over Russia and wrote many wonderful works. They are written in their native language, not littered with foreign words. His speech is pure, like holy water in a spring: it will stand for a hundred years in a cherished vessel and will not go rancid, will not become cloudy. The author's unusual style and manner of narration give originality to Leskov's work,” says Augusta Plotnikova, head of library No. 20 Novosineglazovskaya.

During the loud reading, the librarians drew the children's attention to new, unusual words of the tale.

Kunstkamera - a museum, a collection of rare items;

Nymphosoria - something outlandish, microscopic;

Danse - dance;

Melkoscope - microscope;

Whistle - messengers sent to convey news;

Tugament - document;

Ozyamchik - peasant clothes like a coat;

Grandevu - meeting, date;

Dolbitsa - table.

Specially for this day, an exhibition-installation "On the Road with Lefty" was designed in the library.In front of the readers of the library, the Tula gunsmith “conjures” over the anvil with a hammer in his left hand “a slanting left-hander, a birthmark on his cheek, and the hair on his temples was torn out during the exercises.” At the exhibition, we notice a vise, an anvil - Lefty's working tool, a samovar - a symbol of the city of Tula. After all, it was Tula that was famous for its craftsmen-artisans. After a loud reading, the guys arranged a photo session near the exhibition.

A single reading day in the library No. 24 "Yugo-Vostochnaya" was opened by a group of active readers. The chapters from "Levsha" were read with interest by both adults and young people, after which the participants of the action were asked to answer quiz questions on Leskov's work.

Loud readings were also dedicated to Leskov's anniversary in the library No. 18 "Krasnaya". Before reading aloud, librarian Lyudmila Bartasunas spoke about the life and work of the writer, and then they began to read his work “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District”.

In the children's section of the library No. 10 "Rainbow" they read aloud the book "The Bronze Bird" by Anatoly Rybakov, which celebrated its 60th anniversary in February. Of all the children present, only one boy watched a film based on the story of the same name, and no one had read the book before.

– The children listened to the chapters from the book, and it was interesting to observe how gradually the story of the book begins to captivate them. And now it is already clear how interest and empathy arise from the events taking place, - Olesya Shrein, head of the department of library No. 10, shares her observations. – The plot of the book is very dynamic, and many moments really keep you in suspense and make you think.

Then the children went to the media hall and watched a short excerpt from the film based on the above story. After that, interest has already been replaced by a desire to take a book and read it until the end of the house.

Acquaintance with the "Bronze Bird" took place in the library No. 32 named after. M. Gorky. For the children of the 6th grade, the librarian briefly told the contents of the book, read interesting episodes, and then the children read with pleasure themselves. The result of the meeting exceeded all expectations, the readers sorted out all the books "The Bronze Bird", which were in the fund.

The guests of Library No. 1 spoke about their favorite books. Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Metallurgical District Denis Nikolaevich Matsko in a fascinating and informative conversation spoke about the work of Jules Verne, who foresaw many scientific discoveries in his works. And the representative of the Council of Veterans Konstantin Ivanovich Udovitsky shared his impressions about the books that he loved in childhood. These are the adventures of Walter Scott, Jules Verne, Conan Doyle, patriotic ones - "Timur and his team" by A. Gaidar, "Kortik", "The Bronze Bird" by Anatoly Rybakov and others.

The speakers read their favorite excerpts from works and drew attention to the fact that reading is necessary both for general development and because books awaken the best aspirations. If you read a good, smart book, then your own smart thoughts come to mind. After all, it is the book that helps in communication, helps out in many situations, prompting the right decisions.

After such bright and emotional performances, the guys began to read excerpts from their favorite books aloud with great inspiration.

– I would like to note that not only Harry Potter was read with pleasure, but also “The Fourth Height” by E. Ilyina, “Malachite Box” by P. Bazhov, as well as poems by A. S. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, A. Fet. Children love to read. It's just that parents, grandparents themselves need to pick up a book more often so that children and grandchildren can see them with a book, and not at a TV or computer, - advises the head of library No. 1 Lyudmila Babinyan.

Dedicated to the anniversary of Chelyabinsk

In honor of the 280th anniversary of Chelyabinsk, as part of the action, the works of Chelyabinsk authors were read aloud in libraries.

The poet, writer, member of the Union of Russian Writers Alexander Kozheikin became a guest of Library No. 17. For students of the 1st year of the road-building technical school, he read poems from his collections. The children listened with bated breath. And then Sasha Shalakhov read his poems, showing a good understanding and feeling of verse. In conclusion, Alexander Valentinovich presented books with his autograph to Sasha Shalakhov and Denis Gabsalyamov.

