The stories rhyme with amazing accuracy. Bow from eternity

(Here, in the stories, all - Faith, biography and personal life of Alexander Dyachenko,
priest (priest) of God Almighty

To talk about God, Faith and salvation in such a way that one may never even mention Him,
and everything becomes clear to readers, listeners and viewers, and there is joy in the soul from this ...
I once wanted to save the world, then my diocese, then my village...
And now I remember the words of the Monk Seraphimushka:
"save yourself, and around you thousands will be saved"!
So simple and so impossible...

Father Alexander Dyachenko(born 1960) - pictured below,
Russian man, married, simple, no military

And I answered the Lord my God that I would go to the Goal through suffering...

Priest Alexander Dyachenko,
photo from the meeting-deanonymization of the network blogger

Contents of the storybook "Crying angel". Read online!

  1. Miracles ( Miracles #1: Cancer Healings) (with the addition of the story "Sacrifice")
  2. Gift (butt trainer)
  3. New Year ( with added stories: commemoration , Image and eternal music)
  4. My universities (10 years on a piece of iron No. 1)
  5. (with added story)
  6. Crying angel (with added story)
  7. Best Love Song (The German was married to a Russian - he found Love and death)
  8. Kuzmich ( with added story)
  9. shreds (full version, including the story of Tamara's meeting with I.V. Stalin )
  10. dedication (God, Hirotonia-1)
  11. intersections (with added story)
  12. Miracles (Miracles #2: The smell of the abyss and the talking cat)
  13. The flesh is one ( Wife priest - how to become a mother? With addition:)
Outside of the Weeping Angel short story collection: 50 thousand dollars
Be like children (with added story)
In the circle of light (with added story)
Valya, Valentina, what's the matter with you now...
Crown (Father Pavel-3)
love thy neighbour
Time doesn't wait (Bogolyubov Procession + Grodno-4) (with additional story "I love Grodno" - Grodno-6)
Time has gone!
The all-conquering power of love
Meeting(with Sergey Fudel) ( with the addition of the short story "Makropoulos' Remedy")
Every breath... (with added story)
Heroes and deeds
Gehazi's curse (with added story)
Father Frost (with the addition of a micro story)
deja vu
Children's prayer (Consecration-3, with the addition of a story)
Good deeds
Soulguard (o.Viktor, special forces-dad, story No. 1)
For a life
boomerang law with added story)
Hollywood star
And the eternal fight... (with added story)
(10 years on a piece of iron No. 2)
From the experience of railway theology
Mason (with added story)
Princes ( with added story)
Lullaby (Gypsies-3)
Foundation stone(Grodno-1) ( with the addition of a story - Grodno-2)
Red poppies of Issyk-Kul
You can't see face to face...
Small man

A world where dreams come true
Bear and Mariska
My first teacher (Father Pavel-1)
My friend Vitka
Guys (with added story)
In war as in war (o.Viktor, spetsnaz-dad, story No. 6)
Our dreams (with added story)
Don't bend over, little head...
Scampish notes (Bulgaria)
new year story
About two meetings with Father Alexander "in real life"
(Father Pavel-2)
(o.Viktor, spetsnaz-dad, story No. 2)
Turn off mobile phones
Fathers and Sons ( with the addition of the story "Grandfather")
The first love
Letter to Zorica
Letter from childhood (with the addition of the story "The Jewish Question")
Gift (about happiness as a gift)
Bow (Grodno-3) (with the addition of the story "Hercules Disease" - Grodno-5)
Regulation obliges (with the addition of a story - Father Victor, No. 4 and 8)
Epistle to Philemon
(Wolf Messing)
overcoming (with the addition of a story - Father Victor, special forces father, No. 3 and 7)
About Adam
Roadside checks (with added story)
Clearance ( Ciurlionis)
The happiest day
(10 years on a piece of iron No. 3)
Neighbours (Gypsies-1)
Old things (with added story)
Old nags (with stories added)
Passion-face (Gypsies-2)
Three meetings
Difficult question
Lesson (Consecration-2)
Feng Shui or Heart Disease
Chechen syndrome (o.Viktor, spetsnaz-dad, story No. 5)
What to do? (Old Believers)
These eyes are opposite (with stories added)
I didn't participate in the war...
My friend?...

Even if you read stories and essays Father Alexander Dyachenko on the Internet (online), it will be a good thing if you buy the corresponding offline editions (paper books) of Father Alexander and let all your friends who don’t read anything online read (successively, first one, then the other). This is a good thing!

Some simple stories Russian priest Alexander Dyachenko

Father Alexander is a simple Russian priest with the usual biography of a simple Russian person:
- was born, studied, served, married, worked (working on a "piece of iron" for 10 years), .. remained a man.

Father Alexander came to the Christian faith as an adult. Very perishing "hooked his" Christ. And somehow little by little siga-siga - as the Greeks say, because they love such a thorough approach), imperceptibly, unexpectedly - turned out to be a Priest, a Servant of the Lord at His Throne.

He also suddenly became a "spontaneous" writer. I just saw so much around significant, providential and wonderful that I began to record the life observations of a simple Russian person in the "akyn" style. And being a wonderful storyteller and a real Russian person with a mysteriously deep, wide Russian soul, who also knew the Light of Christ in His Church, he began to reveal in his stories the Russian and Christian view of our beautiful life in this world, as a place of Love , labor, sorrows and victories, in order to benefit all people from their humble unworthiness.

Here is the abstract from the book "Crying angel" Father Alexander Dyachenko about the same:

Bright, modern and unusually deep stories of Father Alexander captivate readers from the first lines. What is the secret of the author? In truth. In the truth of life. He clearly sees what we have learned not to notice - what gives us discomfort and worries our conscience. But here, in the shadow of our attention, there is not only pain and suffering. It is here that the unspeakable joy leads us to the Light.

A little biography Priest Alexander Dyachenko

"The advantage of a simple worker is a free head!"

Meeting with readers Father Alexander Dyachenko told a little about himself about your path to faith.
- The dream of becoming a military sailor did not come true - father Alexander graduated from an agricultural institute in Belarus. Almost 10 years on the railway departed as train compilers, has the highest qualification category. "The main advantage of a simple worker is a free head", - Father Alexander Dyachenko shared his experience. At that time, he was already a believer, and after the "railroad stage" of his life, he entered the St. Tikhon Theological Institute in Moscow, after which he was ordained a priest. Today, Father Alexander Dyachenko has 11 years of priesthood behind him, a great experience of communicating with people, a lot of stories.

"The truth of life as it is"

Conversation with priest Alexander Dyachenko, blogger and writer

"LiveJournal" alex_the_priest, father of Alexander Dyachenko, who serves in one of the temples of the "distant" Moscow region, is not like ordinary network blogs. Readers in the notes of the priest are attracted and conquered by something that certainly should not be looked for on the Internet - the truth of life as it is, and not as it appears in the virtual space or political debates.

Father Alexander became a priest only at the age of 40, as a child he dreamed of being a sailor, he graduated from an agricultural institute in Belarus. For more than ten years he worked on the railway as a simple worker. Then he went to study at the Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities, and was ordained 11 years ago.

The work of Father Alexander - well-aimed sketches of life - are popular on the Internet and are also published in the weekly "My Family". In 2010, the publishers of "Nikea" chose 24 essays from the priest's LiveJournal and released the collection "Weeping Angel". A second book is also being prepared - this time the writer himself will choose the stories that will be included in it. Father Alexander spoke about his work and plans for the future to the portal

- Judging by your stories in LiveJournal, your path to the priesthood was long and difficult. What was the path to writing like? Why did you decide to immediately publish everything on the Internet?

By chance. I must admit that I am not a “technical” person at all. But my children somehow decided that I was too behind the times, and showed me that there is a “Live Journal” on the Internet where you can write down some notes.

But still, nothing happens by chance in life. I recently turned 50 and it has been 10 years since I became a priest. And I had a need to sum up some results, to comprehend somehow my life. Everyone has such a turning point in life, for someone - at 40 years old, for me - at 50, when it's time to decide what you are. And all this gradually turned into writing: some memories came, at first I wrote small notes, and then I began to publish whole stories. And when the same youth taught me to take the text in LJ "under the cut", then I could not limit my thought ...

I recently calculated that over the past two years I have written about 130 stories, that is, it turns out that during this time I wrote even more often than once a week. This surprised me - I myself did not expect this from myself; something, apparently, moved me, and if, despite the usual lack of time for a priest, I still managed to write something, then it was necessary ... Now I plan to take a break until Easter - and then we'll see. I honestly never know if I will write the next story or not. If I don't have a need, a need to tell a story, I'll drop it all at once.