Pushkin Hall of the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin, members of the library clubs "Knizhnik", "Sails of Hope", "Poetic Environment" read aloud poems by Ural poets about Chelyabinsk - A. Gorskaya, L. Tatyanicheva, N. Vatoropina, V. Lakhno, M. Lvov, B. Ruchev, V .Kotina, V. Stog, B. Vokhmintsev.

A poetic marathon of reading aloud, dedicated to the 280th anniversary of Chelyabinsk, unfolded in library No. 31. For the most active participants in the library, an "open microphone" was organized, where everyone could personally read poetry and confess their love to our city with the help of a poetic word.

To sing with a poetic pen,

Chelyabinsk, your streets and squares... Asya Gorskaya

“Adult library visitors chose poems by Lyudmila Tatyanicheva, Mikhail Lvov, Kirill Shishov, Mikhail Shanbatuev to read aloud,” says Natalya Apalikova, head of the library.

The poetic marathon lasted all day not only in the halls of library No. 31, but also in the branch of school No. 68. Librarians introduced students of grades 2-6 to the works of Chelyabinsk poets Asya Gorskaya, Rimma Dyshalenkova, Nina Pikuleva, Nikolai Shilov, Konstantin Rubinsky. The children listened with interest to the poem by Asya Borisovna Gorskaya, dedicated to the baby camel (depicted on the coat of arms of Chelyabinsk), as well as the poem "Chelyabinsk Alyosha". And the cycle of poems about Chelyabinsk from Nina Pikuleva was read by librarians as poetic riddles “Guess what place in Chelyabinsk these lines are dedicated to ...?”.

At the end of the poetic marathon, the librarians thanked the children and teachers for the fact that the United Day of Reading Aloud was bright and emotional, and the river of poetic mood swept over everyone without exception, charging everyone with a wonderful spring mood!

In library No. 21 "On Yakornaya", first-graders read the collection "Know-It-All" by the first children's writer of the Southern Urals, Vasily Kuznetsov. Recall that in February, a memorial plaque was erected in honor of the author on the building of house No. 21 on 1st Pyatiletka Street. In Russia and abroad, the poet is also known as the author of the poetic children's tale "Bazaar", which he wrote in 1937 for his little son Gleb. Excerpts from this tale were read in the library No. Ya. Hasek.

Books of local history and poetic collections of Ural poets: "Faces of the city - faces of time", Samigulov G. "Fortress and provincial town", Tatyanicheva L. "A fine day" was offered to read in the library No. 10 "Rainbow". Everyone chose a book to their liking and read a short passage or a poem.

Bartomania continues

Many libraries have dedicated a Single Read Aloud Day to the poems of Agnia Barto, who would have recently turned 110 years old.

in the Central Library. A.S. PushkinThe holiday was held under the motto "Let's honor the parrots." The verses of Agnia Barto were performed by the kids from kindergarten No. 70, educators and organizers. They read with the help of librarians, read in chorus, read while playing, and in a round dance. In the course were collections of poems by Agnia Barto, bookmarks with quatrains. And in order for the children not to be shy and feel freer, the librarians offered to read poems to the new “employees” of the library named after. A.S. Pushkin - to the parrots Hush and Gertrude. The children were very surprised that cute budgerigars live in the library and they approached their cage with pleasure, talked to them and read poetry.

– Such a method to help reading aloud is used in many libraries of the world. Psychologists have found that children are more likely to read aloud to animals that will not be able to appreciate them, will not correct and interrupt. And it’s always nice for a child to talk to an animal,” explains librarian Yana Skipina.

In the intervals between readings, small physical education sessions were held, the guys were offered to beat the verses and show them to everyone together with simple movements.

- The guys from the preparatory group, some in syllables, and some fluently read aloud their favorite quatrains about the bull, our Tanya and the bunny, abandoned by the mistress. But the main theme was birds, about which Barto wrote a lot - crows, starlings, sparrows. The cartoon "Bullfinch" based on the poem of the same name by the poetess successfully fit into the cheerful atmosphere, and all the children, even those who still cannot read, joined in loud reading, - added Natalya Gavrilova, head of the department.

The library parrots at first listened attentively, and then they also joined in loud reading, however, in their own language.