- All your stories are written in the first person. Are they autobiographical?

Priest Alexander Dyachenko: The events that are described are all real. But as for the form of presentation, it was somehow closer to me to write in the first person, I probably can’t do it differently. After all, I'm not a writer, but a village priest.

Some stories are really biographical, but since it didn’t all happen specifically to me, I write under a pseudonym, but on behalf of a priest. For me, each story is very important, even if it didn’t happen to me personally - after all, we also learn from our parishioners, and all our lives ...

And at the end of the stories I always specifically write a conclusion (the moral of the essay), such that everything is put in its place. It is still important to show: look, you can’t go to the red light, but you can go to the green one. My stories are primarily a sermon...

- Why did you choose such a direct form of entertaining everyday stories for preaching?

Priest Alexander Dyachenko: So that anyone who reads the Internet or opens a book, still read it to the end. So that some simple situation, which he used to not notice in ordinary life, would excite him, awaken him a little. And, perhaps, next time, faced with similar events himself, he will look towards the temple...

Many readers later admitted to me that they began to perceive the priests and the Church in a different way. After all, often a priest for people is like a monument. It is impossible to approach him, it is scary to approach him. And if they see in my story a living preacher who also feels, worries, who tells them about the secret, then maybe it will be easier later to come to the realization of the need for a confessor in their life ...

I do not see any specific group of people from the flock in front of me ... But I have a lot of hope for the young, so that they also understand.

Young people perceive the world differently than people of my generation. They have different habits, different language. Of course, we will not copy their behavior or expressions in a sermon in the temple. But on a sermon in the world, I think you can talk a little in their language!

- Have you seen the fruits of your missionary message?

Priest Alexander Dyachenko: I had no idea, to be honest, that there would be so many readers. But now there are modern means of communication, they write comments to my blog, often stupid ones, and letters also come to the newspaper My Family, where my stories are published. It would seem that the newspaper, as they say, is “for housewives”, it is read by ordinary people who are busy with everyday life, children, household problems - and it was especially joyful for me to receive feedback from them, that the stories made me think about what the Church is and what she is.

- However, on the Internet, no matter what you write about, you can get comments that are not very favorable ...
Father Alexander: Still, I need a response. Otherwise I wouldn't be interested in writing...
- Have you ever heard gratitude for writing from your regular parishioners in the church?
Father Alexander: They, I hope, do not know that I also write stories - after all, life stories heard from them in many ways make me write something again!

- And if entertaining stories from life experience run out, will they be exhausted?

Priest Alexander Dyachenko: Some quite ordinary situations are very heartfelt - and then I write them down. I do not write, my main task is a priestly one. As long as it is in line with my activities as a priest, I am writing. Will I write another story tomorrow - I do not know.

It's like having an honest conversation with an interlocutor. Often the congregation gathers at the parish after the Liturgy, and at the meal each one in turn tells something, shares problems, or impressions, or joy - such a sermon after the sermon is obtained.

- Do you yourself confess to the reader? Does writing work strengthen you spiritually?

Priest Alexander Dyachenko: Yes, it turns out that you open yourself. If you write while closing, no one will believe you. Each story carries the presence of a person on whose behalf the story is being told. If it's funny, then the author himself laughs, if it's sad, then he cries.

For me, my notes are an analysis of myself, an opportunity to draw some conclusions and say to myself: here you are right, and here you were wrong. Somewhere this is an opportunity to ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended, but in reality it is no longer possible to ask for forgiveness. Perhaps the reader will see how bitter it is later, and will not repeat some of the mistakes that we make every day, or at least think about it. Let him not immediately, let him remember in years - and go to church. Although it happens differently in life, because how many people gather all the time, and never come to the temple. And my stories are addressed to them too.

Priest Alexander Dyachenko: Holy Bible. If we don't read it daily, we'll end up as Christians right away. If we live by our own mind and do not eat Holy Scripture like bread, then all our other books lose their meaning!

If it’s difficult to read, don’t be too lazy to come to the church for classes-conversations about the Holy Scriptures, which each parish, I hope, conducts ... If the reverend Seraphim of Sarov read every day Gospel, although he knew by heart, what can we say?

Here is everything that we, priests, write - all this should push such a person to start reading the Holy Scriptures. This is the main task of all near-church fiction and journalism.

Priest Alexander Dyachenko: Well, firstly, we collect our parish library at the church, in which everyone who applies can get something they need, and something modern, which is not only useful, but interesting to read. So for advice, and about literature as well, do not be shy to turn to a priest.

In general, you don’t need to be afraid to have a confessor: you must definitely choose a specific person, even if he is often busy and sometimes will “brush” you off, but it’s better if you still go to the same priest - and a personal relationship will gradually be established. contact with him.

  • Father Konstantin Parkhomenko,
  • Father Alexander Avdyugin
  • Priest Alexander Dyachenko: It's hard to choose just one. In general, with age, I began to read less fiction, you begin to appreciate reading spiritual books. But recently, for example, he again opened Remarque "Love your neighbor"- and saw that this is the same Gospel, only worldly expounded ...

    With priest Alexander Dyachenko
    talked Antonina Maga- February 23, 2011 -

    The first book, a collection of short stories, by priest Alexander Dyachenko "Crying angel" published by the publishing house "Nikeya", Moscow, 2011, 256 pp., m / o, pocket format.
    Father Alexander Dyachenko has a hospitable Learn blog- on the Internet.

    Yesterday I prayed, read the 62nd psalm, presented what I had read and was touched. Here is the place in Russian:
    “... You were my helper and under the shelter of Your wings I will rejoice. My soul has clung to You, and Your right hand has received me.”
    So I see an Angel, on the huge palm of which is a human soul. So tiny and defenseless, like my youngest granddaughter Polina. And at the same time self-willed and already subject to passions.
    The angel carefully presses her to his chest, and his wings gather and protect the soul, like a cover.
    My granddaughters love to climb into all sorts of minks, cover themselves with blankets, curtains, mother's coat, whatever. The main thing is to look for them and ask all the time:
    - Well, where is our Alice? Where is our Polina?
    And here they are!
    Then the girls jump out of the shelter with delight and laugh.
    A person grows up, becomes strong and independent, and this delight disappears, the soul forgets the time spent on the right hand of God, where, hiding in a “house” of angel wings, trustingly clung to the One Who loves.
    With age, once again becoming helpless and dependent, you seem to lift the veil of memory and open a long-forgotten, but such a wonderful place, originally prepared for you by the Lord - on His hand, burying your face in His chest.
    Once again I regretted that I did not own paints.
    More than a month I was not in Moscow and did not see my girls. Bored - no strength! And then they gave Lisa a telephone receiver, and she said:
    - Grandfather, no one agrees to be a horse, come.
    I laughed, and then it really began to disassemble.
    - Well, why don't you “speak” with a child, it’s hard for them there, young. Eh...
    I was going to go during the week, but I got sick.
    On Sunday I looked: oh, then all the same services and go home. No, we must urgently get out, at least for a day. In short, on Monday morning we stopped at the market and, loaded with gifts, went with my mother to the capital.
    ... Polinka, she is more and more with her grandmother, her grandfather is still avoiding, but the Fox, on the contrary, does not leave. We played horse with her, and watched a cartoon about three little pigs.
    On Tuesday morning, I dragged her on my shoulders and got ready to go to the grocery store.
    - Lisa, will you go to the store with your grandfather?
    Lisa doubts.
    - Grandpa will buy you an angribedz.
    A toy with an incomprehensible taste of sweets is a weighty argument in favor of going.
    We go with the baby to the store, she shows her grandfather the way. And so that the grandfather is not lost, he holds his hand. We arrive:
    - Grandpa, here's my toy!
    - Let's first buy everything that we are ordered, and then go to the cashier for "angribedz."
    - No, grandfather, a toy is the most necessary thing.
    Came back home.
    - Foxy, look at your big nails, let's cut them.
    Child in thought. Then he agrees. I take small scissors:
    - Grandfather, this nail is the sickest for me.
    - Do not worry, grandfather will kiss him first, and only then will he cut his hair.
    They cut their hair. Let's take the next one.
    - Grandpa, this one is the sickest one now.
    We'll kiss him too, don't worry.
    Nails cut off. Leave soon. We take a book of Kipling's fairy tales and begin to read a story about a curious little elephant. Reading, I imagine what is happening in the faces. Here is this very baby elephant, and here is a two-color python, and this is a terrible crocodile.
    Alice listens and laughs, then suddenly presses against me very, very strongly:
    - Grandpa, I love you.
    I was taken aback and immediately stopped imagining Uncle Baboon. As long as I can remember, no one said these words to me. Mother - by virtue of the arrangement of her character, and it was not customary in their family to show feelings. And the daughter was brought up by her mother more.
    No, of course, they always congratulate you on your birthday: “We all love you”, and even “very, very much”, but only always - “we” and never - “I”.
    - I love you too. Strongly, strongly, - and pressed the baby to him.
    So two people sat, huddled together and reveling in this amazing, suddenly surging feeling. A small three-year-old, still so helpless, and gray-haired, wiser over the years and experience.
    In fact, it doesn't matter what you are: old or young, tired of life or just starting to live. It doesn't matter at all. The main thing is that you are capable of love, and there is nothing more precious than this feeling in the world.