A single day of reading aloud in the library of the Shershnii village was also dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the Russian children's writer Agnia Lvovna Barto. Poems aloud for first graders from school number 148 were read by the head. Library No. 29 Natalya Leontyeva and Natalya Saparmamedova - head of the circle of children's creativity of the club microdistrict. Hornets. The highlight of the meeting was the game "basket of forgotten toys" and Agnia Barto's poems. The guys took turns taking out various items from the basket (ball, boat, horse, etc.) and read poems about them - “Ball”, “Ship”, “They dropped the bear on the floor”, etc. The kids loved this game so much that some came out multiple times. As a result, all the toys were "returned" to the poems of the poetess.

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Read for yourself! Read with us!

On October 9, the actions of total reading took place in the Central Regional Library within the framework of the regional action "Reading Day". The first reading lesson was held by Gennady Fedorovich Toporkov, veteran of pedagogical work. Tenth graders were offered a literary composition about the life and work of Konstantin Simonov. Mastery of the artistic word, emotional expressiveness of Gennady Fedorovich conquered all those present. The students read the poem "Wait for me."

The second meeting was held by the director of the Stepan Shchipacheva Literary Museum Antonina Mikhailovna Khlystikova. She created the museum and has been its permanent leader for many years. During this time, the museum has become a center of cultural communication of the intellectual elite of the city district. Antonina Mikhailovna told middle school students about her love for poetry, which she carried through her whole life. At this lesson, poems by Sergei Yesenin and Stepan Shchipachev were heard.

T.V. Valova

Great Reading Championship

On October 9, the Poldnevskaya Library took part in the regional action of total reading dedicated to the All-Russian reading lesson "Reading Day". In the 4th grade, the "Class Reading Championship" was held - an hour of reading aloud. The class teacher of the 4th grade Kanishcheva O.V. started the action, she read an excerpt from the book by V. Kataev “Flower - seven-flower”, then the children took turns reading excerpts from their favorite books. These were the books of the authors: A. Volkov, A. Tolstoy, N. Nosov, V. Oseeva, P. Bazhov, A. Pushkin, D. Suslin, V. Postnikov, O. Kolpakova. Children read excerpts from books aloud with expression and participated in a quiz on literary works. Each student tried to read the passage in such a way that his classmates would be interested in reading this book. The good news is that well-known writers remain the favorite authors of children and become modern ones.

I.A. Zakshevskaya, head of the Poldnevsky library

Joyful Readings

On October 9, within the framework of the Regional Action of Total Reading, loud readings “Joyful Readings” were held in the 6th “B” grade of school No. 1. Children got acquainted with the novelties of modern literature for teenagers: books from the “How it was” series about the Great Patriotic War, books of the fantastic genre by Andrey Zhvalevsky and Evgenia Pasternak, Svetlana Varfolomeeva’s book “Mashka as a Symbol of Faith”, books by the young writer Mikhail Samarsky that teach good and understanding and compassion.

Then the children took turns reading aloud the book by M. Samarsky “Rainbow for a friend”. At the end of the meeting, each student received bookmarks with the action logo in memory of the meeting.

Favorite books of my childhood

The regional action of total reading was supported by the children of the preparatory groups of the preschool educational institution "Skazka". The children were introduced to my favorite books from childhood. With great pleasure they listened to the stories of N. Nosov "The Living Hat" and "Entertainers", examined the illustrations, were very active in discussing these works. Looking at their smiles, it is clear that the children liked the stories. The teacher from the group "Cute Dandelions" Irina Viktorovna spoke about her favorite childhood book "The Wizard of the Emerald City" by the writer A. Volkov. A pleasant surprise was a surprise from the children and the teacher of this group. They donated a colorful book to the library, in the form of an album "The Wizard of the Emerald City through the eyes of children." It contains interesting drawings of the guys on the work. We ended the event by looking at books - babies from the library.

Taskina N.P., librarian of the department for working with children

Let's read together!

On October 8, the Trinity Library, together with Raisa Salihzhanovna Rusakova, head of the Troitsk Palace of Culture, held a total reading campaign as part of the regional Reading Day campaign, which was timed to coincide with the All-Russian reading lesson. During the action, the children were introduced to a brief biography of the writer G.N. Troepolsky. Raisa Salikhzhanovna presented to the children her favorite literary work of the author "White Bim black ear" and read an excerpt from it. After that, she handed the book to the teenagers and they continued reading. At the end of the action, the children were asked to read this book on their own.

Yu.B. Izotova, head of the Trinity Library

No. p / p Name of the event Location Time spending Responsible executor Brief information about the event
1. "Top Ten New Books": Virtual Book Fair Incl. months Ryabenko N.I., chief bibliographer Virtual exhibition of new books on the library website.
2. “The library is a navigator in the sea of ​​information Central Regional Library By agreement.