    An excerpt from the book of Father Alexander Dyachenko. "Scholia. Simple and complex stories about people. M.: Publishing house "Nikeya".

    The Nikea publishing house invites Father Alexander Dyachenko to the presentation of a new book

    Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 6/3, building 1, hall No. 8, level 1

    "Scholia" - such an ancient word, Archpriest Alexander Dyachenko called his first novel, which he presented to St. Petersburg readers on February 18 in the Bukvoed store. "Scholia" in Greek means "a small comment in the margins or between the lines of an ancient or medieval manuscript."

    The literary work of Father Alexander Dyachenko is familiar to readers from books published by the Nikea publishing house, the priest’s stories are known to users of social networks on the Internet, but few people know that Dyachenko is the pseudonym of Archpriest Alexander Bragar, Rector of the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Ivanovo, Alexander Diocese. At a meeting in Bukvoed, Father Alexander said that, in fact, Dyachenko is the old surname of his family in the male line, and Bragar is a kind of pseudonym. Once his ancestors, who lived in Western Ukraine, fled from the persecution of the Orthodox, and they were sheltered by the landowner Bragar, who gave the family his last name. When Father Alexander began to publish his stories, he used his family name to, in his words, “disguise himself” in the everyday parish environment, thus sharing the priestly ministry and writing passion.

    Previously, Nikea published three collections of stories by Archpriest Alexander Dyachenko. According to the father, " the short story format is good because it attracts those who do not like "many books". Writing them down, I simply recorded real events, meetings with people - everything that captured the heart».

    Father Alexander confessed that "Scholia" is the first, and perhaps the only novel of his. When asked why, he replied: Because I am not a writer, I am a priest, writing a large and truly literary work requires special knowledge, skills that I do not possess. My stories are sketches of real events, there is nothing fictitious in them, and in a novel one cannot do without a certain amount of fantasy. Scholia is a rich, beautiful, ancient word. I write my notes-impressions in the margins of people's lives. Everyone who reads with me leaves their scholia in the margins of the book.».

    The novel was written in collaboration with five authors, not all of whom knew each other personally. It began with the manuscript of a woman, an altar girl in the church where the author of the book serves. " I could not even imagine that a person lives so close to me, whose grandfather is a real asceticXX century!"- said the priest. This woman is very wise and strong. She survived the tragedy that broke out in the family, and being on the verge of life and death, she found the strength to write about her grandfather in order to leave a mark in the history of the family, in the memory of her grandson.

    Her grandfather, a simple peasant, endowed with a fiery love for God, had a tremendous impact on the spiritual image of not only the family, but the entire neighborhood. When the Bolsheviks sacked churches, the God-loving simpletons went to him for consolation and strengthening. " I kept thinking, - Father Alexander said at a meeting in Bukvoed, - how we differ from them - pure, deep, sincere, people of the Russian hinterland of the middle of the last century - our grandfathers and fathers. I think their sincerity is not enough for us!»

    On the memories of the ascetic of the 20th century, the priest superimposed the story of his friends, whose daughter had an accident, and through this ordeal the whole family came to God. As Father Alexander said, according to the readers' opinions, it is clear that the roll call of the destinies of people who have gone different paths, but who have found one priceless treasure - faith, is perceived organically, as a roll call of generations, reminding us that everyone is alive with God. In this sense, he really likes the tradition of Orthodox Serbs to write single memorial notes “dead or alive”.

    At the presentation, Father Alexander was asked questions about how did he become a clergyman, what did he like to read?

    « In life, it is very important not to take someone else's place. Having read the books of the marine painter V.V. Konetsky, since childhood I wanted to be a military sailor, but I did not pass the medical examination at the school. I decided, in order not to waste time in vain, to study at some university, but one where the competition is smaller - after all, I can only hold out until spring, and then enter the naval again. I went to the Agricultural Institute (due to the minimum competition), and, having started to study, I became seriously interested in applied biology. It was so interesting to study it that I forgot about the officer's dream. On March 8, he defended his diploma, went on distribution. On the day of my arrival in that town they buried a young conscript soldier brought from the Afghan war with "cargo-200". He was wounded in the stomach just on March 8, and at one time he entered the very faculty where, having nothing to do, I entered. That is, it should have been the other way around, and I took the place of that soldier.

    The memory of this remained for life. For the past 16 years I have been a priest, and everything is not on my own, am I taking someone else's place? Do I have a right to the priesthood? The older you get, the more you understand what shrine you come into contact with while serving the Liturgy. This, in my opinion, is a good feeling - the test of one's conscience gives rise to reverence for the saint».

    One reader asked for an answer how to relate to aggression, anger, which is becoming more and more around?

    « Irritation is the background of being human. Moreover, we live normally, there are no starving people, but we are so envious and insatiable, and even spur on from the screen: "Live high! Demand! You deserve it!" Our life is a boomerang: what you launch will return. An example of selfless love for one's neighbor is Dr. Fyodor Petrovich Haaz, a Catholic, for whose funeral all the St. Petersburg Orthodox clergy gathered! On his grave there is a monument - shackles designed by him to minimize the pain caused to the prisoners. To love like him, the image of God in every shackle is an example for any Christian. Hatred corrodes, in spite of it it is necessary to do good».

    « Father Alexander Dyachenko is a wonderful priest, because a real priest always preaches, and he answered every question from the audience with a full-fledged sermon. Today we heard about a dozen short sermons - measured, edifying and very interesting. God grant that the people who heard them draw the benefit that is within their power.

    I got acquainted with the work of Father Alexander from the book “In the Circle of the World”, which I read on the spot, admired, found on the Internet all the possible stories of the priest, his “Live Journal”, read and admired even more.

    What attracted me so much to the work of Father Alexander? Much of what he writes about is native, even some facts from his life are akin to me, because I was baptized at about 30 years old, like him, and ordained by the age of 40. Everything is the same, only with a difference of 15 years. Even the fact that he has a friend - a priest, a former commando - coincides, because I am a former hand-to-hand combat instructor. Everything is native, and even written in good Russian, with cordiality - what could be better to wish for?

    The works written by the priest are read differently by the laity and his colleagues in the priestly ministry. The layman looks at the events described in the book from the outside. The priest sees in them stories from his practice, only well written. Yes, indeed, for some reason, one grandmother manages to wait for the priest who hurries to her for the last confession, while the other does not. A man came to confession for the first time, and even in an incomprehensible state, but brought his pain, and what to do with him, how to help? This professional exchange of experience in parish practice, which is not taught in the seminary, is very useful.

    "Priest's prose" is a unique genre, interesting not only for believers. Nowadays, the so-called "great literature" usually creates aesthetic nonsense, playing with words, describing, as a rule, nasty passions. Fiction, fantasy are immersed in a too fictional world. The priest almost does not invent, his soul does not turn to write an outright fiction. As a rule, the priest describes reality in such a way that it becomes alive, and this is precisely what is not in popular culture now.» .

    Anna Barkhatova , Correspondent of "Russian People's Line"

    The word "scholia" in Greek means "comments, marginal notes." And with the help of scholia in the literature of antiquity and the Middle Ages, commentators reflected on works of art - for example, scholia to Homer's Iliad have come down to us. The priest and famous writer Alexander Dyachenko once also had a text in his hands, which led the priest to the idea of ​​reviving the forgotten ancient genre. This is how the book “Scholia. Simple and complex stories about people.

    Two plump, handwritten, notebooks were brought to the priest by his parishioner Gleb - he found on the mezzanine of the apartment, which he bought after the death of the former mistress, an old woman named Nadezhda Ivanovna. They contained her autobiographical notes. The long, difficult life of a woman who survived the war and the death of her daughter, filled with joyful and sad events, has become a thread of narration, on which, like beads, the author's reflections are strung, sounding like an echo of what was written in notebooks.