Ryabenko N.I., chief bibliographer,

Savelkova T.A., Head of Reader Service Department

Study tour for 1st year students of the Bogdanovichi Polytechnic.
3. "Not a day without a book!": Review Central Regional Library By agreement. Chuprov G.L., Librarian of the Readers Service Department Information and advisory review of novelties of fiction for youth.
4. "How to attract a child to reading: useful tips for parents": Booklet Central Regional Library Incl. days Sorokina M.V., head of the department for working with children
5. "Let there always be a book!": 17 reasons to read children's books": Booklet Central Regional Library Incl. days Sorokina M.V., head of the department for working with children Distribution of booklets with up-to-date information among library visitors.
6. "Joyful Reading": Loud Reading Central Regional Library Incl. days Taskina N.P., librarian of the department for working with children Loud reading of modern works for children.
7. "Read and get well!": Action Central Regional Hospital By agreement. Galysheva S.A., Lunina A.E., librarians of the reader service department Transfer of books to the therapeutic and neurological departments of the hospital.
8. "A book for everyone! A book for everyone!”: Bookcrossing Central Regional Library Incl. days Fedorova V.E., Head of Acquisition Department Bookcrossing campaign for the exchange of books among readers.
9. "My Yesenin": Recitation Competition 11.00 Chelnokova S.A., head Competition among students in grades 5-6.
10. "Destinations of Yesenin's lyrics": Library lesson City library-sector №17 13.00 Chelnokova S.A., head Lesson for students in grades 8-9.
11. "Book novelties of our library": Promotion City library-sector №17 Incl. days Chelnokova S.A., head All library visitors will be offered booklets with lists of new literature.
12. "New Books": Book Exhibition City library-sector №17 Incl. days Chelnokova S.A., head Exhibition of new arrivals.
13. "His Poetry is an Unquenchable Fire": Poetry Marathon Ilyinskaya secondary school 14.00

Aptina N.A., head of the Ilyinsky library-sector No. 11;

Faber L.N., teacher of literature at the Ilyinsky secondary school

Reading of the poet's poems by students, all interested villagers and heads of institutions.
14. "A person who reads is a successful person": Action Kunar secondary school 12.00 Volegova N.M., head of the Kunar library-sector No. 12

1. exhibition-viewing of the most widely read literature;

2. competition "A word about a favorite book";

15. “Left a mark and touched the soul”: Benefit of the reader Volkovskaya library-sector №12 12.00 Ozornina V.I., head of the Volkov library-sector No. 8 Benefit performance of the reader Guz G.I., poet, veteran of pedagogical work, excellent student of education of the Russian Federation.
16. "Reading Day": Promotion Gryaznovsky DK, foyer Incl. days

Chistopolova N.V., head of the Gryaznovskaya library-sector No. 4;

Morozova V.I., director of recreation center

Popularization of books and reading among members of creative teams and recreational circles. Loud reading of the work of A. Likhanov "Clean pebbles" (junior and middle school age).
17. "Let's read, play, rest, spend time with benefit": Literary and fairy-tale hour Comenius library-sector №6 11.00 Sitnikova N.N., head Loud reading of fairy tales to preschoolers, dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip".
18. "How I sat under the desk": Loud reading Comenius secondary school 13.00 Sitnikova N.N., head A conversation about the work of V. Golyavkin, loud reading of school stories.
19. "Miss Reader": Competition program Trinity library-sector №2 15.00 Izotova Yu.B. Competitive program for girls in literary works.
20. "Let's read!": Competition 13.00 Usova N.S., head Competition for parents for the best reading aloud to children.
21. “People, hurry to the library! A person needs a book like air”: Action Garashkinskaya library-sector №10 Incl. days Usova N.S., head Distribution of leaflets, invitations to the library (including volunteers) on the streets of the village.
22. Books of My Childhood: Reading Hour Area around DC 14.00 Rodchenko V.P., head Meeting with the teacher of literature Perminova V.A., loud reading of her favorite book.
23. "Classroom Reading Championship": Reading Day Poldnevskaya library-sector №19 By agreement. Zakshevskaya I.A., head Children read excerpts from their favorite books, take part in a quiz on knowledge of the plots of works of art. Director of the school Slegina O.A. talk about his favorite children's book and read an excerpt from it.
24. Reading Day 2015: Information Mosaic All CLS libraries 10-11.10.15 All employees of the CBS Providing information about the events held on the library website, social networks, and the media.