    For example, Nadezhda Ivanovna recalls how, unexpectedly for everyone, and even for herself, she married not a handsome man with whom she went to the movies and dances, but a guy with whom she was friends, but neither he nor she ever and did not speak. And the marriage turned out to be strong and happy, as if God himself suggested the right decision. Priest Alexander Dyachenko in the book “Scholia. Simple and complex stories about people ”responds to this with a lyrical episode from his own life, recalling something subtly similar acquaintance with his wife.

    Nadezhda Ivanovna writes about her student years, which she spent in Moscow away from her family, and is amazed at how many kind people surrounded her. Once, for example, she went to Leningrad for the holidays, intending to stay with unfamiliar relatives of her classmate. And they accepted the girl as if they were their own, although they saw it for the first time in their lives. Father Alexander tells a similar story - being a student in Voronezh, not knowing where to spend the night, he knocked on the door of a friend of a friend - and they let him in, warmed him up and fed him. Despite the fact that for a long time they could not really understand from whom the unexpected guest came to them.

    Priest Alexander Dyachenko managed to create an unusual plot outline. These stories about human kindness, warmth of the heart and perseverance in life's trials, at first seeming disparate, in the end, add up to a completely clear pattern that unites several human destinies at once. "Scholia. Simple and complex stories about people" make you think with joy that in the vast world we are not strangers to each other - and therefore we are not alone.

    What is this book about?

    And in the 90s, together with her beloved and loving husband, she helped the priest restore the temple from the ruins. All the memories of Nadezhda Ivanovna are recorded in notebooks and placed in a book, practically untouched. And then other stories seem to be "strung" on these records - parishioners and Father Alexander himself. Joyful and terribly sad...

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    What is this book about?
    In the center of the story is the fate of one of the parishioners of the church in the Vladimir region, where Father Alexander serves. Many hard, tragic things fell to her lot: a hungry childhood in a distant post-revolutionary village, wars, devastation, persecution of the Church, the loss of her only daughter, then a grandson ...

    But despite all the ordeals, you can’t say about the heroine of the story, Nadezhda Ivanovna, that her life was tragic and that she is an unhappy person. Raised in a poor but very friendly believing family, from childhood she carried in her heart that joy of being and gratitude to the Lord for every day she lived, which gave her the strength to endure everything.

    And in the 90s, together with her beloved and loving husband, she helped the priest restore the temple from the ruins. All the memories of Nadezhda Ivanovna are recorded in notebooks and placed in a book, practically untouched. And then other stories seem to be "strung" on these records - parishioners and Father Alexander himself. Joyful and terribly sad, funny and creepy, they form the second line of the book - scholia - i.e. marginal notes.

    Who is this book for?
    For those who appreciate the author's sincere intonation, who expect genuine human stories, warmth, consolation and, most importantly, love for people from prose.

    Why did we decide to publish this book?
    First, because it was written by father Alexander Dyachenko. And this is always a joy for readers, because a meeting, even just on the pages of a book, with a real priest who deeply and compassionately loves his parishioners is for many a strengthening in faith and consolation. Secondly, because, despite the abundance of literature on the bookshelves, a truly lively, warm word close to everyone is still a rarity. Father Alexander knows how to carry such a word.

    "Zest" of the book
    "Scholia" is an unusual story: in it, independent and integral, in fact, stories, the stories of the priest about his parishioners, friends, himself and his loved ones are a kind of comprehension, a detailed commentary on another line of narration - the diary of Nadezhda Ivanovna, a believing woman with a very difficult fate. The lines intertwine, like threads, into a single whole, revealing amazing connections that exist between people who seem to be completely strangers - not related by family ties, even living at different times - but "the righteous will be in eternal memory."

    about the author
    Archpriest Alexander Dyachenko is a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, rector of the church in honor of the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God in the village of Ivanovo, Vladimir Region. Graduated from the Orthodox St. Tikhon Institute. Bachelor of Theology. Actively engaged in missionary and educational work. Published in the All-Russian weekly "My family". Author of several books, including "The Weeping Angel" and "In the Circle of Light", published by Nicaea earlier.
    Approved for distribution by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church IS Р15-507-0385.
